This Money Diary starts with a bold move... buying a house with your partner less than a year into dating. And from there? Life happened. In big, unpredictable, deeply emotional ways. She’s bought homes, sold homes (without an agent!), navigated love, loss, DIY renos, dodgy tenants, and some truly tough decisions—all while trying to stay on top of her finances. But it wasn’t easy, and it definitely wasn’t a straight path. If you’ve ever felt like life is throwing you curveballs while you’re just trying to make smart money moves... you’re going to feel seen in this one.
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Acknowledgement of Country By Natarsha Bamblett aka Queen Acknowledgements.
The advice shared on She's On The Money is general in nature and does not consider your individual circumstances. She's On The Money exists purely for educational purposes and should not be relied upon to make an investment or financial decision. If you do choose to buy a financial product, read the PDS, TMD and obtain appropriate financial advice tailored towards your needs. Victoria Devine and She's On The Money are authorised representatives of Money Sherpa PTY LTD ABN - 321649 27708, AFSL - 451289.
Hello, my name's Santasha Nabananga Bamblet. I'm a proud or the Order Kerni Whaltbury and a waddery woman. And before we get started on She's on the Money podcast, I would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land of which this podcast is recorded on a wondery country, acknowledging the elders, the ancestors and the next generation coming through as this podcast is about connecting, empowering, knowledge sharing and the storytelling of you to make a difference for today and lasting impact for tomorrow.
Let's get into it.
She's on the Money, She's on the Money.
Hello, and welcome to She's on the Money, the podcast that it lets you be pervy on other people's money habits for educational purposes of course. Welcome back to another one of our money diaries where I get the absolute pleasure of talking to one of our She's on the Money community members all about their money story and journey. Let's jump straight into it, because this week I got an email and it sounded exactly like this, Dear, She's on the Money. Money has been a journey. We've had some wins, some losses and a whole lot of learning along the way. I've felt multiple streams of income, taken risks on businesses, some that worked, some that didn't, and climbed the ranks. In my career, property has been a big part of our story, buying, selling, renovating, and navigating the unexpected. Now we're at a crossroad, a potential new investment, big decisions ahead, and the usual mix of excitement and uncertainty. It's never a straight path, but here we go again, money diarist, You've left a lot to the imagination. Like, I just have so many questions, but this is so exciting, Like you can't just I have multiple streams of income. I'm like what what income?
When? Why? How? Property? You're doing it again? Doing what again? Like I just have a lot of questions. Welcome to the show.
Thank you for having me.
How fun? All right, let's dive straight in. The first question I ask all of our money diarists is if I could ask you to give yourself a money grade from A three to air for what would that grade be?
I think probably I'm going to say it BNUS.
Okay, let's learn more about that. Can you now dive in and tell me a bit more about your money story, because I when I read this, I was like, she's got to be kidding. I need so much more information right now.
Sure, So, I guess growing up my parents were business owners, either like running businesses or owning businesses, So that's sort of what I've always known growing up. My mom is one of six, and so we have a lot of cousins, and my sister and I are the first two of the cousins to get a church education. So that was something that was I'm not going to say forced upon me, but my mum really stressed the importance of getting an education and being able to earn the best income possible. And I'm so grateful because in my first year of UNI, I really wanted to drop out, and she said, no, I think you really need to give it more than six weeks.
That's fair Mom.
Yeah, thanks, Mom, always with the advice. So yeah, when I got my degree, started working in it soon after, and then I've been working in it since I was in twenty twelve, so it's been for about thirteen years now. Along the way that my husband in around there, so in twenty fourteen, so I was pretty new to my career when we.
Met oh, did you meet through your career?
No, no, we Actually I've heard you say this before. He and I met on Tinder.
Yep, same same same queen where all the good men used to be.
I mean, I used to be so embarous about that.
Oh oh my god, it's same. I told my parents when I was finally bringing same time. I was like, we met three friends. I'm friends with the internet, right, and.
I know, so like, oh, we were introduced by a friend of a friendly because I don't want to say were met on Tinder, because I.
Was like, oh yeah, And you know what, it got to a point where I hadn't told a lot of people and then people stopped asking, right, They're like, oh, Stephen Victoria, no worries. I ended up telling my parents. But then it comes to my wedding and I had told the celebrant that we met on Tinder and she makes the comment in her like introduction of the two of us, and she was like it was the right swipe or something, and I was like, oh, no, you did not, but that was really funny. Anyway, that's all right. I'd been talking about it on the internet for ages.
Okay, true, So yeah, he's a tradee and when we met, he was working five layout so he used to do four weeks on one week off, which was that's a lot, so difficult when you're in a new relationship. And when we met, he was looking for a house to buy because he had like all this excess income and needed to do something with it. And I certainly wasn't in the same sport.
Yeah you're like, that's unrelatable, but sure, oh.
Yeah, I was meanning much much less. But we after about eight months together, we decided we would buy the house together, which is looking back, sounds so crazy, but you know, if you know, you know.
Look, I'm the same. We moved in together at like the twelve month mark, and I was like, well, yeah, whatever, it is what it is.
So he had obviously significantly more money stage than me, but we decided to buy it together because I was just I'm sure how we were going to navigate. Am I going to live with you? Will I pay you rent? Who pays what? And it just seemed way easier to just put our finances together. And I said to him, you know, our borrowing capacity is going to be much higher if we do it together. So we decided to do it together. Not only that, when we put an offer in the house that we bought, he was away on a four week swing, so he hadn't actually seen the house when we contracted it.
Oh my goodness.
So the Ultimate trusted me to be like, you know, if you think this is it, then let's do it. So we bought that house. That's so stressful, so stressful for us, both because there's a lot of pressure on me.
I did that with a rental property once with my now husband, and the anxiety I felt over a rental property, Like I cannot imagine how stressed you were. You're like, yeah, so I tipped your life savings over here.
You're right with this, that's okay.
If you don't like it, bad luck.
Yeah, it's going to be awkward. But anyway, we settled when we moved in, and we probably lived there for I want to say shore and a half years before we kind of thought this isn't quite right in terms of sometimes you just don't know until you live in a property whether it's right for you or not.
Yeah, one hundred percent.
And it just wasn't quite right. A great house, good bodes, but just not quite right for what we wanted. So we went overseas on a troop and got engaged.
That cute. A tender love story.
Oh, the tender love story. When we got back, we found another house just around the corner from our current house, and I just went and looked at it on a whim at an open home and I fell in love and I had to persuade them fiance that it was the right house for us. I finally got hit over the line, but it was significantly more expensive, so we had to do a simultaneous settlement so that we had the funds to pour into the next property. And then we found a tenant for our first property and moved into the second property.
How cool.
It was really cool, And I was like, well, I can't believe we just found my dream house at like twenty five years old.
How good.
It was quite a big home, and we intended on filling it with children, and then we sort of ran into some unforeseen fertility issues where that just wasn't really happening, and being in the house sort of reminded me of what wasn't happening.
So oh, that's so stressful and so shitty, Like you don't need your home to be that reminder I know, and.
It was just like, oh, this is the time that we had played family, but now we might not get one. Also it was like significantly more expensive. And sorry I've missed a step. In a months that the tenants that were living in our first property trashed it.
Ah, and you're going through all this stuff and like fertility, we should talk about it more. But like when you're going through this, you wouldn't have been telling people. It would have been like this secret struggle. Like and then someone trashes your property, You're probably like, I'm going to trash you, like that's right.
And ultimately I had to go to Qecat, which is the Queensland to get them out of the property because they refused to leave.
Jeez, Luise, they stopped paying rent, they trashed the property.
So when they finally got out, it was like a big money here. Really, Oh my god.
I actually just can't fathom how people do that, Like I just it is unimaginable to me. Like I'm the type of person who goes around my hotel room as I'm leaving and picks up the towels because I'm so worried that they're going to be Like she left the towels on me ground and the idea that you trash someone's house like, absolutely not.
I know. So at that time, we're having like quite a few issues, and then I just said to my husband, let's just get rid of this house. If we're not going to have kids, let's go traveling. So we're going to sell our house. We're going to sell our rental or whatever money was left, go on a trip. Enter COVID nineteen. We're not going anywhere.
You stuck at home.
We're stuck at home in this house that we don't want to be in anymore. So anyway, I was like, let's go ahead, whatever someone this house is perfect for someone, let's sell it. And we ended up selling it. I did the whole show. We didn't get a real estate agent. I did all the open homes, I did the listing.
Oh my god, what was that like?
It was kind of chaotic. Fuck, even when I do for work, I was okay with it.
Yeah, okay, but.
Yeah, it saved us a ton on real estate commission, don't you know, Like I don't recommend it's pretty stressful, but it did save us as time and at the time it worked for us.
Yeah. Cool.
We ended up that house.
So I need to backtrack. I need to backtrack. I have to ask, so you decided to do all of this? Did you need any licenses? Or you can just put your house on the market just DIY.
You can do that yourself. There's a few companies that do, and it's like, sell my home and they help you with like real estate packages and your paying amounts to them for photos and that type of thing.
Yeah, perfect, okay, all right, Yeah, I was like, what about the contracts? What about when you find a buyer? I wouldn't even know how to sell my house with the contracts.
Again, because of what I do for work, I was comfortable with that, but I except that not everybody is.
Yeah, okay, so proceed with caution.
Yes, correct, that's my bus. So we sold that house and we pretty much just sold it for what we brought it for because no one really wanted to spend money.
You just wanted to get rid of it as well.
Absolutely, and I was just happy to break even and call it a day. We sold our other property for more than we bought it for, so we made a little bit on it. After we cleaned it up and renovated it. We just did like a cosmetic renovation enough to sell it, and we made a little bit of money in it. And then we also came into a little bit of money at that time which we hadn't able to put towards traveling obviously not happening. So then once we sold all these properties, my husband's like, where are we going to go? He's legend a queen's later his whole life, So a big timber home with a beautiful deck, etcetera, ETCeteras his dream. He finds this queen's lander in this dream suburb.
That's so good.
He's like, well, we've got all this cash and we're not going anywhere. Should we do it? And yeah, we ended up doing it. Luckily we bought and a really black we're so fortunate to afford in the market that we bought in where house prices were significantly lower than they are now. So yeah, we bought for three hundred and seventy five.
Thousand, Oh my goodness.
Yeah. And then because my husband's a jack of all trades, master of some not all, we were able to do a pretty decent sized reno on the house, a lot of him doing it himself. So that's it does a heap of money. So since the renovation, we had our house valued recently and it was valued at nine hundred and fifty value it sorry, what I know, crazy?
Nine fifty from what three eighty five b for real?
Three seventy five?
I know, three seventy five no illegal?
So good. Gave my husband a huge head about how his skills.
Oh yeah, well do you know what. Let him keep that because like, next time you want to renovate something, you be like, but you're so good at it. Remember how you did that? Yeah, just you let him keep that.
So we have quite a bit of equity in our home. And because we applied some of that money that we made from our first investment property and some of the way that we came into our mortgage was pretty low. So we only owe four hundred thousand on our house and we borrowed some to do the renovation. So yeah, we owe four hundred thousand, it's worth nine fifty.
That's so good.
And we don't really have any other debts. We did have a small Carlo and that we just paid off.
And so now you're thirty four, So it's kind of like a nearly ten year journey of like buying your first property and like going in and around and like, I feel like you're in a great position now. I've just got a few questions and I hope they're not too pervy. You did mention, look, we had some fertility issues. Is that something that you're like, okay, cool, Like we just decided that we're just not having kids, and now you're it's just the two of you and you're trying to work out what life looks like moving forward or what's the go there.
No, so we were lucky enough to I found an amazing doctor in my hometown who helped me or helped us through that fertility journey. And we've now got two little boys.
Ah, they are good. And do you know what, I think? It's so beautiful hearing stories like that you were so down in the dumps about it that you literally sold your house because you didn't want to be there because it was a reminder of the fact that you weren't having a baby. And then now you have two babies in your now probably even more dream home.
Absolutely, and they're like, honestly the best thing I ever did. So I'm so glad that we were able to get that.
Oh, oh my God, I'm so excited to hear like that's literally the best. Like ah, I was like, do I ask? Don't I ask? And then I was like, hold on, earlier we're talking about daycare. I know that this woman has kids, so good, all right, I need to now know what do you do for work? How much money are you earning?
So I am a lawyer and I earn about one hundred and twenty thousand.
Cool, very cool. And when it comes to being a lawyer, are you in property law because you told me that you understood the contracts or is that just a benefit of being a lawyer, like you just get to understand all of it.
Well, I mean it's somewhat a benefit. I don't profess to be an expert of property, but I did at the start of my career. I did a lot of conveyancing and.
Cool and more so, you're fine.
It was subject matter that I felt comfortable with.
Oh how good. I don't want to be too pavy. But is your husband on a similar income?
Our hands quite a bit more than me. So he's on about one hundred and fifty.
Thousand and he's still doing five fox.
No, he doesn't do and what he works into town, so I know he'd never worked away from our voice, So.
Yeah, how good. I was going to be like his fIF ox really hard steal, Like, what's that look like? That's so nice to have that income and not have to do fifo.
Absolutely, and he's pretty high up in his area now.
So yeah, you've said obviously fertility was a big part of it, and I'm sure for a while there that was a pretty big money goal, especially because you said you had to find a very probably expensive fertility doctor. You've bought and sold your dream property, You've then bought another beautiful Queenslander, and you're sitting on a very nice amount of equity. What are your big money goals? What are you currently working towards? Because I feel like for a lot of like people listening to this are going to be like, she's achieved all the things that were my money goals.
Oh look, the list of goals are endless. But at the moment, there is a house in our street is actually right next door to us, another Queen's Lander. Oh my god, my husband and I I guess really really want to buy it. We used to have really lovely neighbors there. It was brought by an investor and it's just like been pretty like renters in and out, changing over very frequently, and we would love to buy it and neither let's be in control of who's renting it, or do something like an airbnb sort of setup.
Oh hey, that would be cool, wouldn't it, Especially being next door you could do all the turnovers yourself.
Oh, she's savvy and that would be like an investment property for you guys.
Maybe, yes, correct, I'm into the spreadsheet so I've had to look at it all. Yeah.
Love, tell me a bit more about this travel goal of yours because it was sidelined because of COVID. But if you were buying and selling during COVID, I'm just doing some maths, and then you had two kids, I don't know when you fit that travel in. Did that ever happen?
Is it a goal?
It's still definitely a goal. Probably the length and destination slightly different with two small children. But we're actually going overseas in August this year and taking both our boys, so we're super excited about that.
Oh exciting, where are you going?
Where going to Japan?
Oh my gosh, how good?
We're really excited.
And the weather over there at that time of year will be gorgeous.
Well, it'll be very similar to where we are in Queensland, so I think we'll be used to. Everyone says it's too hot, but I think will be fine.
But you're from Queensland. No, you're fine, You're absolutely fine. I go to Queensland and I think it's too hot, so I have no chance in August in Japan.
I mean, you're probably right, but we are used.
To it, right, It's like the frog in the boiling pot of water, like you just get used to it.
You absolutely do.
I love that. All right, let's go to a really quick break and on the flip side, I actually have a lot of questions for you, so guys, don't go anywhere, all right, money, dirist. We are back and we are talking about your journey mainly in property, which has been really cool. You've clearly made some good money. I mean it's not cash in your hands, but you're sitting on some really nice equity inside the property that you're currently in. And I would say, as much as it's your family home, I can see that you're seeing it as an investment. And we've just been talking about you potentially purchasing the house next door to you as an investment, and I'm assuming that you're probably going to use some of the equity in the house that you're currently even to get into that property. But talk to me about your thoughts on investments, like what investments do you hold, what's the plan, what does the future look like?
So I guess other than like acid ranuation and I salary sycrifice into my super very sexy and my husband does the same, it's just a little amount by every dollar counts. We don't have like an investment portfolio per se. So that is something that we've talked about, and we have gone back and forward about whether that's in property or whether we want to have a share portfolio something similar. My husband's rationale is that if we buy property, we have something down to our kids because they might never be able to get into real estate.
Very valid.
That's sort of why we've been looking at the house in store and other properties and investment properties and thinking about how we could use those to have an income stream. But I am still interested in just having a small share portfolio. So I did, after listening, actually downloaded some of the apps that you are good recommend it, and I just had some small amounts in there that are just sitting there, not really doing anything. So I started, but I would have said that we're.
Deep in dipping our toes in the water. I love that. What made you want to salary sacrifice more to your superannuation?
Well, my employer pays over and above what they're required to, but they will only do that if we meet the percentage over and above the standards.
So you're like, no brainer, free money.
Yeah, I had a low plus sacrifice three percent and they give me an extra three percent.
So excuse me. I would like to go back to full time and play if that's the case. Like, that's a good deal.
So good.
So is your super looking incredibly healthy at this point?
I think it's okay. I mean, early days in my career, I was not earning all that much, so what I was adding to my super was not that great. It's definitely improved the further I've gone to my career. But also I've been on two stints of maternity leave, so there's been times where I haven't been earning. But it's currently sitting at about one hundred and thirty thousand.
Oh, you are doing well. You are fine. That is good, But like I think that that's the way for a lot of women who have invested a lot of time in tertiary study and then you know, probably taking on grad jobs and then working your way up, like it does take a bit, and then you start earning a lot and then I think employeers know that, and that's why sometimes obviously really great benefit is having additional super but I think a lot of them know like, oh, we probably should kick this up a little bit for them, because most of them are going to be behind. So that is I would like to say, kind of them. But it's also a very good employment benefit. So tell me a bit more about debt. You mentioned before. You currently owe four hundred thousand dollars on your property at the moment, and it's worth nine fifty, which is a money win. Do you have any other debt?
We have a credit card that's probably not like I just booked accommodation for Japan, so it's probably got like eight hundred dollars.
Yeah. Cool. And how do you feel about debt? Like is that something that when you were taking on your mortgage was that stressful or you're like, oh no, I get it, Like it's fine, Like I'm not worried.
I don't worry about debt that's attached to property, and I think that's just because I'm experienced in property. But I feel like credit card and personal loans, I think they can aspireal really quickly, so there is an element of fear attached to those, I think, and obviously everyone would, but I would puppoched to not to have them because the benefit, you know, doesn't outlay the risk. Whereas with property, I think you've got something solid that you can always if you need it to, and hopefully in the right market, your asset is at least equal to it.
Yeah, totally, And I feel like it's wealth generating at the end of the day, Like if you get it, you're like cool, Like I could sell it for what it's worth. But a personal loan does feel terrifying. I mean, as someone who was in personal debt, like it is terrifying even once you've got it now. I feel like to get into property to be able to like flip these properties and get to where you are today, you would have had to have some good money habits. Can you tell me what you think your best money habit is?
I really thought about this because I was trying to figure out what a good money habit is for me, and I think it's so simple that it's so effective. We have a billing account that's pretty much it.
So I love this.
I have a spreadsheet where I've got every bill that we have to pay, the frequency in which we have to pay it, added it all together, and provided it into a weekly payment. So my income or my wage goes straight into our billing account, and then I've figured out how much we need to top it up from my husband's wage, and the money just goes straight into our billing account. It means we always know that any bill that comes in, there's money there to pay it. And it means that whatever's left, even though we probably don't want to spend it all, is safe for us to spend it. Yeah.
Yeah, yeah, that feels good. I mean it's not how I deal with money, but that feels like a really simple system to be like this means that my bills are paid and I'm not in a financial pickle absolutely.
And then at the moment, like we have a savings goal w or we're saving for our holidays, so some of that money goes into another account, and they're all offset accounts whing a mortgage, so while my money's sitting there, it's off setting our mortgage. And we put a little bit away for our holidays so that when holiday time comes, I don't feel like I just.
Like, yeah, love, I love that so much. Do you have bad money habits? If so, what's the worst The spenders.
Like my husband and I are really bad at saying should we like this? And one of us will say no, we don't need that, and then the next day be like, Oh, let's just get it. Let's just get it, let's just get it.
Let's just do it.
Why not example flights to Japan? Should we go to Japan? And my husband's like, well, you're on the term lead, do you think we should? And then the next day he said, I fool a that, let's just do it.
I kind of love that though, Like it's not as though you're being super financially irresponsible, like you have a mortgage, You've achieved all of these things and kind of set yourselves up, so it's not the end of the world. Like these decisions that you're making, they are big, but like they're not at the cost of your future wealth. In the grand scheme of things.
No, not pouring our wealth down the drain, definitely not. But we are just like we could probably say, oh, we don't really need that right now, let's just not like it.
I kind of like that though.
You know, when you want it, you want it.
See, you'd be fun people to hang out with, I feel because I'd be like, oh, what if you guys ruen up to and you'd be like, oh, we just booked Japan. I'd be like, we caught it last week. You said nothing about.
Japan, right, Well, it's funny it should say that, because just before it started raining, my husband and I got we've ordered and have a pool five of gus pool sitting in our front yard because we're installing a pool, and we were like, our sun really loves swimming it. We were should we get a pool? He really likes to swim. Should we get a pool? Yeah, we're getting it. Let's do it.
So you have impulse brought a pool and flights to Japan in the last month. I like this, right, I mean, I would love to say it's like unrelatable, but like I don't even have anywhere to put a pool, but like, don't put it past me because I would do it. I want impulse, bought a spa, an inflatable one on the internet.
I will find space.
Yeah, I like this, like you are my people. That just sounds really fun. We do have to keep each other in check though, because like our spending, like we would enable each other. So I think that we need to just be careful because otherwise we both might end up.
In Japan or somewhere else.
Not bad, not bad. We've had a chat and at the start you said, v I reckon, I'm a B minus. Tell me what it would take for you guys to get from a B minus to an A.
I think like starting on some investments, so something that is like making us some money while we invest into it, which maybe whether that's property or something else, I'm not sure, but I think if we had some investments, I'd feel more financially secure. And I would really love to have like a passive income stream. And I think, hearing you read the letter at the start where we talked about like businesses and some failures along the way, my husband is the eternal like looking for the.
Next good deal kind of like that that's me. I'm always like open to a business idea. Like I swear at the team every day. I'm like, so what about this? And they're like, sit down, stop it.
This is me to my husband, No, that's the stupidest idea ever. And he comes back again and he really thought about it though, because I think it could work.
I like how committed we are to it though, And then the week after when we've decided it's about idea, I'm not admitting to you that it's about idea. I'm just going to stop talking about it.
Yeah, I'll come up with the next big thing.
Yeah, I'm working on it. Stop asking.
So I think if we had a passive income, that would make me feel more secure as well and better about our financial habits totally.
And I don't think that's far away, because you guys are talking about like setting up an Airbnb and like organizing all of this other stuff that is going to ultimately put you in a really good position. Like I think this is a very fun money story. Like I love that you're like, yeah, like we had some fertility issues and we sold the house and I was like, oh, that's so hard, and then you have two boys, Like that's the best, Like and the journey I don't know. The financial journey is such that you can't predict it. Like you know, you said that you were twenty five when you bought that house and then you were trying to make babies and fill the house full of babies. You wouldn't have predicted that you would have had to throw money into that part of your life at any point. Like, it doesn't ever become someone's goal, It just is a spanner in the works. Do you think that your fertility journey in a way has shaped the financial decisions that you've made.
I think definitely, because I don't think that we would have owned any other property after that. But now I've got to provide for them. But my focus is them, so I'm probably a little less frivolous, a bit more safe because I want to give them their best.
Life possible totally, and I love that. I think that that is really really cool, money direst. I wish we had more time. This has been so beautiful to have this chat with you. I've doort it. I feel like we could be best friends on the outside. So I hope that at some point you and I can cross paths actually in person, as opposed to via video call. So till then, Thank you so much for this. I know that everybody listening is going to have loved it as much as I did. Thank you so much for having me so of course, thank you.
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