Spring Cleaning

Published May 5, 2022, 7:16 PM

This is the time of year to get your clutter under control and get organized! Becca needs to get her place organized so Jen Robin from “Life in Jeneral” is here in the O.R.! She shares some amazing tips to help you manage a clean space and Tanya reveals how much her life changed after getting organized.
Plus, Jen shares the story of starting her small business and how she maintains a healthy relationship with employees.

Scrubbing In with Becca Tilly and Tanya Red and I Heart radio podcast. Hello everybody, we are scrubbing in. It's Thursday, scrubbing in on a Thursday. I'm so excited because we're talking to Jin Roeband today and she um owns life in general and she does like organizing and stuff and I have so many questions. I love her. She and I go way way, way way back. We'll not way way way back. But I got introduced to her from Um, one of my friends at church. His name is Pistol Pete and his name is really just Peter Um and he's amazing. And I remember when I started dating Red Star, he was like, you have to meet Jen. She just she has such a good she's the same vibe as you, and she's like a you know, badass businesswoman. And she's also dating a guy with kids, and she was I think she's like two years ahead of me in it in the process. But yeah, So I met her when I started dating my boyfriend. Full circle moment, full circle moment. Um. So yesterday I'm laying on my couch it's in the morning and Mark text me and he goes, I'm scary. Text can really throw off. Sometimes Mark text individually something you want something like not in a group text that is unsettling. I was like, oh, what did I do? And he was like, hey, can you come on the Morning Show? Ryan wants to talk to you? And I'm like, okay, about what? And he was like, well, Tanya told him about a bad habit. You have it. I like immediately start racking my brain of all my bad habits, Like what if I told Tanya that she's exposed me for on air? And so they called me. I'm patiently waiting with anxiety, and I felt bad because I was like, first of all, I didn't know from Mark, didn't give you any context, because for a little context there, that's not little, that's must saying. Ryan Seacrest wants to talk to you because of a habit. I'm a producer at heart, and Ryan kind of her going on without having any idea would have been better, but I was afraid she wouldn't come on. So I tried to if that was this is going to be fun and light, This isn't gonna be some crazy thing we're doing. It's funny. I think you'll enjoy it. That's all I was trying to do. But I don't want to give the whole premise before she comes on because it won't be as good radio. Let me read this was not it's gonna be fun and light. Yeah, will you come on with Ryan? He wants to talk to you. That would throw me. Are you kidding me about what? And he's a Tanya mentioned you have a bad habit and he would like to address it with you, and I said bad. I said, oh mg, bad habit right now? And he said, yes, stand by, that's it. That was nothing about that sound like it was gonna be fun or like I thought, when you heard bad habit, you would know it was tarding this immediately. No, I'm bad happen? Okay? Well, and I feel like I've talked about my bad habit of being late so much. It's something I'm trying to work on. So I didn't know I was gonna be exposed yesterday. So um, but you know, I was thinking because Ryan said that he is like by the minute, like a hard out, Like if he has dinner, he's like it goes till seven, no later. If it's seven oh one, it's not gonna happen. And I was like thinking to myself obviously, I don't even know if Ryan's in a relationship. I'm in a relationship. But I was like, we could never date. We would fight NonStop. Yeah, no, it would be bad. But it also made me laugh because I remember when I invited you over the other night for Taco Tuesday, and I was like, we're gonna start eating around six, but it's going to be done by eight thirty. And you were like, oh, yeah, it's gonna wrap up, Like what does the party over? And I was like, yeah, you're a little more relaxed, and you give yourself credit for you. I think Probabily's like like, like, made you a little more relaxed. Yeah, he Puny has maybe more relaxed. That's you're a little more like chill, go with the flow a little more. But yeah, I am working on my tardiness and therapy. And Ryan was trying to be like figure out what my deal is with your therapist. I'm like, okay, Ryan Seacrests, who has a lot more money than me, why don't you contribute to my therapy fund and then I'll ask my therapist about your problems. Well, also, I don't really think he understands how therapy works because you can't just ask them a blanket statement, and you know, like you can't just ask them something that they have to know, like ask you questions about yourself and why you are the way you are so that they can kind of assess. You can't just be like, so, why am why is my friend like this? My therapist would be like, yeah, I'm like friend Ryan secrets he is like really anxious about an anal about a schedule. What's his deeper issue there? Right, you were great and it was great. I thought it was so fun. And my thought while it was going on was I hope Scrubbers are listening because this is a dream for the Scrubbers. Yes, coming in with the morning show. Yeah. But I do have to say, you know, I have just learned to accept that as a part of you. It is a part of me. But I am trying to work on it. And the thing is, I was I always try to explain to people I'm not tardy or late without the anxiety of being late, Like I'm always very stressed about being ley. And I also I'm never slowly trying to get somewhere like I'm late, but I'm like busting like I'm trying to get there as soon as I can. It's just never on time. So I stress about the disrespect aspect of it, and I stress about um like I I do move quickly right, And they did say that because I was. They were like saying that it's disrespecting, and I don't. No, I don't feel disrespected because she does it to herself. She's always like late to a flight, and you know, like it's on her too. But then I thought they said, I'm enabling you, and now I feel like I'm enabling you. But you can't control me. I mean honestly, the more you try to control me is probably gonna make it worse. So I would say, let's not lean into that enabling mentality, because what if we started the podcast right at the time we say we're going to start it, We'll start it, and then if I have to hop them lay at all, do that we do that with help I sucker dating. We don't have a choice. Deans never on time, so we just have to start. I think that's also the problem is that my mentality about that is like I'm not trying to inconvenience anybody. If you have to start I'm the one who has to be embarrassing and get on late, you know, like it just makes me look bad, Like I never want it to be inconveniencing to anybody else, if that makes sense, Like if it's obviously something where you can't leave until I get there, like you can't be seated. Nothing is more stressful than when I'm like the restaurants that don't see to the full party. They make it so horrible we both parties. Honestly, it's bad for the people trying to get there, is bad for the people they're waiting. But um, I am actively working on it, so I'm not just like, should we do that, Should we start the podcast even if you're not here on time? Sure, do whatever you want. Well, I think short term, yes, maybe not forever, but I think next week we'll start like Monday more Monday's podcast. We'll start right on time. If she's there, she's not there. If she's not, she's not. Okay, I'm more on time, I feel. I mean, I'm also I'll let y'all know if I'm running late most most of the time, like him, five to ten minutes behind. Yeah, but we're gonna start with that We're gonna start no matter what Monday. It will be a test. Okay, cool, all right, I can't wait without further ado with somebody else that's going to organize our lives. Yeah, the great segue into our guests. We have Jin Roban and we will be right back with her. We have a Gen Roban scrubbing in today. You know her from her incredible company Life in General. Please welcome her. Thank you. I'm so excited. I'm so excited. I literally call you Life in General, like I just like that's just you to me, like it's Jen Life in General. I love it. It's like part of your essence. It's part of your essence. And I will say what you will see this like probably on our Instagram page, but behind her her background is so organized. But I want you to tell everyone kind of like what you do in your brand and business because I feel like I've seen you everywhere for so long and I'm so aware of what you do. But for those who might not know, just kind of explain what you do in your massive career. Uh. I started Life in General in two thousand and fourteen, and I was a personal assistant before. Actually, Tanya, we had my old boss on kiss of him Landon, he played professional soccer for the Galaxy, and I remembered every single weekend wanting to help my friends and family move after I was moving him like he he stayed on the same team, but just wanted to move cities like a mile from within each other. And I remember getting up so early, so excited, it felt like Christmas morning every day. And then I leave my full time job, then go help my friends and family move. And that was really the kind of essence of how life in general started, because I saw not just a physical transformation of obviously moving as a bigger or deal than organizing a closet or you know, a kitchen drawer, But I saw how he felt every single day. I saw how my friends and family felt. I mean I physically saw the transformation, but emotionally, I feel like saw it all happen. And for me, that was like the highlight of my life. And so life in general was born with this idea of you know, really creating order and structure around people's homes and their lives and just how that looks for each and each person and every single persons different. And I always say there's no two people that are the same, and no two houses will be the same, but it really was. It was born with this idea of teaching people what really matters. And for me, it's like connection over collection all day, every day. Um, And it's just been such a wild ride over the last you know, seven years. I could not agree with you more because I always say a cluttered house, a clutter brain, an unorganized home, an unorganized life. I feel as though, now I'm serious that I always say that. And it's so interesting because if I'm like, if I have a deadline for something and I need to turn something in right, I get so bogged down and I'm like, I go, like I have a stack of mail, because like my mails just bills and like a stack it and then I'll get through it. Right at this it was just like this huge stack and I went through it one day and I got rid of the stack and I felt so good. So I'm like, if I could do that to my whole home, do you know good that would feel? I'm curious though, like has that been part of your personality your whole life? Were you someone who always kept your room clean and organized? Like did you always clear out your closet every season change like are you that person? Yes, I remember throw and so annoying, like student body president, class president every year, but like rearranging classrooms because they weren't like functioning at their max potential, and my teachers were like, who are you the seven year old? It's fine, Um, but I I joke because I my friends will tell me I don't really remember it, but they'll tell me, like we had sleepovers in middle school and you'd be like, discard, donate, you know, it doesn't fit like all this stuff, and I'm like, oh my god, I was crazy all like all throughout. So um, it definitely. I think I learned from an early age that it really mattered on how I felt. And I played um soccer growing up competitively, so I was gone all the time every weekend, so when I was home, I wanted to make sure like I wasn't spending time so much like doing all the things, It was really spending time with the family when I was home. So I think I think it definitely started early, but it's gotten progressively, like I just want to organize anything and everything, and it just makes me feel like you were saying, Tanya feels, so it changes everything it changed my life. It's changed everything. I want to get into, like, for people that are listening, some easy ways that they can you know, start organizing or organizing their home in their space. And I also want to talk about just kind of being a female entrepreneur in that beginning phase, because I think taking that leap of faith is very scary and a lot of people listening might want to do that, but they're like too scared or you know, trying to think of all the things. So maybe some encouragement, our words of advice. But before we get into that, I want to get into when we met because we had a mutual friend. Um, you know, I always talked about Pistol Pete from my church, so I had been talking to him. He was knowing, he knew about my relationship and at this time we were newly newly dating, and he was like, I want to produced you. I think he was working for you at the time because he was like my friend slash boss Slash goes to church. She goes, yeah, like Jen because she's also has is you know, kind of in the same situation personal situation as you, and so he connected us and I just remember you always being so wonderful and encouraging and like, if you ever have any questions about dating a man with kids, um, you can always come to me. Like I'm also in that space, and I just remember you being so open to like give me advice, and like you were such a girl's girl. And I'll never forget that because it's such a unique situation to be in and nobody can really kind of comment or help you unless they've been in it, and so I just remember you being just so like wonderful to me about that. Thanks for saying, Yeah, that means a lot. I I'm not an expert by any means, but I just remember the things you were telling me. I'm like I went through that, you know, just might have been two years prior, and just having the faith and really, um, you know, leaning in hard to like love and life and what that looks like and knowing that it's not going to be easy, and just being very honest and real. Um. But yeah, thanks for saying that, because it's it's it's definitely a journey and it will always be but like it's so worth it when you get to the other side of all of those the feelings and the things and all that but it's been, um, yeah, it's been. It's been a really amazing journey. But I'm I'm so happy that we're on the other side. And I remember you probably listening to people and I'm like, stay, what we got this? Like I have a good feeling about this, yeah, because you know, I think it's easy for people on the outside to kind of judge a situation and just like I don't want say judge it, but it's like you don't really know unless you're in it. And so just you were just always giving me encouragement and you were like this, you know, it's a matter of the man, and if it's the man that's the right man, then you can work on anything. Nothing in life is easy, nothing, you know. And I was like, yes, yes, yes, And now she's engaged and things are going good over there. It looks like I have a question going into a situation where you're dating someone with kids and just bring trying it back to what you do and what your businesses. Was there a moment where like there was mess in the in the house and you were like where's my place? Like do I get to organize this or do I stay out? And it's not my responsibility. Yet so I moved in during like March, right when the pandemic hit, because so we added that extra layer of um sorting through all that. But I I always wanted to be very clear with them, you know, once they got to know me, my heart, my soul, like my why if you will have why I do what I do and why I believe in it so much. And so they joke now they're like, we'll put it away were you know, they actually love it too because they feel the other side. But I was very cautious of of course, like I don't want to come in and get rid of everything. That's not my intention. It's flipping the script of teaching kids, especially at their age, um, saying you know, what's really important to you. And so I remember we did like a full house purge, and I'm like, these kids were probably like who this was after a year of living there, um, But they got excited and they were understanding like the behind the scenes part of why you do it, and the teaching kids about donating items and you know, going to families that might not have anything. So having those real honest conversations. I think for for me that was just the biggest thing. It wasn't like let's get rid of your toys. It was let's make sure these have purpose in your life and understanding of like the value that they have, but also teaching the one in, one out rule and how fortunate we are to have gifts and stuff. So it definitely was a little dance. But my fiance dance. He's he's amazing and he's always been so supportive of like, I know you they're going to learn your heart in it and like you you go to town, like do what you need to do because he knows, like I'm not gonna, like I said, throw everything away. Yeah, and you're like, you don't need this, and they're like that was my favorite toy. It is interesting, though, It's like it's an interesting because I can imagine you're probably it's probably just innate in you, but I'm very O C D. Like I like my things to be in order, and like that's just how I am. And so when you throw kids in the mix and you're not used to it, it's just you just have to loosen up a little bit. So I imagine it was probably like a lot harder for you. Yeah, And I leaned into a lot of my faith with that because it's like it's not on our plan, right, I got a plan, and so I would come home and I'm like, this was not what you know, but it's also meant to be lived in. And that's like I don't want to have a house that's like you don't want to touch anything. I want friends to come over and mess everything up because they have structure now of how to put it back. They know the foundation because we've built that. And so for me, it's like fun to also get to see the other side, like go crazy, like let's do all the arts and crafts. Let's during COVID, like we we definitely were home all the time understanding like how we can do that without, you know, with them still living their life. I have tips, So I wanted to know tips because I said you have tips. I did say I have tips, but I didn't mean that. I meant I need tips because I feel like you and Tanya are both like it's naturally like you like to you you can only function when it's clean, whereas I obviously prefer when things are not cluttered and clean. But I can also function in mess. So it's really hard for me to get motivated to do it and my house right now, like I'm so upset I didn't do my purge and get rid of everything before I moved, because I have so much stuff that came with me that is just like I don't know what to do with it anymore, which I know we're gonna You're gonna help me, but um, what are tips that people like me can kind of start getting in the mindset of of clearing out and purging and and like getting motivated to do it. I guess I think I like the first thing is like the giving grace, like having that moment of understanding what your intention is for that space. And we work with a lot of artists and they're like that's their creative zone. So I'm not trying to take that away from them. It's really just understanding, like why do you want your space to look a certain way? What do you really love? What makes you sound silly? But like what makes you get up in the morning, what what makes you happy? Like what are things that I need to know about you and your life where then I can build these build these foundations for you specifically, because organizing is not a one size fits all. It's definitely like different for every single person. Your home is going to look different from Tanya's. Your wants and needs are going to be different from Tanya's or whomever you come in contact with. So creating that structure in your home based around your values and based around like like I said, like what what do you love? And so how can we make space for those things to come in and out? Um and understanding? Like the starting small. I always tell people please, do not go if you have a garage, do not go to your garage. Do not go to your memories. Do not go to these things that are so so much harder. It's like literally take the I call it the joy drawer, the joy drawer, the junk drawer in your kitchen, and just start so small and set a timer thirty minutes, fifteen minutes, and you'll feel like once you start pulling things out, you'll feel like instantly better, and so that momentum will be like, Okay, I can tackle this. Let's do another space that maybe a little bit bigger the next day or a week later. Because I always say to like, everybody schedules different, So for me, I do a Sunday reset. It's my most favorite thing of my week, but I know that it sets me up for success where you might not be able to do a Sunday reset for two hours or an hour every single Sunday. So it just is kind of what's going on in your life to build this lifestyle around it, and seasons change, as you know your your life might look different a year it will hopefully. I'm always like I want to look different and evolve, so it's gonna look different. Or for Tania, like, there's gonna be a time when there's kids in and what does it look like? And how can you make a schedule that works for you? Um that feels really good that you you want to be at home and you don't want to feel all these other feelings of being overwhelmed. You want to get to the other side, So how can you create that for yourself? And it's the starting small? Is that like the best advice I can give? Yeah, I think I just in my my mind goes from like zero to a hundred where I'm like I have to do this all in one day or or I don't want to do anything. So it's either like I have to do it all and then I'm like I'm in so deep that I get overwhelmed and I'm just like, I don't want to do it at all. So I think I I just need help with someone who has the excitement and like energy to help me start um. And a lot of mine is like I get sent a lot of stuff, you know. It's like I clear out five boxes of stuff and and take you know, break down the boxes and I opened the door and there's four new boxes. And it's a really great problem to have because I'm getting really cool stuff, but I can't use it all and I don't have a functionality functional space to keep it organized. You too, you get a lot of boxes too, I do, but I'm also I opened those boxes and then I put the things away, and then I also donate to the there's a place right down the street. Yeah, there's so many places I could donate to. I mean, it's it's not that there's a lack of places that donation. I'm not as much as I'm like, I'm organized. What's interesting about me? And I think there's something psychological there. Everything you see, Like when you walk into my apartment, it's pristine, right, like things are put away, all the things are folded, but you open the drawers and it's like Monica Geller situations. So I'm like, I'm unorganized underneath it, but my like my living space needs to be organized. I'm like, there's definitely something psychological there. Oh that's interesting. It's all shoved in the closet. I felt for the everyone to see right like my you look, you walk into my place, you'd be like, oh, very clean and organized, and then you open the drawers and you're like woo, And it's funny they're tiny, because I always say, that's the space you actually need to do first. Is the stuff that people can't see because subconsciously, and I didn't go to not a psychologist, and if I could, I'd love to know like how and why our brains work that way, because I'll tell someone they're like, don't worry about that Monica closet, like it doesn't like it really doesn't matter, and I'm like, we need to start there. And then I watched their relationships change. I watched their like they're daily confident like everything because subconsciously there was something there that they might not have recognized. But I'm like, oh no, we're going to start over there. And they're like I just wanted you for my closet, you know, and of course I won't push it, but it's like, just trust me on this because there's there's something so beautiful and having that order in space and nothing. I always nothing is going to be perfect. I don't believe in it. It's all about progress. So you know, Becca, for you, it's like having those moments with yourself is understanding you're not going to get it all done and one day it's actually it's like impossible. So maybe having the courage like how amazing to reach out to someone that could could help you know, and understanding the boundaries there for you of what you can and can't do or how your brain works. So there's a lot of beauty in that. I wanted to um talk about how you're because you're really I mean, you've like exploded on social media. You've worked with so many influencers and celebrities. Like what was the how did you start in that? Like for anyone? Because I know there's so many people out there who are like I would love for my job to help be help people organizing and starting a business like that, But how do you start? How do you make that into business? Yeah? I think going back to what you really want, And for me it's I know that I'm fortunate to know that this is my calling in life. And my dad passed away in two thousand and nine and I remember conversations with him, and he is really why life and general started. Was understanding like the connection part with life, and for me it was like taking the leap having these hard conversations with what do you really want? Kind of just we talked about earlier, taking that leap of what does this look like? Because you know tomorrow is not guaranteed, and so having for me it was I knew I was meant to be doing this work. And I just love people to their core, sometimes to have fault because I like people please and I love just everything that that embodies of helping um. But I knew I wanted to be of service, and I had this gift of I can see space that I I just I love it, and me waking up in the morning and knowing that I was meant to be doing this was something like it didn't matter if it failed quote unquote because I was doing what I was called to be doing and seeing now how I'm stepping into this seven years later, I just wrote a book last year during the pandemic of understanding this more from a soulful approach and kind of going back to the basics of UM, creating that space for what matters most, and having those those moments in my life. It's like, I built this business. I started another business, UM L I J Spaces, which does all the custom cabinetry. But for me, it was how can I help as many people as possible with the gifts that I have? And I knew that this was something I wanted to I didn't know organizing was a thing at all UM, But when I started seeing my old client and seeing friends and family having these like transformational moments in their life, that was something that I brought to them. I do not take that lightly, and I've had multiple you know, it looks beautiful on Instagram, but that's the behind the scenes that I'm like, it's not perfect, and it's really hard to run a business, and it's really hard to run an organizing business during you know, a pandemic UM. But having those these moments of making sure it feels good and until it doesn't, I'm going to keep going that way and make a lot of mistakes, but going back to the WIF. Um, I know that I was meant to be helping people. I didn't know what capacity or how, like, how do you even start? I'm serious and I'm like, I wouldn't even know where to start. Yeah, and I didn't go to business school. I didn't do any of that. It was just leaning into what felt good. And for me, it was my friends calling me being like can you come back tomorrow and the next day and the next day and telling me you've changed my life and that is something like I could get like it it matters. People matter, and having the tools to help someone get closer to what they love and what they believe in is it's you know, it's priceless. So, UM, I don't know. I didn't know where to start when I started small and I'm like googling things as I go. And my brother's a lawyer, thank god. But um, I'm always like speed out. Something new is happening. But um, not easy and life is not meant to be easy, but just continuing on the path of what feels right, and UM, you know, for now, this is something that I believe into my core and why it matters and being organized, UM can change your life. I love that because I think that is so applicable to every every single person who is wanting to like step out and do something new or start something that feels scary and vulnerable. And I think that's such It's so simple, like to listen to what feels right, but it's hard, like you know, it's hard to take that step in that leap. So I think that's really great advice of like, as long as it feels right, like keep going in that direction. And and like seven years, like it's always evolving and always changing, and I don't have all the information and knowledge in the world, but the constant learning for me, and I've made millions of mistakes like to where I'm like, gosh, if I could really go back, but it's like I don't want to live my life like that. I want to keep waking for to how can I learn from these, mister, you know, the lessons to be better. I just want to be better than I was yesterday, for myself, not you know, against other people. It's like everyone has their own path, and so I think for me it's been especially the last couple of years, leaning into my faith has been my saving grace. Leaning into it's not always going to be the way you thought it would, and most of the time it's nothing like you would expect, you know. Most of the time, I'm like, I run a company, I wrote a book, Like I don't know how to you know what happened, you know. But it's like at the end of it, is am I changing people's lives and my helping people? And do I feel good? And am I in my in my zone? I feel like I'm gonna have a very emotional reaction when you come to my minds and help me, Like it's seriously, it's it's so I'm literally talking about it with therapy of like I can't figure out how to get deep cluttered because I get to overwhelmed. So I'm like trying to navigate that in my own life. No, I imagine, I can't even imagine how that feels, because like seeing it would throw like I can't even see mine and it still bogs me down daily, Like I'm not kidding, it's a visual. I see it. It's a reminder every day. But I think like having someone come in who who kind of I don't know, amplifies the purpose of it is going to be really helpful and to like see it coming into fruition and having a system. I can do well when I have a system. Um So I'm just like really looking forward to talking to you and showing you my space and being vulnerable and letting it all out for you. And I love that. And a lot of people don't even know they need it and totally have you know, like a lot of people like, oh, I'm good, I'm good, but then I'm like, let me just do this over here, and They're like, I didn't even know I needed that. So it's good to recognize it because I really do believe it's going to change the way, like change so many things for you. I mean, it does for me every day. That's why I do what I do. It's why I make it a priority in my life because it's I do it every day right and for my my own sanity. It's it's something I had to make a priority. It wasn't always like this, but I could feel how it was different on the weeks that I didn't prioritize that Sunday reset or the Monday pending on the schedule, because it's so important to your self care well being. I mean, it goes everywhere in your life. So I'm really excited. I'm for you. I love that too. I feel like it's gonna be a reset and it's just gonna get me going for all the other parts of my life too. Yeah. And also I'm like, when I look at my Monica Geller closet, I need to see this. Where is down in my kitchen? Everything you don't see it. I go and I get my paper towels in there, and it's like my paper towels are sitting on my running shoes and my flip flops, and there's like vacuums and mobs and I'm like having to push some bags to the side. It's like so bad. And I have boxes on the bottom there, bins that I think are organized because they're like in these bins, I haven't opened those bins in two years. So clearly I don't need any of that stuff put shelving because I've seen that closet. Did you put shelving in it? Oh? I haven't done anything to it. Oh yeah, because we met right before Oh yeah yeah, yeah, So we were going to do my Monica Galler closet right when the pandemic hit. I remember this and we and like this was literally when everything was shutting down, and in my mind, I'm like, yeah, sure, you five people come on over. And then I'm seeing the news come out and everyone's like no, no, isolate, and I was like, this doesn't feel like something we should do. I don't know. I just want to add shelving in there, that's all. And then yeah, you're gonna feel so different about that Monica closet. Yeah, that Monica. I mean honest, I'm telling you daily, it bogs me down. I'm gonna need like multiple of those shelving things you have behind you, just the different parts in my house. So I'm really excited about it. But I'm so excited for people to you feel encouraged by this conversation. And even because I, like I said, Tanya, Tanya has actually come over to my house and just helped me clean before, Like I'm talking hanging the clothes up, like open boxes, take things out, throw away the trash. Like Beck is on a whole another level, Like I can help her to a point and then I don't have like trash line everywhere. I'm not like disgusting. Yeah you used to know, don't Yes, you have the box. The stuff that comes in the boxes you just have like yeah, yah, but like I'm not like, there's not like McDonald's lame McDonald But it's not like the trash. Trash is trash. It's not exclusive to like drive their recyclable trash and you want to recycle it the right way because you don't want to going into the ocean or whatever. I also heard this trick and Jen, you can tell me what this is actually legit because I haven't done it yet. But I want to um with your clothes. If you hang all your clothes like the opposite way, and then when you wear them, you hang them back the regular way, and everything you haven't touched in a year, you don't night. Yeah, I'm a big believer in that. Yeah, I'm like, it's hard here because in California it's like it's always seventy and sunny, So it's different when you're in you know, New York where there's actual seasons, or even northern California where I'm from, where it gets colder. So having those you might not wear it in one full year. But I believe in that. I think things are meant to be used. It's like when people get really nice China for their wedding. I'm like, we should be using that nightly, you know, weekly, whatever that looks like, instead of saving it for something special, because we should be celebrating every single day that we're alive. And I sounds cheesy, but it's like it's so true, and I believe in that. So things like once they have a place, like I'm so excited for, you have no idea, but once once those that system is there, it's just the maintaining and then even when things come in, you'll be able to like access things differently and really understand that process. But for for people, it's I think a lot of times, which I'm leaning into this year a lot is you know, we do do a lot of bigger homes um and I'm really trying to listen to smaller space and not having to buy anything to product wise, and I ask a lot of questions on social of saying like what do you need? I mean every day I'm like what do you need? I have people DM me all day every day and I'm sending them like do this, move that shelf, do this, and I'm just like, Okay, there's a whole another business that I'm like, as you know, but it's it's something that you know, our brains weren't meant to wire this way for certain people. And I don't know. I just I believe in this work so much. And I believe that just people, whether it's they take a year of their life and do one small thing a day or a week whatever they can given that season of life or you know, their schedule, it just will progressively change in that way. I love that. I feel like people like who whose brains are wired like me are the reason that y'all are able to have such gifts to bestow upon us, to share with us. I feel like my boyfriend has the brain like Becca too, because I like, I go to his house and I'm just like, oh, we gotta do things in here. But then I'm like, listen without the beccasins want to have no their purpose. Okay, we have helped you find your purpose. How many employees do you have, Like, do you have to like like manage all these people? Um, yes and no. So pre pandemic we had about thirty and then we have about half of that now between the two companies. So I have an amazing director. Um Nicole I have a great team. We just hired HR. So I'm like, I just because again, this wasn't I just want to create now that's the thing. Like, I'm like, what is that? I have to add that to our contract. Something else happens the next day. You know, my brother, I said, is on speed dial, and thank God for him. But there's so much to know, especially with running and managing people in California is a tricky state to have a business with employees, so you know, you just want to make sure that they're happy. I always say, I want everyone to want to go to work on a Monday. And if you're driving to work and you feel like anything other than excitement, you need to pull over and call me because I'm doing something wrong as a leader. And so I'm just trying to lean into that this year of the leadership side and the soulful, the you know, the things that kind of back to the basics of why I started the company in the first place. That's amazing. I love. I mean, not many people have that awareness or leadership to like it always comes from the top, you know, yeah, but a lot of people don't don't handle it with such a grace In gentleness. So um, you're amazing. I am so excited to have you, um come to my house and help me out, and thank you for taking the time. Honestly, this has inspired me. I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna. I'm not gonna do my closet, but i'nna do my junk drawer today, and I'm thinking that's gonna kick start me in the right direction. Yeah. Start much for having me. Where can everybody find you and look you up and see what you're doing everywhere? At life in general on all handles and it's general with a J sometimes at auto correct, So a website, Instagram that's kind of like the day to day behind the scenes. Okay, amazing, Thank you so much, Jen, it was so great. We love Jen. We love a female entrepreneur, we love a girl's girl, and Jen is all those things all the above. Bye. She really organizing her what does she do organizing her house? Or just I want her to come in and like I need everything. I'm serious, I'm like before because I want to start. So I really want to finished doing like all my interior decorating, like decorating on my rooms. But I can't do that with it cluttered. I'm telling you, clutter is the thief of joy. No comparison is no Clutter is the thief of joy. Let me tell you well, I will say that the before and after is going to be shocking because you know, though, I talked to a lot of other people who are like in the influencer space, and every single person I talked to, They're like, I have a room that I just put the boxes and keep the door shut because I don't know what to do with everything. And I'm like, I feel so seen and like heard because in my mind, I'm like, I'm the only person who's the un organized because on Instagram and TikTok and all social media, we don't see the like clutter behind people. Because when I'm doing it, if I have a messy room and I got to film something in my room, it shoves all the way over to the corner and you can't see it in the mirror. It looks like I have my life together, my beds and aid but over if you pan over a little to the side, I really do. I think there's She's so right when she says having an organized home creates more productivity and happiness. I really believe that, and I think that my clutter is why I'm a little bit of a frazzle case right now, azzle case. Well, I will say the parts that you can see in your home are always pristine, and I always walk in going Tanya's got it together. Yeah, I need to be more like Tanya. Yeah, just open any of these closets, Like, if you open this one, it'll just be chaos. I cannot wait to go through and look through all your closed doors. And they not know this do we? Are we doing an email to in the episode or episode? I hope that you all enjoy your weekend and organize help you do some spring cleaning. I hope this UM inspired you. Happy Mother's Day to the mothers of all kinds of mothers, the father mother, I am a mother, the dog mom. That's right. Yeah, I'm happy Mother's Day. And I'm expecting a card from Sunny. So anybody's listening to aggressively texting Red Star today, UM give him subtle reminders all weeks perfect um. We love you all. Have a great weekend, and oh don't forget to buy your Wingo Tango tickets and right sit in our scrubbing section. We do not want you to miss out because it's going to be so fun. Um, we are going to be at Wingo Tango. We're gonna stop by. There's a full section for all of our scrubbers, so that if you want to come alone, that's fine because you're not going to be alone. You're not gonna be alone. You're gonna be with your scrub sisters. So we have all the information up on our Instagram, so you can go to scrubbing in and the website and everything is is right there. Yeah, so it's on our Instagram, but um, you can go to a x S dot com and basically scrubber. Well, you gotta search Wango Tango and then you click on podcast promo and then you enter promo code scrubber and that will get you at the discounted tickets forty five dollars ticket. Come be a scrubber at Wango Tango and we can't wait to see you there. That's right, baby, All right, we love you all. Have a great weekend. Love

Scrubbing In with Becca Tilley & Tanya Rad

We need a crash cart! Scrub in each week with Becca Tilley and her BFF Tanya Rad as they fangirl ove 
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