The best present we can give you is the best of the best. Merry Christmas with the best of Clay and Buck.
After Joe Biden decided to pardon Hunter, so many people out there on the left in media have no idea how to react because they have been abjectly humiliated on so many different fronts for so long. First, they were required or felt obligated to tell you all that Biden was sharp as attack behind closed doors.
Remember the cheap fake wine of argument.
It feels like so long ago, But it was only in June of twenty twenty four that they decided to trot out all those videos you see of Joe Biden looking mentally and physically unable to do the job.
Those aren't real, that's just cheap fakes.
Remember that phrase that they tried to trot out there, Biden actually sharp as attack. And then the June twenty seventh presidential debate happened, and overnight they all pivoted and said, actually, you know what, we've got to replace him. They put all the pressure on the replacement. Then they came out and they told you that Kamala Harris was the greatest presidential candidate ever. Even on election night Joy Reid was telling us that Kamala Harris had run a flawless campaign and that it was brat summer and everybody was overwhelmed by how good of a job Kamala Harris was doing.
That was the next argument they told us.
Then they told all of you that Trump was going to murder everybody in firing squads. And then Kamala got squashed and they said, well, you know, we'll see what happens here. And oh, by the way, they also argued that nobody was above the law for the past two years. And then Joe Biden on Thanksgiving weekend on Sunday, clear Buck didn't even go through the usual pardon process. There is a part in review board ish that you're supposed to involve in the presidential and pardon process. Biden just said, screw it, I'm going to pardon a hunter. They leaked it like five minutes beforehand. I was talking to some people last night, Buck. They said, even the entire Biden administration didn't know until like five minutes beforehand. So he just threw everybody under the bus. And now we've talked about this, Buck, and I do think it's important for everybody out there to understand. Being made to look like a moron personally is where many people in media will draw the line and finally show that they do have some backbone. Because being intelligent and being respected for their intelligence, for their erudition, it's a huge part of the self worth of the talking head class. And so when you have abjectly humiliated them and they feel like you have thrown them under the bus, they actually will suddenly show up and say the things that you and I normally say every day on the radio.
And they lost, right, so it's all for nothing. They will abide endless humiliation. Democrat journals, partisans, activists, all the same thing.
They'll say absolutely they they did.
They said that somebody with obvious dementia that they now agree is obvious dementia did not have dementia because it served their political interests at the time.
They will say absolutely anything in the service of power. And so when they lose now and we knew this is gonna happen, right, there was the initial couple of weeks of just wow, what an incredible victory for Trump and a lot of Republicans, by the way, a lot of close, a lot of great Senate races. We want a lot of House seats that could have gone either way. I wish we had won a little bit more of a majority, but anyway, but you know some very big wins. The biggest win of all of course, Donald Trump, huge sweeping win. But we knew that then Clay was going to transition into this. And I have to say this part of the process, which is the metaphorical circular firing squad of Democrats at this point, like trying to figure out. We'll talk about it someone else talking about firing squads a little bit later, since sas. But the Democrats doing this finger pointing exercise of who's responsible for all of this? It's even more insane than I had prepared myself for because they were even crazier than I remember at this point, which is saying a lot. And this can bring us to do you want to do, Dan Goldman right now.
Because this is how bad it's gotten.
They are now at CNN and MSNBC even willing to humiliate Democrat congress people for what they said on the program. So let's play the flashback here. This is May of twenty twenty three. Representative Dan Goldman, Democrat of New York, the most zealous of Biden, tells ABC's Jean Carl Biden wouldn't pardon Hunter.
Listen, do you think a pardon for his son would be a mistake?
Yes, And I don't think there's any chance that President Biden is going to do that, unlike his predecessor, who pardoned all of his friends and anyone who had any access to him. And I think you see that in this case where he kept on and Merrick Garland kept on. A Trump appointed US attorney to investigate the president's son. If there is not an indication of the independence of the Department of Justice, beyond that, I don't know what we could look for.
To her credit, Brianna Kyler, I might be mispronounced Keeler. All right, No, no, you knew either. CNN's morning host. I think she's the morning host.
She made Dan Goldman this is really funny, Buck. I gotta admit that I watch this and I this like this is good television. She made Dan Goldman watch video of himself claiming Biden wouldn't pardon his son, and then said, what does that feel like?
You took him at his word, So what does that feel like knowing that he's gone back on it.
I said many times that if Hunter Biden were not Hunter Biden, he would never be charged with these crimes. And when you start to see what Donald Trump is planning to do with his Department of Justice and with his FBI, and the degree to which Hunter Biden has already been shamelessly attacked as a private citizen by Republicans, I certainly understand why the President felt like this miscarriage of justice should not carry forward and that he should not be at risk of retributive prosecution for political reasons.
Okay, that actually clip is not her pushing him as aggressively as she did.
To her credit.
The clip that I watched a couple of times, Buck, she like actually out as he was answering.
No, she basically like, no, no, no, seriously, how does it feel like? She kept going back to, like, we get.
Your version of it too. That was a longer form version, a little bit different. But it goes to our larger point here, Buck, which is even the journalists are embarrassed to have been involved in this right now.
So a couple of two things here.
On your point about the embarrassment, this is a little bit like, and I'm not you know, I haven't married long and I'm not saying.
This has happened to me.
But I have been in the car before, driving with perhaps a woman also in the car.
Maybe it was my wife. Maybe this is many many years ago.
And you say pre gps because that's how old I am. I know where I'm going, it's fine. And then you get so lost and you can feel just the seething anger and irritation at whoever is sitting next to you in that car because you have now taken them into the middle. Play my family, my dad, if he's listening, he's gonna yell at me for this. Used to go visit my family in Charlottesville, our other family in Charlottesville every year for Thanksgiving. For many many years. We would get lost and end up in the Battle of Manassas Battlefield every year somehow, at like midnight too because of all the traffic, so we're like running out of gas. Battle of Manassas Battlefield he used to visit historically, by the way, in northern Virginia, not far from DC.
It is not Charlottesville.
Yes that's accurate, but I remember my mom's sitting there and you can feel. That is how these journals now feel about these Democrats who have led them across the middle and thrown a wobbly pass football. Oh there you, thank you, yes, thank you. And the other thing though, and maybe this is a more important point, Clay. Here's this guy Goldman. He's a lawyer, he's a member of Congress. He was the hero of impeachment two point zero for Democrats.
He's acting like hunter. Biden didn't do all of these things. It is not.
Persecution if you broke the law and everybody knows it, and there's serious laws that other people go to prison for.
Here is something that I would say is the most underutilized phrase in American life today.
I was wrong.
This congressman, if he weren't so self serious, could have watched himself make a fool of himself and say, how does that feel. I mean, that's a very valid question. That's something that CNN should actually do, and he should say I was wrong, And Joe Biden turned his back on the entire argument that he made and that I tried to make on his behalf, that Democrats stood for the rule of law and Republicans did not. I think he made a poor choice, and I wouldn't defend him, and I'm not going to defend him. I still believe what I said six months ago, a year ago. Why can nobody say that? Why do you have to objectly ritually humiliate yourself Sometimes people do dumb things. When you do something really stupid, everyone in America appreciates when you just say I was wrong, Buck, you were talking about being in a relationship. I don't know if I said it on this program or I said it on an interview I did with a comedian. Recently, people say the three most powerful words in a relationship or I love you, They're totally, incompletely wrong. You expect that the person you're in a relationship with loves you. I was wrong is actually the far more powerful three word phrase. Every married woman in America would rather her husband say I was wrong than I love you. And the ones who are listening to me right now and don't agree are lying. They would all rather you say I was wrong. Why can't someone on television? I had to do this all the time, Buck, when I gambled on sports, I had to come on TV sixty percent of the.
Time be like, you know what, I'm a moron? I was wrong.
I thought this was going to happen, and something else happened. That's life. You have to change your opinion and react to what occurred. Why can't this Goldman guy just say, you know what, I was right. Biden turned his back on us, He blew it. Why can't he just be honest if he actually believes it.
There's a part of me that feels like the Democrats and the Democrat media getting away with being entirely wrong and lying about everything COVID related gave them a new level of hubris, you know, almost like if we could get away with that and not have to do a public accountability apology tour, we can get away with anything. I know, maybe I'm connecting two disparate things, but I do think that there was an unrivaled arrogance of the so called media elites in this election. They were living on another planet and they were saying things that were blatantly and obviously false. They were delusional. They had been made to believe delusions and made other people believe delusions, which is what we're seeing now this.
I can't believe Biden lied to that point.
We now have.
Brianna Keeler, who is a Democrat partisan posing as a journalist, or a journalist posing as a whatever Democrat partisan. Here she is pushing Congressman Goldman as you were describing play it.
What does that feel like watching yourself back then reassuring people that Biden was not going to issue a pardon for his son.
Yeah, and I think that if that Plea agreement and that Plea deal had gone through, there would be no pardon. That was a satisfactory outcome has.
Already fallen that. Sorry, when you reacted, this was when the deal had fallen through. And I hear what you're saying about the cash Petel appointment, but you know you took him.
At his word.
So what does that feel like knowing that he's gone back on it?
Well, as I said, I'm disappointed, Okay, So credit to her for pushing back some there, buck, But that's what, don't I think that's what people want to hear be accountable for what you said and have to answer questions when you are completely and totally wrong and you've been defending someone who lied to the American public.
I think really that the media had just gotten so used to getting away with the most egregious lies and then also there's another part of this that we shouldn't forget, which is that once you have no integrity to protect, what's the difference. Yeah, and I think that after the dementia lie broke in front of the whole nation in a way that note, you will not find a single person who will go on TV now from the Democrat side and say Joe Biden actually was totally fine. Why did everyone They might say he would win, which I still or you know that he would have done better than Kamala. I believe he would have been better than Kamala, but still would have lost. But no one will say that once you've lit your credibility on fire like that, what's the difference with saying Kamala is the greatest nominee in the history of the country or whatever. Right, it's all the same, and you've told that kind of lie.
And again there should be consequences when you are wrong. And I wish he would have just stood on the principle if your position is that you should accept what decisions the courts make, and somebody else it wasn't Goldman's decision to pardon his son, and somebody else rejects that you should stay committed to the principle and call out your party into Some Democrats have been willing to do that, but the most partisan are not, because they just immediately shift and they will defend every decision even when it is in fact indefensible. I made a clearly true statement. The Buck Sexton old man and his anti Harry Potter takes are out of step with American life. And the reaction was massive, including many of you who weigh in with your own messages for me, including one of our lists, Nurse Ken in Lincoln, Nebraska, home of the corn Huskers.
He was really fired up about this. Listen to what he had to say.
Clay, I'm a black guy who listens to your show.
No, I'm not African American.
I'm black. I cannot believe.
That you would put Harry Potter and Star Wars in the same sentence.
You're lost, Clay lost.
That man is correct? I correct?
I mean I used to think that people of Lincoln, Nebraska were a fine group of upstanding individuals just hoping that their corn Huskers could return to nineteen nineties glory. And then my man, let's see, let me get his name right, My man Ken just comes after me.
Ken, You're wrong. You and Buck are just on the wrong side of history here.
Frankly, and just because you hate fun and enjoy and effervesseent children an overcoming evil doesn't mean that I have to stoop to your level.
You're just wrong. Why you gotta be so mean as the esteem? Taylor Swift once said.
I mean Star Wars is an era defining movie spectacle and change cinema.
Harry Potter is you know, It's like, I don't know, you know what I mean.
I'm gonna blow your mind. Harry Potter is more influential than Star Wars.
The the amount of people dressed as Jedi with lightsabers that are gonna be waiting outside your next book signing just went up dramatically. I'm telling you, Obi Wan Kenobi lookalikes are never gonna forget this. Clay Welcome back into Clay and backet.
It was one of.
The most heated and contentious early if you will meet you or or early sexual assault allegation cases out there, and I remember it very well. I was at the CIA at the time. I remember being I'll just tell you, or being on a date with someone not somebody that I, you know, had a long relationship with is out on a date young guy. I was, gosh, I don't know what was I twenty four or something in DC, and this case came up, and I remember I just looked at this young woman I was on the date with, and I was just like, well, I mean, I just I think I just my quote I believe was the stripper is lying, And I mean that was just what I said, because that was what was obvious to me. And oh boy, did I did I get some heat on that one.
I think she actually punched me in the arm. I was just like, I think she's lying. I've read the case. Read I think she's lying. And guess what.
Of course, in the Duke Lacrosse case, as we know, those three young men, now you know, my peers, my contemporary is about my age. They weren't not guilty. They were one hundred percent innocent. They did nothing wrong. They did not do it.
They did not lay a.
Hand on this woman, they did not assault this woman. They certainly did not sexually assault this woman. It was all a lie. But it was in the early stages of the weaponization of wokeness. I've often said I think Wokeness is weaponized political correctness. It's one way that I shorthand describe it.
Right. It's political correctness is, hey, let's all be considered and nice to each other. And then there's all this excessive word police saying and oh, well you do you said this, and you need to call me that and not this, and.
And it's the beginning.
It's the it's the entry level phase or or maybe the first major phase.
Wokeness is you used the wrong pronoun.
You should be fired.
You dead named somebody, or you know, you didn't say Native America, you said Indian. You know, you shouldn't be a broadcaster anymore. Whatever, Right, Wokeness is taking it to It's not so much about making annoying demands under the cover of some kind of courtesy constantly and always sort of whining.
Oh, we're victims. You know we're victims, so be nicer to us.
Wokeness is now the victims are in charge and they're coming for you, the so called victims.
That's wokeness to me, and it's one short I loved Elon's description of wokeness on a podcast I think was the Babylon b Podcast with Seth Dylan a couple of years ago where he just said, it's just an excuse, It's just a shield for people to be really mean, which is what it is for bitter, unhappy, narcissistic malcontents to create virtue in their minds out of their cruelty, out of their meanness. Absolutely true of wokeness as well. And wokeness is on its back heels right now. And this just reminds me though of in a sense, wokeness coming full circle. The woman Crystal Mangum who is currently serving a prison sentence for murdering her boyfriend with a knife. She murdered her boyfriend in twenty eleven. In two thousand and six, I remember this case well. I had a kind of a distant family connection to a very close family friend, was very close family friends with one of the accused memory serves, and I remember following this case very closely, and to me, the whole thing was just so clearly a lie. It didn't add up, the evidence didn't add up, the story that it just didn't happen. There's no way, the same way that the fake gang rate at the UVA fraternity that Rolling Stone ran with. Remember and I read this and my family can confirm this. I was at dinner with my whole family in New York, you know, my parents, my siblings, and I said that story is a lot. I should have gone on the air right away and said it was a lie, meaning the UVA you know, gang rape pokes. Which ever, again everyone admits that was a lie. This isn't even in contention anymore. Everyone knows that Crystal Mangum lied and boor false witness, which is a crime. I might add, it's actually illegal to do that, and they should find that there should be criminal charges when there are criminal statutes meant to prevent people from trying to destroy people's lives. But you'll notice with Crystal Mangum, they didn't do it, and then she went on to murder somebody.
So I don't know.
Maybe accountability for Crystal trying to ruin lives early on would have been a good thing. But she was a black woman and a quote exotic dancer, a stripper, and the New York Times was championing her cause. Oh it was all about class and race colliding and Durham, North Carolina and Duke and privileged lacrosse bros. And the whole thing Oh my gosh, it was like a made for TV movie that The New York Times was creating and it was all a lie. And as if we needed any more any more evidence of this or information to support that thesis, she has come out and admitted now in a podcast from prison, this is the news. This is why I'm thinking about this today. She made the whole thing up.
The whole thing was a lie.
And you know this is that we're seeing a pattern here, aren't we. We're seeing a pattern of these entities like the New York Times and others regime media, wokeness, the left, where they perpetuate these deeply destructive hoaxes and try to ruin people's lives. And I connect this to say my friend Pete Hegseth basically extending a solitary finger. He didn't because he was being a you know, gentleman. He's in the halls of Congress towards CNN. Though you know what they are.
These these organizations and these ideologies that they represent, and these movements of people, they deserve your contempt, They deserve all of us to think of them poorly as liars, as frauds. And I think right now with the Trump victory. We are more free than ever to just say what is true. And doesn't that feel good? Because they're not going to have the power to meet out some punishment to you or to shout you down, or they can't destroy reputations like they used to in two thousand and six. If those boys hadn't had families that absolutely and God bless them. Can you imagine Can you imagine your mom or dad and your son is accused of a violent gang.
Rape of a stripper. They deserve, you know, top students, that one of the best lacross programs in the country, and they had this bright future ahead of them.
They're accused of.
A violent gang rape, and you know they're totally innocent. Anybody could have known they're totally innocent. None of this made sense, None of the facts added up. There was nothing to support this whatsoever. Mike Knife, you know what Rush saw.
This so clearly.
I remember I remember listening to him back in the day on this topic. Right. This is part of my Rush education over many many years, seeing how the greatest of all time saw things and told you about it and explained what was really going on here. This was back in December of two thousand and six when the weaponized law DA Mike Knifong, a monster, a monstrous human being, had to drop the charges. This is what Rush said. Then, this is two thousand and six.
All of the circumstantial evidence from the moment this case was announced cast doubt on these charges. Everybody had doubts about it. But look at what happened. That this is a great drive by media example. Drive by show up and they start launching all kinds of amo and stuff and get everybody on fire. They just Incindia in the place. And we had stories about how these are wealthy.
White, privileged elitist athletes, and how they're automatically they got to be guilty. Why this is a racist society, and why this is Durham North Carol.
We know what Durham North Carol.
This this is a South now, we know that racism lives.
And we had this poor black.
Woman who was just struggling to feed her baby by.
Stripping and showing up at parties like this and so forth.
The presumption of guilt from the moment the charges were filed.
It it was completely true. I remember reading the coverage in the New York Times. Remember I came from a household. We were New York Times subscribers. I had a paper copy of The New York Times dropped off at our front It was my dad's, but I would read it at our front door, you know, every day. I grew up reading the New York Times, so I was this was my paper, and I switched to the We all switched to the Wall Street Journal right around this time, actually beyond I think it was early two thousands, post nine to eleven, So maybe you get what I'm saying. It doesn't matter. Point is, I knew their coverage very well, and they wanted these They wanted these guys to be ruined.
And you know what's when you really.
Understand the democrat woke, left wing Marxist mindset, when you really know how they feel, especially about the issue of race, which is effectively a religious cause for them, meaning the vile racism of America that they believe persist today and in some ways is even you know, even worse because it's more subtle, so it's harder to find, which is insane, I know, but this is how they think of things, right, worse than it was and when there was true racism in America, no now today it's worse because it's subtle, so you can't find it.
They're insane, It makes no sense.
They they believe though, that if they had to sacrifice these three privileged white boys on the altar of wokeness, and I mean truly, so scrifice them, send them to prison, gang rapist. What do you think it's going to be like for these guys as gang rapists of a black female stripper in prison? What do you think their lives are going to be like after this? You know, if they ever you know, if they get out of prison in twenty years, their lives are destroyed, ruin their families. Are the New York Times The thinking is, yeah, but this is how we atone for the racism of the past. This is how we pay the bill that is due. This is the price that they're willing to because I'm telling you, some of them knew these boys were innocent. And you know how I know that the prosecutor knew these boys were innocent. The prosecutor knew that one of them was miles away at an ATM machine using his card on camp when the rapist happening.
I mean exculpatory, entirely exculpatory.
And Nifong wouldn't drop the charges. You know why, because he was trying to ride the woke politics of the moment. Durham has a large black community, a Democrat party was weaponizing race. He thought he could use this for his own purposes, and so he was willing to sacrifice these three boys as well. What could be more evil than wanting to destroy young men with a lie and ruin their lives, truly ruin their reputations, ruin their psychle you know, their mental stability, because you think that this is what racial justice demands in the moment. Now that was two thousand and six. They lost, They came close. If the evidence had been any if there had been any doubt, there was no doubt these boys were innocent. And the court came out and said it, by the way, that they were innocent, not just not guilty, innocent. But think of how powerful the New York Times is. I had young young women went to like an Ivy League school herself, and she thought that I was a monster for saying I don't believe this stripper. I don't believe her. I think she's lying. And she was, and she now admits it. And the New York Times was This was the beginning of the New York Times is pure descent into the demonic where they would destroy people for ideology. It is an evil newspaper that does bad things to good people. It has done it for many years now. And just like with CNN, it deserves your contempt. Not it doesn't need reform, it doesn't need a couple of actual conservative voices. It deserves your contempt because until it's willing to crawl on its hands and knees and say we are so sorry. What we did was monstrous. And so many things, right Kavanaugh, this Russia collusion, I mean, there's so many what they're cheering for, the destruction of all these J six defendants and the ruination of their.
Lives for what Some of them just walked into a building. They're taking selfies. It's ridiculous.
Trump's going to fix it. He is going to fix us. I'm the same way that I'm telling you. I told you Trump will win the election. Trump is going to pardon J six people. It is going to happen. I am absolutely confident. But you know, here we are. It's been almost twenty years, and we finally closed the loop on one of the clearest cases of the evils that the left, the Democrat Party has come to embrace and represent in this country. And don't ever forget it, because we have to keep them out of the out of the corridors of power. We have to minimize their influence. We have to do everything possible because they will. They will destroy people and with it, destroy this country if they're allowed to. And you can see it as clear as day that any that there wasn't the deepest shame felt at the New York Times for what they tried to do in that case. And now here we are, think of all the people writing editorials, Oh, the intersection of class and race finally.
You know, set flame to the situation on this woman.
Disgraceful. They're just I have never been this wrong about anything as an in my life as the New York Times entire editorial board and news coverage was, and wasn't just the New York Times, mind you, but they were the real cheerleaders for it. So yeah, she about the whole thing, that she murdered somebody, and we didn't charge her with anything about the lying because you know, oh my gosh, class and race, we see what's going on I wanted to play this.
There is a new show it is called let Me make Sure I get this right. Land Man, about the oil industry, and Billy Bob Thornton plays a Texas oil land sort of organizer for lack of a better way, he kind of handles all of the issues that might arise on an oil field from.
A variety of perspectives.
And he had a monologue that has gone viral that I think many of you, particularly those of you in Texas or other states that work in the oil industry, will deeply appreciate. But also anyone out there that just thinks this climate change cult has lost its mind and that many of the things they are telling everyone we should be doing are actually nonsensical and lead to more need for fiossil fuels. Listen to this Billy Bob Thorton on Land Man. It's gone viral. I think y'all are gonna love it.
Here it is we have one hundred and twenty year petroleum based infrastructure. Our whole lives depend on it, and hell, it's in everything that road we came in on the wheels on ever car ever made, including yours, Sentennis rackets and lipstick and refrigerators and antihistamines, pretty much anything plastic, your cell phone case, artificial heart valves, any kind of clothing that's not made with animal or plant fibers, soap, hand lotion, garbage bags, fishing boats, you name it, every fucking thing.
And you know what the kicker is.
We're gonna run out of it before we find it's replacement.
It's the thing that's gonna kill us all as a species.
All the thing's gonna kill us all is running out before we find an alternative.
All right, we might have accidentally had an f bomb that just went out. Okay, we dumped it, so you might have had a little bit of a little bit of a change there. Let me tell you, the overall clip is really really good. We'll have it up at clayanbuck dot com.
But maybe