We have another Grey’s Anatomy cast member in the O.R.! Becca and Tanya hang out with Midori Francis (Dr. Mika Yasuda) and we talk ALL things Greys!
Midori is sharing so many behind the scenes stories and we break down why this season might be the best season yet!
And she shares what it was like meeting Jesse Williams on his return!
Scrubbing in with Becca Tilly and Tanya Ren and I Heart Radio podcast. Okay, so we have Midori Francis, who plays Dr Suda on this season of Grace, and I am so excited to talk to her. Yeah, I better bring her in because she's been in that waiting room for quite some time. Now, Okay, relax, so we'll be right back. I'm going to get myself together and we'll be right back with Midori. Great, al right, you guys scrubbing in Today we have someone who actually pretends to scrub in all the time, right on a regular basis. On a regular basis, we have Midori franciscrubbing in. I was just taking it back. Are you drinking red wine right now? Um? I'm this is my day off that I have the half of the half of a glass of Little Rose. There's no judgment. I was just like, I am honestly jealous. Come from a place of jealous. I came from a place of jealousy because, let me tell you, kicking back on this podcast with a glass of something really does the track I figured. I mean, I still have quite the day ahead of me, but it's like the perfect amount, you know. I was gonna say, what is a day off look like for you? Right now? I mean I woke up and I did an interview with Oh my goodness, I should know the name k LTV. I believe I'm not from Hey, thank you. Wow. It just popped up in our in our feet here, okay? Um Katie l A, Yes, yes, um, the l A morning news show. So so I did that, and then I figured out my one of the person. So they have basically like a set p A who I'm buddies with. And so she'll tell me like, all right, we don't have the one liner for tomorrow, but we know we're like shooting scene two in the next episode. I'm like, oh my god, thanks for the info. And then I look at what scene too is and I'm like, so that I did a little bit of that. And then um, after this, I'm going to finish some cleaning and then start working on my lines for tomorrow. Oh so that's that's my day off. We're big fans of Gray's Anatomy, and I have watched it since I was literally in middle school, I think, and Tommy had caught up like recent years ago, but I was curious, have you been a fan of the show, Like, have you watched the show for a long time before you got cast? Yeah, I actually heard that you guys were fans, Like that's amazing. The funny thing about landing this job is like people will come up to me who I've known forever, and then all of a sudden, like I've watched every single Gray show for the last fifteen years, and I'm like, what, we've never discussed this. So I feel like there are these like hordes of Gray's Anatomy fans who like, I don't know, I feel like they're in the shadows. But then you find out that they're there. Um. So I was a fan, Like when it first came out, I was like in late middle school. It came out. Everyone was into it. My mom was very into it. Um, my friends were into it, and I loved it in the beginning, and then I just completely fell off. Well, let me tell you something, because I binged it. So I started binging it. I can't remember. This is like over six or seven years ago, but I started from season one and went like one to nineteen. So I did all in the matter of months and then um, and then recently, over the past couple of years, we have been feeling like there's been a little bit of a lull in Grey's Anatomy, and I've been like, it's been not so it's been not so easy for me to watch every year, I mean every week right cut two this season. This season, I was like, I don't know I'm gonna I don't know if I can, if I can do it. It's been so hard for me to watch the first episode of this new season felt like Day one of Grey's Anatomy. Like I was giddy, I had butterflies. I was so excited for Like, I care more about you guys, the newbies, than I do some of the people that have been there. And so I'm like, I have this new like love affair with Gray's Anatomy, and I just want to thank you personally because you're one of those people. Well, I'm glad to be in service. So are you saying you watched season one through thirteen or nine all together as a been Yes? And when was that? Um, I started January one of I can't remember the year something like that. Okay, so you were more very recent, yes, And I was like, this is the best television I've ever seen in my life, Like I was. If I wasn't watching it, I was like, what are my girlfriends doing? What are Marathon Christina up to in the O R right now? Like I needed to see it, and I have the magic, right yeah, But I have that same magic with you guys, Like I feel like you guys have that same sort of chemistry or I don't know what it is exactly, I feel the same. And in my mind, I feel like they've tried to introduce new interns and new people coming in, but for some reason, with y'all's cast specifically, there is this sense of like old Grays, And I don't know if it's because y'all there's like qualities about each one of you that were in mind us of the old like original cast. There's something there, but it is like a very fresh new feeling that's exciting, that's very sweet. I think. Yeah, I think we're a kind of a mixed salad of all of the characters. You know, just when you think that, like on episode one, even Omika is so tough and mean, like something happens where you're like, oh, but she's also goofy, and then you can't really place her. And I think similarly, most people are like that, which I think is smart. I mean, carbon cutouts of the original just wouldn't have worked. Um. So I think our show runner would be extremely happy to hear you say that, because I think that like not so much a lull. But what she said happened was all the doctors got too good, you know, like and and everybody was had been there and they knew the rules and they knew how to be good doctors. And she was like, the whole premise of the show was was like that fantasy of you know, most of us are not doctors and you turned on the show and we're like what would it be like? And seeing it through the eyes of people who also there, year like, I have no idea how to do this, um, And I think that's the fun. And so that now you've got five people coming and they screw up and they're not perfect, and you know they're I feel like, now you guys can look at it through our eyes of like what would this be like? It's game changing. It's literally has been game changing. Yeah, it's been amazing. And you play dr your student. We're still trying, like I feel like we're still learning the personal kind of like personal details of each um new character, and like we kind of have a backstory on Griffin, Like we kind of are learning things about each person. And you you at one point said like something during the sex said, You're like I don't sleep with men, So like we kind of got that little hint into your personal life sexually. By the way, someone sent me that on Twitter. It was so funny. It was like such a short line and like half of it wasn't even on my face, but like someone on Twitter, I guess, retweeted it and like that was the thing of my character that people talked about the most. And I was like, oh my god, because who are these people. They're just like sitting at home waiting for waiting for someone to be bisexual or gay. It's great because they gave us Kelly in Arizona and then they took it away and so now we need a new female love story. Um, who's it gonna be with? Do you have any idea? I do know. I do know something that's brewing and happening right now, like like literally the episode we're being to shoot tomorrow, but I'm not allowed to say interesting. Is it somebody new or old cast member? Uh? You know, I'm just gonna say, Katie l A every time I can't say something Katie l A gust feeling there's no Maybe she's like I'm dumb. Then you guys are gonna say trying to take advantage of you know. But I am curious, like when they cast this new group, did they cast you all the same time? Like did you audition together or did they do it in pieces? Like where did that? Because I feel like you guys all have a pretty good chemistry already. I think it happened quickly. I would say that most people that I talked to you, of all the of the new guys, we all found out around the same time, and three out of the five of us had to move to l A very quickly. So all of us were like, oh my god. Um, so I don't know, you know, I knew less than some people did. I feel like I asked less questions. Funnily enough, when I when I got this job, I was so, you know how, I don't know if you know how this is, but it's like so the months will go by and you don't get anything, and you're just like whatever, and then sometimes like this always happens to me. Then all of a sudden, it will be like three things at once, and I'm like, I would love all these jobs to just like, you know, spread out. Because so I was just in the process of like which one am I going to do? And am I moving to l A Or am I going to North Carolina? So I actually wasn't even thinking about asking questions. And then I was talking to one of my friends, one of the new interns, and she was like, yeah, no, I knew all of this information going and I knew that we were like new interns. I knew there was and I was like, oh, I should have asked these questions. So I showed up on the first day thinking I was like the only new cast member, and then I like it was in the fitting and there like, oh no, there's two more women. I was like, okay, two more one and they're like and there's two more guys, and I was like, what is happening here? Um? And then I slowly started to piece together they were rain entire new class, and I was one of those people. That's so, I mean, that's an iconic like to be a part of, like the resurgence of the Gray story. So I needed a resurgen. It was just like it was my lifeline and I'm so glad that you're loving it. That makes me so happy. It's a hard it's a weird thing to be like, because I too thought like especially Season Woman, was like, I feel like, if you're teaching a class about the good TV, like, yeah, you should just show the pilot. It's so good. And so it's so weird to come in and be like, we're trying to kind of get that old feeling, but we're not them, and so it's kind of amazing that it's working. It's so working. If you want to listen to this podcast. A year ago, I was like, I just we're struggling. Struggling. I am curious about um. When you so, you know how like for movies and stuff, you'll do a chemistry read with people don't do that together. Was it like they just were trusting that they cast it. Well, yeah, I'd say I think there was. They were trusting most of us, actually all of us. They specifically knew about us. I mean, at least that's that's when my agency managers were telling me. I was at the point where I was kind of like, you know, it was I was just I got into the place my career where I was kind of like, you know, I don't unless it's something that I so want. I don't want to just go in blind me anymore. Like, so I'm really interested in the in the roles where someone up top or the writer knows my work and it's interested in me, because then we have like a good place to start and it feels more worth my time. Um. And so I got the call from my agent. He was like, they're only looking at a handful of actors. You're one of them. And then I think, as I started talking to other people, it's like most of us are people who have done other things, you know, like obviously Harry, you know Adelaide. And so I think all of the writers knew of us, knew what we could do, knew what we had done, and put us together that way. You know. It's not like the all the newest skin on the block Relea is Nico Taro, who has still been in a movie. Um, but most of us, you know, I think they knew of us, Yeah, like they knew your range, but they had they had no idea if we would get along or right read well together from like the o G cast, which one of them is like the nicest on set? Oh, because I have a feeling I know who you're going to say, but I just want to see if I got it right. Okay, so this is like there's a boring answer. They're all very cool people and have been very welcoming. Honestly, if I had been on a show for this long and a bunch of new people came on and it's already a big cast, I feel like it would be like maybe a hard thing to like be like, come on in five new people. But they've been largely really excited about it and really apportive. Um. I will say that fonder Wilson has maintained something that I don't even know how she's done. But she is the most down to earth human being ever. And she even though she's completely iconic, there is no part of her that like cares or wants us to think that about her, if you know what I mean. Interesting, that was not what I was expecting. Oh, Kevin's awesome too, He's great. He's he's a director. And then yeah, and I personally, I I uh Kutterin and I have some mutual friends and so we've we've taken a liking to each other, and she's a wonderful human. They're they're all great though, I'm not even kidding you. Um Like, Camilla had us over for the UM season nineteen premiere and she literally did it so we would feel like we were supported and excited and we just all drank wine and watched it and like took a tour of her awesome house, Like I'm not kidding that. People are people are people have been awesome. So we had Camilla on her podcast at the end of it. Tanya was like, we what did you say, like we should watch Grazy? I'm sorry no, She was like, yes, we I guess I probably said something and she was like, yeah, we should watch Grace together, and I was like okay. Then the pandemic hit, which is totally why Tanya didn't get an invite. It was unfortunate timing, but your dream, your dream almost realized. They were so close, so close, I know, I know. It was really what do you say, you're your biggest your biggest downside of the pandemic was that you didn't get to watch Grace with Camilla exactly. But I felt the same way because Becca was actually I can't breathe out of town. You were awesome, sho. You were somewhere where you couldn't be in the interview, and so I was like, yeah, she and she's one of she's one of the like Mecca's you know what I mean, Like we were. I was like really excited about it, and I was like nervous. But she could not have been sweeter. And I was like, oh my gosh, Becca, you won't even be even She invited us over to her house to watch grays Anatomy. In fact, I was like, that's what she didn't nice. Yeah, where you misheard her, there was a helicopter. She actually she didn't say that at all. No, this is what I'm saying though, and that's why it's a boring answer. But like she she literally welcomed us into our house. And he was like, that's want you guys all feel supported. Like Chris Carmack who plays Link, Like there's just like all these delightful surprises, like he's so funny every yeah, yeah, so he was so cool. Yeah, everything he said is hilarious, engraver iconic um you know, like just like I'm like I always say like wow, to be like her, when I grew up like her confidence and her poise and her she just walks in and I'm just like, you know, they're they're they're really cool people. Yeah, yeah, it's pretty cool. We've had a good amount of the cast on this podcast. Yeah, we don't know. We always wonder if they're like this sometimes he scrubs, so sometimes we wonder if they're like, yea terrified, Why aren't you in scrubs? That would be so fun. Honestly, I thought about it. I thought about it, but um, you know, we're trying to do a little bit of a rebrand. But the podcast, because people think we're like and we're talking about medical stuff, are you okay? Because in our in our like icon photo if you're searching for podcasts, we're in scrubs. So people think we're like narcers who talk about medical stories because it's scrubbing. Yeah yeah, so okay, but we can I ask, So I don't I should know. I knew you were fans did scrubbing in start with? Because you love grazing atom? Yes? Wait, what the heck? Yeah, So if you thought you were coming out of medical podcast, you are mistaken. We are not. Don't think that, but I don't think I knew that you got your The inception of this show had something to do. I went to Pailey fest as like the as, the as interviewers, like working at the cars, the shot up in scrub and like are I phone like it? But the cast was very amazing to us, Right, So am I really here? Am I here for gossip? And do you get Are you guys gonna pay me? Like? Are you guys? Is that why I'm here? In my your spy? Yeah? I mean really we need to know, like who you're going to date on the show? Are you dating anybody off the show? I'd like to be in the presence of Ellen Pompeo, just you know, we just want all the gossip. Bro. I think I've already said this before, but it's I actually have it. I can point to it if I if that's okay, Like do you see that thing that's succulent thing? Yea. So she on the first day we went to our trailers and there were I mean it's huge, it's huge, and she got them for all of the new interns. Ellen Pompeo. Yeah, with a handwritten no welcoming us to the cast. Wow. Yeah, I remember mindset. It was like, I'm so happy to have you here, and I was like, wow, she's so happy happy. Meanwhile, she probably wrote that on all of them, but I was like, no, she's just specifically so happy to have me or I mean, I don't even know if anyone else gone a succulent, but they did. Um, And then you know this is how heavy it is. So I was like, I just love things that I would never buy myself, Like I just wouldn't buy myself that big of a succulent plan, Like I would be like, but it's like two, Like what do I need that many succulents? But then I was gifted it. So I was like I didn't know I even wanted this, And that was my favorite item. I know, do you talk to them? Um? You know I talk to them, I did, but I do you talk to yours? Okay? No? No, I mean maybe I should try it with oxygen is supposed to be good for them apparently. Okay, Well, my my neat a little love, so I took mine in my back seat. Actually, Harry and Nega made fun of me for this, which was not nice because I was very upset, but I put it in my back seat. One day, I was like, I'm gonna take it home and then I made a sharp write on tal Midge by in low Skiel Is by our studio, and the entire thing when flying all over my car. The dirt was like in the front seat, plants were like in the back by the window. And I was so upset and I was just like classic Midoria because I thought that if I thought it was heavy enough but right, And then Ellen did mention to us like, you know, if we wanted to take them back to the plant store, they would replant them for free. And so I thought about tracking her down down around here and being like, so, how do I get this for free? But I'm like, you know, I can't do that. That's that's weird. So but I replanted it. It's not the same. But there was there not like a card. I feel like you could have probably found like a card or like a made by man or I know, there wasn't. There wasn't. And she's like, hey, could you help me, Ellen Pompeo, give to me this? And then I made a sharp turn, could you help me replant it? Right? Yeah, I'll just go into a random plant store. That's so cute that she did that. Honestly, I'm like emotional about it. Yeah, that's it's very thoughtful. Yeah, so nice she's been and she we had a screening and she was there like she's been I think genuinely um like welcoming to us and like excited about us being there. It's been really nice. When y'all were going into I know that you said like it wasn't that they wanted carbon copies of the original cast, but was there a sense of like you're going to have Like did they encourage you all to kind of learn about the original cast and like watch the ny of those episodes or did you all just kind of do a take on your own character? Yeah, they didn't do that. But we had these writers room meetings in the beginning. We got to read all meet all the writers and talk to them, and they did ask questions to me. Like it was funny. I like walked in and there was like so many right is and it was kind of like a like a hot seat like ask questions. And I mean, one thing I will say that I regret is they were like, all right, tell us about yourself. And I told them some like very authentic things, but they were like, do you have any hidden talents? And the only thing I could think of was that I knew how to do a baby's cry really well. So I said that, and now they're always like, we're gonna put that baby's cry in. I'm like, it's you don't have to. But they were like asking us like all these questions, and and one of the questions that they asked was like, what is your favorite Grace episode? So I was grateful that I had actually watched the show. Which one is your favorite episode? Um? I said, I can't really remember the name, but I remember I did like kind of a ketchup of seasons, and it was when I remember when Christina was like going through the PTSD of having um uh, the shooter, yeah, and she like couldn't do surgery, and like her whole character was like I do surgery, you know what I mean, nothing gets me down, but she couldn't do it. And it was like seeing I don't know why, there's something about it though, so heartbreaking like this like she just couldn't do it, and then seeing her get like I think it was mcdreney like coaching her back in and being like, no, you have to do this, you have to do this, Like, yeah, that's one thing. I mean, I love the relationships, but the thing that I've always been drawn to is like their love for what they do, because I think I relate to that and that hunger and that drive. You know, I've I've wanted to be an actor of my entire life, and um, that feeling when you finally get to do it, and the highs of it and the lows of it like at passion, um, and that's to me the one of the most interesting parts of it. I mean that I can't wait to see what they do because they have fresh news storylines and like on your backgrounds, like wondering how they're gonna tie those into the storylines. And the on calling room is back a little bit in a big way, Like I was really missing that for like a decade, Like I feel like it went away. Do you mean are you talking about the sex Yeah, I'm waiting. I'm waiting for my sex scene. Well have you filmed it yet? No? But you know, I don't know. Well I'm assuming it's coming. I'm not sure because you guys film pretty much like um, like you're just a little bit ahead of what we're seeing No, actually we're now on episode nine. I think we just saw episode four, so yeah, I mean I guess a limit ahead. Yeah yeah, but then there's like a big mid season break guys. I'm sure you guys know I hate the break kills me. Do you have any like when you came on the show and like as you were, um, like meeting all the people that you were cast with, where you like I would like to have like romantic storyline with them or did you were you just kind of like whatever, I'm going to let the writers do there. You can't come and take your pick. Not but I'm saying if she could have had a pick, is it if you could have it, pick I would do? That would be like I don't know if you get it, but I will say I did look around at thest four extremely attractive and funny and smart people, and I was like, if I have to hook up with any one of you, it would not be the worst day of my life. Yeah. Y'all are a good looking group, I know, and they're so cool, you know, Like I don't know, Yeah, I can't wait to see your storyline, is like, and I can't decide if I think you're going to be like kind of like the player, the one who's like the love, Like, are you going to be piny like that cold kind of like stand offish like the player type. Oh. I love how the options are either on the player or the one who gets played. I like that. Um yeah, I don't know. I thought you were going to be, like, are you going to be the one who's just like having casual sex? Are gonna be the one who's like the love? You know, well, women don't normally do well. I don't know. I guess I don't know if you're because you said you don't sleep with men? Yeah? Women? No, No No, I said, I said, I'm mostly sleep with women. Interesting. Yeah, So is there gonna be more about that about like your sexual look into your sexuality? Um? I, I honestly don't know the answer to that question, Like, I I don't know, Like I mean, I'm assuming if this story continues in the show continues for multiple years, that they will be hopefully both ends of exploration or maybe not. I mean, I mostly sleep with women. Makes it sound like my character mostly sleep you know what? I guess Kelly was bisexual in the show. Correct, Arizona was not yeah. Yeah, but Kelly was aside from Grace that you have done many other projects, one being Netflix, Dash and Lily. And was it a huge jump very different worlds for you to play different characters like that? Um? Yes, in this in the sense of so I loved playing Lily and I still miss her very much. Um. I related to her spirit a lot, you know, like when I was younger. I mean, I still love the holidays. It sounds so dumb, but like when I got cast as that, I was like, oh cool, love's Christmas, got it, you know what I mean? Um, Like I don't have to pretend. Um. And I definitely related to her in the sense of like the love of family, family and traditions and like kind of not wanting to grow up and to hold onto the innocent things. So there was a part of her heart that I love so much. But when sex Lives of college girls came around, that was really a deliberate choice of mine. Um, when when that offer came about, to be like, you know what, what's more different than like a bubbly Christmas elf than this like kind of like really intense leader of the Women's center, you know, butch Lesbie, you know, like it was such a cool dichotomy, and I hadn't played a queer character up until that point, so I was very interested in doing that. Um And now it definitely feels like that's the one more that maybe has Mika's closer to Alicia sex life than Lily. Right, Yeah, but I'm wondering if that Lily kind of vibe is going to come back around in any capacity, you know, or if you know, because you don't really have control over what people latch onto the most. Yeah, it's such a weird like the acting job, the acting space is such a weird like it's such a weird thing for me to grasp because it's like you're literally playing a character, like you're not yourself, Like think about it, that's what That's why they're so good at it. And I can't do it, I know. But it's like it is it weird to go against your nature? I guess you know what I mean, Like when something just comes natural to you, it's like you can't just do it's natural to you. You need to you need to be a character. Yeah, it's weird. There's always this thing like it's like when you get a script, it's like something about it I think should excite you, like all I know how to do this, and something about it should scare the crap out of you, like I don't know how to do this. For example, if I suddenly had to play like a really grounded boss, like you know what I mean, Like I could do it, but that would be hard for me to find and but it would be so exciting. I feel that way. Like with Mika, I mean, I can be such a bitch to everyone and I you know, yesterday I went in and we're me and Alexis and Nika. We were having like the best time. We're having fun, and then immediately I stepped into Mika and I just had to find them both slightly annoying, and I truly did. Um, but it's weird because it's like that's not how I feel. And then but I I like that, like I would prefer to be able to explore those sides. That's what's fun because because in real life, Um, in real life, you can't just you can't do that. I mean, I can't just go around be like acting like that or like giving like rude asides all the time, like that would not that would not work. So it's really freeing to be able to do you that for for pretend, Like I really like being a jerk for pretend. So do you have like a method of getting into that headspace? Are you able to just switch it on like that? Um? Yeah, I mean I have some training from like I went to a conservatory and then like over the years, it's been trial and error. Um. Everyone has their own approach. Like I like to use what's really there. Some people are more into backstory. I've never found that to be as helpful as like, you know, all right, so let's say I have to be a super confident cocky jerk, and I don't. I'm not a confident cocky jerk. Well, sometimes I am, like when I'm talking to my little brother or you know, like whatever, like certain and then so I try and like think of like when do I act this way and then find that in myself to bring to the scene so it feels authentic and it's coming from a real place, you know. That is interesting to me. That is definitely that's when you know you're doing what you're supposed to do as an actual because I could never could never were you don't know, you never know. I know I feel very confident that I I don't know, or you guys would be those annoying people who you're like, oh I, I'm just trying this for the first time and then you're amazing. Oh no, No, we definitely want to be No, we try to shoot tiktoks every now and then. Good. You can't turn it on that fast, although one day we are gonna we are going to be extras on Gray's Anatomy, but we want no lines. We just want to be like the patient that just like lays there, like in the background or something like it much screen time do you want? Well, we've been able to like see it like we we need people to be able to Texas and be like, oh my god, I just saw you room or whatever. Yeah. I actually was watching last week's episode, which leads me into another question for you. But there was a girl in the cafeteria in the background as y'all were like waiting for the pumpkins to carve whatever, and she just kind of spoons the food in the background, and I was like, for you, that would be perfect role for you. Yeah. Wait, I love that you noticed that. I'm going to immediately after we leave this conversation, turn it on and find this spooner I had, Wow, she did just a quick little graze and really appreciate all about you know, we just appreciate all the umps, you know, the fight I have, actors, the back actors, just everybody involved. You guys, we're real big fans. I was also when y'all were doing the cadaver scene, I was thinking about how like the words that you'll have to memorize, the like just the medical terminology blows my mind. Have you found that to be challenging because I imagine none of your other roles have had that part of it, right, none of my other words have None of my other roles have I've had. I had to say microvascular and ask the most Um. Yeah, so I one at one at one of us had from the very beginning, like my first few episodes were largely like or just like relationship and like personality like scenes for me. Um and one of us had like from the beginning, just like their only lines were medical terms. And I felt really bad for them because I was like, oh my gosh, like for just hitting the ground running, you know. Um. By the time I got to the point where I was having to give my first monologue. I was already more confident and comfortable on set, so I think that helped. And yeah, it's hard, but as long as you put in the work to memorize it and then like remember little tricks, UM, like one I had an acronym for one of mine, like it was like an abbreviation, and then I explained what it was. Then I just kind of linked the lines to like the letters, and you know, little tricks like that. Wow, in a lot of work to entertain us. We really appreciate appreciate it. And I just want to personally again thank you for for bringing the Renaissance grays An out of me back because as a viewer I needed you very kind. I'm a very small part. We also have Linda Klein. I don't know if you know who she is or no. She was. She started as like the medical consultant of the show. She's real like medical fish. But she's been around for forever and she also sometimes acts as nurse Linda, and she's also sometimes a director, so and there's a lot of that going on because the show has been going on for so long. Um. But she had like a medical boot camp with us, uh multiple times and taught us so many things. Uh yeah, I remember that. That first medical boot camp was a little bit intimidating because I was like, I have to learn all of this and I have to know how to do it for real. Um, And then I learned, like no, you get you know, each episode you might have a little thing, but they rehearse it with you. But it was it was cool, you know, like when I in the first episode and I'm listening to Marina's hearty, the girl who is we think might be brain Dad, and then she comes back to like, um, like the pattern on her chest was very specific, and I learned that and so yeah, it's interesting, you know, like when would I ever ever learn how to do that? Okay, wait, has Jesse Williams come back on set yet or has that not happened because they announced that he was coming back. I don't know if I'm allowed no, I'm allowed to say because they said back no, and they've released the trailer that he directed and is in. Did you get to meet him? Yeah? Yeah, he directed me. What did you what? What was that? Like? Becca's obsessed? I am obsessed. It was amazing, It was amazing. He was a great director and really cool. Yeah. I love to hear that we've heard only great things about everybody. Well, no, I feel like that. Yes, yes, yes we have only heard great things. But I feel like the constant is Kevin mckittt, like everybody is always reading about it. Yeah, yeah, no, he is right. He's a lot of fun. Yeah. And that was a tough pill to swallow because I hated Owen Hunt, the character. Everybody kept coming on saying Kevin mckenn I was like, really this guy, and then we had him on the podcast and I was like I get it. Yeah, okay, So now as as your super grace fandom, like thinking of these as real characters, Like, did that translate into you liking Owen Hunt more? Yes? And I hated him for years. I hated him since he cheated on Christina, So that's been a lot. Page You tell him that you hated Owen Hunt when he came on. Yes, she did. That's great. I love that we like talked about it so much that to to not bring it up in some capacity would have been an authentic, authentic I hate your character. We just had to get there. But it was interesting because he was like, did you did you hate Kim Ravers character for cheating on me. Wa. Wow. And I was like, honestly, no, as you thought what was coming to you. Wow, it was more of a karma thing on that end. I love I love though his defense of his character. That's that's a that's an act. Like you know for me, like, no matter what Mika does, I'll have like I'll be on Teamika. Yeah that's how it should be. Yeah, but I'm team own Hunt now. Like honestly, he changed. I'm a changed woman now after that interview. Yeah, he's great. It's it's fun. Um. I caught a moment where because he directs and then uh, Chandra Wilson directs, and then he was directing us and Chandra was there, and then Chandra was like joking with him and said something like action and then for a second he was like as if he was he was the actor. Yeah, and it was it was it was so funny. I was just like, wow, this is I've never seen anything like that. You know, this cast they've been together for so long and they direct each other and then one episode you're the director, and then one episode you're being directed by your cast mate. It's it's crazy. It's so cool. I'm wondering, do you have goals of being like switching to go behind the camera. Yes, I do, and many people have mentioned that to me. Really yeah, most I think other actors like I because I love I love everything about it and I really love when people are open to collaboration and like bringing ideas in Like that to me is where it's all at. It's like, Okay, you have these lines, but what are what are what do you do in between the lines? You know, what are we doing together? What are little bits that are happening? Um? And So I have such an interest and I really love cameras. Um, I've gotten to to sort of understand them a little bit more. I think the first time was Dashing Lily because I was, you know, top of the call sheet. I was there every day. I felt more empowered to ask questions. You know. They kept being like, let's do the forty on her and I'm like, what's the forty? And then um, I've done a few horror things and notice like use the steadicam, which I think is the coolest camera. It's like, you know, I'm sure you guys know what that is, but it's like it's moves and you follow the actors around the room. Um, and so I'm really interested in that camera and I have Yeah, I have total aspirations to do it. It's just about how and when. Well. I feel like you're on the right show because I feel like they really encourage everyone to kind of yeah, grow and step into roles that you know they weren't in before. So yeah, I feel like we'll be watching one of your directed episodes when you have that directorial debut, you better come back into the show. I'm back twenty years from now. No no, no, no, no, no, no before then. And if you ever want to have any viewing parties, you know we are right around the corner. I will talk. I will talk to Camilla and mention I mentioned that she might have thrown an invitation out there a few years ago, and see where she stands. Oh, I'm not even saying we do it at her house, Becca's, but you're all welcome, you know, we can. Like Jake and you see his call the wueen costumes, yar, yes, wit was he he was? Oh? I did see that. I did see that wasn't like a no pants part or something. It was. I don't know, but he went for it. It was epic. He's so fun. We love him well, thanks for spending time with us on your day off, sacred so we appreciate it. And um, I can't wait to see what happens with your character. And everyone watched Gray's If you're not what are you doing? Exactly? And be a part of the renaissance, baby, be a part of the renaissance. If you're not, then you're not scrubbing in? Am I right? You're right, you're right. And if you're not scrubbing in, what are you? Yeah, what are you doing? What are you doing? Thanks? Thank you so much, awesome, thank you so much. Alright, bye bye? Oh my god, how cute does she? She is so cute, so cute. I am so excited to see what her character does. Me too. But I also feel like the more we infiltrate the Grays cast, like, the better. We just need people talking about us. Let's go up every time. Every Grayson so delightful, right, every single one. Like we have not had a bad Grays moment, have we know? Which makes me believe there are none or they just don't do press or they are like talking about us and they are saying good words, getting out, so words getting out about the podcast. We're gonna have to start, like I would just say, I know I don't like going places and doing things, but if you have a Grays watch party with anyone from the cast, you better please invite me or doing things. Is what Mark just said. What if we I feel like, I literally feel like Jake would come over, Helm Helm. We could have um Anthony Winston who plays Winston. Huh, we could have that's three. But I feel like Camilla is the lynch pit. Yeah, although I do feel like it's been a minute since she's been around. Well, but now you're gonna, you know, put a little reminder in there, a little nudge. Camilla feels like maybe she wanted to come over, but Kim Raber, I would love them, no chance, Yeah, but it would be fun to try. Yeah, it would be good, a good story just for the podcast and see if they responded. Totally leave us on red and we can also like offer refreshments and popcorn and like, you know, yeah, to shoot for the mid season finale when that probably end of November, I would guess the week before Thanksgiving, so the seventeen that's coming up fast. Maybe we shoot for more like the season premiere. What this the mid season premiere? So February, yeah, because like no one's got anything going on, and then like what else are they going to people? Right now? We're planning for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Like it's like February feels like a great moment of time. It really, By the way, I just wanted to point out, I don't know if people saw my tweet a few weeks ago. I'm very popularly Twitter, but you know when she talked about the attention to detail and the patterns and all the numbers and the terminology, there's so much on that show. And yet a couple of weeks ago there was a major mistake when they talked about someone's dead mother on the show and they showed her like death certificate, and I said born nineteen seventy died and then it said thirty five year old female below that. I'm like, come on, the math ain't math. That's an easy math right there, and you do everything else right, how do you miss that? It's probably like on first, let's second, how do you catch that? I read it and I thought that's weird and went back and I paused it, and then I took a picture of it, and then I tweeted it out to my minions of followers, and uh, I think that's weird that they get everything else right there. Five ten, I will say, noticing the girls scooping the food in the background really shows how much I'm paying attention to what we could potentially do back there. Yeah, it was like a matter of time before they say, come on, gals, let's go party. Ladies the time, come on, Barbie, let's go party. Yeah, surely it'll be soon, surely. Well, it was great having her, great seeing you. I will be out next week. But we have the one, the only Brasky joining Tanya as a co host. That's right. I'm kind of sad I'm missing it because he hasn't been on. He hasn't been on so long, and people have actually been asking to have him. Know, it's like the perfect storm. It works out. Yeah, I feel zero guilt because she is in describing in as in good hands. Yeah. Um, all right, well we love you all, have a great weekend you bye bye m hm.