An Interview w Steve Bannon: Unveiling Political Controversies & Lawfare

Published Mar 21, 2025, 8:20 AM
  1. Memorable Dinner: Ben recounts a memorable dinner with Steve Bannon, describing it as one of the most enjoyable and entertaining dinners they've had in a long time.

  2. Topics of Discussion: The conversation covers several topics, including:

    • Lawfare and the Autopen Controversy: Discussion about the use of autopen for signing documents and its implications.
    • Steve Bannon's Imprisonment: Bannon's experience of being a political prisoner and the broader context of political persecution.
    • Reforms and Key Figures: Mention of various figures like Dan Bongino, the FBI, and judges opposing Trump.
    • Pardons and Legal Issues: The controversy surrounding preemptive pardons and the legal intricacies involved.
  3. Autopen Controversy: Bannon explains the significance of the autopen controversy, where it is alleged that some pardons were signed without the President's full awareness or presence, raising questions about their validity.

  4. Political Persecution: Bannon discusses his and Peter Navarro's refusal to comply with the January 6th Committee, leading to their imprisonment for criminal contempt. He emphasizes the unusual severity of their punishment for misdemeanors.

  5. Judicial and Political Challenges: The conversation touches on the challenges posed by certain judges and the ongoing legal battles faced by Trump and his allies. Bannon argues that these legal actions are part of a broader strategy to undermine Trump's presidency and the MAGA movement.

  6. Future Investigations: Bannon advocates for thorough investigations into the January 6th events and Dr. Anthony Fauci's role in the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly regarding gain-of-function research.

  7. Grassroots Movement: The importance of grassroots support and public involvement in political processes is highlighted. Bannon encourages listeners to stay informed and active in advocating for their beliefs.

  8. Constitutional Crisis: Bannon describes the current political situation as a constitutional crisis, emphasizing the need for strong leadership and public support to navigate these challenges.

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I tell you, there's fun nights in my life that are memorable moments. One of those was Seapack and full disclosure. When you go to Seapac dinner, sometimes you're worried you're gonna sit next to somebody you don't know very well, and you got to kind of tell war stories and do the song and dance as I describe it. And I sat down at dinner the other night at Sea Pack, and I looked to the right and I'm like, Steve Bannon's name there, and I'm like, this actually could be a fun dinner. And it was genuinely one of the most fun, entertaining dinners I've had in a long time, getting to chat with one of the most brilliant minds in the MAGA conservative movement.

And afterwards I was like, I.

Should have him on the show and joining me now is Steve Steve.

I really did enjoy dinner.

I texted my wife that night and she was like, how is the dinner because she kind of knows how it goes. You know, you do these dinners and you do a lot of them.

And I said, honey, I actually had a great dinner.

I got to sit with Steve and We had a great conversation and it was really enjoyable.

So thank you a for that.

I had a blast and I wanted to have you on And for everybody listening, I'm gonna I want to go through just where we're going to go in this conversation. One, we're gonna be talking about law fair and the auto pen controversy. We're gonna talk about Steve going to jail and being a political prisoner as I describe it. We're gonna talk about reforms and cash for tel Dan Bongino, the FBI, and then the judges that are fighting against Trump.

So that's kind of where we're gonna go.

Uh and Steve, I want to start with you with the auto pen controversy. Donald Trump talked about it on the plane and he's like, look like, I think some of these don't count because they were done with an auto pen and the President may not have known that. Explain and unwind that for everyone listening how this could be the case and why this matters.

You know today, it's it's so amazing we're doing it today. Today is the first anniversary of Peter and Lavara going to prison. We actually started our show this morning with a with a with a clip when he gave it. You know he gave it. He talked to the media before he walked into prison. Yea. In this auto pen the auto is about these pardons with the with the J six Committee in the staff where they gave them first time in history, blanket preemptive partons. President Nixon had something quite different, but they gave blanket preemptive pardons to people like Liz Cheney and Shifty Shifts, solwell the entire crowd, and they crawled on their belly to the White House to get these partons, which are extraordinary, And I think there's a pretty compelling case to be made that Joe Biden wasn't totally in the loop on this. Remember it's not just the location, but the president when the sciences partons, has to be totally conscious and understands the case of what he's parting people for President Trump.

You mentioned location.

Let's let's talk about that real quick because you mentioned it, and that's a big part of this. There's real information now coming out that when these pardons were apparently signed, the President wasn't actually there and that is a huge part of this.

Correct, That's a big part of it. First of all, they commit i think inde penalty of perjury that they're in the location where it's actually signed. I mean, these pardons are very precise program run by DOJ in coordination with the White House Counsel and the White House Council of DJ would actually have a special partners person working on this. And since some many these Biden ones were sketchy, this is a very big deal because obviously now as you know Ben the whole thing about his cognitive decline and who was really you know, even signing the executive orders, who was really doing the job, because it's very uncertain right now exactly what was going on, and even the mainstream media admits that, so that he was actually on vacation at the time and not even at the White House and the date these were signed. This is why President Trump, I remember President Trump didn't bring this up off the top of the sand. People at the White House have been working on this and the reason is is that this lawfair is continuing unabated, and you have to sell some examples. It is shocking that the committee as arrogant as they were. I remember it's national prime time for five or six nights throughout that summer. This is prime I'm talking ABC, NBCCBS, not on cable, on primetime broadcast. These guys were, they were they were going to be the biggest They were the biggest thing since Wordgate. Obviously it flopped, but uh. They they ran to the White House as soon as eleven o'clock Eastern Standard eleven pm Eastern Standard time on the fifth of November, when President Trump basically you know, flipped Pennsylvania to Michigan with confinor going to fall. They started right then. They wanted these partners blanket preemptive pardons. Remember how arrogant they were, luc Cheeney and shared and that staff and I'm trying the staff committed perjury on so many cases. There's so much crime that went on. They went run into the White House and begged, and the White House knew they had a problem, all right, So the media and that's why this whole thing is this that this whole thing about the autopen is not a small deal. It's a big deal.

So let's let's go back to the cover of why they claimed any of these pardons, and I want you to break it down why it's not true for everyone listening.

By the way, my guess I'm me Steve Bannon. War Room.

If you've never watched, they do an incredible show on Real America American Voice.

He has an unbelievable show. Watch it twice a day. They're up there. You can go to Warroom dot org.

But one of the covers that the media use for the pardons was, well, Donald Trump's gonna come in and his team's going to come in and they're gonna do law fair and revenge. They're gonna go after their quote, political enemies. So the only reason why any of these people are needing these pardons is because they know that Donald Trump is going to weaponize the government to lock up his political enemies. That is a line that a lot of people maybe that are listening right now, say, well, that seems reasonable to want to pardon if that's what's gonna happen.

Explain why that is in fact not the case at all.

Well, first, I've seen the sixty days everything President Trump's got going on in the using the continuation of warfare against President Trump as agenda. To delay is to deny, and that's what they're trying to do.

Listen, this is not.

About President Trump. It's not about Steve Benn and I went to a federal president, Peter Navarre. It's not We have said time and time again, and the people in these positions of authority said time again. This has nothing to do with retribution. It has nothing to do with revenge. What it does have to do with this goes all the way back to the twenty twenty election and Jay six and then the lawfair against this vast criminal conspiracy against President Trump and his followers. We have to do this so it's never done again. The only is not going to stop until you make it stop. In one way is you have to have very through investigations of this. Now they say, oh, this is vengeance, has nothing to do with vengeance, but if there weren't problems, they would not have run to the White House and taken their staffs too, which is extraordinary. So this has to be investigated. I have argued from the beginning bent it needs to be done in the House to start with public investigations of all of it, so it's all on the record. And unlike in J six, which I argued in court and the appellate courts down, don't come back and I'll go to the Supreme Court if I have to. The J six committee was not structured properly. You had no ranking member, you had no minority council. So unlike any committee you've seen that's a special committee dealing with things like Aron contract, dealing with things like Watergate, where you have to have the ability to get all the documentation. The minority council gets all documentation, and the minority can cross examine witnesses. That's what didn't happen here, and that's why there was perjury NonStop. There was lying, NonStop perjury.

When you use that for people in this one, I love having you on. So when you say there's perjury on stop lying, one, explain what you mean by that so.

That people if you realize the committee had all this prime time coverage on the broadcast networks and you know then cable all the time, if you notice there wasn't a sense of drama, that's one of the reasons that flopped. The reason was a sense of drama. It really wasn't like kind of a court room like Watergate was, or like Iran Contra or other select committies you had. And the reason is you always have whoever's in charge, whether it's Republicans or Democrats. You have the ranking member, which is a minority right has certain rights, and they have a minority council, they have their own lawyer. And what you do is you get all documentation, you get all witness depositions, and then when the witness has come before the committee publicly. You remember this prime time where they was staying, President Trump grabbed the wheel of the Secret Service. It didn't resonate because there was no across examination. Knzinger and Cheney were there as stooges. Nancy Pelosi rejected Kevin McCarthy's I think it was the Banks of Indiana and Jim Jordan, we're going to be the two senior members, and they said, no, you guys were part of the insurrection. You were going to vote that day, are going to examine that day the results from certain states, and so you can't be it. She just utilized it. It's never happened before in an American history on a committee to select to look into something like this. That's why it didn't resonate with drama. That's one of the reasons it flops, because you could tell they were leading the witnesses and they know this. That's in the files and the and in the in the meetings and when people be when people be deposed. Now, so I believe you have to have a public hearing in Congress. It should go and they should and the Democrats should have a ranking member, and they should have minority council like we've always done it, and they should cross examined witnesses and that time, if the committee feels like a criminal charges should be sent over to the Justice Department, it should be done. Then I think that I think that would be a better way than just going to grand jury. But it may go either way, but this is going to be investigated. And I can tell you right now, they're very smart people around the President United States that are sitting there going these pardons are not going to hold up. And people are determined to go and we got to get to the bottom of this of what was done because of either party.

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How many of these.

Pardons are we talking about? Is it a select few or do you think it could be a lot more than we realize? I mean, could this affect the Biden crime family as well? Because look, I want to be careful and you know this in momentum. I don't want the country to become divided in Trump to lose momentum because it looks like we're going after our political opponents. I also think there needs to be justice. Can you do both the same time? You know how hard that is to do. But could this affect some of the Biden crime family pardons as well?

Yeah? Yeah, Well, I think there's a number of things the Biden crime I would put that into a special category dealing with Ukraine and other investigations. I think we'll go on. I think the two and I think Ben, you're very wise in saying this. I think the two that have to be done immediately is one j six. The others doctor Fauci, doctor Anthony Fauci, and everything dealing with the Wuhan lab, everything dealing with what he was doing as far as gain of function, the whole gain of function situation, and the universities in the United States that were tied up with it.

Because the media never reported on that. Was he actively begging for a pardon?

Oh beg for Barton? He was actually he he ran he was working on it even before uh uh, the the election. The Jay six guys because of the political repercussions they had heard, you know, beforehand, that they had a sense they weren't going to win. Really started after after November fifth. Fauci was for much longer. He has been nervous because he knows he purged himself in front of Rand Paul on numerous occasions. Ran Paul has done a great job of highlighting that. So, first off, Fauci and everything Fauci will lead you to things about Wuhan and leads you to things about what Nih and other people around Fauci did. That's an investigation we had have to have since Ben, as you know, over the last week, it's the New York Times, it's the Times of London, it's the Wall Street Turner coming out and saying, hey, these guys have said it was a lab leak, were actually correct, and we know we smeared him, but it turns out they were right. So the Bluhan lamb in Fauci's involvement, and he knows he's got a problem even.

If his becomes.

He So let's say Fauci, let's go to that one for a second, because this really intrigues me, and I think many people listening, and I guess I'm me.

He Steve Bannon.

He is the host of war Room. You got to check it out. It's an amazing show. If you've never seen it. In the podcast is incredible. You look at Fauci, Let's say hypothetically, a guy like Fauci, this goes all the.

Way through and the pardon is no one void. What then happens next?

And then could that actually mean that a guy like Fauci could go to jail for for lying and perjuring himself.

I think all bets are off on all this. I think you definitely think the reason people want to pursue this is that these are very serious and we can never allow the apparatus and can't in in the in the administrative state, uh in Fauci's case and uh in something like what they concoct on J six to ever happen again. We're not going to have a republic if that is out there. And that's why these two have to be done. That's why people around President Trump have questioned these That's what this autopen is going to be very important. And in Democrats and I know the progressive media, to listen to your show, have to understand, this a very serious effort and people are going to pursue this because the lawfair continues until today. I mean, the lawfare of what these radical judges are doing the President Trump is just another extension of the lawfare that they really rebbed up against President Trump and the MAGA movement and others in the first in the first term. Now Fauci goes much deeper. Frauchi is about the administrative state in the deep state, and and what his involvement was with Ruhan, what his knowledge was. You know, there's a whole set of email change that brand Paul, that center Paul went after that showed that Salci was very weare at the beginning that was a lably because of the gain of function experiments they were doing there with essentially money in support from his operation, and he tried to suppress that. He tried to do a misdirection play. He was one of the drivers in back of the media, particular Washington Posts and others, coming after Tom Cotton, coming after war Room, coming after myself, coming after Natalie Winners, other investigators we had that were coming out and saying, hey, this is a labile the very from the get go. So folks just have to understand if we're going to make sure this doesn't happen in the future, you have to take care of it.

I realized, all right, I've said this four times.

Let's us let it go and move on. You can't move on now.

You just said you've said it four times. We have to make sure this never happens again. That clearly correlates with the hell that you went through. So let's start back at the beginning of that hell for a moment and remind people, well, what was it that got you into the point where democrats said you are so dangerous, we need to lock him up, and they start coming after you.

War Room, the people that work for you, and ultimately you went to prison.

Walk us down that storyline to remind why you can't just let this go because of what they did. You said, Navarre at the beginning of this conversation, the anniversary being today and you guys playing that audio on your show, I mean, that's the worry. I mean, these people rated this president, the former president I did to America's home.

I think people forget this so quickly. We live in such an eighty D society.

Yeah, no, it's you know, the president exert executive privilege on a number of things, including conversations others you had with Peter m var and myself about you know, exerting executive privilege. I also argued immediately that the committee was not properly structured. So Peter Navarro and I refused to comply. And what these guys did. Normally, situations like this are civil matters. They passed the Just they'll pass it to the Justice Department for a civil matter. This committee did not. They held Peter Navarro and I in criminal contempt, right, which is a misdemeanor, criminal content, not civil, which is the way it's always been handled in the past, but criminal content, and they sent it to the Just Department, which immediately put the team many of these folks have just been fired or let go, terminated by the President's new team at the Justice Department to basically go after us and for misdemeanors. We went to prison because we wouldn't break I would never comply. I thought this thing was illegal from the beginning. Thought it was a way to attack the president, and not just to attack the president, but the entire MAGA movement and the republic and the Constitution so Peter and I would not comply. We went to these rig trials in DC, the same types of things you're seeing with the same judges that came after President Trump later and wanted to put him in jail for three hundred and fifty years. The same people today, because this fight is active today as we speak, probably more active than ever, with the same collection of judges, these radical neo Marx's judges in the in the DC circuit and throughout the country, and on misdemeanor charges, on misdemeanor charges, they sent us to federal prisons.

Now, Peter, how long for beer? They don't know this. How long were you in in prison for?

I was in four months. I was in Danbury Prison, which has been around over one hundred years. And I was told at the time when I was there, there had never been a misdemeanor ever. I mean, it's almost unheard of. You never have misdemeanors. Like the people that ran the federal court in DC. One gentleman been there of fifty years, who's going to retire? And he came up said, mister Banner, I've been here fifty years. We've never tried He says, we don't have time to try the felonies. They try to get people to take pleap artist because it's just not enough time judges space to do the felonies, he says, But we've never ever had a misdemeanor. So for a misdemeanor, I was sent to prison for four months to af prison. I didn't go to a camp. I actually went to a minimum security. But I mean it was a prison with I think eleven hundred inmates, and it's a quite dangerous place because of the because of the drugs that are there, and some of these inmates, these young inmates have twenty and twenty five year sentences in a very tiny place that's over one hundred years old. They break psychologically. They used drugs, and once they used drugs, then it's there. They're they're they're they're really out of control. And big guy, you empathized with them because I was there for twenty five years. It would break you psychologically. It's a very These prisons are very tough environment.

What did you learn from that experience?

I mean, you're a big guy like I am, but you still got to watch over your back, like your shoulder twenty four to seven, right, I mean, like what was it like being in there.

I just came out. I came out more empowered than ever. The irony is they've wanted to shut me up right and from the campaign and destroy me. I came out. My team had done a great job. We were more active in the campaign. Put the grassroots part. That's a more impop, the grassroots volunteers. So we had a fantastic It was our strategy. It was executed to a t Elon Musk back to play and put up so much money in back a Charlie Kirk and others that were the coordinators, you know, two hundred fifty million dollars. It was incredible. I came out seven days before, led the rally to forget folks to turn out on Game Day, which I think over fifty five million Americans turnout for President Trump, particularly tons of low information voters. And I'm more in power than ever. The show is bigger. I'm more active than I ever been in Nancy plus and that she's kicked to the curb by the Democrat Party because of the loss, and the people in the Jay C's committee are running, they're scared, they're panicked. That's what they went and got these and got these pardons, so in you know, in God's wisdom and divine providence wisdom, they lost at big time and we won. But I came out of prison more the reason I came out of prison more in power. It's a very dangerous place and you must be focused twenty four to seven to make sure that you can get through there. But for me at at seventy years old, it was a was an amazing experience just for the focus. But I will tell people you don't want to be sent there, and we can't have people sent there for what these people did. And Peter Navarro who's also seventy years old when I was there, ben the people that impressed me the most are the right to life people. There were women in their seventies and the female prison in my prison some of the most amazing men I ever met with. These people that prayed in front of abortion centers, Evangelical Christians and Catholics that prayed before the abortion centers the Rosary are prayers and were sent to prison for three, four or five years, and I mean in a federal prison with a lot of bad own braves because they wanted them to be attacked. And these people in. President Trump pardoned all of them the first day he was there. So it's amazing. But here's what's happening. Look, you and Ted Cruzer have the amazing podcast. These federal judges has lawfaares not stopped. It's actually more intense now at a higher level than it's ever been, and it has to be stopped. They've got I think, and what.

You mean by it's happening now for people again?

And I always try to ask the everyday question because I want to assume that people don't understand what's happening right now. So break down these judges and explain what you mean by the lawfare now. And it's judges. The way I described it to a friend earlier was, look, it's judges who are dug in and say I'm untouchable and I'm going to be a roadblock for the president to do his job and stop him.

Is that a fair analysis of it.

Yeah. Look, as conservatives, we've always believed in ideas have consequences. This is a big idea that you're seeing being played at The idea is the unitary theory of the executive. The President Trump wants to get very straight for his term and for terms going forward. That the office of the President has three aspects by the Constitution. Number one, he's chief executive officer of the United States Government, and therefore, as chief executive, he has a broad mandate to make decision executive decision, including about personnel and including about spending, to wit that the Appropriations Bill is a ceiling on what should be spent, not a floor. Number two, that he's commander in chief of the Armed Forces. And number three is that he's the chief magistrate and the chief law enforcement officer of the United States. Those three things are encapsulated in the office of the President and the person that serves him. And what you're seeing with his executive orders and other actions he's taking using the advisors of DOGE to go after waste f abuse and the administrative states. Also other things he's doing with his cabinet, things he's doing as commander in chief to keep the country safe. The left has no responses politically. They're shattered their color revolution of people in the streets of burning tesla's and trying to hold rallies is a flop. Okay, they have one thing. They have these radical Marxist or neo Marxis in robes in the federal judiciary, and what they're doing is going to court immediately on anything President Trump does, including Kerry Lake does this big restructuring of Voice of America the other day. Bang, six hours later, they're in with a source back lawsuit with all these sophisticated left wing lawyers. And what these judges are doing is they're giving injunctions and temporary restraining orders, like from Rhode Island for the entire nation. I think there's fifteen right now. And this is across everything. This across President Trump making personnel decisions about I'm having a reduction in force here, or like holding two billion dollars back from the USAID to go out and fund left wing groups throughout the world, or as commander in chief to basically say, hey, we're going to take this vendors, We're going to take these Venezuelan gangs, these murderous gangs. I'm getting that out of the country immediately. I'm putting on military aircraft and other aircraft. They're going to El Salvador, They're going to go to prison there. To have a federal judge jump in the middle of a national security decision and the judge trying to redirect the planes from the bench back to the United States, so across the board, and this has come up to the fact that President Trump and ourselves, with Mike Davis, we've called for the impeachment of this chief judge of the district in Washington, Boseburg, to be impeached and to move the House Judiciary Committee to start to move the immediately to impeaching. And just as Roberts came in and basically read the Riot Act to the President and to our movement to back off, and so we are hurtling towards a constitutional crisis about exactly and a lot of this is going to go back to about do you comply or not. I believe that a couple of these judges are laying contempt traps from President Trump's senior advisors.

And really this so when you say they're saying these traps, explain what that would look like in reality, what they're hoping that the quote mistake they would make.

Well, here's what they're doing. Like on Saturday, when President Trump sent these these terrorists, because he did the name of terrorist group, he sent the out of the country. The judge card of the emergency hearing at five o'clock on Saturday, and folks should know that the federal courts don't work over the weekend. They had this and he basically made from the bench he wanted the planes to be redirected, and then when that was not done, he then had another meeting on Monday, and he required that tremendous amount of detailed information be given by about what happened, about how many prisons on each plane, who were they, where were they heading, why weren't they turned around. The Trump administration did not comply with that. He's now asked for that. They've come back and said, hey, maybe we might comply if this is kept in secret, but even then we have to have assurances you're not going to be leaked to the left wing journals. So right now this judge is laying up about complying with his orders. I think sending up a trap to try to have criminal charges brought against some of President Trump's people. They're playing desciously and this is why this lawfare is not going to stop until stop it now. There are five or six things already in the House and the Senate, through Mike Lee, about legislation that can go like the legislation at eighteen oh one that reorganized the federal judiciary. There's talk about chip Roy the great concrecurrent contextas is already saying, hey, look, the budget for the Federal Court is ten billion dollars. Maybe we cut two Bayon out of it. Maybe we actually cut some of these districts like San Francisco and Rhode Island that are going out of their way to put national bands in the President's of the president's policies. There's others that President Trump has put in an executive work to go after the law firms. That a lot of these law firms like Perkins coy and Burlington Covey are in the back of a lot of this. So the Covington earlier in the back of a lot of this. So it's all out legal warfare right now. And people have to understand this is the main event because we're in a constitutional crisis and they're trying to shut down with President Trump's trying to do that. The people in the United States gave him mandate as the chief executive of the United States government has and in chief of the military forces and as chief managt rate in chief law enforcement. Also, this is why He went to the Justice Department on Friday to basically put a market down and say, Hey, the president is no longer forbidden from talking to the Attorney general. The president is no longer forbidden from talking to the FBI director. The president is no longer forbidden for going into Justice and talk the main justice and talk to everybody. So this is the war, and this is the one the Democrats and the radicals think they can win since they have no political no political pressure right now, given how the American people have rejected them.

I want to ask you two more questions, and I really appreciate you spending time with us. My guest Steve Bannon. He is the host of War Room. You can watch it on Real America's Voice. You can also download the podcast. It's incredible. Well, I actually believe, and you mentioned God earlier as a Christian, I actually believe that God allowed for Trump to lose in twenty twenty so we could see how corrupt the government was with Democrats, so he could come back and save this country in twenty twenty four. The best thing that ever happened was was us getting to watch this lawfare the way you've described it, so we can stop it, and I think that was a blessing.

How big of a deal is it now that we have people, you know.

And well cash Pttel for example, Dan Bongino, John Ratcliffe and all these others that are in there at the FBI and the CIA, et cetera, understanding just how rot, how much rot and corruption there is within the deep state, and actually demanding transparency and showing us whether it's the JFK files, the list goes on and on, that we're going to have a transparent government. These are things that I don't think we could even imagine we had to deal with back in sixteen.

You're right, this is providential. Sixteen was a providential win. I was there, had a ringsite seat. I mean, we had a man, a movement, a plane, very little money and nothing else, and we took down to Clinton mafia. I believe like you do that the steel in twenty twenty was providential also, and that in the fullness of time, we saw how radical these people are. What they're prepared to do this country culturally, economically, giving away or sovereignty, what they've done geopolitically, it's outrageous, but we got to see it. The American people got to see not just people that listened to your show of people that watch War Room, but a broader swath of America and they rejected it. And most importantly, President Trump in those four years, you can tell not only was he able to think about things, not only was it able to kind of meditate on where the country is and to bring up a course of action as they came against him, and remember they wanted to put him in prison for three hundred and seventy five years so he would die in a federal prison, and they were bound and determined to do that. That really had President Trump do a very deep think on all this. In addition, we had like brooksh Rollin's at American First Policy Institute, Stephen Miller at American First Law, the Heritage Group or Project twenty twenty five, the Great russ Vote at Center for Renewing America, five or six think tanks that went through for four years and made a decision they were going to back Trump as Trump did his political comeback and start to work through these policies, these verticals very deeply and also put together the three thousand people that you don't need Senate confirm that could work on teams become sedgerate matter of experts. That's why when President Trump shows up this time, unlike in sixteen, you have days of thunder, you have flood his zone. He does ten and twelve things a day that resonate. That's why they're so desperate. They need to basically slow it down. The only way they can slow it down is with the courts, and to delay is to deny. If you look at the same percision to look some of these rulings they wanted to post people in the government. This is the judges, not the plan is. This is the judges, and they're trying to slow it down to try to string this out pass the twenty twenty six midterms. Their strategy is very obviously, but President Trump's done it so it was providential, and it's providential he's back. And you mentioned the types of people he's getting in there. It's a dream team. But this has been years in the making. You know, Cash Ftel, Dan Bongino, Pam Bondi, the whole team that the Just Farmer is basically President Trump's legal team that defending him against this law fare. So these people John Ratcliffe and Cia, You're not going to take down the deep state unless you have a guy with the courage of a John Ratcliffe, right, or someone like a Tulca Gabbert. So the team is there. This is now a test of wills, and that's why we were in a constitutional crisis more than ever. You have to have Trump's back because they're trying to break us right now and they're trying to use the federal courts to do it.

Final question for you.

In everyone that listens to the show, I always try to give them a hey, how do you get involved?

What do you do?

What is it that listeners need to be doing to advocate support, to back not just this administration, but all the other things that you just talked about.

I think the first thing is, let's use your agency. You are important. Remember President Trump is a grassroots movement. This is a populis movement We've never seen before in this country. All the forces are aligned against him, Silicon Valley, the corporatist, the globalist, all of it. It's been defeated to date because of the popular the sovereign will of the American people. Having Trump's back. Number one, listen to your show, get more information, listen to your podcast or Ted Cruz. Just get more information, weaponize yourself. And you do that with information, become an information or what we call force multiplier. Then number two go to these sites that can actually help you become active, not just to your local level, but also calling your congressman. But when you call, you know what you're talking about as far as impeachment goes. So I would say number one, use your human agency. That's what this is about. You. Remember, God works through human agency. He flows through you, The Holy Spirit flows through you. So number one, find out and learn as much as you can weaponize yourself. Then number two actually become active, whether at the grassroots level or right now, making sure that you're letting your congressman, your representative of your senators know, Hey, this is important. We want you to folks and want folks on this legislation. We want the House Judiciary Committee to basically a panel. We want to start looking at these judges because folks, we are in a gunfight right now. We're in a metaphorical gunfight about the direction of this country. And you know, I'm glad everybody celebrated inauguration, but I kept saying this, We're about one hundred days before we get down to it. And now we're getting down to it on day sixty. And folks don't think it's going to get better. It's either there's no compromise here. We're either going to win or they're going to win. And this is all going to get down to the test of political will. And you know, Ben, I have my money on the American people in the grassroots movement in this country.

Now, all the data that I just gave you, I'm going to ask you to share it on social media. I'm going to ask you to share it with your family and your friends. We do this show every day on social media, so make sure again grab it, download it, and if you get to see our videos on social media, please share them because, as you know that, the big tech presses everything we do here.

And I'll see you back here tomorrow.

The Ben Ferguson Podcast

If you hate the liberal media but love the 47th President, than this is the podcast for you. Ben Fer 
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