Hour 3 - Gallo's Humor

Published Mar 17, 2025, 10:01 AM

Ben Maller talks about Joey Gallo getting fired by the White Sox and then saying he will be converting to a pitcher, Shohei Ohtani getting voted as MLB's best player followed by Bobby Witt Jr, THEN Aaron Judge, Insta-Advice Line, and more!

It's the luck of the Irish, and a hello to you on our numb birth three on the Saint Patrick's Day. Here an hour number three, we'll talk some baseball. Put into words what it means for Joey Gallo to be fired by the White Sox during spring training the former All Star. Also, how are things looking for Joey Gallo, who says he's going to become a pitcher. We'll take a look at that. Also, sho hey Otani was voted Baseball's top player by other players. He beat out Royal's young star Bobby Witt Junior, followed by Aaron Judge. Yankee fans upset that the reigning American League MVP finished third on the list. Do they have a beef? We'll discuss that and more right now here. It is our number three. Some gallows humor if you will, or Gallo humor. Welcome in the beginning of another hour of the Benmlor Show. We are in the air everywhere, cheek to cheek as we set off the trip wire coast to coast, border, the border and beyond. On the mast and bodaciously powerful microphones of FSR amminating live from the chronicles the chat chronicles. We're broadcasting live from the Tirac dot Com studios tyract dot Com. We'll help you get there an unmatched selection, fast, free shipping, free road hazard protection, and over ten thousand recommended in stars and Oh Slim, Tim the Cheesehead, there's ten thousand slices of cheese a year. He loves that. Tire ract dot Com The Way Tire Buying Show. I'd be coming up later this hour for your audio needs. We will have coming up in a little bit. We'll have the Insta Advice line. Also, the doll A Riddle of the Day will be coming up a little bit later next hour. It is on like don't get on the Rudge Match of the Year, Loreina the FSR Tech Queen versus the Leprechaun. It's gotta happen in Saint Patty's Day. You gotta celebrate Saint Patty's Day. You gotta have a leprechaun on. You think Colin Coward as a leprechaun that calls this show, No, we got a leprechaun, a real leprechaun, and the leprecaun will be calling up and it's almost as perfect as could be for Saint Patty's Day? Play are you smarter than the FSR tech Queen? They'll be coming up next hour. When I think of Saint Patty's Day, I think eleprechauns. I think of the green Chicago River that they die green every year. I think of that. Those are the things I think of when I think in green, just green in general. All right, anyway, so our lead this hour, get get to the point. Please, will you please get to the point. So our lead this hour is from baseball. We are just really hours away. You think about it, the opening of the baseball season. The Doyers tomorrow, right tomorrow is the opening day tomorrow. Tomorrow morning, when we get done with our overnight show, the Dodgers and the Cubs will say playball, and it is on. And so we're getting close. I saw Mooki Betts as the creeping crud. I wonder if there's more to that story about Mookie. You're not gonna be able to play through all the way into Japan. Some kind of illness. Normally, if you're under the weather, if it's a if it's your typical illness, they just give you an IV and you're able to play. But that sounds like, that's not going to happen, and Mookie's not going to play in either one of the two regular season games in Japan. But that's a different conversation. So the story that got my attention is about a falling All star in professional baseball. As you might have seen this over the weekend, but maybe not. You got to be pretty much a baseball hard o to know about this. A two time All Star was fired over the weekend. Joey Gallo, one of the great names in baseball, wonderful watch in batting practice, one of the great five to thirty hitters, we call him and during batting practice to go out there early, and this guy's just hitting bombs all over the place. So Joey Gallo was given the old pink slip by the Chicago White Sox. Joey Gallo was on a minor league contract, which is pretty much, hey, you've got all star experience, we'll give you a minor league deal, but you'll make the roster. He couldn't make the roster. Gallo had twenty at bats. He was batting one hundred two for twenty in the Cactus League, and the Chicago American League Baseball team said you know what you've done. He struck out eleven times, so over fifty percent of the time Gallo struck out. And after the White Sox announced that they had fired, they had decommissioned Joey Gallo. Then Gallo I went on the social media. You see what he said on there. No, Joey Gallo went on social media and said that he has done as a position player. Gallo indicated that he is going to become a pitcher. That Gallo will attempt, at age thirty one to change course on his career and attempt to become a full time pitcher. So let us discuss as we unpack this particular story, put into words what it means for Joey Gallo to be fired by the White Sox. So I've got Milli Vanilli, Pony, and belly buttons. We'll combine all of these things together and we are going to make deep dish Chicago pizza, which Joey Gallo is going to have to travel to Chicago to eat because he's no longer playing for the Chicago White Sox. But my first thought here this is obviously rockbod. Imagine, if you will, like in my world, how I relate to this. If you're working at the lowest rated radio station in town and not even working like you had good ratings, and then the lowest rated radio station in town brought you in and said, hey, we want to have you on, but we want to have you on a trial period, and you weren't good enough to crack the lineup. That's Joey Gallup. I mean, my god, the White Sox. They're not a major league team. They're like a team from a movie, The Bad News Bears, if you know what I mean, My god, and a hodgepodge of nothingness. You look at the White Sox rotation, You're like, who's that guy? I didn't even know that guy was alive. Where'd that guy come from? That's the White Sox, all right. They got a bunch of has bins and never was a bunch of nobody's on that team. You've got the non achievers on one side of the locker room and the underachievers on the other. And that's White Sox baseball. And Joey Gallo couldn't even make that squad. How low can you go? And when you can't make the White Sox, you can't make the White Sox roster out of spring training after a biblically bad year a year ago. You are sitting at pork Chop Island. You are right there, right You're at a fork in the road, and you got to decide which direction you're gonna go. And Joey gal he had the name not the game. I had the name not to He briefly played for the Dodgers, like five minutes he was with the Dodgers, and I was excited. I was like, Wow, this guy's gonna hit moonshots. And he did during batting practice, and then when the game started, not so much. And the thing that stands out most about Gallo is this is one of those guys that was supposed to take off when they changed the rules. Remember that man Fraud Commissioner move where they got rid of the shift. They banned the shift, and Gallo was a guy that often just pulled the ball and hit the ball into the shift when he made contact. And so the banning of the shift by Major League Baseball was supposed to transform Joey Gallo. He was on the launching pad, he was going to take off. He you know, he'd made a couple of All Star teams to really get the full enjoyment out of watching this guy perform baseball. It was going to be once they got rid of the shift, he was going to become a rock star. And instead of becoming a rock star, how did that work out? Well, don't ask right. He was so bad you wanted a puke in his mouth, in your mouth, and his mouth and everyone's mouth. It was terrible. But he was so bad, He's say rock star, But it turned out he was really million veilly. He was his lip syncing the entire time in twenty oh three. What's my evidence? Let me give you my supporting evidence. So in twenty oh three, the first season after Major League Baseball got rid of the shift, Joey Gallo went out and batted a buck seventy seven and struck out over fifty percent of the time. So it doesn't matter whether they have the shift or not if you strike out fifty percent of the time. So he had one hundred and forty two strikeouts in two hundred and eighty two at bats. That was the first year. So well, maybe just one year he'll be better. He'll be okay. After a no, no, no no. So his average dropped in twenty oh four. How low can you go? He batt at a buck sixty one. So Gallo developed a hole in his ozone layer and so bad that he couldn't get a major league contract. He had to go to the Chicago White Sox, and the White Sox gave him an opportunity. And now he has been fired by the worst team in baseball. They have said we don't need you, we don't want you. Get out of here now turning the page. So how are things looking? He says. Gallo went on social media, Joy gallow says, I'm going to become a pitcher. He sent out a little video and I'm done playing the outfield and indicated that he's going to become a pitcher. So how are things looking? What's the outlook for Joey Gallo as a pitcher? Surprisingly better than Joey Gallo as a position player. In fact, I will give him on the malarads, I will give him a forty percent chance Joey Gallo forty percent chance of at least appearing in a major League baseball game as a pitcher. So if you look ahead, I'm never I'm never.


So Gallo goes out there as a relief pitcher. Now, some video clips were going around. Gallo's thirty one now, so he's in the tail end of his athletic prime. He's got, by my Malor math, he's got about four years to figure this thing out, and really one year to just throw away as a pitcher, and then the following year twenty twenty six, he's got to come back gangbusters. But there's some video of him in high school, which was a long time ago. Now he's thirty one, but Gallo in high school was thrown in the mid nineties. And typically when these guys come back as position players and then become pitchers, they usually have some kind of gimmick pitch. And I would love to see Joey Gallo take the Malord plan. He will become the most dominant pitcher in baseball history if he just takes the Malor advice. I've been advocating for this for years. So Joey Gal's a rather large human being. He's got a master the knuckleball, that fluttering, unhittable when it's right pitch, and Joey Gallop masters the knuckleball and throws that about eighty five ninety percent of the time. That pitch is typically about forty miles an hour, forty five fifty miles an hour. And then when you get two strikes on a battery, you rare back and throw ninety five miles an hour. You will lead baseball and strikeouts. You will dominate. You'll be unhittable. Now, they're not gonna be unhittable all the time because the knuckleball, there's sometimes the knuckleball doesn't flutter and all that. But man, that's the way you do it. And he can be the guy. But if you look at the big picture, this is a tale as old as time itself. Joey Gallo he wagered on the wrong pony. That pony was named Joey Gallo. And there's a story that not a lot of people are talking about. But when he was with the Texas Rangers, he was an All star a couple of times, and people thought, hey, it's pretty good, high upside Joey Gallop. Blah blah blah blah blah. So the Texas Rangers want to keep him. They offered Joey Gallo, if my math is correct here, they offered him a contract of eighty four million dollars in twenty oh one, they said, you know what, we like you. We'll pay you eighty four million. It could go all the way up to like one hundred million with bonuses and whatnot. And Scott Borrows and Joey Gallo got together and said, you know what, No, that's not enough money. So Gallo after twenty twenty one, the Rangers traded him to the Yankees, and since that year he has made about seventeen million. Now seven. If I made seventeen million, I'd never have to work again. I'd think I'm the richest guy in the world. And that's wonderful, and that's great. But when somebody offers you eighty five million essentially, and you say no, I don't want that on a better myself, and you've only made seventeen million, and now you're leaving the sport. No guarantee that Gallo comes back as a pitcher who goofed. I've got to know by my math, that means he's lost out on over sixty five million dollars that he could have made had he taken the contract. And he's made a fair amount of money in his career, so it's not like he's gonna ever after work again. But you left a lot of money on the table. You bet on yourself. We always hear about it when it works out. You don't hear about it as much when it doesn't work out. But Gallo was offered eighty four million by the Rangers. He said no, and ever since then he has corkscrewed himself into the ground almost every other bat. It's wild all right now. Final thought ahead of the start of the baseball season this week in Japan, the Dodgers and the Cubs show he oh Tani was given the NOD as the number one player in all of baseball, the best player, which means it's get us all the rest. But the Major League Baseball State, the news service the PROB the news service of the NFL, their online website, pulled the more than one hundred, more than one hundred players, number of topics, and the one that we're talking about right now is who is the top player in baseball heading into the year. The story is not so much that Otani was at the very top. It was that Bobby Witt Junior of the Kansas City Royals was number two. So he was at number two, and then the reigning American League MVP, Aaron Judge, was number three. He was number three, number three, followed by Mookie Betts of the Dodgers and Corey Seeger, former Dodger of the Rangers. So the controversy is that the Yankee fan base, there's a faction of Yankee fans who are up in arms that are annoyed that Aaron Judge finished third behind Bobby Witt Junior. Do they have a legitimate beef? All right? So after a minutes long Mallard deliberation, I have determined that they do not have a bit. This is nothing to work yourself into. Allow that it is subjective by nature. It is the opinion of people that often don't watch all of baseball. The people that play the game don't watch the game. They don't have time because they're playing the game. Kind Of like my look on sports radio. I don't listen to a lot of sports radio because I'm doing sports radio. So I would not be a good person to ask on who the top sports radio shows are because I do my own thing and then just keep my head down and stay away from everyone else. So it's the same concept for Major League Baseball players. And Aaron Judge is an offensive dynamo and it opinions are like belly buttons, right then, the any variety of belly buttons, because most of the belly buttons, if you don't take the proper care of them, that bacteria builds up and you get that belly button cheese and it smells. Right, that's like opinions. A lot of the opinions smell. And these things, again are subjective, not objective. It's a personal perspective and preference on what you like. But Aaron Judge is not a great defensive player, and I'm very happy he's not. Otherwise the Yankees might have come back and beaten the Dodgers in the World Series. But he screwed up in center field and he's the captain and he couldn't catch a routine ball in the outfield and that helped the implosion of the Yankees. And I thought it was great. I loved every second it was. It was wonder So way to go, all right, It is the Ben Maller Show. If you'd like to comment on any of that, you can join us right now and one line open now eight seven seven ninety nine on Fox. That's eight seven seven nine nine six six three sixty nine. Time out for the Mallor Riddle of the day. And here's the Mallard riddle of the day. With the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament about to begin, college basketball announcer Iron Eagle teasing fellow broadcaster commentator Bill Raftery about blank again. Longtime college basketball announcer Iron Eagle teasing the venerable commentator Bill Raffrey about blank. That is the Malor riddle of the day. The answer, We'll get to it and we will.

Do egg next.

Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Maler Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio.

App Bill Miller and you. It is the Ben Malor Show up all night, every single night. You can interact with the live show. Say a little Ben at Ben Maller. That's at Ben Mahler. Lorraine Ah, the FSR Tech Queen, Are you smarter than the FSR Tech Queen? Coming up next hour? And the Kooper Loop Ah, Bronco fan, that's a Bronco fan. Your comments can and will be used against you in the court of sports talk radio. And now back to gasbag Man. Well, that's one of my original nnames. But it's it's Ben, Bill, It's Ben, and we'll pay off the malriddle of the day, the Mallor Riddle of the day. We'll get to that coming up right now. Hey, reminder, like basketball, Tractor Supply knows that a winning season takes practice, teamwork, and a keen new attitude. It's our mantra here as well. Its Bracket Challenge season in the Fox Sports Radio Bracket Challenge is live. We'll do it live. Be sure to complete your bracket at Fox Sports Radio dot com right now. The winning bracket in the Fox Sports Radio Bracket Challenge will win a twenty five hundred dollars gift card a Tractor Supply, and a perfect bracket will win you one million dollars. Fill out your bracket now, and you have until Thursday morning before the games begin. Visit Foxsports Radio dot com to register, get all the rules, and to fill out your bracket. It's all sponsored by Tractor Supply for life out here in time to pay off the riddle of the day, College basketball announcer Iron Eagle teased longtime hoops commentator Bill Rafterdy about blank and that is the Mallard Riddle of the day. Let's see does anyone know the answer? It's here Mallard, prop guy says, Iron Eagle tease Rafferty for thinking that Gallo could be a picture of beer. Who else do we have? Let's see here getting a wake up call from the front desk at the hotel from late Night drug tester tease him for not wearing green today from mister Mason and Huntington Beach. Al Alf the Alien o'piner says about his inability to hold his alcohol guests by the Great Alf his mom from Donkey Sausage. Who else do we have? Page down? The measurement length of his boy parts from ferg Dog very specific? Who else do we have? Page down? Teasing him about his toe fungus from Lady Sideburns. King Rory says, cinnamon toast crunch Hershey kisses is the answer? DJ Spin in Sun Diego says his break dancing moves. Who else do we have? Eileen says, Joey Gallo as a pitcher is the answer? Inca Terror in Rochester, New York, going with his man boobs as the answer. Clip on ties from Ike and Rosewill Minnesota. J T the Wingman says, tease Bill raffery about his comb over, and that was what that was about. A lot of man boob comments by truck stop fungus. Who else do we have page down? I can't read that out? Shannon Moyes says, the answer to the Mallet riddle of the day is so difficult that even Gunner also can't figure it out, texting while being drunk guessed by Kyle. Who else? See Jay? Hey, by the way, CJ from the District back? It has been a while, but he is back from DC. We welcome you back. Who else do we have page down? I can't read that on the air. All right, larae No, it's the mallor riddle of the day.

Here we go, mal Yeah, I think he was teasing him about the length of his pants.

Been length of his pants? All right? Is that your final answer?


That is all right. You are wrong. Bad job by you. That is incorrect. You did not You win nothing. Go home now. Turns out at a long time long time college basketball announcer and NBA announcer Iron Eagle, Iron Eagle teasing Bill Rafterdy about still printing his boarding past. He still prints his boarding past Dinosaur. Well, if the Wi Fi goes down or something like that your phone battery. Does you have a hard copy of the.

You don't kill trees in this day and age?


We do.

We actually we need to kill more trees, actually living a lot of fires, a lot of fire paper.

Do you like the long paper or.

I do not like the all I feel I feel like you screw it up.

I feel like I was going to fold them, but I thought that looked No.

No, I feel I feel like there's like very long long there's very long paper here, like you see this, This is like that. I don't like it either. Make thought you did you screw up? Did you have too much weed? Or something like that? Did you mess up? Did you? Since I well, I don't know what you've been doing. But all I know is this is very large paper. It's a very it's hard to keep track of it with like there's paper everywhere where. No, there is, there's like lots of paper. And I thought you didn't want to kill trees, so I.

Didn't know untill after it was done.

It's like you're like rolling out one of those like pieces of parchment to announce the arrival of the king.

Oh here, ye oh man, I mean it's like so much like in the copies, only like this part right, this is like this like well no, no, no, it's all right that it's too late. Now we're past the midway point. What's your past halftime? You got to keep going. You can't change the rules of the game. And if you don't have the right team on the court. By the way, if you don't have the right team on the court, Express Employment Professionals can help from contract placements to full time hires. We've got you covered. Visit expresspros dot com today. What are you waiting for? Do it today, today, today, and let us handle your hiring so you can focus on growing your business. And that's again expresspros dot Com. H Now, I did an entire Mali monologue just about about Joey Gallo, and I did it for one person only, But I can't take the call right now because I have to take a guy cashing a golden ticket. Have you noticed that? Is that only one person using the golden tickets from the Benny one Like everyone that won got golden tickets, but only one person is actually using the golden tickets. And what is going on with that? Let's say a load of Jed who flay. I've got a golden tickets. I've got this better, this better be good because you're keeping my Joey Gallo caller on hold. Bad job by you.

It's three seventy something Central Standard time. Back to bag Benny Winters calling in in the air everywhere. When he goes to me in the reverse, last name, first man of it, Ben, he says, Yet, won't you try some normality?


You know I wouldn't like how that goes. I'd rather tweek him than track, hang up and then call right back. You don't believe me at scoop because he knows that I was talking about swinging and swinging the clubs. Dude, be this fad of that locker room trying to swing your club, Scott. I don't want to see you swing your club everywhere. It's an oversized driver or a sandwig.


Don't do that. You did a Tomorrow life for one person. Man, You've never done that for me again. You know it was good, it was worth that. Everybody knows that I hadn't heard the tone yet. I'm not going you're trying in to borrow.

That's you where I go.

Affininity. That's what he had a lot of afidentity.

He sticks about a.

Blind baseball team?

Does that gout a lie?

Or is that the Northeast in just liberal craziness?

Dude, a blind baseball team? How blind that did? What does that mean? What does that mean? They've been sponsored by blind dot com?

What is that?

Yeah, there's the hick of the mind?

Did in the field? What is that?

That is the blind in the field hit the ball? I don't know.

Go to your stupid ass dollar.

I loved his song. That was really good.

Enjoy that. You should have ended it after the song, like that would have been a fine call if it had been after the song. But then he didn't end it after the song, and then then yeah, all right, that's go now. Call of the night. We sail all to Stephen in North Dakota, the one Joey gallow call I could get. Hello, Stephen, this.

Is amazing, Ben Maller. I can't believe it. It's been like two years since I've talked to you. Steamen from North Dakota screaming speed.

Where have you been for the last couple of years?

I worked nice, I worked such weird hours. I farm and I have a factory job.

Yeah, you know, what about what about our show? Though? Yeah?

Once I listened for at least two hours, two hours almost while I come home from work and I showered.

How many animals do you have on your farm?

We have chickens, We have white and chickens, chickens, and we do vegetable farmers.

Are your vegetable farmers? Okay? And so did the chickens respond when you're out there screaming? Do the chickens like it?

When you're chickens love us? Man? Have the big family get together type thing? Yeah, got eggs and we butcher chickens and eat them, and we grow vegetables and eat them and sell them.

Yeah, how's farming? How's the farming business? Things? All right there?

The big farming business is pretty good. Yeah. My parents got out of farming years ago because we didn't have enough land.

Okay, you gotta have a lot of that now. What I like the whole egg thing. I know the price of eggs is starting to go down a little bit, Like you can you give us a farmer inside perspective? What was really going on with the eggs?

Well, you know, if they say it's waterfall, they say it's waterfall that causes his burke flue. That that that that, and we we are a small time. You know, there is a large egg company here, not that far away Forest River eggs. But it's the it's the waterfall that contaminate our in fact, the turkeys and the chickens, and that's what gives them the disease because a lot of them are in those chickens never see the light of day. Ours are partially open range in the winter.

No, no, you be dead chickens.


We got rid of Miguelson normal the twins did for Joey Galloll. Do you remember I do?

Yeah, And Miguelson tried to make you with the angels. They didn't work out for him with the angels either, but.

Yeah, and that's just crazy, you know. And then he was like Rob Deer. You remember who Robs Deer? Oh?

Yeah, because you're old, you're like mayas you have Rob Deer for those of us are on my age, was like that. He was the epitome of I'm going to hit a home runner strikeout and that's.

Yeah, I'll be fifty nine.

So yeah, there you go, all right, robbed here with the with the brew crew man back in the late eighties.

Yeah, Herby Pocket. Can't her back?

Yeah, Herbie, yeah, yeah, the Minnesota Twins, yeah, Herbie.

But anyway, there's a couple other things. It just seems crazy that an athletic director can be on a selection committee, and how many more athletic directors are on fleshing committee?

Is this kind of well I don't have the names, but this has been pretty regular. There's always a bunch of athletic directors now there.

And another thing I was dish honest with Coop. I really wanted to talk about university and North Dakota women's rowing.

Keey oh man, you knew that I wanted to talk about that too, didn't you? You knew that I told you? Did I not tell you? Lorena? I hope we can talk some rowing from North Dakota on the show. Yeah.

The Red River, the Great Red River of the North, the only river in North America that frost directly north into Lake Winnipeg.

Did you know that, Lorena y.

History Channel, Beloved Children.

That's right, man, You know there is educational this is educational.

Yeah, yes, And.

The rowing team. I was a substance or a helper to a helper to an assistant to assistant on the women's rowing team University of North Dakolina coop. And don't you know what those women are tough? They're strong.

Yeah. No, why that water is not warm, that's cold water.

No, no, that's so anyway, you know you said and want to be listening by the end of the show because of Joey yellating. But I'm listening.

There you go. We got you man and screaming. Stephen. Now you're the real streaming Stevie. You gotta gotta you gotta call me more than two years, all right, you gotta called me one too.

I was on a game show once. You guys laughed at me because I said like seventeen when I was asked to take a number from one to ten.

Yeah, well that is that is rather odd that you would pick seven. I mean where I came from, I didn't know that that was between one and ten. But maybe maybe in North Dakota they teach that. I don't know.

I have I'm pretty birthed. I have seventeen years of clean time. I'm an addict, an alcoholic. Okay, touch its seventeen years.

Good job by you look at you, proudy good job. All right, buddy, all right, go don't kill some chickens. Okay, all right, all right, I'm hanging up on you too much. I'll go away. Thank you. Let's go butcher a chicken. That's all you gotta. Screaming, Steven, that's it. Legend, legend on the show every two years, like clockworks, screaming. Stephen calls up. Let's say hello now to America's favorite drag queen caller. And we say hello to Felexis, who's in Buffalo, part of Bill's mafia. Hello, Felexus, Oh my god.

Streaming streamings now it's like a chicken and black mollis We.

Can we get back to scream with Stephen? Or is jed whuo fled? Still there? Do we have that?



Oh you want to get on the air?


Are you sure about that?

I don't know, I know right now?

Hi, No, boy, honey, I love your gorgeous. Don't ever forget that.

Okay, Connie, thank you, thank you.

No, he's talking to me. He was talking to me. Felexus was talking to me. I know you think I'm gorgeous. I'm very kind of you to say that.

You don't want me to tell you what.

I do.

I mean, he'd bann you from the show.

You know, you're like Herman Monster and Drag Connie.

Don't forget really Herman Monster and Drag.

Interesting girls because they're together.

Right, Yeah, we did? Yes, all right, Lorena, you love drag shows. You're a big fan of drag shows. I've been to a couple of wonder women love the drag so much.

I don't ru Paul convention too. I'm supposed to go this week as well.

We'll get the whole My wife likes the drag shows too. I don't understand. I don't get the whole thing. But does people are into it? They love it? All right? For anything else? For Lexus?

Is that it?

Yes? Well, you know, you know we got the big March coming up.

You know, let's actually we're more than halfway through the month of March. I believe now right, it's March seventeenth. We're more than halfway through.

On top about what March mad.

Oh, March madness? Are you mad because of college basketball? Are you mad because of that?

Yeah? I'm mad talking running and the coach is a big ding rod.

Yeah, all right, I gotta go, all right, And you got anything else the same thing. Go ahead, or Ald, so hang up, hang up on yourself, please go hang up. You do the proper thing, hang up and think. There it goes a flex Lexis was raised properly follow instructions, and Felexis did that. So it's the instant advice line who needs our invest Now I have an idea who we're going to go with for the instant vice Lamber. If you'd like to recommend someone, and I've noticed it doesn't really matter. I can recommend anything, and you idiots call up with your own agenda. But I will attempt to focus the Mallard Militia on one topic. Someone in sports could be a media member, a coach, a player, a team, an organization that needs the wisdom the advice of the Mallord militia. So we'll get to the bottom of that. We will do it, and we will do it next.

Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Maller Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific.

Ben Miller and you, it is the Ben Maller Show up all night, every single night. Right after the show, the pod will be going up. If you missed any of the overnight show be sure to listen to the podcast. Just search Ben Mahller. I'm gonna be like that screaming Steven with all those chickens on that beautiful farm in North Dakota. Just search Ben Mahler wherever you get you podcast. Be sure to follow and review the podcast and rate it five stars. Again, just search Ben Mallard wherever you get your podcast, you'll find the latest episode, any best version all of seven seconds one of our longer ones seven seconds long, posted right after we get off the air.

Hey you sports figure guy or girl?

Who here were you talking to?


Here some interesting advice hold that though no one's paid attention to me for ten whole seconds, and if you don't like it, you and away we go. It's the Insane Advice Line unscreened radio at eight seven seven ninety nine on Fox. That's eight seven seven nine nine six six three six nine And we're on our way, So who needs our advice?


It is selection Sunday now and Mondays. Thanks Patty's Day. And I think you about doing something with the Irish, but instead we'll just goof on the selection committee. People up at arms, North Carolina, got in West Virginia. Did not, so people upset about that. Advice to the Selection Committee to not goof up in future years as we are into march madness. Advice. Please, all right, let's see who do we have any meenie miney moe. We'll start with you on line one at eight seven seven ninety nine on Fox. Advice to the Selection Committee.

Hello, Line one, conspiracy theory, morning.

Time, Oh Rick and Maryland. Thank you, Rick. Let's go to you. Hello, you're on the air. Advice to the Selection Committee.

The committee should send my father there a birthday card. Happy birthday down.

Okay, Well, I think you need to actually send him one and not just say that you said that on the radio. Hello, caller, you're on the air. Advice to the Selection Committee. Please all right, caller's not there. We'll go to you online. Let's go over to line for line four. Hello, line four.

If you want to send me your pennies in the mail and you're a chick, all.

Right, thank you. I think we're good on that, Tony A. Line five, Hello, line five.

Screw this Selection committee, cal State Fullerton got snow.

We beg I agree. I think the ant eaters got screwed.


They're the number one seed though in the n I T. Hello. Line line six, you're on the airline six. Hello, Oh, I don't know is that the real pokey place? I think it was? Was it really?

All right?

All right? Line one, I hear you. Line one, you're on the airline one. Advice to the selection committee. They got North Carolina in but not West Virginia. Hello, do you know what they need to do? Bring Eddie Garcia there you go, bring and bring Eddie back? All right? Line too, Hello, line too, you're on the airline too.

You mean to tell megs going down just the for Easter morning time?

I love that morning time. Rick and Maryland. Hello, Line three at eight seven seven ninety nine on Fox unscreened radio. The safety and it is off Line three. Your advice to the selection committee. Oh yeah, that's it. That's the guy right there. That's the original, that's the original recipe. That's no substitution. Line four, you're on the airline four.

Hello, coming to work drunk tomorrow?

You'll get it right?

Okay, there's a Sean the hood guy checking in. Uh alright, no comment on that. Line five. Hello, line five, See that was a fake guy. See that was not that was not the real pokey pokey pokey guy. And that is a reference to if you've been with the show a long time, password the word game of Stars, this guy Guy Bergman, Greg Bergman, pinkeye and uh and that and call her back many years ago. Hello. Line six, you're on the air line six. Hello.

Yes, what you need to do is become a Minnesota boking fans baby.

Yeah, there you go. Then you're really experienced losing.


Line one, you're on the airline one.

The selection committee to consult with the bcs.

They never screwed anything.

Yeah, no, never at all, absolutely correct. Give me advice to these selection committee people up in arms. North Carolina got in and West Virginia did not. This is supposedly a big college basketball outrage. Line two, you're on the airline too, Hello, yeah, easy, bringing dorch okay, all right, I'm don put your pants on. Line three, Hello, line three, you're on the air go tell me along, all right. I don't know what do you say? I couldn't tell me along? Sell me alarm. Well that's Rob Parker. Oh, this is blind Scott.

Yes, my mom's coming in today.

She's gonna help me clean.

Your mom used to wash your mouth out with soap and water. Line five, Hello, you're on the air Line five. All right, how many phones does that guy have?


Seven, seven ninety nine on Fox? Will keep the bring the dose guy off the air Line six, you're on the air Hello. Line six, Okay, that was not that was the fake one. That was not the real one. Now Line one will keep going unscreened phone calls as we up the call count. Line one, you're on the Airline one. Line one's not paying attention. We're going to line to Hello. Line two, I watch you out, Lorena, Jerry, I don't like Yeah, we need to wears my baseball guy to call back again. We missed the words. I think that was a fake. I know it's you person. Oh you think that it sounded a little bit like our friend in Iowa? It did what it was Sam who?

All right?

Line three, Hello, you're on the air Line three.

Go you gotta get Jackie Moon to wrestle.

A live bear.

That's a great idea. Can we set that up?

All right?

Line four, I think they still do that in Russia. Line four, Hello, See now we're just being hijacked by fake pokey pokey pokey people. Line five, Hello, Okay, call a doctor. Line six, you're on their advice of the selection committee. Line six.

Yeah, they should take two weeks of quit.

There you go. That sounds like jackass. Just quickly coke. Pick one line too, line till you're on their go. Let we be love Long Beach, Long Beach State. Really, what's their mascot? Now they went woke, I don't know what their mascot anymore.

The Ben Maller Show

When the moon comes out, Ben Maller emerges with the most compelling overnights in sports talk radio 
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