The Country 14/03/25: Barry Soper talks to Jamie Mackay

Published Mar 14, 2025, 12:18 AM

We talk to Newstalk ZB's senior political correspondent about Dame Jacinda Ardern's new book, the Investment Summit and whether the PM is in any danger of being rolled. 

Barry Sober on the country. Hey, Barry, we were talking to Martua Shane Jones, the Prince of the province is a wee bit earlier and we got diverted onto just send his new book. And I read online somewhere that you wouldn't bother reading it. I bet you you do.

It was a comment I made. I think on are yesterday that wouldn't be a great interest to me because we have a children's book featuring Dasinda A durn Well totally. It's about to sind Deurn. I've read it to my little boy. He found it very boring and turned off, and I found it very boring reading it. So it's been relegated. And my apologies to whoever bought it for us as a gift, because that's most certainly what it was. But it's what I'm truly been shelled. And I'm not quite sure where do.

You think Jinda's government lost its way in its second term after Winston and Marta Shane Jones got the boot.

Well, no no doubt about it. There was a hand and they were it. When you see unbridled power, which you saw in the last three years of the durn Hipkins government. You realize what damage can be done in three years. And you know, by the previous election the country was in a pretty bad state because of COVID, but not nearly as bad as it ended up being in when labor had power on its own. So yes, absolutely, you know she led a government and assert did Chris Hipkins, who now is it seems the preferred prime minister. You know that really did cause significant problems for any incoming government. And that's what Chris Luxeen has been fighting against as the Prime minister because you can't have immediate gain Jamie, as you well know, from an economy that really is so down that it takes time to reinvigorate.

Now, Martua Shane Jones, is that the investment somebity is due to speak very shortly. Is this Luxon's time to shine unencumbered if you want, by act or New Zealand first, Because as Shane said to us, sir, he's doing the talking, Christ Bishop's doing the talking, Nikola Willis is doing the talking. Is this a chance for the National Party to assert itself?

Oh? I think and I watched Chris Luxon's speech yesterday and I thought it was a good one because it was aimed correctly at where New Zealand lies in the world, being not just a safe place to do business, but because of its isolation, it doesn't have the problems that the rest of the world does have. And it's even though the economy's flat at the moment, it's a pretty safe place for investors to look to. And you would see from the people that are there, there are a number who have come out and said, look, this face to face up exactly what we wanted. We now understand much more about New Zealand and what the opportunities are here, and that's what this investment summit's all about. And I think certainly Chris Luckson has done a good job in his speech yesterday, but he's going to be speaking a couple of times today and wrapping up the conference this afternoon. But look, I think it's a great opportunity for New Zealand and the National Party have had so many ministers there that the whole cabinet is virtually in some way represented, and so to the Labor Party. Barbara Edmunds, the finance spokesperson for the Labor she's there and what they have to make a commitment to these people is, and I'm sure she will is that whatever is undertaken in public private partnerships won't be undone if there's a change of government.

She's quite impressive that Barbara Edmund Sterby is finished on Luckson. I think he's being harshly treated by the media at the moment, this tour, book and left wing circles, anyhow of them being rolled. I can't see it happening, Barry, what do you think.

No, I don't think so either. In fact, it came to me yesterday that the Education Minister was being tapped on the shoulder. Well, that would be news to her, I would imagine. Certainly National is not going to change its leader this side of the election, because to do so you'd go back to what National had been after the Bill English loss to descend. Arderne was all over the place when it came to leadership, and that any disunity in the party does not win an election.

Barry Sober, thanks for your time. Enjoy the rest of your day.

Nice to talk to you, Jamie

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