The Little Kind Wolf
In "The Little Kind Wolf," Roxy, a gentle wolf banished by his pack for being a vegetarian, encounters a group of cheetah cubs who initially fear him due to his species. Despite their initial hesitation, they become friends, and Roxy invites them to a party with other vegetarian animals. 📖On Stor…
The Vampires Haunted Castle
In "The Vampire's Haunted Castle," Obi, a magical fox-red Labrador known for his super speed and teleportation, receives a plea for help from a village plagued by eerie noises from a nearby castle. Upon investigating, Obi discovers the castle is haunted by ghostly knights and a vampire named Count …
The Horses Reflection
In a tranquil valley, a young horse named Spark feels out of place due to his unusual appearance and mysterious abilities, which lead to teasing from the other horses. One day, he meets a strange creature who reveals that Spark is more special than he ever imagined. As he learns to harness his powe…
The Time Travelling Girls
Rose and Lotty, two best friends, discover a magical time gate that lets them travel to different moments in history. They have incredible adventures, like sneaking into Queen Victoria's coronation and meeting pirates, while also making a new friend named Lily, who can time travel too. Everything c…
The Great Car Chase
Tulip the Rabbit is pulled out of her quiet meadow life when the town’s favorite cat, Lollop McFlop, goes missing. Teaming up with Detective Max, Tulip follows a strange smell to an old factory where a gang of chickens is up to no good. Can Tulip help solve the mystery and bring Lollop home? 📖On…
A Wizard Called Spellgod
It's Harrison's idea this week! When Jamie stumbles upon a mysterious trapdoor in the forest, he’s thrust into an underground world of magic and mischief. Guided by a bonkers wizard Spellgod and the enchanting Unicornbot, Jamie discovers he has a special role to play in protecting this hidden realm…
Action Beaver
ACTION BEAVER: We have great Story Quest teamwork this week as we combine Elyza's lost fossil idea with Thomas' character ACTION BEAVER! Action Beaver, a super-strong beaver, alerts his beaver friends to build a giant dam to stop a huge floodwave. Eliza McGyver, who loves fossils and lives in a mu…
Grampa Donkey Loses its Name
In Oliver's story suggestion Grandpa Donkey, happily living on Wonky Farm, forgets his real name until a playful pup named Clover prompts a quest for a new one. 📖On Story Quest Dan narrates stories with titles and characters suggested by Fun Kids Radio's listeners. Perfect as bedtime stories or …
The Only Bat in the World
Billy the bat thought he was the only bat in the world and loved telling other animals all about bats. Billy the Bat's world changes forever when a vampire shares a special secret. 📖On Story Quest Dan narrates stories with titles and characters suggested by Fun Kids Radio's listeners. Perfect as …
Science Experiment Goes Wrong
THE SCIENCE EXPERIMENT GONE WRONG : As a science competition experiment goes haywire, two girls come to face to face with a GIANT ant! Will they ever be the same again? 📖On Story Quest Dan narrates stories with titles and characters suggested by Fun Kids Radio's listeners. Perfect as bedtime stor…