Ben Maller discusses if Bill Self is on the hot seat at Kansas after the Jayhawks lost to John Calipari & Arkansas, the good, bad, and ugly from the start of March Madness, the biggest takeaways, and more!
Here we go.
It's our number one, our number one, never steering you the wrong direction, and it's all about March Madness. Here in our one, we take a look back at yesterday's Day one of the NCAA Men's basketball Tournament in Kansas. Eliminated in questions being raised about the future of the head coach. Is Bill self on the hot seat in Lawrence, Kansas. We'll discuss that Kansas losing to Arkansas on John Kylapari in one of the biggest storylines from day one. Also, give me the good, the bad, and the ugly from the start of March maddness.
And what is the big takeaway.
In general from this time of the year the men's college basketball tournament.
We'll get to all of that, and who knows what else.
We go Cowabunga and we ride the wave right now in our number one.
Call it some self deflection, if you will, welcome in the beginning of another night of the Benmalor Show, the day night doubleheader. As we are in the air everywhere in collaboration, as we are under lock and Key coast, the coast, border, the borter and beyond, on the mast and unrelentingly powerful microphones of fsre.
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I know gen Z Charlie, who was the breakout star of yesterday's show and Lorrain is back with us tonight, but she didn't hear gen Z Charlie got a lot of email, a lot of feedback from Zenz. Gen Z Charlie, he's on spring break. He called the show because that's what all the cool kids do.
They call sports talk radio overnight radio when they were on spring break.
No, we'll circle back to that, I'm sure at some point. But our lead this hour is don't bury the lead my man, one of our great.
Bosses over the years, likes to say so. March madness.
The curtain went up on the twenty twenty five men's basketball tournament, and I don't know if you're watching or not, I'm pretty sure I need some kind of IV.
I think I overdosed on hoops.
And normally what happens on tournament days is I'm not gonna lie.
I don't watch the early games at all. Why would I. I usually sleep, But I filled in at the local state on.
Thursday, so I was up early, and so I watched, and then I kept watching, and I kept watching and all the way through the night. Though a lot to digest. The biggest story after a minutes long review of the day, The biggest story the clash of big name coaches. This might have been the greatest game in the world, and all that there was a late lead change.
I think there were like ten lead changes in the game.
But the big name coach, which is what we put our hat on.
You had John Calipari on one side, making his tournament debut as Arkansas's coach, and Bill self the staple of Kansas basketball in Lawrence, Kansas, home of a Ben Mallar food dish there at the Bird in Lawrence.
So someone named Jonas.
It's not Jonas Knox, it's Jonas I do scored twenty two points and Arkansas came back and ends up winning seventy nine to seventy two in the opening round of the tournament. So that number ten seed knocks off the number seven seed Kansas the better story in the losing locker room. So that is where we will focus on this particular game that Jayhawks eliminated from the madness of March. And now the questions are being asked, will they be rebooting the coaching staff?
All right?
So let us discuss anytime a big name coach gets excommunicated from the tournament. Early on, you asked the question, we will ask the question, is the venerable Bill self on the hot seat at Kansas? So I've got toothpaste, Biblical and ven diagram and we will combine all of these things together and we are going to make some banana cream pie. The king of all pies is the banana cream pie. And it doesn't appear that Kansas took a banana cream pie to the face, all right, So a to answer the question, is Bill self on the hot seat at Kansas?
I am nodding my head, yes, I am nodding my head. Yes. Now, this is.
Only the second time that the Associated Press preseason number one team has lost in the first round of the tournament. The only in Kansas, by the way, was that team. They were preseason number one. There our first game of the tournament. The only other time in the history of the tournament it's happened was Bill Self and Kansas back in five they lost to buck Nel.
And so there you got a little fun factoid for you.
But I want you to turn up your headphones a little bit because you're gonna hear in the background we talk about Bill self and his status, you'll hear the.
Sound of crackling geese. You hear that little sound of crackling geese.
Now you know what that means, right, That means storm clouds are building. And this was Kansas' worst season according to many pundits, and the numbers bear this out.
In the twenty two.
Years with Bill Self at the hell, that's a generation of Bill Self coaching Kansas basketball. But it cuts deep, and I go back to the D word. I go back to the D word. Darwinism, adapt or die is the way I look at this and the NIL which has been around for a few years now, but the name, image likeness thing has been a gigantic sea change for the old guard in college sports, and we've seen a lot of them leave.
But you look at a guy like Bill self who's.
Been around and around and around and around and around, and you don't necessarily like it. Whether you like it or not, it doesn't matter. It's not up for debate. This is the way college athletics are. And despite Nick Saban and other prominent college figures of years gone by, going to Capitol Hill, you're not going to be able to put the tooth face back in the tube. The toothpases out of the tube, you can't put it back in. It's gonna be all messy and you're sloppy the whole thing. So Bill self coach self has been unable to consistently keep up with the new ecosystem in college basketball. And Bill Self and Kansas now they've lost the first weekend, not the first game, but the first weekend in five of the last six NCAA tournaments, So five out of six they're done by. They don't even get to the sweet sixteen. And you look around and there are some big time jobs open. So this could be like a lateral move the one that I was texting some of my college basketball people, go something. You know, I watched the tournament, but I'm not obsessing on every single college basketball game. And the job that kept popping up with Bill Self was the Texas Longhorns job. They lost in the tournament, and there's a lot of chatter that there's gonna be a coaching but it hasn't already happened in Austin. So Bill Self could just move to that job. And there's some other prominent gigs that are either open or will be.
Open, so there's some opportunities there.
Of Self wants to have an exit stage, right, he can do that. Now, Page two, give me the good, the bad, and the ugly from day number one of march Man.
We'll start with the good. I'll be Benny bright Side.
So the good, we had another heavyweight coaching matchup secured, and I'm all about the matchups.
Now, this doesn't necessarily reflect what happened on Thursday, but it is a.
Direct reflection of the events of Thursday. Because of wins on day one, Arkansas.
If you look at your bracket, Arkansas and Saint John's will face off on Saturday, Saturday, Saturday in.
The second round of tournament play.
Now, to me, that's a great thing because you've got John Calipari, big name coach versus Rick Patino, and I got Saint John's going, I mean right.
There all the way. So I was a little concerned early on when Omaha Omaha had.
An early lead, But you know, it's college basketball, So who cares about the first five minutes in many cases the first ten minutes or the twenty minute.
Who cares?
But Rick Patino versus John Calipari will play on Saturday because of what happened on Thursday. And I'll be the twenty fourth time they will have gotten together. But the first time in almost a decade. Last time Patino was at Louisville and coach cal was I believe it. That was back Kentucky, still back in twenty sixteen. Now the bad bad to the moone. That would be the Atlantic Coast Conference. Now, in my lifetime, for much of my adult life, that was the gold standard of NCAA basketball, Right, And there's a biblical expression that applies here, how the mighty have fallen?
Now, maybe it's.
Just this just an off year, but you had Louisville the number eight seed, lost to number nine Creighton early on. You had Clemson the number five seed that was the biggest upset of the day. They were getting both. It just absolutely destroyed. It ended up being a closer final score. But McNeice formerly known as McNeese state the number twelve seed, not Clemson out.
So that means, now.
If my mouth or math is correct, and I am Benny Bractologist, so half of the ACC contingent has already vacated the field.
Half That means.
That you only have the number one seed Duke and the number eleven seed.
North Carolina and the Tarills.
They had to win in that fugazy first four game the other night.
Just to get to this point. So, now, why is it so bad?
As a distant relative of Nostra Damas and friend of Nostra Denis, I will tell you, going back and looking at my crystal ball, why things are so bad. In the last four years, the ACC has said bye bye to coach k Roy Williams, Tony Bennett, Jim Beheim, you can go down. Leonard Hamilton had some success at times. He's also gone, Jim Lahronega.
I'm sure I'm.
Missing somebody else as well. They've all retired, they've all checked out. I'm done. That's it now.
The ugly.
And if you look at my big board here, not a liss my big board.
This is debatable. I could have flipped the acc the bad with the ugly, but I'm.
Gonna go with carpet bagging coaches who it's just a flavor of college sports. It's like you don't need to really learn the names of the players or the coaches because they're always changing. And the carpet bagging coaches in march Man.
Just you had Will Wade.
But what a scandal he was at at LSU back in the day. So Will Wade is the coach at McNeice formerly McNeese State. So he has agreed to take the job at North Carolina State.
So that's a better job for him.
But the announcement coming down as McNeice pulled off this win in the tournament. Then there's a guy named ben Ben McCollum who is in a similar situation, although it's not a done deal we are told for him. This guy McCollum is the coach at Drake. He's in his first season at Drake, not Drek Drake. Just like the musician, everyone likes to pick on the Canadian guy. So he has been connected to the Iowa job, Holy Hawkeyes batman, and he didn't have a job yet, but it seems to be almost a done deal.
He was born in Iowa City.
I was reading a little bit about this guy's from Iowa City and he grew up in the state, and just see like a natural thing considering Iowa poll axed their head coach, So it seems that that's gonna happen now.
The last word here.
We enjoy the tournament, certainly the first couple of days. Always always enjoy, always enjoying. This was not like anything outrageous. I would say this was a pretty benign day one overall of March Madness, with the lack of dramatic buzzer meters and all that stuff were there were so many missed layups. I was trying to I hit my little notes thing, app I was. I was futching around my phone trying to count all the mislayups, and I just I just gave up the answers a lot.
There were a lot of miss lamps.
But what is the big takeaway from the start of March Madness twenty twenty five.
I'm glad you asked.
It is time now for a ben Mahler Show PSA a Ben Mahler Show Public service announcement. Yeah, so consider this my good mits for the day. It is a reminder I do this at least one at one point during the year, much like the swallows returning to Capistrano or will Punk Satani Phil see his shadow where we have more winter. These things are traditional. So if you look at my ven diagram here, the NCAA tournament is different than almost every other sporting event. Every other sporting event starts out and builds up to a crescendo. Right you start out, there's a little like baseball. Just starting baseball, Okay, opening day, you pay a little attention and you see how your team's doing, and then you check back every once in a while, and then you build up to the playoffs and then ultimately the World Series.
So you're building up to this this.
Thing where it Most things in life start out small and then gradually increase.
And they get to that climax. Right, this is the opposite. This is the opposite.
Public support for March madness is directly related. There's a correlation to how your bracket is doing, and it is the only thing I can go Maybe some NASCAR people have challenged me over there, what about the Daytona five nuggety buggeting.
Okay, but if.
You're a real NASCAR fan, you're gonna watch and there's the playoff, and you're into that whole thing, So I don't consider it the same thing. Right, This is a situation where we start out Thursday and now going into Friday peak interest fully attentive, fully attentive. And the deeper we get into the weeds of the NCAA tournament, the less interest we have, depending on how your your brackets crumpled up and you've just been absolutely destroyed on your your pixe. And also, if you're in an office pool, get those squares, you know, those those square things and all that. Yeah, all right, anyway, there's the Ban Mahler Show. If you would like to comment on any of this, you are more than welcome to chime in as the lines are open. The comedy club will be open up in our three. I know you're excited, tryest stay calm. I know it's exciting, very exciting. So that'd be an hour three lame jokes of the week. We got the always popular it's the the end of our work week here, of course, the work week never ends. But the Kop Scoop on entertainment will be down the line. An hour four, we got Sports Jeopardy. Also an hour four, we'll have the Third Degree. Next hour, we got a lot of bits. You know, if you love bits, it's it's bits and bits and bits and bits, a lot of bits.
So my favorite story of.
The day, the kind of a story, the kind of a story that should become a movie, and I'm gonna give it to you.
I want to see if you agree with me that this is a great story.
I'm gonna give you the details on it, and we'll debate whether or not this is as good as story as I think.
It is, because in my head, man, is this a great story? Man? Is this just a wonderful story? So we'll get to that.
We'll take your calls at eight seven, seven ninety nine on Fox also your comments on the X Machine, and we'll get to all of that. That's at Ben Maller. We'll get to do it all, and we will do it.
Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Maller Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app Bill.
Miller and you.
It is the Ben Mahler Show up all night, every single night. Whatever brings you here, whether you're working the third shift, or it could be one of those second shifters that's just standing up late, going on that long cross country drive and on dark country road somewhere you found us whatever it is, or you just can't sleep because of some kind of a medical issue. Either way, we're here for you, and we're here all night. You can interact with the live show on the X machine. Send a message to Ben at Ben Mahler. Your long national nightmare is over. Lorena is back, so stop your bitching and say hello to her FSR Tech.
Queen Cooper Loop, uh Bronco Fan.
And that is the cast of characters all night long. Well you forgot something there, Bill, It's it's me Ben. Yeah, Lorena. Congratulations, Lorena, you got the full Mallor show experience. I am told by my friends in radio elsewhere that this is the only show where this happens. When someone is not at their post, they have hell to pay. That is fire and damnation if you do not show up to work every single day. It's why I have not taken a day off yet in twenty twenty five because I just don't want to deal with the bull crap.
I just don't understand.
Yeah, Lorena was.
Away, you were on assignment yesterday. You had some other things you had to take care of.
Yes, family necessity.
Yeah, family stuff, and as a result, you were under siege.
Is that correct? Yes? Ben, Yes, the Malond Milissy was very upset.
Do you have a message you'd like to send to the malle of Milishlar And do you want to send a message to those that complained that you were not here? Because I thought Mary Mack did a fine job. She you know, first time running running our show by herself.
She was she was great.
I appreciate the love. Don't get me wrong, There's no coming for me being like you don't even work, You just sit at a board. Why do you need the day off? Why don't you go get a degree and get a better job like me, and then maybe you don't feel so salty all the time. Huh?
Okay, shots fired? That's uh.
I feel like that's directed at supermarket Steve. I feel like that was directed.
Maybe maybe yes?
Is that his name?
Well, yeah, you met him, going to pretend like I.
Didn't because for some reason he's got a vendetta.
No, he's just an a hole that's.
High at the next Mallory. I mean, I don't even know you brought.
Oh, come on, he's a very nice wife.
She makes a great tear in massoue. Uh huh she does. He's a Steve has been.
A great fan of the show. But he's a curmudgeon. He's a and he's not even that old. He's like a young guy. Yeah, yeah, he's young.
He's a Karen. What do you call men that are Karen's a holes?
That's what you call. I don't know. But anyway, it's uh, it's fun.
So you got the full experience. And every time I've missed a show, Uh, I feel bad for the people that sit in for me. Brian know or Bernie or Arnie. Arnie Spanier, who I've known in my one of my radio friends got I've known him for way too long. I don't want to say I'll date myself and I'll date Arnie, but I've known Arnie since way back in the day. And Arnie won't even fill in. He's got nothing to do in Vermont. There's literally nothing to do other than the stare at trees in Burlington, Vermont, and Arnie will not fill in because of the Malord militia.
See how the difference has been. I opsly love the shift. I love this show. I love working with you and Coope every day. It's my favorite thing. I'm so excited to come in every time you.
Missed a spot.
But very nice, yes, no, and we love working with you Lorraina's it's a lot of fun. But when you miss a show or something, people get upset. When you fill in, the people that fill in get crap Allso yeah, So anyway, Matt writes in Moving Man Matt Show Legend, he says, a plus on the Mala monologue. Started my day in our four, ending it in our one, loaded a move in Princeton, New Jersey, and laying my head down in boy, I can't even pronounce that town.
That's a lot of letters there, man.
I'm not going to even try to say that because that'll come back to bite me in the ass.
But the Moving Man is again. I see louis there again, Moving Man.
I am like TB twelve, coming back to demonstrate greatness.
Unless I'm not. It's good to see Louie.
Louis looks like he's already passed out for a little bit there, and he is like, what are you taking a photo of me?
We got to get Matt back out.
I know he doesn't have the moving billboard anymore for the show, but next time you're in town, come by, Matt. That was awesome when he parked his big rig out in front of the studio. That was pretty cool, mister Luciano writes, since his nine point nine out of ten on the Mallard monologue, March madness another way to make extra money on betting the favorites.
Yeah, a lot of guys want to.
Bet the chalk or bet the dogs rather but historically the chalk wins. There's a few upsets, but the chalk wins more times than Late night drug tester. Right, since says panic in the Heartland, I am sure if Bill self was able to recruit Bronnie James and keep him for a couple of years, it would have been back the back final force for the Jayhawks.
Oh yea now.
Jason who had a seat at the prime table at the Kansas City Meet and greet we did back in November.
Of last year, Jason says nine out of ten.
On the Mallar monologue, Ben, I guess Bill self and Kansas did better when the payments to players were done under a table. Nothing better than seeing the Kansas Jayhawks eliminated.
In the first round, That is from Jason. In Ken's City.
Chiming in on that, Firk Duck says, there is no shame in living in the basement. I've got everything I need down here. Yes, you're good to go. You're good to go on that. Nothing nothing to worry about at all. Timothy from Northern Kentucky chicks in He says by saying, Omaha, omaha, you woke up Tom Brady from his sleep screaming and wanting his blankie.
I'm sure, I'm sure that happened. O. G art Puffin rights in.
He says he's very excited to have Lorraine back a plus. On the monologue, Ben, you forgot to mention Bronnie a season high all.
Time points in the NBA.
That's right, the future of the nil has been solidified.
Pay him. Bring Bronnie back back back back in twenty twenty six.
We'll have more on Bronnie coming up later because I am getting a lot from Laker historians about Bronnie James. I will address that issue justin in Cincinnati as a He's really a wordsman.
He almost try to read this, he says, Clemson.
F me like a blank blank blank, And then he named.
A caller popular call of the show.
And yeah, I don't think I can read much of that at all, truck or Joe Wright.
I just did.
But you know, Trucker Joe writes in from the Highways and Byways of America, he says, so, Malard, without Eddie around anymore on the show, who's going to remind you to not forget about your John R.
Wooden Award?
But well, thank you for reminding me, Trucker Joe, And I did jot that down. I guess I got to be a grown up now that Eddie's not you know, Eddie was like my mom correcting me. But he's not here anymore, unfortunately, and hopefully we'll be back at some point, who knows.
But yeah, yeah, so I guess I have to be a grown up. Yet.
The dead line is on Monday, so I am going to vote at the very last moment.
I want to watch the rest of the weekend.
I've got my watch list on who I'm I think I know who I'm voting for, but I gotta know like second, third place. You fill out the top ten on the Wooden ballot, and that is the highest honor in all of sports. People talk about what's the highest honors of the Heisman trophies at the cy Young.
Is the MVP. No, the John R.
Wooden Award is the highest honor in sport in America. And why is it the highest honor in sport in America? Because I have a vote.
That's why. Okay, I have a vote. I've had a.
Vote for like guy a long time, and so that's why it's the most. Now, if I get a vote for the Heisman, if what's his name, Hartman? If Steve Hartman gives me a vote for the Heisman, then maybe maybe I'll maybe I'll change my opinion on that.
But I don't think Hartman. I've known Hartman since the you know, back in the day when.
In the seventies when he wore bell bottoms.
Well, Hartman has an age. Hartman is a lizard person. Steve Hartman is a lizard person, has not aged. He looks exactly when I first walked in as a as a teenager, and I met Steve Hartman in San Diego at the mighty six ninety. He looks exactly the same. Yes, I'm telling you, he's got the same hair, the same look. He does the same random trivia. It's a wild anyway. But that get to the point. So the point is that I will vote on Monday and I'll watch. But the Heisman is nice and all that, but the John R.
Wooden Award is where it is at. Yeah, yeah, it is.
A guy writes in He says, Hey, I am driving on a dark country road in Oregon on.
US ninety five. Well that's what I'm I love that guy.
Guy did a little video and it does look like a dark, deserted country road. Is that snow? It's hard to tell. I think there's snow there on that road in Oregon.
Guy. It's either snow or salt. Yeah, it looks like snow to me. All right, there you go.
I love snow.
What kind of snow the soft kind that you can fall in when you're snowboarding and it doesn't hurt.
Not the yellow snow stand Definitely, not.
The yellow Stone and not the frozen snow that's very hard.
Yeah, let's see who else do we have a Nature Boy says the stinking genius has the fear of God for your show. That is true Nature boyd. He's done the day night doublehead. Nature Boy was listened earlier. He's done the day Night Doubleheader. Let's see here. I can't read that. Let's go to the phones. It is plausibly an interactive experience.
You can call in. I will get to my favorite story of the day. We'll get to that.
We'll push that back a little bit because the show about the people, for the people, by the people, and we need to talk to the people, and that would be you at eight.
Seven seven ninety nine on Fox, also on the X Machine, and you can say hello to me at Ben Mahler and uh me, get my board up here.
Let's see eeny Meanie miney Mo pickcake caller by their name.
And h let's go to New York.
We'll get the dump button started early and we'll say hello to Real Talk, who's just adjacent to New York City.
Hello, Real Talk. Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom, Real Talk.
And the.
Man that was a march madness, that was March. That's cut down the nets, territories, what that is? Cut down the nets?
Then one game down. A couple more games ago, Saint John's took on basketball. He was a state game against Omaha. Ben, Yes, yes, yes, shame his money in the.
IM pretty, I'm pretty I'm pretty sure real talk that in the second I did watch the game because I do have Saint John's going very far here on my bracket, possibly because of your dumb ass, but I was a little concerned real talk early in the game and then the second half. I think you could have put you know, those ol Maha steaks out there, and that would have given more of a challenge to Saint John's in the second half than the actual you.
Know, Patino man, forget about it.
Forget about it, forget about it.
Hi, everybody, So Ben, you know, dude, I wanted to talk about something, but I'm kind of the first of all, Ben, I don't know what everyone's talking about. Yesterday's show that was one of your best shows I've heard heard in a long long time. And I was surprised because right now, look, Terraina, I had no idea Lorena was such an elitist. Where she started sewing the fans for extructing their opinion. What was up with that, Big Ben?
Well, yeah, she's she's in a fiery mood. Lorrain has been awake for a long time.
She didn't get her No, I definitely took a nap today, But I said on business, y'all need to mind your business and let me do what I need.
Okay, let me that's explain something. See, when I first started my job, I was like in the boat. I was on the floor and everyone else and I got fast tracks to upper management. Like first I had a team of seven. Now I got a team of five.
They must have.
A team of seven. So listen, I don't know, Like, dude, I don't know what if we're we're doing so important that she can't do her job. Dude, I just tell people. I don't tell people how to do their job. I just tell people to do your job properly. You know what I'm saying. And I don't know why she can't come to work.
What is he?
What's he doing so important between eleven and two o'clock in the morning that she can't come to work?
Well, you tell me what three three in the morning.
Actually, yeah, so yeah, she's got a Yeah, we all have responsibilities as grown ups, and there's certain things that you have to do, and responsibility.
I don't remember Danny g and Roberto.
And I do want to say, let me just let me just turn off you real fast. I do want to.
Say, the volcano's about to volcanoes about to erupt.
You know, we do work overnights, and yes, you and Coop get like eleven to three, but I am here from ten thirty to six a m.
Six am.
And if I have to go drive, let's say, to Sacramento during my daytime, Guess who's not going to come in and work all night?
Holly, that's me.
That's all in California. You didn't leave the state.
Yeah, you're right, you're right.
But I definitely did not make it back by showtime yesterday, that's for sure. I guess I could have left you guys high and dry, though, huh yeah, any next time, I just.
It's okay with it, you know, not every real talks just busting your chops, he's busting.
I love you talk. You're so great, You're so real with your talk.
You're a bit You're a ball buster.
Is that I talk? Now?
Okay, I don't know.
Oh all right, okay, okay, well we'll put the hater to this side back then I want to talk about some because I love when you start getting on your storytime thing. Because it was weird because I watched this movie by Quinn Carantino called Life Once upon a Time in Hollywood, and in that movie, I went and like painted Bruce Lee in this like horrible life. So WHI I went online and I was reading about Bruce Lee and apparently he was like a huge Hollywood douche. Dude, it's crazy, man, you feel me?
Yeah, I didn't. There's a lot of those stories though, guys are like.
Yeah, the one that I when I was a kid, real talk, I'm old, I guess. But the biggest star in comedy was Chevy Chase, and apparently the guys like the king of all douches. Like nobody says anything nice about Chevy Chase, but he was great on you know those old eighties movies that I watched as a kid.
I was hilarious, but everyone says, yeah.
The only reason I brought it up because then I know, you've got a lot of people in your life, like sports fans and host and anything like that I didn't want to know, like personally from you, like whatever, someone you really want to meet, and then you finally got to meet them, be like, what's that too? Just horrible? He's like a nightmare Perchase.
Oh yeah.
I mean there have been people that I was around and I was like, oh, this guy, I mean, this is just a I mean what am I doing? You know, the reputation and then the reality or something totally different. There's actually a lot of those guys in sports they put up they put up a facade. You know, it's like real time, you can put up a facad, you put the charm on. I mean, there's been some there been some people I've worked with that are like, oh my god. And then the other thing that I hate real talk in the media. There's some I call him opportunists, and they're like.
People like people who donate and make a point of showing how much they donate.
Well, those people, yes, those people do annoy me.
But but also the ones in the media that will they know who's got the power and they're a holes to everybody. But then they're like a little miss Sunshine. When someone with power comes.
To the room, you know what I mean.
I treat everyone. You know, I don't treat people any better or worse I treat I try to treat everyone the same. But there's certain people that I just drives me nuts.
So yeah, I'll feel you behave Ben, your show is on fire, dude, loveless and.
Look at that, no dumb by amazing. I was waiting for him. I thought he was gonna say.
Name, you know so, and so he's a blankety blank blank blank. He didn't do that. He didn't do that anyway. It is the Ben Maler Show. I pushed back my favorite story of the day. We'll get to that at some point here. And here's the who am I?
And this is where I pretend to be somebody else. That's it's called the who am I?
It's possible in part by Tractor Supply. Tractor Supply knows that a winning season takes practice, teamwork.
And he can do attitude.
Thankfully, when you have a neighbor like Tractor Supply, teamwork comes easy. Whether you're caring for pets, chickens or a few acres, our team members will help you succeed season after season. Tractor Supply for Life out here here's the who am I?
Tennessee's Zachai Ziegler ze Kay Zigler is the fourth player with just go with it with fourth player with twelve points, twelve assists, no turnovers in an NCAA tournament game since seating began back in nineteen seventy nine. He joins Earl Watson, McKinley Wright and me, who am I?
The answer? We'll get to it. We'll do it next.
Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Maller Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific.
Bill Miller and you the Ben Mallor Show rolling on.
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You forgot to promote the fact that it's the the show and it's me Ben bat you out by you Bill.
So here's the who am I? Game?
March Madness, Tennessee's Zakay Ziegler the fourth player to have twelve points twelve assists no turnovers in an NCAA tournament game since they began seating in nineteen seventy nine. He joins Earl Watson, McKinley wright and me, who am I?
That is the question? What is the answer?
And let's see does anyone know the answer? Milkman Mike in Colorado says the real douche in Red Hook Charlie Ross guessed by mister Luciano. Buddy biyonc Allana, good name by Robbie the Marina fans.
That's solid.
When I was a young Punky, I believe Buddy Bianca Allana ended up on The David Letterman Show, which used to be popular at the time because late night TV mattered before the Internet and Wolkesters took over. Rob the goat Man says, the answer is clearly the Antonio Brown Cracker of the day.
Robbie the Mariner fan.
Oh, I didn't know he won that on Antonio Brown's social media.
John Wooden guessed by Miguel on fire. Who else we have?
Jordan says nineteen ninety two national scoring Champ Morehead states Brett Roberts is the answer. Justin and Cincinnati says Bill Burr's wife is the select.
I guess Justin's back in a large way there. Who else do we have? Page down?
The malor cow Russian's cousin the Moscow farm. I guess there's a cow over there.
Interesting, all right, I don't have time to read all that out, but it is interesting. Uncle Elmer, of course, guessed by Andy in Lionel Lakes Late Night drug Testers says you are Aaron Hill, who is forty.
Three today go Blue Jays, the.
Great Colonel Jack O'Neill from Scrooge in the Bay Area. Who else do we have? Vontigo Cummings from Malibu. Ruben, that's his answer? Ferg Dog says Malar Luther King is the how dare you?
Uh? Page down? But thanks for listening for Dog, you were listening earlier.
We have airon Rogers guest by Shane in Des Moines, Willie t Rob from far Out, Dave former Celtic and Clipper Glenn Big Baby Davis.
Guess by the Nature Boy. Is he in jail or not? I thought he went to jailers he was going to jail, Big Baby. I don't know what happened with that.
Mister Missus Fields now mister Missus Fields and her delicious cookies from Slim Tim the Proud cheese Head. Harmon Killebrew guessed by Rob in Minnesota. Terry in England says is it a non dump?
Real talk? Is that the answer?
Harry Houdini guessed by Timothy from Northern Kentucky. Kelly in Des Moines formerly don't Kelly going with Kevin Garnett as her answer, and our buddy Nick the Windy's Guy says he just wanted to brag he's.
Fourteen and two. Fourteen and two in the tournament.
No one cares about your pets, no one cares about your kids, and no one cares about your tournament picks. Mark in Santa Monica says a female gold medalist skier Peekaboo.
Street is the answer.
Trucker Joe says Michael Sam the gay ram from back in the day.
Who else do we have?
Porky pig from Gunner at the Walmart in Minnesota. Colonel Sanders guessed by Bill's monster.
I can keep going. Trucker Joe did send a photo.
He's on a dark country road, Highway sixty three north in Arkansas. Sounds like a song, all right, Do you have an answer, Lorena, Fucky the beaver Ben, Oh so close?
It's it's Zeke. Isaiah Thomas of the East Distance when he was in college at Indiana. Isaiah Thomas