Things are getting personal! Kate and Oliver answer your questions for a real and raw Q&A episode of Sibling Revelry.
From Oliver's daily struggle to keep life on track, to his true feelings about becoming an empty nester. Meanwhile, Kate shares her secret to making every day count with a 20-minute morning ritual.
Plus, would Kate and Oliver provide a kick-ass ride for their kids to drive? The answer may surprise you!
I am Kate Hudson and my name is Oliver Hudson.
We wanted to do something that highlighted our.
Relationship and what it's like to be siblings. We are a sibling raivalry.
No, no, sibling. You don't do that with your mouth.
That's good. I'm excited. I really wanted to do more, more of us because I.
Feel it's what they demand. I mean, we don't, it's just what they want.
I feel like it's like sometimes when we're doing the interviews, there's like all these things I want to start talking about, and then we never get to. I know, sometimes I feel like we need intermittent ladies.
I'm in New York City right now here in LA I'm doing whatever I'm doing here, but I'm in the iHeart studios as you can sort of fun. It's great. It's like it's like a game changer. I feel we need a studio. Yeah, it's just fun to sit here. There's a thing you feel important kind of you know, it's just it feels good. Everything.
I like it. I like it.
We got to figure this out.
I know, we got to get our space.
We got to get the space.
We almost got our space, and then and then all the things happen. Yeah, and I hadn't signed it, and I don't know what to do now I think I don't know. I got to figure it all out. But that's for another episode of sibling revelry right now.
This is this is different. This is going to be a very very different episode.
Yeah, we're gonna these questions. I book, we're you know there. It's like sort of a Q and.
A Yeah, this is good.
Okay, Kate, what do you look up to about Oliver that he doesn't even know? Well, I'm I'm kind of a talkative person. We tell each other everything.
You know. But but I mean, it's not that you don't know it. But you know your perseverance, your fearlessness, your fire, your your you know your inability, your your inability to sort of get put down. You fucking charge forward. You don't give a fuck about what people think about how they feel about you. That's what I admire. That's what I wish I had more of. Oh, so I told.
I know, I know, but we're going to repeat it. I love Oliver. I love what you want to answer for me.
I know what it is. I think. Okay, what uh my exceptional parents.
I think you're a great parent, and I think, I mean, I have some notes, like.
The way the way I the way I use my words, my articulation, my ability to sort of just be off the cuff always. I know you.
Yeah, I love all that, and I look up to me for that. I love, and I think looking up to is different.
I admired lately.
I lately feel that one of the things I look up to with you is how you've been able to take on sort of a peace maker type of role in certain familial moments where you're able to be kind of a rock for people to talk to without commiserating.
Yes, that's so interesting, she just new, Like I keep going because I just listen and absorb it, you know.
Unless you're drunk, because they're having some drunk moments that I'm like, Oliver, shut up. But as a whole I love that you there's when you're you kind of listen without judgment and you do give great advice without feeling like it needs to be taken. Yeah, you know, and yeah, I get that peacemaker is a good for that.
I love that here's a good one. Here's a good one. Because I'm going to be dealing with this soon and you have insight into it. So firstus, Kate, how do you cope with a kid going off to college? And then Oliver, do you feel ready for this?
Oh? Are you going to start crying?
Yes? Well I'll go first because thought about this. You know, he has his room, he's a year away from it, and you know we all are upstairs and pretty tight quarters, were all kind of near and near each other. And you know, first of all, dropping him off is going to be insane, or watching him drive off to college or whatever it is. But then the residual effect of it is just the room, walking past the room knowing that he's now not in there anymore. It's going to be really really bad. Like I'm trying not to cry right now, so I can't even I might demo here.
May get your fishing tackle room, you know, like like, oh, you know this is what it is.
Actually you're gonna come home for Thanksgiving break? Like what the fuck?
I'm like, you're in the garage, buddy. Sorry, couldn't take it. I needed to.
I needed to insert the other thing I love.
Yes, and so this so it's not gonna be good. It's not gonna be good for me. I know, I'm gonna be excited for him, you know, but it's it's gonna be devastating, devastating. I feel like you were you were you were all right?
I was, it was fine. Yeah, Like to me, I was like, I think also because he went to New York. Yes, uh, he's living in New York. I'm there all the time. It doesn't feel like he's in like, you know, the middle of Nutworth to take two or three planes in the car for five hours to get there. I feel like. And I also like, I don't know, I'm so I get so excited for my kids to live their life and and and have that experience. So for me with Ryder, I was like, this is gonna be so fun.
Did you think you would be devastated and and and you were like, wow, I'm more excited for him than I am. Sad, And I didn't realize that that's how I would feel, because now I'm thinking, maybe that's going to happen to me.
I think for me, Rider holds a very specific energy in the house that is humorous and full of energy, and he's incredibly intelligent and outspoken with his idea is point of view. And my thing was is I knew that once I dropped him off and once we went through that there would be mornings that I'd miss him there, and like that was the big thing for me. It was like I remember making my coffee and that was the one cry, a big cry I had. I was like making my coffee and like Bing came down and Ronnie and Danny and they were all like in like a really bad mood, and I was like, in this really like good mood, and I realized that Ryder has that. Yeah, I mean Ronnie does too, But it was like, where's where's the balance? I'm missing my my big guy, my boy, you can come down and like it's change this energy point.
It's a great point. You don't realize how important each piece of energy is in your family until one is gone. Yeah, and how that can be disruptive, you know. And then you then you find the balance again. But you know, so used to it all being there.
And it wasn't like it was just like a moment and then and then like you said, it's like it's just and then you realize when your kids go away, You're like, oh my god, they're going to go away and it's like crazy, and then you're like they're just they're all the time like you. They come home and then I mean even the other day, I was like, mom, I've got like, you know, two more semesters left. And then like you know, I think I'm gonna, you know, come back to l A. And and then he was talking about what he was gonna do for like his room and stuff, and I was like, are you planning on moving back into the house hold on? So that's gonna be a whole other thing, which is when he actually moves out of his childhood home, it doesn't come back there.
And wait, how many more semesters he only has? Two?
Well, yeah he's got he's a junior. Oh so I got two more? Yeah, ones, he finishes this semester. Crazy. So but I think you're going to be it's going to be easier than you think. I think Rio is going to be the big one.
Oh god, well that's the last one too.
Yeah, that's just going to be like, oh, I know, I almost have to have another kid just so that.
No, I know, just so yeah, just.
I'll be so old by that time i'll have a grandchild. I'll just be like listen. This is fine because now I'm a grandma, so I've just it's got all the grand.
It's gonna be fun to be a grandparent.
I know.
I kind of weirdly can't wait to make what I can.
Oliver often talks about not having a career like you. How do you feel about that? I mean, I think it's funny.
I think feel nothing.
I feel nothing about it.
Well, yeah, I think, I mean it kind of goes. I feel like I'm fourteen, which is all of you have an amazing acting career. Why are you so hard on yourself? You know?
I mean, I am, well, amazing is a very nice kind word. I want to whoever this fan is, which I don't have.
Yeah, I just I'm not not really that hard on myself. It's a lot of self deprecation, you know. I mean, there's a lot of humor behind it. But I do have to remind myself how lucky I am, you know, and that I have had an amazing career and it's just starting. My fucking my production company is called slow Burn because that's what I am. So when I'm eighty seven, you guys, just.
Wait, You're gonna it's gonna be your biggest year.
Oh, I'll be remaking Cocoon.
I think it's part of just your sense of humor really, like yes, you know and and and like you know your your comedy. It's sort of yeah, yeah, it's like I loved when Tony Robbins said, like you really love to hold onto that trophy. Oh, I know it was my favorite because it was so it's so you want to Robin saying it is.
Like yeah, but I wonder if it hurts my progress even though I'm having fun, because absolutely probably because you just keep ingraining that into your brain, even though.
You tell yourself. What you tell yourself is what ends up being the the what how you like motivate, how it moves I think, I mean, I.
I'll probably never stop though, because it's always gets a good chuckle.
I think I think too, that you should like redo the artists way, because I feel like you've had this great career and you act and all that stuff. But but really again, I'm just I know our our fans and our listeners have heard me say this a million times, but like you're not doing the thing you're supposed to be doing, which is writing, creating and directing.
But you need to write, you know what I need for that.
Because you're such a good writer. So it's like it's like it's like having like your big you're the person who knows this so well, that is your sibling who's like, oh, you're just you gotta write.
I've talked to Zoe Winkler about finding some a doctor who does adult ADHD diagnoses, because I want to know because I guarantee I I want to do it because I know that I must have it in somewhere one way or another. I can just feel it once I can be diagnosed. There some fucking vivants or whatever's going to be right for my body. I think I might be after the races because there's so much that holds me back, that feels count So what vivances helps with that? Everyone here because everyone takes Viavance. All the producers are sitting right in front of me and they're like, ohance, Like everyone takes vivance. Aaron has vi avance. Aaron takes vi Avance at like six am when she wants to get shit done, and it's unbelievable. She's like a different human being.
Is it speed?
So adderall is more speedy This is more slower release. You know, it's for ADHD and and other things, but it's much cleaner. You know, I took one once and it didn't vibe with my body, my chemistry will This was years ago, but I want to figure out my ADHD because I think if I do, you know, I can, I'll take off right. It's not it's not it's not lack of talent that's stopping me. It's not the lack of belief. It's honestly just this physical or this brick wall that I hit, like I can't do it anymore. Move on.
The rider sent me I think it's I wonder if it's a genetic thing, you know. A wrider sent me this really hilarious. There's this I of course it's in my algorithm, the ADHD.
It's insane.
It's it's so funny. There's this meme of this person walking.
In with all these like kind of like like this like like costume on and it's almost like something our brother would have done when he was a kid.
It's like something from Thailand, like a Thaie prince or something, and it's just totally ornate. And the meme is like me, when I do closet clean out like an eighty h deer when they do classic clean out.
And it's it's me like I can't focus, Like I I will and then it's all the same stuff like I will be like, you know what I'm going to I am going to do jewelry and I will get like I will buy the melter, I will get the I will get the things and every.
Like like I haven't opened my little jewelry setup. I was like, it's I can't and then I and then I'll get back into it and I'm like I'm going to do it, and then it's all over my office and then I leave it and then I'm done with a tag.
On it from two thousand and five because I was like, I'm going to become a spear fisherman. I have I have like I have barbecue sauces and fucking things because like I was going to be a pitmaster. At one point, I was going to can. I was going to can and sell it on Etsy.
Yeah, no, I know, actually cannon could be a fun I.
Can because I have a ton of yellow fintuna that I need to like can.
Oh that I'll do that with you. I have all the stuff.
Well I asked for that for Christmas, and You're like, I already have one, and I'm like, Kate, I don't, but I'm glad you have one. I don't because I wanted to get a you know, one of those canning things.
Oh it's so funny, but that is sort of like and it's Oliver and I for everyone that we we laugh because we go we love books and we go into bookstars and literally like all I want to do is buy a new book and read it like in like a week and it just sits. Yeah, it takes it sometimes takes me a year to read a book, which I've changed. But and so here's what I was going to say. Okay, before you go take you know the speedy outerall or the slow burn vibe, that vivacious whatever it's called. Five anti, I did this thing where I started to just structure my day differently, and and I added the things that I just really wanted to accomplish. So for instance, when I wake up, when I wake up, I read for twenty minutes.
Wow, right when I wake up.
Right, when I wake up, I wake up early, I kind of spin. I don't go on my phone. I set I do this thing on insight timer where I play like beautiful like flute music and I read for twenty minutes. I've set my timer in bed, I set my timer and I read either like it depends what I'm feeling. If I'm really into like a book i'm reading, I'll just read that book. But I usually like to read something kind of like more motivating, like a self help type of book or something in the morning, and then I'll do the same thing in the afternoon. I set my thing before I go to bed, and I'll do twenty minutes of my book fiction book that I'm reading before I.
Go to bed.
And I've been reading so much more.
Can you go over the twenty if you're into it? Yeah?
Right, yeah, yeah, if I'm into it, I'll keep going. Yes, But I make myself almost as like a meditation, do the twenty minutes of reading a day.
Yes, And.
That it's also like you don't realize it when you do it. I really truly believe that it sharpens your brain. Like it makes me feel like my vocabulary is better, my thoughts come together better, I finish my sentences more clearly.
Yeah. One, I completely agree, And it just it just you know, awakens your imagination, which we don't get to do very much when we daydream. Yeah, but that book, you know, brings pictures to life in everything sort of starts to percolate and all of a sudden, I'm in Venice, Italy and this is happening. Oh my god.
Right now I'm endorsed at England and in the twenties and it's the best. Oh yeah, I'm reading this book right now. I've read so much.
I'm listening to Jerry Weintraub's book, which is amazing.
Yeah, it's just because he narrates it, so it's his voice, it's just his life, his career. It's it's incredible. He's incredible life. But I don't mind the audio stuff. But for certain things, I like paper. I like to read a book.
Yeah, you know, well, and then you realize that, like this is just the dev yes, and so like you have to shut it off and you only use the things that's the tool. I say this, I mean my phone and and like I always use this thing called Speechify to read. Bastard. That's the other thing I've been telling you to read.
I know, I got it, I have it, and you should.
Do it because it for for for those of us who need to help with focus, it's so awesome, Like you can you can even do it through your Kindle now on it so you can have your book on your Kindle and you can go to Speechify and it it highlights and helps you read and so you can do it audio and do it visually and downloaded.
I I just haven't used it, so like you know, no, I know it's Scheduling for me is huge. Like I when I'm when I'm in my schedule mode and I've got my calendar and you just feel so accomplished. You finish the day, You're like, yeah, did it.
The next day you're just like.
Right, got it. I went too far with scheduling where I'm looking at my calendar and it's like ten fifteen to like ten eighteen, like brush your teeth and then like ten twenty three, like if you're feeling a bowel movement, don't be afraid of it. You know, it was like it was two scheduled where I'm like, wait, what am I doing? You know, so, but I do need to do that. I do need to do that.
But I think that if you do that with writing, if you do, like if you wake up in the morning and you write or for you you make it kind of like an hour out of your day. You're just like, yeah, you know, they also have this thing needed this research on twenty five minutes and five minutes. Have you seen heard that like this one too? So twenty five minutes in focused energy on one thing. Set your timer and then get up, walk around for five minutes, don't think about it, don't do anything else, smart, go make a coffee, don't get on your phone, just do other things for five minutes, and then when that timer goes up, you can go back to focusing in on the thing that you're doing. So if you do that for like an hour, you know, you do four sets of that. You're like, I'm gonna do an hour writing. Set your twenty five minute clocks.
That's good.
Yeah, that I found.
Really, Yeah, that's good. I'm gonna try these. What do you do when your kids ask for something you can afford but don't think it's appropriate appropriate? What does that mean? Meaning like a range rover? Oh my god, I just say fucking crazy, get a job. Yeah, but honestly answer that question, Here's what I did my kid wanted a certain car, and I was like, dude, no, But then I took the car that I got when I was a kid, which was a Honda Prelude, wasn't flashy. I looked at the sticker price back in the day was seventeen thousand dollars, and I then sort of googled inflation on seventeen from nineteen ninety, you know, three till now, so it's about forty forty five thousand. That seventeen is now about forty five thousand. So I said, okay, here's here's what you can spend anything over that you're going to have to pay for it. And Wilder did and he got the car that he wanted, and he worked at James Purse for a year and you know, paid basically his insurance and was able to sort of get the car that he wanted with work. Now that being said, he does not work at James First anymore, and I'm still paying bills that I probably shouldn't pay. So it was there. The idea was there. At worked for a year, he paid for his car for a year, and you know, now I'm probably I'm taking taking it over.
You know, I I yeah, I'm the opposite. I kind of am like really strict about weird things like that, and so like Rider, you know, when he got his first car, I wasn't gonna buy him anything. I was like, I'll help you with a payment with like a scheduling payment that's up to a certain amount. If it's over this amount, Like I'm not doing it. You have to do it, and I'm not. I won't. I won't pay for it. So we kind of had to look at his savings and then kind of work backwards. Yeah, but I'm really like I just think that except like for Christmas, Like I love spoiling my kids at Christmas.
Yeah, it's your first car, the first car. I don't get him this first car, I know, but yes.
But but like I love spoiling kids a Chris Like, I just I just think kids need. Like there's this I mean, and we're in like it's such a different weird bubble, like you know these kids, Like I just just look around. These kids have like everything, and even though we have the means to be generous with our children, I need it. That being said, Bing is like I don't know where he gets the money. Bing is like this money guy, Like he's like, I'm like, where did you get that ring? Honey's like I bought it. I'm like, with what money is? Like the money that I have been investing in.
Stocks and stocks.
It's so funny because you see, like all your kids have a very different relationship to money and to things material things. It's like they're all my all my kids have a very don't.
You do you find that? Oh yeah, well so it's it's TikTok, it's it's social media. They all look the same, they all wear the same things, they all have the same hair, the same clones, the sameeness, the same that. It's all the same, you know. I mean, it's it's the it's the chrome heart stuff, it's the acne jeans, Acne club. And they're all billions of dollars. I'm like, whoa you guys. But at the same time, my kids love to thrift as well. They're into the whole thrifting world.
No, but what I'm saying is that all of their relationship to money is different. Like being Being has this real like save mentality, but he also loves to be like he loves to save his money and then he loves to spend it on the things that he really wants.
Yes, yeah, that's where whereas.
Rider has a terrible relationship with money. I'm like, what are you doing? Oh god, it's why did you buy? Why did you go to that restaurant? You can't afford it? You're in college. And he's like, I just really wanted.
To the wagon. Being in body are the same being a body? Well? Yeah, done? For like a month, he saves all of his money, like he saves it, and Wilder just rips through it. I'm like, I'm much was that he goes four dollars sweatpants. I'm like, what four hundred dollars sweatpants? And he's running through all of his his his savings. You know this with this you know movie that he's doing, it's making some some dough, but I am not letting him happen.
Well, I just I think that it just relates. Like that's how you can kind of I think it's like across the board, it doesn't matter where you are, what you come from. Like kids, relationship to money oh yeah, yeah is very It very much mirrors who they are as people, you know, just like their.
Personal character without a doubt.
And then it's like your job as a parent, depending on how you are, I guess, because like I sometimes think about parents, you know, other parents, Like I have friends, like a really funny friend who you know, their relationship, their relationship to money is so different the white the husband and the wife that it's like causes like so much turmoil and so and like that's just what their kids are gonna see.
It's going to be like.
And then they're gonna have one kid that's gonna grow up and be like, you know what, my dad never bought us a thing, and and now I just, yeah, I spend my money. I'm gonna spend all of that.
You know.
It's like yeah, wild, there's more like me, and body is more like Aaron. Aaron's very frugal, like all of she shops at Target, and you know, she tailors her clothes to make them look great. Everyone's like, what do you where'd you get that? She's like fucking Target, you know. And I'm out there just like fucking just spending money that I don't have, you know, even even even even doing this movie, I'm gonna spend more twenty thousand dollars on a better house because I just want I want something like cozy comfortable, and I'm like, it's I'm just gonna take part of my paycheck and spend it on that. I just you know, yeah, I gotta I gotta go. But let's do one more because okay quick? So who would you cast to play you in a biopic about your life? Oh well, I'm still like in it, but like but like just like, no, you are.
Like early twenties, think twenties.
I'm gonna go with twenties Fastbender. I'm going Michael Fast.
Of course. I still have that snapchat like a while ago from you at at Jamie and and Nico's wedding where you were like trying to be fast but you were like doing.
A fast Oh funny, He's just cool.
Fastener is a good one. I like that, yeah, even though I.
Mean I think he's I don't know if he's is he funny?
You know, he's very funny. He's Yeah, you guys would be like best friend.
I'm going Fastbender cast. You know, just he's brad. What do you mean? Fine?
No? Bad?
That was bad? Past? Better is a better call?
Nope, okay, No, he's funnier and handsomer.
Yeah that's true. Ken, I don't know he's got a different kind of handsome.
Who would you cast? Who would who would?
I like Drew Drew, like Blanchette.
Like Blanchett, very interesting. I actually love that woman so much. She's like one of the coolest chicks.
That's what I'm saying. And that's why I feel like it's you because yes, she's English whatever, but she plays. She's cool and she can do an you know what I mean, she could, she could do it.
She's just you know, she's all Allie. That makes me feel good. Thinks Herchett is me. That makes me happy. That means you think I'm cool.
Yeah, I think you're cool. Yes, finally, Well let's end on that because I gotta go catch a plane.
I love you, have a safe trip. I'll see you when you get home. Okay,