Is Biden trying to Start WW3 on Purpose?

Published Nov 25, 2024, 9:00 AM
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There is a question that's got to be asked right now, and that is is the Biden administration literally trying to burn America to the ground between now and January twentieth.

It's a real question based on their actions.

It is very fair now to ask the question, is Biden starting World War three?

Why would I ask that question?

Well, the administration that hasn't done much of anything in the last.

Three and a half years are almost four years now, has.

Now decided to take affirmative action in Ukraine for a second time since.

They lost the White House in the election.

The first happened about a week ago when Biden authorized Ukraine to use long range missiles. That was a break from the policies of the Biden Harris administration for the almost last four years, Yes, the last four years.

Why would you change it now?

If you're trying to saddle Donald Trump with World War III, if you're trying to hand him a dumpster fire, if you're trying to destroy America's foreign policy, this is exactly what you would do. Or if you're just angry that the American people pick somebody else. And the worst part about the conversation that we are having right now is the fact that they know this decision is going to cause innocent people to die.

Yet the media is not calling them out for this decision at all.

The media, the radical anti war people on the left are saying absolutely nothing about the fact that they have now escalated war and done so in a very clear way that is going to cost people their lives. They don't care that people are going to die. Children are going to die, infants are going to die, the elder, great grandparents, people that are one hundred years old are going to die because of this decision, a decision that they never made while they were actually in charge and running for reelection. But when they lost that reelection, they said, all right, screw it, let's saddle Donald Trump with what we want, and that is chaos and anarchy. Now you have to ask yourself the question, why would they be trying to saddle so many with anarchy and chaos? Because this is how you derail a Donald Trump agenda. This is how you destroy the first one hundred days or six months or the year of Donald Trump's agenda is by doing exactly what they're saying now they want to do, which is to cause a World War three two break out, which is to cause total anarchy and chaos.

Now it's not just where this is a problem.

We are also now saying that they're doing the same thing at the southern border with a new policy that allows people to come into this country without actually having to meet face to face with American officials before we allow them into the interior of this country. I'm going to have that part of this chaos for you in a moment, But I wanted you to understand there are two radical agenda items here, and the two connect with one another into the simple idea, which is, Hey, if we can't be in charge this country, then we want this country to fall into anarchy and chaos. We want the world to fall into anarchy and chaos. And we want to make sure that Donald Trump doesn't get to actually govern. He is having to put out dumpster fires and dealing with World War iree. That is what they're trying to accomplish here. So let's deal with the first part. About a week ago, as I mentioned, Biden said, all right, screw it, Ukraine, you can use.

US long range missiles. This is how you start World War iie.

This happened after North Korea sent over some of its fighters to join Russia and the war against Ukraine, again ratcheting up and getting US closer to World War three. Let me tell you real quick about an important organization that I want you to know about, especially if you carry a firearm. Everyone thinks that their family is safe, but are you really? Is the question you need to be asking yourself. With the elections coming up, anything might happen if you dare defend yourself with the firearm.


Twisted legal system with activists das all over the country will probably put you behind bars while the criminals walk free. There's a lot of activists das that hate law abiding citizens that carry a firearm, and that is exactly why you need to be able to protect yourself and your family. And that's why over eight hundred thousand Americans are now members of the USCCA. I had to use my firearm to save my life. I had to pull that trigger, and boy do I wish that night when that happened, I had someone looking out for my rights. Because not only will you get access to their protector academy at USCCA, but you also learn vital skills like precision shooting and how to fortify your home against criminals. But you're also going to get access to the most important thing, the twenty four to seven Critical Response Team and the included benefit of self defense liability insurance to make sure that you and your family are prepared for anything and for a limited time. If you text the word America to eight seven two two two, you're going to get the us CCA's free Life Saving Concealed Carry and Family Defense Guide that's for free, and also a chance to win seventeen hundred dollars to buy any self defense gear you need before it's too late. All you have to do is text the word America to eight seven to two two right now. That's text the word America to eight seven two two two right now.


This massive of policy shift happened last week with Biden's approval of sending anti personnel minds that would be land mines.

To be used in the war as well.

So we are now sending land mines over to Ukraine to then use but in the war between Russia and Ukraine. This is something that many around the world are against. I'm against the use of land mines because the problem is once you put them out there and bury them and the war ends. It's very hard to find them after you bury them, and it's very hard to get rid of them.

I'll give you a.

Great example of this that happened a little over a week ago when it hit the news. A land mind exploded on at an airport. This airport had a runway, a taxiway that had a land mine put underneath it. I'm going to read you the headline, dating October the second from CNN Travel quote, an American World War II land mine exploded at a Japanese airport, causing large crater in the taxiway. An unexpected American bomb from W War II. This means it would be eighty years old that had been buried at the Japanese airport exploded, causing a large crater in a taxiway at the and the cancelation of more than eighty flights, but no injuries, Japanese official stated. Land and Transport Ministry officials said there were no aircraft nearby when the bomb randomly exploded at the Minyaski Airport in southwestern Japan.

This is an eighty year old.

Land mine, folks official said, and investigation by the Self Defense Forces and police confirmed that the explosion was caused by a five hundred pound US bomb land mine and no further danger to the community. A video created by a nearby aviation school showed the blasts viewing piece of asphalt into the air like a fountain. Videos broadcasts in Japanese television showed a crater in the taxiway, reportedly about twenty three feet in diameter and three feet deep. Chief Cabinet secretary said more than eighty flights have been canceled the airport, which they hoped to resume operations a few days later, and they did. The airport was built in nineteen forty three as a former Imperial Japanese Navy flight training field from which which kamikaze pilots took off on suicide attack missions. A number of unexploded bombs dropped by the US military and turned into land mines this happened during World War Two, have been unearthed in the area. Hundreds of tons of unexploded bombs from the war remained buried around Japan and are sometimes dug up at construction sites.

So what does this mean?

Means very simply this, Why the hell would we be using these things?

Any people?

I am one of them, says you don't start sending these around in situations like this, especially if you're trying to de escalate a conflict. Putting out personnel minds land mines does not deescalate anything. And I thought that's what our policy was. But when you're trying to hand over anarchy and chaos in World War three to stop a Trump agenda, this is exactly what you would do.

Now. The former policy was right.

The US previously withheld the anti personal minds because they tend to outlast conflicts once they are deployed and cause injury to innocent civilians quote unquote. However, now that that policy has been thrown out the window in favor of escalation, the White House is also downplaying Russian President Putin's response to this decision, which was to update Russia's nuclear weapon use doctrines.

He quote lowered the threshold for.

A nuclear strike and responds to a broader range of con ventional attacks.

Let me go back to twenty sixteen.

Democrats cooked up the Russia Russia Russia narrative, So now in twenty twenty four, Democrats can't use that anymore. So instead, what they're doing they're trying to hand Trump World war iie to sidetrack his presidency. Let's talk about another way that Joe Biden I think is trying to destroy America.

You look at issue number two.

There is a new caravan of at least one thousand, five hundred illegal immigrants, okay on five hundred illegal immigrants rushing to our southern border, rushing. Now you think about this number, and it's a massive number. Is Joe Biden trying to destroy America by overrunning this country with illegal immigrants? I think the answer is pretty darn clear. The answer is yes. Joe Biden right now is trying to destroy this country. Joe Biden right now is trying to do everything that he possibly can to destroy this country. Whether it's get us into World War three with Ukraine and Russia, sending you these land mines.

To escalate the situation.

Allowing for these massive rockets to be used to go into the interior of Russia, to escalate US into World War three. This is a very simple decision to create an unstable world for Donald Trump to inherit. That is what this is actually about. It is all about that. But now you look at what's happening at the southern border. This new caravan of at least one five hundred migrants rushing to the southern border before Trump takes office.

Why are they doing this. It's a simple reason.

This new caravan that formed in southern Mexico on Wednesday, with some openly admitting they are desperate to cross into the US before President.

Elect Donald trum takes office.

The illegal immigrants, mainly from Central and South America and including large numbers of young children, began marching near the Guatemalan border, where thousands of migrants have been stranded. After they stopped, they were stopped by Mexican authorities from going further.

Now why were they stopped?

You need to understand this part of the story real quick, because this is a really really really really really really important part. Donald Joe Biden and his team went and met with a leadership in Mexico and they went and met I think it was if I haven't the date right, it was around February of last of actually this year.

And they're like, look, we're gonna need your help.

We're gonna need your help slowing down these illegal immigrants coming into America in the summer months. We need to deal here because you guys it's in your best interest that we win. At the time, they were talking about Joe Biden and obviously Kamala Harris. And it's going to be bad if Donald Trump wins, because he's actually going to secure the border and come after the cartels and the fetanyl and the humans going to sex trafficking, the child human trafficking, the child human sex. Trying like this is bad for your business. You got to understand, Mexico loves illegal immigrants coming into America because it takes a strain off of their government and it brings money back into their economy. Because what is one of the first things that illegal immigrants do when they get to America.

It's actually very simple.

They usually go out and they find work and they send money by via Western Union back to Mexico. So Mexico loses a citizen and gains income from that citizen. That's incredible, That's truly unbelievable. And this is why I do this show. That's why I do the podcasts because I want you to understand what the timeline is when things like this actually happen. And the timeline that we're talking about right now is a timeline where Joe Biden went to Mexican and said, look, I need you to help me get reelected. I need you to slow people coming across the southern border. And Mexico said, sure, we got you, no problem. We're gonna hold people down here by Guatemala. We're not gonna let them move forward. We're gonna make the numbers trend down of the number of people coming across the southern border. And when that happens, everything will be great. And you guys are gonna work. This will work out for you perfectly, and everything's gonna be fine, and it's going to be amazing. And that's exactly what they decided to do. Now, after Joe Biden dropped out, Kamala Harris came in. Nothing changed. Mexico still said, look with Kamala Hares, same thing.

She's gonna be easy on I llegal immigrants. We want to get rid of our or worse among us.

And we make all this money, and all this money, we lose a citizen and then they ship money back into the US or into Mexico from the US. And they said, great, snow, brainer, We're still We're still on team Harris.

So that was the deal.

So now the illegal immigrants that have been sitting down there being pushed back by Mexico. They now say they felt like quote the clock was taking ahead of Trump's inauguration on January the twentieth, after which he promises to close the border and a launch the largest deportation operation in the history of the US.

It's going to be more difficult. That's why we're going.

We're going in hopes of getting an appointment quicker, so we were able to cross before Trump takes office, is what a twenty three year old one of the migrants from Venezuela and the caravan said, saying that would just be easier. The migrants have been largely unable to support themselves by the way in a smaller city of about three hundred fifty thousand, and have decided to risk the nearly one thousand and one hundred mile trek through nearly the entirety of Mexico to reach the nearest crossing across the Rio Grande from Brownsville, Texas. That is their plan. So they're on a track walking one thousand, one hundred miles. Their journey is going to take about sixteen days without stopping. Much of the caravan consists of children. Such caravans started to form in twenty eighteen, mostly with the poorer migrants and able to pay the exorminant human smuggling fees, which make the cartails more money than they make off of drug trade. Those attempting to cross Mechtolan or in small groups are often taken in to cussion sent back to southern Mexico to or deported to their home countries. However, the caravans made it harder for Mexican officials to rount up hundreds of people all at once. Still, drug cartels in Mexico become heavily involved in migrant trafficking and often threatening the migrants and extorting payments or permission to pass through their turf and or territories. The gangs are also known to kidnap migrants, holding them in deplorable conditions or torturing them until they contact relatives to send money for their release.

They have no souls.

Most dangerously, the migrants have to reckon with sweltering heat, dehydration, and fatigue before they have any hopes of reaching the US. Now in the winter months, there's less likely for that to happen, so this is exactly why this is happening.

Let me give you another headline from the.

BBC, quote thousands of rush to the US border before Trump takes office, coming from around the world. Many groups are now hoping to avoid potential immigration controls and continue using the CBP one asylum system to enter the country.

Trump promise that mass.

Deportations will take place when they take when he takes office. So the migrants are now moving as quickly as they can, seeking permission for free movement across Mexico to reach the US border, and hoping the drug cartels will quote unquote not stand in their way. So let me say two very quick things here. If you're Donald Trump right now and you're looking at this, this is exactly what you experience in sixteen.

But then it was Russia, Russia, Russia.

Then it was impeachment, then it was the Steele dossier and everything else the Democrats are trying to do. Why did they do it. They wanted to undermine his presidency. They wanted to have a narrative that Donald Trump is a Russian asset, and then he needs to be impeached, and then they went through impeachment, so it distract him from actually accomplishing what he wanted to accomplish from sixteen to eighteen. Right, just think about this. This is incredible. That's the only way I know how to describe it. It is incredible. And what I can tell you right now is this is massive corruption. It is corruption at a level that I don't think people understand. It is corruption at a level that many of them, I just don't.

Think they understand it is.

It is sad. I want to be clear about this. It is incredibly sad.

But this is a.

Man who is saying I want to destroy America because I can't be in charge of it. I don't care who dies. I don't care who is hurt, I don't care who suffers. I just don't care. I don't care. And that is exactly what has happened here. He is trying to destroy this country, whether it is with these illegal immigrants coming across, or whether it is starting World War three.

I want to play this for you. This is.

The mayor of Denver, Colorado. Now, if you don't know anything about what the Denver, Colorado mayor is in favor of what he's doing, this is the same place, you know where the suburbs have had in Aurora Colorado apartment complex have been taken over by gangs, like the entire complex being run by gangs from Mexico, illegal gangs from Mexico. The number of illegal gang members in and around Colorado is unbelievab because its the sanctuary state. Basically with many sanctuary cities like Denver. The amount of money they're spending in Denver is unbelievable. It's like New York City with just massive amounts of federal funds being used in the local taxpayer dollars being used to the point where they're underfunding the police. Okay, underfunding the police because so much money is having to be rerouted to the illegal immigrants that they're all having to take care of. It's a massive problem. Not only is it a massive problem, but there seems to be kind of laughter around it by the left because they this anarchy. They love this chaos, they love this insanity. But before I get to that, I want to tell you about an incredible new tool for personal protection. So this holiday season, and I want to take a moment because this may be one of the most important gifts you ever buy for people that you love. There is one thing that I want you to know about. It is the burna less lethal pistol launcher, and it can save not only your life, but the life of someone else is a threat to you.

It is a centure to.

Recognize that personal safety is a year round priority. Crime trends are spiking, especially during the holidays, making even more critical to protect what matters most the holiday season. Gift your loved ones the peace of mind with a burner less lethal launcher. Why do I love this because it puts more distance between my loved one and their attacker. I can use this burn a launcher up to sixty feet away from someone that's a threat to me. It also has kinetic rounds that can incapacitate someone fro up to forty minutes. It has these amazing chemical rounds that explode when they hit you, and it's things like pepper spray in them or tear gas, and it's going to drop someone instantly. Now, this is also great because you don't have to deal about the with the irreversible consequences of deadly force. Now, look, I carry a firearm, but many times I'm in places where I can't carry a firearm, especially when I'm traveling, And this is a fabulous backup option. Maybe you have a daughter that lives on college campus, or lives off campus, or lives alone and they're under twenty one, or maybe you have someone that just doesn't feel comfortable carrying a firearm. This is an amazing gift for them. A burno, like I said, can save two lives. It is a great compliment owning a firearm, and if you or your families in a situation where you feel threatened, you can start with Berna and less lethal force. It's legal in all fifty states. That's something I love because I travel. There are no permits or background checks needed. And not only do I own this, but I bought it for a ton of my family members. Burna is the answer and is designed for easy use by all age groups eighteen and over. So check them out and I want to save you money. It's also used by government agencies and law enforcement around the country. More than a half million of these have been sold and they have more than fourteen thousand, four and a half star reviews. Visit Berna BYRNA dot com that's Berna dot com slash Ferguson for ten percent off that's by RNA dot com slash Ferguson Berna dot com slash Ferguson to get ten percent off Right now, I want you to take a listen to the mayor of Denver, Colorado, and asked about being a sanctuary city and defying whatever Donald Trump decides to do moving forward.

About civil disobedience, You've mentioned that a couple of times now. Would you be willing to participate in those as the mayor of Denver? Would you willing to go out and protest these things?

I would if I believe that our residents are having their rights violate. If I think things are happening that are illegal or immoral or an American in our city, I would certainly protest it, and I would expect other resident would do the same.

Trump's new borders are Tom Homan has said that he is willing to arrest leaders like yourself for standing in the way of these policies that they want to enact. Would you be willing to go to jail for these things?

Yeah, I'm not afraid of that, and I'm also not seeking that. I think the goal is we want to be able to negotiate with reasonable people how to solve hard problems. Republican and democratic presidence. In the past, they've all tried to find solutions to these problems. President Reagan help people get access to work so they could stay and support themselves. Biden Harris worked on restricting entry at the border to close down There are a lot of ways to approach this problem. We don't think it has to come to this, but yeah, I think when you look at Ralph Carr has always been one of my heroes. He was the governor who in the middle of the interment of Japanese Americans said this was the wrong thing to do, and he stood up. It was unpopular, people were mad at about it. In the wartime, if the president any of his actors are going to do things that we think are illegal or immoral or an American will stand up against those.

You know, it's interesting about Democrats going back to in tournament camps. It was a Democrat president that did that, not a Republican. Just thought we might want to point that out for what it's worth. Democrat, not a Republican. Democrat not Republican that did that, which is really just sad that this is how they describe it, this is how they talk about it, this is this is in there and he's and notice like he's like, yeah, come arrest me.

I dare you.

We're going to be a sanctuary city. We're going to be a lawless city. We're going to put the illegal immigrants ahead of our citizens. We're going to continue to advocate for these lawbreakers and these criminals and these rapists to come into our cities and take over our apartment, our apartment complex, take over private property, destroy people's lives, and and traffic the drugs into Colorado. It's the same state, by the way, that legalized marijuana and said it was going to revolutionize society.

Go to Colorado. Tell me if it's really that great.


You can't walk around Denver without smelling like a wet sock a skunk. And the people you have to deal with there in the service industry, it's embarrassing. They are all a bunch of podheads. It's true. It's just the way it is. Let me give you another clear piece of evidence that Joe Biden is trying to destroy America.

There's a new.

Report out that Joe Biden and his administration are going to roll out an app allowing I legal migrants to skip in person ice interviews and check ins There are some not minor, but major, major problems with this plan. And the reason why I say this is because we're being warned by the federal government that if this actually takes place, which he's clearly doing so, it is going to happen starting this week. Biden is saying, all right, we lost, so let's just flood the border and loosing key migrant policies. The Biden administration loosing these key immigration restrictions ahead of President elect Trump's second term, which is opening the door for thousands more illegal immigrants to enter the country. Because Trump indicated that he would declare national emergency and use military assets to carry out mass deportations, the Biden administration is taking steps to undermine those steps, those plans, and make it much more difficult for Donald Trump to do what the American people elected him to do. I want you to take a listen to this Fox News report on what we can expect December all the way through January the twentieth.

With this new plan, the.

Biden administration is quietly loosening immigration policies before Trump takes offense. This according to The New York Post, it reports the administration is testing a new app that will allow illegal migrants to bypass in person check ins at their local ICE office. Jeff Paul is Live with More. It sounds like they're just given Donald Trump one more thing to undo.

Well, Jah, we do know the Biden administration has been testing this new Immigration in Customs app, and the idea is to streamline the check in process for migrants, allow them to use their phones or computers to touch base with immigration officials while they wait for their date in court, instead of appearing for those check ins in person. A source teales Fox News. ICE has been using the app already in a couple of cities, but according to the New York Post, it's going to be launched officially next month in New York City. The field office there reportedly has been overwhelmed, fully booked with appointments for a year. Our sources tell us that's really the push to get this backlogged moved through. The concerns regardless app Obviously it's a new app, so there's going to be some glitches. The other wider concern is could it cause even more migrants to go under the radar.

Want to see what happens, John all.

Right, Jeff Paul forres Thanks Jeff.

You listen to this and let's just dive into this a little bit more soon.

Other details.

The Biden Department of Home Insecurity is launching an ICE portal app in December. In December, they know Donald Trump is going to be present January twentieth. They know that this is undermining Donald Trump's plans, and they know this is not what the American people just voted for. And this is their way of saying, we don't care because we want to destroy this country if we can't be in charge of it.

You wouldn't start this in December with.

A new administration coming in right, Like, you wouldn't do this unless you were purposely trying to hurt this country and destroy America full stop. Like that's all you're trying to do here. Oh you you didn't let us be in charge. Okay, watch this. We're going to make life living hell for you when you become the president of the United States of America, and we are going to make sure that you cannot function. That is what they are saying. The Biden DHS saying, we're going to launch this app in December that will allow migrants.

To skip their in person check ins at an.

ICE office instead quote, they can check in with immigration officials via an app on a phone or computer. You want to know why they want to use this because there are massive glitches in the system. Now, when I say there's massive glitches in the system, let me explain exactly what that means. This app reportedly has severe glitch issues. How big. The app does not track a migrants location if he or she is using an Android phone or laptop. So if you get this app and you're an legal immigrant and you don't want to be tracked, you just make sure you put it on a laptop or an Android phone and bam, they cannot track you. The app also does not check migrants for past arrests or outstanding warrants, which is what happens when they do in person meetings. When you go in person to meet with ISAI, actually check those things. So this is deliberately saying, hey, if you are a convicted felon, or you've been convicted of as crimes, maybe you're a murderer or you know, or any of the other heinous crimes that are out there, they're saying, the good news is you don't have to worry because an app's can to allow you to stay in this country and to undermine the rule of law and put American citizens at risk. Put American citizens at risk because we want to flood the country with illegal immigrants. The app allows illegal immigrants to opt out of or contestment orders to undergo electronic tracking as well. They say up to two hundred thousand migrants will be enrolled in the new program's first wave, which will be rolled out.

The beginning of December.

Now, this comes after the Biden administration set the record for the highest number of illegal immigrants entering the country in a single year in twenty twenty three. How many came into this country last year three point two million illegal entries, that surpassed the previous record of two point seven million set Yes, you guessed it the year before. The Biden administration is kicking this program off in New York. But it's important to note a couple of the statistics showing how illegals have impacted New York in the last few years of the Biden administration.

For example, New York has.

Seen over two hundred and twenty three thousand migrants arrive in the city since spring of twenty twenty two, that costs a lot of money As a sanctuary city. New York City spent three point seven billion in housing, food, and other costs in the fiscal twenty twenty four year alone, meaning taxpayers had to spend three point seven billion, not for better schools to the kids or a safer city, or police or fire or anything like that. No, New York City spent three point seven billion on housing, food, and other costs in the fiscal year twenty twenty four alone. Just let that sit in fox OEUS. The malusion putting it this way.

In a tweet.

There are currently one point four million illegal immigrants in the US who have been ordered deported by a DOJ immigration judge. I mean they had due process, they had their day in court, and there's one point four million illegal immigrants that should not be in this country right now but haven't been removed yet, the malusion said, I'm told approximately one thousand, excuse me, thirteen thousand of them are being held in ice.

Custody, so they should be gone immediately.

This population of one point four million illegal immigrants has final orders of removal, meaning they have had their immigration cases heard, receive their due process, and have been ordered rem from the US by a DOJ official federal immigration judge.

But they haven't been so far.

Why because the Biden administration says we're not interested in.

Kicking them out.

In fact, we're interested in bringing more of them in. Because if we can't be in charge this country, then we want to destroy this country. If we can't have our way on election day and we can't get rid of whoever you guys choose, whether it's in twenty sixteen or in twenty twenty four, then we want this.

Country to burn to the ground.

That is what this is all about, destroying America. And you wonder why I warn you do not trust these people. Make sure you share this podcast wherever you can so people can hear what I just played for you.

And I'll see it back here tomorrow