Welcome to ShondaLand with Barrett Doss, Jake Borelli & Ashley Tisdale

Published May 6, 2019, 7:00 AM

It’s a code Red in the O.R. because Barrett Doss from Station 19 and Jake Borelli (Glasses) from Greys Anatomy are Scrubbing In!

Then, Ashley Tisdale tells us about her new music and she shares some INCREDIBLE advice for anyone who wants to start their own business. 

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Scrubbing in with Secon Tilly and Tanya Brad and I Heart Radio and People's Choice Award winning podcast. Hello everybody, it is Monday. We're pretending it's Monday. I don't know what day it is. Tony is back from her wildly successful stunt on the red carpet for the Billboard Music Awards. You guys, that was honestly the what oh that is so few? That's really nice? Thank you? That was I'm actually gonna put these up up, put them up, put them out at my house. Um, that was the craziest thing I have ever done in my entire life. Can we get some fun details behind the scenes? Um, so many things behind the scenes. I didn't we didn't stop the entire time. We did interview the entire time. I don't know what aired. I don't know what didn't air. We see a commercial, You're still interviews on the website, US it on the news, like who knows. I don't know where they live. And I thank god for Jason Kennedy because I would have been a complete hamster out of her cage. I don't know how he keeps it all straight. I don't know how like hearing people like you watch his interviews and you don't realize like they're they're so short. You have prepped so much for them, and they're so quick that you really only get like one or two questions and then they're gone, and then someone's telling you in your ear to go to the next thing, and then like I'm trying to listen to them in my ear, but also listen to the person talking to me, and then following Jason's I mean, it was just like it's truly and then somebody else is walking up and they're walking over you and your things attached to I was like it was literally crazy, but like the coolest kind of crazy. I mean, you were working with one of the best in the business too, what a great like first time doing something. The best part is like they were like and we're wrapped. You guys are done, Like good job. Everyone's like cheering, and I just start falling, Like I just start crying, and like Jason got really emotional too, because I was just like this was so special on my because I'm like and I've known Jason for so long and I've never worked with him before, and like it was just it's like the fact that they like getting emotional now the fact that they trusted me to do that. I've told you guys, I always feel like I have impostor syndrome, like I never feel good enough doing what I'm doing, and like they had so much faith in me, and Jason had so much faith in me, and he was so encouraging the whole time, and like it was like the best experience ever. I'm so proud of you. I think we all it was fun watching the Facebook comments and stuff while you were doing it because they're so proud of you, you know. I felt like all of your friends, like about like all these people who like have listened to the podcast, It's like that's our girl, Like that's our friend. You know. It was like really cool to see just like the out and support everyone just like rooting for you. It felt like such the beginning of something. Like I started thinking about like Juliana Ranti having her first and that this was like the first of the beginning, you know, And it was like really special because like Julia Michaels wrote that song for Jason, and then like she came up and she was saying such nice things and like it was just like so much encouragement throughout the whole thing. I mean the Jonas Brothers because like Jason was like, I know Tanya's you know Nix, like we love Tanya, and I was just like it was just so so nice and um and the team is just amazing and like so encouraging that it's like almost like hard to take, you know, like I'm not used to it almost, so it's like just really it was just like an overwhelming experience. That's so awesome. Did anything happen like when you all were in commercial or something, they were like an interview where you were like, um, Dan, we need to get Dan and Shaane in here because the I didn't realize how cool they were. They would be such good guests. Let's just pop them right, Yeah, we need to get them on. And Halsey was like extraordinarily like way like I was like a little bit intimidated to talk to her and she was so cool. That's yeah. I'm trying to think what else. Uh, I got invited to the Jonas Brothers wedding or something. So he got invited to what was it supposed to? Did you know it's gonna be a wedding? I thought it was just like a it was just supposed to be like a I get you know, they have these parties all the time. It's like the Jonas brothers, and I love their parties. So it actually pained me. But I knew that I had like a very long next day at work, and so I was just trying to be like a professional, and I was like, no, I need to get back home and get to sleep. You know, you don't want to take that. I didn't want to take the six am flight. And then I like rush, you know what I mean. I just wanted to just be yeah, slept in professional professional. Yeah. And I get home and I'm checking Twitter and I'm like, you've got to be kidd she texts me. Because maybe the worst decision of my life of my seriously like it. So I guess what that party was was like the reception, because like I wasn't going to a chapel, so I think that's like they could have caught the bouquet Joe jonas Is wedding reception. I'm like, from now on, I always say yes the Jonas brothers asking I think it's yes only Joe Bros. Only only Joe Bros. Yeah. I Um, it was funny because Ben Higgins wrote me, and the chapel where they got married was the one we're on his season. We married people like he got ordained or whatever, and we like married couples randomly at the same that's like the celebrity like like Britney Spears had her like Vegas one, you know, like those types of things. Okay, so it's like the welcome chapel. I was like, I don't think it's the same one. I went back and looked at pictures and like, mural, Yeah, what are the odds my parents would need their vows in Vegas in two thousands. So I did look at the picture to say it was the same chapel. I don't think it was. My sister and my brother in law did as well. But wow, it's really cool though, But I did, I like felt for you that you missed that. And we just need to get the Jonas brothers on the podcast. Basically that would be really a big deal. When you said Dan and Jay, I was like, who did she say the other day that you were just like casually like, let's get them on the podcast Jon's brothers, but let's get baby rexa. Oh yeah, that seems doable because you're like for sure, I know, but she said, I'm like obsessed with her. I like her a lot. Yeah, and she's like a good time. And we also want Kelly Clarkson for any of her people like we need Kelly Clarkson. I feel like Kelly Clarkson would be like down, she'd be like peak scrubbing in. That would be peak scrubbing in. I'm sure she'd be down. I don't know. I seem like I have to go through a lot of channels to get people have hurt. She doesn't talk show coming out, so she's gonna want to plug something some coming up someone we can dream, Yeah, we're here, um. And then there was someone else that I was gonna say, did you talk to Taylor on the carpet? We did not. She answered fan questions for e which was actually really really cool, like specific fans sent in videos. That's cool. Yeah, but she didn't stop because like it was just like pandemonium. How was her performance? Did you stay for the show? I know, I'm like adult thing, it's so weird, like a business woman, you're in your own I know, like I actually like when have I ever done that? Like I always like I want to stay for the show. I want to go to the after party like the day but early and long. I knew that it was gonna be a long one, so I need to be professional. Well, now, you know, sometimes you gotta be less professional. I know. But you did your job, you got your professional. But then I needed another ession in the next year. I had to have some hours of sleep in between. Yeah, exactly. Um, we got a lot of response to your thoughts about laser hair removal. Yeah, I got so many messages about, like from personal people that I know, like my friends who have had it done, and then from what they say. A lot of them said like, it's not bad if you go to the right place. Like some of them have cooling machines that like basically blow cold air while you're getting it. But people were like, yeah, it's just like a small rubber band snap and I'm like, down there, it's not the same as like on the arm. Yeah, I remember band steps never go. Yeah, I get upset. I remember in school people used to you know, used to pull the rubber band. They'd snap you without you paying attention, and that did not feel good. I don't think any amount of cool air feel good. Well, some response, Ali says, wait till you have kids, because once you have kids, your hormones change and it will go back. WHOA, that's actually great advent advice. That's good to know. Becca says, it hurts. She said, doing one visit, I felt exceptional paint and the lady said, WHOA, that one caught on fire. Not for the faint of heart. And after two years it came back. One caught on fire like her hair. It was actual flame. We're supposed to shave before you grow something. Are you supposed to shave before you used to be completely shaven? She had a rogue She probably did. That's probably caught on fire because you're not supposed to have that. She probably had a rogue hare because sometimes you can't really get back there. No, it's true. I don't know how people shave their butth hole are allowed to say that. I don't know how, Like I don't know how people do it because I get waxed, so like I just the only thing on the wax that did not make me want to like yell and hit someone that part. But if you're shaving, how do you do that? No? I haven't. You don't shave back there I'm just like, I have a lot of things. No, I don't think I have a I don't. I don't. You don't think so until they take it off and then you're like no, Like even I feel like even when she did it, she's like, you don't really have much brick here, but do you want it done? It? She said, she told me i'd feel like a dolphin. It does, and I liked it. It did, but she was like, you're like, if you don't want to, it's not like you have inexcessive So it's good to know. Yeah, things are fine back there, but the dolphin is a good feeling. But the other part, I I still don't know that i'd say it was worth it is the right thing in my post about saying that you act like it's a massage down there, and I wanted to, like punch the lady. I really don't mind waxing, to be honest. Well, one more. Sarah is a ladist technician. She says, I love y'all in this podcast so much. I hope Mark is reading this and saying y'all in his weird way. Anyway, I'm writing in to say I'm a laser technician. I spend my days lasering vagina is in other areas, and I promise both of you can handle it and should totally do it. It's life changing. You do it once a month for six months. You go back for touch ups every six months or so until it's all gone. It hurts, but no worse than waxing, and it's permanent. I'm down, So says Sarah. I took this girl, sent a message and said, um, it's called green Cane Numbing gel is literally the best for this. Definitely read the reviews on Amazon in order to know how long to apply before the appointment. I use it for a laser hair removal and it is a game changer. So there you go, ladies. That's something I'm gonna be ordering on Amazon. Green Cane numbing Gel. All right, we need to hype the guests. We need to hype. Begin the hype really quick. Okay for the hype. Pause the hype. We need to make our date plan. Oh yeah, remember we have like a whole day. We're gonna have a date night. Yeah. Do you want to do Friday? Yeah? Good for your schedule, you busy modern woman. What do you want to do? Tell let's tell them what you told me you want to go? Do I want becka night because it's been a while since we've had like one on one time, Yeah, date night. So we wanted to I want to have a date night and Beck is down, and I said we should go somewhere like super cute. We're like people hang young people like young people like ourselves because like whenever we hang out, it's like always like your house. It's like we need to like get in the wild, like I always I've invited you out when we've gone out for like girls night or gone out for drinks, and you're like, bed, it's on the weekends, though I'm not asking you during weekdays. Yeah, Like Sundays don't really count for me, not Sundays. Or Eve invited me a couple of Sundays. Sundays She'll be I need we need to go out. We need to go out and meet meet the guys. And then I'll invite her and she's like, oh, I'm in bed and I'm studying from my award show. That is true. Yeah, but also I was way over way over prepared, and I'm like learning now that I can better that than the alternative. What did so who knows, but I feel like you want to be more prepared for like weeks. Kennedy looks at the sheet before like an hour before he's got it. I'm sure it comes with time, like, but I way, like, way way over prepared. But um, so I said, let's go somewhere super cute where like people hang, and like let's make a point to give out her numbers and like just like really be intentional, throw out our rods, is what she said. And I said, excuse me, like fishing, Yeah, she doesn't want to go fishing. Yeah, so we're gonna do. Yeah, we're so we're going to find a cute spot where the young hit people hang, which is quite a task. We'll find. We'll figure it out. There's bars everywhere, Okay, maybe we could pop. We can get drinks somewhere, dinner somewhere, and yeah, so we can really hit three places. Let's start at six. We'll get drinks from six to seven thirty at one place, go have dinner from seven thirty to nine, and then go after drinks maybe somewhere to the scheduled bar. Hop. It says, f U M, like, let's go fishing from seven to nine thirty and if we don't get anything there, then we'll hop to the other ocean. I don't wait an the other pond, the other pond. Um. Okay, so Friday it is holding to it. Now we can hype the guests. Okay, it is a very special day here when a Gray's Anatomy cast number come in to our studio. Um. Yeah. Anytime someone from SHAWNA Land comes on our show, we are thrilled. And we have to Shawonda Land members in the o R. Today we have Jake Barelli, who you know as Schmidt or Glasses on Gray's Anatomy, perhaps Levi Schmidt. And we have bare It Doss from Station nineteen and she plays Vic who has a very uh interesting storyline this week, both of them actually, And that's not all we have today. We have Actuley Tisdale the TIS. Um. So yeah, today is a big day. I'm full of really great guests. So um, they'll be here later today. And first let's get into one of our sponsors. Hiring used to be hard, multiple job sites, stacks of resumes, a confusing review process, but today hiring can be easy and you only have to go to one place to get it done. Zip recruiter dot com slash Becca. The zip recruiter sends your job to over a hundred of the webs leading job boards. But they don't stop there. With their powerful matching technology, Zip recruiters scans thousands of resumes to find people with the right experience and invites them to apply to your job. Yeah, so as applications come in, Zip Recruiter analyzes each one and spotlights the top candidate, so you never miss a great match. 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That is your first refill pack free at g et q u i p dot com slash Becca. We have two very exciting guests in the o R today. They're used to the normal o R but we have Jake Barelli from Grey's Anatomy and Barrett DAWs from Station nineteen. Guy. This is a big deal for us. I don't know if you've heard a lot about this podcast, but we are massive, massive Shonda Land fans. Um. I actually ran into you at a I know, at that party for the sag Right for party. I was probably very scary because I went alone and I didn't have any friends with me, and so when I saw you and what's the girl's name? It plays helm oh j c Elliott and then my buddy Janine Mason was there too, one of the other interns. Yeah, so I don't know, but when I um saw y'all, I have felt like, well, those are my friends. They're my friends in my head. I'm just gonna go up and bombard them and that'll make me feel comfortable. But it probably made you all feel very Oh no, we'll welcome you. You You should come and hang out with don't give us that off or we've already do you guys hang out like offset. Literally, j C and I hang out probably every day. I moved into a place and she moved a block away, and so we literally are together all the time. We like shop together, we go get coffee, travel travel together. I know her whole family. It's nuts that she's from France and she took me to France and I met all of her friends. It's yeah, we're very we're like married, basis what we like to say. I'm like worried about her character a little bit. Oh yeah, well, I I feel like she's not getting like a strong storyline, and now I need her to. We're we're excited to learn some more about home, you know, we're excited to jump into her back story a little bit more. I think she's got a lot to share. Okay. My fear is normally when there's no storyline, something bad is happening, Like Joe, Joe didn't really have a storyline, and now all of a sudden things are not good. It's term. I mean, you know, Shana Land, there's a lot of drama, there's a lot of you know, things shaking up, so we'll see. I you know, I hope something great happens from all do like um. And then we have Station nine Team, which I feel like has been so like such a great element in addition to Gray's and Nato good. I'm so glad you think so, because it kind of has it has that same feel, but it's just it's different, you know, It's like still is that same feeling that Shana land is known for. But I like how it ties everything together. I love how Ben Warren is like very active in Yeah, he's like glue. He's our glue too. He's amazing, dude, that guy is awesome. YEA love this podcast the best. He's fantastic And like why is he like that in real life? Like there, he's like a perfect human. He is the kindest person and he's been doing this for so long. He gives such great advice. What advice has he given you? Oh? I mean he just gives a ton of great business advice. You know, we talked about this earlier how he's like a huge advocate for SAG and for the screen actors and all of that, and he's he champions us, which so it's kind of an honor to work with him too, you know. Yeah, he's well, he's a type like I'll see. I saw him at that event, and in my mind, I'm like, I don't even know. I'm sure he would be like, oh, yeah, I remember you once I introduced myself, but he was like, hey, back at how are you? And I was like, you're so nice. Um, I want to know because I know your storyline has been a huge one for Grayson out of me because you're the first like out gay male gay character. Yeah, and part of the first gay male relationship on the show whatever, which after fifteen seasons is a really big deal. It's it's honestly nuts. And now that I've seen everything too, it was it's a it's a storyline that I really wanted. You know. We had a in with uh, you know, Arizona and and Callie and that was an amazing relationship that we got to see so deep too. And it was great to see a queer relationship on all different levels, um and for so long, which I think is you know, something that TV hardly ever does. And so then when I became part of a show, I sort of craved this male storyline too, And when I found out about it, I got so freaking excited and then it like hit me like a tunnel bricks that oh wait, I'm going to be the one doing that. Oh God, we gotta do this right. It's gonna be great, and uh, you know, it's kind of been a dream come true. Frankly, Well, so when I remember seeing like you tweeted about like when he had that moment of like coming out, it was kind of you kind of basically came out yourself on Twitter or I post on Instagram. Yeah, that that I posted about how how much the storyline meant to me because I was a gay person myself, and um, it was yeah, kind of the first time that I publicly spoke about it. I mean I was out to you know, all my friends and family and coaches and stuff. But um, but yeah, it was. It was the first public statement I have made and it kind of it kind of blew up in the best way possible. It was. I was flooded with support. It's a big article and people weekly about you. Yeah, it was great, it was. It was. It was kind of nuts. It was a great like intro into uh, this you know, beautiful platform. That that my character now has and that I now have because of Grace yea talking about you know, important important stuff too. So I've you know, I wanted to talk about for a long long time. Yeah, it's really incredible. You know. It's funny as I was listening to this podcast um Kevin McHale does and he was saying that he never really had that moment where he would like necessarily like came out, you know. He was just like, I just I just was and and and I didn't feel like there was this need to do that. You know. It's it's interesting because I feel like there's the two sides of it. It's like it's it is. It's just it is, you know, like you are who you are. Why like we we don't have to come out and say I'm straight, you know what I mean, Like it's not like this big thing. But yeah, we haven't for the other you know, other party. And he was like, I felt like I didn't need to say that. And I thought it was a really interesting perspective, you know, because it's like why do we But then I also have both voices. You know, you want you want people to also feel comfortable being proud and out and hoping about who they are and just being themselves too. And and that's how it was. I mean, like he was saying, that's how it was for me before Grays, where it was like, you know, if a new person came into my life, we would come out to them in any given way. You know. Sometimes it would just be like, oh, that boy's cute, and then you know what I mean, And then other times it did warrant, like my parents, it warranted a conversation. But it was this sort of like a long sort of like schmir over the ten years of just being out as opposed to coming out. But then the issue comes with Okay, now i have this new found platform with Grays, and I'm all of a sudden have a relationship with hundreds of thousands of people that I didn't know before, and we do have die log via social media now. And so I felt after they were giving me sort of their honesty and telling me their stories as leave I was coming out that you know, I wanted to give that back to them and saying, hey, you guys, you guys are not alone. I'm in this too. This storyline means as much to me as it does to you. And the visitability of the queer community that shown A Land always has is also important to me. So that's why I felt the need to people know that's beautiful. Yeah, um, Barrett, I want to are you we Are you someone who watched Gray's and Net? Like? Were you a fan of the SHAWNA. Land shows? Before I was a fan of SHAWNA. Lan shows. I never watched Gray's Anatomy. I somehow managed to. I I don't know how I didn't. Well, I didn't watch television a lot when I was a kid, but um, and and growing up and not until late high school. But I went back and I watched the pilot after I got this job, and then I kind of left it and I've seen some of the episodes since then. You know, of course when it airs before us, we always catch a little bit yea, um, but I try to watch now. Um. But I really it was kind of fun to go in blind, honestly. I mean, I was a huge fan of Scandal, so I watched scandalum, but for the most part, I kind of just went into it knowing that this was going to be a new, brand new adventure on stamp on It. But yeah, yeah, exactly I also feel like even if you don't like consistently watched the shows, you know, so like people are such fans of all of the series and Dreamy and she was up in their lockers and I was like, oh, they're they're admiring from Afar, you know, and now it's really fun to be in the middle of it. Sure, and you'll go ahead. Sorry, I was gonnask what Shaanda is like in real life. To be honest, I've never meber I've met Shanda twice. Yeah, we have a we have the show runner, Christopher no Off now and uh, a lot of my communication goes through her. So I would love to meet, you know. She sort of gave us this beauty, a full universe that I now get to play, and I would love to at least say thank you in person instead of just creepily on the Internet like I do all the time, like tweeting her like like part of the show exactly noticed me. But she's magical. I've only had very brief moments and conversations with her because it's always in you know, a situation where we're meeting with executives, so there's a lot of people around, so it's it's a little overwhelming for everyone. And then we see our you know, our queen, so through you we're all one degree away. Now. Yeah, but she's she's magical and so generous, and it's such a kind kind person. Are you. I wonder what it's like to just like have that creative brain, you know, like she's Louis Well. Also, I mean the fact that she was Did she write and direct um Crossroads Britney Spears? Oh my gosh, did she wrote it? She wrote it, But I didn't know. I never saw that. It's an experience Tarn Manning. Yeah, I don't know. Oh my god, many times did I crossroads? Are you kidding? Obsessed? Every Tuesday? You know what I have seen that Jake probably didn't realize he was gonna get asked about this when it's here today is my kids are big fans the Thunderman's and he's Wolfgang on the Thunderbands. And so I I asked Chris Tollman about you, because I've known Chris for a hundred years. I went to high school, not together, we knew each other in high school, and so I asked him about you. Said, first of all, I said, he's terrific, And I said, he asked you about having to sing in German. He said, that was I did after sing in German. Uh. In fact, my entire role was in German. I played the German exchange student to a family of superheroes on Nickelodeon. UM. I a lot of times I just said my name Vogten like a Pokemon. I'd be like, uh, it was wonderful. Um. Thankfully, my sister in law's German, so I would text her all the time being like, how do I pronounce this? How do I say this? Yeah? She she was sort of my like liaison. She probably would hate me for saying that publicly, but yeah, it was great. I sing a lot in German, like yodeling sausage songs. It was. It was very fun. He also mentioned if your comment or not balloons lifting you up in the flying harnesses full on stunt. I was older than a lot of the other kids, so I could do more stunts, like legally. So they did all sorts of things. Yes, Wolf had Kate plus eight hair. Yes, yes and actually, fun fact, the woman who did my hair on Grays or on a Thunderman's who did the Kate and Kate Bob does my hair now on coincidentally, luckily we have a much different hairstyle. Her name is kJ She's amazing, but it was just a huge coincidence. She day played on Thunderman's while working on Grays and I think I followed her great and bird stores the last thing he mentioned, Oh gosh, birds store, do we need to get into that? I don't know. That was my That was my day job for a long time. I worked with parrots. I would groom them. And you know, this isn't on the this is yeah, sadly real. Uh. You know, a lot of people say yes, and I'm going to leave it at that. Yeah, I wanted after I saw bird Box, I wanted to get a pet bird because I felt like I'm single and I felt like it could like save me. I think, I think you should get a dog. Yeah. I was getting in there like smelly and then they poop a lot, and in fact, they actually don't smell if they if they smell, it means they're sick. So really it's a good thing. They don't smell at all. Their poop is very clean. Uh, can we say yeah, no, No, they actually smell great. But they bite and they scratch and they scream and they're loud, and they have lots of anxiety, and I'm realizing I'm not doing great people. I'm sorry to my old boss. Did everyone go by a bird? Then, Barrett, you were on the left episode of thirty Rock. I was she was alive the Lemon, the great granddaughter of Liz Lemon when they flashed forward it at the end of that last scene of thirty Rocks. Yeah. I was a huge fan of that show, and um, when I got there, I just knew when I went in an audition I was not going to get that job. I saw a woman out there who looked like like they were looking for a biracial actress, and I saw a woman who looked like a biracial and I was like, oh God, I'm not. But I think watching all of thirty Rock multiple times by the time I had gotten to that audition really trained me. Well, so so you were able to act in the style you think they wanted. Well, they did want me to do a little bit of a of a Liz Lemon thing, you know when even though it didn't ultimately that's not how they directed that scene. I was like, well, I got this in the back right, I've seen enough and yeah, so that was a that was a dream come true. That was my first, my first television job ever. Wow it Yeah, I was like, it's all downhill for me so certain. I was like, I'm never going to work again. But that's okay. I did what I came here to do. But you are are you originally from New York because you were on Broadway? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I have a theater background. I moved to New York when I was about uh, from Chicago, but I was born in Minnesota. Midwestern. We're both Midwesterners, which is awesome. Where are you from, Ohio? I'm Wisconsin. They're Louisiana and southern California, so they don't get it, um, but yeah I did. I've done a decent amount of theater and I just moved out here to l A when I got this job, so I'm still sort of a newbie. I was going to say, that's a huge I mean, not even just from Broadway to I don't even know a series, but ye, TV television totally on the same lot. We don't. We're a little bit. Yeah, we're closed up closest, Yes, back and forth, they shuttle people back, and Beck and I are going to show up in and try to be just as honestly told us, told us I could do it honestly. But we're see here's the It goes like this. We either walk on and no one says anything, we get on the show or on the set, or we get arrested or the problem is half the cast knows you now, So like we're gonna know we have a strong not like we've met quite a bit of the cast. Yes, Camilla, Jason, George, Janine Us, Yes, we have um and we met. I guarantee if we brought up for what we gotta do is just make you guys like a patient on the show and like you like really good, like almen, God that you brought it up and we didn't have to. This is my actual hard pitch. Are you listening to you don't actually irked? Our pickle is like two episodes ago when they were doing like Maggie was doing a podcast and and Weber was like, what the like summing in should have been the likes filed reference to scrubbing Andy. It's Bob and Tom, we get you see what you're doing. We feel seen. We feel what you've done. We appreciate it. Yeah, man missed opportunities, Like I was like that was the perfect slide and right there. But we're even happy just being like, well we'd rather not be dead extras. But yeah, we used to say that's how they're like number one, keep your eyes close, you're dead. But yeah, I mean we've brought this up to everyone and no one seems like totally creeped out. Yet in fact, we've gotten more encouragement than like saying no. That's why I really because Camilla was very much like I honestly think if you showed up you like nobody would know the difference if you just if you just like walked on it. Hospitals on the lot too, right, So yeah they are on the lot, but they're like in this big building and we never see I call at the Charlie Chocolate Factory building, like you never see anyone go in or anything. And they say they work there, but you know, I don't know. It's like kind of like creepy, you know what I mean. I'm like, they must be in there, right, They've got to be, and they keep pumping out episodes. I don't else. I want enough to go ahead. Uh does anybody like secretly hook up on either set? I guess you can't tell us. I mean a lot of people on my set like have families and children, and like you know, they work and then they go home and have to feed their children. So I don't think there's much like scandal going on off screen for grades. I mean, we've become such a weird little family that it would feel very terrible of that you are all we do. Yeah, we've become really I mean, it's sort of mirrors the show in a really awesome way where we spend a lot of time we do actually hang out off I hang up. They took me yesterday, Yeah, me and Daniel. We all went to the beach. Both of us had our first time riding bicycles. We rode from Venice to Santa Monica. It was beautiful, so the whole it was great. Okay, I don't want to give any spoilers because this was a huge episode. And Barrett, your guy legit looks like Sean Booth from the Bachelor. I mean me, yeah, I mean, y'all both work with some hot guys. I mean, I just feel like I'd be so excited to go to work and they're like, okay, so this is who you're gonna have a love interest with, and you're like, okay, yeah. I turned to Christa when we first met Alex, the guy who plays my boyfriend, and I turned to her because we had talked about who was going to play my love interest for you know, the whole summer before. And I just go to her and I'm go, is it gonna work? But is it weird to film that? Like, it's not. It's like it's not as like sexy as you wanted to be. No, it's not set, it's not. It's it's usually pretty awkward. There's a lot of laughing you know that goes into it. You just kind of have to have to go with it and have that moment before we were like all right, see you on the other side, like shake hands and going more so, I'm like, Alex, do not eat that pizza right now. We're about to kiss his hand. We have like a deal. What's even more awkward is like in between shots, you have to stand on your mark, you know, so that they can light you. But when you're kissing, your marks are like this. So for like forty five minutes, Alex and I are just sort of like standing just like face to face, being like, how's your doing It's very sounds so uncomfortable. Yeah, I mean yeah, we've been doing it now for what nine months. It's like it's right, which becomes we just sort of have that thing now. Has it ever been an issue for you in your real life relationships? You have to kiss other people, whether it's on stage on TV. I've been like painfully singles, so really hurting my odds. You know, Well, luckily my boyfriend's an actor too, so he understands. He knows what the deal is, and you know, we can all like hang out and get along. It's just turns into a lot of laughing and jokes. So you're like making out and he's like, pad from this, turn your head a little bit. Is that is that what you look like when you're ill? All? Thanks, look cool? They're not totally. Yeah, it's really funny. It's great. I think I have to like close my eyes and imagine my boyfriend on the other side of it, Like I don't know, I just did like I'm a tongue. I'm like, I'm like a tonguer. I don't have to imagine my boyfriend on the other side. I don't think I could kiss a stranger and make it look hot. Well, I'm not an actor, so I guess that's kind of got to pretend. I don't know. Sometimes when they call action, I just sort of like believe I'm Levi and I like forget. They call Cutt and I'm like, what just happened? You know, it's not going to believing right exactly. Everything Levi does makes me nervous because I'm scared he's going to mess up. Honestly, I still get nervous because he messed up a lot. I know, I think know he's still going to mess up a little bit. But he's getting better, getting more confident. He's getting more confident. Um, yeah, I think he's becoming a really good skilled surgeon, which is something that's exciting for me. You're hoping the long haul, you'll be a resident, you'll be a surgery like you really climbed the ladder. I think I'm gonna like maybe like take over over for Catherine Fox, be part of the Fox Foundation. I don't know. I haven't fully pitched that, but it's just like a lot of soft pitches. We're doing here right right, because we've been trying to get on the so it's not gonna works what you're saying. And if you had to stop wearing glasses in real life because everybody else glasses at you wherever you go, you know, spoiler alert, I actually have a really good eyes. So they just did that for the characters all acting like I did. I picked out the glasses, but they're they're like just glass, just to nerd you up a little bit. I guess it's the idea. Originally, I think it was. I I think the original storyline that I came on the show was that an intern drops his glasses into a body cavity, and that was what it was supposed to be, just that like cute little vignette of all of these med students coming in into sort of like wreaking havoc on the hospital. And that was a true story that one of the crew actually it happened to him where where like someone dropped their glasses during surgery, so they wanted to do that, and then it's the character of Levice grew from there. So wow, because you're so good, I don't know that baby, Well, we'll see. That's awesome. That's awesome. Thank you guys so much for hanging out today. This is a dream. We always have one question when someone from a SHAWNA. Lanchow comes on, if you got to choose not saying that you're going to die, but if if they came to you and said, hey, we're killing you off. Unfortunately you get to choose your death. How are you going, Oh my gosh, I'm gonna I'm gonna turn into a white Walker, so I can just stay in the hospital, still be in episodes, but just like be really creepy and icy and just like you know, like Denny Duquette into a ghost. So so I die, but I still stay as an actor on the show. Yeah, I love that. We actually like short diversion. We have this whole theory that we need to do a zombie firefighter movie because all of our tools look like killers, like they just are. We have axes and how it wins and they look like they're and we're basically a tank, you know, so we're like, why are we making a movie right now? Anyway? So that is a great window. Um, but I guess I would have to say, I mean, I my stunt double really wants me to to burn. When are they setting us on fire? And it's really excited, So I guess I would have to say that just to get her if she chooses fire, do we yes, Yes, it's suppressing the wow. I mean you would have to be a heroic like ending though, like you're saving a child like Stephanie on Grayson Anatomy, the way she went down saving a child, burned up like a child. They're reserving that. That's great. Yeah, No, I feel like you are both going to be on for a very long time until we at least get on set might come in. Yeah, you can show up in Scrubs too, just like take take a shuttle back from Raised Anatomy with Jason George and I really want to do it because I'm like, even if we do get kicked out, it's still a great story. It is. I mean, either think it's great. Yeah, but then we didn't figure out if we'll get arrested. I don't think so. I think they'd just be like a warning we went back. It might be a strong warning. Yeah, a strong warning. We just did to get a drive on. That's that's what we need because then we're like we're okay to be on the premises all right, well, well all about he's like a secure it don't feel great about this plan anymore. He went from vouching for it to strongly discouraging. I mean, we were like the people who went to Pailey Fest and we were on the press line in scrubs. Yes, a number of cast members. I also didn't creep out like the Gray brand subs because the super comfortable. It's funny though, to see the like Grays people that were like super into us and then the ones that were like scared. Was scared. He did not know how to react to us. Yeah, but like Arizona and Miranda, like the whole squad was like down a, well, thank you all so much for taking the time to come on. We we love both of you and we can't wait to be part of the cast with y'all. And um, don't miss it. I mean, what are you doing on Thursday night? If you're not watching ABC? No idea? Like what are you doing? Literally you're I don't know, I don't know something bad word, I don't ye CAREB is a subscription service that makes it easy to get vitamins, protein, powders, and more personalized just for you and delivered straight to your door. So give yourself support this season with a boost, whether you're looking for energy, better sleep, to maintain stress, or something else to help you feel your healthiest. Carebs Online Quiz lets you know exactly what you need. CAREBS Fun Online Quiz asks you about your diet, health goals, and lifestyle choices and takes only five minutes to find out your personal scientifically backed recommendation for vitamins, protein, powders and more. Taking care of your health should be easy and convenient. Up delivers daily vitamin and supplement packs along with protein and more, all customized to your recommendations. 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Okay, first of all, congratulations because the album is officially out. Thank you, And we're going to dive into that obviously, and your beauty line. Yes, we'll get into all of those things. But I think what we should talk about. I knew you were going to try and start out with this what do you think of her being on you and Brad's dance video? Actually wasn't going to start there, but but we did start the year off with the bank. So I just was going to say that I just love Ashley tisday like I love you as a human. Um, So I'm just very excited to have you on the show because I adore you and I've known you first a while long time. Yeah, I remember when I first met you. It was at Selena's birthday party and you were like amming out to Haley's Steinfeld song. What was that song? The first one she came out with myself. Yeah, you were like you were like going out and I was like, whoa she is in it? That sounds We're here to tell you that nothing has changed, literally nothing. But when I met you for the first time, I literally didn't really like know much about you, and you guys were so warm and welcoming, and your husband was there also, and I just fell in love with you guys as a couple. I feel like I was like really interrogating him about just like like love and do men believe in love? And like all of these things, and you guys were so great. So I'm always just this big supporter of you and always will be because I just think you're awesome. You asked men believe She's like, do you have any friends? Like? Literally, um, I was just saying. So when I lived in say In Diego for a while and I would come up and down from there to get my hair done at and You're like the first celebrity I ever saw it coming up hilarious. I was there like four times a week, so I was you would see me there. Wow, I'm in like the Land of the Stars. That's so funny. So she's you're really connected to this podcast. Like, like I said, you were in a Brad and Eyes dance video at the top of the air. We really kicked it off of the bank and um and and it's just really coming full circle. I was really proud of that work. It takes Brad and I like an hour and a half to learn these dances, and Ashley rolls up like literally five minutes of where we're gonna film it and learns it and like crushes. It's like hilarious. Favorite thing about Charles videos they're very up simple. Yeah they take so long, but I'll really spend some time. I'm really making sure they're at least I love them though, because I think that's like the charm of Yeah, it's like it was like fully choreographed. I don't know, I would just be like this is so professional now, you know, actually fully choreographed them professional. Yeah, it was like professional. It would just be like not as fun and cute, you know, it's relatable. People can learn the dance. They can and they do and they really appreciate the effort, you know. Okay, So what I want to do now is I want to kind of just like learn about Ashley Tisdale because I think that people they might have a perception of who you are or who they think you are or what they Yeah, and I want to kind of get to because through your music, especially the songs that you most recently come out with in this album, I feel like you're really telling people a truth about you that you haven't been open about before. So why was it important for you to tell this story through music? And was it Is it easier for you to do it through music because you co wrote the whole album, right, Is it easier for you to do it that way than just to like talk about it. Yeah. I it's kind of like a it's a long story, but long story short is I lost somebody two years ago to depression, and so I think that you know, at the time when this whole record just kind of really came to me out of nowhere, Um, I had been struggling with my own stuff for a while, and so I know for myself, like I'm just not someone just to do something and I was never going to come back to music just to do it, you know, Like I was like, it has to be important, and so what I was going through, I was just like, oh, you know, I actually for the first day in the studio, I was just like, I don't even know like what this is going to be. But me and my co writer, UM, we wrote Symptoms based off of all the symptoms I was feeling. I was telling her, like my journey that I had gone through like the last like a couple of months. It was like all coming to a head and um, and so I was like, oh, I think I know what this is. And so really the record was like a real like therapeutic thing for me to go through. And yes, it was easier to do that because it's literally you and your producer and your co writer all knowing this stuff and no one knew still and then it takes a lot of courage to start talking about it. So I think, yeah, it's easier to do it through music. But because I was like going through that and writing so much and like being starting to like be I don't know, like I think just proud of who I am, even with the things that I've gone through that I was just like, you know, and especially with people we've lost. It was like we lost a couple of people as we were, you know, doing the record, and I was just like, it's time to start talking about these things, Like it's just time for people to know that they're not alone in their struggles and we're all human, and I just really just felt like it was the right time to just like, you know, as much as it's nerve racking and scary and emotional, to like have to be like this is who I am, and I've really kind of kept that stuff personal for a long time. I was just like it just I know, there's something in me that's just like I have to do it. It almost felt like I would always tell my husband, it feels like an out of body experience because it feels like it's all just organically like happening. Like I wasn't meant to. I wasn't like I want to do another record ten years later, Like it was like it just happened. Like there, um, there's this video. You're in the music video where you're kind of like just like trying to get out of this like it's very cool and it's like almost like you're trying to get out of the um, the perceptions and the things of your own head. And it's like, I think everybody can relate to that because we all like make up these these stories, need scenarios like in our head, and like sometimes you just need to just like step outside of it for a minute and just be like it's gonna be okay. Yeah, I think it's Yeah, it's like I think that sometimes, Yeah, we get stuck in these thoughts and we feel stuck in life sometimes and we feel, you know, like kind of dark sometimes, and um, I think that it's important to step out of that and realize that it's just a very skewed kind of like, you know, there's a lot of reasons why that's happening and it's not actually reality, you know. I also feel like a lot of your fans like grew up with you in the sense that they were part of, you know, you being on high school musical and now they're not they're still not there, like they've grown with you, so they're going through all these things as well, and it's not like like, if anything, they relate to you more because they feel like they've been your friend for all this time. They've gone through whatever you're going through. They've probably experienced it in some capacity, so it's pretty cool to sure, and I think that it's important to Yeah, I feel like I think a lot of perception about me is that just with characters I've played that there's just not a lot of depth to me. But really I do have a lot of depth, and I am pretty deep and so um but learning those things about myself even has made me a better artist, a better actor, and just a better person. So I think that, you know, it's something that I I loved learning about myself, and even though it's painful, sometimes I'm glad. I like, you know, I feel like this record is a celebration of everything I went through. I think it's cool that you can really like be authentically yourself, because I think it's a really hard I mean there's so much judgment. I mean me, hello, I like said on the podcast two weeks ago or whatever that I like say good night to my like my pretend husband every night before I go to bed, like I'm like a night baby. I got so many messages like you're weird, you're crazy, But then for all the weird one, like all those, I got so many other ones being like I do the same thing, and I'm like, thank you. So it's like it's really nice that you can open up because it's like they still think I'm I just wish we had a camera because actually's initial reaction. I was watching her face. What is she going to say before she can like flip. It's her reactions bring it off. Yeah, I mean, we've got to just be ourselves no matter what, you know, be authentically you and like who cares what people think. I know it's like easier said than done, but it really is one of those things where it's just like, I don't know, you just gonna block out the negativity and they lease it because it's like even if you're the perfect person, someone's going to hate you know, perfect too, So no one is I'm sure she has some flaws. I don't know, but somewhere she might say she has something that has some sort of flaw, but that's what makes her beautiful. I'm saying, like she's so like seems perfect and powerful that there's got to be a lot of stuff there to like do that, you know, like you have to like have some you know. I think that I don't think she want to be to say that. I don't think she would want people say she's perfect, you know, that's what it's pressure to like. I mean, she's great, for sure, she's amazing. I love her, I absolutely love her. But I just feel like, in order to be an artist, you are a complex person to begin with. He so, yeah, do you talk about your husband and how y'all met? We love love stories, So I don't know, do you. We don't talk like two in depth about it. I mean, I just like I know him through people and yeah, and we just kind of we're in each other's lives for a couple of years. And I had been with some real not great people, and he had been with some I don't know, crazier people. So my crazy was perfect for him. And he's just such an amazing person that I was like, honestly, I was a little bit scared because I was just like, there's no way this guy is so nice and like also just the most patient man I've ever met in my entire life. Like he's helped me through so much this year. That's so great. Yeah. Now, he's like, honestly the best thing ever. And I feel like I could be making this up out of nowhere. But on the videos you do where you do covers on YouTube. Is he playing guitar? He is? Okay, He actually is the one who like figures out how to you know, because he like configure, yeah, reconfigures it. So yeah, he's really talented. But he's a composer, so really he he was, Um, he was in a band you know, since he was like, I mean a couple of bands since he was like sixteen and toward. And then over the last five years he's been composing for film and TV. He has actually an HBO series on right now. Um, it's called on Tour with Asperger's r Us and it is a docu series. It's so funny and so great and he does the music for it. Yeah. Yeah, it's cool watching people like do what they want to do. Yeah, and you light up when you talk about him, which is like so cute, so cute. How long a you been together? Now? Um, we have been married for four years. It's like, come on that. My dad says the same, He's like, congrats to that guy, Like thanks dad, Um no, so uh so yeah, so pretty much. Um yeah, we've been together for four years and like I think we were like engaged for a year and then like together, Yeah, year and eight months or something like that. So yeah, like five, five and a half, six years. It's crazy. So it was pretty cool. I mean consider there, I feel like it was quick. You're engaged with eight months? Yeah, well after we got together, we knew each other for a while though, so it's like a different thing, you know. Yeah, you don't have to go through like the getting like you already knew each other something that I think. It was like, it's really all about timing because it's like, I think at that point in our life we wouldn't have gone into another relationship if it wasn't something important. So that's really what it was. Timing is key. Yes, does he have any friends? Tanya? Was her next question. He does, but they're all like in relationship is everything. Tanya was told that she'd be meeting the man of her dreams in May in tarot card reader. No way, Yeah, so I like this month. I know it's like happening right now. So the we did this thing for Halloween and it was like, um, like a tarot I don't I didn't like actively go to the tarot card person. We did it work purposes and we're sitting there and she's just, oh, your career is going great, you know, just like kind of like not just whatever like things. And then all of a sudden, she like flips over one card and she's like, this is um, you're you're gonna meet your guy, and this is like you're gonna meet your guy in May, and this is October. I was like, May so far away, Like what's taking him so long? She's like, he has to go through something before you guys, like but once, but once you know it's him, Like it's like, donkey, wow, that's amazing. I did have actually a psychic say the same well like not the same thing as well, but it was, um, I had done a psychic reading because I'd just gone out of relationship and I was like really bummed about it, and she said, yeah, the guy that you were just with is not the guy for you. She's like, you're gonna be engaged at twenty eight, married by twenty nine, and the guy that you're gonna marry is in your life right now. And of course to me, I'm like, who is in my life I would want to marry? No One was like because I'm thinking people I talked to every day, but he was in my life, and like I would because she's like, he's gonna start popping up, like in April, and I'd be at Soul Cycle and he was there and I was like, and it's still never dawned on me. It did not dawn on me. And I don't really like psychic stuff. I'm like, take it with a grain of salt, like I'm not really like whatever. It's just like more fun for the experience of like when you've just gone through something, You're like, at least this gives positive stuff. And I when I first hung out with Chris Um, I was just like, you know what, I know this guy. Wouldn't really know him really well. And he had just like I think, tweeted something about Sons of Anarchy that I was in and I was like, oh my god. I was like, and I'm like, yo, you should come hang out with me my friends and Santa Monica. And it came out that night and I looked at him in the street that night and I literally this was no joke. She had did this. She did this reading like three years prior, so it was a long time away and she goes, uh, and I looked at him and I was like, oh my god, this is I'm gonna marry and it then all the stuff she said reminded me and it was like literally engaged married at twenty nine, So I could have happened. That's what this lady said. She said, it's somebody that I have met before, which could be like a no, she she gave some well then yeah, let we get into the weeds of it. I'm like, we'll see, we'll see how it happens. Yeah, she gave me initials. It wasn't like did she say yeah. It wasn't like this is the first initial and this is the last name initial. It was just like, here's two initials that they could be anywhere in the could be the middle name. You don't even know the middle name. You're gonna be like, what's your full name? What's your Mom's made im funny? Um, okay, let's get back to you though. Yes, um, your makeup looks bomb. By the way, thank you, Hayley. We share makeup partist shout out, we love you. But what I was getting at was your your cosmetically. I know Illuminate cosmetics. I use it also and I'm a big fan. Thank you, Thank you so much. What else do you have like your hands in right now? Well, that's a lot. Illuminate Cosmetics has been definitely a journey. Um. Obviously have my production company, Blonde Girl Productions. Um, I'm about to start a Netflix series, so I still obviously acting, and then I have my music and Illuminate, so that is really all I can handle. But yeah, Illuminate, you know, I thought it was going to be this like I don't know what I was thinking, to be honest, I was like, Oh, it's gonna be so easy being CEO of a makeup company. And obviously there's a action of like why I'm doing it. It's not just to have makeup. I've had it for so long, but it was also something about I really wanted to create a makeup line for the everyday girl who is like the girl and the go, but also the person who is just like, you know, just doesn't really know how to use makeup like makeup professionals, you know, And I think that when I get a palette and there's like thirty eyeshadows, it scares me and I just don't know what to do with it. So all, you know, Illuminate is all about like beauty made simple and like the palets are curated and this is all you need and so that's really like my passion and also about like that, you know, just being beautiful as just being you. And it's like we're not doing like cream contours and stuff like that because I just feel like it's you know, I don't know, like I I just am very much in the trend of more like natural is is beauty um. But obviously for events and stuff you go a little bit. But every day, like I sometimes don't wear makeup at all, you know, So I just I don't know. I have a passion and for it and that's what keeps you going. But it is definitely one of the hardest things I've ever done because it's so different and like so not something I'm you know, used to and I've had to, like you know, go through those ups and downs in a company. You're just like, what do I do next. There's a piece of advice you can give to somebody that's starting out, what would you tell them? It's hard work. Instagram does not get you ready for this. It's like no one explains to you and tells you how hard it is. Because a lot of the time on social media. You're watching someone who has put in five years of work already, and so you're watching it thinking it's an easy thing to do. And I didn't think it was going to be like easy. But I think because like I said, I'm so used to being a creator and a you know, actor, and that's I've been in this business for so long. That's something that's so foreign, like dealing with investors, dealing with like fulfillment centers like Shopify, Like I mean, I do all that, like I am in it. Like it is not like someone's run ing it for me. This is literally all of me. If I'm putting a sale on my stuff, I've got to go into my Shopify account and mark down that. So it's like when people like, you know, because I think also people think when you're a celebrity, you have people that do that for you, and it's just like that's just not me. And I'm actually really proud of it because as much as it's something that eventually I'll have a team and I'll have like a full you know, like I'll build it up, but I think that in order to be a CEO of a company, you need to have your hands in all of that stuff and know why you're doing all that stuff and know what it is. You know, you can't just be like I own a company and not know like where your fulfillment center is and like who's a manufacturer. You know, it's like you need to know all those things. So I would just say it's hard work, but don't give up. If you're really passionate about it, then you gotta keep going. Yeah, you gotta keep doing it. That's great advice though, because I feel like when you're the CEO, you you're part of every decision that's made, Like you're in charge of every decision that's Yeah, and if you don't know like who's coming to and what they do or like you know what really they do, And when people give you excuses like we can't, you're like, actually, I know that you can. Yeah, I'm like, I run five things you can do this. But I'm yeah, I mean it's been such a it's been such a you know, process, and I think that's been such a journey on its own. But I'm really I'm really proud of it, and I'm really proud of like, you know the best part is like seeing people wearing it and like really loving it because it is a it's a piece of me as well. I feel like everything that I'm doing has been a really authentic thing for me. I guess you'd say, like, I think like with the album and with this makeup line like taking over and I think just you know, kind of getting out there and doing it. Can we do a little rapid fire on the music side, Yeah, okay, and you're gonna just have to answer, Okay, okay, oh God, favorite song on your album? Um? Okay, uh vibrations. Dream person to work with doesn't have to be collaborator, could be a writer, producer. Oh, Chilian Michaels. I just love her. She's so sweet her Literally like I love her. She's literally we DMN each other all the time and we're just like she's the best. She's the best. So that's very very likely to happen. I mean, I don't know, I haven't ever been like discussed work with her. Then we're like, let's collaborate, but I just lab collab um No. I mean, I just really love her as a person and I just like think she's awesome. I do too. Literally, I asked her to do this thing for me for the Billboard Awards. I had her, Um, I wanted to do something for Jason Kennedy because I just love him and I was so excited to do with him. And I call her and I was like, do you think you could write a little jingle for me for Jason to have to have out the Billboard Music Awards And totally thinking, I literally was like you can, you can tell me to go f off? Like I fully was like, you know, because she's just like I know what her and she literally did it for me, I know. And I told was like, this woman has literally written like hits that of this generation and now she's and it's catchy as hell. The thing I was like, it actually got stuck in my head, like how does she do it? Like I don't even know how her brain works, but she's incredible. That really threw me off of my rapid fire. Um, will you tour? I want to? I definitely want to, but I start the series and so it's just really trying to find it in my schedule. Um, but that's been something I've always wanted to do, Like I never have really been able to go on a full tour of like my own music, So I would love to so we'll see. I think your fans would really like it. I know, even if it's just like whatever, I get out there and acoustically doing stuff. Uh, favorite tour that you have seen yourself? Oh, favorite tour i've seen? Um, you know what I have not gone to. Okay, I really don't go to a lot of concerts. Um, So I don't even know what that tour would be. Oh, you know what, I wasn't really a tour, but it was a it was a concert. Um. I think it was for Julie was there and Cardi b and it was in New York City. I think it was like for Pandora's Pandora maybe no, no, no, no, not Pandora. What is it Panorama? No, not Spotify. It was like something a streaming service. I don't know. I forget what it was. It was literally just around the time of jingle Ball, so I was in New York. Oh maybe it was jingle Bell or something. I had no idea, but it was like a whole thing of them. And that was so much fun because I got Julie and I got to see Cardi and I actually met Cardi backstage. I died, died, We hugged each other. Yeah, we became best friends at that moment. So does she like? I was just wonder, like, what is she? Just like like in real life, she's amazing. She was literally like I honestly, I've never had a reaction like this before ever in my life. But I was walking to I was actually going to Julia's dressing room, and I was walking down the hallway and then a bunch of like bodyguards came down the hallway and then I saw her and I just screamed. I mean, I've never had the reaction before. I've never screamed on anybody. And I was like and then she screamed, and then she was like and then be like hugged. I was like, oh my god, I love She was, oh my god, I love you too, and I was like, wow, my sister caught the whole thing. I would have never remembered it. I was like, what just happened? I blacked out. And then I saw her a week later on on a on a plane and I'm like, she's gonna think I'm like following her at this point, I'm like stalking her, but I'm like, no, we're like best friends. She seems cool she just seems herself, which I think is awesome and refreshing. Yeah, I appreciate it. Last, but not least, favorite Taylor Swift song. Oh, I loved her stuff on the Red album. We just talked about this last call. But you gotta pick one. Oh, you can go probably Yeah, I think I think Red. No, no, no, no, I would have to say no. Red was a good one. That was a good one. Yeah, I don't know. I feel like we just talked about it and like a lot about it. Push the mind, and you can tell a lot about a person by their favorite Taylor Swift song. But I think, yeah, I guess so, But what if they don't listen to you can tell a lot about person. I guess you're not my friend, You're not my people. Thank you so much for coming in. We do we have any emails? Can we read email? Do we I feel like we had an email? We have actually give advice. I feel like Actuley went out good advice. We get a lot of emails about people wanting advice on different someone's anonymous to and that's always a good sign. I'd love to get some feedback for a work situation of going through two of my co workers have been having an emotional affair. I just found out about it last week from my girlfriend, who's one of the parties involved. Both of them are married, each has two kids. We're a very close knit group. There's only eight of us working together. We're all friends. It's not currently affecting our work environment, and I don't know what my place is now that I know about it. I know neither of them are thinking clearly, but if so much to lose it, they let this continue. It has not gotten physical yet, but they aren't far from it. I know neither of them is happy right now with their spouses, but in my opinion, that does not make it okay. If there's something more I can do jo that is so like I don't know, I feel like I can't even touch that one. Like, I mean, I think that the best advice is to just steer clear. I don't know, Like it's just that's such a situation that it's never good to be the person knows all that stuff. Yeah, it's like hard to be um, the one that's hearing the details of it. And because my first reaction is like stay out out of it, Like stay as far away as you can but she knows now, so I know my bad advice and my knee jerk reaction was to tell them to encourage them to divorce their partners. WHOA, that's real far, I think. I think it's more about communicate what's going on, like the communication first, let's star head there yet, let's just start talking about what's going on in your life. So she didn't acknowledge it was bad advice before she shared it. I'd be like, if you're having an emotional affair with somebody, why don't you get out of what you're in before you make it a physical affair? No, I think I think because it's not a physical affair. I think they need to have a conversation with their spouse and figure out what's going on there between that they're looking at. But that's not anonymous as problem. Her problem is that she's stuck in the middle sees it all happen. I don't know that she's stuck in the middle, and she's more periphery, right, She's not in the middle of it. She just knows it's happening. I think, to be honest, I always feel, no matter what, this always works itself out. Someone will always find out they will always like I always feel like a cheater is a cheating and you're gonna find out, Like I've found out so many things on excess back in the day that they thought I would never find out. And I just feel like, let that let the universe work it out. And I know it's probably hard to be around, but unless they're like really making it difficult for you to be around them, like I would communicate like this is difficult for me to see all. If it's affecting vinment, yea. If it isn't, I would stay I like to stay away from drama and I like to let that stuff work itself out because quote last week on the Seacrest Show, the day you were out, do you nothing will give you greater peace than minding your own business? And I think there's a lot to that. Yeah, I think if she had a super close relationship with the spouses of these two people, maybe I'd give her more of a reason to, you know, step in in some regard. The problem is I think that sometimes they get mad at the messenger, you know, so it's like, you know, like, who are they going to believe? And I think that, you know, yeah, so we are our group advice is just stay out of it as much as possibly long as you can do. Yeah, yeah do, or or just divorce just to go to the court right now, it's like, Okay, quit your job, find like a startup that for you. I just have a big advocate of like, if you're not in a happy, thriving relationship, what are you doing? But that's not the person's life a short man happy. But these kids involved. It's a tricky, sticky situation product of divorced parents. And I turned out just fine. By the way, her parents were divorced for eight years, not remarried, remarried and are still together. I know. It's weird, wild wild. That was so wild. That's why I'm always like, divorced, fine, you'll get remarried again, get back together, stronger, you'll end up together. Oh man, that's so crazy, Ashley, Thank you so much, Thank you. Symptoms is available now Illuminate Beauty Products Illuminate Cosmetics dot com. And then when does your Netflix show come? Um? I don't know the air date for that, but we just start filming this month. Okay, so Mary, happy whatever, check it out whenever it sounds out on Netflix. Thank you. When you're selling online, getting your orders out can be a real drag. So it is time consuming, expensive, and so many carriers to choose from. How do you know that you're making the best choice. 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You'll ship more in less time with the best rates available and right now are scrubbing and listeners can try ship station free for sixty days when you use promo code Becca. There's absolutely no risk. You can start your free trial without even entering your caredit card information. Yeah, so just visit ship station dot com, click on the microphone at the top of the homepage and type in Becca that ship station dot com intercode Becca one more time that ship station dot com enter promo code Becca. Ship station dot com make ship happen. So we've got a really nice email that I feel like we should deal with. Jenna, I have a huge favorite ask this week. My sister Sydney and a longboarding accident. I'm sorry that I'm dumb. Is that surfing? No, that's like skateboard. It could be surfing. Oh yeah, it could be. I think it's a skateboard. Okay, she cracked her head open longboard and can go either way. Yeah, I used to write along board that was sporting alright. Anyway, she cracked her head open. We took her to the e R and she was having serious memory problems. In an effort to cheer her up. I said, maybe she'll get a super attractive neurosurgeon to fix her head. Unfortunately that wasn't the case, so instead I told her that would write to her favorite people at Scrubbing In and see if they were to give her a call. Can we call her? Let's call her. Tori is gonna dialer right now. We'll take the ring, Tori, if you wanted to put it on hold. I don't know that you'll answer because we're kind of calling out of the blue. We didn't set this up with Jenna. We just got this email and we're responding to it, so we'll see. And I think you're right. I think it's skateboarding. I know you're a writer. Believe unless they did, I'll call you back here. Should I play the theme song? It's like her own private version of the Scrubbing In with Second Tilly and Tanya Rat and I Heart Radio and People's Choice Award winning podcast. Hi Sydney, Hi Sydney backa Tanya, Mark and Easton. We just wanted to call and say that we hope you're feeling better. Um and we're bummed up. We can't talk to you, but hopefully you can save this voicemail and maybe like, listen to it again. Let's maybe we could sing our song. Yeah, what song do you to get better songs? Yes, sink started out Okay, one, two, three, get better, Sydney get better, Get better, Sydney, get better. We love you so much. We're hoping and praying for us speedy recovery for Sydney. That's very nice. Yeah, that was good. Thank you, Sidney. Thank you for listening to this podcast. That's so nice of you. Yeah, we really hope you feel better. We hope that eventually a hot surgeon walks into your room slash life, and thank you for listening to the podcast. Yeah, Jenna told us that the neurosurgeon your head didn't quite live up to your expectations. There's lots of other opportunities in that hospital. Yes, if you need any physical therapy, physical therapists there really can be very attractive. Same. Yeah, we should probably end this poor voicemail for Sydney. We love you bad better get better? Alright, a long voicemail. Yeah, one other thing I wanted to imagine before we go. Did you guys see this Facebook thread? Um? This is a woman named Caitlin. Her sister was having a baby and her sisters in labor, So they're trying to call their mom and let them know hey, because the plan was as soon as she gets in labor, their mom's gonna start driving because they live a few hours away to the hospital. Well mom wasn't answering her phone, so Caitlin posted, hey, help, how can we do this? How can and somebody like, wow, you can call the police and if then we go, watch me do And then somebody come up with the idea can you get into her eye cloud? And she's like, I guarantee I can figure out their pass. I think I did see this, So Caitlin did. She got near eye cloud and did the set set off an alarm feature like if you lost your phone, you can just make the alarm go off. So she made the alarm go off on her mom's phone, and her mom heard it, and her mom was on her way and she got there for the birth. And that's like, I think, that's such a sweet little thread that was on the Facebook group and hundreds of people I want to help, I want to help, book can I do? What can I do? That is what the scrubbing and Facebook group does. They help one another Yeah, we have the best group. We do not anybody we help, we encourage, We do not build courage. Right, We build up, we do not tear down. We rise above, we do not dig below. It sound like Superman. That's awesome. Hey, next week Terry Knewell from Baty John is going to be on our show. Are you well? I'm sorry, I think they get the picture. You have to wrap it up, Terry Knewell from Dirty John. Next week, that's going to be very, very fascinating conversation. So join us for that. Yeah, thank you for a dead I called it last time. You want to call it? Oh easy, Matth, You've got this one.

Scrubbing In with Becca Tilley & Tanya Rad

We need a crash cart! Scrub in each week with Becca Tilley and her BFF Tanya Rad as they fangirl ove 
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