Bobby talks about his spring trip to Paris and Vienna has entered his list of favorite cities. He also shares stories from Germany and the best food he had there that he wanted to make love to. He also shares why gas stations are awesome in Europe. Eddie wants Lunchbox to stop cursing around his kids. Bobby gives an update on his car that was hit by a propane tank recently and how his car was a hero in the situation. Bobby explains how he was getting scammed by Eddie over the break.
This is the Bobby Ball Show.
Okay, where do we start. I can talk a little bit about my vacation. I posted a lot of pictures, try to do one place at a time. But for Valentine's Day, for my wife, I got her trip, got us trip. A little bit of it. Two I had to do with the fact that one of the trips we tried to go on last year, we made it all over to the airport and then she got so sick we were not able to go on the trip at all. But we went to Paris, which is in France. Yes, yes, my second time to go there. It is it's tough to say this. It might have been a favorite city. Really, I know, it's awesome, it's it was a little cold, even in March. I didn't want to go on winter because winter. Winter hurts, and I don't want to be outside during winter. Winter, not even here. I want to be outside and I want to see you guys, and went to winter. I want to stay home like somettimes in spring too.
It's not nice.
It's it's awesome, it's clean, it's safe, it's massive. It might be the museums are crazy cool. I didn't even go we didn't go to a museum this time. Paras won't be my favorite city. So that and then we went to Germany because we just took a train because there's something to me that's like romantic, not like romance, like, oh, let's make out, nostalgic, not even well, not nostalgic because I haven't done it before, but like like like dreamy, like something that's fantasy land, like that version of it about taking a train across Europe, because I only heard people do that, like people would be like I studied overseas. I'm like, oh, been awesome to be a rich kid. And so we took a train and that kind of sucked. One part of it. I wasn't that the train wasn't cool. Well, only one part was. I I booked this thing, I took care of it all, and some of the stuff I didn't do that well, but overall some of it was great. Yeah. One of the train business class is better than first class.
How's that possible?
Exactly exactly just different, it's just flipped.
Don't know, that's confusing.
I feel like business class like if I were to think of it, it'd be like an airplane, like just three seat froze and that's it.
Well, but business class is first class now on airplanes, it doesn't matter. We took trains, some good, some bad. Went to Germany. Never been to Germany. I'm again, I want to just say this. I'm not kidding. I'm not for hyperbole for the purpose of it, So there's no purpose here. I had the absolute in Munich. I had the absolute best. It wasn't a hot dog and it wasn't a brought worst. It was some kind of in the middle sausage. I want to make love to it.
Oh, well, that's that's not good.
Probably not a good thing to say about that.
No, I want to be love to it, not have it make love to me. But it's a big difference, no big difference.
So I just feel.
Like I don't even like sauer krap And they didn't call it that, but I had it as they made it, but with mustard, and they put mustard. It was special. You ever see an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond where he goes to Italy and he is so like wound up and he can't enjoy anything, and he's just worried about like paying stuff and getting work done, and he stops and he has like a piece of pizza, like a little ice cream, and all of a sudden he's like and then like his like life opens up a little bit and he's like, man, I should just enjoy the that hot dog?
Was it white?
I don't know why does color matter?
Because I googled like Munich, no big long sausage.
No, no, that's not what you want that. I don't hit images, just don't d images whatever you do.
But instead a wise worst is a white sausage of a very specialty.
If you go to my Instagram, it's the one. It's like four back right now. It's the color of a hot dog, and it is probably two feet long. I'm not exaggerating. It was one of the greatest things I've ever eaten in my life. And I had high expectations because you're in Germany and you're like, I'm gonna eat it worst, so it's gonna probably be good. It's unbelievable. I just kept My wife's like, why do you keep shaking your head? Because I would eat it like I would do this watch, I'd take a bite. Why and she'd be like, why do you shake your head? I'm like, because I don't believe it. I just don't believe this. Yes, I'm not kidding a hot dog and I didn't call it anything. I did teach the lady English. Everywhere. Everybody knows English everywhere you go.
It's amazing.
It's like the universal language. Some accents aren't as good as others. Almost everybody learns English because they learn it in school and culture. There's a lot of English, sorry American culture musically over there. So I haven't really been anywhere where they don't know English. This trip nowhere previously a couple of places, but it was it was easy and quick, and some lady was like, what did you call the you put on public cup and I was like, lid lead mm hmm, lid lead, hm hmm, lid by not saying did exactly the same way that you're seeing it? Not really, but you sound like, hey, not a Russian and German. Not a lot of difference in the accent. I'm telling you. I probably did sound a little Russian, but but so so. We're in a place called Boden, Boden, and then we went Munich. Have I told you about this hot dog head? Yes, okay, move on.
Yeah, I'm still trying to figure out if it was a wise worst or a bockwurst.
If you go through that scroll maybe haven't I know?
I saw your post? No, here's it, so I know what to look for.
In the picture. No, but no, but I have a picture. I have a picture of other than that, I have a picture of lots of meats together. It doesn't matter. My point was it meant expectations, and nothing in my life meets expectations.
I think it does matter because how do we get you this experience again? Like? Can we bring that sausage to you?
Nah? I like to have local sausage?
Well I bet you could.
Yeah, Okay, Mike, Mike's pulled up? Is that on my take? Is that on my thing? Okay? It's called a large spezial brought worst sour Crachton ross deluilbu linge what oh lang not o lang? I guess that means large langes special brought worst sour crochton, rawsu weasel. Eight dollars, no, No, eight to fifty euro and euro is about ten, so it's going to cost about eighty five cents more so about nine dollars and thirty cents our dollars not as strong over there.
I can get these at Croker.
You can.
I'm going to whip you one up.
I don't know the same way, and it it was excellent. I had We went to one place on because even the gas stations are clean. Guys. I'm telling you as someone who hasn't traveled ever in their life until the last five or six or seven years, and I'm just stunned by everything that I thought was different. Gas stations are awesome in Europe. They have real food. Ye you have to pay like a dollar to go to the bathroom, so there is no dirty bathrooms. The bathrooms are spotless clean. There was this one place we went into in Germany that said American food lovers go this way, and it was a picture of that and it was and I didn't want American food, but I thought the sign was funny. I put posted on my Instagram and the place was called Miss Pepper and you can see it. And she has really blonde haired look American, but the rest of her is not American, Like she has really dark eyebrows. You can tell they just like did someone up for a photo shoot. But we did that, and then we went to Austria, which never been to Austria. Just no, Arnold Swartzenegger's from Austria is Oh, Vienna might be my favorite city.
It was just like that that quick Vienna with.
For you what do you doing?
What is there to like Austria? What is the like? What do you do?
So great question because as someone who has not traveled much, I can tell you my experience in traveling is the first time I go anywhere that's a city like a Paris or any of the places that I've been the first time you go, you just do the things that are close, and you do the things that are known as being a part of that city. Let's if you go to New York City. The first time, you probably go to Times Square, stro I go, maybe you see the Statue of Liberty. Driving in. I've never even been in the Statue of Liberty, so I've never I'd never done that. But you do maybe a Broadway play. So the first time, I just you just do the main stuff. We've been to Italy now a few times and this hasn't been analyced yet, probably still ninety nine percent, but we my wife and I have bought part of a domestic Italian basketball team, and so we're like almost, we're so close, I feel like I can announce it.
What is close? Do you mean?
Like you bought it but we've agreed to all the terms. They just oh, it just hasn't been closed yet, and if it doesn't, who cares details you?
Yeah? So wait, a basketball team in Italy or a basketball team here?
No basketball team in Italy a domestic Italy Italian basketball Okay? Yeah, and they're terrible.
That's pretty cool though, Oh so is it good to get in if they're terrible? Is this the time to buy? No?
Because when we bought they're pretty good, and they get they're terrible.
Oh what happened?
They probably we were coming, so they're like everybody run?
How do you even hear about that?
It's just so far, guys, I just wish it was closer.
Well, it's on my list of things to do Italy Paris.
I also have. I'm going to say this, there's Austria. There's a reason I talk about it on the main show. I don't like talking about it because I don't like out makes me feel. I struggle with talking about stuff like that because it's stuff I never got to do, and I have this association with people that got to do that where I was rich and I felt very less than because I couldn't do it, so I never thought it would be real. So now that I do get to do it, I don't like talking about it because I don't want people to feel like I felt when I would hear people talk about it and they would be like, oh, went to Europe, and I'm like inside, I'm like, man, that would be cool, but I would never be able to afford to do that. So if you're like, why did he talk about it on the show, that's why I struggle with that kind And I have some real fun stories and maybe I do a podcast about it, but I don't like out. It makes me feel to talk about that stuff, and that is an internal therapy type thing. But if you're going you didn't even talk about it on the main show, that's why. And also the main show, the listening is much more passive because we are live and it's a broadcast show, and people are listening to us that don't know us as well, and I feel like I can talk about things with layers and nuanced to you guys that are either watching right now on YouTube or whatever social media it is, or listening on podcasts because you do listen to us, and you do may not care, but you are somewhat invested or have knowledge of our lives. So that is why, And that may make no sense at all, but that is why I don't enjoy talking about it to people that don't understand my life and situation. Okay, does that make sense?
That was great, It's a great trip back to Can I talk about the trains for a second. Yeah, So did you do like overnight train?
I've tried. I've tried to get my wife to do that, Like I want to do a train we go overnight, and every time I try to find one, there's none of that. I'm just my knees are jammed up in a freaking chin and I'm like, oh, the trains are awesome. First of all, in the Northeast, even when we were in New Hampshire, which I didn't think was a real estate. This is how less traveled I've been. I didn't think New Hampshire was a real estate. Thought they just kind of made it up. And so went to New Hampshire. We took a train to Maine and literally, I know some of you Northeasterners are gonna go okay, dummy. But for us in the South, you walk to the train. And I grew up in Mountain bind Arket's all we had trains. That was a sawmill.
You don't get near those trains.
It's like a hobo train. Yeah, hobos would get on and take rides.
No, you sit in the train and if you get in like a you pay eighteen bucks and sit in first class or whatever class it is, and take the ride. It's like you're in an the back seat of a nice car, except you know, getting cars plenty of room, get your computer out, you work, you watch shows. Next thing you know, we ended up in Maine. We just got off the train. It was awesome. The fact that we don't have that here is not crazy because we never had it, but it blows my mind how much easier life is when you have public transportation that people aren't just peeing in. And so the Europe train we just I don't know, we just you just get on and go. The second was much easier. We did a two and a half hour one from I don't know wherever it was, went to Vienna, my favorite city.
They have mountains in Vienna.
Yep, they have mountains almost everywhere because the trains you drive through the countryside and you see everything. Yeah, that's cool.
Did you get to eat and like in the train, like they have those little.
Something that comes to take your order or something kind of oh, you go to the beverage class like, sure, we.
Got confused, we even got lost. You can look on my train if you go through my Instagram. One of my last ones. I didn't know what the tickets said it because it was all in foreign language, and so I took a picture of it and said, can you please help me? And it did. It told me what to do. Yeah, it says, so we're going from Salzburg Salzburg stakes No, I thought the same. Well yeah, Germany. Well here's the thing about that. Also there also there and there's no Vienna sausages, and there's a couple of things I know that I tried where I really wanted and we're.
Just idiots, Honestly, I didn't even know Vienna wasn't austri Where were you at Austria? I thought I would have said if we were doing easy trivia and been like, where's Vienna?
I think it was Salisbury?
Okay, Now I wanted to say.
Salisbury State, because I thought the same thing.
Where it is and what did you say, Salzburgsburg?
Yeah, very different, Yeah, but I thought the same thing. And also I looked for like local Vienna sausages, like we have nothing, Like, yes, they didn't. That's not a thing. So the whole ticket and you can go over look for the one that says Austria on it and it says group and falls and the hogg cancline and that's now that they said, and it says Vaughan, which I think is from Salisburg. Thought off, knock, we on. Everything is in German. We got Here's the thing about getting on one of these trains. It's not like an airplane where it's like okay, everybody, take your time. Train pulls up, get on or get lost and they leave you. And we were like, oh my god, oh my god, we got bags. We're trying to jump on, like we barely we were there. We didn't know, we're trying to get on. And so if you I wrote we were scared, see next frame and if you click over to the next frame, it goes from the ticket to the guy my chat Gibati going yes, I can interpret this for you. This is an Australian Federal Railways group ticket for two adults traveling from Salzburg to Vienna. Key details trainer and I had to do it all in English because I had no idea what was going on. But that's fun after it's over and you do it successfully and.
You ended up going to where you wanted to go.
Yes, And I'll do this before we take it a little mid roll here. I'm never going too mature to the level my wife would like me to mature, like to say that up front, Vienna is wi e n. In German, everything is ween or ween ween, but ween are like, there's there. Look at my Instagram there's like you said, it's w e I and ween. Yes. But but when it's described as doing things there like the type, it's all wiener. So we saw a book about Wiener cafes.
We saw a book Vienna cafes. Yes, yes, that's kind of funny.
Everything was. I could not stop laughing at all the Wiener things. And she's like, dude, how old are you. I'm like, it doesn't matter. This shows you. It will never stop. Everything's wiener. We'll come back, mideral and we shall return boom, okay, a couple of other things. Does Lunchbox always have to curse? Okay, Eddie go ahead, Yeah?
Does he always have to curse?
Especially so I don't.
By the way, I don't mind cursing. I don't. We don't do it in here. I don't do it in real.
I do. I have no from cursing. But it's where you're cursing. And I went to a sports bar. I brought my wife and my seventeen year old, and Lunchbox met us out there and I was like, it's totally cool, but my seventeen year old. I don't curse around my kids. I just don't. And has he heard bad words before?
Does he probably use him? Maybe he does with his friends, not in front of me. Lunchbox shows up?
If what is.
Wrong with that?
And team?
Where else did he do this recently? Oh? In the car with your other younger kid.
On the way to the CMA. Same deal? Like, what what makes him think he can just show up to our table where my kid is sitting and just start cursing all the time.
He's seventeen years old?
I mean, I mean he's not a child, but but like he's an adult.
That argument.
I'm not an adult.
That argument. I would hold a little more and a little more to it if you didn't do that around as eleven year old, the same exact thing that was more ray.
The last time of you the CMA. So, I mean, let's be real, so.
Trying to point me in that bar, but okay, go ahead.
But yeah, I'm like a seventeen year old. I mean, my dad cussed around me when I was seventeen, But you're not the dad if his well, but he didn't say anything.
Why didn't he say something?
Why did he say, hey, man, my kid's.
Here because he wants a bet on the air?
I don't know, y, Yeah, he didn't say anything, so I thought.
You do curse. Al It's weird because.
Especially when you're you're you're sitting there watching sports. I have no problems words flow out of you. By the way, I have no problem with curse. I have no problem with you're cursing all good. I don't even care.
Sound words are just sounds, and you can go six hours one direction and an airplane that sound does not mean the same thing. So you know, my whole sound is just a sound. It's the intent behind it. I will not walk you there because it's a stupid place to go. That being said, especially at a sports bar. That being said, as soon as you walk out of the door, all you have to launch Box's mouth is f ffff. Now I commend him for holding it in here because he has to.
He must be hard.
Yeah, it's probably like flexing a muscle the whole time. You can't just hold it. But he's probably like flexing muscle the whole time. He's not cursing, But you curse a lot. I mean, more than anybody I think I've ever met. Oh, thank you, not good or bad.
Yeah, I'm glad I'm number one.
Uh huh. I used to like, I used to like to curse.
It's fun.
Sometimes there's no better way to explain what you're saying with exactly or an emotion that too.
Or release, Oh, like the F word is real nice sometimes good like release like because I used to never I didn't cuss, and not because I was against it. It just I didn't cuss it. Oh my parents cussed my siblings that do. But like high school, college just wasn't my thing. So even as a young adult wasn't my thing. It wasn't until a few years ago that I started cussing, and I was like, what if I'm missing out right? It's good, but I don't do that, I respectfully like I taken my surroundings and if Eddie's kids are there, I'm not gonna like.
I'm just surprised that every how much he curses in the hallway, Like it's like and I know tomorrow be Tuesday, reviewesday and we'll talk about seventh. But there's for the two episodes of Severn, there's like one place that you walk through and you change into the severed part of you. It's like as soon as he walks through that doorway as I go, and all of a sudden, he's the other version of himself. Yeah, yeah, No, I love cursing. I haven't in probably five years now, but I'd only do it for no moral reason, because I don't think there's any morally wrong with it. I think it's again, I think it's a sound and if you want to walk there, we can. I won't, but I think that I just did it because I didn't want to rely on it when I was either writing jokes or writing books or I feel like it's a crutch that people can use when they have nothing else to say to add or be funny. I didn't want to do that. Some people use it wonderfully funny. I didn't have the ability to do that, so I didn't. But he did show up and he cursed too uncomfortably.
Yeah it's just a lot and loud too where the whole bar can hear it? You know, it's just it's And I wouldn't have really thought anything, because yeah, I did take my son there and it's a sports bar and it's okay, like people do curse, but the fact that Lunchbox would even talk to him and be like can you believe this?
Like what that's funny? And my son Award was like, okay, that's kind of funny. If he's right at the kid going can you fm believe this?
And my son's like a lunchbox curses a lot. I didn't didn't realize that.
Uh did you see the basketball coach that pulled the girl's ponytail?
No, I wasn't good.
No, oh my god, he was her coach.
Yeah, she grabs it from and again I think there is I'll play some audio of this, but I think there is a a a blurred boundary on coaching and leadership, and not everything that happens in the business world and the coaching world should go hand in it. It's all it's not the same, right, It's I don't think it's the same. I think there are some elements of it that are This was over the line. A hall of fame girls basketball coaching Upstate New York apologize Sunday after being fired over the weekend for violently yanking the ponytail of a star player and appearing to barret her following an emotional loss audio me.
Northfield girls basketball head coach Jim Zulo, a New York State basketball Hall of Famer, was fired late last night following a postgame incident with one of his own players. After Northfield's loss in the Class D championship game, Zulo was seen on the NFHS Network broadcast pulling the hair of senior Hayley Monroe as the team waited for the metal presentation. Monroe directed an expletive toward him after he instructed her to shake hands with the opposing team, which is what he says led to the incident.
It sounds like he's upset at her for being a bad sport. If I'm hearing this right, and I can understand being upset at a player, especially after a loss, tensions are high, you can't you can't do what he did. If I were to just amy, here's ahead. This is her head right here. He walks up and goes hmm and just jerks it back like that, like trying to get her attention. And maybe two, because he's a man and she's a woman. It feels different because if if my coach would have grabbed me by the back of my I don't think. Okay, I probably deserved.
It, and she said a bad word or something. I think that.
Lunchbox, you may know this. Better tell me if I misinterpreted the story. I read it twice. I think she's the star player, one of them. She was not happy that they lost. She didn't want to shake hands or had a problem with that. I don't know if it was because of what happened during the game. If she just mad. The coach was like, hey, we need to go shake hands. She's then kind of walking. He grabs a ponytail and say, hey, you come back here.
But she said something to That's what the report was.
Yes, but you can't really tell what it is because she's looking the other direction.
Audio did not come through on the video. Got it, but then another player has to step in between them.
You can't do it.
You can't do that. If that would have been a dude, you'd go probably can't do that.
But you're not getting probably coach by the face mask and throw.
It's like different though helmet, different helmet of your body.
And he has eighty one so old school. I mean that's pretty impressive. He's he he won, still coaching in high school basketball.
Fiery, he got fired.
He looks just angry and.
You know the lost.
No, I don't think he's just angry at the loss. I think he's angry at the sportsmanship. Yes, at their attitude after losing. I'm not making excuse for him. You can't do this time.
Yeah, No, I just think he has a he just I'm looking at old pictures of him from he's like, very angry looking.
Well, basketball coaches have to yell a lot at refs.
I don't know enough about him. I just saw the video and thought this is what I would compare it to. It doesn't matter the situation. You can't do that, just like you're a superintendent. You can't get a lap dance from a kid. It doesn't matter the situation. If it doesn't matter, right, it doesn't matter. It just doesn't anything that's surrounding, and it doesn't and that sucks. So I mean that I can.
Bring that up. That lab dance and that thing at the Pepperrelly so stupid.
The more I think about it, crazy that they would even think that would be acceptable. It's just it's crazy. If he would have if he would have grabbed it by the back of our jersey and pulled her, he wouldn't have been fire and they'd been like, whoa no. But still there's there's a difference. You can't do you just can't do it.
Which one's worse. The hair poil is a lab dance.
Let me think about Let me think about this before just putting something out there. Let me think about this. Here. I'm probably gonna go hair pull It's physical and it's and there's anger involved. The lab dance is just lack of judgment. And yeah, just a lack of judgment with anger from the Oh my god. They're both terrible. I don't want to I don't want to rank them that's a good game.
That's a hard game.
Would you say.
At that? Uh, well, first of all, they take their clothes off.
I know, but I was dancing. He was in a chair.
Yeah, well was it?
But it wasn't like an wasn't a dude or.
Maybe it was a dude on the girls lap dancing to the teacher for the principal.
Yeah, but they were like a costume to right right, like a like a b like a See it would be worse if the principal was one lap dancing student.
I'm going to go with the hair pool. If you're making me too, me too.
I believe they were like it's.
A mascot and the mascot was dancing on the school administrator.
Oh and and the school administrator looks like he doesn't even want it. He's like, get away from me.
He always looks like on his lap dance dude, like I don't want that.
I mean in general, but.
It was a big b.
He maybe didn't want that.
Yeah, you wanted the costume of.
You know what, if you don't want that, you can get up if you really don't want to give me like hey stop, oh.
Wait no, then the then the administrator pretends to do it on the beach.
In that continues, I'm still picking the yes. Yes, okay, I have a lot of notes that I don't know what I wrote. Okay, okay, oh got it? This was this car almost hit person. Okay, so remember the story. My car was parked at the Rhyman. We were playing the million Dollar Show Eddie and I's charity show, and a tank, an air tank full of propane, flew off of a truck because it was so indy and nailed my car. There was a person that was standing right beside that, and she wrote me a message that had not hit my car, would hit her. Car is a hero.
Your car may not want to be called a hero, but your car.
Is a hero. I asked it. You want to be a hero. Yeah, I'm not hero.
No, your car you're a hero.
Do you want to hear the I thought I was being scamm thing.
Yeah, I am the bizarre.
I am in Vienna, Austria, which is a weird thing to say.
But what time was it? Do you remember? Like what kind of time of day?
Late at night? Because I get an email that is I just want to pull it up. It was it was for sure, scam. It's one of those where you get where it's like someone I got one for some from coin Base cause I used to have a coin Base, the app where you could just like buy crypto or stocks, and I got off that one a long time ago, took all the money out of it, put it on robin hood. I don't use coin Base anymore, but didn't they if what happens is when a lot of those emails go up in the dark web, they can use them an email that's they have those email accounts, so send mass emails out. They go, Someone's got onto your account even though they haven't, but since they know you have a coin base account, you'll click it and then they have your stuff, right, That's kind of how that works. So I got a coiny base one and I was like, okay, turns out I realized, don't use coin Base, don't click it. Got a Top Golf one. Now, who doesn't love top Golf exactly? Everybody loves Top Golf in some form.
It's fun.
Eddie's birthday was last week twenty first, I believe, and I don't know much about days. On a Friday, twenty first, Yeah, your's eighteenth. Yeah, awesome, so right now and being it it's like six p six pm, so it was late, and it's like, hey, Top Golf, it's just in your name has just been activated. And I'm like, I'm not following for this, what the crap? And then it says your name's on your Yeah, okay, it says Eddie Garcia and I'm like, oh, they must know I've spent something on Eddie before. And it says three hundred dollars is taken out of your account from Eddie Garcia. And I told, hey, I'm being I gotta get on life log because.
I'm or Eddie's deal in front of me.
I don't know what's going on, and she's like what. So I send a text to my assistant and I say, because it was Eddie's birthday, let me find it. I say, with a picture of the email, I say, did this happen to be you that sent this? If so, thank you for sending this gift to Eddie. Awesome, she writes, typically I would, but no, I did not do this. And I'm like, oh my god.
The confusion around this is amazing.
This is the thing I got from Top Golf. Hello, Bobby. It's officially a gift Eddie Garcia has viewed the three hundred dollars three hundred dollars USD Top Golf E gift card and here's your order number. And then it says from Bobby, if you have any questions, click here, and I'm like, there's no way. They just and and they use Eddie and then I read on and it says you sent this E gift card yes, March twenty first, twenty twenty two. What happened is I said, Eddie a three hundred dollars gift card on his birthday three years ago. He never opened it was reminded he even had it, opens it and goes to Top Golf.
It's pretty amazing because I got an email from Top Golf on my birthday that said, happy birthday. You know you still have a gift card from three years ago that you have not had.
He spent three hundred dollars three years ago. He never used it.
That's amazing that they sent you a reminder. Usually a company doesn't want you to spend it reed.
I thought that was so cool.
He would want you to never use that money. So they just made three hundred dollars.
Profit, or they want you to get there a lot more money because you will use the card to eat food. Oh, it's already been spent thinking about every day. It's not full as regardless.
So I woke up and I was like, honey, we're going to top golf. I guess I had this gift card.
For three Yes, I had this gift card. Yeah, I spent three hundred dollars three years ago. He never even opened it.
But that must have been around COVID time, probably like a lot of crazy five years ago, five years ago, years.
Two, we're still dealing with No, man, don't me.
With who knows? Man.
I don't think two was any afterma. I think we were full blown back in it.
So I forever, I'm like, I'm being hacked. And it's like I bought him a gift for three hundred dollars three years ago, he never even opened it. What would your emotions have been?
Well, do you want me to talk about my gift to you that you haven't?
And after you do that, Amy, I'm talking about my gift.
I said, we talk about it later, So I'm not going to bring it up.
We can't bring it up. But opened you thought I was getting hacked. There's and I can tell you the difference in mind in yours. There's a big one. I feel really guilty about you spending thousands. You don't have to, I know, but I do. That's what I said. There's guilt associated with that. So there's no guilt. He just forgot.
It was a pleasant surprise, I believe I had.
I don't think it matters when you spend the gift people.
He didn't even.
Open it back.
And how does that make Bobby had to activate it?
How does that make you feel, you know, not worthy?
He's just he's just feeding the flame, like Bobby said.
Was first. I was happy I wasn't hacked, if I'm being honest, because I thought for sure I was.
Hacked and somebody there were several emotions.
Yeah, a STEU is a stew of emotions.
But what gift card tells the giver, like oh, they finally used it to three years later?
That's at d too off a little rude, like shut up golf.
Yeah, while you're doing that, I sold you a.
Yeah that part is weird.
I'm happy. I'm happy you used it.
That was awesome, dude, Yes, all three hundred dollars of it.
I'm happy that.
Usual three hundred.
Oh yeah, we go for three hours. I got four beers yep, and I have kids, Oh forgot about that, got nachos.
Taking four kids, a wife, yourself to do anything these days?
You know how much life you would always ask for free stuff?
You know how much lunch was a drive through from my whole family. It's gone up. It was seventy dollars man.
Like at a specifically not not talking about like no, no, like it was like a Chick fil a, got seventy dollars for six people. But think about yeah, yeah, I hear you, but think about six people, twelve bucks, eleven bucks a person.
You know, I get I know how it adds up, but that always gives me an opportunity to be like, but.
I just I get it.
Thank you from anyone in the car.
Police, I hear you.
I just want to listen, you know. Yeah, I love it that you're not going through with just you and your wife and one kid. I know, like it's full Swiss down me. Robinson bro Eddie.
You should start just looking around. Don't say anything, Just start to act like you're looking for something and be like look in the console or if you're at home, start looking in the cabinets, and they're like they're gonna be like, what are you looking for? And be like, I feel like I'm looking for thank you.
Anyone's seen any appreciation around your Yeah.
And then and then anytime they see you start to look like, they'll be like, oh, we should think mom, she's looking for it something that's funny.
Yeah, I don't know that. One means I wrote some stuff down and I don't know what it means. Okay, a couple. Oh, and you can go with your thing. Go ahead, take shots, some shots if you need.
I don't have shots at all because I don't really feel like I understand. I guess I was curious about what thoughts I was supposed to have about that, because I mean, I don't even remember the year it was before COVID. I think I'm.
Sure it was that I got you. Do you understand my my what my emotions are attached to it?
So if you don't mind explaining, if feel comfortable, would you explain what you gifted me years ago? Okay?
So I feel like, well, there was like sleep and there's anxiety, there's different things going on in your brain. And I heard somebody talking about this specifically Amy Grant and what it had done for her brain and the healing. And so I called the clinic and I got you a gift card to there, and it's they said you should at least do five sessions or it won't really So I was like, well, I don't want to just get in one or two because it's like, oh, there's one or two and then you have to figure out the rest. So I just went ahead and got the five pack and then you're supposed to go in and get it and I'll but they didn't actually have like gift cards, so then I had to print something out for you. So I printed it out and put it like as a gift because they didn't make them, but everything was on file, like if you were to go there, they would have for your info.
So can I tell you My thought was, especially initially, was it's very kind too, what kind of weird? No, I don't care about that. Yeah, I see the stuff I doing. I'm alone.
I don't want to see that.
It's like a neurofeedback type of thing, which which is great because I've had issues that we haven't really talked about on the show.
I thought there was a there was potential that you were going to pay for it as I went, and I knew what that cost, and I did not want you to incur that cost. So I wasn't for sure if you'd paid for it all ahead of time or if I went every time that I went, it was you having to pay money. And I don't like people to pay for me for stuff because that's this stupid, rooted trauma that is stupid and em But that's where that came from. And I'm like, I'm not making her pay for this. It's super nice of her to think of that, but there's no chance I'm going and making her spend money on this because I know of what she paid for it. That that is where that comes from, not because I forgot about it like stupid talk. Oh yeah, So the question is have you already paid for it, because that would be that would be if you have paid for it, then that I'm a bad person because you paid for it and I haven't used it. If you haven't paid for it and you're paying as I go, some of my initial feelings still remain. So where are you?
This was so long ago, I don't remember, but yeah, I'm in consider it paid for it.
I can't not consider.
It's with my credit card, So I don't know.
Wasn't it for each session then they charge it?
I bought the five pack. When you buy a five pack, you buy the five pack. It wasn't like I was. You know they were gonna charge it. Every time you showed up, you get the five pack, and then it just there's five and when you go then there's four.
I want to charge you every time.
No, I bought the five packages. I know the total, and you.
Just figure that out. Can you can you get some directly?
Let me even see if this flas is still open years?
Did I even knows? I never forgot about it. I just did not want her to incur a cost.
Or maybe you just don't believe in the whatever.
No, no, no, not that at all. I do because I have other friends that have that have done it, gone through it.
I have a question. Did you ever find the gift card I got to for Uber Eats?
What was that? I he tells that story. I don't know.
I got him one hundred dollars gift card for Uber Eats because I thought, like, what's a gift card that he would really use? He loves uber eats.
Yeah, so they do.
Okay, I didn't lose it. I'm pretty sure somebody stole it.
Oh in your house. Oh there's a thief in your house.
What I did? So you buy a packet a package. The first five sessions are part of the package, and that's what I paid for. And then should you choose to go back for tune up sessions, that would be on you.
But I got the you already paid for the other ones.
Well, I'm just looking at how it comes on the website and I know the total, and that's the total for the five pack. Is so I know I got the five pack.
Can you call if there's still it's still valid, If it's still valid in the next few weeks, okay, well they're still open.
That's good.
So so it says here economy right now, inflation.
Yeah, and it's not far egg like say stuff. It's in a part of town that you know buzzwords. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's in a part of town you frequently.
You say, Tesla toilet paper said Tesla, you know what I mean.
Uh, if you'll let me know and it's already paid for, I will go within the month.
Yes, it's going to be paid for if they don't still have your name on file.
If they say it expired, Amy, would you pay for another five pound?
I'm gonna be like, how would this expire if nobody used it and you took because.
You tell them, well, maybe on there it has a date expiration.
They didn't give me a date because I had to print my own gift.
That's for shit. That's also why I thought it was kind of like her.
No, because they didn't. I don't think that. I don't think they had ever had somebody want to buy this as a Christmas present for somebody. Most people will go there voluntarily. And I was like, hey, you.
Need to.
Right. If you will find that out for me, I would graciously use it perfect, but not I will say no more, thank you and out and the end cool and we have my wife keep you our present yet you haven't seen her yet?
No, because we just you know, I don't know, okay.
Then I will also say no more about that.
Okay, because yeah, y'all were gone.
Thank you for the top golf though, dude, hey hold on a second, let me call me back in twenty twenty two and let that person know.
Ray voicemail number five.
Please, Hey Bobby, I expect a great show this come and week you're raising backs beat number two. Can't wait to hear y'all live again this week. I hope you all had a great vacation.
If you look at my Instagram story or no, no, my Instagram page and my feed. I had to watch games at two in the morning, two thirty in the morning.
That's tough.
It's terrible because I also wanted to be a good husband and like go look at stuff with my wife. The Arkansas Kansas game didn't wasn't over till two thirty three am, so it was up watching it on a phone going through a VPN. You can't watch YouTube, TV or anything over there because it's out of the country. Nothing, So I had to go and find like a bootleg version of somebody showing it on TikTok. It's terrible, and they they like move the camera and I'm only looking at half the TV, or like move their phone so I don't have it on TV over there, no, which is crazy.
Almost dude, Yeah, that's what I thought.
Like we watched soccer here from another country. That's a great point on the game of March maddness.
Okay, I don't know the answer to that, but I do know they have like three English channels. There's like Seeing an International, which there's none of the opinion shows on that. It's literally just international news. It's not even seeing in that we get, but it's an English. There's almost no English television. If you were to log into your I could get Netflix. But I get Netflix for whatever country I'm in. It's eighty percent of the same. But there's some stuff though that's a bit different. You know what I started last night, Morgan was Daredevil. Oh yeah, so it was all tired, still a little tired from the trip because the times are all off. I did not realize it was a continuation.
From the original series.
Not a reboot, not all new. It is a continuation from the Netflix series a few years later now just on same actors and everything.
Yes, and they even have some continuation from other shows that have blended into it.
Really, Ben Afflick, he was now that was a movie kind of panned and I actually didn't mind the movie. But but no, I really liked it on Netflix, and I was worn on Disney. Plus I want to be as gritty and I fell asleep three quarters away in except so tired. But I liked it. It's gritty, like there's blood and stuff.
Yeah, it's gritty, it's dark.
I'm all caught up on all the newest episodes, like I've been watching it each night at premiere is No, it's weekly, Yeah, it's weekly.
How many arel I think there's three episodes out now?
This week is the fourth worst.
I hate it. I'm stuck like that with a White Lotus man, like week two weeks.
About White Lotus. Hold say nothing, say nothing, Hold on.
I should say nothing nothing, say nothing.
So I've never seen an episode White Lotus.
Well, yeah, wait, I know what your question is.
No you don't, go ahead, then go for it, big boy.
You want to make it.
If you make a bet, you don't, big boy, let me let you finish. So I was on the plane and when you fly back, you only get like four episodes of things. They don't show you like whole seasons of things. So it's like White Lotus. So and you had told me that you can start on any season one, two or three and it doesn't matter because they're all different. So all they had was White Lotus season two. The first four episodes, and I watched White Lotus season two episode one, and that was that's the only one I watched. And I think I fell asleep or something. Is that Okay, Mike, have you watched it?
Because I feel like.
Yes, yes, Amy, So you're saying I watched White Lotus season two episode one, and that's all.
Oh no, you got to go back to that No No season one.
Everybody kept saying you can watch them all differently.
I think you can.
I have to rethink about this because initially I said, no you can. They're all different. But I think that season two, what I'm sensing could be connected.
So I should go back to season and go do Amy's brain fryer. Forget that episode, go to season one, go back to season.
Four, just.
Right now.
Well, I like White Lotus.
Yes, you would love it.
Fantastic because season one, No No. Season two episode one was Jennifer Coolidge and her assistants there. She's like, stay in the room. And then who's watched whiteloatus Maybe? Oh? Almost everybody? Morgan on you.
I've tried to start it and I haven't been able to get into it.
So don't don't keep on with season two. Just started season one. Yeah, so did that spoil anything? Did that first episode spoil anything? Okay?
No, No, I would say you don't need to, Like there is a theory that you don't have to watch them all, but there's like an overarching theme now that connects them. You're not gonna be lost watching season two without watching season one, but you get an understanding.
Of, like the shows, what it's all about.
Yeah, you want to know a show that you could do that with and you could jump around, but really you couldn't, but you actually could. Was Fargo the television show? Yeah, you could watch the seasons out of order, because we did because we started like one of but I think if you watched it in order, you would have enjoyed it thirteen percent more. But still we ended up watching it out of order because someone said it was awesome, like Fargo was awesome, unbelievably great in the movie we tried to watch and it seemed a bit dated.
It and it's so different than the TV Shyeah, it's not even the same.
The Fargo television show. Anybody watched that?
No, all of it?
All seasons? Yeah, no, I think I watched. I bounced around. I would start it and if I got interested, i'd do it. So I think I probably watched maybe three seasons, but I don't know how many.
Seasons are there, maybe five if I'm guessing, the John Ham season is when we jumped in first. It's unbelievable.
Is that good?
It's really good.
Yeah. I hate to say that, because nothing can live up to the hype of anyone saying something is unbelievably good. It doesn't matter. It's why I don't like saying things unbelievably good, because I don't people saying it to me. Then I watch it and I do really like it, and I'm so like, it wasn't unbelievably good, but it was good. So I don't like doing that. I'll just say I loved it and had really no expectation. And he plays such a great bad guy.
Yeah, in a lot of movies. I don't know a lot of shows. I guess that's what's the Landman? Is he a Landman?
I watched land Man?
Yet you need to watch that.
It's pretty good, man, It's really good.
It's we're just at a time where there's so many things happening.
But is land Man just, uh, what does that show. You guys all watch Yellow? Is it just the same thing?
Watch Yellow?
I don't know's I'm just wondering.
It's nothing like it just the country. I mean, you have some of the same actors because maybe the.
Same style, but it's not in the same story.
It's like about oil fields and oil.
Did you guys watch and basin Midland? Odessa?
Is it? My got it? She's like a comedian this like like knows that says the name of the town to get a bigger reaction. Now, how about you guys, said Odessa.
I love him and my dad lived there for traffic.
I of all those Taylor Sheridan shows, and I haven't seen Land. Man, I don't think Yellowstone can count because I started way a long time ago, and I'm biased on Yellowstone. But I think lions is the best show.
So good.
It's there's no cheese, and some of those shows they can get a little cheese. Lioness is, as I quote a wise man lunchbox f an awesome.
Really it really is.
And season one is good and you're like that's and then season two already exists and season two is even better.
I don't know if you can watch Landman though.
Now like I watched Landman as Lioness was happening, now that you've seen Lioness, that one just is such a It sets all of Taylor shared.
And stuff on like this really high level. And I don't know that Landman is going to do that for you.
I've just seen a lot of Tailor Sharedan shows. I like Taylor Shehardan shows. I haven't watched any of the other Yellowstone shows. I was told by a friend the nineteen twenty three is really good.
Mm hmm.
Taylor Sheridan did Sons of Anarchy, huh.
And he did the Prison Mary of Kingston, Kingstown. It's his world, man, I mean dominated, he's the white Tyler Perry like got something and everything and it's just killing it. But read me all of his.
Shows Yellowstone, Landman eighteen eighty three, Special Ops, Lioness, nineteen twenty three, Tulsa King.
King's Tulk has got a little bit of that had that soft cheese, but Tulsa King, I love.
It's the Cario.
Yeah, yeah, the movie, Wow, Tolsa King's awesome.
And the cheese you're talking about that's like dialogue cheese, right, Yes, you have like the lines like the one liners and yes.
Yes, dude, though it's never been to Tulsa before, give me a cheese steak any time that's not from here.
He wrote Hell or high Water that got an Academy Award nomination for the Vesioner.
Taylor Sheridan did not create Signs of Anarchy, but he was an actor in the show.
Oh, an actor?
What is hell? Can you give me?
My bad?
The whole, the whole Taylor Sheridan world again, Like he's crushing it. It's killing that is. I'm telling you that Lioness couldn't rave more about it? Okay, Like Zoe Saldanya, Oh so it's.
So good, Nicole Kidman's in there there, it's just and that's one season.
No too too.
But then they're all out.
Yellow Lawman mayor Kingstone.
Hey, Lawman is good, Tulsa king I stopped. Don't know why I stopped watching it. For some reason. I think another show came back on. The Lawman Bass reads and it starts with a big battle scene. He's a black sheriff. He's on True Story back in the eighteen hundred. That's a good one. That's a good one. Yeah, Okay, It's.
Like him and Shonda Rhymes are like the two leads of all TV shows that are good.
She's the other one that did all like that whole.
She kind of she kind of took a break, right.
I know.
I think she just started another one.
I think she got Shondaland I would need to know because I think him is like the new Tyler Perr, who's a billionaire. I need to know what Shanda Rymes does. Maybe I haven't watched enough of HERT show. Never watched Guys Anatomy, Private Practice, never seen it off the map, never heard of it.
Scandal, Scandal, get Away with Murder that.
Was good too for a while.
That was just ridiculous.
They cancel it, Uh, finally not get Away with It.
She was in charge of Bridgerton, that whole series that happened.
Yeah, I don't know.
Oh that's Anna del Yeah, got a lot of them.
Showed it to my father.
Remember she was the fake, No, she was.
She was because she was in jail, right she was. She acted like she was this heiress in New York and she got people to give her all this money or she would get things from me. And she was just like Taja to my father. I don't know if that's exactly right, but like what was no charging at her?
There was no fo like how they give me a voice? Moult too.
Good morning, studio. I'm giving a shout out to all of us that are fighting cancer. I am on my seventh month of fighting breast cancer and I have five four radiation treatments to go. This has been a really extremely painful journey for me because I'm allergic to all painkillers and so I can't take any painkillers. So for everybody out there that's fighting cancer, children, teens, adults, or warriors, We've got this. We can do this. So I'm sending my love and blessings out to you all.
Dang really sorry to hear that one that you're going through this now, but also being allergic to painkillers. I know somebody else who's allergic to pain killers. Obviously not they're not going through cancer, but that's a nightmare for them just in normal life. That sucks. I'm really sorry. I appreciate your call, and I think a lot of people will hear that that are also going through the same fight you are, and we'll appreciate you sending that because we appreciate you sending that, and we're not going through this fight right now, so uh, good luck with your journey. I'm very sorry to hear about the painkiller thing too. That's tough. I was crying about a ibuproblem FI fifteen minutes ago. I was like, spry minko, Abby, can you give me an iby prop? And you know what she did? Did she? She did quickly and I took and opened my mouth like she was going to feed them to me, and she was like uh uh. And I respected that about her.
Do you think you want to be fed?
No, not at all, but I thought it was funny because she brings in the pack. I did this, ah, and Abby goes huhuh, And I was like, at a girl, you tell you, tell me what's up.
We went over that in our therapy thing that Ben and I did with the kids recently, because they weren't nurtured being in an orphanage for those early years, they weren't nurtured in a way that like, you know, our moms maybe did uh with us. And they were like, I know this is going to maybe sound weird, but look for ways to I mean they're fourteen and seventeen now, but they're like look for ways to feed them.
Like, you can't play that way. Next time you to do that.
I do wonder if you were you know, because your mom had you, she was so young and you know involved another like maybe sometimes your your needs like that weren't met because she.
Oh yeah, for sure, I'm not atitor anymored a whole podcast.
Oh I know you're not. I'm not saying you're mad at her, but I'm saying.
I was though for a long time.
For relationships and trust and like your brain and knowing like I need something and this needs going to be met, like I'm hungry, like mirroring that, like when babies sometimes like giggle and then the parents like giggle back, like like I know, for my son, when he was dropped off at the orphanage, they said he barely moved, and that means like he just wasn't paid much attention to so they had to teach him how to roll over because he just didn't get that stimulation. And so anyway, I've been looking for ways to feed my kids. And it's kind of fun.
The airplane. One's fun you're in the airplane.
I know, But when they're fourteen they're like looking at me, They're like what are you doing? And I'm like, just come on. Or like my daughter needed medicine the other day and I tried to like do it and like look her in the eyes as I was doing it, and I'm like, come on, let this work. Build trust, build trust, build trust.
It's interesting that you bring that up because I talk about that a lot in therapy, not the airplane or the amy feeding me. But I don't have needs. Quote that's how I feel. That's what I say, but that's not really how I feel. Even though I think that's how I feel. I don't have needs, And it's a constant what are your needs? And be vulnerable enough to express them because I don't know them because I've never had to have them. I just figured it all out myself. There was never a need that I couldn't meet myself, never felt like a need. It was just a task. There's a difference to me. And then so I don't know how to express needs without feeling like a complete woos which is also a vulnerability thing. So if anybody wants to airplane me, I'd love it. And now I get mad at Abby for not putting.
That next time I get you a spoon, it's on a.
Give me a voicemail.
Three Bobby my Son is eleven years old and wants his first pair of Jordan's. He's willing to buy them, but he wants to buy the cheapest ones he can, just so he could have them. Should he pay a little bit more for a little better Jordan's or would the cheap ones be just as good? Thank you love the show.
I just would need more context to this. He's eleven, You're starting to be kind of cool at eleven, or at least there's an attempt to be kind of cool at eleven. There's the knowledge of what is kind of cool at eleven.
But I don't understand the difference between I didn't know there was like cheap Jordans and cheaper I mean, I know that there's like rare ones, but if you're eleven, like, well, you need.
To Okay, I'll give you an example here. I do have shoes on the table that we're giving away. Here. Let me see if I have these these so these here, these are these are size eleven in Jordan one retro highs. So this is a re release that had happened, so they look old, but they're obviously brand new. There's a strap that goes on the front, which didn't they don't. They didn't make these in the later ones because it's so old school eighties that they didn't remake this strap. They released these in twenty twenty, and if you're gonna buy regular Jordan one, you can probably get some for one hundred and ten bucks. These were about three fifty four hundred and so if you're a shoe person, you probably notice the comp is going to be bags. With women. You don't have a nice bag gaming to impress guys. You have a nice bag because you want to impress women. Guys wear shoes. Impress is a weird word. But I have shoes because I love shoes. Didn't have shoes nice shoes as the kids. I'm obsessed with them now. And my favorite thing is someone was like, dude, nice, those are awesome shoes. I give you an example. We were in another country. I don't know which one all blur together. It's Austria. So we're in Austria and there's a a memorial there because Hitler crushed Austria terribly, terribly, and there's a there's a Jewish memorial there and in that memorial, underneath the memorial a lot of and I don't want to mess up numbers. I'm just not going to say numbers at all. A lot of Jewish people were killed and placed where this memorial is. Well, they were their first memorial, second right, and there was a group of I would say, forty or fifty. Is this it, Mike, I'm not sure, but this is the one that comes up. I think, yeah, I think so this. I may say this on the show. Wall of Names. Memorial and Being in Austria commemorates the sixty four thousand Jewish people from a murdered during the Holocaust, with the memorial consisting of a circle of stone walls that carry the names of every Austrian Jew who fell victim. So I'm not Jewish, but I definitely can take some time and respect everybody lost in alive. And so my wife are there, Yeah, that's it, Mic And so my wife are there and we're looking at it and there's a group of like and you're like, how's this going to be on shoes? But there's a group of like twenty twenty five Jewish kids, but they're dressed like what a Hasidic Jew in my mind, like modest Yahu would look like you have mones yah the Rabba on the rapper. But they're kids, so they don't have long beards or anything. And we're walking and my wife and I walk. It's another statue we're looking at. They're walking and they're talking and I can hear one of them talk about North Carolina basketball in Austria, and I'm like, oh, I think maybe there are some American kids. And one of them walks up and goes, hey, man, those pink Travis Scott's are sick. And I was like, thanks, dude. Did not expect that in Austria. So even in that time, I was like dangn Like I'm a shoe guy at the one place that did not expect anybody to notice my shoes. I was still like, yoh man, that's all. It made me feel good because the shoes why I wear nice shoes, Well, I like shoes to get there. So that's the difference. If it were a generic Jordan, no one would have said anything, but the Travis Scotts.
If you're eleven, but that's what.
I'm saying, you're starting to be cool enough to understand what's cool and what's not. So if I'm this dad, what size is he? Call this guy back? I need him right now, get I want tomorrow. Let me talk to him. I would say, let the kid do what he wants to do if he has his own money. At first, Ray played that one more time. It's only twenty seconds, and then win with this.
Bobby, my son is eleven years old and wants his first pair of Jordan's. He's willing to buy them, but he wants to buy the cheapest ones he can just so he could have them. Should he pay a little bit more for a little better Jordans? Or would the cheap ones be just as good? Thank you love to show.
He's eleven, he's got to start to learn and spend his own money on things like this. So I would let him buy his own. But you could as a dad, if you love shoes and you wanted to have better shoes, I would do this. I would say, Okay, you have ten dollars. I know he has more than that. You have ten dollars for these shoes? You know to do Jordan's. Anything you make past the ten dollars, I will match and you can buy you some better ones. If you want to make another fifty bucks, I'll give fifty. You have another hundred to get nicer Jordans if you want nice ones, but give him the option. But let him if you're gonna let him. That's all.
It's good.
But i'd like to talk to him. It's good, Bef. That's cool. Tomorrow.
Yeah, I'll try to find some number for you.
Okay, thanks, no problem. I still have these shoes to give away. It's crazy to me that those white shoes were one thousand dollars. I didn't pay I didn't pay for them, Alexanders, and.
They look like brand brand brand new.
Yeah, those are those would be television shoes that they're like, here's your budget of third eight hundred dollars for your outfit, and anything you don't spend we're keeping. So it's like, okay, well, let's just go and find the most expensive freaking thing you can find. Say no more, and then I'll just give it away when I'm done with it. But for those you've gotta you know, there's.
A and where'd you wear those?
I wore them a couple of times.
American idols like yeah, because they're.
Like they're like casual expensive, the jewels. What's the piano player who's gay? No, no before him? Liberai, thank you. They're a little Liberati on the back.
But these are Alexander mc queens. That's a very expensive shoot. I'm happy to give them away to somebody. We'll play a game or something. But shoes are a whole different world. Man. That's it. I think we're done. I didn't even get to the city they found nderneath the pyramid they found out that. Did you guys see that anybody? Yes, it's a if.
If true like city functioning now it's.
It'll be the greatest most ground breaking historical, societal, technological find in the history of our universe. Underneath the greatest pyramid they have found these. I think it's eight cylindrical with coils around it and functioning where they think it could have been taking power from the earth and producing meaning meaning yes, meaning they had power and they had technology that even we didn't have. Then you guys were on TikTok marks, eight vertically aligned cylindrical structures arranged in two parallel rows from north to south. It goes down half a mile underground underneath the pyramid. Vertical shafts over two thousand feet connected to pathways, could have been a full underground cities, could have question unbelievable.
Could this have been a World War two?
No, this is thousands of years ago.
Okay, because the Germans occupied Egypt, and I don't know.
This is underneath the pyramids. Had to be built before the pyramids were built, okay, and probably when the pyramids are like they're two, they're just for dead people. No, probably with some sort of mass energy producer down there that they had figured it's wild still hasn't been peer reviewed yet, and they found it with thermo thermal. Yeah. Yeah, anyway, you guys don't spent two hours on that like I did.
No, But now that you've said it, I'm sure our algorithm is gonna pull it up.
Now. One other thing I can't. I can't bring it up yet. What, Mike, I shouldn't bring this up yet? Right? We take it like this word and I wouldn't be specific about it, but I should still hold off because of timing. Okay, I can't. I was gonna do it today, but the timing's too too close that it will tip it off even though it's a secret. Yeah, that's it. Thank you all. I promise you you'll so tomorrow. No, but I promise you you'll also not thank me when I tell you, okay, so.
We won't find out. We also won't thank you.
That's correct.
There will be some closure, so we'll know without not knowing.
It's about knowing what it really was, trust me.
So we'll never know.
No, I think we're gonna know, and we won't even know that telling us, and we're not going to thank him, or we are.
He won't What is it?
We won't thank you?
He said, we won't thank him.
I'm confused.
Some gratitude he was looking for it?
Yeah, appreciation losers, thank you, that's what you were doing.
Yeah, all right, we're done.
We're done. Thank you. I hope you guys have a good day and we will see you tomorrow. By everybody,