
Mayor Pirates Booty? The Stinkiest Bed In Film History? 03.21.25

Published Mar 21, 2025, 10:00 AM

It was so weird to realize, like, oh my gosh, I've only been in the room with you one other time, and you know what I mean. It was like that weird feeling of like I think I know this person very well.

So yeah, it's like love is blind, the comedy version comedy friends. I know you through the screen.

Yeah, Miles, and I've never been in the same room before.

No, I think it's going to ruin.

It would kill the show.

Oh I smell weird. So that's my son, my little secret.

I would compare height. I'd been back to back. Dude, are we the same? Damn?

I can't respect you anymore now that I know I'm a half inch taller than you. Hello the Internet, and welcome to season three eighty, episode five.

Of Dirt Ely's Like Guys, the.

Long awaited season finale. Yes, the season three eighty. People have been saying this is the one.

You don't know where.

It's going, Yeah, yeah, yeah, anyway, it's still a production by Heart Radio. It is a podcast where we take a deep dive into American share consciousness. It is Friday, March twenty first, twenty twenty five.

YEP, March twenty first is national Memory Day, National Countdown Day? Does that mean National French Bread Day? I like that, National California Strawberry Day, okay, Fragrance Day, Single Parent Day, and Common Courtesy Day. Yeah all right, I'm down with most of those things, especially French bread. Yeah.

National countdown Days.

New Year's Eve. Yeah, I don't know what they're Oh you know why, it's because it's three two one three two one. Wow. Now I'm back on board. National Countdown Day. You got my ass? Bastard of a bitch was Jack O'Brien aka?

I want to fry up a beagle, but not in seeds. Fry up a beagle used back, use beef tallow for the grease. Courtesy of Christi Yamagucci mane Little Steve Miller.

Or Seal whichever. Yeah, yeah, I like the Seal person. I prefer Steve Miller.

Oh some people call him the space Cowboy. I'm not sure if you've met my friend Steve. Some call him the gangster a blow they No, nobody.

Knows, nobody Steve. Could you imagine?

I'm thrilled to be joined, great work, Christy Amagucci man as always, I'm thrilled to be joined as always and great work RFK. Also sorry I didn't even say who that was about. Our favorite you know, health health health nut taking putting the nut in health nut and putting it in all caps. Uh. Thrill to be joined as always by my co host, mister Miles Grad.

Yes it's experimental black and these artist yo boy Kusama, thank you so much for having me. The Lord of Lagersham is in the closet, and by that I mean my recording studio. I still can touch both walls like this, but this is where the magic happens as I scream into the void.

It's not even that you can touch both walls because so you reach out and your arms are at forty five degree angles above your head.

Yeah, like you you're hitting the walls.

You have to like kind of fold your arms to not touch both walls.

Yeah, it is what it is.

Man's like just to give people an idea of like the what Miles is working under. He's in a closet and giving you this energy.

Yeah yeah yeah, and it's hot in here too, but don't worry. I'll power through. I'll power through well, Miles.

We are thrilled to be joined in our third seat by a very funny comedian out of Chicago. Her first time on the show. You've already heard about her via Chris Crofton. You might have seen her on Subway Takes the L the Chicago L Train version, suggesting that we dig up our dead and shoot them into space. You might have seen her on stages across America.

It's kristin too.

Many Hello, thank you for having me. I'm excited to be here.

We're so excited when because we love Chris. Our listeners zigang, they love Chris and yeah, we're like this, this is we cannot wait to have Kristen on because that's like a co sign from for lack of a better word, God. And and he's never done that either. He's he's been on.

Yeah, gives him a god flying.

Then he asked if anyone had a hard boiled egg he could eat because he was crashing hard from the caffeine.

He's a wild man.


Yeah, he was watching the metal detecting videos with you guys.

That was Yeah, he's always just bringing us good, good new niche YouTube stuff. Yeah, he'll be back soon. He'll be back soon.

Is that what he stopped down? There was one point where he stopped down he had had too much cold brew and he had to stop down. Was it to eat a cold heart boiled egg?


Yeah, yeah, yeah he or something. Did we ever talk about that in the episode?

I think I think we did because it was so bizarre. Chris was like, I'm sorry. He's you know Chris. He becomes very apologetic and he's like, guys, I'm sorry, I've had way too much fucking cold brew. I don't know what the fuck I was doing drinking this much before, but I have to eat something I'm gonna melt.

Yeah, I feel like that. I don't know if it's the spirit of Chris crofton, but I I had too much coffee before this, and so maybe you.

Know I.

Designed caffeine guts. Yeah.

Over caffeinated would be a good subtitle for this show.

Yeah, I've got the cold brew. I had to stop. I actually don't drink cold brew as much anymore because I have to. It's not like it's weird, I'm it's more. I think it's just like affecting my stomach more than getting the caffeine hit. Like I'm not as caffeine sensitive, but my stomach will be like this, this ain't a cold brew yeah, cold brew.

All right, Kristin, we are going to get to know you a little bit better in a moment. First, we're going to tell the listeners a couple of the things we're talking about.

We're going to.

Get to meet the founder of Pirates, Booty the Cheetos, like the lesser Cheetos, Yeah, the lesser Cheetos, poor Man's Cheetos. And we're gonna uh yeah, it's a new want to be Oligarch just dropped. We want to get to know him. We'll talk, We'll check in with Tesla. We just how they do it. It seems like they've had a tough week. We're loving every second of it. Might even check in with Andrew Schultz and what's.

The c Vaughan.

Who are We were, you know, wondering as we headed into this administration, what's it gonna look like for these comedians who got famous during the Biden administration being like fuck the fuck the system, this president sucks. And now they're like, I actually like the president. I think he's cool. I like everything he does. Uh, And we got to know some of that. We're for the president. We think the White House is neat. So we're gonna just get a little clip of Andrew Schultz to talking about talking about how everyone's being too into Tesla.

Yeah, oh cool. Take that's how you know you're you're really cool comedy, Take this billionaire.

We'll talk about Netflix's new reality show, a Willy Wonka reality show that we as far as we know, won't involve killing greedy children, but has not been confirmed.

Will have the slaves that work in the factory.

They were happy there, Miles, they got fake Jandle, they were thrilled to be there them. Yes, all that, plenty more. But first, Chris and we do like to ask our guests, what is something from your search history.

I'm just going with the last thing that was on there.


So it's a painting. It's called Song of a Lark and it's this woman, this Bill Murray, Okay, who I love Bill Murray. Chicago guy told this story and I saw this clip about this painting. He wanted to kill himself. He was suicidal after a bad performance, and he went like wandering through the city of Chicago and he found himself at the Art Institute and he saw this painting. It's called Song of a Lark, and it inspired him to not kill himself and continue to live every day. So we wouldn't have Bill Murray if it wasn't for this painting.

And it's a Jules Breton piece, this Song of the Lark. It looks like a woman in a field, like a scythe or something.

What yea?

What did he say about the Like he was just he just was like, behold this art piece and like humanity came back to him or something.

So he said that it looked like a woman that, you know, didn't have much to live for, and she looks like she's like this peasant woman, like working in a field. But the sun was rising behind her, and something about that sunrise made him go like, oh, she gets another crack at it, you know, she gets another chance at the day. And yeah, so that inspired him to not kill himself. And he was going to like jump in the Chicago river or the lake. And damn, I just thought that was really beautiful, Like how art can do that?

Yeah, some of us, you know, I know, I just looked at this and I was like, damn, this is It's got a lot going on in this thing. Like she looks destitute.

Yeah, she looks unhappy and looking towards the night side of the sky. He you know, I'm glad he interpreted as the sun was coming up and not the sun was going down. And she was holding a sythe because she was looking towards the darkness and recognizing that the monsters live in the dark and she was going to have to kill her be killed. Would be how I would look at that.

But that I got from it thought much like she was going to like go into the house and kill her abusive husband or something like that.

I could see. That's what I go.

Yeah, but everybody should looking at the quality of the light is really something really beautiful painting that is definitely about somebody living in the middle of a some sort of armed up rising which cool.

Or fighting mutant monster.

Yeah, well, thank you for sharing that beautiful painting that I'd never seen before. More than I can say for most guests. Their search history some porn stuff or whatever.

That's not true.

What is something, Kristen that you think is underrated?

Aging is underrated?

I agree with this.

I think people you know what, like I was raised, I'm an elder millennial, okay, but I identify as gen X, which is the most gen Z thing I can do. But I grew up hanging out with Gen xers, and so we were raised by boomers, and they don't age. They don't want to age. Nobody wants to be called grandma anymore. You know, like they're getting new tits and licks into their seventies. And I feel like, no, who's knitting the baby blankets. No one's knitting, No one's aging.

You know.

I feel like we should embrace that. Our generation should embrace aging, be proud to be a grandparent, be proud to you know, retire, play golf whatever. And these people they don't want to retire. They don't want to stop fucking. They're out with boner pills, like on the loose.

It's crazy right on the boner pills.


I'm always suspicious of like singular explanations of like what is wrong with this country, But there's I think I think somebody wrote a book that was like Generation Sociopaths, just about how like boomers were all all like these narcissistic sociopaths, and made it checked a lot of boxes for me. Let's let's put it that way. They're I don't think they're all uniformly like that, and I don't think it's the only problem we've got. But like having one generation that is hoarding all the money and incapable of, you know, being concerned about the generations that come after them. Like if like that seems weird. It seems like we're currently taking it as like humanity just like wasn't able to deal with the challenge of climate change. What if it was just like a very selfish generation. It was just like, actually, we just don't give a fuck about there. Once we're gone, it's gonna be okay.

There's another book that kind of touched on that called The Death of the grown Up by Diana West, and that was sort of talking about how like in the sixties, all of like the rock and roll shit kind of like cows, like like the boomers are like I'm never leaving this might like mental state either where it's about like forever young and all these other things that occur, I mean, your wealth.

And being uninhibited and like not inhibiting other people's sexuality. Oh sorry, no, not those parts, just the irresponsibility part. Guy Yung young, I get to not care about other people.

The only thing they were retained out of woodstock was rolling around in mud.

Yeah. Yeah, and like one thing.

Yeah, no, they did for the generation that like hated their parents so much. It's like they really rebelled against aging. They invented the term anti aging. There was no creams or anything that that phrase didn't exist. And I feel like it's embarrassing to watch them just refuse to go off into the night.

It's like, sit down, why accept the forward movement of time? You know why when I'm supposed to just sit here and let it happen to me.

Come on, I'm gonna shoot up my grandkid's blood right into my veins. I'm gonna use my brain kid as a goddamn blood bank. Right, how far we've come. It's like we used to have children to help, you know, in the fields for agricultural reasons, and now it's like now you gotta have like fourteen blood bags. That's right.

What is something? And by the way, we don't know that the woman in the song of a Song of the Lark wasn't using a blood bag. Like she looks pretty good like she might have been using a child blood bag.

She's just going to get the blood.

Bathing the blood of the owner of this field. What is something?

I think it was this field I'm going to get a blood bag.

That's right, that's right. What is something you think is overrated?

Getting drunk?

Getting drunk? Getting overrated?

It is overrated. I think that it's so for I think being drunk is still embarrassing. It's the most embarrassing thing you can do. It's like every part of your brain that tries to keep you functioning in society without embarrassing yourself is gone. Right, that's what you're doing. And so you're out here, you're saying and doing things you would never co sign, and you're a mess. You know, if there's people that can drink and you can't tell, But then what what's the point of.

That, right, it's just silence the inner monologue probably yeah, yeah, yeah, you know.

But being like drunk, you're just loud, you repeat yourself, you're falling like you're sloppy. And there's a reason why you wouldn't normally do the things that you're doing right now, and those are good, valid reason to.

Not do it.

Yeah yeah, And you're just like wiping out your own defense system and spending all this money and you know.

You're ready to see the worst version of me ever, Yes, it is.

It's everyone's worst version of themselves, and it's like you're paying to do that, and then you have to apologize, and it's just like it's embarrassing. You're vomiting. I mean, there's nothing you're sleeping with people you wouldn't sleep with, You're vomiting, You're saying things you wouldn't want to say, and it's like, I just think it's overrated. I don't know what everyone is hoping to get out of it.

Yeah, there are some people who really are uncomfortable, like when they're drinking and somebody's around them not drinking, they're like very uncomfortable.

They're like, come on, let's shots, let's do let's just do. You don't have to drink, just do like three shots with me.

And they are right to be uncomfortable around people who aren't drinking while they're drinking, because it is we we can see. Yeah, it's a it's a bad it is a bad look. You're you're right, like it It only is okay if everybody is drinking and at the same time together.

It's funny, like to your point, Christy, like when when you're around someone really drunk and you're not drunk, it's like It's like the same look you give your friend when someone says something like off the wall racist shit, and like casually and you look at your friend, you're like, yo, what the book is up with that person right now? Like, yeah, just sing about you got it? Man? You can mix a little white claw and some of the syrups. Yet and I guess like a way better fla and you're just like, what the fuck is this full saying you get the fuck away from me?

Like yeah, and it's like the tenth time I've said that to you in fifteen minutes.

Yeah, yeah.

And sometimes it's just like all read like people don't get drunk in a linear fashion. They get like sometimes they'll like you'll start a conversation and they'll be coherent and by the end you're.

Like, whoa, where did you go?


Entertaining Though it's entertaining for me, it is embarrassing for you guys, unfortunately.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, all right.

Well these this was great to get to know you a little bit better.

Those are great. Search has reunderrated, overrated. Thank you so much.

We are going to take a quick break and then we're gonna come back and talk about some news. We'll be right back, and we're back and Pirate's Booty.

We all is it? Pirates booty is like, I don't.

I don't think I had it when I was a kid, but it's it's gone national now it's a big thing. Everybody knows Pirate's Booty is Christino Pirates Booty.

I do because I have Celiac, so I'm gluten free, okay, and that is gluten free. So I've known about Pirate booty for a while.

Yep, yep, yep. I mean it's I always. I remember the first time I had it, I was like, oh, this is like the health food store version of Cheetos. Was really like that's what I felt like as a kid when it first hit the scene, or like I think I was maybe junior high or something.

Yeah, but it's like the Cheetos they would have had in Soviet Russia. You know, it's like they don't have all the like that things aren't like fluorescent orange. They're you know, like they haven't done too much with rights.

It feels like, yeah, I mean, but look, that was the era like when you know that was like everyone was like, oh, the lesser evil of my favorite junk food is this. But the founder of that company, Rob Erlik. He calls himself Captain booty Head for real. That's like he's like, I'm coming, Captain Bootyhead. He's always drunk. Yeah, he looks like he's fucking I mean, there's no way you could actually tell people I call me Captain Bootyhead and you're not. That wasn't a drunken or at least coke fueled idea. Yeah, but maybe. Yeah, he got rich. He got rich when he sold the company for like almost two hundred million, and now he fancies himself a bit of an oligarch. So last Monday, this story is so fucking wild. He pulled up to the town hall of Seacliff, Long Island like some dollar store. Elon Musk in like spectacular fashion, walked in literally said I am now the new mayor, and everyone in here is fired. They again, what did he do? He invoked quote a two thousand and nine state law that empowers residents to dissolve their town or reformulate it. The first step is to gather signatures from ten percent of the town's voters, in this case, eighteen hundred signatures. Mister waved an envelope that he claimed held eighteen hundred signatures. He declined to show them to anyone because he said the signers were afraid of retribution. So he came. He's like, I got it right here, I'm the mayor. You're all fucking fired. Leave now, and they're like, okay proof He's like, no, you see those signatures, Miles. Can I see the signature A piece of shit? Yeah?

What a piece of And now I'll say, knowing that I have to say, it tastes like packing foam. Yeah, it's it's.

A Venn diagram, like Cheetos and packing foam.

And then in the middle of.

The yeah, yeah exactly, exactly so unfortunate, hand in a paper bag, stick up like a tack.

Yeah yeah yeah. It was like he was clutching in his fucking waist like yeah, don't, I'll do you. Oh, let's see it. I gotta go. So what happened was they called the fucking cops on him. He left. The next day, he announces that he's gonna have a right in candidacy for the mayor's office, and then the basically said preemptively even before the election happened, which happened on this last Tuesday. He said the election is going to be rigged anyway, but I'm going to be running and they're like, okay, Dickhead.

So cut to It's just like every response from the town I think can be summed up as Okay, Dickhead.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's going full pirate right now.

Yeah, full pirate. Truly, truly, truly, truly. So what is he running on? Deregulation less taxes and a very oddly specific gripe about regulations on outdoor seating at cafes. Which Dickhead owns a cafe in town? Yeah, this one.

So the election just which Dickhead has two thumbs and owns a cafe in town.

You get him with him one. So the election happened on Tuesday, and you'll never guess how the votes broke down. The incumbent mayor received over one thousand votes and Captain Asshat only got sixty.

Two vote sixty two yeah, yeah, six compared to one thousand.

This thing in this election that he made up.

You're assuming someone with this much wealth would have been like had the resources to like get his friends out, like get people voting, you know, like had a little bit more follow through.

And by the way, I.

Do just want to because for some reason, when I first read this story this morning, I was like, this is a young man.

This is you know, like young for one hundred millionaire.

Like this is like somebody in there like forties, is what I was guessing at the latest, just like I don't know. Something about trying to take over your town and calling yourself captain Bootyhead strikes me as a young man's game. But to our earlier point about what what may be illing the ill that may be troubling America, he's sixty six. He's right square in the boomer demo.

Yeah, I mean he sees all this happening and he's like, I gotta get, I gotta get. I'm having that too. So he lost, he gets smashed. He'll get sixty two points, sixty two votes, and yet he persisted us. From the New York Times quote, mister Irlink was undaunted. I'm still the mayor, he said, adding that he wanted to meet with the governor to enforce his claim. As for the current administration, he said he will sue them for three hundred and ninety million dollars for impeding his business opportunities. Speaking with an authority that only he recognized. He said, I plan on taking their homes. I mean again the pirate energy. Yeah yeah, truly, truly, truly gone to his head. Yeah.

Hey, we've all been there when they goes to your head. Yeah, this is I could see this being a successful rebrand for baby boomers as like we're actually pirates.

Like what about that? That could be fun.

We're not just like yeah, ruining the world with greenhouse emissions and like hoarding all the wealth. We're we're doing that stuff because we're dang pirates.

Oh yeah, man, we don't we don't care. Man. Or or it goes like back to old internet ship and they splinter off. There's either pirates or ninjas pirates v ninja Yeah yeah, which which boomery, I'm a ninja and I'm a pirate. Okay, guys, we're all fucked either. That's right.

Uh. Well, hopefully we never hear from this person ever again. But I have a sinking feeling, uh you know, a one hundred millionaire check.

Just I like that.

The headline said Seaside Coup. Like that that sounds like a band or something like Seaside Coup.


I mean it's kind of poetic and.

Also what he would hope it would be called, you know, I'm doing a seaside coup.

Yeah, yeah, he uh, you know, him being one hundred millionaire, him.

Just lobbing massive fake lawsuits at people. Those do seem to be kind of the way that people stay in the news and get ahead at this point.

And what's a mimicry, you know what I mean, Like they just see how other assholes with similar intentions are manipulating the system, and they're like, oh, yeah, but they but this guy did in the most inelligate, Like there's an elegant way to do that, but the most fucked up stupid Asswe.

Chainsaw with them.

Yeah, yeah, exactly exactly. You should have done that a couple hits aketamine ful, you know what I mean, just to take the edge off before you go waving around an empty Manila envelope saying you have eighteen hundred signatures that make you the new mayor. But it's funny because the incumbent mayor pointed out, it's like, dude, this guy's whole thing is that he's trying to dissolve the village. Also, but if there's no fucking village, then there's nothing to be fucking mayor of right, Like de Mayor's like, I don't know, man, this guy's just a fucking I don't know, bootyhead. Do your fucking worse, get your sixty two votes and you're out.

Yeah, Like it fails to have any grounding legally and also as a logic puzzle. That doesn't make sense.

It's so sad to see what people do when they get money. It's like, you would think you could be more proactive and creative with it. It's really pathetic what people choose to do when they've made that much money. It's like, you know what a waste.

Well, it's like I think it gets to a point where you're like, oh, I get that money, and then my money allows me to make more money. But that's the only thing I'm interested in now. Or in this case, like so many people, they try and enter politics purely for how it's gonna benefit their own business directly. It's like oh yeah, Like Rick Caruso, like running for mayor of LA He's like, I'm just trying to fully get my hands in as like the real estate fucking king of this area and being mayor helps a lot business and yeah, it's just a similar model we see all over all over the country.

It's almost like there's a good argument to be made for not allowing people to have over like ten million dollars and like everything after that just gets taxed at one hundred percent.

Yeah, yeah, you.

Know almost like it's just everything past that. It just breaks your brain.

Almost, Like that was the sixties, right where we had actual progressive.

Wealth, progressive tax. Yeah, taxation on wealth, on wealth. That's I'm pretty good at this politic. Yeah, stuff politic. Oh, yeah, let's let's talk Tesla. Yeah, because we're worried over here. I don't know about you, Kristen, but we're worried that we're worried that.

The stock price might go back up because it's going on. Yeah, real, real hard times for fucking Elon right now. That's the traits. I think it's the transparent corruption of this current regime. That's like it's as it's sadly, it's as funny as it is horrifying. And like, you know, the last few weeks have been just a full on Tesla rehabilitation campaign from like the right wing media. I think the most I think the biggest defense now is trying to say that anyone who likes to like finger paint on a Tesla or burn it or whatever it is, or like do stuff against Tesla, that's domestic terrorism, okay, to a capital offense, and we're gonna investigate it as such. And Hannity like last night or on Wednesday night, like it's at the point now where Hannity is trying to beg Bob Eiger to fire Jimmy Kimmel for making fun of Tesla like on air, yes, oh, we play this whole clip like this is this is him reacting to Jimmy Kimmel like just saying something about Elon Musk and looked at how pissed fucking Hannity is and like how he's like, I know how to I'm gonna cancel this guy. Watch this. He's been making the rounds in the right wing media. Try to here to be a human being? Is that supposed to be clever? Now?

Jimmy Kimmels show is owned and run by ABC Disney, and Disney's run by a guy by the name.

Of Bob Iger.

Bob, are you okay with this seeming glorification of violence? Is this the inclusive woke DEI the ABC Disney brand. Now, think about it. Jimmy, you know, he sobs, he weeps when an election doesn't go his way. He demands compassion if he's having problems in his personal life. But yet ABC Disney Bob Iger allow a host, in my opinion, to be celebrating what has been happening to Tesla against regular Americans that drive Tesla's making jokes about it all. Bob Iger, you're the CEO of Disney. Are you proud of this? Jimmy Kimmel is an unhinged loser.

Wait, so the thing he's reacting to is like Jimmy Kimbo was like, it's funny that Tesla's like stock prices going down and that people are like damaging Tesla's.

Yeah, he was doing jokes just around the state of Tesla and like that latt like you know, the clip starts with how he sort of like ended it about how he's also trying to walk around pretading like he's a human being. That's I like, how he really went to Nero and supposed to be clever. Yeah, okay, that is.

The that is the favored catchphrase of bullies. Was that supposed to be clever, clever, Oh you're funny, how.

Yeah. So now he's saying Kimmel is on cancelation watch, so he better yeah yeah yeah yeah So.

I mean, I mean totally wouldn't surprise me. Like it feels like all the all the billionaires are like kind of.

In it together here. Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah, and their skin is thinner than ever. Oh yeah. But even like more pathetic was the Commerce Secretary, Howard Lutnik. He went on Fox and basically begged viewers to buy Tesla stock. The fucking commerce secretary, a cabinet member, is hilling telling people to buy stock of fucking Tesla on Fox, like and doing it fucking seriously. And I think one thing to realize too, because this sort of feeds into what he says when I play the clip. A huge part of like Tesla's like obscene overvaluation is getting investors to completely ignore that the cars fucking suck and look like shit and stink like shit and will get you thumbs downs wherever you go. It's the perceived value in owning Tesla stock is that there are more than their shit cars. It's that they're actually going to make all this other futuristic shit like rollboses and taxi.

Robot bartender dude, Yeah no, robot bartender had boy hat on dogs.

So please just ignore, just ignore the shitty cars, will you, and just focus on the promise of a future that has never come to pass and never fucking will. So this is where Howard Lutnik makes of just a fantastic, fantastic sales pitch.

Again an employee of Tesla, and if he were an employee of Tesla, there would be a massive like problem because yeah, of conflict of interest.

Yeah, here's here's Howard given the pitch on Jesse Waters show.

I think, if you want to learn something on this show tonight by Tesla, it's unbelievable that this guy stock is this cheap. It'll never be this cheap again. When people understand the things he's building, the robots he's building, the technology he's building, people are going to.

Be You just can't understand it.

And Jesse Waters and thinking, gosh, I should have bought Elon Musk's stock. I mean, who wouldn't invest in Elon Musk?

You gotta be kidding. Wow.

By the way that Kyron says Democrats want to destroy Musk I feel like this is the very best thing that has happened to Democrats in the past like eight years, is them being like associated with wanting to destroy Elon Musk, Like.

That's oh even passively, It's like, yeah they are not these are normal party is not actually doing that, But like I think that is going to become increasingly popular. I mean, this guy's got robots coming out. Oh cool, fuck, what are you talking? What's where's the fucking appeal in a robot to people who can't even fucking afford food? Do you think they're like, Oh, fay, it's just the one. The fucking When I can buy that Tesla robot, I'll completely solve all of my life's problems. I mean, like unless you get unless they're gonna fight alongside this and like the proletarian revolution, bro miss me with these robots, like they're fucking jus So, like.

The Tesla's around here in Chicago when it gets really cold, they stop working, like literally.

But you need them to work the cold.

Come on, come on, what are you asking for here?

You want the car to functioning just to go? I remember that last there were all those stories of people like where they're like charging door like wouldn't open because it would freeze over or just like all the other shit. Yeah, I mean, look, it's a variable.

Stops working and when it's like minus twenty out, you can't even if you're at the saying it won't charge. Yeah, So people were like leaving their car at the mall and ubering home and then it was like hope, waiting for the weather to warm up to go get your car. It's like, right, I mean, what do you do if you're like one hundred miles away from home or like yeah.

Some like nineteenth century century like yeoman farmer. Shit, We're like I need my frozen stock to thaw in the spring and then I ll access it. It'll be fantastic, Like what the fuck is saying? And the other thing is right after that shit, stock went down like no, that didn't work, didn't do shit. Man, It's just like you can't stop the fucking bleed. And even like a lot of people have pointed like some of the people were the biggest, like you know, evangelists for Tesla Stock are now like saying like, bro, this shit is a crisis, and like they're doing for like and you guys know, I've all always been saying. I've always been a firm believer, but they need to fucking do something about this ship in the boardroom. It is a crisis. So the wobbling continues and also turns out as of this recording side, the cyber truck is now facing its eighth fucking recall another one. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Looking too cool, right, I feel like that's what it's just they look too.

No no, no, no no no. The vehicle trim just fucking blows off the car because uh they're fucking glued on.

Oh right, right right, yep, yep? What body panels just fly the fuck off?

Yep, yep, yep. So hey, and is that a defense response?

Is that like when you see those videos and they're like that animal is actually doing that because he's uncomfortable in.

Scared, right, like a cyber truck.

Yeah, the cyber trucks gets scared and all the panels off like somebody the opposite direction.

Some double oh seven ship, like it sheds the panel so the car chasing you, it punctures the tires and causes them to get a fucking wreck.

And then are like when you grab a lizard's tail and it just.

Lets somebody gives your cyber truck the finger and it just like the panels burst off. Oh yeah, you think it's looks stupid, Well now it's a difference this ship.

The panels off not in fear, because I'm very confident. I think the most aggressive call to action came from Marjorie Taylor Green's boyfriend, who's like a non journalist but pretends to be a journalist. He said, they're just.

Getting late at all that I don't understand.

I mean, if you saw this man, they are a match made in hell, so God bless them. I mean, they found love in a wherever the fuck they're from. But this guy said, there needs to be fucking He said this Kyle rittenhouse style security at dealerships. That was his call to action was vigil people, yes yes, yes, cross state lines to shoot Black Lives Matter posters protesters.

And his defense was not like I should have done that, yeah, but more like I didn't know I couldn't do that.

He then kind of tried to clean that up where he was like he's like like as I think they're like he's like higher armed security companies. But then he said the stupid things like if I owned a dealership, I would probably be hiring these people. Also, shithead, Tesla doesn't have like fucking franchise dealerships like Chevy or Ford. They're all direct to consumers. So like, tell that to Elon, Like, it's not like some guys like, yeah, come on down to Worthington Tesla. It's like, no, that isn't a fucking thing. I think the I think the government.

I think our tax dollarship pay for an army that defends Tesla dealerships.

Christen, you saw that shit in Chicago when all those cops are outside the Tesla dealership last week. I mean they practically are at this point. So good you don't, yeah, I mean.

The infomercial on the at the White House for Tesla. I mean it's just so so bizarre. I feel like the more they push, the more people will rebel against it. I think there's gonna be his core cult following that won't ever admit any wrongdoing. But then the moderates and the people that are just half stupid will finally get it. I think, the more ridiculous, I hope. But then I've said that for ten years now. I don't know.

I mean, I think the only the only real radicalizing force in all of this is when people's well beings are truly threatened by all of these things. They're if you're too if you're insulated, and you're not really experiencing like the chaos of what this administration is doing. It's one thing, but like when you count on things like social safety nets and things like that, or snap programs, I don't know, but again that's what I was to say, But I don't fucking know. They'll probably just pivot to blaming fucking brown people again and then just do the shit over and over and over again until everyone's fucking living in a cyber truck instead of a home.

I think it's a combination of being self interested and seeing all those people getting fired and for some reason, and again we haven't we're trying to like find some deeper research on this, but for some reason, people seem to have a negative response to somebody doing an aggressive Nazi salute in front of.

The country twice. It's because that's a lot of cultural momentum you're trying to blunt, Like when yeah, he was the biggest high of this country, and after the forties, was we beat the Nazis and yeah, there's the Russians, but you know what I mean, like that whole sort of feeling of like that's what I'm fucking the Nazis up. And now they're trying to be like, no, Nazis are great. We fucking love that. That shit is cool. That's America. I don't know.

That was his like John Lennon being like, in many ways, we're bigger than Jesus, you know, Like that was him just being like he I got the president elected, I'm about to be the CEO of the country.

I can do this.

I can let them know how I actually feel. And it was like not all the way, yeah, not all the way. You can't go fool Nazi.

That's the one thing I feel like that isn't like that. I'm not even if it's a benefit, but it's like blunting the just crazy forward momentum is that they don't know how to read the room at all because they are so disconnected, like they're around other people who agree with them, and then like, who wouldn't think Elon Musk is the coolest? Who wouldn't think Kanye West is the coolest? Like the I remember like the Republican judiciary. Like maybe two years ago they were posting Trump Kanye Elon. That's it like as if these are the coolest people and they have no idea that everyone's like sick of the disgusted by these fucking people. Yeah, it's so.

Elon has never been cool a day in his life. And it's so pathetic that you could be that quote successful money wise and be such a fucking failure at life. It's like and now he's failed so hard at life that he's he's bringing us all down with him into his failure.

Yeah, that's what is That is what's.

The royal fuck up his life.

His pursuit of trying to stay on top of like the wealth chain, like the wealth ladder has brought brought this entire country in a fucking just irredeemable direction.

Yeah yeah, and it's it's also like ruined his life, Like his life sucks, you know, like he could be like on a yacht doing whatever he wants, and this is what he chose to do with his life is like get the world to hate him, ruin the country, you know, Oh kick up not see, like I mean, what a royal fuck up he is And it's just it's it would be hilarious if it was not hurtful to so many people, but it's just it's pathetic really, you know. Anyway, take a break, Well.

Let's take it quickly.

Well put, let's take a quick break and we'll be right back.

And we're back, and we're back. Maybe i' back's.

Let's talk about something that's not politics. Let's talk about But Netflix has another good idea.

Yeah, oh god, wow.

So they already took Squid Game like hit show, like great, you know, paid very little for it to be made. It's a tale about the evils of capitalism, and we're like, well if we turn that into like a meek grinder reality show where like people do a horrifying shift for to win the money and we just like treated the contestants like shit. And apparently they are doubling down on that idea of like very precarious fictional stories that are basically like morality tales and and being like, yeah, we're gonna just we're gonna do the scary, weird shit is part of this reality show.

Yeah, it's just such an escalation on the IP addiction that Hollywood has.


Yeah, like they can't come up with a single they or not, they can't come up They don't empower the people who have so many fucking original ideas because they're just so they're only interested in this like formula formulate way of making shit for the platform that now they're just like, Okay, we have IP. Now the next way to exploit that is to make that a game show, Like what the fuck? Man? Like, no one needs that shit, But I guess some of their data must show that they think that's gonna work. Did you watch this quid game one? I didn't watch the thing.

I just you know, we covered the fact that contestants were like, we were mistreated. This was a terrible experience.

Yeah, it was fucking not good at all. Yeah.

Well so they're like, what if we took that and applied it to children.

I don't know.

I don't know if they'll actually have children. I don't know if they're gonna keep it real like that.

But no, they must be. They are. They do have to be.

They're turning Charlie and the Chocolate Factory into a reality show called The Golden Ticket and Netflix competition.

Series What do you Do You sleep in a cramped bedroom?

As your entire extended family for the whole a couple of years.

To qualify, your mother has to do hand laundry for yeah, watching watch laundry by hand for like ten years. And imagine how that bed smelled.

I mean really, Oh, Jesus Jesus Christ and so good. Yeah, we're saying bad. We were saying bad. That's like what I can't even I never even fucking thought to even.

Me neither right now, And I'm horrified myself.

But that's actually a really good, cracked article like we should have written. Is like fictional scenes that probably smelled the worst.

We should article or bed or something. Yeah, really yeah, like the box and seven, the.

Box and seven. You know what's in the box. It smells like fucking ship Brad Pitt, come on, yeah, yeah, the box and seven.

You know the box and seven Charlie Willy Wonka bed, Grandpa Joe's bed. You have four elderly people in that bed? Yeah, yeah too, Like, oh man, all right, well, Charlie, I'm sure you had I mean maybe that's yeah, damn you think you know they're smashing in that bed?


Bad. They don't know when it's dark, they don't care who it is it's wild that's the polly yeah cube or whatever.

Well, yeah, that's why Charlie's out of the house all the time. He's like, I don't know if be around this ship man like.

Chocolate to get the memories out what he heard.

No, anyway, I think of other scenes that would have smelled bad. I feel like Rockies apartment in the first Rocky movie, Like.

He has a lot of pets, you know, m HMA's apartment.

The movie seven in general probably had like five different locations qualify for this.

Remember the scene because he had all them air fresheners dangling from the ceiling.

That was gluttony. That was gluttony.

Buttony Yeah, yeah, because he was eating He's so but I think he lost anglettony. Both were locations, yeah yeah, yeah, all right, well anyways, uh just like damn damn man.

All right.

The Golden Ticket will reportedly combine elements of strategy, adventure, sure sleeping with your grandparents, and social dynamics as contestants seek to gain entry to a retro futuristic chocolate factory be a Golden Ticket, and then they have to go inside the factory, which, as we all know, is you know, it's essentially a prequel to the Saw movies like the Willy Wonka and the Chocolate or Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

But do you watch did you watch Charlie Chocolate Factory?


Like, this is like fucking uh, you know, what's that game or what's that movie you just talking about? Saw? Like like like it was some kind of thriller because it feels like they're trying to kind of say that, like at its core, Willy Wonka is so fucking tumultuous. Who wouldn't want to get in on that version of the story? And I'm like, is that is that? Is that actually what the appeal is versus just like the wacky shit that you see. I don't know, maybe that's I'm completely missed the point of Willy Wonker. I think I'm just trying to eat.

Now as an adult, I think the take on it is like, oh, looking back, that's so fucked up. All those kids died and got hurt. But I think when I was watching it as a kid, it was like lighthearted and like I assume all the kids lived and were fine, you.

Know, yeah, And you're kind of like Willie Walker is kind of a dickhead. Yeah to his problem is.

Really like who wants that big weird building anyways?

Liked, Yeah, a lot of a lot of international crimes have like are falling coming down on your head once you take over the the Hague is going to come calling about what he did with the Oompa lumpas and the chocolate industry is not great, noop. Yeah, but yeah, this is the first roll doll project that Netflix has made after spending over five hundred million dollars for the rights to his books in twenty twenty one.

And yeah, is this the wait, this is the first thing to come out of that half billion dollars half a.

Billion dollars, and all they have to show for it is the concept of a reality show.

Chrasty horrible.

I wonder, I wonder if they are using like scams to be like, okay, well, this clearly is expressing a unrequited like love from from the consumer. Because we we talked about how last year, like one of our favorite stories was this fake Willy Wonka experience where like they promised that people would get to visit like an amazing Willy Wonka Wonderland of Chocolate and uh and then they went and it just looked like a drug den.


I wonder if that was like in Germany or something like.

Yeah, Glasgow, Glasgow, Glasgow. I pronounced it correctly this time.

There you go, There you go. You'll have Scottish zigin coming for you. That's right.

So we're we're not sure if the Unknown will be a character in the new show, but you know, the Unknown was the evil mirror masked yeah, antagonist of the of the scam Willy Wonka experience.

Like if they announced it now, right, it's like they could have been like, oh, yeah, y'all were fucking with that Shalo may thing that nobody was fucking with that person really walking, nobody checking, here's our show. But it almost does feel like this is in response to the scam.

Version, to be like maybe that's kind of maybe that's what we should be doingbe that's the hook. Yeah, I totally assumed that Wonka Shalome version was part of that Netflix deal. The fact that it's not.

Is just I don't, I don't know how they're how they're spending their money over there.

Because it wasn't that since twenty twenty one.

Yeah, yeah, it was.

I don't I don't know what they Maybe it was like they had it carved out because it was already in production at that time. Oh yeah, yeah, that is really just so funny. I don't know how whatever. Man credit to the the roll Doll family. Keep keep fucking stacking those chips. I guess they're rolling in cash. M You're welcome, well, Chris, and it's been such a pleasure having you on the dailies. I just will have to have you back to just do an episode solely focused on the worst smelling fictional locations.


Until then, where can people find you? Follow you all that good stuff?

Well, you can find me on Instagram at Kristen Toomey, and I post my dates on my link tree because I don't have a website in my bio and I've got a Don't Tell Comedy special coming out soon that I just recorded in New York, so that should be coming out, so look for that. And thank you guys so much. This is so fun. I'm going to have to thank Chris for having recommended me, and yeah, thank you so much.

Don't you know it was mainly us, all right, Chris, I just mentioned you, but it was mainly used. Yeah, it took us to recognize a good recommendation, So well, thank you, Yes, awesome. Is there a work of media that you've been in.

Well, this is kind of a perennial favorite of mine, but I feel like it's always worth revisiting if especially if you're having a bad day. So, like in nineteen ninety two, Bernie Mack did the Deaf Comedy Jam and it's like a five minute clip and it's probably the best five minutes of stand up ever recorded in my opinion. They took he was it was like a very rowdy crowd. Okay, there was this during like there was a lot of gang issues happening, and the audience was at like they were ready to riot in the room, and historically this is the story. And they were very rowdy. They weren't, you know, giving it up for the comedians. And he came out and this is his famous I ain't scared you, motherfucker's bay. I don't know if you've seen it, but he completely flips the room and to the in five minutes. They're ready to give him a standing ovation. I think they did. And it's just such a mastery of the art form of just not giving a fuck. It's so Chicago to be able to do that, it's just you know, like Bernie Mac used to do stand up on the L on the Red Line where people are afraid to go on the L, and that's where he would practice. He would just get on there and just start doing stand up. And so of course if you start off doing that, then you can walk into like any room. And he really wasn't scared of you motherfuckers, you know, because he had trained like running underwater on the L And it's just a beautiful to see him just not only survive that, but just turn it into I mean, it's still funny to this day when I watch it. I've seen it and it's still so funny. And yeah, so that would be my recommendation. If you've not seen that, you should watch it and just watch have that confidence transferred to you.

Yea, and his outfit that's when he had like his like fucking air b shit.

Yeah, it's like wearing cross colored.

Yeah, his own faces on his jeans is like the best plot that said. It really is amazing because like that crowd control is it's like some wizardry shit. Yeah, because I've definitely seen like things a Bill Bellamy was talking about that set, and yeah, the way he comes out and everyone's like, oh shit, it's it's yeah, it's It's definitely like one of those must must see moments for sure.

Yeah. Beautiful. It's beautiful every time.

So great recommendation. Miles, is there a workid media you've been enjoying? Where can people find you?

Yeah? Yeah, yeah, find me everywhere at Miles of Gray, Find Jack and I on the Basketball podcast Miles and Jack got mad maps. Just find me talking about ninety day Fiance on four to twenty day Fiance with Sophia Alexandra A. Leasky. I like is from at Lauren dot Rotating Sandwiches dot com on be sky is when an American electronic appliance chirps at me, I did not invite you to speak. I despise you. I wish to destroy you. When a Japanese appliance chirps at me, you are my little friend. You are my companion in the journey of life. Which is so funny because I was doing this exact shit happened to me yesterday. My rice cooker went be like you just twinkled twinkle a little star, and then like the refrigerator door opened like the open door chirps like eh, and I was like this mother, just shut the fuck up. But yeah felt that. Thank you, Lauren for that wonderful submission on Blue Sky not even a submission, thank you for putting that on Blue Sky all right.

You can find me on Twitter at Jack Underscore O Brian and on Blue Sky at jack Obie.

The number one.

Work Maydia I've been enjoying was from Diana at rl y com. Really calm tweeted just seeing what QAnon is up to. And then it's a series of screen caps of people reveal hashtag McCauley Culkin is, hashtag kid rock is alive. McCauley Culkin is kid rock. When he hung out with Michael Jackson, he got taught how to sing and dance. Michael still helps him to this day. It's always been hashtag kid rock. And then just the responses to this thread, same nose, that's for sure, blue eyes is another person. And then someone's like I am like huh what wow? Never ever considered this one so many surprises, Thanks for the valuable intel gives me hope?

Why does that give you so bad? I remember when they were saying that herschel Walker was Mike Vick. Oh Jesus, They're like it was the most racist, weird shit, like racist slash ignorant of football shit I'd ever read. I was like, what the fuck are these people?

Sometimes their ignorance isn't racist. They can be ignorant about McCauley, about blonde.

Blue eyed people. Is there it is the blue eyes.

Nobody came over and said how old and tall is mcaulay culkin and Kid Rock. McCauley Culkin is forty four years old and is five foot seven. Kid Rock is fifty four years old and six feet and the original poster came back and said, don't believe everything you asked these sites. They are programmed what to say about people and things. Nothing is real. It passes me off that we all have been lied to our whole lives. Actors and music artists play several roles. I know it's hard to believe.

But it's true. Jesus Christ. Yeah.

And then somebody said, then who was that the Oscars?

Was that? Is that it was McCauley Culkin at the Oscars for no reason? His brother?

Well maybe maybe, yeah, maybe that's their confusion. They don't know what anyone wants to.


Somebody responded, then who was at the Oscars and Fuzzy at Fuzzy but twenty five to ninety one all dead in quotes actors with masks on one hundred percent emoji.

So guys, just come out to LA. You'll realize it's it's it's even sadder than you think. And it's not a bunch of ghosts with masks on.

All I'm saying is real eyes, realize, real realize.

Yeah, you know what I mean. That is true.

But you gotta shout out to QAnon still out here doing doing the Lord's work. You can find us on Twitter and Blue Sky at Daily Zeitgeist. We're at the Daily Zeitgeist on Instagram. You can go to the description of this episode wherever you're listening to it, and you can find links to all of the information that we.

Talked about in today's episodes.

You can find a link to that Bernie mac stand upset, you can find a link to the tweets that we recommended uh, and you can find a link to the song that we think you might enjoy.

In the footnotes.

Miles, is there a song that you think people might enjoy?

Yes, yes, Yes, this is a track from Night Tapes. It's called Humans. Just a great you know, like psych pop, like dream pop kind of band. Just really nice Friday night like vibes, you know, as you as you line down from a week or just get your week started. I don't know how you get down, but this is a great one, Humans by Night Tapes.

Wow, I'm a big fan of all of the words you use to describe that.

And also humans, I think we're pretty neat. Yeah, turned all right.

The Daily Zeitgeist is a production of iHeartRadio. For more podcast from my Heart Radio, visit the iHeart Radio ap Apple Podcasts wherever you listen to your favorite shows.

That's gonna do it for us this week. That was the finale. Yeah, and we nailed it.

Yeah back on Monday to tell you what was trending over the weekend. We also have a best of the Week episode that drops tomorrow and you can go check those out. Otherwise, we'll talk to y'all on Monday.

YI, what best smell Like?