Sharp Money | October 6, 2023 | Hour 1

Published Oct 6, 2023, 8:13 PM

In hour one of Sharp Money hosts Patrick Meagher, Amal Shah, and Dustin Swedelson break down their bets for CFB Week 6 and recap Thursday Night Football.

This is Sharp Money with Patrick Maher and I'm All Shaw on feast Ends the Sports Network.

Sharp Money on a Friday.

I know who I don't want in a foxhole with me. His name is Dustin Sweeteleson. Did you see the terror on his face? What's happening? What's going on? What's happening? As we say, Hi? Why are you getting all mad at me? Dustin Sweetelson A Mall Shaw on Patrick Maher. It's a great football Friday here on Sharp Money. Big things happening on the show, including where a thousand dollars richer.

I better go to the big guy because he's upset with me. Now, what's up?

Big guy? I was just asking questions.

I was just asking questions and no one was giving me answers. So I thought I was gonna have to start the show because we couldn't get you connected. So I sprinted to the bathroom to go to the restroom because god forbid, I have to see here for ten minutes and have to talk and lead a conversation with having to hold that in.

I don't have any rubber bands handy. That was the issue. It's ten seconds out. Still didn't know who was starting the show.

You or me. That's all I wanted to know.

Commanders, fans have questions. Ron Rivera doesn't have the answers. Maybe that great American profit run Magic Johnson does, which we'll get to in just a second. Last night was ugly, Amal Shaw. We say hi as we start up a football Friday. What's going on now?

About to tell you what man? The riddle of whether Justin Fields is the man? And the mystery in Chicago continues. Has a great game second half, the team takes off, but you could see the difference in having a number one receiver in Dj Moore. What it makes for the Chicago Bears. There good performance by the Bears and Ron Rivera call your nearest real estate agent.

It's two hundred and thirty receiving yards and three touchdowns with a bunch of yak off, a couple of hitches.

Good for Dj Moore? My goodness.

So this is the quote Dustin and them all as we get you started, got so much to do. Of course, Friday's here on sharp money. Mike Smitch is going to stop by, so plenty to touch on as well.

We've got Brian Bosworth.

The Boz is going to stop by Kyle Hunter, CBS Sports handy Capper, so plenty to do. Red River, We've got a big trade actually in the NFL, which we'll get to in just a second. But you guys just touched on at forty to twenty last night. And by the way, if Field's hit on a couple of those open patterns, it could have been much worse than the twenty point beat down. Josh Harris and his new ownership group has some answering to do today to Commanders fans. Why Jack del Rio in an offense it excuse me, a defense that is historically bad right now with a bunch of first round draft picks just littered all amongst the eleven. And why Ron rivera who has repeatedly proven himself to be a subpar coach, are employed today?

That is a wonder.

How about Magic Johnson who went from laughable to gangster overnight with this tweet tonight? Quote Magic Johnson, remember five percent owner of the Commanders. Tonight, the Commanders played with no intensity or fire. We didn't compete in the first half and got down twenty seven to three heading into halftime.

It was too big.

A hole to climb out of. And that is why we ended up losing forty to twenty.

He didn't lie.

Now everything like Magicamal, It's like when he tweets, he says something that's very basic, which is it was at twenty seven to three too big of a hole to climb out of, and they got trounced forty to twenty. But that first sentence is very important. And remember when you're watching Magic Johnson, don't just look at the smile. Paul west Fall, ask others he's a killer behind closed doors, and he said tonight the Commander's played with no intensity or fire. That is a direct shot from a new owner at the head coach.

You're absolutely right about that. First of all, you know people think cocaine's an addictive drug.

Holy cow. This guy can't let go of fame Canny.

I mean, look, he's stating the obvious, But why don't you state something that's going to be beneficial to the team and the fan base, Like we're gonna consider making some changes with these additional three days off, whether Shack del Rio or Ron Rivera. And I'll tell you the thing that was a big indictment of this team on last night's in last night's game was the lack of effort. Look, Dj Moore played a fantastic game. Patrick, you talked about the run after catch, but some of those plays it was just a lack of effort, poor tackling, and really this team right now looks disengaged. I think that loss against Philadelphia it turned out to be a lot more disheartening than maybe many people anticipated it being.

Ya justin Fields, you mentioned it at the onset. Eight touchdown passes over the last two games, two to eighty two, four touchdowns, fifty seven yards on the ground, twenty seven to three at the half, big Guy, seventeen to nothing lead out of nowhere. It hit quick, and it hit hard. There in the Nation's Capital, out rushed by nearly one hundred and fifty yards, gave up four hundred and fifty one in total. This Commander's defense, we mentioned Dj Moore the big trade in the offseason. Now this defense for Washington's allowed thirty plus points in four straight games. Herbert the rest of the crew absolutely ran wild all over the Commanders right now, a team that is two to three, two wins inauspiciously went to Fidelphia and somehow challenged the NFC champs. Came back in a primetime matchup to open up Week five and absolutely laid an egg. They were humiliated last night on National TV.

You mean this tweet from Magic Johnson wasn't really critical back in twenty sixteen. It wasn't something that you learned from May first, twenty sixteen with Steph Curry on the floor of the Golden State Warriors are championship team without him, they are still a very good team.

You don't think he's a very overly critical guy on social media?

No, no, no, no.

I think maybe I misstated it because I think the two of you are kind of missing the point here. This is about as pointed as an owner has ever been on social media at a head coach, Fellas, you're missing it. You're talking about fame, and you're talking about an old stellf Let me finish. You're talking about an old Steph Curry tweet. He said tonight, the Commander's played with no intensity or fire. He's literally taking a shot directly at the head coach.

I'm with you. You're talking about Oh, I'm with you, improving your point.

This was an example of an old Magic Johnson tweet, and that's all this account has been littered with for a very long time. He never says anything critical about anyone ever, except for maybe one time, and that was with Rob Polinka and that might have been coded messages. But he basically just says positive things all the time. That literally, I could walk up to a stranger at the bar right now and they could tell me the same thing.

My point is here you're saying, you're saying that that was his first attempt.

Okay, I got you, I got you, go ahead of them all.

My point is he's not fifty one percent majority like Josh Harris, so his opinion at the end of the day is irrelevant.

He's just now that's not true.

How is his opinion irrelevant. He's he's part of the ownership group.

Because Josh Harris has a controlling interest. And let me tell you, you.

Don't think Josh Harris is going to listen to Magic Johnson.

I don't.

Most billionaires don't listen to other people. They listen and make the decisions on their own. There's a reason why he's the majority owner. This guy ran Apollo. They're one of the wealthiest funds in the world. And trust me when I tell you, he's not going to Magic Johnson to make a decision on the head coach.

Would I trust you when you tell me that you don't know the guy.

I'm making an assertion based on how other people react at that level.

Jerry john is on.

Matters what he owns what. I don't understand what Apollo has to do with this.

My point is this is a guy who's been very successful. You think he's going to Magic Johnson in terms of how to run his organization? Sands you why he ran the Lakers into the ground. They pushed him out for Rob Polinka.

Wait, okay, so why would he want him to be a part of the ownership group.

It's a name, it's a name. Magic Johnson's got tremendous cachet. Who knew who Josh Harris was before this?

So do you think Josh Harris if he's upset about this quote tonight, the Commander's played with no intensity or a fire. Do you think he went and lectured Magic Johnson based on your assertion?

No, not at all.

So he's just going to allow one of these minority owners that he doesn't respect his opinion. He's going to allow him to go off on social media. I didn't say he didn't respect him team, I didn't you first of all him for his opinion.

Then based on just because you.

Respect somebody's opinion doesn't necessarily mean you go to them for something.

Just because you respect somebody for their opinion, Okay, it depends on what it is.


Would do you think he's going to go to him in terms of how to build wealth?

This is a guy who's in Toto.

One of the great winners in American sport history. And ask him what he thinks about what he saw last How.

Many successful people have we seen in professional sports? Isaiah Thomas won two titles? What did he win in the professional ranks? How successful was he? How successful was Magic Johnson as a head coach? How successful was Magic Johnson in the front off?

He's not coach, He's not coaching the football team. He's simply maybe he goes to him to ask for an opinion. Did you see fight? Did you see a prepared team? Did you see a team that was inspired last night?

That's all I'm saying.

No, I completely agree that they weren't. You could see it in the first quarter. I said that falls on Ron Rivera. I don't know if the loss and the decision to not go for two turned out to be a detriment to this team's momentum coming into Thursday night's game. But they looked like they were completely disinterested in that football game, because I think it would be hard for the Bears to put up twenty seven points on almost any team if they're truly engaged.

Yeah, yeah, I mean I think I actually think we're probably more in line than maybe this brief disagreement would allude. Because I think the idea that Magic, like you said, he's not majority owner, he's just owner of five percent of Washington, But I do think in circles, and you know what I'm talking about with Westfall Magic and what was it his second year where essentially he said it's him or me. Magic Johnson's gonna smile in your face, but behind it, he's a killer and he's one of the more competitive players. That's why his smile and his whole outward approach has always been a little bit misunderstood. And you know this, he's one of the great competitors I think jumping on Twitter, and this goes back to Dustin's point, where he's been very vanilla, very milk toast and very basic, very mid with his tweets. Hey, what's going on with Monte Teo? Hey, Steph Curry's a good basketball player? Hey tonight the Commander's played with no intensity or a fire. Now, i'mal Dustin. I don't know if this leads to Josh Harris. Now that's to a Mall's point actually abiding by what he's saying on social But I think it is a direct call out of Ron, and I don't think it adds up to anything good for the coaching staff. Would you guys agree with that?

It's definitely step one of what is potentially a really nice thing falling into the lap of this ownership group. I think the last thing you want when you take over a team like this is to have to settle for mediocrity With Ron Rivera as your head coach for the future, you want to make changes. So as much as they want to win and they want to be a successful franchise, they can get their own people in there. Step one is del Rio's gone and controlling the defense. Step two is Rivera's gone. I think there's a scenario where Eric Bienemy ends up coaching this team down the stretch as a try out to be a head coach.

It could potentially keep the job if the offense looks good the enemy.

I think the enemy threw the ball fifty five times last night because of del Rio's offense, putting him.

In a hole.

That was What did you guys think about Howell by the way, because look, maybe it's a game almost like Daniel Jones on Monday Night where you can't really properly judge holl I think he had a few nice throws, a couple of terrible mistakes, but.

He's constantly fifty one attempts.

Well, look, he wasn't bad considering he's thirty something for fifty one. They ran for twenty nine yards a couple of times. Ryan Robinson that third down and one he gets engulfed there by the Bears defensive line. He was so frustrated coming off the field. Brian Robinson was. I think it's very difficult at this level, unless you're Patrick Mahomes or someone of that caliber, to be able to be effective against a team who knows you're going to be completely one dimensional.

I'm guessing you weren't sweating the over sixty points. They almost cashed you over at halftime by the way the second half total posted twenty three back down to twenty two and a half. That easily goes over with that DJ Moore touchdown.

Oh he just scored a guy.

Goodness, they just scored sixty total points between two future teams.

We continue, this is Sharp Money, but Patrick Maher and the.

Mall Shaw on Vson the Sports Betting Network.

Okay, the NHL season starts up this Tuesday, so make sure you become a vsin Pro subscriber today and get our all new NHL Betting Guide features previews for all thirty two teams, future bets, award picks, and season long props, first betting strategies, as far as the period season betting power ratings from Steve mckinton. This is a confusing read. Bottom line is this. We have a bunch of new writers that have contributed to the twenty twenty three Betting Guide and it's the best we've got. So make sure you check it out. You want to bet, you're a novice, you'll love it. Your experience st you'll love it. Vson dot com slash subscribe. Now here's the thing is we welcome you back here on Sharp Money. We had success and what I mean by that most of you remember, I'm Patrick Mahell malshaw, a Dustin Sweetelson. We were doing a contest bill Adee, who is our fearless leader here at Vson for many years now on one thousand dollars for a futures play on the Super Bowl. So a little competition amongst the shows here at Vsin and we were pushing Vsin Pro Annual subscriptions, which, by the way, when you get a Vson Pro Annual subscription, you can get the twenty twenty three NHL Betting Guide, also the NBA Betting Guide which dropped yesterday. That's all in it. The free picks are in it, the picks page, the tools, everything. AnyWho, we did okay, it's not like we won. There were other shows that outsold us, and we congratulate them. But the one thing we did do well is I sent Dustin and a mall the frozen envelope, okay, and the frozen envelope which they had a drawing, a random drawing for the thousand dollars, and bill ad over there in the new crib, you know, the marble staircase, the chandeliers all over the place. He went to the couch pulled out the thousand dollars and pulled out the frozen envelope that said Sharp Money. I'm sure the rest of the shows that finished ahead of us with sales are going to be very happy for us. But Sharp Money, boys, we are the winners of the thousand dollars. Congratulations, congrats to all of us looking forward to we'll have to include one of our patrons in the ten percent.

They have to prove it that's right.

Well, you're gonna be easy to do, right because based on the people will take one of those names and include them in the drawing, would.

We give them how about ten percent? They might get more than we get.

We how do we so of the subscriptions that Sharp Money sold, So we've just got to grab one of those that sign up using the promo code sharp Money, and then we'll we'll link them in, you know what, we'll bring them on the air when we go ahead and get ready for our futures play on the Super Bowl as well.

It would be great if like Micah Parsons is one of the subscribers and we picked the Niners to win the Super Bowl'd.

Be even better if it was like Scarlet Johansson just like, what's up girl?

I heard you were a fan.

Let's go sharp money in scarlet. Well, I don't know. I think we had a nine percent shot to win the thousand dollars, so pretty good.

No, it was like twelve shows. Great, twelve shows were involved.

I think that many.

Yeah, it was like twelve shows were involved. We ended up with a nine percent chance and we beat the odds. And now we're going to try and beat the odds with winning on the super Bowl ticket just to get.

Is it just? Is it just a play? Like when do we I know Bill A. D Is going to stop by I believe on Monday and hand deliver the cash. So when do we have to have our futures play in By?

We got for Monday show.

He's going to hand us the cash and then they're going to have a shot of us walking and placing the ticket.

Hi Patrick, I asked them to see if we could make the play today because I was going to make a suggestion. I think the odds are going to change on a come Monday.

Okay, let's hear it.

I'm smopen forty nine ers, they play the Cowboys, they win this game, They're probably gonna wind up with home field advantage throughout the NFC postseason.

And then you look at Dallas having potentially two losses. They still have the Eagles to come. But the Niners, the way they've come out of the block, I think it would be tough to argue against them being the best team in the first court of the NFL season.

Okay, so right now, the forty nine Ers your co betting favorites in the market with the Chiefs.

Did you say plus five fifty five and a half to one?

Yeah, yeah, that's pretty good.

Seven and a half to one on the Eagles. The Bills are seven and a half to one as well, the Cowboys ten to one, along with the Dolphins. So let's keep on going here and see where we can get to a place where maybe something jumps.

Out at us.

I don't hate the raven Dustin and I have been all over this team, so mull you can veto it the Ravens at sixteen to one the Detroit Lions. Wouldn't that be apropos some synergy?

Eighteen to one.

I want to go back to your Ravens. I would never object to the Ravens. So I think this is a very good football team. And when you look at the AFC, I know the Chiefs have been the gold standard for the last half a dozen years, but they are not without their shortcomings. When you look at it, think about the Patriots during their great Super Bowl runs. They never blew anybody out on any NFL in any Super Bowls. And when you look at the Chiefs in the conference championship games, minus the one against Houston, they've generally had tight games. It took an off side for knowing them to beat them. It took a bad penalty by the Bengals for the Chiefs to beat them. It took a bad decision by mcdermotton to not go with a squibkick that helped them ascend. So I think the Ravens are very much alive, and you have to look at baltim from this perspective. They're going to be challenged within their division. They might not wind up with the best record, but they've had so many injuries that if this team is fully healthy, I think they've got a great case to be potentially the best team in the AFC. Because you've got one guy. Mahomes is the best pastor and quarterback in the NFL. But Lamar Jackson on the day when he's throwing the ball with accuracy, probably is the most dangerous player in the NFL.

I'm just reading quickly the fine print. It does say, I don't know if you guys saw this in the contest, it says at the bottom of the fine print, Bill ad is an eighty percent partner in one thousand dollars. So really that leaves us twenty percent. So twenty percent divided by four, we're five percent in this ad you slide devil.

Plus, we got to behind the scenes skill.

We have the crew.

Yeah, and by the way, here's the issues. We have a rotating crew.

We have a couple people here a couple of days a week, like, what is their cut? I think we have to do it based on how many days a week you're working the show.

So everybody right now in the closet there at the d is it's percentage wise in on this as well?

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes yes.

So what about that dude sitting behind you at the bar Canada?

Is he into He's basically on my lap?

So I mean at this point mean it might be getting married by the end of the weekend.

Okay, well, congratulations. Love is in the air and we love it so well. I didn't hate Amala's breakdown of the Ravens, by the way, and as we take a look, I would one hundred percent agree with you the forty nine ers right now the cleanest team if we'd put it that way. The Eagles look like a team that is building. I think you guys would agree with that. It's undefeated yet really haven't shown anything special thus far. The Bills after a dud and week one they're in Jersey at the Jets have been freaking great. The Chiefs, that would be just way too basic if we used one thousand dollars free roll on the Chiefs. So it starts getting into vsin kiss John Gulays ass territory with the Kyle Boy. Shout out to Dave Ross. The Dolphins, shout the Femi the Dolphins. I think Michael Lombardi would have a heart attack live on.

The Lombardi line.

If Tua won a Super Bowl, we don't want to go there. The Detroit Lions, Dan Campbell ain't winning a Super Bowl. You can lock it up. The Cleveland Browns are twenty five to one. The Jacksonville Jaguars are thirty to one. The Bengals are thirty to one, so I don't know right now. My tingle says that sixteen to one's a good price on the Ravens Boys.


Look, I think all paths to the Super Bowl go through Kansas City until proven otherwise.

It's just kind of what they do. They turn it on when it matters.

But I do think the Ravens possess a style of game that if it's gonna get ugly and gross, and that's kind of the way Kansas City's offense has been to start the year, with the way the receivers have played. If it's an ugly, gross style game, I like Baltimore's chances of walking away with a win.

Here's my thinking on this.

I would prefer to go with an FC team for one reason because I think the path in the NFC is much easier for me. I have four teams that have the possibility of getting to a Super Bowl.

San Francisco, Dallas Field, hold.

On, hold on, hold on, hold on, Let's let's let's play a game. Okay, let's all write them down right now. All right, So we're going NFC, and obviously we're all going to have San Francisco. So this is again congratulations and I mean this and I sincerely mean it. That goes from follow the money all the way through the Greg Peterson experience. Everybody that contributed and sold these Vson Pro memberships, I give you guys props.

We sold a ton of them.

And guess what, everybody that's bought a Vson Pro membership, we've heard nothing but amazing feedback. So if you haven't got involved, you can go right now Vson dot com slash subscribe.

So that's just to the side.

The fact that we had nine percent chance to get thousand dollars free roll on the Super Bowl. That's just icing on the cake for us here, a newer show and sharp money. So we're very appreciative. Let's go with R four. Okay, so we'll.

Go just go in order.

You San Francisco, I'll take them one. I'm all Shaw, you're up next. I'll go Philadelphia too, Okay, big guy.

Detroit three.

I knew I knew it, your donkey, but was gonna say, you.

Want to put a thousand dollars on Dak Prescott to do something in the postseason.

It's a fair point that would have to be four though that's it. Yeah, it has to be four, but I know it's just it's two. It lines up with the numbers and the odds, but it has to be those four.

No, is there any Look? Can I convince you of the Buffalo Bill?

Can we draft AFC yest're separately?

Yeah, okay, we'll come back and do that, Dustin, I'm sorry I interrupted you finished.

No, I was gonna try and convince you of an AFC team. We can get to that in the next segment, because well, can.

We convince each other of any NFC teams that are left on the ball?

De Francisco, for sure, you can convince me of Oh no.

I don't know out of the four outside of the four outside.

No, I can't get behind anybody else, do you guys? It's not pretty man, I think it's.

I mean, if we look, we're getting into Saints Seahawks.

You can't you can't do it. You can't do it.

I believe after Sunday night there are going to be three teams left in the NFC.

Yeah, so the eliminated team would be whom.

Dallas if they lose, I think having to play as a wildcard, Detroit expect to win the division. I expect Philly to win the division and the Niners to win the division. Cowboys going through the road, I don't think so.

I know you guys, I know you guys are going to think I'm trolling. Lions are looking. I've heard, will clean it up, clean up. Yeah, I know, I know. No, you're right, No, you're right.

Okay, let's come back with our draft for the AFC and we'll figure this out.

Shout to Bill A. D.

Great job all shows across the Vson landscape.

This is sharp money. But Patrick Maher and I'm all shaw on VS end these sports betting network.

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Joining, so plenty to do.

We're going to run the board as is customary here on Sharp Money on a football Friday. Amal Shaw, Dustin Sweetelson, I'm Patrick Maher. Hope you're having a nice week.


It was at least an eventful game last night if you're a Chicago Bears fan, if you're like, Okay, Eberflus might be a donk, but he's somebody that actually had the locker room still with him after all of the turmoil.

And what I mean by.

That is the FBI potentially, as we heard, completely falling apart to a terrible Denver team at home, turning around four days later and pommeling a Washington Commander team that had a little juice after a tough game up in Philly. So you like that weird, weird start to week five, and then even weirder for us this morning. We didn't sell the most subscriptions in our little contest with the other shows here at Viisen, but Sharp Money won the drawing.

So we get Bill A.

D's one thousand dollars to spend on a Super Bowl future and we're having a little fun with it on the air.

We just did a little snake draft for the NFC.

I'm all brought up a very good point if we end up going with a singular team, and we can talk about our hedging options coming up here. If we go with the singular team, maybe it's the NFC just because in easier routes, and then you get into the hedge options once we get there. But we had Boys, we had San Francisco, we had Philadelphia, we had Detroit, which is the longest number, at sixteen to one, and then we had the Dallas Cowboys at ten to one.

Let's go snake on the AF.

Before we go real quick? Can I just say something? Patrick just used the word singular. I just thought about this. I wasn't even thinking about it previously. Why don't we just take five teams at two hundred bucks?

Well, no, I think we have to take what the deal is, one for a thousand, okay, one bet voucher.

I was just like, hey, we can guarantee ourselves a team in the NFC in.

The Super Bowl.

Well, we do know.

If we want to go share a drink with Bill, because it is his money.

All we have to do is go to his house.

A hey, the Legacy Club of Above circa.

Does he leave?

Stop stealing my secrets to getting free drinks when I'm out, Stop telling everyone.

Okay, Snake, I'll just start to make it easy.

Chiefs, Dustin, go ahead.

I'm actually gonna go Buffalo too.

I'm going to go.

I will go Ravens, Chiefs, buff Ravens. Ugh next, I know I have to just because I'll just do it and we'll keep going because I'll just go Dolphins just because there's ten to one. So I'm EEF's h at plus five point fifty. Sorry quickly, Buffalo is seven fifty. So seven and a half to one, the Ravens are sixteen to one and the Dolphins ten to one.

Do we want to keep going here?

So look, I'll throw another one in the mix.

And it's kind of long, and you're banking on some things going right with the health of someone. Yes, I agree with the Cincinnati Bagels at thirty to one for a thousand dollars free play is super interesting to me.

I'll let you guys vote on this.

I think that's the ply I swear to you. I think I know. I look and it's overused. But if we're going to use the term value, yes, yeahs, we've seen this team do exactly what they've done this year. Maybe not look as bad with the variables, but they won twelve games after starting Pitifley last.

So I think they absolutely need to be in the top five because we have one more spot left in the Snake Draft. Here are the four teams that I think we're all we would all debate for that last spot. Would you rather have the Bengals or the Chargers?

I would rather have the Bengals because they have a chance to win the division.

I don't believe the Chargers can win.

The Bengals, the Bengals.

Are the Jaguars, Bengals, Bengals or the Browns.

Now that's actually interesting. Yeah, no, no Chubbs because of the defense. Yeah, or do we I'd still probably say the Bengals.

And then the last one and I know the answer, but they're just on the list, the Titans or the Bengals.

At Bengals, come on, it's juicy.

It's before he said it.

I was looking at thirty to one. I thought the Bengals are a pretty good shot, simply because if they get healthy by the way, you talk about some hedging opportunities we could have there, That's.

What I'm saying.

The tickets so big, we could bet against it and be okay.

And if Lamar Jackson got hurt, then the Cincinnati Bengals become a much more more dangerous team because they would host the first round of the wild Card because they would have theoretically won the division. I think the Browns are going to take a step back. I think without Nick Chubb, they just don't have the offensive consistency.

And here's the thing, we can see how Burrow looks on Sunday because we're not placing this until Monday, so.

It might get a little shorter. That's okay.

If it's twenty to one on Monday, twenty five to one that much, don't care. Uh, we'll see how healthy Burrow is. That'll be a deciding factor for us. But also in that division, I think like they're all gonna beat up on each other so bad that it's not going to take a massive record to win it. That even with Burrow banged up, Cincinnati can still win the division.

Thirty to one is a crazy number, it is.

So, but look, that got the juices flowing in everyone.

So I would say, I would say, is there another bet on the board where you got excited about the potential.

For its top.

That thirty to one on the Bengals. That Frank Thomas Nugenics. You know what I'm saying, like that is a dude, that's a Nugenics for your boy.

You get forty five years old.

That helps.

Yet at this point, get us a sponsor for this beat because this brought to you by a place that you have to consult with a doctor before you get the prescription for.

So there's three games you got to play to get to the super Bowl.

Few the Bengals, let's assume they're not going to wind up with the best record in the AFC.

They'll have a home game.

Buffalo is without Tradavious White, there's still a team that they can beat. I think mentally, Cincinnati's just better than them. The Miami Dolphins don't have enough defense. The Ravens are a team that's a contender and dangerous guys. If Joe Burrows healthy, I still think the Cincinnati Bengals are the second best team in the AFC.

They can't play any worse.

Three teams for me, the three teams for me, Ravens Bengals, Lions.

Ravens Bengals, Lions, Amal, do you have a three?

I have no objection to that. For a couple of reasons. Let me just kind of give you my reasoning. First of all, in the.

NFC, the li are gonna get some bum from the NFC South that they got to play in a wildcard game that they're gonna beat by fourteen points. Then they're gonna have to go on the road to Philly or somewhere. We can hedge in that spot. At eighteen to one, they're gonna be about a four and a half point dog. Good opportunity there, maybe five. I think it's a good chance with the Lions because they're gonna win the division, by the way. One thing to keep in mind, this division is so weak they could potentially, if there's an injury in San Francisco or philadelphia'll.

Wind up with the second best record in the NFC.

If we're talking about show content, you're talking to a dude that probably I might at forty five still have a Barry Sanders poster on my wall. So if we're talking about show content, watching me live and die with the Lions, and I hate the team. I'm at that point life where I just now I do spiteful against them, but would go nuts if they won.

So I've known you some twenty sixteen.

I've never heard you say anything good about them ever, even when they have they given me reason. No, all I've heard is you defend the honor of Matthew Stafford. But even while doing that, crapping all over the franchise.

Yeah, but well, how'd that work out for the Lions? They traded them ten days later he won a Super Bowl.

How many teams are gonna have three Hall of Famers in two decades and didn't win a playoff game?


And by the way, both Herman Moore and Barry Sanders hated the franchise when they left, like they were like it was a good run, dapping people up out the door. They both didn't speak for years to the franchise. So, look, I want to the Lions are in my three. Look I go, I go Buffalo, So you guys give me your three. It's not just about me. Let's go give me your three.

I Buffalo, Cincinnati, Detroit, Onlyason Detroit's in there. It has nothing to do, less to do with them, more to do with the NFC being so weak in them being a long number.

The only team I have objected to so far out of the ten teams. Yeah, Buffalo, I'm sorry, I am not getting behind the crosshills. We'll cross everybody else, do you guys.

Say I and their fans are donks like everything about Buffalo.

I just think seven fifty and they haven't been able to get past the Chiefs. To me, the Chiefs look like they will not for the first time ever with Mahomes there, they can't go shot for shot with Buffalo in the playoffs.

I feel like Buffalo is the only team out of the ten we've selected I would eliminate the other nine.

I would one hundred percent sign off on.

You don't even have to give a reasoning.

So what about the We maybe discussed it next, but are we totally eliminating the ones that under ten to one and under the shorter ones?

Are we totally eliminating San Francisco three? Was gonna say, are we missing something here? Are the Packers at sixty to one? The short I've until the quarterback just sit will come on and tell us that number is way too long?


So like, if there was a long shot that I could be intrigued by, I would say the Jaguars, but I wouldn't.

Here's why the Bengals are the same odds and the Bengals upside is just so much higher.

Yeah, I mean the Chargers sitting there thirty one just because the quarterback. You stare at it, but then you realize donk City coaching the Dolphins that like, I should throw out, we should the Dolphins at ten to one. Doesn't that number way too.

Short in it?


Think out?

I think I have thirty to one from the off season on them.

I don't know.

I gotta tell you too, I've kind of for me. There's two teams I'm pretty firm on Baltimore and Cincinnati.

We get two teams from the division.

You got an opportunity.

They're gonna host a game and then they win that game. We got an opportunity to move forward from there.

Okay, I like the logic Red Rivers.

Next, this is Sharp Money with Patrick Maher and Maal Shaw on vs END, the Sports betting Network.

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When you sign up DraftKings Sportsbook, the crown is yours. Big smile on the big guy's face. Thousand dollars vouch your free roll. Shout to Bill ad I'm Patrick maher mal Shaw, Dustin Sweelson, sharp money. I hope you're having a nice week, got plenty to do, like we are lucky right now. We didn't and I get this is credit to a ton of shows who did a ton of hard work to sell a bunch of subs. And frankly, it's not just about selling subscriptions, because when you get a subscription, you can sign up now visa dot com slash subscribe.

You get the.

NHL Betting Guide, you get the College Football Betting Guide, you get the NBA Betting Guide.

Which dropped yesterday.

But we get like the picks. Every time I hear from somebody, they say the same two things. Anytime they become new subscribers. They say, I can't believe I get all the picks from show host and guests, and then they say, also, it was worth it for the betting splits. So you can see where the money is updating. You can see where it doesn't match up to the public opinion. But I'm telling you, on top of that, you get everything else we offer. So I'm not trying to be a shill. I'm just telling you. Okay, Now, we did win the thousand dollars. There's a couple of things here as we continue to work our way through it, because Ad is going to deliver the thousand dollars on Monday, and then you'll we'll go right behind you there at the book and we'll place our thousand dollars future on the Super Bowl. Now, Amal's had some great points. He's pointed to the NFC. It looks like right now the NFC bet that we potentially could make is the Lions at sixteen to one. I got a couple of things. Did you text Fezik our professional better our friend here?

Did I wanted to give us opinion? I wanted to get his thoughts.

Also, I'm all retweet this because I tweeted it from the Wrap Radio that we won the contest.

We have a thousand dollars free roll. Who would they take? I'm curious what other people would take here.

Would they do a shorter ticket that feels a little bit safer, or would they take a chance because it's free money.

At the rap radio Thgwrap Radio on Twitter help us out, go get your vote counted.

And then a couple other things.

One, there's been kind of a running theme that started this Monday with the Big Guy kind of having a crush on some of the well I guess workers behind us. They're at bar Canada. Now they've been when we go to your solo shot?

Can we go to Liz? Can we go to Dustin solo shot?


Those watching on TV, you see the big guy.

Let's go to now perfect So behind him and them all, I don't know if you can see the monitor.

There have been on either side of the Big Guy.

There have been two beautiful women that have showed up a bunch during the taping today. I don't know if it has to do with the fact that it got back to them, but they want some screen time. If they want screen time, we can cut them in on the thousand dollars. If they want to get involved with our bet here, we've heard if it gives.

You a day, what we've heard from Fezik.

By the way, that was a quicksage of topic.

Yeah, that was that was quite a diversion.

I got the note from Pheesis.

I was like Ron Rivera talking to Josh Harris and the group today.

Anyway, how's your golf game, So Steve says, I would be boring and take the niners.

Well, that was a mall's initial gut, but a.

Thousand to win five grand, But then we got to split it up over so many people.

Hey, let me Reggie during the break. Reggie wants twenty three percent.

Let me tell you something.

Five thousand divided by a certain percentage is better than zero divided by any percentage.

True, it was, if we're being fair, it was a mall's initial gut. And then you just ask a dude that that's what he does for a living, and he said the same thing.

The forty nine ers.

Now, all of a sudden, the forty nine ers are in the mix.

Oh, to me, that makes the most sense, Like you get you normally don't have a thousand to throw. The reason I would never bet five point fifty on a Super Bowl team is because I would never placed one thousand on a future myself.

I can't believe you and I are sitting here going five hundred dollars just isn't getting it flowing?

Like talking about it's not and that's bad. It's really I'm been good.

Hey guys, I'm just say this.

Let's say we've got on our crew and we've got our ten percent person, We're we're walking away with five hundred bucks each. Okay, I'm gonna tell you right now, I will take that five hundred dollars. Every day I walked out Fremont Street. I will never find five hundred dollars in my life. So I will take the if we can get it. But my argument for the AFC North, when Patrick brought up the Ravens is this, I think the Bengals and the Ravens. I actually think we should split the ticket on them. If they say we can't, then we'll make a decision. But man, since then, when do you get a team of the caliber the Cincinnati Bengals at thirty to one?

You totally agree you don't get see right then? Right then, when you were talking, Shorty showed up behind you. Anyway, can you text school A. Right, let's do this all on the air. This is gonna be three hour tour today and we'll finally we'll have an answer by the end of the show, I promise. But tech Scoola, if we can split our bet five hundred one five hundred on the other, but also can then text Bill.

This is a great way if you're looking at making a future bet in the NFL right now to win the Super Bowl.

Realistically, if you want to throw.

The Browns Chargers, God, I'm not gonna do it, but you can put the Jaguars in the conversation if you want. But you're probably down to eight to nine teams in both leagues combined, maybe ten teams, and you kind of eliminate based on what you don't like or what the scenarios are. And Patrick, I think one thing that gets overlooked because in the NFL, the way it's structured, where your division is and who you're going to potentially host in the first round makes a difference in how you might look at this.

Totally agree.

That's why I point to what you said about the NFC being desirable. Quickly, when you do text Scoula, can you ask him if we can also put it on Inner Miami tomorrow and MLS because a thousand dollars on Inner Miami. So anyway, as MESSI playing tomorrow, No, I'm just playing.

He's not playing well. No, look snatty.

If we want to get weird it technically does it says a super Bowl future? Isn't an exacta a super Bowl future? And what if we did forty nine Ers over Bengals. I want to see what that would pay out. I'm looking at Circa right now.

Let's not get greedy.

Forty nine Ers defeat Bengals one hundred and ten to one.

It's not bad.

Look, I need to put down some roots in the city. I need to buy a home.

Okay, here's the goal. Fat enough odds to quit our job taking the boys. We turned it into Bye done a sharp money.

Hey, looks like we're gonna have the Arizona Cardinals.

We're all in good.

Problem is Ad would probably celebrate to get rid of the three of us, so we don't want to go.

Oh, come on, forty nine Ers over Bengals one hundred and ten to one.

Hey, Hey, guys, all right, I think we go with the Bears.

I like Field's mobility four hundred and one, better than Josh Dobbs, better than Bryce Young.

They're coming off a win.

They got three additional days before the next game. They can turn this one and four start into a thirteen and four season. Bears win their first Super Bowl since eighty five.

Look the Jets. Look the Jets could steamroll the Broncos this week. All the pieces are there for them to put it together. Aaron Rodgers says he's been rehabbing really hard to get back. All all Wilson has to do is get them to the playoffs and then a seventy five percent Aaron Rodgers could come back and win them the Super Bowl.

Yeah, and Aaron Rodgers has been listening. He's been listening to soundtracks of Wales mating to help with the recovery.

Did you guys hear that?

Did not?

I think it was dolphins mating sounds. That apparently helps with your ACL So there's.

Something to it.

The Rams at eighty to one, all of a sudden, McVeigh Stafford's got a little fire in the belly.

Pooka not Kua, your boy, he's been unelable.

We could really zag while everybody's going to go commanders off that performance last night.

It is an updown on one.

Second, let's be real here that eighty to one is not fair on the commanders.

That should be about one to seventy five.

Yeah, that's disgusting, that's disgusting. Eighty but interesting nine percent chance. That's what sharp money had to win one thousand dollars, and that's Ron Rivera's chances of returning next year.

So you think it's that high.

Something to No, I don't, Actually, I definitely don't.

All right, I like the I like the exactas.

The exactas are really tantalizing forty nine ers because we think that they'll win.

It's Chiefs twenty one to one. That's the next one.

I was pretty good forty nine ers. Eh No, if I was gonna say forty nine years Eagles dummy.

How about if you were to say, Eagles, Chiefs, run.

It back, Eagles, Chiefs.

Who's the winner there though, Eagles this time?

Let's say, okay, yeah, let's see, so let's.

Just take a look at Eagles twenty five to one.

Wow, pretty good odds.

These exactas on not the Well, it's a free ad. We're in their book. It's a fantastic bad these exactests.

We're at the DCA Circus Sports.


Okay, well all right, so we've got fasick. See now, I'm thinking because Amal's initial gut was the Niners, and then Fesik said, sorry to be boring, but Niners.

So we've got the pull up at the RAP radio.

Maybe we could retweet it over at Visa as well and see how many we can get over the next two hours.

And try to figure this out.

I mean, do.

If we're going NFC, is it anything but the Lions, you guys tell me, well, no, Niners, right, the Niners are in the mix now, but I'm talking longer number. Oh yeah's going Detroit, were going deeper than eighteen to one. I think in the NFC, guys, I think we're down to three teams. Yeah, San Francisco, Philadelphia and Detroit.


I think the Dallas Cowboys are exactly who we thought they were.

And the AFC, well you you well for me, the AFC really comes down to two teams, Ravens and the Bengals.

I'm going with both.

I got yeah, I got no problems with those.

I actually like the Bengals better. Than the Ravens.

I think though, at thirty to one, I just want to guys, won't you guys, won't dare me to start?

Start the Brian Bosworth a conversation with this question, so.

Boz, I know he's not taking the dollar free roll your thoughts, and then after he answers that hey, thanks for the time. All right we continue next. Kyle Hunter college football handicapper,

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