In our final podcast before the wedding, we’re looking into our crystal ball to make some predictions of what might happen on the big day!
Who will cry?? Who will party too hard?? And who will catch the bouquet??
Play along at home and make your predictions with us!
Scrubbing In with Becca Tilly and Tanya rap An iHeartRadio podcast.
Hello everybody. We are scrubbing in.
Scrub dub dub, grub ub tub.
Scrub, and in the chapel and where scrub and scrub me scrub and in the chapel and where gone.
And get married me j I really love him. That's it.
Yeah, you're getting married.
Getting married, getting married.
Before we start, this is such a fun week of waiting podcast. Before we start, Tanya, Uh, the scrubbers did something for you that is very exciting. Uh. I'm going to hand you something here, but before I hand it to you, I need to say. Heather Stambro is a scrubber. She posts in the Facebook group blocked you from it.
In fact, I am unable to get into my Facebook.
The blockage was not necessary. Can't get into the entire platform. But but she uh, she posted a thing in there and asked for scribbers to write messages to you for your wedding day. And we have a book of these for you. Now a book.
Oh no, such a nice card. Oh my gosh, Heather, wow, oh.
So this is huge.
Oh my gosh. So she just like it's all just messages it's so huge.
This is huge.
Oh, that one's going to be small. Oh my gosh. Should I read some of these? Feels like a lot? Oh my gosh, this is going to be so amazing to read on the flight.
They know how much you love writing love letters to the important people in your world, and so they were love letters, your own love notes.
It's titled dear missus yadegar. It's like dear future husband.
Yeah, yeah, my own Wow. I don't even know what to say. So nice.
Literally, is there any other community or group of people that do things like this?
No, no one else or like describers. They are just such an incredible group of people.
This is so nice.
It hit us with one or one of them or two can show what it looks the book, it's beautiful, beautiful, so great.
And then basically it's like this on every single page and it's just like a million pages long. Oh this one has a butterfly at the end. Let's read that one. Uh, Dear Tanya, you and I are such different people, irl, oh, way different people, but irl, I know we'd be great friends. I've been a day one scrubber and have always loved your zest for life. I'm so excited to watch you go through this wedding journey and wish you nothing but true happiness and great health with your number one Red Star. Congratulations to you and Robbie Kristen O'Brien, Dear Tanya, from one sunshiny girl to another, thank you for reminding me that loving people in big and sometimes weird ways is such a beautiful gift to give this world. I'm so incredibly happy for you as you jump into this next season of life as a wife. The world is so lucky to have you. Thanks for being you. Love Brittany McInnis.
It would be so fun to go through.
Yeah, oh my god, scrubbers. This is so nice. It's like giant. I don't know how many of these she got.
You can count, Probably.
Not right now, not on podcast, right now, not right now.
We'll go through page by page.
I'm told hundreds of submissions. That is the data I was given that big book.
Yeah, she's sick. Somebody wrote scrub a dub dub and the bridle tub tub that's really cute. That is so nice. Thank you guys so much.
Wow, yell are magical, magical humans.
We're gonna should shout out this company that made it for her. Literally I don't know or doesn't say. It's so cute and like so nice, good quality. Yeah, they're just scammed. You can maybe scam that. Wow, that's so nice.
This episode is wunning predictions and it's just gonna be rapid fire.
Okay, okay, yeah, let's do it.
I would love to read them. I can read. Let's start with the welcome party. Any predictions for what will happen that night? I mean good times, yeah, good dolls.
I don't know.
The thing with that night is that that is the night that we're giving speeches. So I'm gonna have to be on my best behavior until after I give my speech, and then I still want to be on like decent behavior because I don't want to feel bad the next day.
Yeah. My goal is to not finish one full drink that night.
Interesting, My goal is two drinks max, one shot Max, Yeah, one shot, two cocktails max.
Yeah. I'm gonna try never to get to the bottom of my glass. I like that. That's responsible, feels wifey.
It's giving not balls to the walls.
Yeah yeah, and saving herself oh yeah, you know, not for marriage, but but for the wedding.
Yeah, yeah, who will have the longer speech? Becca or Paulina?
Paulina one, she timed herself. It's in the four minute range. I will not.
The thing is is so our wedding planner was saying like two to two and a half minutes. Max is like the sweet spot. I don't know what to do about Paulina's and yeah, yeah, okay.
It's a sweet spot. But like whatever, Okay, mine will not.
I will.
My shortness will make for her longevity.
Have you timed yours?
I haven't written mine, EASi. I've been trying to think of because at the bridal shower party, I gave just off the cuff because Tony was like, someone from my camp needs to give a speech.
All Robbie's side and they're all talking about me and how wonderful. Was like, I need somebody on my side, you all.
I had had enough to drink that I was like, okay, fine, So I got up and I just there's two things that happen. It's a very emotional context, right, Like what I'm giving a speech about is already emotional because you're my best friend. There's so much that's let up to this. It's like it's heightened, and then I get nervous talking in front of people, So then I get like nervous, and so then it's like the emotion that comes up is crying, even though it's not necessarily what I am. Like, I would feel like getting teared up is normal, but like I get very emotional, so I'll definitely cry. But I also I have been thinking about this that I need to just start clinging my glass first so that I can go first. And just I don't like following anyone who's written like a really thoughtful, like good thing.
We actually might put people like we might like create like an order.
Please let me go first.
I think Sebby wants to go first first.
Oh my god. Okay, wait, I can't follow Sebby. Put Raquel next and then let me go. Okay, yeah, I can't follow Samie. That's too hard to talk. He's so cute. Yeah okay, so yeah, definitely Paulinas will be longer than one.
Will Becka cried during her speech?
Yes, yes, yes, yes, I think everyone's gonna cry. I think everyone will cry during their speech. Maybe not David, yeah, brother.
Groomsman mich will probably keep it together for sure that was one of these is will the groomsman get emotional?
I don't know the grooms men, so.
Yeah, I don't see any of them crying.
I don't will Robbie cry at their speeches?
I think their speeches are going to be more on the funny, lighthearted, like roasty side than like the sentimental side.
I was trying to do that too, but it's it's an it's there's a toime line for our side to do that.
I no, I told him. I was like, all mine are going to be like the weepy, like weepy sentimental. All of his are going to be like roasty, toasty. Yeah.
Will there be any surprising speeches made at the welcome party?
I sure hope not.
Yeah, yeahs anyone get That's something I kind of secretly love at weddings is when someone who was not like planned to give a speech. It's like, hang on, I got something to say.
Yeah, it's like someone that you're like really yeah.
Like a coworker or something.
I mean, it's going to be kind of like open mic vibes.
All right, well, so we'll see anything's on the table. Will anyone get too drunk at the welcome party.
Yes, I think people go. I think people go really hard the first night.
Well Mexic, Yeah, I think if anything, maybe if I'm gonna if I'm going to get it out of my system, I don't know. I think I'm going to really try to wait until Friday night.
I am too, but I've gone to like destination weddings, and I ow go the hardest the first night.
Yeah, definitely, people will get drunk. I'm trying not to be the I'm trying not to be one of them.
Same, But I also feel like I could see myself getting carried away.
I know it's so funny.
How early will you cry? Tanya? What time will the first tears be shed on the big day?
Like, when's her alarm going off?
I think a minute we get to the oh, I'm going to start crying.
How many times will Tanya cry throughout the weekend? I don't think a number exists to measure that. No, will it be a perfect sunny day or will there be unexpected rain for a dramatic moment?
So far, the forecast looks amazing, So it's looking sunny and bright.
Who will be the first person to cry during the ceremony besides the couple.
Oh my gosh, I I mean maybe someone in the audience, because I feel like one of my parents. I'm an emotional when I even just see the groom being when the groom walks down his mom, that always gets me. Like as soon as I see the groom, I'm always like, yeah, it's like really emotional music playing.
It's just weddings that I'm not even like so much, you know, like if I go as a guest with Robbie to want of like somebody that I don't even know really like I cry. I mean, weddings just make me very emotional.
Wow, what song will tan you walk down the aisle two? Well? You know that answer?
I do can't tell you.
Oh, we're not telling people.
Oh, I think it's pretty obvious.
I don't know. I don't know if it's obvious. Really.
Yeah, you know what do you know the answer to this?
I guess this is I'm the only one that doesn't know. Uh, a Taylor Swift song?
You have a song in particular.
Shake it off and me live me from when you take a twenty nineteen let's see with Brendan. I mean, I assume it would be invisible string. But al, we'll see, we'll see tease. Will one person's vows make the other cry or laugh unexpectedly?
Yeah? You know, I was wondering about this because I was wondering, is Robbie going to be very emotional and sentimental or will he try to make it funny?
So I wrote my vows and they were like so sentimental. Then I rewrote them to make them like a little funny. And I don't know which route is better. I think lighthearted, funnier is maybe better. But I'm not like a jokey gal, Like I'm much more sentimental. So I'm like, I don't know if it's I don't know if it's giving what I needed to give. But I feel like the funnier, like more lighthearted is you know what I mean? Like I don't need to sit there and like be so deep. He gets that plenty from me, you know what I mean?
Yeah, I think a mix would be fun and nice.
I try, and I'm trying to do, like a mix you gotta do it feels right to you?
Yeah, true to you? Yeah?
Yeah? Yeah?
How long will the ceremony be?
I'm so interested in this, I mean I can see this being right in the middle, you know, in thirty minutes. Thirty minutes.
Yeah, we'll see.
Oh is it just we'll see because you don't know, or we'll see because like it's a surprise. No.
So, like we gave Ryan like a loose script or let not a script, like a loose kind of like rundown of the show the show good damn. Seriously, we gave him a loose rundown of the ceremony. So it's kind of like up to him. We said, you can either do this verbatim. You can change it as much as you want, change as little as you want. So, like, I don't know, Okay, I'm guessing thirty I think it'll be probably that in that window.
Yeah. Will Ryan be funny or sentimental?
I think he'll be both.
Yeah, he's good at reading that line. Yeah, I think it'd be like sentimental, break the tension with a joke back into sentimental.
Uh, what will Ryan read his remarks off of his phone? Paper, a Q card in the back, a prompter?
You got a prompter for him? No? I think he should just maybe write it down in a book or if he has it on his phone, have it.
I don't think he's gonna have it on it.
That would be shocked. I'd be shocked.
But that's an interesting point that I will.
I would say if he has like a little book or something, even if it's a printed piece of paper in the book.
Yeah, last time I did it, I put it on a kindle and then hit it inside a book.
That's what I was saying. Like, if he wanted to read it off of something so electronic, you could just have the book, you know, in front of it.
I think he'd prefer old school.
Yeah, yeah, paper can't crash. What will Tanya and Robbie read their vows off of?
I'm hoping she writes them down. Doesn't do the phone.
Oh yeah, no, I'm not gonna do the phone.
So either a piece of paper or like a well notebook, Yeah, okay.
How will Sunny behave throughout the ceremony? So good? So good? Right?
Someone who watch your words?
My daughter?
I know, and I love your daughter, but she has a very intense attachment to her mother and father, and I think having them an eyesight could.
Write and not being like on us and told her halfway through the ceremony, I could see that happen.
I think you know what I think is going to happen. I think a special made of co made of honor is going to be in chart holding her. His initials are B and T.
She's gonna need to be next to us. Yeah, yeah, but I could totally see her running up to us in the middle of the ceremony and then like me picking her up and like walking down the aisle with her.
At the end. You mean, yeah, it's kind cute, but also you're getting the kish shot. Yeah, well, I need to know if I'm gonna be in charge of holding Sonny or the bouquet. I can't do both. That's gonna be too much for you know.
Okay, what will Sophia's invisible strings sound like?
Before we get to that break?
Oh my god?
Break all right?
Uh Sonny? I mean we were just looking at the weather. It's gonna be sunny, Sophia. Someone asked, what Sophia's invisible string is gonna sound.
I imagine it's gonna sound like a Taylor Swift version.
Red was the color. She's doing her own version, though.
We did ask her to shorten it. Though oh we did not want to be We did not want people watching us to dance for four and a half minutes.
It's Sophia. It's an invisible string.
Sofia's version, How are you like cutting a core? How are you shortening it?
I'm letting her do it. I have no idea, but yeah, we were just like, we don't want four and a half minutes of watching anybody dance is way too long. Yeah, it's like jail time.
Which guest will be the life of the party on the dance floor.
I don't know, are you going to be I go off at.
A wedding dance floor? I do, and I haven't been. Mark came to my wedding. That's the only time I've seen Mark at a wedding, and I don't think he didn't dance too much, but his dancing is ramped up in the previously, so we'll see.
I think we've brought at dance.
We have like a little lounge area right by the dance allors, so that we're hoping that like nobody's like sitting at their table. We're hoping everybody's either dancing or like sitting in the lounge area. I don't know how many seats the lounge area will hold, but I tell someonech rendering, I'm like, Okay.
It looks good.
CHI can fit two people? My perfect looks great? Yeah?
Which song will get the biggest reaction from the crowd? I mean invisible strings are gonna go off? People are crazy for that.
Uh, Timber, I think Timber might. But also where we requested Abba, give me, give me, give give me. Yeah, and then the other one too, what's the other one dancing queen?
Yeah, that's fun. I mean Timber. I think Timber, And my prediction is Timber.
It might.
It's going down. Will something go wrong with the dress, suit or a guest outfit?
I pray THEE not.
I pray thee not as well.
Yeah, my chalk though, I ordered my chalk for your dress in case there's any little things that need to be.
I appreciate that. Thank you so much.
Is there's not a lot of chalk on the market?
Oh? Really expensive?
No? No, no, it's just it's limited.
Interesting. Yeah, shocking schalking. He just pick up a much Staples.
Well, I went to Amazon route. I'm sure Staples probably would have been easier.
Who will be the first person to get noticeably tipsy me? Tanya? Yeah, I was actually.
Thinking maybe Robbie.
Yeah, it could go either way.
Yeah, definitely the brighter groom.
Yeah, he's very lightweight, hits hits him hard. And Bath.
Who will get the drunkest Hanya?
I think maybe Tanya?
Yeah, probably mean Yeah, I really.
Hope not me. I don't want that label. I've already been there. Yeah, already that label. I don't want it again. You deserve it at your own wedding.
It depends. I just think it depends on the shot situation.
Could be me or Paulina.
Yeah, I could see Paulina going down fast. Yeah, but she like she can hang, she can like hang right right?
Who will take their shoes off first? I don't know you.
Yeah, I guess.
I try to keep my shoes on as long as I can.
Yeah, me too. I would sleep in my shoes of.
A huge fan of bare feet in the ground.
Same something about everyone in bare feet walking on the same space.
I don't want dancing and bare feet is like sounds dangerous.
That polls my mind. How often that happens at weddings? Like, I know, shoes women shoes are very uncomfortable. But like we went to a wedding in Arizona and there was some there were some drop beer Bottles's barefoot. I was like, oh my god, I'm watching Final Destination right now. I was like trying to save another way. But that must happen all the time. It scares me.
Yeah. No, If anything, I'll have some flippops on hand to throw.
Yeah, who will take their tie off first?
Robbie? Yeah, he's already planning on it.
Mid ceremony, Like listening.
The minute we go to the reception.
It's like, will a new couple form at the wedding?
There's a couple of single people, like two single guys and two or four single girls.
Okay, two of.
Them are related, so that's tough.
Who will catch the bouquet?
I don't know.
We're throwing it at Raquel.
Yeah, just a line drive to account.
Will you even get on stage with the band?
I hope y'all do.
I love that, like when the groom and the bribe become the entertainment on stage.
You know my dress might be too short for that.
Well enough shots and yeah you'll be Yeah.
Also it's family and friends. Who cares a little cross shot? Should we play bingo?
Let's play bingo? So we've been making these predictions. We're having so much fun doing this. If you at home want to play along, We have made a bingo board that we're posting all over the internet. Anywhere you go on the internet, you'll find this bingo board. And this is like, we're going to have what a sheet and you can at scrubbing mpod is our Instagram and but this will be in the Facebook group too.
Why not.
We'll have a sheet of like things that will happen at the wedding and you can kind of mark off what you think is going to happen, and then afterwards we'll see how many of them actually came true. Some of these are easting, crying, someone gives a toast who is not scheduled to this one. I'm really excited about, Ryan says Kiss FM while officiating. Oh god, Sunny poops during the ceremony. Let's not even will that and do existence that's I will not poop.
But I could see her being like on the aisle.
Yeah, I mean that wouldn't hance it. That's so great. Yeah, So that'll be on our on our Instagram. If you guys at home want to play along with with these predictions.
That's perfect. Yeah, last question, what part of the wedding do you think people will be most emotional about.
I think the vows, the val exchange.
I think mine will be when you walked on.
The aisle really more than the vow exchange.
Yeah, wow, Yeah, I don't I'm not saying I don't think it'll be emotional the vow exchange. I just think the initial moment is going to be like super emotionally charged.
And that's all you guys, that's it.
We gave you wedding for Wait, so we're not playing bingo.
That we were confused on how to introduce the bingo and that confusion has not been cleared out. We're not playing it because it hasn't happened. But that's for everyone at home. They can like Mark off where they think will happen, and then I guess we'll go through this afterwards and which of them.
Here's the thing, Mark is the game mester. Yeah, yeah, we're all yeah, yeah, Mark would have had this under control.
Yeah, so we're not playing this, right, We're not playing this now, Okay, all.
Right, this will just be for the viewer the listeners who are at home to make their own fun predictions. Via a game of bingo, and then when we come back after the wedding festivities, we'll be able to confirm if these happened or not.
Who bingo?
I see, So my saying we should play bingo really was inaccurate information. No, they're gonna play it, okay, So here play bingo? Right?
Is that what we do? Yeah?
Yeah, just point it, yeah, playing something?
Play right here, we'll be playing bingo, and then we'll be back to let you know if you want or not. Yes, that's all for now. That way up until we're back and Tanya has a wedding band on and a new last name, not illegally, but not legally but emotionally.
Yeah, exactly, I'm gonna be a new person. You just wait, I want to change my style.
Oh yeah, when we're back, Tanya will be missus Yadagar.
So this is the last podcast where Tanya is Tanya Rad whoa ra?
Well yeah, like to be fair, I will still be Tanya Rad Tanya rad Yadagar. But yeah yeah yeah technicality.
Yeah yeah yeah. Your last one what's your middle name?
I don't have one?
Last one is Tatian and Raddy give stop.
Exactly exactly all right, we love you some. Movieline Lie