FULL SHOW | Last One Of The Year!!
Bronte V Lakey is settled, Bad Santa thievery runs rampant, the show goes out with a bang!
FULL SHOW | The Raffle That RIPS Apart The Team...
Big controversy, who is in the right?! Uber releases its data, the biggest fetishes of 2024 are revealed AND we recap our bad habits journey with Greg from Moving Minds Hypnotherapy!
FULL SHOW | NONE Can Beat Her.
Can You Beat Bronte Champions League is OVER. The world's sexiest accents are butchered by Lakey, and your treasure trove of collectibles are worth a fortune!
FULL SHOW | Should Bronte Pay Lakey?! 33% Say YES
It was the speeding fine that divided the team.. Producer Claire has the results from another Kidnundrum, and we tell you how to get your spotify wrapped results early!
FULL SHOW | HOW Did She Get Out Of The Fine?!
Lakey copped a hefty speeding fine despite his best efforts to wriggle out of it, unlike many of our callers! We redraw our Secret Santa selections and Pop Goes Christmas!
Bronte & Lakey headed to K'Gari to check out the new Illumina Light Show at King Fisher Bay Resort. Along the way we learn't Lakey is more intune with the island than ever before and hot tub bubble rules were inforced!
FULL SHOW | EVERYONE Walks Out Of The Studio Live On Air
How else can we ensure nobody knows who they draw for Secret Santa! We call an emergency meeting with Greg after multiple relapses, Silly Bets get people hospitalised, and the world's scariest sound is revealed
FULL SHOW | Lead With Your Tongue, Taste The World! 🤪
Full Show! Lot's food chat today including pringles and some of the worst foods! Plus Belinda Love Aka Dr Love joins us with another Love Language and Bad Habits Update from Lakey!
FULL SHOW | 3% Of People Agree With Bronte and Lakey Talks Best Boys
Secret Santa chat continues plus find out what a best boy really is and which mascot put you to bed?
FULL SHOW | Christmas Is In The Studio Air 🤶🎅🎄
Secret Santa... we thought it was a simple process but as we found there are different versions... keeping with the christmas theme we also wanted to know your lyrics for Rudolph the red nose reindeer. Weird World Wecords was back and our first head to head in the Can You Beat Bronte Championship!