
Published Jun 8, 2021, 4:29 AM

We’re feeling major modern woman vibes with our guest in the O.R. Ingrid Michaelson!

She spills everything about working with Zayn and reveals how they caused a scandal together. And of course, we have to ask her about her music being featured in Grey’s!

And we give the Grey’s Anatomy season finale a complete examination before hospital discharge.

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Scrubbing In with Becca Tilly and Tanya rad and I Heart Radio and two time People's Choice Award winning podcast. Hello everybody, We're scrubbing in. Happy Monday. Happy Monday. Wow. I don't know if you can tell, because that was a very enthusiastic Happy Monday. But I am on my menstrul in my menstrual phase, and I am sparking a different tune. I mean, I'm not gonna lie. It hasn't been like earth changing so far, but I'm not gonna lie like the bad days have been shorter. Oh that's great. Yeah, I'm sure as time goes on every month it will be. I'm in it for the long game. I'm in it for the long game. We love to hear that. Um, how was your weekend? We can it was really great. How was your weekend? My weekend was great. I'm like, when when I first saw you, we were like, how did you have a good weekend? And in my mind we were saying, like the weekend to go by so fast, yet they feel long in the moment, if that makes sense. Mark, do you have that? Yeah, I guess that's true. You're like, I'll crap with Monday morning already. Meanwhile, Saturday afternoon, you were like, when you like, you have full a full Saturday and Sunday, so forty eight hours to just have a weekend, and we're like doing things. Again, I can't even explain to you. So I went to Disney Sprinkle. She had about fifty people at this sprinkle, and I was living my best life. Like I felt like again, I mean, I've never done drugs of sorts, but I felt as though I was on drugs, Like I was on this like euphoric trip of seeing people that I haven't seen in so long. Like I was like, oh my gosh, I haven't seen you, and like hugging people and it was just so nice. I know, Like I actually like I got home um that night, Red Star and I had a barbecue with my parents and I was like, I knew I was like excited about the sprinkle, but I was just like it was more fun than I was expecting ever to have at a sprinkle, And now like want to throw like a rador birthday party. Oh yeah, we should do a big birthday literally, like I don't know, because it was just so fun. Do you want to explain what a sprinkle is for? Anybody is that common knowledge what a sprinkle is, because we had to go through this in the Morning show that not everyone news. God, it's like kind of like a party for like a baby shower party. Yeah, it's a baby shower, but for your second child, well for her third because she had twins. But basically it's like any child after your first one. You have sprinkles. They're supposed to be small, but because you don't need as much stuff right right right, because like you might hear sprinkle and think of like a cupcake sprinkle, but this is more of a water sprinkles. You're sprinkled with gifts and where to drought here in California, So sprinkles are the way to go right now? Yes, exactly. Yeah. It looks fun, it looks really cute. Yeah I we. So Hayley performed for the first time for a Pride event on Saturday, and it was so fun to like here and see live music and like entertainment. It was a freaking blast. And I overserved myself because there was tequila and like the green room and I go to pour it and I like just forgot how to pour like an appropriate amount of alcohol. So I filled up like half the cup of tequila and I was like, oh my god, what am I doing? And so like I was. I just had like a red solo cup and I was walking around and everyone's like I can literally smell that tequila that and I was like I know, I reported, but I was. I wasn't like super drunk. I was just really social. Like I was just like flittering around, like flittering like a butterfly, um, a social butterfly. And but it was just so fun to be around people. And just like I didn't like do things inside your body like did you have an internal external uh? Internal external and reaction and out uh? I don't know, you know, like sometimes I can guide doing help, but I don't an outward expression of an internal feeling called excitement. Fun. Yeah, this is funny. We're talking about because drugs and stuff. Um I did a TikTok talking about how like if you're like when you're laying down and you're edible hits, Like do you remember the gravitron? I hated that, but like that's if you're laying down when you're edible hits, it feels like that gravity where you're like just like like almost like you're like upside down and kind of like sucked into again why I will never have an edible. But that's interesting because I hated the of a trun to antonia and I have never done any of that. Would never do an edible. You love the gravitron, you're loving You're edible. It interesting, but but it doesn't only feels like if you're laying down like otherwise, you just kind of feel like, well, what are you doing if you're not laying down? Standing up and laying down, there's like two options and standing up or setting up. I'm saying if I'm laying down to go to bed, and it hits. But anyways, so I posted on TikTok it was like this trend and everyone was like, oh my gosh, like I didn't know that you like took edibles and they were like calling me baked Rebecca and all the ste I'm not even that cool or I'm like baked Becca so good and so um. But it's so funny because and then this one guy was like, oh, this is what it's come to for Becca Tilly like so sad, and I'm like, listen, I taking one of five milligram edible and it's basically the same experience as like having a few drinks, but I'm not hungover the next day. But it was just so funny because all of a sudden, I was like, boy back, Like a lot of people think I'm like way cooler than I Actually I'm from like a little edible, but let me tell you I am not cool. And again more reason for me not to take an edible. But do you know to pay me to get on the gravage? You don't get the spin and you drink too much and you lay down you feel like you're spinning if I drink a lot, a lot of like a milder version of that, because I don't like it when I'm drinking because it makes feel like I'm gonna throw up. Speaking of which, so Danielle, one of our producers, was we went to the Sprinkle together and she was like, I think we need to do Uh, why am I'm blanking on the name a Palm Springs trip two point oh travel with the podcast. Go to the same place and like do the podcast from there again and like see if it's the same or if it's you know, we're smarter a year later or yeah, I'm never gonna let myself get to that point again. Let myself get to that point again, but not if we have a guest. That was the downfall. Yeah, well, we won't book a guest if we don't book a guest, And that's okay, that would have been fine. I would have been So everybody listening, do we like that idea or not? I like the idea, and I think we book a guest, and maybe even the same guest Sabrina Carpenter, because then we had her on the live show and then my I had ordered delivery and for our drinks that we were supposed to have that night, and they came during Sabrina's interview and I had to show my idea and I had to get up and leave the interview again. So like, I just cannot face her again. It's beyond my level of like self worth at this point. Yeah, okay, So we're gonna noodle on that idea. Um. I also want to talk about I took Red Star to go see the Back to the Future house this weekend. Inspired this, and I'm very proud that I inspired this idea. Yeah. So Mark was saying Mark had family in town, and he said that they went to go see all these famous l a like Landmark, Brady Bunch House, Golden Girls House, and Back to the Few Your House. Yeah, in addition to the Observatory in Hollywood, in Highland and the Dodger Game and everything else you're supposed And when Mark said, uh, what's the name movie Groundhogs practical Future to the Future, I know that's where I'm at to say. Um. So when Mark said Back to the Future House, my ears perked up because it's one of Red Star's favorite movies. And so I was like, is this place close by the somewhere? And Mark said yes, I got the address and I told him, I said, I want to take you somewhere on Saturday. I go, it's super chill, you like dress a certain way or do anything. We'll go after we do our yoga class. And so I was like, it's quick, we'll just go. We'll spend like fifteen minutes there. So he is just like, has no idea, what's going on? Like, no quick, favorite movie of all time? Top three, I won't say favorite, but it's definitely top three. And he talked about all the time. He made me yeah god no, Godfather and saw Shank Redemption, No go, no good, We'll hunting. No, You're never gonna I have to like, look at up that's Patriot Gladiator. Uh can you just stand by haf no airplane? You know what you guys dumb and dumber a spin sure pet detective. Definitely not because I've seen all those. Where is it? Oh, where's my notes? Pat top Gun Green Mile. Okay, so let's Raiders with the Lost Dark a full notes direct There is a full notes page, but I need to see what hold on. But the movies are True Romance and Godfather, and then the third one was Back to the Future. That's good and that tells us a lot about him, by the way, does it? Yeah, nothing bad. That's just I feel like I know him better if knowing those are three Yeah, I mean look at my notes. I putn't know so stuff high cholesterol aspect next to it. It's all it's like easy stuff. It's like his favorite candyes, favorite drinks, like all the stuff I know now. But I didn't end the beginning like Hearts of Palm. So funny. Wait, this is amazing that notes page. Yeah, it's all stuff that like I know I know now, you know, like his parents names, favorite band Okay, Beatles, Rolling Stones, Beastie Boys, Sublime, Paul Simon, Wow, Okay, old school, very old school. Okay. So anyways, so we're so I was asking him kind of like, do you have any guesses of where we're going? And he was like, I don't know. He's like, I don't where are we going to go? Where you just like stop by for a few minutes. And he's like, is it some Laker practice facilition. I was like, oh, that's cool, Like shoot, you know right right for that in my notes page um, And I was like no, And then I thought maybe I was like over over selling it. It was like super low expectations. We're just gonna drive by somewhere like no big deal, blahlah blah. And so we're like driving and it's like a residential area. So he's like are you taking He's like, are you taking my Kia? Like so that's like, okay, the barslow barslow feel good, feel good. Uh. And then so we drive into the street and we've got in front of the house. He looks at he was like, is this the back He knew it right away, like this is back to the future house and I was like yes, and he's like, that is so funny, and so we pulled. If you know the movie, it's Marty McFly's house. It's not Doc's house. It's not the mall that Eastern went to recently. Its Marty mc fly's house. Yeah, so we put parked the car, we got out, I like took pictures of him in front of the house. And then there's this girl that was across the street and she was saying that people like are constantly coming by and like taking pictures in front of this house. And she was saying that her grandma lives across the street and that people I guess her her van was in the actual movie, and they like all still think it's like the coolest thing that every year on I don't know what day, it's Back to the Future day or something October something, but it's the it's the day that they leave eight five and go to Believe. Yeah, they do like a big thing where they get a DeLorean and they bring it onto the street and so I don't know, I think that's really cool. Anyways, he thought it was really thoughtful and and sweet and he really enjoyed it. So it was a home run for Tanya. It's great. I recommend it to any l a tourift. The Brady Bunch House is also fantastic, even better than it used to be, because of course they've made a look exactly like the TV show, because of that show they did for HDTV or whatever. It is, the Golden Girl's House. I don't recommend they've painted it, they put up a fence. They clearly want no part of the pop culture history that they've there living in, and so it's not worth the trip. I know. It's so funny, Like I think he felt a little bashful taking photos in front of Like I was like, oh, say then I was living to you know, like me like taking photos, and he was kind of like like people are like living in there, this is so weird. And then like and then I kind of got him loosen goose, and he was like, Okay, this is actually really cool. Yeah it is like they obviously haven't changed anything. It looks the same. Yeah, it's cool. It's fun. Yeah, so slam dunk. And then he said he has somewhere that he wants to take me. Maybe it's where the Pretty Little Liars lived. I don't know. I don't even think he knows I liked pretty I was at one point, so I don't think it's that, but who I don't know. He said there's somewhere he wants to take me. Kind of similar vibes of like we just go, but he said, he said, it's more of an experience. Is he taking you to the Warner Brothers a lot to go on the friends set? No, I have you know, I have a feeling. I don't want to guess it because again I don't want to like whatever, but I feel like it's some sort of like butterfly museum or something that sounds yeah, we love a butterfly exhibit. Yeah, yeah, Well somewhere somewhere along in the weekend, Tanya texts me and goes, did you watch The Gray's Anatomy finale? And I was like, I have not yet, and she was like, Becca, wait, Mark, have you watched it? Yeah? It's of course not great. Oh hey, so okay, yeah, yeah, I think we I think we talked to Ingrid because we're seeing a long conversation, so we have Ingrad. Michaelson was in the finale. By the way, her song at spoiler spoiler alert is the very end of the episode, and she's been a part of the Gray's Anatomy like soundtrack, She's basically a part of their anatomy, if you will. Yeah, she's a part of the Gray's Anatomy. But she's had so many iconic songs, like just on the show and outside of the show, and yeah, like her biggest one is like the way you say good morning has never been more of y. I can still don't know, yeah, the way I am. We're not how to play music on the podcast, so now you just get my singing voice. Sorry, I'm sorry. So we're going to bring her in to talk about her song that's in the finale to begin again with zane Um and I'm super excited. I'm a big fan. I got pretty geeked out when we found out she's gonna be on the podcast, and then I guess after that we discussed the finale exactly, which I am just like chook that Mark is even trying to defend this. I think there were some positives in all Right, Well, we're gonna get to Angrid and we'll be right back with her. All right, everybody, So we have a very exciting guest today, which I am so excited to talk to her. Welcome to the Scrubbing n O R Ingrid Michaelson. I mean you, I guess we like our podcast is basically based off of our love for Gray's Anatomy, and I feel like your music has been such a huge part of Grey's Anatomy that I feel like I felt so giddy when we found out that we were going to have you on the podcast, just because I feel like you've kind of been part of this journey of being a Gray's Anatomy fan. Yeah, I feel like without Grays and specifically Alex Potsavas, who was the head of the music department early on, like, I don't think I would be where I am. They gave me so many shots, you know, I had. I've been rewatching, so I sort of fell off around season four and I wouldn't kind of like scoop in and out and and see you know how they used my songs and but I didn't keep up. I didn't keep up and and keep up. So I've been I've been watching. I rewatched one through three and now I'm on season eight. Glory Days. You have some tragedies coming up, I know, well, I well, so that was what was messed up was that I watched the finale because they used begin Again, my new single that I have out now. They used that, and I was like, okay, so do I watch it and spoil everything? Or do I not watch it and just wait until I get to season seventeen. And I was like, I'm going to watch it. It won't be so bad. It'll probably I was like, it'll probably be so far removed, so far removed. Actually wasn't except they were still characters. I'm not going to spoil up for anyone who's not seeing everything. But I was like, wait, they're together. Wait, we work together. Now they're not going together. It's okay. Spoiler alerts is fine because we and like, don't tell me anything the name, because I know some things. I know that you know. I know that Patrick Dempsey dies, I know that I know that Chris I'm pretty sure Christina does. And now I know that Sloan and Little Gray their names are on everybody's scrubs. So now I'm like, what gigantic thing die? Obviously they must die together. Don't tell me, but you're gonna have to prepare a lot for that episode, because I think was that the episode on FaceTime, you're like bawling. Well, you've done that a lot. But I was gonna say, if you're on season eight, it's just around the corner for you. So yeah, I feel like there's a lot of stuff that's just around the corner. But so yeah, I've been rewatching it and then and then watching the last the finale. I was like, this is so confusing. I was so confused. And I was like, but the same thing. I was like, Okay, I'm just gonna try to like go back into season eight and just like let it go. Okay, I know some things like but I don't. I was joking with my friend who's like a huge Grays fan, like huge, huge, huge, um to the point when I was like I got to see the scene that my song is in and she don't even talk about it. Don't tell me anything. I don't want anything about it, you know. And I was like, I have no idea. I was like, it's taken out of context. I have no idea what was going on, you know. So she's so so such a big fan, and she's like I can't believe you're watching it because like I'm texting her, I was like, wait, what's going on. She's like, stop watching it, stop watching I was like, I have to watch it. I have to watch it. My songs at the end, and she's like, you're you're messing everything, learning everything. Um, And I was like, I know, I'm sorry, but I'm just gonna have to. Like, I'm just gonna have to. I I said to her, it's it's what did I say? I was like, it's the journey, not the destination, Like I do you know you can't ignore some spoilers, right, Like, I know some things are happen. I don't know how they happen, but I know that they're going to happen. Um, mostly like deaths, I guess, leaving the show. Um. But you know, even though I even though I knew all about Danny because I already seen it, don't get her started so incredible and so moving, So I know that it's going to it's going to be an enjoyable watch for me. I'm just gonna you know, I just know a little bit more now, Yeah, you're prepared. Wait, I have a question about using your music in TV shows because I don't even know if you know this, Becca, but I like really wanted that job back in the day, Like when I was like first starting out here, when I graduated college and I was in l A. I was looking into um because I was interning at MTV for six months and I was talking to that person that was doing that at MTV where they put songs into TV episodes. Yeah, So do you like pitch your songs or do they like tell you, oh my gosh, we're gonna use your song or how does it work? So I my songs are with a like a sinc licensing company, and they will get certain briefs like this commercial wants a song about, you know, new beginnings, or this TV show is looking forward upbeat song that sounds like this song. And then they'll you know, have a camp song that's too expensive and mean someone who's like less expensive. With this specific case, because we have such a good friendship with the people over at Gray's, my manager literally sent the song to them and they were like, Oh, we love it. We're going to find a place for it. WHOA, Well, So what that was the I mean, that's been how because when I think about the beginning seasons of grays nown me, I can like hear some of your songs in there. So what was the process, like like, how did they Is it the same thing, like they found you through the licensing company or how did that happen? Did you freak out? Yeah, this is a story I haven't told. I used to tell the story all the time because it literally is how my career started, but I haven't told it in so long, so it's fun for me to talk about it. Um, My mother was watching the show and she was like, you should get your songs on this show. It's really good. It's called Grey's Anatomy and they're using all these like really interesting singer songwriter songs. And you know, when your mom tells you, you're like, okay, I'll share whatever. And then slowly but surely, I would just hear it from other people, like, oh, I heard a song on Grey's Anatomy and it reminded me of yours, your song, but it's not your song, so you should, you know. But at the time, it was like you should, you know? You have her president, you know That's what I felt like, You're like, okay, how do I get a song on Gray? But then it became like this, like I was like willing it to happen. I was like, this has to be. This is like my goal to get at least one song on Gray's a Enemy. And I remember my Space, so I had some songs on my Space sold. It was two thousand and six, and this licensing company that I'm still with reached out to me on my Space and we're like, we like your songs. We know you're not attached to a label, and we work with unsigned artists getting their music in and they listed like commercials and thead of that, and they listed Gray's Anatomy as like previous successes that they've had with other artists, and I was like, this is it, this is it. And I wrote back to them and I was like, yes, this is amazing. That's worked together. And so we started working together, and six months later I got my first placement. Then I got a placement like a month after that, a month after that, a month after that, they just started coming and coming. And I realized this as I'm watching back, because I'm rewatching all the seasons, right, I was like, wait a minute, they used this song so close, and then I was like, two episodes later, I was like another one, and then an episode another, and then season three. That's where it all hit for me. Season three, there was like four songs on that on that season, and the season finale they used a song called keep Breathing. And so at this point I knew that Gray's wanted an unreleased song. They wanted only unreleased songs in their season finale because they wanted to release a record right of all these songs that were only seen at Grays Anatomy. So I was like yeah, I was like, okay, I willed it to happen the first time, and I'm gonna will this to happen. So I wrote this song called key Breathing. I had no idea what the script was about. I didn't know what I mean, I knew the plot line of what was going on at the time, but I didn't know where it was going. So I wrote the song, you know, and it's just about persevering and breathing and continuing going on and you know, definitely about things that were going on in my life. But also I was like, these are themes that the show, you know, plays around a lot with. And I remember they were like, we love it, We're going to use it. We're not going to use it as in the very ending of the episode, we're going to use it somewhere in the middle, and I was like, good, amazing, done, I got it, you know, And I remember thinking, well, would have been great to get the end that you want those last few minutes, but you know, when I'm not going be greedy. And then like three weeks before they cut the edit, they were like, we made some shifts and we're taking your song. It was like a four minute song. They turned it into six and a half minutes and used it as the last six and a half minutes of season three, the epic where she's oh, we can't do it, over and over and over and over again, and then just when you think it's gonna end, it keeps going and they go into another scene I think where like the chief is looking off into the distance or something like I don't know, and then it ends like this epic way with my voice, and I was just like, are you kidding me? And that night my lyrics and my name were the number one to most google thing in the country because that show. At that point, it was like, that's such a fever pitch right when on Good Morning America and that stay and they talked about it, and I was so nervous and like that really was the beginning, you know, the beginning of me having a career. And I would go and Grace was so big in Europe too, that I would go to Europe and they're like we love Grays innat of in Germany in England and so um, I really oh so so much. And so it's it's really like very sweet and kind of full circle to like come back to this and be part of the finale again with with my new single and so yeah, I just I love being part of the Grays Anatomy world. I mean I sang at one of them, one of the was it some somebody in the like production department. I sang at their wedding. It was someone's house wedding. I was like ingrained into like the Grays Anatomy fabric um and I'm so it's it's I'm it's one of those shows where if you fall off, then you fall off. It's like so hard to jump back into it. And so every year that goes by, I'm like, Okay, this is the year. This is the year, and then this year again, this is my superstitious stuff. I was like, if I start watching it, they're going to use to begin again. In the finale. So I started watching it and now I'm I'm you know, of to season eight and then use it. I was like, my weird grace had me like, your manifestation really is and I do I have like these like weird, like little manifestations with this show. But it seems to work so far. Yeah, I'm like, no, I gotta finish because I'm like deep into season and like there's so much going on. I'm so invested. I watched a couple of episodes every night. Basically, I need to channel your manifestation skills. Do you make vision boards or do you just do it mentally? No? And you know, here's another thing I haven't told many people. This is kind of weird. With Keep Breathing, which was on season the season three finale, I listened to my My It was like a rough cut of it. I listened to it over and over and were in my car when I drove to work. I used to work in a children's theater camp and I would put it in the car and just listened to it all the way there, and then I listened to all the way home. And my theory was like, if I just keep listening to it, they'll use it. It's so weird. I have like this weird superstitious stuff with with with Um. It's probably with other things too, but I feel it really coming out with grace, Like committing to watch this many seasons of the television show. It's really intense, you know, yeah, we know, Like so I could drop off, but I can't come so far. And now, and now that I saw the finale, I'm like, it's even more incentive to get there. But it's a lot of seasons you've got. So I've been watching since it started, Like I have been a loyal viewer, like Thursday nights weekly since it started. So Tanya, when wasn't like four years ago, it was New Year's Eve going in whatever, going into like nineteen or nineteen, going into like two thousand, going into like two thousands eighteen or something. It was New Year's Eve. Such a loser. I had no plans. It was like December thirty one, and everyone's like, what are you doing for New Year's Eve? And I was like, I'm gonna go home and I'm gonna start Gray's Anatomy from season one, episode one, And I started it that night and I watched I think it was up to season I think or know, like thirteen or something like that, maybe fourteen. Um, I watched from one to fourteen in a matter of like. It was weird. It was fast. Six months. It's all I did. I had no social life. I didn't leave, Like I would go to work and then I would just come home and watch graze Awtomy until like I went to bed. It was like sick, and then I got caught up, and so here I am today. But yeah, what I were trying to say is we get the feeling like you want to. I'm not. I'm a little far behind that. I'm a little far I'm not as intense. But I probably started watching it three months ago. So if I started watching three months, I'm at season. Yeah, you're doing some good work. You're doing some good work. I'm not gonna lie. I slowed down once I watched the finale, so a week ago. So in the last five days, I've slowed a little bit. Yeah, you're gonna start slowing a real bad around my season, like twelve thirteen. Things get slow in season twelve. And I'm not totally sure which ones, but there there's a couple, there are a couple of slow season was done a little bit, but it's okay, you can okay. I feel like my favorite moment is my favorite episode is this It is so creepy, but is the one with the guy with the gun the shooting episodes, Like, I know, it's so good, one of the best, like of any show I've watched, one of the best season finales I've ever watched. Daily with the with the When When when was Charles Charles? Yeah, I know, I know on the regular. Well, I mean you're so wait okay, if keep breathing. So what was your first song ever that they chose? What was it? So? What I've been doing also is filming every time it happens, And I have a folder on my phone, like a compilation such a loser that I wanted a compilation? Well, like they make one for you. Yeah. How long have you been dating your boyfriend Will Chase? He played Luke Wheeler on Nashville. We've been together since the beginning of Oh My, you know what happened? It's the old so so like like we say, all right, you know, anniversaries are sort of funky, but we're like January eleventh is sort of what we say is that from when you met or from when you became official. We met, and I don't really remember meeting, but there's like photographic evidence of us a gala event. We're both like great impact we made each other. But we were friends for a little bit before we got together, for like a year and then you were like, maybe this is he's making dinner right now. I can smell him cooking in the air fryars hungry. So what's the anniversary date? Is it that like the near first that's like when we were like, we like each other, We're going to take a chance because you have to pick a day, right, Like we were like talking and seeing each other for a little bit before that, but we were like, what's the day if we're going to pick a day, And it was the day that when I went to Nashville to do some writing and we like actually like kissed for the first time, I hung out for the first time, like all that kind of stuff, um, And so we're like, well that's and then you know, months later, we like, this is a good day. If we're going to pick a day. This feels like the right Like we weren't fully progressed and we never said like this is our day. But I felt like I like that one eleven, he said, January, love it, it's a good day. One eleven. Yeah, I'm not really big and I'm not like a I'm not an anniversary person. What's your sign? What's your zodiac sign? Sagittarius and what's he September twelve. I don't know what is it is that maybe my big thing are birthdays and Christmas. Christmas is consistently the same, so that's easy, are too? Yeah. I struggle with birthdays, to be honest, like because I unless it's someone that's just like consistently like close in my life, I really rely on social media for the reminder unfortunately. Well I mean like in my relationship, like like in my relationship, okay, like the things you and that's yeah. Side note, he's not a Libra, He's a Virgo, Marcus saying that he is a Virgo. In fact, I don't know much about Virgo and Sagittarius together as a couple. That's why I remained a little bit silent. But it's into saying yeah, and I'd just like to know, like, you know, who are anniversary people? What you do on your anniversary? Do you celebrate it every year once a month. Temmy and I are very different because I really could care lest Like I asked about science as if I know anything, and then people tell me and I'm like cool, but like I have no follow up. I just know that sagittarius Is are supposed to be um Like every time I've read any description about a Sagittaries, I was like, Oh, that does seem like me. Do you like adopted? Like did you kind of morph into stuff with your boyfriend like you? I don't. I hate to say the term like a chameleon, but you can kind of be a chameleon, Like you can really adapt to whoever you're around. I'll tell you that I can. But young ones, I'll give you some advice. I feel like what I what I have done, and what I had done in the past in past relationships, is sort of minimize myself and kind of become too much a little bit of the other person and lose yourself a little bit. And I feel like I've I've been that way in relationships and partnerships and working relationships. And the older I get, the more I realize that that's not really the greatest asset to It's there's one thing to kind of go with the flow and to kind of mesh with people. Well it's another thing to sort of lose yourself. And and I think that's that might be something. I don't know if that's a Sagittarius thing, but I feel like that was something that I struggled with, was sort of, um, maintaining my bigness, you know, not minimizing and not absorbing other people's characteristics. But that is also something that I do. Little things like like little like hand movements that people do, like I will mimic that and I will put it into my like my like my friend Chelsea she does this sometime, like she like I just take my thinking and I like turn it this way, and so now I do that with my hand. No, well, it's really it's really interesting. And but that you're aware of that because that is a very Sagittarius trait. You can like, when sagittariuses date anybody, they really just kind of adapt to whoever they're dating, and they don't have a strong sense of self. And so it's interesting that you recognize that about yourself because I definitely have I definitely have have have dealt with that in the past. But I think in just getting older and being and just being in different relationships and going to therapy, like you realize, oh, I have to I have to like embrace the power and the majesty that is me and everything that I have to offer, and and run alongside someone as opposed to like jumping on their back or like morphing into them and going at the same pace. Like I can have my own pace. We can have different paces and still make this work, you know. So that's something that I'm definitely the older I get, the more I understand. Well, it feels like you're doing something right. I mean, you've been together since so feel solid to me. I feel like, I don't even know, like six years. It's six years and we were together almost every single day for like a year. Yeah over COVID Yeah durn yeah. I mean if it couples who made it out of COVID strong, they have potential to stay together for a long long time. I think we were. We both we both like found our groove separately and together. Like he did what he was like working on his projects. I was kind of working on my stuff, and then we would come together and like like how normal people are, you know, like you go to work, you come back, you have dinner, watching TV together, or you talk whatever. We kind of figured out a routine where we work, because at first we were just like watching CNN and on the couch together like sad all day long. And I was like, this is so depressing. And then we both kind of like figured out, like how are we going to not be in each other's faces every day? You know? And I think it was a very romantic time. Like one of my other really good friends just started dating somebody and they were like, we're like in our little lovedness and I was like, oh, I can see how that might be. How it is at first, but when even over like five years, you know, you can't be with them four and seven, it becomes ridiculous. And so we definitely had like our own stuff, and luckily we have the you know, the space in our home to be able to have like our own existence and then come together when we wanted to. UM. But yeah, it's it's been a long time. It's kind of crazy. Actually it's amazing. Yeah, it is amazing, and you should be proud of that, both of you and UM your song to begin again, the one that's in this the seventh season seventeen finale of Grays. It is so beautiful and you're like, as soon as your voice comes in, it is just like taking in like fresh air. Like the only way I can describe it, like when I leave l at and go up to the mountains or something in the air is different, like that's how your voice sounds. And then Zane's voice, I mean, it's just like beautiful, his voice, his whole trip. He's an interesting guy, although I've never met him. I don't know if you know. Do you know that like the scandal that I caused, No no, no, but we love a scandal here for the podcast. Wait with scandal, it's just like embarrassing. Um okay. So the way that he and I got together is that his people reached out to my people, literally, his manager and my manager beginning of and was like, Zane is a big fan of Ingrad, would love to work with her. And I'm like Zane, Zane, Zane like of one direction. And my manager was like yeah, and I'm like, okay, weird, but yeah, next time we have a project, we'll reach out to him. But then COVID hit and I was just creatively not really in it for a yeah. Um, and then I wrote to begin again in January, I was feeling hopeful with the election and vaccines are coming and like I was just like moved to write the song. So I wrote the song and I was like, oh, it was like one of the first songs I've written in a long time. And I was like, this is a duet. It feels like it's a duet. Remember when Zane reached out like ten months ago, let's read back out and see if if he's so interested in what he's doing during COVID, you know. And he actually responded really quickly, or his manager did, and and said he loves it, send us the track and we'll record. And then within a month he recorded the vocals, sent them back. They were amazing, and we started mixing and um did a video and it all just happened without he and I ever communicating. Y'all never texted or in nothing. And I said, I talked to his manager a bunch, and I was like, let him know that if he wants to, like, you know, here's my phone number or here's my email, like no pressure, but like and she's she basically was like he's just a very private, shy guy. Um, which makes sense that like he would read, he also just doesn't do he doesn't live by other people's rules, like he is super super famous. He reached out his people reached out to me, somebody who was I'm not super famous. I have some fame, I have some notoriety, but you know, I'm not at like Xane level. Right, So for him to want to work with me right there, it's not a red flag in a bad way. It's a red flag in that he's like, I want to work with artists that I like, not necessarily that are going to bring me to a higher level. Um. And so I think he just is a is a is a person who just does the unexpected sort of or does what what he feels like doing. And also it's very very private and I think very shy. And so yeah, we never everything was communicated through her. She was like, he loves the song, he's so excited, big fan, all the stuff. So I was like, I'm not going to pressure the guy had talked to me, you know, like he's obviously like has a kid, he's super famous, you talk to me about him all the time, Like it's probably like a whole existence that I have no idea what this is like. So then I was like, he gave me his vocals, like thank you, that's amazing. So on my I have a Patreon live stream with like super fans right that I feel very safe talking in this group of people had a live stream and I was talking about about somebody was asking about Saint and I said, you know, telling the story about how like he's very private and we've we've never actually spoken, and and I said something like, you know, he's really private, he's he's got a kid, he got he's married. Just threw it away, right and kept going, kept going, finished the podcast. I finished the live stream, had dinner, was watching TV with my friend, wasn't looking at my phone. Opened up Instagram two hours later and my d m s and like emails and I'm like, what what's happening? Was happening He's not married? Oh yeah, he was married. And somebody in my safe circle of my of my you know Patreon you know fan group, was a zane person who was probably just like signed up for this because they wanted like crumbs of san wrote out exactly what I said, posted it on Twitter, and it went like crazy viral and everyone it was like trending topics. Singer Michaelson says, you know, bills the beans about Zane and I'm like, oh no, no, no, no, I'm like this is so bad like this I didn't know, I don't know, you know, talked to his manager and she's like, don't worry. This kind of stuff happens all the time. Believe me, They're used to it. And I was like, no, but I don't want to bring any sort of like discomfort to this couple. I don't want to bring any So I went on Instagram and I was like, hey, guys, so uh not married. As far as I know, I don't know him. I'm sorry I said anything. Forgive me. You know. Everyone was very sweet and was like, oh, you clowned us and all this stuff that I don't understand what they're talking about. And I was like, you know, one person was like she she wanted us. She's like saying I did it on purpose. I was like, oh my god, no, Like this is like mortifying to me, Like I don't like attention, and that especially not like so much attention all of a sudden like focused on me, and and and and then like a gossipy way. I was like so gross to me. And so then the next big trending topic on Twitter was like Ingram Michaelson admits she's wrong, and like they're pictures of me like looking sad from posting on my Instagram, like crying after after we did a reading of my musical of the Notebook, like weeping, and I took a picture of myself and that was the picture there, like she's apologetic about this whole thing, and I was like, first of all, I'm not bad, y bad, but they didn't really care, and also I'm not crying over it, but it just was so the whole thing was just like so mortifying and so embarrassing, and it made me realize the amount of eyeballs that they have on other people. It must you can't do or say anything without people just jumping on it and then like spreading the word to the whole entire world. So it made me realized, like that is not a life that I am destined, Like I can't. I don't want that level of fame or attention like that seems like like unfathomable to me. Um so like so much props to anybody in that world and to people who can handle that sort of attention. It's just like so intense. And it wasn't even like negative attention. It was just like attention. But I was so embarrassed for like days I could. I kept thinking about and like shuddering. Do you have those moments where you're like, oh my god, oh my god, yes, like the morning the morning after you wake up after a blackout and you're like, oh my god, I sent that text Like that was basically like me, like appreciating anxiety, where you're just like why did I do that? How did I do that? And I didn't know. I just figured, you know, yeah, you were like it was such a like you said a Thorawa comment like yeah, he's private with his wife and kids, and it's like yeah, like never knowing what that was going to lead to. No, It's it was so it's so crazy. It's so crazy. But I'll tell you that his fans, the fandom are so sweet. They have like radio campaigns, like they're like at please play to begin again, you know, saying mat like at ingram mine like all this, like they have like and they'll go like radio station by radio station and they're like, come on, guys, let's get this trending up the charts, and it's like they're so cute, and um, there's so many of them crazy. So in some ways I was like, okay, I can get like why you would like this much love coming at you was really amazing, but also at the same time, if it turns at all, I feel like, oh, yes, pretty wild. And it was like I was like, oh, this is what Taylor Swiff feels like. For like a second, I was like, this is what it must be like. Okay, you brought up something I was going to bring up. So right before they told us that you were going to come on the podcast, I was talking about how someone asked me, like my favorite song from album, and I said out of the Woods and Clean, it's like a toss up. And someone message me and they're like, you have to listen to Ingered Michaelson's cover of Clean on YouTube because um, like you're a big fan of Gray's Anatomy and Taylor Slept, and so I listened to it, and like literally right after that, our producer sent us and talked about you coming on the podcast, and I was like, I'm going to bring that up because you said something at the beginning before you started the song that she had played it for you and you asked her like if you could have a song or so so dumb. We're friends for like a hot minute, and I remember, um, she had me over her apartment in New York and she was playing me a bunch of songs in my name nine and clean was one of them, and I was like, oh my god, this song was so good. Can you send it to me? Not thinking that she's like huge and famous and has you know, you can't just be sending demos or like you know, unreleased songs out obviously, like she probably has like firewalls up everything. To say. That album in particular, I remember when it came out. She it was like somebody from her management team had to come with like the thing on the thing with like specific dongles for each of us to listen to it from the same Like it was like under lock and key, like a man and a suitcase. So I was like, can you give me can I have? Can you send it to me so I can listen to it. She's like, no, you know, I don't evenmber what she said. I didn't remember she was like trying to be nice, but probably like are you kidding you? Right? But I loved it so much. And then as soon as that record came out, I just listened to it like over and over and over again. Um yeah, so dumb. So I was so naive. I just yeah, I loved that. Because I loved that. You were just like, yeah, can you just send that on over so I can listen to it. Just email it to me, don't just put it in my drop box, right or just like texted to me. Text me. Then, Peter, the thing is that she's very um approachable, so you kind of forget, you know. She she was saying we hear songs from her hadn't come out yet, and we were dancing around listening to it, so I like, you know, I just like forgot who she was or where I was for a moment. And after the fact, I was like, right, probably not going to get the unreleased song emailed to you, Ingrid, Well, I love the come. I was like, I can't believe I have never seen this before, Like being a fan of both of you and that song, I was like, how where have I been that I've never seen this? But um, you also yeah, it's a great song you brought up, um that you're doing. There's a Broadway adaptation of the Notebook and you're doing the music for it. Yeah. I'm writing the music and lyrics and I've been working at it since so like two years after you met your boyfriend. Here we go, um, and yeah, it's been really amazing. We were supposed to be probably like be on stage now exact COVID happens. Everything got pushed back, um, and we're getting we're gearing up to get back into some workshops and and out of town stuff, and so it's all like full steam ahead. But we've had a lot of time to kind of reflect and and I'm actually grateful because I feel like we've been able to change it in ways that I think are going to be so impactful and so important, because I think we are all so fundamentally changed after on so many levels, um, that it was almost impossible. It's not impossible, but it was for me impossible to kind of tell the story in the same way. And when I say that, I can't give too much away, but it's like the story is always the story of Ali and Noah, but there are certain things that we're doing that, I think hit differently than they would have hit before. I can't really say it's like like subtlety is just you know when you see it, you'll understand. So when I mean, are they thinking like this year, like because if it's gonna be, yeah, I can't wait for um. Yeah, I'm like, what are we in? Yeah, it's gonna be. I'm hoping hopefully, you know meddal to end of two. That's I'm sort of saying that without anyone telling me. That's just like my own map, my own like wishing that it's going to be like end of that trending on Twitter for you over and over again every night. I can manifest it like that's that's a labor of love. Though that's a long time to be in. Yeah, musicals take a really really long time. And also COVID on top of it has has added an extra year and a half. But yeah, there's a lot of just it's not like writing an album. You know, there's so many people involved. There's you know, you're literally changing things as actors are saying them on you know, in a workshop you're like, oh that line doesn't work anymore, and now I have to change this line in this line and this line, and then this song, this song doesn't even work here anymore, Throw that song away, write a new song. It's like this evolving process. I just scrapped like a huge song last week and started to write another one because it doesn't make sense anymore for the lead one of the characters. Um. But yeah, it's it's really interesting. And I really love seeing other people singing my music. There's something that's just very um, very uh like charges my battery, so to speak. Like I've performed so much, I've seen myself so much, you know, performing on stage, and I've just I'm heard my own voice. It's to hear other people interpret it is really incredible. And and I'm never going to stop making records and doing my my my, my own you know, singer songwriter pop thing. But I gotta say that writing for other people, writing for musicals and theater and TV and movies and things like that is really I've been doing a lot of that, and it's like so satisfying, it's so so cool. So I hope they do another musical episode of Grays and then I can write people. So Okay, we have a lot of opinions about that episode, so maybe if you're a part of it. Well, I loved it. I think anything that Sada Ramirez sings, that's how you say it Sada. Yes, I almost have been calling her Sarah this whole time. I think a lot of people do, but it Sara Sat. I know from people who have have worked with them that they like to be called that. That's like how you pronounced the name. Yeah, like Spanish, you know, right, rolling a little bit sata, but it sounds like a d A when I say it's sad. Um. Anything that they were saying it was like gorgeous. Okay, I can agree with that, but the rest of the cast got a little owen, went a little hard. One needed you to just like dial it back a tiny bit. But like it was so endearing. Um. I think when you're watching anything that's like musical theater related, you have to just shake off the like there's gonna be there's gonna be, for lack of a better word, it's gonna be a little cheesy. And as long as you accept that, I think it makes everything a lot easier. Well, I felt like Sada Ramirez like those scenes were so powerful and then it would go into like Derek and Meredith, and they were almost like laughing because you could feel that they were just like, I'm not a singer. Like why I think that that of stuff worked was because everything that that that they were in was like, um, with my dream perspective, Like, so it worked. They weren't like, really, they're doing stuff, But I think it was from their point of view or something. I don't know. I thought I thought it was like it was a really brave and bold move, and I think some of some of the songs worked a lot better than others a diplomatic way to say, really when when Sara was singing, um, the Brandy Carlisle song, Yes the story is like one of my Yeah, that's like one of my definitely crying. So I feel overall that that episode really, Like I just love musical as soon. I'm such a sucker excited for the night. I'm very excited for West Side Story starting to like people want to see them more and more so, and that's like where that's where I went to school for so my first true love and so I'm just very excited that this is becoming more mainstream. Well, I would just like to say after this podcast, I'm an even bigger fan of you, and and I'm excited for everything that you're coming out with and working on and whenever it may happen, the Notebook and everything Grey's Anatomy new musical episode. If you're a part of that and doing it, I can get on board. Yeah, thank you. You definitely have to come back on when you finish, when you catch up to current current episodes. Yeah, I will have a lot to say, I'm sure. Yeah, yeah, I don't know what I'm gonna do about the Little Gray, And all we can say is like, have a good friend on standby who can your friend who loves Gray's Anatomy because she can really empathize with you. Thank you so much for coming on and hanging out with us and everyone stream to begin again. It's amazing watch the season finale and all her music, because I mean it's all spectacular. Yeah, we're big fans, So thank you for coming on. Thank you so much, Thanks a bye, all right, I mean she is so cool. Like sometimes they have people on and I am a big fan, but I never know if they're gonna be excited to talk with us about the things that we love to talk about, you know, like Gray's Anatomy. I really felt like she Yeah, she embraced embraced our love and like joined in with us. Yeah what I'm doing? Oh sorry, I sometimes I get nervous at Becca doesn't push things correctly. So I was just checking to make sure that we were still recording Mark, did she not say? Becca made me check to make sure it was going before we started this podcast. I like to periodically check. I think that's good. That's the same thing to do. Thank you. No teamwork makes a drummerk. What if you accidentally nudge something and hit pause. I don't know, just making sure we've had and I'm not saying it's Becca's fault. We've had episodes that were half zoom and half not zoom because we forgot to hit record. That's why every time we start, I go, Tanya, do you see it counting up? Anyways? And a long podcast? Just wanted to check. I'm a bigger Ingrid fan now than I was thirty minutes ago. Maybe you know, she said she she performed at the Gray's Anatomy producer's wedding. Maybe she should be on her like scrubbers, like a live podcast. We do. Oh, I was gonna say she could perform your wedding, but I think you might get married. I mean marriage is just freaky to me. But wow, okay, but you're like really into marriage, so maybe for your wedding. Yeah, I've already kind of locked that in though. Oh well you are. Well maybe if you stop lists of singers you gotta you know, really you have a good like text thread. I'm sure with a lot of singers you could use. Um. Anyways, love angered Michaelson and her song is honestly maybe the best part of the finale. I will I can say that confidently, and the only reason this is what I'll say before we let Mark try to redeem this episode for us. I think what upset me the most was that they talked about using this as the series finale. That is exactly what shook me. You can't. You have to remove that Internet. You have to focus on the episode for the episode itself. I mean, okay, So okay, let's focus on the episode itself. Mark, These forty four minutes focus on the US. Whatever redeeming qualities this episode have, like had, please list them. I enjoyed the Gray staff catching up to real time. I'm glad that they are now where we are. I love seeing them be vaccinated. That was a very nice moment when they're all getting their shots. I was affected emotionally by Link proposing to Amelia and her just staring at him in front of the three kids, and him appearing crestfallen image. His words were beautiful, beautiful, And I am a guy who put together some beautiful words and proposed on a beach just like that during Golden Hour, And if Amy would have just stared at me, that would have been a real drag. So I was affected by that. Um. I liked being harrassic. I thought that was a fun little thing. And I don't know it had a good season finales have to have a marriage, it had one, a birth, did never birth, but Joe got Luna like. There was enough season finale elements to it that I thought it was fairly satisfying. Now, if it had been the last episode of Grades ever, I would have been upset about that. But you can't put that context now, there's too much pressure for one episode to endure. I thought it was a decent season finale. I'm not saying classic, it's hardly a classic. I thought it was decent they said someone like one of the writers is the one who said that this season finale could be the series finale. But I think that was Verne Off. But I also think they made some changes, Like I think like um, the class, the Gray, the Meredith clap out, I think that was part of it. I'm not sure exactly. I saw a number of different articles about it, but I think that's too much to put on it. I it's not the finale. It's not remember that, right, it's not. But the fact that somebody in that zeitgeist not using it properly, but uh, in that zeitgeist of Gray's Anatomy, thought that this could be the series finale just feel so disrespectful to me as a viewer. I think there would have been changes made if it had been the series finale. Well, the whole thing should have the whole thing. Just this is my issue. I think I'll go through and tell you my issues with the beginning part with Winston and Maggie, with their wedding that almost was a wedding, but then their parents stood up. It was just like it didn't get like. I just don't feel like they're they're like getting the like the love story the content that like they deserved to tell that story. I mean, I don't know, I just feel like that was corny. So now Owen and like I always proposed to Teddy how many times, Like I just I'm irrationally angry about that storyline. I can't even tell you, like I love Teddy and so I want her on the show. But if she would have left to be a classic, I would have sacrificed that to just like see that happen. So like every time that Owen was like on the screen. So I watched the finale with Red Star, which truly I almost wish I would could have videotaped his reactions because they were so somebody who's really never I mean he's watched one episode of Craze Anatomy. He was like, this looks like the videos they show you to like pitch you as a wedding videographer, but you like don't pick them, like when they were filing them, the way was beautiful. No, he goes every time every time Owen came on the screen, I would go like or like like I was getting like so hot, and he was like, what's your deal with this guy? And I was like he cheated on Christina Yang when they were married, and I just I haven't been able to get over it, Like I just I just don't like him, and he goes, what if he ever comes on your podcast? I was like, I'm gonna be straight with him. I'm gonna be like, I don't like your character, like I just can't get past not you're gone. We can't act like we love Owen when we like our whole podcast. You could say I haven't gotten past your cheating and Christina, that's fine, but you're not gonna say every time you come out screen, and yeah, that's true, but it's true. But I think it was like rubbing me the wrong way because he was like so over the top with every little thing like Teddy this episode. I was just like, that's okay, and I get it we were jumping time, but I felt like we went from them literally they couldn't even look at each other, to then them making out and having sex in the on call room to like then there's like we're there just so madly in love, and I just felt I'm like, I'm not dumb, like I feel this feels forced to me. That's why I was so irritated. Yeah, I the whole thing. And you know I love cheesy, and so now we have a whole new season the cheese tee and me all the cheese if I'm getting ordering Nacho's like double down on the cheese. And to me it was too much, like I was just like, what, like, what is happening? I like the musical episode, so I'm all in on the cheese as well. But I agree, I can't defend the O and Teddy's situation. And then and then the Lincoln Amelia things was so sad. Why like where, why did she all the sudden? Where did that come from? I'm confused where that came from? That isn't that like that Alesia Kara song and you know, when did you fall out of love with me? That's what Amelia or that's what Link should have been singing to Amelia. Okay, but here's my thing now, which is what I always thought was going to happen. They're going to try and do the Link and they were friends, which I'm not opposed to, But then I felt like, well, why have Lincoln Amelia have this relationship up and have a baby if they're like if they saw Joe and Link being together, which felt very obvious to me. I don't know, but I was very sad when when she didn't say yes yeah, And honestly, I was really like thrown off by that whole storyline, like because I'm like, when did she stop liking link? When did she fall out of love with him? I did love Um, you know, I did get emotional at the very end when Meredith and Teddy came out of surgery and Meredith and Bailey hugged, because to me, it felt like I was seeing there them in real life, like not even characters, Like I felt like I could see their friendship and they're like respect for one another in that hug and like how much they love each other, And it made me kind of emotional. And that's when um the song to beginning it was playing just like a lot, so yeah, this is my I've had a few Grays Anatomy finales that I've been like me, but normally the ones before those are so devastating and crushing and like all summer long, I'm like, I cannot wait to see where this picks up again. And then this one was more one of those ones where I was like, I'm not but also I appreciate that they wrapped up this season long COVID storyline. I feel like, in the fall, we're gonna get back to normal, Like this was another side of getting back to normalcy in life, and on Gray's I appreciated that as well. Yeah, I did like that. I did like that they're not gonna have another season finale where the building explodes and half the cast is killed, you know, I mean, I'm done with those. If we don't have any more disaster finales, I'm fine with it. I don't know, I kinda I you know, there's something about it's like weird because what Gray's Anatomy has done such a great job with is showing tragedy and loss while also showing hopeful moments, and so they've been able to navigate both and I think I mean, granted, COVID was devastating, but it was a season of like a consistently sad thing that we're living in real life, Whereas like the bomb episode, the shooting episode, those were just like so intense that your brain like couldn't even like it felt like TV, you know, like where you're like escaping into this universe that wasn't real. And I felt like this one was so real that there wasn't that escape feeling, and maybe that's what I felt like I was missing on the finale. I don't know. Um I do would like to say that we're talking with Ingrid about great musical memories from that show, and my favorite will always be the bomb episode when Meredith is over the body and Kyle Chandler's talking through it and suddenly here it's too am and she calls me but I'm staying away. Can they do almost a whole song of breathe? Who am by an analytic? And then wait, what's the song? It's breathe just breathe breathe? Yeah, that isn't That isn't really great. That's my favorite Grays moment musical. It's a pretty great scene. You know. It's interesting how funny though that that's actually what I wanted to do for like a little bit of time in my life. Do you know what? So play music? Negotiator, play songs? What songs go into like what TV episodes? Because that really makes it really makes like a moment. I also when I started watching Grays Anatomy was like, how do I get to be the personal Grayson Anatomy who chooses the songs? Yeah, because I think also in that time when I was really interested in it, that's where a lot of music Discovery was coming from. Like that was it like people would put there, you know, Oh my gosh, I heard this song on my favorite show and they're like google the lyrics and d dada da, and so that was like a big thing. That's where I heard white Horse by Taylor Swift for the first time. They featured it on Graysonatomy before it came out on Hill. For me, like I feel like I did a lot of music Discovery had some great, great music. Fine, Um, well, I mean we've been gone, this podcast has gone long, so I think it's time to go. Yeah, all right, like they saying Gray's Anatomy, what that's s and folks, I haven't heard that. All right, we'll not note We'll be back next Monday for more fun. Yeah, and definitely let us know if you want us to go to pump Springs again. Yeah, let us know, because we're gonna go whether you want us or not, I'm sure, but it would be fun to know if you would be interested in that. Yeah. Um, we love you all, have a great week fine

Scrubbing In with Becca Tilley & Tanya Rad

We need a crash cart! Scrub in each week with Becca Tilley and her BFF Tanya Rad as they fangirl ove 
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