The Great Shower Debate

Published Feb 20, 2023, 5:00 AM

How IN DEPTH do you clean yourself in the shower?? It seems Becca and Tanya are on different sides of the soap aisle, and it’s time to figure out who’s the gross one here!
Find out why Becca had to mute one of her favorite influencers.
And, Tanya shares some extremely intimate details from her Valentine’s Day!

Scrubbing In with Becca Tilly and Tanya ren An I Heart Radio Podcast. Hello, everybody, we are scrubbing in scrubbing In on a Thursday, Thursday, Thursday. It's Thursday, and we're recording today's episode because today is actually President's Day. When you're listening to this, correct, and we're off, baby off, sleeping in? Probably not? What does President's Day? Why do we get that off? Celebrate our presidents? Yeah, Washington's birthday and Lincoln's birthday were both in February, near each other, and so those were individual kind of half holidays for a long time, and then they were combined to become President's Day and making it a real holiday that everybody gets off. Great. I mean, I'm grateful, I know, I'm like, why don't we have more holidays? I'm all for it, But why don't we st more president's birthdays or like other super important people? Yeah, like Oprah, Harry South agree, Yeah, there's left yeah yeah, yeah. And it's you know, objective or subjective. Who's important to subjective? Yeah? Anyways, we're off, and hopefully you are too, and if you're not, hopefully we can entertain you today. Um, how is Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day was good. It was chill. It was weird because it was on a Tuesday, and Tuesday's or my long work days, and so yeah, I wasn't like feeling vibes, but you did the vibe. I did the vibe, and um, we went to the grocery store and we did like we went to Greece, so we got like a full fish and we did like a big chunky Greek salad that we made at home. And then I put on my lingerie. But like normally, when I put on my lingerie, I like want to have makeup on and do my hair and like be cute. And I like literally looked like trash. He said, all you get linger, Yeah, you get this. I'm gonna eat my dinner in this lingerie and and and I'm gonna look like ash outside of it. But I was. I was confident in it, you know. Yeah, Well that's the main part of wearing lingerie is a confidence. Correct. But I do enjoy the ceremony of it all, like getting all up and you know, but I was like, it didn't happen in me ceremonious, ceremonious. How was your Valentine's Day. It was a great same thing. Haley worked all day, she had a really busy day, so we went to we went got massages at the spa, so we had like a good chunk of like three hours where it was like nice yea and felt like Valentine's Day, but otherwise it was kind of a weird, you know, just Tuesday. Yeah, we went out of town for the weekend basically because she knew it was gonna be busy, So that was kind of like our celebration of Valentine's Day. Yeah, a lot of people, I think, push Valentine's Day off for like the weekend after, so a lot of people are celebrating this weekend. But this weekend is Robbie's birthday, so we can't push Valentine's Day because his birthday's right after. So it's like we got to do it on the fourteenth. I woke up this morning. I'm so glad you said that, because I woke up this morning and I pan next that had missed Robbie's birthday. So I go and look at your Instagram to see if I had maybe missed your post for it, because I thought it was like I actually thought it was like before Valentine's Day, just after, just after, because I remember the trigger of it. It was Valentine's the birthday. Yeah, they're back to back. The back to backness of them all really throws one. But it actually is today. Happy birthday, birthday, birthday, babe, Yeah, February twenty, this is birthday. Sorry. I'm coughing the storm over here. Not in a sick way, you know, when you don't sleep. But like I helped Hayley was a work thing last night, and it was till like one in the morning, and then I just couldn't sleep because I got home. I hadn't eaten since lunch, but I was like too tired to even want to eat. So I was like, I'm just gonna go to bed, but then I think the hunger kept me away. I don't know. So your cough is from your lap when I don't feel sickness to me. When I don't sleep, my body is just like fragile. I get it. I'm with you, but you don't sleep. Ever. I've been sleeping so horrible the last two nights. I don't know what it is. I'm normally like I am a honk like you I normally sleep and you cannot wake me up if you rattle the house honk, like a one of those things that just like lay, They just like lay like a log. Log. I'm like a log. I just lay there and I'm asleep. Lately the last two nights, every time Robbie gets up to go to the bathroom, I wake up. I'm waking up every couple hours, and it's bizarre. I don't know if I'm sleeping lighter or what's going on. I too am having issues, but I've been having issues for a long time. And I also am having really bad lower back pain. And I think I have to get one of those like pillows that go into your knees to sleep. Oh my god, are we at that age? Just the age we're at right now. I was gonna see if we can maybe get Sleep Number as a sponsor again. And so you think it's in one of those beds that like you can adjust each side, you know, I eat one of those two actually, But that is the best. This is tomorrow's morning Hack on the Secret Joseph spoiler alert. But the best way to sleep, for the best sleep is to is on your side with a pillow between your legs and your ankle. No, but you're not supposed to sleep on your side because it's bad for your skin. Well, you're looking at two different things. Yeah, my chest is like a roly poly What does that mean? Like it's like shriveled because I sleep my chest a lot, so my skin just goes when I wake up. I have like lines, Do you sleep on your side? Yeah, that would be great when you're pregnant. Can't wait for that, because that's really all you can prepared, you know, Yeah, you're ready. You've been training all your life, at training all my life. So yeah, I think I'm gonna attempt to get like a little wedge pillow to go under my knees. Yeah, I'm at that age apparently that this is a problem. Like, we did the same thing on Valentine's Day. We worked out so hard on Sunday. We were so sore on Valentine's both of us we could barely walk. We looked like so we were there gunning each other the whole night, which is hell. Hell, the the gun hurts even without being sore. Yeah, I know, I was giggling though, because like I could, I just know that feeling it hurts and feels so good at the same time. What do you How do you sleep? Becca? Well, see, I I attempt to sleep on my back because because of my lower back, I feel like I'm I don't sleep. I've been tossing and turning. But you refuse to sleep on your side because you're worried about your skin. No, no, no, I try to not sleep on my side. I'd like to not sleep on my side too. I also sleep on my stomach, which is the side of my face, so it's still a problem. I do that too, also hurts my back because then it's well, that's why the side sleeping with the pillows between your legs, it was the least amount of strain in your spine. Interesting. Well, I'll have to see if I can find a pillow that helps with the anti aging aspect of the side sleep. Had one of those knee pillows before? Did you sleep well during that? Lose it? You lose it. There's no way you can sleep nicely with that little thing. Betwe in your disagree. I love that thing. I live for that thing. By the way, that's your knees all night. I don't, but then if it doesn't, I just put it back. I just find it put it back at comfy again. I have a thing where I can't have any skin touching skin while I'm sleeping. I don't want any part of me touching any other part of me. Which is funny because years later, years later, when I as adults, I find out my sister is the exact same thing. She has a device she puts between her boobs for the same reason. She doesn't want her skin touching skin. So this is a Molnitsky family trauma. My knees touch, I can't have my ankles touch kind of any touch a therapist, long sleeve shirt, very very thin sweatpants like pajama bottoms. But even that would be too much for the bone, the knee bones to be touching each other. That would be awful. Sauce where the pillow comes in. The more I learned about you, the more interesting I find you. Truly you seem you know just like well well, But then the more I feel back, and it's the thin pants is too much for the skin on skin too much. You realize we are all weird, like every person has their weird thing. We did this at as a radio topic was it was why are you weird Wednesday and people called with the greatest stuff because everybody has those things. Yeah, everybody. Yeah. I did like one of those question boxes on Instagram one time and it was like, what's something uh like unpopular that you do? And I put as the example like sleeping with socks on, you know, something kind of basic. You would be shocked at some of the disgusting, bizarre things people do, Like I need to see if I can pull it up one day because I was horrified reading. I was like, I was just looking for like some levity giggles, giggles simplicity, being like, oh, that's interesting, maybe I could try that. It was horrifying. I'm still you know. The other day, I was thinking about the fact that you don't wash your feet. I've been thinking about that since a few podcasts ago. Yeah, I just it threw me a little bit. It's like, I knew you, and I'm getting in the shower often so I'm not dirty, not giving them a scrub hot water. What more do you need hot water? You're standing in soapy water to the soap is getting to what about the in between the toes? I get my nails done once at every rose and that I'm sorry that you're telling me every time you get the shower, you put your fingers in between your toes. I'm doing a deep cleanse. What a waste of time, you know? I like just to be efficient, different strokes, different folks. I took a two minute shower this morning. I bet it could have been two minutes and fifteen seconds if you had taken the time to wash your feet. Two minutes shower, I timed myself. That's invigorating. Mhm. Just amount of time to get my armpits, my crotch, my butt, and I'm out. That took you a whole two minutes my face. Okay, yeah. Um so I'm posting on the Facebook group right now since we're, you know, doing the show what makes You Weird to see what we get in response. That's great, that'll be by the end of the show hopefully. Um Oh, I was gonna ask what lingerie did you wear for Balent because I've seen two very different types of lingerie that you. Yeah, this one was more classy. It was like a body suit, so covered like boobs body and then but it was crotchless, like open crotch. Okay, yeah, so covered majority of the body and left little for the imagination. So you dinner like that? Yes I didn't. I put a little like I put a little lace robe over it though, okay, yeah, and I put some eye heels on. It was really ex sight because you know, like imagine being like your your truest self, and your hair is greasy, it's up in a bun with a claw. You have no makeup on you, more natural deodorant all day you're not Yeah, and then you go put on your lingerie before how to go straight and went to the grocery store, had came home and started cooking. There was no time for a two minute shower. Nope. Oh yeah, just imagine that. I don't like that. Really probably is a lucky guy. Yeah, it's like the romance has not fizzle, just changed gotten more. No, no, because there are there are still things. But I feel like in particular Tuesdays just like not the night for me. Yeah. Yeah, just couldn't muster the full thing. Couldn't do it, could do correct. Proud of myself. I'm proud of you too, because like I can't. I don't know that I would do that. Yeah, it's been like a lot, just a lot in life. So you pick your battles. Pick your battles, all right, tell her about your plan for Monday for Robbie. Wait wait, wait, wait wait, let's take a break and then we'll call that. Why should I want you to participate in that? Cute? Okay, we're back. So you have plans for Robbie, I guess today. Yeah, but he won't hear this. Well, yeah, he won't hear this. Um, So for his actual birthday, I got it. I'm giving him twenty four cards, So one card for every hour of the day. Okay. I got a little hour glass, so I'm gonna change, Like I'll flip the hour glass and when it's a new hour, I'll give him a new card. But it's gonna be not all from me. It'll be from different people in his life. So I'm collecting. I'm in the process of collecting them from like cousins and nephews and you know people like that. So, like you maybe to have some empty birthday cards in my car? Oh? Is it just is it like a certain look or could I get my own card? You could do whatever you want. I'll get my own card, Okay, yeah, yeah, I like going to card like shop it's fun to read, so like he'll get a new card, he won't know who it's wrong. Like my Haley did that for I think it was when we were about to announce our relationship and all of U. Yeah, we sent cards. Oh my god, that was emotional. It was really sweet. There's something really special about receiving. Like you know, when you you expect a card for like birthdays and stuff. I mean, you expect like one card. But I just wasn't expecting it, and so she gave me the pile and I was just like so overwhelmed. Well I was overwhelmed in general, but it was really sweet. So I'm hoping for that same sentiment. Do you think your note love note every morning is gonna uh lessen the like weight of the car? Hard to say, hard to say? Did you leave one this morning? Yes? What did I say? I don't know. You know, I have a great day, can't wait to see you. Love you. Let's get the day, get things done. Oh wow, they're very get Yeah, yeah, they're go get her. Sometimes I draw like a naughty little stick figure depending on the day. What does that mean? Naughty stick figures? So like two of them like doing things to each other. Yea, yeah, and everything's a stick. Yeah. I don't know how to draw otherwise, not an artiste, not only an author. Yes, correct, I had what are you doing this weekend? I might go down to Newport to see my sister because I haven't seen her since before Christmas. But other than that, I don't think I have any plans. What are you doing? That's nice, very nice? I really have plans on the weekend. I'm pretty relaxed, pretty relaxed on those days. I actually decided I'm not making social plans for one month after Robbie's birthday. I'm done. That is actually not gonna happen. You don't think so. I would say a week maybe, but that even feels ambitious. Yeah, a month feels ambitious. But I decided that we have so much going on, and we've been trying to do way too many things, and we're not like being proactive in certain areas, And so I said, the social calendar is on hiatus? What act? What areas do you want to be act proactive? And you're not proactive in every area? What? Though? That doesn't make I don't know. I'm getting my apartment, really getting moving through things, getting stuff donated to habitat to humanity like that type of stuff. So basically getting your apartment sorted correct big to do. It is a big to do, but you can maybe do like a one social thing a week. Yeah, you do like to go extremes. Speaking of I decided I was getting ready for an event last night and I was like, so just unwell about how pale I am right now. And I was thinking about it, and I was like, I'm just gonna reach out to Jenny and get a spray Damn you got spray tan today? No, you look dam right now? Well just my face because I just yeah, but neck below color really yeah, but we don't have to talk about that part. And I was like I'm going to get a spray tan and that I was like, I have so much self tanner, like I'm just gonna do my own, you know, later today. And it's not you know when people are like that's offensive towards towards like people who have like like pale skin. I don't think of other people like that, like you have lighter skin. But I never am like, oh my gosh, I don't take offense to it, but like people will be like it's so offensive that people always want to be tanned, But it's just a personal preference for me because I get like a gray hue of pale and it's like just like not healthy looking, you know, like you can see through my legs at certain times of the year, Like literally my skin is translucently ghostly? Is that even a word? You are? What's your back girl? Serbian? Yeah? Like I know, like your your light eyes and you have I mean, you're not naturally blonde. Serbians are like normally dark skin, dark hair, dark skin. Yeah, except for my mom my mom. I got my mom's pale skin. Well, what I'm saying is like you you don't look I feel like I look unhealthy when i'm when I don't have like a But that's how I feel. And to each their own, that's what I'm saying. So often I feel like you have an opinion about yourself or like something you want to change about yourself, and everyone someone else takes offense to it because they're like, well I have that, and you're like, that's not about you, that's about me. Yeah, I'm not offended. You you do your spray tans. I know you like spray tan, so I didn't think you were going to be. I'm off the spray tans for a minute though, because of all the toxins. Oh hell an alley. Ali sends me a list other day of all these pants that have some like work, and I'm like, do you ever just get exhausted by the amount of research? Can we go down that path? You can take that path for a long journey, for a journey, you gotta cut it off at some point. But like the spray tan, I feel like it's like, so, what I didn't realize is your skin is like just absorbs everything. It's like your biggest or when I'm Morgan. So I'm like, if I can just keep the toxic chemicals to my face, you know, like makeup and stuff, Yeah, that's kind of what I'm going for, just on the face, just on the face where all yours ares. But you know what I realized this week, I don't know how to put bronze around my face properly. I'm always doing it in the wrong places. Well, and you know, I realized ax as I'm watching like Alex Earle, like all these people put their makeup on, I'm like, where they're putting the bronze are there. I thought I was supposed to go like on your jawline. Had to meet alex Role on Instagram because I got she made me feel insecure and I feel like it was just a healthy decision. But I didn't feel like I wanted to follow her. I was like, she's so hot, she's like so young. She was just like part I don't know how the energy. I'm jealous of her energy, like yeah, you know, never had that when I was that age, So I'm like, it's not something that I ever had before. Yeah, we're over here there and thing and then sleep number temperpedic beds and alex Earl is just thriving, going from like yeah, so I had to meet her for a second until I get my spright tan. You know what's interesting though, is I don't watch her and feel sad or envious. I don't feel sad. I just felt envious. Yeah I don't have that, but not envious in a way that I'm like, it's not enviously, I like a negative way. I'm mad at her. I just I don't need that in my life right now. Interesting to get back on I need to get my mojo back fully before I can a mute. Savannah Gothrie said that she's getting do you know who's that is? Oh? Yeah, she said she's giving up social media for lent, And I was like, it's an interesting, little, uh social experiment. I bet you'd feel amazing, you think so, Yeah, I don't think I could do it for forty days. Forty days is a long time. Yeah, I'm trying to think that. Do you give anything up for lent? Are you going to give anything up for lent? No is lynd Catholicism. Yeah, I've never done that, Um, but I could. I should. What would you do if you were to give something up for lent? I'd probably give up like soda or something that's like well, because the whole point is that you do something that's like actively like the love. Yeah, so I would do like soda, Like I don't know if I could do sugar. That might kill me. You do processed sugar, oviously, fruit and stuff. Well, I've been thinking about it. I've been thinking about it. But what I was going to say is, so this was a different time in my life because social media wasn't such a big part of my life when I went on the Bachelor, But when they took my phone. I did not miss it at all. It was almost sad when I got it back. Really, weren't we supposed to watch your season? Yeah? We were? Did we did people email in about that? Anybody? I don't think anyone joined us for that's a bummer, probably because I didn't even do it. I started it and then I mean, Haley is literally impossibly busy right now, so trying to be like, hey, let's sit down and record us watching my old season to the Bachelor just feels like it might not happen. I would do it with you. You would, Yeah, I'm so down for that. Okay, great, Actually, so we do that when haleys for tour, so that that's like part of my mechanism. Yeah sure, happy to be part of your coping mechanisms so much. Yeah, um, because I think it'd be really fun. I don't like watching myself to rewatch that. Yeah. Ali's never watched either, so maybe we could do like all three of us. Yeah, I'd love that. Also, speaking of watching, there's two shows right now that I'm obsessed with Love Islence's and nine is back at the UK version, and I'm just obsessed with it. I just love it. I'm also watching it like a little bit behind, but in real time, which feels amazing. He loves it. Two might like it more than Tanya. I'm telling you, if you watched the I will never forget him watching. He watched on a plane when we're flying to Hawaii and he watched the first episode and was like, I can't believe this show is real and it really hooks you in. I'm telling you whatever. I just I'm just saying. If he was not, if he did not have the joy of Tanya in his life, he would not be watching onto it. What are you talking about? Robbie knew me from The Bachelor. He watched The Bachelor. Second show is it's called Physical one hundred. We're watching it too, are you? So it's like a real life squid Games. Um, it's it's unlike Blip, but you don't die and you lose. You just lose and you get off the show. You don't like die, but it is very intense. I ges you're watching it. So we started watching it with the kids and I was like, this show is so weird. And then a few nights ago a friend of mine sent like an article and it's like one of the top five shows in Netflix right now. It's really good, but what kills me is the voice over voiceover, because I'm like, is this what they're saying? Like, I can't do you remember this show? Please tell me someone remembers this show where it was like people competing in like a obstacle course and it was dubbed by and it was funny. What was it called? That had a very funny long name to Um, I'll get it, but yes, I know exactly what you're talking about. It was hilarious. It was so funny. But this is not funny. It's supposed to be serious, but it still has that kind of same energy because you're kind of like, is there are they saying this same It's called the Most Extreme Elimination Challenge. Maybe you YouTube that. I swear you will be cackling. It is so funny. Um, but Haley loves any competition show, so she was like very into it physic Yes, that's so funny. Do you think you'd do well in that? Nor would I even want to try? It's funny because when we're watching it probably like I could do that, I could do that? Well, you can't. What are you talking about? These are like the strongest people in the world. Yeah, confident man. Do you think you could do good on it? Yeah? No, I do. I would love to see like you and I try like a wipeout type challenge though, because that would please me. But there was like this one where they were trying to get this ball it's like almost like a medicine ball, and then whoever held it you have like three minutes or whatever. I'm like, why is it so hard for them to get the ball away from somebody else? Well, because like they're they're faster, and if once you get it and you're if you it was like, once you get it, that's it, game over. I'm like, why can't you just steal the ball? Did you see the one guy, the really big buff guy, he like put it behind me. You're just like guarding it. I was like, oh my gosh, so scary. Yeah it was. It's really good though. Yeah, um what was Love Island? I actually heard people were saying they weren't super into this season. Who were these people? I would say, Amanda stand so that like she was having her heart and she loves it. She loves it like you do. She Okay, to be fair, we're only like we're in the first top ten episodes, so we just started like a first top ten. There. There's sixty episodes, there's there? Really are you said that? But I thought you were joking because they're daily. It's like it's almost like a Big Brother type show. They like it's always how it is every season at sixty episodes. And have watched how many season one to three, five, six, eight, So that's like three and sixty episodes each? Yeah, oh my god, how many days of your background television. So that's why it's amazing because you can throw it on the TV and you can like brush your teeth to play with days of your life you've wasted watching this show. Glorious days. That is the people, the scrubbers that watch that show get it because people are like I get it. Everyone who watches it loves it. Yeah, and it makes me feel left out sometimes, but then I try to watch it and I can't get into it. So I don't force it all myself. Oh my gosh, try trying front trying out with this new season season nine, watch the Last of Us? Anyone watch us like the zombie show? Right? Okay, So Hailey had started to watch it and she was like, it's too scary. I can't watch it. So we were in three rivers on our Valentine strip and we were high in the kitchen and I was eating an ice cream sandwich and I was a video of this or did she high? I'm laughing at in that video. I still I knew you were high in that video. I go, is it scary? And she got she's dead silent and she goes and scares the and I jumped and I was like, what are you doing? And she was like, it's like that, Like it's that kind of scary, and I was like mad. I was ready to fight, but I was so high that I was like, we couldn't stop laughing. And She's like, your eyes got so wide. I've never seen the white of your eyes. So I'm nervous. Well, I mean moderately. So even you've seen none of it. I haven't watched it, but I heard everyone's been talking about like watching things that are scary before I go to bed. Here's the problem is like The Walking Dad, which I actually really enjoyed, but The Walking Dad has given zombie shows kind of a bad name in the sense that people are like you, you know, grows scary dead corpses. Gross. It's different from that, and it's more about the relationships and the people and they're actually not nearly many zombies after the first episode. After that it becomes much more about the people and the post apocalyptic world, which I find fascinating. You know, the day that the world ends. I always love that part of a show because everything's and then suddenly and then it's the surviv afterwards, like bird Box, but after in a show like this, Yeah, the zombies are scary, but it's the humans that become much scarier because everyone's starving and they're all fighting for whatever resources are available. So that's really interesting. And honestly, without any spoilers, and if you around social media all you've already heard about the third episode, and what a masterpiece the third episode was. It was one of the greatest romances you've ever seen on television. It was just the sweetest episode ever. We might start that show. I'm going to start, but I might have to watch it during during the day. Yeah, this feels like a daytime show, sure, just to kind of get your yeah. And then also the watchful eye, what's up, It's like, um, it's a Uh, I don't know how to explain it. It's kind of like only Murders in the Building type of show. It's on Freeform. Is it funny, No, it's not funny. It's like a mystery type show. Okay, it's on Freeform. But it's like scary, but in the campy way, Like it's like pretty the Liars vibes. Okay, it's so good. Hayley love pretty Little Liars, so maybe she'll be able like The Watchful Eye. Okay, except it comes out once a week. It's kind of annoying. I have to wait. I love that. I hate it. I hate it too, because The Last of Us is that once a week. That's why you love it so much. No bad, sisters, that's why we love what. You watch it all in one, but that's why you love it so much. It's the one downfall for the Wild and the Watchful Eye for me, Like, I'm like the only Yeah, I hate is I can't get it when you're binging sixty episode seasons of Love Island and you haven't just an addiction. I understand why the weight would be challenging. Yeah, okay, Well, I'm down to give the Last of Us a chance a shot everyone loves. Make sure you stick with it through that third episode, and I think by then you'll be hooked, all right. And after the first episode is not scary, it's not. There are still a few scary moments because they're still on the run. But I will say that the third episode really doesn't have any scary moments. I'll key all at all. And I agree with it. It's more jump scares than it is. Is it appropriate for kids. It's probably a little scary for kids, but I don't know if they like they watched The Walking Day, they watched stuff like that. I don't think, so you're probably not. Hey, I got a bunch of responses to what makes you weird? So if you want to break and see what makes this sird? Alright, we're back. We do have an email, but I do want to say I want to hear what the scrubbers do that are weird things? So what I posted was we're recording a podcast. Here's a question for you, what makes you weird? For example, I can't have my knees touching when I'm in bed. Some people sleep with their socks on, So what do you do that makes you weird? We all have something, and I included a picture of the two of you that I just took. I'm sitting right here. Mari says the knee touching makes her feel so understoods So that's nice. Someone's on my side of the knee thing. Hillary says, I can't have any volume my phone, my TV radio, my AirPods. Nothing can be volume level ever interesting, So she's like the right. Christie says, my foods cannot touch on a plate, or I won't eat them. When people mix their corn with their mashed potatoes, I find it repulsive. I've that, uh, Kayla, same thing. No knees touching, arms can't be against her body, Yes, agreed, same thing. Uh And she also doesn't like chocolate, that's weird. The cold drinks milk with ice. Katie can't have anything touching her neck or feels like choking even her even her shirt can't be too tight around her neck. Katie has a funny story, so she could only drink milk if she took it from the fridge, washed it being poured into the glass. Then she would put a napkin on top of the rubber band over so the bacteria couldn't get in the cup and you'd only of the napkins slightly for slips because the concern was that the bacteria would get into the milk and that would make her sick. Turns out she's super lactose intolerant. That bacteria wasn't making her sick. It was the milk itself that was making her sick. But that's how she always journey for her to discover that. Kirsten always washes her legs and feet before getting into bed. If you asked me, Hillary loves socks and sandals. She wears them all the time around the house. She just loves how that feels. Socks and sandals actually slide with Like, yeah, my socks and birkin socks is a really nice combo. I got to say. And Maria says, whenever someone has a shirt or even a jacket on and it's all bunched up onto their armpit like tiny is in this picture, like it is right now, I feel they need to pull it down and straighten it out. My shirt is in my army, well it's kind of bunched. It's just kind of bunchy. Yeah, like that that's what she does to people all day every day. Oh, my gosh, that's what I looked like for the sock. I think it's like a wide angle because I have spiraled way too much to be I just took the picture sitting right here. Why I didn't think the lens or something or how you took it it made an extra wow, great profile though. I thank you so much. My face feels really great lately. Yeah it does. I can do my gwashaw and I just feel like, yeah, I feel like liquids are moving and no matter how far back your head goes in that photing. Yeah, face feels real snatched and tight. Wow. Well those were like I think I understood most of this to what they're saying. Some of them I relate to like certain foods I don't want touching. But then sometimes I love mixing foods like I love I love when my if I'm eating chicken with like a turkey with the mashed potatoes that Thanksgiving, I love the mess. That's delicious. But corner mashed with data is not into that anyways. Hey, Liz says, help am I entitled Karen, My husband and I are in a one car. I gotta set a picture for you. So she's in a she and her husband in a one car garage condo, and there's a single parking spot on the street between their driveway and the neighbors driveway. The next closest spot is way down the road, like seven houses, and it's for visitors in this condo complex. Our next door neighbors a single woman with a single car that works from home and travels most weekends. She has a two car garage and a driveway, yet she parks her car in that spot at all times and rarely leaves the house. When she does leave, it's glorious. We can park there. We don't have to trudge all the way down the street in the cold and the snow for every little errand she parks in the driveway then when we have the spot, but as soon as we leave, she moves her car back out to the street. This has been going on for two years. But I recently had a baby, and it's a rough winter and I've had enough. It's miserable to run back and forth to warm the car in the snow and ice with a newborn, and then carry a car seat and millions of baby things in this weather. On a regular basis, she watches me do it and doesn't say a thing. It feels purposeful. Am I being unreasonable to ask her to park in her own driveway so we can have the spot at least until it's not freezing outside? Or is that too entitled to ask her that I can't help but think of this Sex in the City episode when Kara was randing about how single people get screwed. What would you do? I don't understand why she's just not parking her spot. That's what I don't understand of the other woman's the other woman in the driveway at the very least she has two spots. Well, like I don't. I have a two car garage, but I have stuff in my garage, so I don't park in my garage, but I have a full drive way that I absolutely parking instead of parking in front of my house. Yeah, over their own draws what I'm saying, and even like sometimes because a lot of times if Haley, if we're saying at my place and Haley pulls in behind me and then I have to leave the next morning, then it's annoying. So she normally will park in front of my house. But if someone else was like in that situation, I would be like, just let's park in the driveway and make it easier for them. Like I would never even would say of our the woman that emails Liz, I think, Liz, have you tried just asking her to park? I feel like you're at your boiling point, But I feel like you haven't even tried anything yet. You're just you're you're you haven't tried one thing. And sometimes we make up scenarios in our head like she might have this woman might be totally clueless, like she might totally might be thinking like she's doing it on purpose, but she might have no idea because single, she's not thinking about how hard it is to like lug a newborn baby up and down the street or you know, warming at the car. So I would just go over and be like, hey, I know we just have this one spot. I know that you have the drive or ask if you can park in the driveway, or ask if you can take one of her spots. That's what I'm saying, be like, I know you have to. I just had a baby and it's like so cold, do you mind if driveway? If if the if you're using that spot, yeah and that way? If she's like, oh, actually, I can just park in the driveway and you can always think she might be so lovely. If she's not, then that's a different story. We need to Yeah, you're gonna have to update us. But I think I don't think you're entitled at all to have like a friendly conversation about it and offer just to ask, like, hey, just especially during the winter with a newborn, do you mind if we use one of your driveway spots or if we can, you know, use this one spot that we have, and if she's rude, emails back and we'll have a different we'll have a different approach for you. All right, let's do some worthy and weird stuff. How about this one because a lot of people agree with this one. My last bite of every meal has to be my favorite bite, the one that will make my breath smell the best. If I'm meeting a burger, for example, the best burger bite is the center bite. So I have to eat all the way around the edges and have the center last. And other people like, yeah, I do that. I do. That is lasting delicious flames fruit if it's part of the meal, but if not, it's just the burger the center last, and a lot of people agree. Uh, Narrata eats her food counterclockwise. Sarah always drives in silence on our way home from work. Well, that's kind of nice to decompress. Perhaps, do you want to know something about my girlfriend? Yes, she drives in silence. Yes, it is the worst interesting. But then sometimes I find myself and I'll be like ten minutes outside, like from home, like I've already left, It's been ten minutes, and I realized I've just been sitting in my thoughts in silence, and I'm like, oh, I get that. Never know silence, I have, I have things in my ears. You should try to sit in silence. Practice that no thank you constantly on the phone or in meetings or like listening to music or making music. And I think there's a part of her that just likes the quiet because like that's kind of her time to I would think she would like some podcast someone talking to her around music. And she loves if she listens to music. She loves like two thousand's pop. Yeah, so when we're she hates my music. Wow, Gabby cannot have her alarm set to multiples of five. It just included a screenshots five oh six five three six o four eight oh two. That's like all interesting. Kaylea will not drink the last sip of any drink, and a bunch of people agree with that one. I'm kind of with her on that one. I feel like it's all backwash. It's in my backwash though, Yeah, but like, why do you want to drink all your bad finish my drink? I think? Uh? Katie always smells the milk jug before she throws it away, loves it. It was unnecessary, love it a lot of can off your food. Touch you, get that? Get that? Get that. How about Ava sits down to shave her legs in the shower? Is that normal or that weird? I would love to sit down in the shower if I had that ability, I'd sit the whole time. It's too small a shower where you drown. I just don't have a bench, I think is dirty feet or on the ground, and you can't feel safe sitting on the floor. Her left thigh while eating. She didn't know she had it till her she moved in with her husband. She only does it when she eats. She rubs her left thigh. It's like comforting. My silver ware cannot touch the table have to be on a plate or a napkin at all times. You want to know one that I'd used to do something the alarm clock. One reminded me of this. There was a time when I lived in San Diego. I remember specifically cause I would have to wake up at like seven for work, and I would set my alarm for four am every single morning, and I'd wake up and turn it off, and then I knew I had three hours to sleep. Interesting, so destructive. I don't know why. I like when that happened naturally, wake up goods at four hours to go. But no, I've never said maybe I had a rush when it happened naturally, and I thought I should stage this. Oh my gosh, your hair looks so cute today. Oh my gosh, thank you, Brittany. Can't Brittany have to chew her food and equal amounts on each side. One bite left, one bite. That's probably really good for her. J Georgina cannot have her lips touched silverware. She used her teeth to scrip the food off the fork. She's a psycho killer. Toot me that I can't eat sweet breakfast if the salt shaker was on the table I can't like cereal. She can cereal. I can't like eat a bowl of Lucky Charmers with the salt on the We got to get back to the teeth on the poor honestly gives me chills to purposely choose. That is that that's some dark some dark, some dark stuff. Well here's Amy, who probably would not get along with Georgina. She says, I can't rub my hands on any textured surface. I can't even rub them together. I will run out of the room if I hear someone rubbing their hands on a textured surface. Oh, she would hate me. Because every time I have a napkin and when I eat, I have to clean my fingers on the napkin after every bite. So like, it's that napkin sound? Do we have enoughkin? Ali hates it. Ali like freaks out. It's like this. So like every time I take a bite, I do Oh interesting. So like I'm I realized I can't have anything on my hand, Like if I'm doing my makeup, after every step, if I use my hands, I have to wash them. My hands are very dry. Well I'm lotion on. You're naturally I got you made me feel so stressed the other day. Immediate, just keeping keeping you fresh, all right. This is what I do that drives my family crazy. Actually, whenever I'm eating something that has crumbs, a cookie, a slice of pizza, maybe it's a sandwich. When I'm chewing, I kind of bounce it up and down a little bit to get excess crumbs off of it because I don't want them to fall into my shirt or whatever. That drives them crazy because they tell me you don't have to do that. You're doing it because they think it's not an intentional thing. They think I just do it out of habit now because sometimes it's not even a crumby thing. I'm just doing ye to Deely, I definitely do it like chips and stuff. Oh yeah, cookies, Yeah, these are fun. I'm gona we got into this. This is fun stuff, good series. Everybody's weird. But I'm telling you everyone is weird. I'm telling you, if people get comfortable enough, they'll start sharing things that we'll have you feel disturbing. Like Rihanna, that's your own right. She did not sing that at the super Bowl. She didn't. She also didn't sing love the Way You Lie. She didn't. She could have done a hell of a setlist on songs she didn't play. That's the depth of her catalog even Yeah, and I know every single song that she has, but I didn't realize how many songs. I've been going back all week. I've been going back into like old Rihanna albums and like her deep cuts, the ones that were never even song singles are next to you is everyone's called photograph. There's a photograph, Russian roulette. What's that one? Like? Oh my gosh, this is from like her early days cold Case of Love. M I was going through something close to you, not next to you close? Oh, that one's so good. I should go and do a deep dive on like her albums because I really, I really find that I only know the main in the anti huh anti no, like her radio songs. You know my favorite songs on any album, they're never you would love h honest, back back back. I'm going to do that. Yeah, I'm gonna do that. You're welcome, Thank you so much. Do we want to do the last email or do we wrap it up? I think we have to wrap it up Toinya and have to get to a meeting meetings over now. Yeah, I think the meeting happened thirty minutes. I don't care. You want to do another one? Yea? Why not? It's President's Day. When I eat cheerios, I have to eat the fattest ones first before I pour milk in. Aren't cheerio is all the same? Are the fatter cheerio with another cheerio? All cheerios are equal? Can I tell you something really random? Yeah, I haven't worn a bra in like years, and like a real bro like like well turn away, okay, like a cammy like I were just like all tighter cammies. Yeah, like I have more actual in years. And I just ordered a Skims bra. It's coming today and I'm so excited. I can't wait for the review. I know. I've just been hearing such good things about these Skims bras. I got a Skims dress and it is the best fitting dress. I'm so I'm excited to get back into the bra game. You know, it's really interesting. Last week on the podcast, I wore a real bra for the first time and again the same thing so long, and it was horrible. I couldn't get home past enough to get it off, take it off. It's interesting. It's gonna go either way. But I'm excited Skims turns things around for you, open to the possibility of not attached to the outcome. Yes, pleasure, just pleasure, just bringing the girls back up again. You know, I know that is I remember. Actually, I want to say, Ashley I Connetti said her grandma slept in her braw her whole life, and her boobs were just like sat You know that's so crazy. I don't find that to be true. I will not know if it is. Neither will I email many of these things. Okay, I'll give you the last email here. But I like the volume in Rebecca. I like to the volume in my car to be able to make eight. For example, eighteen works because one times eight is eight. Twenty three works because two to the third power is eight. The numbers of the volume of the radio in her car has to make eight. In some mathematical formula, two times to is four. Yeah, so two is eight. Lexi finds the cheesiest dorito, licks the cheese off and then smells it. Heyo, alright, Anonymous says, my sister have been named this guy since October. He's nice, but not the type of person my family expected her today, she could do better. She's only twenty, so all of us older siblings are protective and want her with the best of the best. Well, they started talking about marriage, and comments where brought up as we were planning our family vacation, like, well, maybe we shouldn't plan our family vacation because there could be a wedding to plan around a week later. Sure enough, they've got a wedding date set for Si. We're all scratching our heads. Here's the list of conflicts. Number One, I'm gonna have a six day old baby at that point. Number two, my brother's wife has finals that day and she can't reschedule that, so she's gonna have to miss the entire wedding. We've tried talking to her. She totally shuts us down. This is nothing I can do about. It is just between me and my husband, or my group, my fiance, or whatever it is. How do I turn my attitude around and try to support my sister. I'm hurt. She doesn't want me to be a part of the planning at all. She wouldn't even show me a picture of her ring. The only reason she invited me to the dress shopping with her because my Mom told him my feelings were hurts and I don't even want to go. If there's something going on with the groom, that seems like a red flag to me. Is he a controlling person all of a sudden, my sisters distancing herself from our family and treating a soul poorly. She's only twenty. Do I really just have to suffer through this with so many other family members that all thinks she's making a huge mistake. Oh, this sounds really toxic to me. This seems like red flag anytime I find that, anytime someone's like distancing themselves from family, like randomly, like that fast, there's something going on with the person that they're with. The distancing I think feels bad. But the wedding stuff, like if that's the date they want, it's her wedding, Like it's not all it's not I don't know. I'm like, well it was if it's just about the date, if it was just like, oh, they have this really beautiful relationship, we love him, they chose this date. It's inconvenient in the and the dress shopping, like maybe she doesn't want to make the dress shopping a big hullabaloo. You know what I mean, I don't know, I'm finding it. I mean, because she's twenty and this happened so fast to me, it feels like this is almost like a toxic like I'm doing my own thing. I don't want anyone around because I love him. Leave maybe, and you might just have to accept that and support her as best you can. But you might end up having to be there for her. But that's what your friends and your family are for. They're there to pick up the pieces and what I mean, you're to be honest and help try to prevent you from making huge mistakes, Like how do you find that if you stick your nose into something and let's say they end their engagement or they end there whatever because of you, there's gonna be some sort of resentment in the future, I believe. Yeah. But on the flip side, she doesn't say anything and she's just like, all right, I'm gonna let her do what she needs to do, and then she goes through a really I mean, ultimately, it's her sister's life and her what whatever decisions she makes. It's like whatever happens, it's on her. You can say something without belaboring it or like ruining your relationship over it. But that's what I'm saying. What does she say that's not going to ruin the day, But like, hey, I just want you to really you know, I want to be your sister. It doesn't sound like she's open to hearing anything. It's the problem. Yeah, I think you give it your best shot. I'm just saying, is something going on, Like give her space and make her feel like you're not attacking her. But if she doesn't take the bait, if she doesn't open up, you can't force it. Yeah, it's very tough, just my humble opinion. Yeah, he probably is very controlling. He may very well be behind her pushing you away. He may very well be pushing her to get married before she's ready. But I don't know that there's much you can do without pushing you deeper into his plan. So I think you just got to support her and give her the space and opportunities. Yeah, and if it ends bad, just be there for her. And people just have to make the make mistakes. It's true, you do. You have to learn things a hard way sometimes. So I would hope if I was getting like you would say something to me if you thought I was making a huge mistake. You criticize my nails, no problem. I would say something to you. I would say something to you, but I also wouldn't make you feel like I'm so stuck. Like let's play out like it's not Haley. Let's pretend you're marrying somebody else X and I hate X, and I think it's a mistake for you. I would say I would approach you, and I would say, like, I would kind of try and do it in a non aggressive way. How are you feeling. It feels like you've been you know, I'm not sure things are not you feel like you're not in a great place, and I'm happier than I've ever been. Okay, that's great. I just wanted to bring it up because of you know, I love you, and I just want I just want your best interest. But I think if you come at it from a place of like this X is bad for you and you gotta get away, It's just it's just the way you approach it. Approach it with like a loving, caring, thoughtful manner, and then don't belabor it, don't keep bringing it up and up, because then that's just a no. Well, and I think she's just going to distance herself. So I think if you can be as supportive as you can in this situation, at least you can maintain the relationship and you can be there for her when she does feel ready to talk or open up. Correct. Great, that's hard, really, I mean, that's like a very complicated situation to navigate because a lot of people do it, ma'am. Oh, yeah, a lot of people do it. They do, they do, and they just got to do it, and they just got do and go through it, and then the friends are there to pick up the pieces. That's right, that's what we're here for. That's that's what friends are ful. Keep seann and keep driving, keep smiling, keep smiling. I'll be on your side forever more. That's what friends are full. Alright, on that out. Happy President's Daffy President Day, Happy Happy Birthday, Robbie Red Star Rubbie. Yeah, I hope you get washed hair with the laundry tonight. Yeah, Rah, alright, we love you, love you by

Scrubbing In with Becca Tilley & Tanya Rad

We need a crash cart! Scrub in each week with Becca Tilley and her BFF Tanya Rad as they fangirl ove 
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