The Brooklyn Boys' "SLICES" comments, feedback and iHeartRadio Talkbacks for Episode #304 and earlier.
Brooklyn Boys Podcast reactions.
This podcastle depends on you baby.
Three yeah, and it's Brooklyn Boys Podcast. Slice time for episode number three oh four. So Close to Pitbull, So so close. This is the Companion podcast, the feedback podcast, the podcast where you listen to iHeartRadio and you clicked on that microphone and you actually made some comments based on things you were hearing.
In episode three oh four of the Brooklyn Boys.
Now, we gave like two homework assignments, just too. We asked questions, two questions. I hope we got some answers.
I think we might have all right, yeah, so all right, so this is good.
Now here we are on a Tuesday, on a Tuesday, instead of see yesterday, I feel like we didn't have enough.
Now today we have a glut. Yeah.
I called Scary on Monday and said were ready to go, and he's like, nah, we only have like such and such amount. We should wait another day. You're gonna have a windfall of Monday voicemails. And he said, yeah, I feel it. Yeah, we have like so oh, you are right more than almost double oh. We gave him the extra day, all right, won't happen again next week? Next week, it'll have been on Monday, so hurry up.
Well, there's no guarantees of that. Yeah, I know, I'm all right. What do you got for slices?
Mark for moss?
Stay here. The reason why Scary doesn't want to go into Broy's Community's new pool because it's not bougie enough. There's not enough hot girl pee, no swim up bar. He can't get us some poes for the instagram him. That's why, simple as.
So, it's unattractive. It's unattractive. That's not the that's not the case at all.
In fact, there was a very attractive woman in the pool today doing something I've never seen anyone do in a pool before. She walked to the middle of the pool, closed her eyes and then started like meditating. She was like stretching her arms, putting her hands on her head like she was trying to find herself.
Close your eyes and started masturbating.
Dude, that's gross, dude, that's not wrong, guy, wrong guy, just telling you about you got to make everything dirty?
Oh me, he's so juvenile. Thanks, I'm the juvenile one. Thank you for saying it.
Hey brook On Lois Trevor from Austin, Texas. Uh, just wanted to comment about the scary following people's daughters on Instagram.
Scary, you're really worrying me with.
Your complication with this issue just un following them. You shouldn't have been followed in the first place. I don't care if they were following you. They're just the little girls. People don't want you like aggling their daughters, even if it's on an accident.
I'm a father of a ten year old.
I know when she's older things like that are gonna happen and I have to protect her of all costs.
Just it's very, very close to the situation. Yeah I could.
Yeah, Okay, you got unfollowed. Yeah, maybe I'll do it on it a day that that they're distracted. Okay, I'm just gonna hide it. I'm just gonna hide them. Done.
Don't you go there, break greg break greg T's call windows, and then run right and then when he's outside screening about his car windows, you can unfollow her, which won't be paying attention.
Is also known as angry want ball days. I'm doubling down, scary Joes, I will all the dam bees because you will have to be a much money offt to do house repair. When your property gets damaged and shit like that. It's enarm with someone of money and to deal with all that shit.
All right, I love you both. He will kill the bees because he thinks they're destructive.
I'm okay with that. And by the way, we have not heard from Juan Valdez in a while.
No, where's he been. I don't know that conversation made it to the Big Show. By the way, and that was is also a video online.
Yeah, a very abbreviated version where you didn't get to explain what you wanted to say. And I think I got my last name mentioned once, so I'll take it.
It's typical where I don't I get cut off before I can make my point. You're like, oh, people are killing bees and drowning squirrels.
What and then they're like, move on.
But I gotta say, they made it look like I'm the one who's in f drowning squirrels. I said, no day, Allen Gandhi jumped on you like he's a squirrel killer.
Don't shoot the messenger. I'm allway reporting.
I'm reporting back to you of what I saw on someone's community Facebook page.
Jesus, Well, well, actually you were reporting what I told you I saw on the town face.
That is correct, But either way, it wasn't me that wanted to be the squirrel killer.
Okay, slimshady. Wait, what.
Remember the congress woman who when when somebody said it wasn't he goes, don't say it wasn't me.
Don't pull a slim shady. Oh Okay, that idiot. That's that's a stretch.
Brodycity and Brody Day from Long Island.
Touching back on that routit.
Situation, if you want to get your full gigs worth, I would definitely recommend getting a better quality router. That was absolutely incorrect the.
Other talk bag.
I had I pay a gate for my router, and I'm getting the full speed because I'm not using Verizon's proprietary router. I bought my third party I speed test and I'm getting nine hundred on US nine hundred one downs.
All right, all right, man knows what he's talking about.
In regards to the fiber optic wire that runs inside your house, it may be a little bit different depending on your building, but for the most part, residentials as well, they run the fiber optic wire all the way inside your house and connects it to a special portes from the back of the router. Everything else that connects the router after that point is Ethernet, but fiber optics does have their own specific part of the.
Back of the router.
Okay, thank you for that.
I feel like we're going to get talkbacks on that topic for a lot by the time fiber optics are outdated.
Reggie here.
To the one fifteen Am caller who didn't leave a name, who had the wonderful speaking voice and the deep throat.
I am a woman deep throat, but thank you.
I appreciate the support, right all right, Reggie, Reggie here. So I feel like I've taken on the persona of somebody just obscene and disgusting. So when I want to respond to something as my true self, I feel like I can't give my name because I'm known as just saying these really over the top things. So I think I need a pseudonym for when I want to be myself. So I guess I'll go with the pseudonym Skylar. When I want to be myself.
They were the Boys.
Skyler from New Jersey as a teacher and a youth basketball coach and a special Olympics coach. If I'm following any children on social media, one, it's with their parents' permission, which I know for you is true as well. But if they post a picture that I feel is uncomfortable, then I just don't like the picture. You know, I trust that their parents are okay with them posting it because their parents are following their account as well.
If I feel it's.
Really inappropriate, I will inform their parents. Children safety is number one, and then you know, I let the parent handle however they want to handle that, they want to keep it up five. You know, it's totally up to the parent. But if it's something like you know, baby, I would not like that photo and I wouldn't them. But I'm not going to like a photo like a single post is going to be over the top, then yeah, I'm gonna unfollow them and I'm going to kind of wonder about their parents as well.
Consider the source we're talking about, Greg t m hm. That's your asy kid from Brooklyn to the Bronx Brody.
No need to apologize. I'm not actually offended.
I just had to clarify I only hurt people, not animals and scary.
I'm not a fucking snowflake.
Take that the fuck back.
She's got a point there, Hey, guys rocking seats in the bronx. So I did get a little carried away with my uh one commented, I tak back, but he said chat around pieces all right. However, he was the one first said that I should choke on a cock, and he didn't get reprimanded like I did.
He was the one that dropped the ball and let not me.
So we listened to that scumbag comment, shouting.
Now he's got a point, the guy right, We we missed the boat on that one.
How do we let that go?
Hey, it's your Brooklyn boy from over there over here in Pennsylvania.
Fox squirrels.
My wife put out birds for a chipmunk that was hanging around, started a squirrel walk, and they ate our solar lights and shoot through my gruage door and fuck bees. I gotta work around them. All the water on the plants, and one landed on me. Was putting the kids in the car, roddey inside. My wife comes and tells me there's a be in the car.
I gotta get it out. What the fucking respect.
Fuck squirrels, Fuck these fuck surprise party guest lists.
Yeah, okay, very nice.
Danny the Blind Radio Guy. It blows my mind how sensitive people are when they act like shit people and then they get called out with something like being told that their attitude is bitchy, Like I hate that this idea that yet, Brodie, you might get some people to be like, oh, you still shouldn't ever say that to a female. No, if you're being a bitch and being a bitch, being an asshole, you're being an asshole, and anybody can be a bitch. You don't have to be female. That's not just reserved to females. Danny the Blind Radio Guy. So I'm sorry if I offend anyone who works at the post office. But we all know working at the post office not our mail carriers. We all know that working at the post office that's like the bottom of the barrel job.
She hates her life.
She has no customer service skills, and the fact that they would hire someone whose first response is to call somebody's mama cunt clearly shows the type of people they hire.
That poor guy who works with her.
Yeah, I think working at the post office is a noble profession.
Yeah, serious, This woman was not very good at what be doing God's work. Let's face it, I don't know about that. They gotta put up a people like me of ship.
Yeah, hey, Brody and Scary Maddie from Queen's I am totally on the side of the guy in the restaurant. First off, the waitress or waiter was wrong because they should have never offered the poor man cheese. To begin with, he ordered a hamburger oh the day, clearly not a cheeseburger. If he wanted the cheeseburger, actually, he would have said cheeseburger. So when they were offered cheese, then he thought, well, if you're offering it, it.
Could be free.
Maybe I'll take it.
If not, we'll leave it alone.
The mandadn't ask for it.
You put him in an awkward position.
Okay, fair enough, right, I think she continues here? Right, but should the girl have been offended?
Maddie from Queen's Part two and Scary. Before anybody can become a bougie bastard, they have to start out with not being bougie. So maybe he was trying to save some money so the next time he goes on a date with her he could go to a better restaurant and be more of a bougie bastard. You don't know his financial situation. Maybe he just really liked the girl and he was allowing her to have the bronzino and he was going to have the hamburger. He was being a gentleman.
Thank you. I'm sorry.
If you you take in your date to a restaurant that serves bronzino, you could afford the three dollars on the cheeseburger, and then maybe you.
Got to cut back somewhere so you can't afford that. Oh come on now, Maybe the restaurant was a stretch for him, like I don't have two hundred dollars, but you know what, then I'll take it out.
I want to make a.
Taking it to one of the you know, to maybe one of the fast casual spots where they can have like a cup of coffee or or as casual like Red Robin or like yeah, like maybe an apple Bee's or Fridays or something. I don't know, but they don't those places don't serve bronzino. He clearly knew what he was doing when he booked a reservation reservation and clearly looked at the menu and said, what's the most expensive thing, Oh, the Bronzeno.
I'll have that.
You know how I know she's bougie because she didn't just say I ordered fish.
Had the eye boarded Bronzino, who says that.
A lot of people do as opposed to the salmon or the sea bass of the snapper, who says, I went to a restaurants I was on a date.
I had the snapper. The guy, maybe you're descriptive with your fish.
I had the filet of fish.
You don't say beef.
Do you say steak, sneak versus you say sneak. I had the New York strip. You don't say what kind of steak you do. Sometimes people say that when out till I went to dinner with some girl last night.
I had.
A flaming. I died the Porta house for two by myself.
Heybee boys, it's Riska from Brooklyn.
Just commenting on episode three zero four, the date with the chick that left and paid the bill because of the guy with the cheese.
So my opinion is by him asking how.
Much the cheese was and they said it was three dollars, like it's a little cheap. I mean three dollars is a lot for cheese. But like, so that's just it's just a sign for the future, like that, maybe he's a little but also like I'm Jewish, so I mean I could be cheap too, or I would get it like damn three dollars for a slice of cheese, like fuck that. But Brody, I'm on your side. Where she ordered the bronzino. As soon as she said I ordered the bronzino, I was like, damn, girl, you're ordering that on a first date because bronzino is usually expensive. There we know you're bougie and you're not careful with money, so you know, of course you'd order the bronzino. But I think i'd be a little more careful.
On a first day, she continues.
And the next one, by the way, bronzino not really the most expensive fish on the menu, but that would be that would be Chilean sea bass, dover soul or lobster.
Okay, but continue, hold on, rap, not a fish, not a fish, it's a seafood.
It's still one of the more expensive things on the menu, and filevignone would have been more expensive, strip or any other steak Bronzino's like right in the middle to mid priced item.
It's right about the.
Chicken once again, Riff and I right sympatical got another one hold on another one.
Anyway, all of this to say she shouldn't have just left and paid the tab and been like, oh my god, he's so fucking cheap, Like maybe he would have paid the tab and you know, they could have had a nice a few more dates and you know, this could have gone somewhere.
I think she's been a little picky, but I.
Know, yeah, it's an interesting, interesting topic, So I'm looking forward to hearing other people's opinions.
Where the smoke this fire?
Just remember that Rifka and that fire is cooking a forty Dozino.
Scary and Brody Brody and Scary Scarodivni from CT. Last week on the BBP, there was a discussion about whatever Scary should unfollowed Great T's daughter on Instagram. Bru do what you want. The only opinion that truly matters is your own, not anyone else and the judges. And since we're on the topic of Instagram, the only account I want to follow right now is Maddie from Brooklyn and the bronx. She just seems to have a fabulously symmetrical face with clare eyes and skin, and there's no possesses the poise of an apex predator combined with the eyes of a kindly wooden creature. It's a compelling combination. If Maddie, if my comments offend you, I apologize. The last thing I want to do is be on your batside. And Madam, I recognize you as the slice Queen of the BBP, and without question, you are the HBI s RADI a massive, big d energy and you are a woman of exceptional fortitude and strength.
He definitely writes this out before before you.
Take a really fancy way of saying, uh, hey, you're hot. I guess so he did it in prose.
I like that.
All right, Hey, Brooklyn boys, Jamie from Queen's here, Brody, you said the hawktoo. Girl, wasn't that bright and scary jumped to her defense? Of course he's going to jump to her defense. He's that type of guy. What I mean by that type of guy is the type of guy who's going to jump to the defense.
Of a cute, famous girl who's barely drinking age.
I mean, scary probably liked the ship cut of her bikini photos already.
I'm really not surprised.
How did she know liked by Scary Jones and others? That's right, hey, Rody is scary.
Rody is scary from Telford, PA.
In regards to the guy with a free dollar cheese, I think that maybe he's on a fixed budget and the girl she orders a forty dollar fish, which I mean, I don't do. There's nothing wrong with that. But maybe he had to quickly ship gears and.
Go for.
A couple dollars less on the bill because he is a little bit tight.
That's my thoughts.
Love you guys.
He believed thought he was going to order the cod you believe in that? I don't know. He took her to a restaurant that starves Bronzino. To begin with, he knew what he was doing.
Yes, you go to a fancy place and then listen scary. Haven't you ever dated a girl who ordered cheap, like to make an impression?
She ordered inexpensively?
No, No, I want people to be themselves and I want them to let themselves go and eat what they want to eat.
Oh, then take me cheap. Fuck?
Hey, Brooklyn Boys, it's MJ from NJ. I'm commenting on the Slice comments the guy with a nice voice that keeps fling you Scrotti.
I think he's from Connecticut.
He did shount me out yes some days and bewildered. I can't see from recording or not because a lot of times I'm taking a walk and it's funny and then it says try again. So that's why I'm inside now, So I think this is coming out.
But love you guys.
Yes, Hi booking boys, It's m J Fromenja.
The that gentleman has a very good speaking voice, and he speaks very eloquently, like the CEO of the company. So it's good that we have that on the show. And Kelsey from Texas. She's got a gorgeous voice. All right, guys, keep it up and unfollow Greg T's daughter.
Okay, it's me again. The door of the Explorer was the thing about the restaurant when that girl was interrupting, making noise or something. I think when Scary was going out with his friend. That's why I said clock door at the Explorer. I used to watch her well, my son. I mean, she's cute, but came your child. Please all right, I have a great cleek.
Thank you, thank you, MJ Hey b boys, Christy, thank you m Jay.
Oh we're going to take a break here and then get back to Christy.
Uh no, no, I thought you wanted to comment. Uh no.
I remembered at some point that it was about Door the Explorer and was referenced to the girl in the restaurant.
Scary didn't remember.
Yeah, Hey b boys, Christy from Sattlebrook. I think Scary is a little bit right here. It was a date, no, and on a first date, the guy usually has enough money to pay regardless of what is ordered. And if he chose the restaurant, he should have known this in advance. And if she chose the restaurant, he could have googled it, checked out the menu and said, you know what, let's go somewhere else.
There's really not.
That much on the menu.
Can go.
And then I don't even think it was about the cheese. I just think it was all about the money. I don't think he cared.
Christy again from Saddlebrook.
I do think she did the right thing by.
Paying the bill, thank you, Bull's eye.
And I think I would have.
Stayed paid the bill when I went to the restroom without him knowing, and then said, you know what dinner is on me, don't worry about it, and then ended the date and not had any more contact with him because they are two different people from two different worlds.
Definitely, thank you someone with common sense. I appreciate her. We're on the same wavelength. No podcast, you're just sitting there and you're throwing there.
I just I think about like when I was dating back in the day, Like I I dated one girl who was like who sat at the table. I could see she had to go to the bathroom, and I said, okay, you need to go to the bathroom. She said, yeah, I'm fine, and fine and fine. Finally she went to the bathroom and she came back like two minutes later, So I said, you didn't have to rush back. She's to be honest, she told me after the date. Later like that night, we were walking home, she said, I didn't want to make it look like I was going to the bathroom, so I wouldn't be here when the check arrived, because I wanted to at least offer.
Oh, how nice to split the bill?
And I was like, oh, I would never let you you know, pick up. I invited you to the date. I won't pay for the date. But the fact that she was so concerned not to look like she expected the dinner or that I should think she skipped out to the bathroom while while you know, when the check came. You know, so I just that's that. That's not a Bronzino girl. That's a quality.
That's a.
Back Episode three or four.
As always, Brodie is right, three dollars for cheese, Get the fuck out of here.
He has principles. He ordered a hamburger, server tried to upsell. If he wanted a cheeseburger, he would have ordered it. He dodged a bullet and scary those lion nings.
Mushroom isn't helping your memory because when MJ from MJ said fuck door.
The Explorer, I had no idea what she was talking about.
Thank you.
That's right. Remember they may work.
Hey, brookeome boys, Jamie from Kleen's here, you guys would talking about the woman who got mad that her date wouldn't spend extra money for cheese for his burger. In my opinion, he dodged a bullet.
I wouldn't be surprised if she's one of these like bitchy bougie types and is very high maintenance, and when he wouldn't spend the extra money for cheese, she probably thought he was some cheap asshole who wouldn't take care of her high class needs or some bullshit.
Why didn't we jumping a conclusion. We don't know anything about this couple. We didn't know where the trajector the relationship would have gone. We're talking about a first date and we're just talking about whatever is in front of you. And these are the facts that were presented. And by the way, he wasn't upsold on the cheese. He he wanted the cheese. He asked about cheese.
No, no, no, the waitress said, would you want cheese on that burger?
That that's not enough. Cell.
That's actually the next obvious question because because you don't want a lot of times, a lot of times people want burgers with cheese.
It's a common thing.
It wasn't like you would you like this, accoutremont, would you like this uh special?
Uh special topic?
But it's common to ask for cheese or to no, no, I've never.
It's an upsell, huge upsell.
Then when he comes out with the burger, and then and then he realized, oh ship, I want a cheese on this burger. She was just anticipating and intercepting a potential problem.
Yeah, and excuse me, miss, would you like some caveats spread on your bronzino?
You know what she would have said?
Absolutely, Jamie from Queen's again, Hey scary.
Yes, you were saying a woman on TikTok dodge the bullet because her date wouldn't spend three dollars to get cheese.
Oh wait this MS burger.
Weren't you not long ago on this same podcast complaining that the gas station attendant didn't give you back like twenty eight cents and change he owed you? Or was that brody just doing an impression of you.
That's a valid different situation completely.
If I was on a first date with you and you would chinsey about the twenty eight cents the point I.
Would have gotten out of the car. I never saw you.
I was by myself. This was in front of somebody that you want to impress, and you're embarrassing yourself.
I would, by the way, same scenario me on a first date.
The overcharge Woul would never geez Nope, would never bring it up, wouldn't care because I'm on a date.
That's the difference. You actually helped me prove my own point.
I might have said no to the cheese, but then ordered a glass of wine or something, so it looked like I was still you know, but I'll be honest with you.
I said this still.
I said, it's all about the situation. I was alone in my car for that gas moment.
If I was on.
A date with that girl and she got offended about me not wanting to pay three dollars for cheese, I want her to leave. I'm okay with that because that's not who I want to hang out with.
You forgot to say fuck you, Priscilla, because you do not ever treat a customer like that, no matter what they call you. I worked in retail for five years and I dealt with some nasty ass people. I had a guy down the floor borrowing to me calling me a goddamn bitch, and I still did not say anything that derogatory.
That is bullshit. You should talk to the postmaster. I believe it is.
Fuck you, Priscilla, Thank you, thank you.
I'm feeling your anger at Priscilla I'm feeling Brodie's anger on this one.
I'm surprised you didn't report it, Brody, that's so unlike you. I did.
I called the post office the phone number they gave me, and it's a survey on a scale of one to five. How satisfied are you with this transaction? Okay, but there's no record of a transaction, so I couldn't do it.
Hey, broken boys, this is Maria from Union City. This message is actually for Brody. I think you've been contacted by other slices, but you need to listen to the Wednesday episode of The Big Show. Scary goes on about how he can't remember all the restaurants he's been to. He just can't remember. Oh my god, the Lion's main mushrooms are not worth that's proof right there, Wednesday episode, Love you guys Bye.
The reason why I say that it's more of a it's more of a cop out because on the Big Show there's a there's a clock ticking, and we really have to get to our points quicker, so you can't really sit there and marinate and start naming names of restaurants. Plus we're a national show and it's really difficult for me to sit there and talk about something super local unless I give it context. Believe me when I tell you it's in the best interest to just get the gist of a conversation and move on. That's what we do on the Big Show. But that's the difference between broadcasting and podcasting, where we could just embellish and sit here and marinate in the same joke.
For hours like we do.
What scary means is he didn't remember no bullshit, had no time to make a list.
That was a great show for New Jersey and I it is.
Wait who OKAYK from New Jersey and I look for the post office complaints because unfortunately I work here and it is the most backwards ass, fucked up, bullshit dystopian world if possible. Yep, there's like a one in a million chances the supervisors will do anything besides read it to Priscilla and make fun of you. They may tell you that they're going to do it, but they're not. It's it's a waste of time to put in any kind of complaint.
Unfortunately, Wow, all right, thank you, thank you. Love that hopeful in the world. She sounded like a first time talkbacker.
I think shell scary.
You cannot be serious saying that that boy was a red flag because he didn't want to, for whatever reason, pay three extra dollars to have cheese on his burger. That seriod. That girl is a red flag for walking out on the date over three dollars period. It's not like he told her she couldn't order whatever she wanted because he didn't want to pay for it.
He was gonna let her order.
He just opted to not have the cheeseburger.
Who care, Hey, Brooklyn Boys MJ from MJ three zero four about the restaurant with the girl. Yeah, she should have dumped him. I mean, you should just order what you want to eat. You should not ask how much the cheese was. Maybe if you were a family member or you know, you know, had a relationship with the girl for a long time, But not on the first day.
I think it's scary. Not on the first day.
Thank you.
Okay, this is me again.
I'm Jay.
The Yeah, the restaurant thing, I know, I repeated, we're still there. The reason why I'm saying it because.
I've got I mean, I'm old now, but I've gone out with people like that, and I stood with those people, and I'm nowhere in life. You know, you have to step up and do what's best for you. She's I don't think she's a bitch. I think she was good to pay the whole bill. Yes, I don't know if this is recording. It's me again because the thing didn't go through and well I didn't want that to be because it didn't make sense. Well I was saying anyway, Yeah, the girl did the right thing. I mean, you shouldn't ask how.
Much something is on the first date.
You should wait until you you know, have a good relationship or something.
Was extra all right.
I hope that was one part one of my homework. Okay, part two of the homework MJ from NJ. Yeah, I have a feeling about the tip that they made your food weight because they knew you didn't give a tip.
Try again, okay, and.
Then if it happened again and you know it's the no tip skip. Okay. I love you guys, guys, keep each other up.
On the ball.
You have a good one.
Bye, Love you the note tip skip episode three oh four. Here here's another comment from there.
I can't believe.
The dialogue that transpired inside that post office. You're sat you're not stringing bullet gonna be so crazy?
Who is yelling the sea word and in the post office?
Come on, really, I was actually kind of taking a pack by that as well. Yeah, it was a bit much, I agree.
Yeah, three zero four.
This is Nick from Washington State to talk about the lady with the fish and the whole fiasco as she, you know, blew it out of the proportion. I have to agree with David Brody. Nothing he asked about three dollars. If there's a charge or not of charge. It's gonna be the same guy when the future are gonna save money, So him and his wife will go to this nice vacation in Europe and stay for part episode.
Three zero four the bitch with a fish.
That's going to be the same guy who's going to find the best deal for his son and a good deal on her daughter's tap shoes and Leothard uniforms. So yeah, he's a good guy and he's simple. Simple people order burger and guess they simply and humbly ask her there's a up charge for cheese. He might have actually money to order anything on the menu. But he's just a very he's just very humble and almost like a like a common man, you know, like an everyday man.
And I think he's going to need that ship in his life.
I'm not saying she's a bad person. She could have had enough matureness in her and be a decent adult and just stick around for dinner and split the check. But you know she has to blow it out of the proportion post it and TikTok. Yeah, And I don't think she's gonna find her guy with a six figure job and six I know it's part for And if she would have any decency as a human being, she actually would have maybe asked polite to like, hey, are you of by any chance La doesn't tolerant because you know I have a pill for food like that, or you know I avoid her things as well. It could have been like a like a conversation start or something.
I don't know.
You don't need to be so so dramatic about it. And women like that, I don't think they necessarily will find the mister.
Right, all right, Okay, that's your opinion. I've already stated my case.
Yeah, that's a bunch of bull crap about the girls saying the guy didn't want to pay extra for cheat.
Oh boy, the guy don't want to pay extra for cheef he wanted.
She's the big walking flag that she actually went on TikTok or whatever the damn app is called and posted about, Oh he's a bad guy that he didn't want to pay three extra bucks. Yeah, he was trying to start up a conversation with her. So she's the giant flag, not him exactly.
She always like, you gotta pay for everything these days.
She could have said like, yeah, this one time I was at a coffee shop and they wanted to charge me for the milk in my coffee. Like she could have said something, but no, she's like, man I am, and then she skipped.
I wanted to talk about the Door of the Explorer. I was at a restaurant melting Pot in New Jersey. It was Crystal Eve where these these two couples were letting their kids run around and they nearly had pot oil.
Dumped on them.
They were screaming, causing a fuss.
Management kept asking calm down, but they never asked them to leave.
But on the way out, yeah, these two kids were they were still running around.
They nearly knocked they were I'm surprised they didn't get hurt or anything, and literally running around pot oil, all that.
Stuff, melting pot.
Finally, when we were leaving, my mom said something to them and they were offended, but they said somebody I can't remember.
It was a couple of years ago.
And then my sister turns around, flips in the bird shaking her ass, doing her fuck you dance as I like.
To call it.
I love stories of hope. This is fun, this is America, scary and brody.
Fernando from Colonia regarding this and Gonzero, Brody, you are definitely wrong. This guy's nitpicking about three dollars. The girl knows exactly what she's in for. It's a big, great flag. She knows that what in the future, he's going to be nippicking about everything.
And she's gonna be bronzinoing everything. Oh you bought me a camer I wanted Alexis.
Reggie here regarding the woman who walked out on the man because he didn't want to pay extra for cheese. I think you should have given him a second chance. I was on a day once with this guy and Yonkers, and he didn't want to pay for the dinner at all, which I thought was weird, But once we crawled out of the dumpster, he explained to me that dumpster diving behind a penny restaurant is free, and I mean it was decent, perfectly.
I gotta be honest. I thought it was Skyler calling, but I realized it's Reggie. It sounds like this is Skyler coming up next.
Hello Ariel from upstate.
Oh no, no, okay, she just left one and done there.
Hello Ariel from Upstate New York.
I've been sending talkback since Father's Day and they haven't been going through Brody.
Happy Father's Day. I hope you had a really good one.
And in regards to the guy who didn't want to buy a three dollars slice of cheese, good for him. Some people can't splurge. But maybe in a way he was trying to impress his date. But that was pretty shallow of her to just Ariel from Upstate New York. And that's kind of blame that she decided not to talk to him anymore and block him just because he didn't want to spend three dollars on a slice of cheese. Good for him, he's frugal. There's nothing wrong with that. Why can't you be frugal at a fancy restaurant? What's the issue with that security?
I don't know.
I Yesie, I thank you Ariel for that talk bag. And I don't know why they haven't been coming through, but those two came through loud and clear. We haven't been avoiding you, I promise.
I just googled.
Is bronzino Bronzino expensive? AI says yes. Bronzino, also known as Mediterranean sea bass. That's correct, can be expensive. Some say bronzino can cost around fifty dollars per pound for a whole fish, but that price doesn't account for parts of the fish that won't be eaten.
Blah blah blah blah blah.
It could range up the two hundred and twenty seven dollars for the film that yep.
Now, the bronzino, I'm talking about that little you see them in the supermarkets. They're like eight nine inches long and then most of that is just you know, bones and whatever the case, you get two like nice little filets out of it.
Considered one of the most expensive fish, is it really? Though it's a Mediterranean sea bass? Sea best is expensive?
I don't know, man, I think bougie, you don't think it's expensed over soul is more expensive and.
Bronzeno or dover soul. Dude, don't test me. Let's see by like is it like triple the price? Several?
Mainly, the bronzino is not the fish with then of sauce, the next Italian delicacy.
Okay, Hi, in regard to the date with the Bronzino, I think she should have said, let's feel Dutch. By her paying for the whole meal and talking about the cheese at the end, I think that was humiliating.
I think that was mean of her.
Okay, Obviously he didn't have a lot of money, and that's his fault, but he tried.
I really don't think he's splitting nickels on this stuff when he's in a restaurant like that. I don't think it's a money issue, just saying if it is a money issue, then I would have completely understood.
But there's I smell some bullshit here.
I normally agree with Brodie.
That's that time.
I gotta agree with scary.
The girl on the date was right.
She dodged the bullet. The guy made the whole thing with the cheese really weird.
And if you're going on a date, the first date, you go to somewhere you can afford whether you get.
The cheese or done.
Yes, I think she dodged the bullet.
I don't know.
Something was weird about that. Gotta go with.
So in the Brzeno gate fiasco, I agree careful that she's a bit do I she didn't have left?
Uh, him asking for cheese and not getting the cheese, it is kind of awkward, but maybe he had a budget. My guy on a budget. This bitch ordering the brazino he broken. It's always Bridian scared, so brody, a little bit of bad news. I did some research. I asked some people, mostly from the south West, grilled areas, and yep, if you skip the tip, they skipped your food.
Wow, food for thought, people, food for thought. He broken.
It's always Brodian scared, so scary. You asked Victora, explore a question and I answer you as a father of three kids hispanic, my guy know that doesn't happen in my household.
I gave them the talk.
Hey, you don't move from your seat, You don't speak unless you're spoken to you eat your food and you stay sitting unless we're going.
To McDonald's, Duckey Cheese, burger King and so on. They understand that this is not a playground.
Day. And because if you talk to the to the child right the first time, they know how to behave in a place like that. Shame on the parents, Shame on the restaurant.
Where's my shame belt? Thank you, Thank you. Juan Valdez. Welcome back, Welcome back to the podcast. All right, we got it. Just a couple more.
Hi broken boys story from Brooklyn here. In regards to that girl who got up and paid the check because the guy didn't want to pay three bring basil, I think she should actually go and dat the guy who drowned squirrels, I think they would be very happy together. And the guy who didn't want the cheese, he saved himself from a whole lot of trouble.
All right, Absolutely, Victoria.
From the Deep South, I wanted you to know that I generated vacation picker was actually correct. The one hundred miles of the Emerald Coast from the southern coast of Alabama across the Panhandle of Florida has the most beautiful beaches you'll ever find, And yes, there are some places that are bougie enough for you. Check out the Henderson Beach Resort in San Destin.
You won't be disappointed.
Thank you.
Destin sounds like to me, which is what your parents used to put on you when you were sick.
Right, when you're itchy? Right, DestinE was for like like when you had a rash? Is that what it was?
Yeah, sunburn? Maybe rash, ass rash and ass rash. When I hit Destined, I think at well, you.
Know, I gotta say a lot of people this past week told me that AI did me right, They did it did It's giving me some great places to go, awesome options to consider. I still haven't come to a final thought yet, although I am going to go to Jamaica for the second half of the U of my vacation, but I needed first half.
All right, how'd you pick Jamaica? You've been there before. I'm going to Sandals, oh right, right, right, right, right, yep. You told me that, Yes, it's gonna be fun, gonna be.
A lot of fun. All right.
Thank you for your feedback, Thank you for your talkbacks. Thank everybody for participt doing your homework. Everybody participated in in the home work are questions. Love it and I love hearing new voices too. If you're listening to this and you've never participated, I know there's a lot of you because we see how many people listen to these episodes. Yes, maybe consider fabulous people that agree with me. Love you very much, joining, joining us. All right, that's all we got, Brooklyn boys, see you later in the week.
That was enough love it reactions. This podcast all depends on you, baby,