Becca needs to confront Tanya about a serious issue! It seems Tanya has been putting more energy into a “fake” friendship…
Tanya woke up with a FIRE inside her after Rihanna’s halftime show. We HAVE to discuss that true modern woman moment!
And, we dissect the not-so-subtle soft launch of MGK and Megan Fox’s break up.
Scrubbing In with Becca Tilly and Tanya Red and I Heart Radio podcast. Hello, everybody, we are scrubbing in. We are scrubbing in. It is Monday, February, which is Galantine's Day, which is also the day after the Super Bowl, and I am feeling ferocious. Oh my goodness, and what kind of way in a way that I feel like I can take on the world. What has led? Was it, Rhanna? It was she gave you a ferocious fire in my belly? Okay tell me, okay, why Because I thought this woman taking on probably the biggest performance of her life right mentally exhausting, physically exhausting, time consuming, and she did it whilst being pregnant. If she can do that, I can do it all too, you can. Yeah. And then my boyfriend Robbie reminded me that Serena Williams won a Grand Slam whilst she was pregnant, which is also physically wild and amazing, very physical. Was that me? Yeah, I heard that, I'd be echoing, Yeah, um, yeah, she you know what it is? It almost like you're right. It was probably the biggest performance of her lifetime. And she just seems so cool, like she was just like, thanks for having me, happy to be here, happy to be here on this rising platform. That was a little lobbly, like is she dying on the inside right now? But it was just so cool because I think there is this kind of I don't know, and I've heard a lot of women say before, like you can't have it all. You just can't have it all the same time. And I feel like, as these women are doing these huge momentous things, it's like breaking that glass ceiling just like a little bit more, you know. Yeah, And granted, listen, I think you're you're able to do more when you have help doing all these things. I think she has a massive team that's so talented and creative alongside her. If I tried to do a Super Bowl performance songs pregnancy, I wouldn't be able to do it, you know what I mean, if we're all different levels correct? Correct? Know what I'm saying. Even if I had like a team of choreographers and and creative specialists and stuff like, I would not be able to do a Super Bowl performance me right, Neither would I write. So it's like different strokes, different folks. Yeah, And she took that on because she knew because I don't know when she announced it or when they figured out that she was going to do the Super Bowl, but I was assuming this before she was pregnant, Right, Yeah, I think so because you're committed that very like you would commit to that a long time. But she could have easily been like, listen, I found out I pregnant, I don't wanted to do it. And she was like, I'm not going to let these people down. They're waiting for me. I'm not going to let these people down. I'm not gonna skip this opportunity. This is my time, this is my time, and she crushed it. I was like, I was Haley and I made pizzas and I was I realized I was just holding a piece of pizza in my hand the whole performance. I never once took a bite because I was just like glued to the screen. Yeah. It was amazing. It was amazing. The dancers were phenomenal. Like they danced for nine minutes, right, wasn't it nine minutes? I think it was thirteen. They danced for a long time. Yeah, it's We were watching it and we had this debate because you know, at the very beginning, she rubbed her belly and so we were like, ISSU, oh my gosh, she pregnant. And Paulina was like, you guys, she's postpartum. Stop comment kind of like, stop commenting about her body. And I'm like, I'm pretty sure she's pregnant. And then like the second time she did it again when she said like baby or something, I was like, up, sure he's pregnant. I'm not trying to outfit talk about a woman's body, but I feel like she wants us to know that she's pregnant. That's what I was because Haley and I were going back and forth and I was like, I think that that outfit specifically she was showing her like stomach and her belly, So I think that was very intentional. I don't think they would have put her in like a outfit that like your eyes went directly to that spot, right, But it was just epic. It was epic. So I woke up this morning with like a little bit more of a pep in my step um, with a little bit more fire in my loins. In the loins, fired up, fired up. So what does that look like? Like? What are those things that what are you doing with the fire? Well? It was an interesting. It's an interesting dichotomy. Is that the word that I was a pickle, that I was in this week because we found out we did not get a New York Times best seller. So I was down, which is okay, by the way, your girl was down. She was down. I will admit it here. I cried. But I was attached to an outcome, and that's never the way I like to live my life. But I guess that wasn't I thought I was going to be fine, and I am. I am finding it's not the end all beyond and it's not the goal of the book. However, I did attach myself to the outcome. So I was really low. And so this Rihanna performance was just like the craziest timing because I was like, you need Yeah, you can't. You can't keep a fierce woman down. You can't keep her down when the fire is in the loins. She's no longer down. No, no, no, okay. But on a more serious note, I do I think you can be fine with the results of that and also be disappointed. Yeah. I was a little more than disappointed, though, down, bummed, sorrowful, sorrowful, and then be able to go alright. Alright, moving on, moving on, yeah, next next time, yeah, next, next book, next book. We'll get there. Um, you're in my t best seller in my book. I do get to say, though, I didn't know how the system works where you're like competing against books that have already been out and there were some large names that you were so I'm not really sure how it all works either. To be honest, it's really not how you think it is. It's not a numbers game. It's very objective. So I'm just gonna let it be. I'm not gonna try and get the behind the science of it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, But I do think that's a really good awareness of because your whole one of your favorite quote quotes is not to get attached to the outcome. Correct, open to the possibility, not attached to the outcome. But sometimes we do get it. Sometimes we do, not even realizing attached ourselves. Correct, we had really attached. We had latched on ourselves. So here we are. Okay, So okay, So that was in the past, and now we are moving on to fire in the loins future. What does that look like? Ferociousness just in everything and attacking, attacking live anything specific or no you know, it's been a night. Yeah, it's just a general general start. Correct. Did it give you any sort of like I have I've ever gotten that. That's disappointing. But at Crystal to do a quick edit of that. Um no, Well, so Haley and I went to um it's called Three Rivers, but it's like next to the Sequoya National Park where the big trees are. We really like to go to the trees. You know, when you're feeling like overwhelmed by things, I don't. I didn't really have anything that was overwhelming me. I did find your perspective very interesting, Like, wow, it feels so cool to be small and to feel small, you know how Like feeling small sometimes it's like the worst feeling because like if you're in a room of people and they make you feel small, that's a bad feeling small. But then when you're next to like the ocean, you're next these like massive giant trees and you feel small, You're like, wow, my, it's a total perspective shift over. Like problems are still problems, but in the grand scheme of things, it's all things are going to be just fine. I don't even know what I was feeling. I don't even know like what problems I was feeling on the inside, but the feeling yeah yeah, um. And so we went to the trees and we did not pack clothes like for snow, because I think Hailey looked where we were staying and it was like in the fifties sixties, so we're like, oh, it's probably gonna be like really nice up in the trees. We get up there. Luckily we had like snow jackets and stuff and in the car, and it was like probably eight feet of snow, so we were able to actually go up to the tree, which you're not normally able to go up to because everyone was like messaging me like did you over the fence because you're not supposed to cross it. People to the park ranger and he was like, you can go up and touch. It's a rare moment. So we just had like the best time. We made pizzas in the stone oven fire started to fire ourselves, but the fire watched the Super Bowl outside modern women, we really are. Yeah, I gotta say, it's really nice dating a woman in this sense that like she had every meal prepared because we just stayed at the house and cook so she had every single meal, like prepared, like she cooked fish in the oven. One night, we had pasta. We had just prepped. You know, it's really nice. I can say dating a man, he does the same on the barbecue though, like that guy, you can do anything on the barbecue. I will say, Robbie is a very good prepared gentleman. Yes, and prepared gentlemen he is. Yeah, I guess it's just dating someone who's prepared, because I guess I'm a woman and I would never do that, so I guess it has nothing to do with that. We were missed at our Super Bowl parte. It was a handful. It was not really a big parte. It was like a handful of people, but it's a nice idea all had, honestly, you know, it was interesting. We had maybe, let's see, including us, it was seven or eight people, so that's not a big amount of people. I was cooking. We were cooking and prepping, like I made like this giant Jennifer Fisher salad and he'd like steak and corn, and we like made fresh quaca moli. We were cooking like. I was cooking, preparing and doing stuffing the majority of the game. Yeah, And I was like, wow, this is probably people order food and don't do this. I've never seen someone make a full steak dinner for everybody. But I was like, I might be coming there next year. My expectations, Hi, if I got I'm expecting the medium cooked steak. Um. Yeah it was. I loved the game was so great. Like, did you watch the game? It was such a I'd say maybe the last like five minutes. So did you watch the commercials? Yeah? But again I was like cooking. I was prepping. I was chopping. I was, you know, making my spa while or for everybody. Okay, maybe I'm rethinking the Super Bowl water you let me tell you they guests very much enjoyed my lemon squeezed pitcher and my strawberry muddled water. Oh wow, that is pretty nice. Actually, thank you m Yeah, the commercials, I didn't really have a favorite commercial. I knew which one I liked if I may for some reason this with the doubt to me, the Dorrito's commercial with Jack Harlow. Okay, that one was inspired by the shape of the dorrito, which, as you know, is a triangle. That's to play the triangle musically. It became so popular everybody started playing the triangle. You couldn't keep triangles and talking. Eventually the triangle replaced the British Pound, which I thought was very funny. And then um he went oh he was up to the award for best triangle playing and he lost Elton John. Yeah, I enjoyed it. It was a journey by my breaking bad one that was a good one. Watched Freak then you wouldn't appreciate it, honestly. But you know what I felt during this year of the commercials, I feel like people rushed. They're trying to get there, like big moment, and they try to make it happen. But then it was like it would just end and there wasn't even like an ending or something. It felt like the commercial would just end. Sometimes I felt like they were just like, take all this money, put us on the TV. Here's our idea that we came up. There's so much expectation the best payoff. Yeah, and it's like you only have a certain amount of time for the millions of dollars you pay to have that slot, so you just have to squeeze it in. But there were a few where I was like, huh. The one that I really didn't like and I might this might be controversial, I don't know, but John Travolta one, which was I think it song is like an insurance commercial I think, and they were from Grace. I just can't imagine what they had to pay John to vaulted to get him to sing a grease song, which I don't think he's done in twenty years. But I want to know. I want to know how much money all these were, like the j Lo and Ben one, like millions of dollars to do that. I mean, it's got to be insane, especially get revolted to do something like that. But I enjoyed that one. Why did you dislike it? Um? It gave me the ick? Yeah, he's yeah. I don't want to shame anyone. He doesn't anyway, you know, Okay, I get it. I'll just say I get it. It was just and I think that the guys, the scrub guys with him, what was that the mobile spokespeople. Okay, I guess I missed that. I don't know. I just it is fascinating because it was six million dollars this year for a thirty second Super Bowl commercial. So some would come up and like there was one word a woman kept buying things on her phone. I'm like, holy god, they've just been six million dollars on that. I don't know what that was. No, it wasn't funny, it wasn't interesting. It's like, wow, that's what I'm saying, baffling. I don't know if it was just like, Okay, we got the spot, we have to come up with something and get it submitted within I don't know how far in advance they know it, but it felt very yikes. Yeah, and Jesus bought time. Oh yeah, I saw that. I was like, it was like, wait for what was it for? No idea? It was literally like Jesus dot com or something. It was about Jesus loving it like love your enemy. Yeah. We were watching and we're like, what is this commercial us? Yes, that's right. Um, But anyways, the game was great. Oh and then um Miles Teller and his wife Kayle they together. Yeah. I like that one a lot. I just thought the Duncan commercial was funny. After all the Grammys memes and stuff about Ben and Jen that they had that commercial. Good timing. I have expected Machine Gun, Kelly and Megan Fox to being a Super Bowl commercial together and and what what happened over the weekend was kind of the set up. Her clearing her inst A stuff was gonna be a set up for them sitting on the couch eating and I'm going, ha ha, fooled you, But I thought that would have been cool. You're very wrong. Well, they definitely we're not in a commercial together and don't seem like they will be any in any commercials together. Should we take a break and come back and talk about this? Sure, sure, Okay, we'll be right back. Okay, we're back. And so Megan Fox and Machine and Kelly allegedly have split. Allegedly, there's been no information current status. But she deleted did she delete her whole Instagram account or she just photos Instagram? Well, okay, so it was like a series of events. So basically she deleted all the photos of her, Machine gun Kelly off her page. Then she posted that carousela photos with that with the fire burning yeah, the fire burning letter at the end of it. But also the lyrics that she posted about betrayal were from Beyonce's album Lemonade, So all of this is very telling. Then she starts only following three people, which are Harry Styles, Timothey, Chalomi, and isn't how you say it? Yeah, there's that seems to be there seems to be something to that, Timota, Chalomi and uh, Eminem is this a joke? Timothy, Timota, Timid and then Eminem who if you know Eminem and Machine Gun Kelly have had some beef in the past. Well, and Machine and Eminem and Megan fox We're in Love the Way You Live video together with Rihanna. Wow, I did not connect those dots so interesting that I'm not sure I cannot confirm nor deny that fact. Because googling and Marcus spinning his computer around, because I'm going to play for you show it is Megan Foxy and because your dad's French? Are you really too attach? It's supposed to be too tap, but it always just seemed like too obnoxious requirement to put on people. So you go, I'm going to give him the respect he deserves and call him Timotay. I appreciate I learned something new every day here on the podcast. So anyways, so that's kind of the spiral. And then she deleted her Instagram after all of these things. Okay, so we're assuming what's been assumed is that he cheated, correct. I just cannot imagine being a machine Gun Kelly and dating a Megan Fox and thinking cheating getting that comfortable. What do you mean that he thought that he could do that and it and not have consequences. I don't understand how any of these celebrities think that they can and any way will First of all any way shape or from cheating, I think is horrendous, but also that they think they can just get away like Adam Leavine d m NG inappropriate things to all these women, Like how does he not think that that's going to come out at some point? Yeah, that's what I'm saying that, like the machine Gun Kelly really think that he can hook up with somebody and it's not going to get out, Like, what are they that egotistically like that they just think they walk on water? I think it's so bizarre to me. That's remember I had this conversation recently about how these men that I say are that I would say our average with like tens cheating on the ten and it's like you were lucky to have that, the amazing person that you just cheated on my nails. But literally, really I'm getting them done can we go back to zoom? I don't they're really bad. That nail that you just pointed at me with was disturbing. I know it's not. Well, I chipped all of them off this fingers on the way out too, Okay. Anyways, anyways, I was trying to hide them from you because then you called me out last time. Yeah, I didn't know. I don't feel safe nails around you. Anyways. I'm just saying the fact the idea that a man can have an ego so big that you have Megan Fox and you're like, I'm gonna blow it and see what happens. Well, I don't. I mean, look to me, I don't understand cheating in the first place. Like I think it's awful and I think it's such a testament to people's character, But I just don't understand the the thought behind I'm going to cheat on my significant other and think I'm going to get away with it. To me, just seems mind blowingly idiotic. Yeah, I agree, this is all speculation. Again, we don't know that. With that being said, we have no idea what actually happened. Correct, We're just basing it off of the info we have. Correct and you know what they say about speculation, What do they say about speculation? Can bite you in the butt, that's what they say. But it's interesting this one didn't this one have to flame out like this one burned so hot at the beginning, it wasn't gonna last forever. I don't like that school of thought. Let's hear hear it because I'm a little bit with Mark on this because I think that you can have a flaming hot relationship throughout your life period. I disagree, Okay, I agree with that. I just felt like the things that they said about each other so publicly and so fast felt very love bolly to me, where it was like like a little unhealthy feeling. I don't know the relationship. I'm just basing it off public knowledge because I know how I felt about Haley like I would some of my notes from like what I would write down are so dramatic, and she is like not, Haley is not really corny or cheesy like I am. I feel, wow, this is really just insight. And you've never been corny or cheesy with me. I know this is different. Um. Anyways, I just think about the things that I said, like I remember feeling those feelings, but it was just like so personal and like I didn't want it to be something I looked back on and I was like, wow, I got way in over my head. I've never told this story. I don't know if we told this story on the podcast I Haley did. But when we first met and started dating, I had this tiny little picture frame that this company sent me with a Phoebe photo in it, and she sent me like multiple of them, and it was maybe I don't even know how big that is. This big like an inch or two yeah, definitely more than an in two inches, okay, and um I put a photo of the first photo we took together. I put it, I printed it out and put it in this picture frame and gave it to her before she went on tour literally right after we met. Two weeks that was a week, no too, it was two weeks after we met. You did that, yes, And I remember her looking at it being like, oh, that's so cute, and me walking away being like, what who have I become? So I would do exactly. I get the passionate like love and like wanting to share it with the world and everything, but I just felt like it was so much so fast that there had to be a fizzle or burnout. Being like that public about it interesting, But I also disagree with Mark that I think the fizzle burns out because and the fiddle changes certainly over years. You can keep a fizzle going, but you can't keep going the conflagration that machine gun, Kelly and then excuse me, conflagration. What those two had is not sustainable. But they were doing their blood around their necks or something like different strokes, different frogs. Baby. I'm just saying that is not sustainable. And but keeping the fiddle going great, keep that fire burning, put some oxygen in there, and keep it going. All for it. I hope you can do it trying myself, but that's not sustainable. Conflagration. Conflagration. Yeah. You know what, though, the most important thing is that I hope up both of them are okay. I hope their hearts are okay. I hope their hearts through the public, no matter how much you put out there. And you can be like, well, you know, they were setting theirselves up for it if they broke up or anything happened. But you know what, we don't wish ill will or heartache on anyone. Definitely not heartache on anyone, because that has a pain like no other, pain like no other. But if Machine Gun Kelly did cheat, we wish him a little heartbreak. No, not heartbreak, but coation karma configuration. Okay, we do yeah karma. What did you did you see Tom Brady's thirst trap photos? Sure? Did? What do you think about that? Hubba hubba? Oh? Interesting? Yeah? I like it that he is on the prowl and and living his best single life and like, come at me, hear me, roar, I love it thirst trap. I love thirst traps. I think more people should post thirst traps. Why not when if you're ready to date, put a message out there like here I am. Yeah, I was just asking to do like his thirst trap. But thank you for the general feeling of thirst trap. Do you like it? Um? It wasn't really for me specifically, but I definitely understand why why people would be into it. Yeah, you're like an older man, Yeah, but it's interesting, like what I like Robbie sitting on his underwear post probably So how much do you like thirst traps when they're in a relationship? That's what I'm saying. I think for me, a thirst trap is is I'm single, I'm ready to mingle, come at me in a relationship. If you're just feeling yourself, how do you feel about that? I don't know, because again I'm putting my I'm putting Robbie in his underwear on a bed in that position, posting it on his Instagram. I think i'd feel a certain type of way. No, you giving a thirst trap one like that? Yeah, I don't know. I don't think I would right now. Do you think Robbie would be fine with it? Probably not. Do you think Hayley what do you find with it? Well, Hayley post thirst traps all the time. She does, like she's just always posting like I mean, a lot of her stuff like her those are thirst traps. She just might not be like fully clothed and stuff. But that's not thirst trap. Is a little like inviting, okay, traps, but Haley is not like come come get me, I'm single. But I'm saying she posts like very beautiful sexy photos, so I mean, like this yellow shirt or she's like laying on the ground. That's not a thirst trap. It's also different from a musician too. You're going to do some sex to your photos that aren't necessarily an invitation to anyone. They're just that's that's part of the game. But because you know, if she's posting thirst traps, if I'm feeling myself, I think she'd be fine with me posting something. If she just goes on Instagram and holds up her phone in the bathroom and she's in a bikini, that's more of a THIRSDT trap a professional photographer to shoot. That's a good differentiating of the photos because if it's a professional photo and it's styled and makeup and hair and everything, that's not a thirst trap. But when it's a self image, like on your phone or something like we used to do for you when we go on vacations, I mean, how like how much canna stick my chest out? I was thirsty. I was like, here is some gatorade, drink me up. Oh my gosh, gents, would you say they drink it up? They drink Yeah. It was just torrential downpour of men my d M back in the day. It is so funny because I was posting all these thirst traps and I like, I look at my insights on my Instagram and my following is like eight percent female, So the point whatever that is left of the men that follow me. This is for you. It's like Brad coming here, double top, this thirst trap so good? Did you see the new photos of Carrie and Aiden? We're just like that making out in the street. Yeah, or what do you feel about out of the bed here? I'm so happy Eastern. I love Aidan. I had an idea I posted I posted this on Instagram. But um, I would be happy if all these images were seeing are from a dream sequence, like he's not actually in the show. That would That's the only way I'm fine with this. Otherwise, Um, I'm I'm upset on multiple levels. I don't like Aiden. I don't want him come and back. And also they're showing us everything, like what's the point of even watching it? Now? We see that they make out he's smoking a cigarette one of the pictures, Like, what the hell's that? Actually? You know what, though, Eastern, the cigarette makes me think that the dream sequence might be real because maybe she's dreaming about like him being the perfect man. I bet they run into each other and they see each other at something and then she that goes home that night and has a dream and it's like he's everything she wanted him to be, and then she wakes up. Am I a showrunner? East? And I should we write a show together? Yes, it sounds good to me. Fan fixex in the City. Yeah, sequences, I think they're so annoying. But that's why I'm saying that they're posting everything, because it does feel a little spoiler ish for for that to be the actual pot. Only time will tell. You didn't even watch the first one. I did watch half of it. I didn't finish it though. Yeah, yeah, some fan I know. Honestly, when you go back and watch the old ones, it's like so much better. It really is. It really is. That's how all the shows are, and that's why I don't know if I can ever root for Friends to come back. No, I don't want Friends to come back very right, Yes, because I wouldn't have to watch it and it would pain me. It would literally pain me. Yeah, I agree, So I'm down to sign a petition to not bring Friends back. I thought that HBO reunion was that that's great and that's all I need. Yeah, I Haley and I were talking about this and I was like, I just missed the show. I love watching the old ones. I was like, but they could never redo it and it be what it is or what it was. Before we get to emails, I was gonna talk about have you listened to raise new album? Have not? Let me just tell you if you are like getting ready for a night out or you're driving in the car, put the album on. There are no skips and just let it play. It is so good. I want her to win every award that she could win in the top twenty American. Yeah, that sounds really good. Yeah, that sounds really good. Um. I was going to tell you that I sent Becca photo that I found Becca. I had Fecca in a closet next to my um washer dryer. If you're near to the podcast fake beccaup Becca stand up cardboard stand up that I feel like it was given to me from scrubbers. Oh no, it was given to me by Ali. No. I think it was for scrubbers. Subers bought you Fonia because I had Fecca no Becca from Rita. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Becca is a photo. A lot of fun with Secca over quarantine when we were back in the COVID days, Like she was my only friend that was like allowed of my apartment. So anyways, I've ever since quarantine. I put Fecca somewhere and I did not know where Fecca was. And we've been cleaning out my apartment and like taking stuff over to Robbie's and I found Fecca and I was like, we gotta put her in prime location. So she is now sitting in the living room watching TV with us every day, and Sonny got really acquainted with her, and she's just having a good old time. Poor Robbie has to deal with not just the hairy styles pillow, but a cardboard cutter best. He probably like that though, And Fecca has a La Marina in hand. She's like always ready, she's down party. Yeah, I felt like she was part of the gang, you know, felt like Becca was kind of with us at the super Bowl, And yeah, I brought my People's choice sword over put it right there in the entryway. I do have a bone to pick because I noticed that outside the super Bowl there's been a lot of hangouts, little hangouts with the crew, and I haven't been invited to a single so, well, you just hang out sowhere in New York, so no, well I didn't get invited to that, but also in at your home, really, yeah, when just a lot of little taco Thursdays and get together. And I was thinking, you know, if the roles were reversed here, if I had a best friend who was over weekly at a little hangout, how would that go? First of all, I want you to know that you are always welcome over. That's not true. It is true, you are always welcome. However, yes, I do invite you a lot, and the yes is are like one tenth of the nose. When have I been invited in the three months? That's well, we haven't had talk about Thursday in the minute. We just brought it back last week. Well whatever not talk about Thursday? But thay, yeah, I know it doesn't really like roll off the tongue. We have to think that's not get off track here, thank you. So anyways, you are always welcome. The door is always open to you. However, how would you know we were having talk with Thursday? How would you know? Without an yeah, it's true, I am in the wrong. Thank you so much. That's all I needed. Okay, we're gonna take a break and we'll be right back with emails. She was waiting for that one. He was chomping at the bit for that one. Just something I've been thinking about, pundering you had to rebuttal not a rebuttle, but I always just feel like it's a schlet for you to come over. We let me decide if I want to make true true true, that is true. I let you decide if you want to You know, I did originally move to Studio City to be closer to you, and that you've left me over to the west side. Now she's moved to Studio City to be next to me. That is what I have moved to Studio City. How do you not moved there first? Oh, you mean initially when we were before you buy your house. Yes it, yes, Well you could not be in Brentwood if I was in Studio City exactly. But then you can just leave and galivate wherever you need to go around the city, not in Brentwood. I'm closer than Brentwood anyways, and might well yes for another time, another time, another time. I've been I'm going to start looking for houses for y'all near me. Just start something to say. I was gonna say, I'm looking at houses on the other side of the hill. Well, I can't wait to do talk toot Thursdays when when you all are closer. See, I know I'm gonna invite her and watch me invite backa to everything we do. You've heard the quote like just because I don't want to go doesn't mean I don't want to be invited. But also what's the quote about rejection? And sometimes projection is God's protection. God's protecting me from making an extra shrimp on the bobby. Although those shrim bars so good, so good talks about I know, I will say having a boyfriend that's good on the grill is truly a blessing because I can do all the outside stuff. I can make the saladcy of Coudremont, the whatever a Coudremont. And he can handle the meat stuff. Yeah, like chicken, throw it on the barbecue. Fish, throw it on the barbecue. Steak so scared of chicken, me too, He could just throw it on the barbecue. Yeah, skewers on the barbecue, mushrooms throwing on the barbecue. He's got it all. Burgers on the barbecue, on the barbecue, barbecue. This is anonymous. She says, I'm hoping to get invited from Tanya and Becca as best friends and market Easton as married men. I recently got engaged, and I'm so excited. I immediately told those clothes to me, including my best friend, who I plan to ask to be my maid of honor for contact. We've been best friends since we were ten were twenty eight now. We grew up going on each other's family vacations. It's like we're part of each other's families. Recently, her mom commented on on social media congratulating me on my engagement and revealed that my best friend, her daughter, was also engaged. She didn't even tell me. I was so confused and hurt. I messaged her asking about it. She said, yes, I am. I'm slow to tell people because I'm not sure I'm ready for it, and I'm just very overwhelmed right now. She didn't apologize for not telling me or having me find out this way. She also said she didn't want to take away from my engagement, which I get that. I realized there's a lot going on for her, But am I wrong to feel upset? Where do I go from here? With her? I don't feel like this is worth throwing a friendship over, but it feels like she should have trusted me to talk this through with me. Do I just go let it go and wait for her to come to me to talk about it, and the advice would be helped. I don't know what to do. I think you should taking yourself out of it. I think there's a major problem if she's engaged and hiding it for some reason, So I would approach her not in a combat way at all, and then more like a are you sure you want to be it's not correct. So I feel sad for your friend, and I feel like you should help you. I think I would. I know it's easy to take offense to it because you're like, wait, we're best friends. I told you're supposed to be a maid of honor. But I think Tanya's right, like take yourself out of it and make this feels like it's definitely about her and her fiance. But also, why didn't you then go to her best friend and say, oh my god, Doug proposed and I'm so not ready for that. I don't know what to do here because that's embarrassing. He's like embarrassed and doesn't want to like say it out loud, saying I guess to something and then like being uncertain about it. Is I can imagine very overwhelming to process. So she's probably trying to figure it out on her own, in her own head before she even involves anyone else. I would definitely not think that has anything to do with you. I think she's navigating something. So just try and be there as a friend and be like, hey, yeah, I'm not upset with you. I just want to make sure you're okay. Yeah, because like I can't wait to tell you about my engagement, Like, don't you even think about it? Joking, like I can't wait, it's can't wait. I can't feel bad. I just feel sad for well. I hope that helps. Yeah, tough, tough, tough to navigate relationships, friendships. I'll be above. It's a lot. Sometimes you're sometimes you're not invited, but you're always welcome. You know. Wow, Sometimes you're not invited, but you're always welcome. You know that's really good. Actually, we hope you all have a wonderful week and we'll be back Thursday. Yeah. Happy Galantine's Day, Happy Valentine's Day. Celebrate If you're not in a relationship or you don't have anyone to celebrate the holiday, say something nice for yourself. Treat yourself and also know that it is a fun holiday, but you're gonna be okay. Have a little fun, have a little fun, get yourself, take some photos and thirst chraps. Whatever you want. Yeah, whatever you want to do. I love you all.