SERVICE shares first-hand accounts of veteran war stories, and so episodes contain reenactments of warfare and relay scenarios of death. This message is for our veterans, active service members, and others who might be particularly affected by the sounds and stories on SERVICE, so to be best prepared before listening. Thank you.
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Hi. My name is Jacqueline Oposo. I am the producer and host of Service Stories of Hunger and War on I Heart Radio, and I would like to speak to our veterans and active service members for a few minutes because there are some things about this podcast that I want to make sure you know about before you start listening. Now. I've never served in the armed forces. Every generation of the American side of my family has going as far back as the Civil War, and I love my family. I've had friends in the service. I've dated guys in the Service, and I've got a big heart. When I love people, I love people. So I want you to know that this show is crafted with care and thought. So why am I reaching out to you right now. I have been ill since childhood and I still have a very wonderful life, but it is hard sometimes to experience sound, to experience different physical sensations like light or vibration. And on this show, there are loud sounds and there are violent sounds. As we go back in time with our veterans, we hear beautiful things right now in World War Two, like trolley bells and children playing and delightful music of the thirties and forties. But then as we move into war, there are bombs, there are missiles, there are sprays of machine guns, there is talk of death. Because we're listening to veterans right now who lost friends in Pearl Harbor and who are on the Normandy Beaches on D Day and all through Europe for the Battle of the Bulge and in the Pacific. Out of respect for them, we're not shying away from their stories. Nothing I can create will ever be as overwhelming as the situations our active service members and our veterans have been in. And because I'm only working with the sound tools I have, not everything will be historically accurate as well. I just want you to be prepared for the sounds that are there, because even for the healthiest among us, they are moving and physically over welming. If you have any thoughts or concerns or anything you want to share, please message me at Service podcast dot org. Thank you for listening, but more than anything, thank you for your service. H