We NEED to rehash the “aisle seat vs window seat” theory! But we also have other pressing issues to cover, like the addition or removal of extensions, the power of a “sleeping porch”, and how Tanya almost ended up on The Bachelor!
Plus, we have new information that might suggest a Tanya crush from a mega star!
Scrubbing In with Becca Tilly and Tanya ret An iHeartRadio podcast.
Hello everybody, we are scrubbing in.
Scrub a dub dub.
It's opposite day.
I feel so like I can't even I feel so out of whack. I also realize I don't have my aura ring on right now, so that yeah, I don't. I like, I didn't close out all my apps before we started. My light didn't wasn't on.
What does the app thing mean?
I just usually close out all my apps before we start the podcast. It's just like a weird tick. I guess it's a weird tick that I do.
Interesting. Yeah, are you afraid it's like drain your battery?
Or like I'm scared that my uh, like my iTunes is gonna start singing or something.
Oh my god, what will.
We do with this professional podcast we have if something popped up?
It's just one of those. Yeah, it's like a thing. It's like one of my just a habit. Yeah, it's a habit. And I feel very thrown off. Becca was here before me today.
I really don't think in seven years of doing the show this has ever happened.
No, never, And I'm like very thrown off.
But like sometimes I'll walk in and you'll be in the bathroom or something, but you're already.
It's about being settled.
She came in with all her stuff today, which means I beat her.
I had stuff I don't even know. I feel like I'm missing something around me. But it's fine. I'm totally fine.
No, you're very calm. Yeah, not frantic at all.
No, no, no, But you do have your engagement ring on, which I think is more important than the ORR ring.
Yeah I did. I did not forget that. But my or ring is charging, so I think that's why I forgot it. A charger up charger charge it so they say you can charge it once a week. I charge it like every four days. I think she really like gets a lot of work with me.
Yeah, I can see that's worked, underpaid, overworked paid.
So I charge it like every four of four days.
I was gonna hate. Okay.
I didn't talk about this, but when I went to Canada last on the last time I went, Hayley's like, I got something for you, and.
It was an or ring.
No, but it was this little It was a.
Ring and it's a silver ring made by a local artist where she was in Canada and it had like a little dangling heart and she had a matching one. And you don't understand, like, I love that stuff. I love wearing like her initial. I would be like if she wore my initial, I'm like, I try to get her.
A lot of bees and did she wear them?
Not really, But so same way, It's always been a thing where I'm like, I love that kind of like matching thing with her. And so the fact that she got me a matching ring, the fact that she got me a ring was so sweet. But then the fact that she got me a matching ring, I.
Was like, a ring is a ring? No, I mean it's a big gesture, I think. No, No, I.
Mean it's not like a it's not like a diamond ring.
I know that, but like a ring is a ring.
But it wasn't like a promise ring. It was a piece of jewelry. We always get each other jewelry.
Oh okay, it's a girl thing, okay wlw yes, woman loving women. Yeah that's right. Wait are you wearing the ring? Oh my gosh.
Well, I put lotion on and then I took it off to put the lotional because like when lotion gets in the ring and I was like rushing out and.
I forgot to put it on.
That was my whole thing.
I was gonna show my ring.
Oh my gosh, you're gonna have to put in the fifth picture of it the Facebook group later. Yeah, I put it on Instagram so she's wearing it.
Yeah, I know, it's so cute.
I actually want to do like matching tattoos. Oh, very permanent our wedding.
No taking that off.
Robbie says, there's like a jinx to it. So he's like kind of anti and I'm like, I think Robbie is.
Just like, how can I get on that one?
No, he was like he's kind of into the idea. He doesn't want matching. He doesn't want to have like the same exact thing.
But something that like compliments the other one. Correct.
Yeah, yeah, I like that.
What would it be? Where would it be?
Yeah? Where?
For me, I was thinking about putting it on my ring finger. Ben Higgins dons a Jason Kennedy also has Low's name right there, something kind of like that for me. And then I'll suggest like his initial or something, yeah, like an R an R or like a YAD. I guess then no, that's weird. I mean, I haven't really thought it through, but where would content. That's a stamp for him to decide. But I was like, it'd be really cool if you got my my name in like Serbian block letters. WHOA, Yeah right, I.
Don't know what that looks like, but sounds cool, thoughtful.
The T and the A are basically the same everything, the t's and the a's are the same, so it's just the n Y that's gonna look a little.
That's cool. Yeah, it's like it's like kind of Russian.
Yeah, exactly.
Oh interesting.
Yeah, you get like the property of Tanya, like on his like lower abdomen or something.
I would love that.
Oh yeah, I didn't realize it was a thing that you get her all these bs and she just doesn't wear them.
I don't get I just like I will get them, so I'll get an H and then if it's if it's something cute.
Look at that bubble letter I had. I love that bubble letter.
I didn't get the BEE because she doesn't wear them.
I'll get the H and wear that one, right, and so but yeah, like people have sent us like little initial necklaces and.
Just doesn't wear it.
She wills like she's not.
She's not like intentionally not doing it. It's just not part of her thing, you know. So it just meant a lot that she made the move and bought as matching rings.
I get it.
Let me tell you that we stumbled into a Barbie convention over the weekend and they we were there to ride a boat in the lobby of this hotel and there at a Barbie convention going on, but they're selling a Barbie hat. It was like corduroy and had a big pink bee on it, and I was like, that'd be so cute for Haley to wear, wouldn't that So she.
Would love that.
Okay, like a hat or something, she would totally be down interesting.
She draws the line at a charm.
I get it.
But you know, before we were ever out, like for years, I wore a little stud h in my ear, and I know people who were like sleuths who were onto us.
They got it.
They were like, what is h h has to be for Haley? And then some people were like, it's for her sister.
Henk, Yeah, I just warned for one of my one four siblings.
Wow, it's for Higgins. They were meant to be all along.
Look at Becca doing her little Taylor Swift easter egging.
I wasn't easter egging.
I was just like but maybe subconsciously mm hmmmm, I just wanted to wear it. I saw, actually Taylor Swift had to cancel her shows in Vienna because there was like a terrorist threat. Yeah, that's so scary, very scary and also devastating for so many people who traveled and planned all year for that.
I saw these comments from people like from la and from America that were over there and like.
Ready to feel like that when anybody cancels any show, because like people, a lot of people travel to these shows and like, yeah, I don't know. Sometimes I feel like, obviously that was war inten and it should have been canceled, But I feel like sometimes artists are a little flippant about it.
Yeah, what was the one? Was it? Morgan Wallin? Someone canceled because they were like sick or something, and everyone was like you should refund us for the hotel and the and stuff.
Yeah, like, if someone was sick, I wouldn't mean mad if they like had recorded audio and just like danced. Really what I mean yeah, I don't think I feel Oh.
Really, well, you had to think.
You have backstage access to some of the biggest artists and most of the biggest artists in the world. A lot of these people save up forever to just see this person play live.
No, I know, but like a lot of people don't necessarily even play live and you don't even realize.
Yeah, but the.
Energy of being in a live show, I'm saying, I think it's very different than watching.
It's like, just watch the aerostour on your team.
No, no, no.
What I'm saying is like a lot of artists will like sing live, but it's like to a track, right, so they could still do that, do you know what I'm saying?
But where like would they ounce it though, or were they No.
You wouldn't say like I'm sick anything the show goes on.
Oh you're saying they're sick.
Yes, yeah, oh my gosh.
But if you have like the flu, even just getting up and walking is painful.
That's true. That's true.
Like think about your cold that you had recently and how you were dand and imagine performing a three hour show lip syncing.
Well, I kind of did.
And actually Taylor performs all the time. When she's sick, you'll.
See hers in the rain, blowing her nose in the rain and like all these crazy conditions.
Yeah, and she probably has like Ivy's set up to get her back in no time.
Yeah, she has the best medical care, I'm assuming.
Anyways, I was singing, God, that sucks, Like what happens?
Do they were funded? Redo the show?
What do they dobody?
Really, she's just not going to come back and do it.
I don't think she's ever going to go back to Vienna ever. Again, that's not true, but I don't. I think there they did refund everybody via It's in Austria.
Austria. I knew that has.
She ever performed there? Because I saw that she performed in Poland and she had never performed there.
So that's so sus Taylor's if knowledge is be on my pig.
Anyways, Hayley's home, she's home. How he's arrived. It's so good having her home.
You know what? I realized what when she moved in she left very shortly.
Thereafter I left shortly there.
I mean, like you guys haven't really like lived lived together.
Right, Yeah?
So yeah, it's so nice though, Like I was thinking about that that we're just at home where it's not like, oh, we need to go to her place or I have to pack up.
Just she's home. We're home, and she keeps saying like, should we have people over to your place?
And I'm like, our place so nice. I always had to correct Robbie and he'd be like, let's do it at my house. I'm like our house.
Yeah, I'm doing the opposite where she's saying it, and I'm.
But I will say, it is so much harder to get out of bed when your person is like there with you. Like when I was by myself, my alarm would go off. I'd kind of lay there and be like whatever, I gotta get up. But when your person's there, it's like I don't work.
Yeah, it's the worst.
I like week days when I doesn't sound so silly because like it's just a part of life. You get up and you go to work. But like when he's just and I can't even takeodbye to him because he's just like comatose.
It's brutal.
Yeah, like just bye. He looks so sweet in there, see it tonight?
Do you don't if he's just asleep. You don't wake him up to say goodbye.
I never do. That's why I do the notes.
That's good because Alison tells me like, I would like you to wake me up to say yeah, and I feel bad I don't. I still like I sneak out and I love you goodbye.
I always give like I get up, do my thing, get ready, and then I go back in and say goodbye.
The problem is I feel bad because he gets up maybe like an hour to like an hour and a half after me. So it's like if I were to wake him up, he would maybe miss out on that rens precious.
If I don't ask for it, I want to know.
About it. Yeah. Actually he's like, please don't wake me up at four o'clock in the morning.
Yeah. I mean that's very different waking up at four o'clock than like nine o'clock.
Yes, correct, But yeah, it's so great to have her home.
We went to in and out yesterday, you know, had to do the official La return winter. Her parents had dinner, so it was really nice.
Are you guys gonna like somebody's gonna make dinner, somebody's gonna do the dishes? Have you like dimmed up house chores.
No, not officially, but I think it'll just be like how it was before. Well no, because how it was before was kind of like I did everything at my place and she.
Did everything in her place.
So now there will be that like but we're pretty you know, I'll just be like, hey, will you just will you do the dishes, and she'll be like, yeah, orry, we do the you help me do the laundry.
He was like, yeah, of course, right right, But yeah.
It's it's it's been so nice having her home and us being together, getting to live together.
It's the best thing in the world. Like sometimes I still don't even believe it's real.
Well, yeah, a true testament to love.
I think living with someone is so fun, and I don't think I realized how much I like, I always lived with people through college after college, and then like the only time I really lived alone was when I was in Studio City, but that was for a long time. I was there for like three and a half years, and I really like learned how to live alone, and I did love that. But then when I I don't know, I love living with him even more.
Yeah, I mean I think if it's I really can't imagine loving living with anyone that wasn't Haley right at this point in life. So like, I've never been someone. I had fun living with my sisters that their family, like I grew up living with them, so that wasn't like that roommate adjustment. But I've never like loved the roommate thing.
Oh my god, I loved it.
Yeah, well you oh yeah, what's that?
I never told you about those? In my sorty No, A lot of the sorties at U of A had sleeping porches. But basically there's like forty rooms and in your rooms you have closets and desks. There's no beds in there, or there might be one bed in there. But I lived in like the rooms with like three girls, four girls, five girls. I lived always in the rooms with many girls. And so there's one day bed and that's like for napping and stuff. And then there's rooms that are filled with bunk beds in them, and it's always dark, you know, turn on the lights. It's always cold. The air is like freezing in there, and that's where you go to sleep at night. You would have loved the Bachelor.
Here's the thing you either would have loved The Bachelor or absolutely hated being on The Bachelor.
I think I would have loved certain aspects of it, and I think I would have hated other aspects of it.
Yeah, like there's no in between. Yeah, there would have been like very highs and very low.
I like the living with the people. I love this, but oh my gosh, I loved that I had the best sleeps ever in the sleeping porch because it's always dark, quiet and cold, and that's just where you go to sleep.
But dating the same man, I think would have been a massive challenge.
Yeah, I would. I would.
You would have been like, if someone turned on the lights in the sleeping porch, you would have been eyeing down whoever was getting more attention from him. They would have turned on the light and you would have had laser beams going towards store, for sure. So it's a good thing that it never got went in that direction. I was close to like I was getting to the point where I thought it was time, it's time to get a Donya on a reality dating show.
I think we had that same thought around the same time. And it was like when Robbie and I first started dating and he was himming and hawing on like being exclusive, do you remember? And I was like, yeah, then let's go on the Bachelor. Let's do the Bachelor.
This is a PG podcast.
Sorry, I came on an nowhere. Well it felt so natural. Yeah, I felt good.
Actually, there was a point where I was going on the Bachelor read it a lot because they were like talking about the podcast I worked on, and uh, there was a lot of threads about you going on the Bachelor. I was like, you know, it would be great, Tanya rad Becketilly's co host, she'd be great on the Bachelor, like and uh, that would have been exciting. But everything led to where it needed to be.
Yeah, I can't remember who the Bachelor was that at that point. It was end of twenty nineteen early twenty twenty.
Wasn't Was that not Colton?
I don't know, I can't remember, but that's the I remember specifically, Like that was like the window or Ari? Where is the Ari?
Colton was the Bachelor in the beginning of twenty nineteen.
No, so it wasn't him.
It would have been a standby. It would have been a season twenty four oh pilot Pete Peter Webber.
But you ended up loving him on Traders.
That's true.
Could have been a mass.
Yeah, really could have been a match. But I remember that as like when we really like, you were like you should do the bathroo, and I was like, you know what, if this guy's not this this joke, Sto's not going to commit to me, then not gonna go do my thing.
But instead he went on a date with another man. Correct, And that really got the ball rolling.
Robbie really got really rebbed Robbie's engine.
Yeah, he said, shoot, I got either dive in or board.
Yeah, let someone else go yep. Yeah, luckily he dove in.
Yeah, I dove in.
That's when I had my first Jennifer. And since sighting, I remember, m hmm, that's.
What I associate with that give me two a time every night when I'm watching her on my screen. Me too, speaking of Okay, so I got my extensions out and it's horrible, like, don't recommend me, don.
Why don't you get to put back the same with them out the other day when you came up then you looked fine, I didn't even notice.
Okay, well I notice.
And they need like a therapy program that you should be able to go to once you get the extensions out, because it was are.
You're not putting new ones back in?
I don't think so.
I thought about just putting them in the front work because I have like, okay, so a visual Yeah, this part of my hair like stops growing like right here for some reason.
Well, I think that's everybody. I think everybody's I have those too.
Yeah, but does Tawny cut them or do you do? They just not grow?
So that's a very fine question that I don't know.
Okay too well, mine just don't grow. So I was thinking about putting some just on the sides. Yeah, but it's so weird how you get how hair the hair attachment even though it wasn't my hair, I bought it.
It was bonded to my other hairs.
I have only done it once. Where I've had I always get them taken out and put right back in. Yeah, I've never not got it.
I did it one night because Tawnie only had she had to break it up, like she didn't have that much time the night before.
I don't remember.
It was some fluke. Yeah, so I some crazy fluke. So I went that night, got him taken out, and I had an event that night. It was like Raquel had a premiere for her I don't know, her documentary some some some some premiere that night that I needed to show up for. And I was like, it's jarring. It's very jarring.
Yeah, so it's really dramatic. But anyways, I was watching Friends and I'm like sing Jenner for Innocents hair and I was just like the bob. No, no, not the bob, just like her long, calmly, perfectly highlighted, smooth hair.
Anyways, that's what I'm going through right now.
If it makes you feel better, I would have never known.
You didn't even know when I got them in though, Like I remember, I had had him for like two weeks and you're like, your hair looks really good, it looks long, And I'm like, I've had extensions for like two weeks now and you haven't anything.
And that means I feel like you don't really need them take your thing out.
Do you think you're observant?
Do you find yourself to be an observant person on details like that hair?
I would not say it's so observant.
Yeah, Haley either.
Haley hasn't said a thing about my hair, but out No, she knows that I was spiraling, so she's like, I'm not even gonna acknowledge it.
See, take the thing out the clip my hair is like, it's such stunning. Yeah, like you wouldn't honestly, you would never know what do you mean, Like it's not as long, but like it doesn't not look like no, it's not, it's not and it's also not like done right. Yeah, but if you did something to it, I would never know, aside from the length, which is not ever know what I.
For for thickness for length. So yeah you do notice. Yeah, guys, that feels so good to take that out. I'm just gonna leave it.
Yeah, let the hair fly.
So anyways, it's a little bit about me.
Well, I wanted to talk about Robbie's airplace theory because there was a scuttle There was just some reaction to it.
By the way, the people that people have been dming me photos of themselves using this airplane pillow and then people are taking pictures from inside the pillow so it's like their face and I'm like, I'm so pissed I didn't do that because it's so funny.
Well, we'll have a fight coming up at some point that you can do it. We'll have the epicon.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, so I should bring it, but we are they are falling us first class.
Oh but I guess I could bring it just for the visual for you.
Yeah, that's really funny. I really want one, So I'm gonna look into that.
But photos are so good.
We're gonna talk about the reaction for the airplane theory when we come back.
All right, we're talking airplane theory.
But first, I guess people had questions about my timeline for the flight to Canada that I missed.
Yeah, so the question was was I.
Trying to check my bag twenty minutes before the flight or at the flight time?
Were you already through security?
I was.
I was at my I was at the counter an hour before my flight.
Left, so that seems fine.
Yeah, so my flight was at eleven and I got there at ten oh one.
I thought you only had to check your bag like forty five minutes.
I guess international, because it was Canada.
It's an hour. I always forget Canada's internationals.
I know, so silly.
But also it used to be thirty minutes, so it used to be thirty for domestic flights, then they moved into forty minutes, and then I think for it used to be I don't know what it used to be for international, but international is an hour. But I was literally my flight was at eleven. In my flight, I got to the counter at ten oh one. I was literally one minute late. When I looked at the thing.
So that this was this was more of a personal situation. I feel, what do you mean, like my woman was just like not having a day.
Yeah, that was.
Definitely here's the thing.
It was no matter who or what it was, it was my fault. But could she have helped me? Like, could I have made the flight? Probably one thousand percent, Yeah.
If I if I had someone who was like wanted to be the hero.
But before we get into Robbie's playing there, I did want to say I missed my first flight ever the other day.
I'm shocked by this.
I hated it was not my fault. I hated this experience. But I flew up to San Francisco to record a podcast with Governor Gavin Newsom at San Quentin Prison. Probably by the way, thank you, it was. It was a really incredible experience. But we went long and I got to my flight was at four fifteen. I got to the airport at.
Four oh, so there's no way.
I was like, I'm just gonna try. And I had my big equipment and I go up to the baggage check and they're like, it's probably gonna make the fight, and it's fine. It's fine. I had to get back for a friend's wedding, so I drop off the back, I go through security. I get to the gate at four ten and they're like, Nope, not happening. Gates shut and it sucked. I got the next fight was like an hour and a half later. My bag made it onto the flight. No, it was I could not believe that.
That's hilarious.
So like I got to Burbank and my gear had been sitting there for.
Hours and how did how did don't make it?
I have this one hundred and fifty pound case onto the plane before me an able bodied man sprinting through the airport.
I will never forget when we were coming home from Jared and Ashley's wedding and the hydroflask no, well yeah, and I pen the hydroflass because beck I was like, we don't have time to spare, So I like all this go, and we did not Like when I tell you, we walked onto that tarmac, like as soon as we went through security, like we walked. I've never in my life walked right onto a flight.
Oh that's like my dream. That's how I try to time it out.
It's so stressful.
I was like, no, imagine if I hadn't said you have to pee in the hydroflask, right, we wouldn't be made sure, we would have missed that flight.
Yeah, not even.
The freeway, the freeway.
So let this be a lesson. Don't be ashamed to pee in your hydro flask if needed. Yes, say loud, say proud.
That's impactful. Yeah.
So there was a poll posted by Mary in the Facebook group asking if people disagree or agree with Robbie's airplane theory, and so far sixty four percent disagree with Robbie on his theory. So Lisa said, I'm a window seat person who will hold it to bursting, so I don't inconvenience anyone. Someone said I prefer asle seat for my own conveniences, and then a lot of people said they just like looking out the window and leaning on the window like it has nothing.
It's just nothing.
To do with the Yeah. So, uh, Crystal posted a clip on Instagram and in the clip, I say I have a theory about it, but then I don't pay it off in the clip and everyone's like, what's Eastern's theory? And Cat's like, listen to the podcast, which is great, but uh, that was my theory is that people windows see. There are differences and when to see people, and I'll see people and when to see people like to look.
At stuff, understand, I'll see people just in general. If I if you have to sit in the aisle, I'll sit in the aisle whatever. But like I would never choose the aisle get banged up, there's no you don't know, like you have nothing to lean on, no one to lean on. Extra always having to get up for other people.
Oh yeah, I think you have extra legroom, access to the bathroom, You have access to get up in roam wherever you want, up and down the aisles.
You can hold hands with the person across the aisle from you.
Yeah, like if Robbie was in an aisle and you were in an aisle and no one would switch with y'all, y'all, w'll at least be able to reach across and touch hands.
Someone. Becca El said it's the weirdest theory, but I.
Almost think he was just trying to find a way to tell Tanya she personally would rather inconvenience people, based on what she described.
On the pod.
Yeah, Like, is this Robbi's way of just telling me that I'm selfish? Which fair?
I feel like Robbie would just tell you that.
Yeah, I agree, I agree, but maybe he.
Was gently saying and I don't know, but anyways, sixty four percent disagree, and I feel like he would hate that and need to give a rebuttal.
Yeah, or he's gonna say, like I didn't explain it right, Yeah, Yeah.
It's going to be something that wasn't done right.
Yeah, it's definitely he does not like losing the polls.
He came at me in the DMS. Oh really, Yeah, he sent me the Instagram. He's like, I need to know your thoughts on it. And I explained it to him and I'm like, I don't think it's a matter of inconvencing or whatever. I think it's just like do you like to look out the window or do you like to piss? That's what it is. And he was like even if it's a long flight, you don't. You'll just sit there and hold it.
You won't.
He doesn't bother you that you're like making everybody moves and can get out of the I'm like, no, it's not just across my mind whatsoever.
It really does cross my mind. It does.
Yeah, are you all watching the Olympics.
No, I'd say adjacent, like I'm Olympics adjacent. Also Robbie loves them and has them on twenty four seven. Okay, so by proxy I am watching.
But it's on your teeth like you are saying it.
I watched some of it live. Well I think it was live, but I watched. I put it on the other night. And then when we were in Chicago, Ali and I were like pretending that we were on a beam doing our like what our beam routines would beam, and it was you know, I have I love the camaraderie of the Olympics this year, specifically gymnastics. Yes, there's just something really wholesome and like supportive about the all the girls there and some moan Biles just seem so happy and so lee doing the bars.
Have you did you watch her barbroutine?
How do people get their bodies to do that.
I don't honestly, I don't know. But the the you know, the meme of like when the three of them are up there and they like put the metal in their mouth and then and then she like looked over and was like, oh, I'll put it in my mouth too. I saw these memes of people being like when gen Z has like a new trend, this is like the millennial being like, you know, that's what it felt, so seen by a meme in my life.
Well, I had we Ali and I had just had that conversation about gen Z and like how we're always like the boomers trying to keep up, and so I saw that same meme where it was like millennials trying to keep up with gen Z, and I sent it to her.
I was like, this is so accurate.
It's so funny. And uh, there was one other thing I was gonna say about the Olympics and I'm totally blanking.
If you had to pump up.
Oh uh, Paulina is getting back into gymnastics. Oh my god.
I wanted to do that.
I know when she sent me a video for her first like thing back and I was like, I kind of want to do it with her?
Where is she going?
Did a domestics background.
She did it when she was like I did it when I was little too, Like I did it when I was like ten or whatever. She had the same. She got injured and then just like quit.
Her career ended.
Her career ended. Yeah, I just quit. I think I don't know why I quit. I think I just like tennis better, so I just like focused on tennis. But uh. She sent me a video from like her first lesson and I was.
Like, this actually looks really fun.
She was like practicing backflips on like the little rolling ball, and I was like, I think I want.
To do it.
I want to do that, yeah, right, just to like here's my issue. I'm so I feel like my joints, like even Allie doing this pretend.
Being the way our knees and things were popping. I was like, We've got to do something about this, I know.
And I'm like I feel like I don't. I don't know why there's something so I can't commit to it fully because I'm like the fact it's cute suck. Yeah, seeing a thirty seven year old like rolling around the ball backwards and like I don't know.
Like you like posting your progress video. It would be like with an emotional song right jumping into the ball, the phone pill and then there.
Was somewhere like the guy like her. I guess her instructor was like spotting her. Yeah, she would like do it doing a really good job.
I was like, wow, I don't know that i'd do a good job, but I would like to do it.
And I thought of sleeping backwards onto a rolling ball. Just the thought of it is like stressing me out, Like what if you fall hit your head. Well, you have the ball. I know what. The ball can roll fast. You jump fast, that ball is rolling.
And then you have plots every day you have strong arms. Your arms will catch you.
It's from your lips to goadzio.
But okay.
The Olympians did reveal their pump up songs and someone had defined.
Gravity from Wicked yea pump up song.
Someone had Fireflies by Al City, which I thought was a very interesting choice.
But hits but.
Firefight yeahs, but not.
For your Olympian performance.
I was talking about Snooze by Scissa that's in Pink Skies.
Wait did I say that Scissa was on my floor? Flight to Lallapalooza. No okay, So I'm I get on the flight high No.
So we get off the plane and there's this line of people waiting with them. We just see them holding records, you know, but I couldn't see who the record was.
But it's a line of.
People right out, like circular records, but like in those square case. So I walk out and I see them all standing there, and I was like, Oh, someone famous I guess was on our flight. And you know, I didn't know. I thought it was gonna be some indie artist. So I see her get off, but she has a hood of her hood on, so I couldn't tell who it was. And she signs like a few of the first people, and then she starts walking and I hear someone go, come on, Sissa, We've been waiting for hours, And so she goes over to sign and they swarm her. Like I've never seen something like that in real life. I've only seen paparazzi videos of it. Yeah, but I was like, oh, she was just like on our commercial flight heading to Lallapalosa to be a headliner.
Yeah, the headliners like fly Private, come on, come on, La.
La La la la lustion is how did they know with albums?
How did they know to get to her gate with albums?
So they she was probably spotted wherever you can't la x, She probably spot in lax. They probably put it on the fan Twitter like Sizza is on this fly and then like the people.
Think it's more nefarious than that. I think there's people that leak the manifest to, like paparazzi and stuff. That's what I think.
And air Oh god, that one really came her fast. Sorry, no warning, No I didn't didn't. Yeah, sorry, airplane like the like do you not whatever? Airline?
It was an employee will I've heard about this, but.
I'm sure she doesn't fly at SIZZA.
Well no, but I mean they have like someone will know her real name.
Oh you have to use your legal name.
Yeah yeah, but that's what I think they leak it to, and then paparazzi will be there and then there'll be autograph hounds or whatever.
There was no paparazzi have a security guard.
It was just her like a sister or someone whoever was flying with her, so that it was just them too.
And then two women who were from the airline.
You know what, what stars they're just like, they're just like us. I felt stressed for her. I think, like they are these stars people all over. I saw Haley bieber Ones just romping around on her own. Granted we were at a show and Justin was performing, so I'm sure there was security insights.
You can't see them totally had someone looking up for.
But she was by herself.
I hate that reaction to that. We've been waiting two hours, like okay, okay, cool, he's here to go on a plane, just not to sign your records, you know, like it's doesn't owe you anything.
Plain, it's like you I've like, I feel my worst when I'm getting off a plane. I thought my breath smells, my hair smells, my body aches.
There was a oh my god. It was an artist. I can't remember who it was. It may have been Shawn men I think it was Shawn Mendez or he was like, who are you getting the signed for? And he's like, I'm getting it from my sister. It's like, oh yeah, I call your sister right now. What's your favorite song? And it was like because someone was gonna sell the autographic and like I love that. I love it so much. I'm pretty sure that I.
Love Sean Shan Mindez is coming out with new music, by the way, I saw that. I'm very excited should get miss him. You know who else I've missed seeing videos of him performing?
Don't tell me who? Justin Bieber? No, Oh, don't tell me who? Drake? No, Okay, okay, I know I know Ed Charon.
No, I love Ed Shearan keep going.
It's someone so much more obvious than this, someone that you know what I of a pit Bull concert?
I do too. No, I was wanting to guess more.
I was just going in such a weird direction that I didn't think you were gonna come back. You know, there was just a time where I would be scrolling TikTok and it'd be everywhere, and I miss him.
You know, I think that's the point. I think he wants to be missed because he was everywhere where, all the time, all at once.
And we couldn't everywhere all the time.
What's the movie called anywhere everywhere all at once?
Yeah, everywhere, everywhere, everywhere.
All ones.
That's where he was.
He was everything, everywhere all No, he's nowhere, not it at all, never once, never, once. He'll be back.
I miss him.
I do too. Oh my gosh, I miss him so much.
You can't be saying that so loosely.
What with your history you want something so funny.
Well, sorry, just to.
Clear the air, because Tonya did a interview with him, and that's the one person that will stir Robbie up.
Literally the only the only time that Robbie has ever felt like I've ever seen any ounce of like jealousy is with Harry styles Threat.
Literally like it's very slight, but it's definitely there. But Sam can vouch because Sam was in the audience at this show. But I did this Q and A with him. I told him my favorite song was Falling and it was not in the set list and he performs it and Sam, maybe can you chime in? What were the words he said? He didn't say this is for you, but he kind of looked at me and said like I had to do this or something.
No, he said, this is for you.
Oh, I will never I will never forget this night, like for the rest of my life.
Because first of.
All, Tanya was so kind to get me into this show with her and was like, oh, I'm going to use you as my producer and so we got to stand front row at the smallest Harry Styles venue ever like, and he'll probably never play a venue like that ever again.
So it was memorable for a few reasons.
And then she went to go say hi to him beforehand because I think you know his manager, you like went to we went to school together, yes, And then so they did the Q and A before the performance, and Harry loved all of Tanya's questions so much that he was just like enthralled by her, and she talked about how much she loved Falling and it wasn't on the set list, and he literally added it played it for Tanya and said literally looked at her because I was standing right next to her, and said, this is for you, and then played the song Sam out.
This was my whole personality.
No, and then this is the best part. So Sam and I, uh, we did like a meet and greet with him after we took some photos and then we left. Sam and I went to go like eat somewhere, maybe like at my hotel or something, yeah, something like that. And we had just had dinner and then I was going to go to sleep and Sam was about to leave, and you were still with me when he called right.
No, I was in an uber home.
Oh you just left told me saying that he called you, And I was like screaming in the back of my because I couldn't leave it because that's never happened.
Before, I know. And then I think they had said something like come.
No, he didn't say come out with us tonight. He said you're welcome at any show. Yes, yeah, we haven't used.
I kept ya.
And you were like, no, I'm sort of And it was when you were just starting to see Robbie.
Yeah, you were like saying no.
And I was like, Tanya, this man has a crush on you, Like there's like no way that he doesn't. And you were like, no, I'm seeing Robbie. And in my head, I was like, who cares?
When was this? This was February of twenty twenty, so I think actually we had just become official.
Yeah, he's little lucky guy that he came around.
And he had locked it down and probably a week before I met Harry.
It's so funny.
I literally judge, which I forgot to send this to you, Tanya, but I just saw like a fan edit of you talking about talking about it on TikTok Like it's like they put together like two instances of you talking about and the search on it is like Tanya Harry styles and all the comments are like, are like.
What what who is this?
Who is this?
And everyone's like, oh, it's Ryan's co host.
Wait, we need to find.
That telling you like everything about that night was mad and magical, like yeah, it was magical, Like he was so engaging in the Q and A. He was so kind, like I.
Because he loved you.
I don't know about that. I do think he was very like he liked my questions. I wasn't like asking him like who he was dating. I was really asking him about like his music and his craft, and I think he appreciated that. But but it was, Yeah, it was very magical.
I liked the TikTok me fine, this full of I don't think.
It was a crush. I think it was just like admiration.
I don't want to stoke the flames more. But around this same time, do you remember Nile Horn came in to promote his new music. Is around the same time and he was like, I like, but after the interview, he was like telling you to come to a barbecue at his house. Yeah, Tanya, you got to come over to my place whatever, And I felt like there was something there.
Worn He's so cute, so cute.
I was so jealous.
He's really cute.
He's also been kind of m i a too.
Yeah, Michaels just came out and performed with him all the time.
Not really my algorithm right now, How to get that back up there?
Yeah, I feel like you you've gotten lost in the period.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's very much. The tiktoking question is from h styles Content. We'll be posting this somewhere, I'm sure.
Yeah, Honestly, that was such a memorable experience, Like I I wish that it was filmed somewhere, Like I wish that I could find video of it somewhere, Like I know that I have some like Sam took some videos on her phone.
I have the falling thing.
Yeah, surely someone videoed it, and and that whole place unless where phones allowed, phones were Sam.
They were allowed.
I can review my footage because literally at the front of the stage, it was insane.
Yeah, yeah, we were like right in the front.
Was There's one comment on this video that I think you'll find very inspirational. It's a young lady in Luna. She says me, just starting on the street team at I heard delusional, this will be me one day.
That was me.
You're the one in the video.
Actually it makes me emotional. Wow, what a journey, What a journey.
The lore, the lore, It's giving fan fiction.
Experience. I'm not joking, felt fan fictional.
Do you know why I have always had a hard time getting into like actual books is because I was so deep into Grays and on me fan.
Fiction and it was so good and I like read smut.
It was like so good, what's smart?
Like intense, like like Grace Graphics, but like with Derek and Meredith.
What Yeah, I loved it.
I missed like the old Grays days. We start again from I.
Actually know what I'm going to do. I'm going to catch up. I'm going to catch up and get back into it.
I can do the same.
Yeah, it's time, it's time, it's time.
I miss them.
I miss them too.
I miss Meredith and Christina.
Well, Christina will not be there.
She will always be in my heart.
Right, Okay, we have to take a break.
But there was this Blake Lively talk to I love Blake Lively By the way, I know we got to talk about her.
Just hold it because we'll have.
First hand experience. Well I know by proxy.
Okay, so not so secondhand, but it'll be right back to discuss that. All right, we're back with Tanya's biproxy connections.
Like Lively, I have a friend who has a friend wow that like met her at one of these She's been doing so much press and so much stuff for this movie. Yeah, but basically because I was saying, I was like, every little thing she does is so sweet, and it's also not when the cameras are like on, do you know what I mean? Like, I feel like everything she's doing is I guess the cameras are on. But here's what I'm saying.
Here's the thing.
I think she's genuine.
I think she's a genuine like sweet, like just a good kind person.
But I also think the cameras are on.
So you think she is aware of that?
How could you not be?
Because she was saying that she was helping her friend like undo her necklace or whatever, like fixing her her like Blake like life was fixing her necklace while like all this commotion was going on was just like being so sweet and like helping this girl like fix her necklace.
I think that's who she is, and there just happens to be cameras around, but I don't think she does that with the intent of I think she's just a girl's girl.
Right, Okay, Okay, that's that's the vibe I get too, And this first hand report made me feel like it was genuine.
I've met her twice.
And also, you know, Robin Lively, her sister is like one of my favorite humans ever.
Also very genuine very the nicest human ever. Yeah.
So I have only ever had ever since sister heard the Traveling Pants.
She was everything you know what.
She may have been an awakening looking back.
Oh interesting.
I think she's a lot of people's but I've always been like soccer scenes.
Yeah, yeah, I don't remember I want to be I want to be her or do I want to be with her?
With her?
But anyways, Yeah, I just think she's a genuinely nice person and she's the times I've met her, she's been so warm and kind to me.
She I met her once at the Shark movie.
She was in the Shallows. I met her at that premiere with so. Robin's husband is Bart, who's coach Bolton in high school musical love him so much. His brother I went, I like, went on, I want, I guess dates a couple of dates with him, and he was at the premiere New York brother, Bart's brother, and I went with him to the Shallow premiere and so she like came up and said, hey, she was so nice, took a picture with us, and.
Then can I see her?
Yeah? And then I saw her again.
Haley played at this Jack Antonoff charity thing in New York, and Taylor came out and performed with her Haley right, and then Blake was there as well, and so I went back and she was like, so.
Good to see you.
And she was like that was so funny like that you would like, we're with like her brother in law.
Basically what happened to him? By the way, do we know he's married? He's married now?
Yeah, I think as a child happy ending. He's such a nice guy. But anyway, such a nice family. But my whole point was that she talked about this romantic gesture that Ryan Reynolds did for her, and she said, when we first got together, he'd send me a bouquet of flowers every week, but he and he'd always send a card and it would just be a sentence of something that had happened that week, so something funny or emotional that one.
Of us said.
Yeah, they're like quote of the week. I think this is such a romantic idea. And I even was just like, it doesn't have to be like a bouquet that you spend a lot of money on to send, Like you could literally pick flowers from a garden, even if it's like three flowers and put a little note on it, and like that is so thoughtful.
I agree, it's not about the money spent.
It's not thought behind it. It's the thought behind it. And I just love that he seems ugh, it seems amazing too.
And I loved that you've reposted the video of her bringing in the co star's girlfriend.
For the filly Like I'm like, she's there with her co star and her husband and it's just the three of them like smiling away, and she runs over and she grabs his girlfriend to bring her into the photos and I'm like, oh, well, everything she's doing. I thought you were going to talk about the video where she was talking about how she feels guilty when she's like working. She said, when you're working, sometimes you feel guilty for not being in your personal life and those hours that you're at work, and then when you're at work, you feel guilty by being distracted, by wishing that you were at your personal life. And so she's like, two things can be true. And I just found that to be so spot on because I feel like being a step parent is such an interesting thing because I don't have kids of my own, so I was kind of thrust into this role of like parent, but you don't you didn't have like the pregnancy or like that, you know, like you I feel like it's something that just like naturally comes after, like you're pregnant, you give birth, and they're like a little, you know, like very very little, and then they grow up and it just kind of like happens to you. And then when you're thrown into it, it's like very different. And like today I was supposed to spend like the whole day with one of my my step sons, and I like totally forgot that we had this, and so I like felt really guilty because I was like, it's going to be half a day, and it's like a very weird thing, you know what I mean? And no I don't, I don't want to watch the podcast, but it's very weird. It's such like a weird thing. And I imagine it's like times a million when like they're your biological kids or maybe not. I have no idea because I don't have but it's a very weird thing.
I feel this all the time because I get so much anxiety leaving Phoebe, and I'm like, I don't even know what I would do if it was a human child, right, it would be just it seems it's a lot. It feels like a lot to balance, and I think people who are able to do it are amazing.
Yeah, especially day in and day out. You know, like Blake Lively is like when you're filming a movie, depending on the movie, you're gone for like let's say three or four months, you know, so she's probably like entrenched in that for three or four months, and then she probably has time off before all the press and stuff. So it kind of like ebbs and flows, whereas like full time working parents, they're doing that day in, day out, five seven days a week.
You know, Yeah, did you did you see her and Dead Pull and Wolverine? Did you recognize her? Oh?
I need to see this. Uh yeah, of course I recognize Herny Tail. You kidding?
I was like, I thought it was Taylor like that, but that is why.
Okay, Britney Spears has a biopic coming out and John Choo's directing it. Who's He's the director of Wicked that's coming out. Oh, here's the picture of me with Wow and Charlene. I am obsessed with Charlene joint from She's from Bachelor, she was on One Pablo season.
Yes, I love her so much. So she was at The Shallow's premiere. Okay, I think.
That's given them the real close look at it give Crystal. Really.
You can also just find it on my.
Ig ig scroll scroll scroll at.
Beck Atilly if you're not full. Okay, So Britney Spears.
John Cho's directing a biopic of Britney Spears, which I think is going to be incredible because he is doing the Wicked. He's directing Wicked, which I've never been so excited for a movie. But they're all like, who's gonna play Brittany?
It should be Blake Lively playing Britney Spears.
Yeah, she just wore her dress. Yeah you didn't see that wore her.
That wasn't in your algorithm. No, Oh my gosh, she wore that Versace dress that Blake Lively just wore. Is like literally the one that Britney Spears wore. The facts I don't know so much, but I know that it's like a dress that Britney Spears wore, and everybody's been like commenting that she should play Britney Spears in the Bible.
Maybe that's an easter egg.
Maybe it's an easter egg.
Or is it her just trying to drop a handkerchief to mister che.
Oh, yeah, maybe there's Yeah, maybe she's like, let me go to shot.
I look in this dress.
I was made for this role.
But my question is if it's the it's a biopic, it because Blake Lively could play like once, like at a certain age, you know. But it's like some people some of the ideas are Sabrina Carpenter.
That would be we're like the og Sabrina Carpenter stands being honest.
Well, yeah, I don't know that I can claim that as I was like off to the side, but.
You can claim it because you're with me, and I've been on that Sabrina Carpenter train since I want to say, twenty twelve, No, twenty fifteen, twenty fifteen.
Tate mcray.
I thought was interesting because Tate mcray gives me this This generation's Britney Spears vibes.
Okay, my pick. Well, I think I'm sticking a Sabrina carpent her, but Sidney Sweeney is a good one too, No, Madeline.
I like Madame Klein, and I feel like Florence Pugh would actually crush it. Yes, I feel like she would be amazing.
I love there's parts of that story. It's going to require a lot of acting.
Chops, Yeah, yeah, yeah, the right, right, But so does Sidney Sweeney. No, Cricket's everybody nobody loves.
I like Sidney Sweeney, but I think Florence, if I was choosing from this list, who would if you had a movie about yourself?
Who would play it?
Roll the tapes because I feel like we've done this before, and I've said Sabrina Carpenter, I could yeah, I see that. The o G Sabrina Carpenter stands.
Yeah, I see that. I could see that.
What about you, Jennifer Andison, I don't think yeah, I.
Mean, you typically don't pick someone older than me.
I like, if you could pick anyone in the world, it would be Jennifer Anderson.
Well, yeah, I don't know.
I loved Madelin Klein, would work with you.
Madeline Cline.
Yeah, really you don't think so?
Yeah, I don't know.
Same coloring I feel interesting, No, I don't.
I feel like she's blonde.
Maddalie Klein, the Outer Banks girl.
She's blonde in my mind.
I think she's brown hair. Oh, oh my gosh, we're such boomers.
Such boomers, very blonde?
Is she really she looks kind of like Florence Pew Oh.
Yeah, my bad, my bad pew eyes.
Anyways, I'll think about it.
I'll think about it, all right, but you're not gonna give us just one.
I'm trying to think of it. I'm trying to think of someone who did I say when we talked about this, I.
Don't remember Millie, Bobby Brown.
Cray, T Gray like her body just t mcray would actually work for you?
To tan and blonde, dancer and blonde.
With my extensions.
Yeah, you have blonde whisks in there, you have an era of blonde. Well, happily take great you take t take Sabrina. We have like a whole girl gang.
It was on, so you think you could dance so she could handle the Bachelor era of your life the reality?
Yeah exactly. Okay, she's dating another singer, so she can take that element of when you met Haley, Yes, the kid. You literally are so similar in our journeys. Yeah choice, Yeah, Sabrina, you know like.
Child Stars, Taylor Sliss, bestie yeah, air one Smoothie Yeah yeah, parallels exactly but slightly different.
Anyway, we didn't really get to some advice today because you know what we have on Thursday, A.
Dear bonya episode.
That's right, so we will bring our a game. I'm feeling exceptionally smart these days because I've been brain dumping, so wow, that's right.
All right, Wow, we won't be back, Well, we'll be back Thursday, but this episode is over.
Yeah yeah, but we love you so much, love you, bye bye