Big Time Scrub with Logan Henderson and Kendall Schmidt

Published May 2, 2023, 4:01 AM

Logan Henderson and Kendall Schmidt from Big Time Rush are here in the O.R.!!
Due to popular demand, we’re bringing back the long awaited MANel and asking Logan and Kendall all your questions about what goes on inside the mind of a man.
Plus, find out why Kendall waited SO long to pop the question with his girlfriend! It might help you understand why your partner might be dragging their feet!

Scrubbing in Withy and Tanya rep An iHeartRadio podcast.

Hello everybody, we are scrubbing in. It's Monday Funday, Monday Funday. And it's also we haven't done this in a very long time, but it is a mantle Monday.

Yeah, we haven't done a manel in years.

I think you know what I was thinking about last night because we used to do mantals before.

Was I with Haley? Yet we need some.

Like last mantle I feel, I want to say it was like Brad Kreski nik vayou and I.

Thought it was What's I think it was Hunter and Jack.

I forgot about that one.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, And I was like, we you know, we have like a newer audience now that I'm out with Haley, so we should have had we should have a woe mantle, which is a we needed like a lesbian So.

She we a lesbian mantle?

No, well having ais mantle.

No lesbiano, Yes, it's kind of close to lesbianal.

Is that a word?

No, this podcast has taking a turn quickly.

Anyways, we have a mantle.

But you're right, we should get a lesbiano the lebian yeah, or someone who is a woman who likes women, whatever, that by side whatever.

We don't want to just like discriminate towards anyone.

But today is a mantle.

Today is a mantle.

And I'm excited because our two guests today, Yes you heard that right. There's two of them are most famously known for being on a Nickelodeon series, Turn boy Band.

One of them is from Texas and one is from Kansas. But now they both live in LA and they may be coworkers, but they are also best friends just like us.

I know we've known them for years and we love seeing everything they've accomplished. Please help us give a warm welcome to Logan Henderson and Kendall what's the last.

Name, Schmidt Schmidt.

I don't know why there's an R there, oh, said Schmidter.

I was like, what, okay, please help us give a warm welcome to Logan Henderson and Kendall Schmidt from Big Time rund.

Please it's enough, Okay.

I'm like really excited because I had you guys on my weekend show on the Vibe.

This was maybe a year ago.

Maybe more could have been more.

Maybe less. No, tar say is less, so maybe it's less, but.

It was I feel like we've lived kind of a couple of years.

So it was August, but I had you guys on the Vibe, and when that show, the interviews are very quick.

It's very kind of like quick answers.

And I I remember like really hitting it off with you guys, and I was like, I really want to have you on the podcast because I just feel like there's so much more like dig into and to share. And so we've been plotting and planning, and now the day is finally here.

I agree. We had the best time and now we're here. Now we're here to do the real deal. And I've been thinking. I've been thinking about what we're going to get into. I don't know what to expect, but I'm ready to be vulnerable.

Look at it?

Does this? What does this make you feel? These questions scared? Yeah, you used the highlighters so you mean business?


Yeah, well, Tony, I was like, I highlighted my favorite ones. I was like, I need to do that too, But we mostly highlighted.

We're not going to be able to get through all of them, I feel.

Or so you think you think we can talk really fast.

So the scrubbers, we've done mantals, before where we get like a man's perspective on things, and they have very interesting questions, and so we compile the list of some mantal questions for you guys.

Okay, but first we want to get to do to you guys, the two of you better. We don't want the general male perspectively, want to know more about you.

You just got engaged, yes, after ten years?

Eight eight? Yeah?

Is there a reason why you waited eight years or did that feeling off fresh off of that? There's no time, there's no time to wait. No, I am totally happy to answer this question. So we kind of talked about it a little bit briefly. But look, we dated for I mean we were together boyfriend and girlfriend for five ish years before we even moved in together. Okay, so there was a lot of like struggle at that time because you know, if you're not living with someone and you've been with someone for quite I mean, it's like life has a lot of ups and downs at that time. When you're not living together, you're not going through it directly together living in the same house, so it's like it might be a bad night and you're not together as many of those years. I think we worked out a lot of stuff then, and then also we just weren' in hurry to get married. Yeah, because we're like common law married at this point. Honestly, I'm sure the government would see it that way, the gunment. But the gunment you you all married, why they like that's true?

No, I mean, but think about how I felt, knowing the entire relationship and being like, man, when is he gonna do this?


This didn't seem to be in a hurry. And I know we were kind of disagreeing about this. You're like, you know, you're like, come on, like, let's get it, let's get it gone.

Well, you know, I do feel like putting pressure on somebody to do something that they don't necessarily. And I think if your girlfriend didn't really it wasn't such a desire for her heart, then I feel like there was no pressure there, Like if she wasn't like really wanting it. But I feel like if somebody really wants it, making them wait eight years.

Little at any time from I mean honestly, i'd say from the very beginning, but at any time after like a year that we were together or two years, I could have proposed and we could have we would have gotten married at the courthouse, right, So there was never any question of is this the right time to ask, or is she going to say yes? Or is this a good decision. We just didn't do it, and then I had a good opportunity to propose at the place we met and it just kind of worked out timing wise. Yeah.

Well, I've been with my girlfriend for five years and we're both like neither of us are. So I'm not saying that as someone who's like, what took you song, I'm just curious, like when you you know, from if if she was on the same page, it makes I'm the same.

I'm like, I really didn't even think about it that much. We were just enjoying it. Enjoying it you have very much. I think both of you have much more of a kind of Hippi approach when it comes to that, right. You know, you love each other, You are with each other all the time. I mean, that's really your we're together, you're together, and then now we're just making it official and it's gonna cost money to have a wedding. It didn't cost us anything before.

That's gonna cost a lot, and that's gonna cost money.

I don't understand that for eight years didn't cost a dime. Now look at you, now look at us a trap. Yeah, this marriage, it's so funny how that works. It's really, I think, just to pay other people.

It's for the vendors. Yeah, it's like, hey, are you guys gonna get married or what?

Because we have, you know, quota to make really yes, true, it's okay.

Well I puit a room love there, so we're still doing it.

So happy for you and I'm happy for her that y'all are in the same direction and together.


Yeah, because I know I know one person in here would not be okay with an eight year wait.

Yeah, oh no, you.

Made that very clear. Yeah, yest time I remember it. But I'm totally I get that said that, and you had a look in your eye when you said it.

Well there's again there's no judgment, but it would be very hard for me.

But I also think it has to do with age and like where you are in life, you know what I mean, Like I want you know, all that stuff, I want sooner rather than later.

So it's like, I mean, think about this week.

It'll never work out.

We got together, Sorry, we got together when I was like twenty four, right, and and I'm thirty two now. You know, we've been through a lot of life together. She's seen I would say, twenty four to twenty five, twenty six, twenty seven. Those were like particularly hard years for me, like not knowing where I was going or what I wanted to do or whatever. And she's stuck with me through all those difficult times. You know, he gave a chance. He goes things are gonna get rough, get out, and she said it's gonna get rough.

I do want to get into that, because I find I'm very curious about that. But I do want to touch on on logan on your situation.

What's the situation?

What is the situation?

Long distance?

Long it is?

It's long distance relationship. Yeah, it's tough.

I mean, how long have you been long distance?

Four years now? Four years? Wow, it's a long time.

I think it's a little bit harder when you have someone who's European, like English. I mean that's like that's long distance. Yeah, we've done relatively well with it. I mean we didn't really know what we were getting ourselves into because right whenever we started to kind of, you know, develop this relationship, COVID, you know, was that was just it. There was a huge lockdown and so she stayed with me for months and got to know my family and and it's it was just one of those things you can't plan for. Ye And I'm not going to say it's the easiest thing. I mean, it's tough. It's not anything that I would be like, hey, yeah, go for it. That's it is tough.

It is tough.

It seems like almost like it being London is almost better than if she lived in like Chicago, because when with that distance, you have to make the time really count. And I feel like if it's someone who's just a couple hours away, you just don't live in the same city. It almost allows for more apathy, you know what I'm saying, and you make it count. But again, you can't really view it as like every single time you hang out as a vacation, and it is and it still is very much like that, but you have to get past that stage where it's like, now we have real things to talk about. Yeah, there's issues with a distance and you know, not not being able to juggle that and in the in the work that we're doing. So yeah, so it's a whole list. I don't know, I could, I could go on.

But you know, well we can. You know, we can go on later.

My girlfriend is on tour right now and she did just set her European stent, and it was I was a terrible partner to even a time zone.

Horrible, like failed, like fea absolute.

So I like so much respect that y'all can make it work for four, like almost four years. That's incredible because it is so the time change was so challenging.

It's so well, some days I'm like, maybe I'll sleep in today, but I know that that already, like you're already having dinner by the time I wake up, and.

It's that is wild.

Yeah, but I usually do pretty good.

Yeah, you must be securely attached, must be nice.

Yeah, we're good. He's very graceful about it, for sure.


Yeah, well it's it's nice to It's not with everybody, because I've had a few long distance relationships, not anything like quite like this. But I think it's just we have just a lot of trust and understanding, and I think you really have to find the right partner for something like that to work.

Yeah, for sure.

Yeah, Okay, so you were you were talking about this earlier, but I do want to talk about the big time Rush when you guys were first in it. You guys were in it, and then you you didn't break up, You just like stop doing it.

It just stopped.

Yeah, but that you guys were like it was.

On a whole other level.

Yeah, it was a lot.

It was like a lot, And I want to know what it's like going from that, like having I'm sure girls were throwing themselves at you at that point.

They were awfully young, right, Okay, if we were getting if if girls were throwing themselves at us, it was like at the bar, like the bartender, unrelated to the show you there was like, it wasn't likely it was a different time. I mean it would. That would have been tough for anybody just to do the kind of like the workload that we had. But I think being we also didn't have any time in our early twenties, we were really focused on the work and just figuring out how to make these things work. You're doing things for the first time, so I think we occupied our our minds and he in some healthy ways, so you're.

Doing that for so long?

Well, they did say some healthy waysesses some.

No, but I really, like, I really I think you guys are very what the word is like, veryutiful, well beautiful, amazingly wonderful individuals. And but I feel like what you went through in life was like a lot of people haven't gone through that, you know, like you experienced this really crazy high and then when it stops.

Like what is that?

How does that? What does that do to you?

Like to you into your inner life.

This band has always been really odd because we were at a really really like what anybody in the world would consider like an extremely high level, yeah, like in the business, and yet we're always very much underdogs still to this day. Interesting and so it was kind of an odd thing. We had this TV show and we'd go work on it, you know, five days a week, fourteen hours a day, and so we had our family, our crew with us that became our family for many years. So they loved us like nobody's business, and they all backed us hard.

You know.

The TV show crew is always the one that very lucky to have very lucky cast and crew that became like family and who was so supportive. I think that really helped us and get us through a lot of those stuff. Done. Also, we had no idea what we were doing when it came to the performing, Like, we were learning on the go. We all had a little bit of experience, but not like you know, Jones Beach fifteen thousand people. You know, going from literally zero to having like ten thousand people in front in six months, you know, So we were learning on the go and having that big support system behind us was a huge deal. But yeah, it was a It's was a wild ride and still is a wild ride. Well, we learned so much. I mean we became kind of experts. I mean not experts, but I guess as well as you can with the craft and what you're doing and really falling in love with songwriting and making music and doing all the things that you didn't really know about in the beginning. But I think after we got done, like you were, like you were saying, we needed to find a place just to get grounded. Yeah, I was like, I'm welcoming a different change of pace so I can find a different version of myself and grow and be you know, find something that feels like there's some normalcy to it. Yeah, I know what you're doing it. Immediately after I jumped right into the music grind immediately after. Yeah, I took time off, I walked through the emotional Actually really envied I really envied that he. I really envied the time he took you know, uh, you know later on after seeing him come back with his own music, and I was like, oh, well, there was an evolution right between what we were doing and what he was doing when he came back, because he took three years of not that I need, I needed it. Yeah, I did to fall fall back in love with music, with acting, and also kind of fall back in love with just you know, the version of myself that I wanted to be. It was like, is this a lot? Yeah, It's like I had to take a step back and go, what do we just do for the last four years?

Like I really I try to put myself in your shoes to like feel And you know, there's this friend of mine always says, like a true test of a person is good with good with everything, and good with nothing, you know what I mean. There's like being the same person through it all. But I imagine when you're at that high of a high, you it's like almost out of body experience, right, you don't feel I can't imagine after.

You get done, there's like not as many people there. You see the show, you're like, where is everyone?


Yeah, it was a party over.

It was rough to a lot of the people who were like, are you know the powers that be at the time? You know, when you're doing it, it's like your best friends and then it stops and you never get called again. Yeah, you feel a little lost. Yeah. So the people who were like, you've you've got this man, like, let's do it, and then it's over and then they're like, who that was kind of weird for.

Me and damaging, I'm sure. Yeah.

Yeah, we start to really find out who that friends are and still hurts that really support you and take care of you. I mean, it's just because it's hard you work with all these people and then they're like no, sorry, moving on, you know, and you're like, well that didn't feel like it for me.

Yeah. Well it's like you'll you have to tighten your circle because your circle feels so big when everyone's rooting for you. You want to find everybody in and then you want and you.

Get to be a little smarter and savvy with with understanding who you get your time dat you kind of get the vibe a little bit better. You're like, oh, I can tell this is yeah, you can so much. Yeah, you just want to give it away to everybody. I'm your friend and you're my friend, Like we're great, we're friends, we are And then they're like yeah, yeah, yeah, totally, totally, totally.

Yeah, especially going zero to one hundred, like going from what are we doing? To like having a crowd like that and everyone wants wants a piece of you and is like rooting you on and then it ends and you're like, where I need the support, but where are you right?



We have our families have always been We've always been really close with our families, and I know that was a huge thing for me to be able to be off stage and then go back and go, Okay, this is I can compartmentalize a little bit. This is this is kind of like my make believe fun time focused on the work, and then you get back to normal life.

So what was it like when you guys decided to get back together as a as a group?


Were a little scared or were you more excited?

Can it it can be both? I think yeah, both, it can be both. I also had what.

A therapist answer, right, therapist always as to me, you can have both at the.

Same time on the outside a smile inside shattered.

Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, it's like that. What's really funny is that when we first started talking about it and then like got serious by Okay, we're doing this, and let's this is the manager we want to work with. And we love our management at faculty, and they've speaking of someone who didn't not or who did return calls forever our manager.

That's nice.

So that's which is exactly why we're working with him. We all throughout the years were able to call him and he would give us advice and support us and back us even though we were not working together. So that's why we're working with them. Anyway, we all had these phone call We're like, yeah, yeah, we're gonna do this. It's going to be you know, we'll work on it a third of the year, like you know, four months out of twelve will dedicate to big time rush so that everyone so that everyone can do their other things and so people can focus on other projects, and you know, it'll be like it'll be a great thing for us to come together for it's been two and a half years later NonStop, but which we're in it. I mean, we love it. We love every second of it, you know. And it's also very different than how we started out. Yeah, just how you know, it's different. We're running the business instead of them running wood. Yeah, so it is something that's I think it's much more. It's it's it's so much nicer to have, you know, begin control of everything that you're doing, from the way that things look, from the music you want to make, from the from the vision, and the kind of the message you want. With great power comes great response possibility. Yeah, but it's it's like a crazy yeah.

It's so true.

Yeah, we're fully involved in fully consumed.

Yeah, but it does make a difference when you're in like you're in the driver's seat as opposed to being passengers in the bed of the truck being like this.

Is where we're going, like yeah, versus like this is where we're going.

We have the line sitting in the backseat driving in the fast lane.


We just on our new album song on our new album, which song is called Another Life, which actually is a lot about kind of what we're talking about. Oh really yeah, yeah.

I'm into waves.

You like, yeah, good, we got some new Big Time Rush music out out and about.

It's got that thousand Sphil. Yeah, the album coming out June.

Ninth, and the tours right after.

June twenty something, I think is the first just enough time for everybody to learn June twenty second favorite songs.

I appreciate that.

Yeah, yeah, it's a thoughtful gesture.

He used to work out like that. It just happened to work out this time. I mean, if we could be a month earlier, we probably would have. We just it was down to the like Big Time Rush is not a we have trouble reality.

Are you procrastinators for sure? Oh?

Not really?

Well, I mean some of you.

Feel later Kendall k not.

I can't be well. I mean I don't think so, I don't think up my phone. And I also tried to reschedule. By the way, you guys have full right to make fun of me for going to a golf tournament and rescheduling trying to.

Oh with us.

Yes, it's very.

Char You're just happier here.

Honestly, I feel the weight coming off already.

You were like stressed, just we're so scared.

Wait, how long are you guys so you leave June eighteenth for Fort Worth and then tell me gone.

Will be gone until August twelfth.

So August Love Veguas is the last show.

Dang, wait, can I ask a question?

Yeah, do your fiance and girlfriend ever get jealous of all the like fan attention? Like is there ever convers like not to put them on blast, but like, are there conversations where it's like this is.

Hard for me? I think they probably think it's like they're like this.

Guy, you know, so.

She might like Mika thinks I'm cool. She thinks I'm cool, but like not that cool, you know. For the most part, because we're working so much, it's usually me and Kendall hanging out and they're like, god, you guys are hanging out again, Like get a life.

Like we said, we spend a lot of time together.

I don't.

So they're not jealous of the fans. They're jealous of the time. Maybe at the time we spend a lot of time together, maybe that more much more. I mean it's always like I mean, even for me, it would be one thing if she was seeing it from a different perspective and saw me being like, you know, like why yes, come on up, you know.

Let's do it.

But it's weird for me too. Yeah.

But also, you guys aren't like making out with people in the videos and stuff, so it's not like.

This isn't a Chris Brown meet and greet. Oh my gosh, no, the concert but they love it. But yeah, he's definitely he's getting a handful of every I feel like every they think like they pay for that.

I've never seen it.

Chris Brown is going in on his meet and greet. He has a lap dance on the stage every night. And one couple broke up because the girl posted the video, and well.

I also give lap dances. But it's nothing to be jealous of. That's a creative decision that.

Is more like a magic mic thing.

Yeah, I can't wait for the toury.

That's where I learned.

From the best.

I feel like we should take a break and come back with the Mantle questions. Yes, all right, we'll be right back. All right, you guys, We are back with the Questions from the Scrubbers.

Yes, And just so you guys know what's going on here, we had to switch studios and so we're in a new studio and Becca and I are having to share a microphone.

And super cute.

I know, I've never been happier.

And we're basically in the same seats, so.

You talking over each other like we want to be.

That actually brings up a question from the scrubbers, and we were talking about this briefly, but what are your thoughts of same side seating when you go eat at a restaurant?

If go on, like Mika and I sometimes will sit on the same side, like most of the time. If we sit apart, like, it only takes like ten twenty minutes before it's like, oh, come back over here. You know. I love sitting on the same side. Ye, if it's Logan and I because I can get to be very dependent. It's like even if I want to be able to touch you or put my leg on you, it's super annoying, I think, but I like that also.

I like to tell secrets, you know, when things are going.

On, you'll be like, yo, You're like, yo, look at this guy over you know you want to I don't logo?

Yeah, said same side.

Too, Yeah, Tonka, Like I'm not going to sit on the same side, but there's no reason for us to sit together. We're usually talking the entire time, like having a usually like a business talk, right, and so we're like, you know, yeah, mono mono, back and forth. Yeah, we're going back and forth the idea. Guys. Yeah. We also don't mind interrupting each other. I think it's really funny people get weird about interruption. I think that's just like a passionate conversation. You know, it's never bothered me. It doesn't bother me. Some people talk, let me talk, let me talk. I'm sorry, excuse me?

Yeah, yeah, okay, okay.

If you're at a bar and someone is being obviously flirtatious and super forward, is that a turn on or a turn off?

It depends the setting.

I can be flirtatious a little loud, you guys, right there, a little loud and out there, and sometimes that's the best thing to break the ice. If someone is doing if they're loud and forwards obnauxious, that's different. Is that obnoxious is no good forward? I feel like there's a limit. I mean, for me now, it's a turnoff because I'm about to get married. But well no, no, no. So these are like like as an ingeneral.

You're a single, Yeah, you're a single and you're like bopping around town at a bar.

Also, is it? You know it can be someone is it to turn on just emotionally in general, if someone's out in loud and forward. Yeah, I mean there's a limit for me.

Because sometimes I can be the guy at the bar as.

Beer in the corner pretty.

Quietly comes and really breaks that up.

It's a good thing.

Wait, how did you meet your significant others? Well, you haven't talked about that. What was What was the moment where you were like, oh, I want to hang around this person.

So we met ten years ago at Radio City Music Hall at a big time rush show. Mika was nannying for Sima Zargami, who was the president of Nickelodeon at the time. Oh right, And so we just met casually, like just we always saw the boys, the three Boys, her kids at every show in New York, and so it was like, oh hey good. We were all used to yeah, hey, hey hey, and then oh this is Meekah. You know, it just wasn't It wasn't like some profound moment. But what was the profession?

Was it?


You go, I think this We actually talked about this the other day. I just kind of started flirting without It wasn't like she was like giving me that sign like flirt with me. I just kind of started becoming comfortable, and I think she was kind of caught off guard. Like we would see them at it was wherever the kids, like they would come to, like the Universal Studio shows, like the Summer concert series in Florida, So I'd see her there and we'd like held hands on a roller coaster before we were even dating. Just I grabbed her hand. We sat together and it was flirting there. And then we went out to dinner one time in New York, and then mom and dad New York again, Mom and Dad, Yeah, and then hung out so many times in LA before we were even like official. We definitely was a slow role, very sweet though it's a very very slow role.

What was the time from when you met her, like we're introduced to her to when you started dating officially?

Almost three years? Oh wow, Yeah, nothing happened after the meeting. That wasn't anything. That was like we met cool, and then time went on. We still a bunch of stuff to do, so that wasn't I wasn't even thinking about dating anybody at the time. And then when she moved out to LA. That's when we started like really dating. We had gone on a couple of dates, but that's when we got together.

Okay, that's when you became a cup Yes.

Yeah, Tinder No no, no, it wasn't. Sometimes sometimes I say that just because it's easier, But no, we did.

We didn't, which is not you can.

Meet on tender. Yeah, there you go, Now we didn't. I was at this meeting at the London in LA, which is weird. She's English and I was, yeah, in this meeting it was really boring, and she had walked in and I had that kind of chemical thing where it's like do I know this person, like I've met.

Her before, love at first sight.

Well, it just was one of those weird things like I swear I've known you somehow, And I was like, might be rude to not go over and say anything, which she's in a meeting as well. I don't want to interrupt that. So the night goes on a little bit. We keep on looking back over. She's looking at me, I'm looking at her. We're trading eyes a little bit, and I go out to get my car, like I'll go out to get my car if she goes out there, it's my green light. And sure enough I went to go get the ballet and she was in the lobby and I went over and talked to her. I don't know what I said, probably something really stupid. I had a couple of chimpags. So I went over and talked to her, and I'm not exactly sure what went down, but she said that she was going to be there for a while, she have anybody to show around, so I just wanted to. I was like, let me show you around to talk a little bit. Yeah. It feels like a very old fashioned way to meet now at this point, but it was awesome.

That was always my go to move. Not quite what you did, but I would always go up to a guy and say, ah, I feel like I I feel like we have a friend in common, don't we.

Yeah, I know I would just like lie whatever it is.

Yeah, but I think for mine it really did feel like someone. It was one of those things she felt. Yeah, Yeah, you felt like I'd known her, which is, uh, it's interesting.

Yeah, I love that.

What is something you could say about when you were single with girls in general or your significant other, although be very careful, What is something that a girl does that gives you the ick?

You know, thankfully, Mika doesn't give me the ick at all. That's great, that's a great answer. And we've actually talked about this. She told me about like when you know, one of her first high school boyfriends and getting the ick at some point, and I was like, yeah, I think maybe I've had that once in a relationship when I was younger. But what's one thing. I don't know nothing. It doesn't bother me like the whole Like, you know, some girls like they think it's funny to burp and stuff, which is whatever. I mean, I don't. It's like it's sort of like sometimes I feel like it's this equalizing thing like, well, you know, guys do it, so I'm gonna do it too. But I don't burp out loud like at uh.

You know, really impressive, just like that.

Was a fake one. But I don't. I don't do that. So it's not like in every guy. It's not like guys are just all gross and disgusting.

You know.

I think some guys like like to keep it together. I don't know. I am probably don't really, you know, we don't know, I know for sure. Logan doesn't like just belch out in public, just like it, Like right here, if we were drinking water and he had to burp, he would do one of those.

Like right, you know, what does it look like? Are you a actor?

I'm a yeah, I'm a expert in this interview, So don't test the life of me. But I can okay, fake, don't test me.

Oh okay, I haven't.

I want to hear you.


One that applies to the conversation we just had. I would say, being English, you say a few words that are different, but I think you know when you over here you I'm like, don't use that word. No one uses like rubbish, Yeah, things like that where you're just like, I know you're Tuesday. I'm more aware you did it first. But doesn't mean it doesn't mean that it's right, you know, just certain words you're like, come on, got it? That is not That's not how we say it exactly.

On this one, I find very interesting. Do men notice beauty things about women like eyebrows, nails, eyelashes, hair extensions, et cetera.

Something changes drastically, of course, you know, like Meka, for example, does just doesn't wear a lot of makeup, so if suddenly she went out and got like like fully got the full spread and like was you know, eyelashes and had her eyebrows shaped, and I would be like, oh my god, like I would of course notice it. But no, I'm really detail oriented. So I noticed these things, and I always call it out. Actually I've seen Meka a few times, like, Meka is your head? Yes, Okay, what I'm just saying, I noticed. I noticed Mika doesn't like do a lot in that way. Sure, hair's beautiful all the time, it's always, you know, but you always look good. I always look good. But no, I mean if she like got like really dressed up, I would of course notice it because normally we're like oh natural.


I think it's funny because I feel like I remember, like before every first day, I would obsess I'd have to get my nail done, I'd have to have my root's done, like, I'd have to have all that stuff, and I feel like I just didn't really matter, but you put so much pressure on yourself to make sure everything's done.


I noticed those things, but let me just say so, it's good that you like that that happens. But for me, I think some of the most beautiful is like waking up and you're just like, damn, you wake up like this, Like that's you don't even have to do anything. It's more about just the way that you do you. I can't say this for sure, but I feel like most guys would probably agree with that. I have a strange feeling that maybe it's one of those things where I could say, I think girls do it more for themselves. Yeah right, but maybe if it never happened, maybe I would notice. I don't know, but I think it's more for themselves than it is. Like I it's not something I worry about.

Yeah, Like, ladies do it for yourself, not for the hope that the guy is going to be wild. I can tell you why your eyebrow red lipstick. I know that we're not making out. Yeah, you know what I mean.

So they'll just take that as a sign I'm in my independent woman mode. I'm putting fire red like Taylor swift Red. I noticed that. I'm like, damn, girl, get it.

I love it. Definitely for her, then that's that's for her. You probably dark red bright lipstick, that's for you.

Wait. When I was on one of the seasons of the Bachelor, a few of the girls were like bright colored lipsticks, and so then Chris would have it like like remnists.

And I'm like, okay, we know you kissed it.

Yeah exactly.


Do you think that you can truly have platonic friends of the opposite sex, Like I'm not talking friends like friendly, I'm talking like friends that you have intentional hangout time with.

I think so, I think so.


I was just thinking if I have any friends like that, I would say most of the time, if I'm hanging out with a girl that I'm really fond of, it's probably as a couple ninety nine percent of the time. But I do have a couple. It is now stage, but I do have a couple friends that are like my sisters that I grew up with, And there wouldn't even be a second thought as to us going and getting dinner together or whatever. That wouldn't even be a question. If you like having sister having think people as well you both know, Yeah, this is what it is. It's not anything other than that. I think if I started a new friendship with somebody who happened to be very cute, yes, and maybe there was flirtation there a couple of definitely be a problem. Yeah, a couple off.

That's actually a good point though, because I think it's it's starting in a new friendship with someone of the opposite sex when you're already in a relationship. That's almost like that feels suspicionous.

Yeah, why.

I mean, like, if she spend as much time with a if she spent as much time with a guy that was of dating caliber, right, as much as I hang out with Logan like my you know, my best friend hanging out all the time, I would be very concerned. Yeah, you know, as a work husband. Yeah, this is my work husband.

He's my work wife, right, yeah, exactly. Okay, this one is very interesting.

I've been dating this guy for three years and he hasn't introduced me to his family yet.

Should I be worried?

I've been dating this guy for three years and he hasn't introduced me to his family yet. Maybe his family's all messed up? Okay, we don't have context, context context. It could be that he is maybe not super proud of his family. And that's okay, you know.

An interesting perspective. I did not think about, you know, I was thinking about this the other day.

You don't.

People don't choose who they're what family they're born into. So if people are able to create a family for themselves outside of their biological family, you say the same thing, that's a really beautiful thing.

So I think, I.

Think if you're getting introduced to people that mean a lot to the other, to the other partner, then then that's that's something I would how about this consider to be special? If he talked to his mom every day, you know, Mom, Hey, I love you. You know, I'm here with Jessica. You know, when we're it's great. And he and he hasn't introduced them in person, that would be weird. But if he doesn't have a relationship with his family or when he does see them, it's really, you know, kind of mostly depressing or sad. There's been times I've been with my family and it's like, oh gosh, sorry, you know, you know, it's good for them to it's good for them to meet. But I'm like a couple of dates and you're meeting the family.

Yeah, I'm so that.

Bringing so my mom is a harsh critic. So I I had to make sure that this was going somewhere before I you know, which isn't true at all. I don't know what I'm saying. I lived with my mom, got to get through Mama Schmidt. Mama Schmidt is tough. Like she knew Mika for quite a long time, she still gave her a like just you know, she's defensive. I'm also the youngest boy.

I was about to say, say baby boy, and.

So she's just like no one could be good enough now obviously, yeah right, yeah, now they're besties.

But that would be rough.

What having if your significant other's mom didn't like you?

Yeah, well, think about this, Like I said, maybe the guy's not super proud of his family, Like maybe it's a messed up situation and he'd rather just not get her involved.

That's an interesting perspective that I honestly didn't.

Could be protecting her.

I also like what Logan said that if he's introduced you to other people that are very important to him, then I wantn't stress about that. Right If he hasn't introduced you to anyone in his life, yeah, yeah, there's calls for concern totally. Does he have any friends?

Is he a killer?



Do you like to stay in touch throughout the day? Is it considered needy if your partner likes to text you all day long.

I'm actually much more interested in text messaging than long phone calls. I just don't have a lot to say on the phone, and I'm not very good at it. I'm not good at texting back to begin with. In general, for anybody, you can ask him where were you today? Like throughout the day, I'll call, even if it's for a couple of seconds. I just want to say, Hi, what are you doing? Okay, little check in, little check ins? What are you guys?

Loving it? I just it's literally Tanya.

Yeah, me and male form very I feel very seen.

We're here, Tanya.

I'll be like, She'll be calling and I'm like, is this a text? Like can you do this over text message? Or does it require FaceTime?

But you don't have to talk long. I just want to say what's up?

Yeah, I am. I will say I'm really down with like this is for Mika especially. I'm down with like, Hey, I just wanted to call you and tell you I love you. I love you too, Okay, I'll talk to you later, you know, Like I'm down with that unless I have something really important to share, like you'll never believe what happened.

What about your friends?

Much rather text phone calls, Yeah, depends on the depends on the on the zone.

She'll literally answer my face time and she's like, is this something I can answer on a text message?

I'm a call I'm a call kind of guy.


We have a lot of We have a lot of chats though, because you'll text and it's like a paragraph and I'll go just call me, yeah, and then easy two minutes. Right.

What do you think about voice note? Like the voice messages?

I also love voice it's nice. Try to be extra funny on those.

I sent Tonya a few and she was like, this is not it. I hate it.

So I actually find them to be offensive because I work in radio, so I'm constantly recordings. I can't listen to your voice message.

And I know the trauma this sp.

Yeah, I can't listen to this for another hour and a half.

It me and me.

Just send me a text that's funny.

Would you be worried or like, would it be a turnoff if you were dating someone or going out with someone who's a virgin?

Now, well, when you at the time.

Yeah, like when you were just dating and going out.

I don't think so.


I think everybody learns does their thing at their own point. I mean, I don't know. I guess I never really give it so much thought. Look, I mean I'm thirty two now.

I mean.

It would be interesting. It'd be certainly interesting. I wouldn't have a problem with them, would like judge you, but it would certainly be interesting. You know, how do we approach that?

Are you going to say? Is it kind of like almost age dependent? Like at a certain like maybe in your younger.

Twenty or seventeen or eighteen or nineteen or twenty whatever, and it was like I was dating someone who was a couple of years younger than me or whatever. I wouldn't probably think twice about it. I would actually maybe be like, oh that makes sense. Yeah, I think if you have a plan, I think it would be good to see how things still maybe progress. I don't know you ever heard of soaking? Oh my god, it reminds me of what was it? Yes, that was one of my favorite James Mars jumping on the I love it.

We do love Jury Duty.

I love it. I finished it in two days.

Okay, I watched the show.

Is very polarizing because my boyfriend and I watched it and we like were the same way. We were obsessed with it, were telling everybody to watch this show. We're like, it's the best show, the best show. And then our friends start watching it and they're texting us like, what is this?

This is the worst I've ever seen it. So I realized it's very polariz.

Well, it's like Joe Millionaire.

You remember how it was only one person, like everybody else was in on the joke except for one person. And I loved the idea of that type of show. And James Marsen is also amazing. What I thought was Eddie was that they made the actors act like the act act like the characters all the way through. Even in the interview they did, they gave character breakdowns the guy, they still made him act like that kind of wild. Yeah, it is what happened. She's like, you were talking about Soaking, that's happened.

No, But I really I really love the show so much so it makes me really like I feel even closer to you guys.

Sorry, if I went there.

Level straight to that was a great shift. Yeah, Soaking to jury duty. Okay, let's end on this one, how would you react if your wife, girlfriend, fiance approached you about a threesome with another man?

I actually I have a response to this question because it actually applies to quite a few of the things that you've talked about already, which is how would you feel with this and whatever? I always just think if if the roles were reversed. This is actually the reverse question here, because normally it's like would she do a threesome? Like why wouldn't you know why? It's like, well, if I wouldn't do it, the opposite right, right? With an I ever asked, right, and that's how I feel. So no, I probably would say no.

What if she approached you with a threesome with another woman?

Well, well, now I'm just saying it would be I would be kind of caught off guard because I'd be surprised by that, and so then I would think, what's going on here?


Like there's more to it?

Yeah, I was going on, is this a trick?

You know?

Like, wouldn't be like panting like a dog, like oh boy, you know.

I'd be like something was from nineteen sixties bully like goofy.

I would be I would be kind of like I'd have some questions for sure. Yeah, yeah, why is this happening now? Yeah, I'm I'm a one on one kind of gal.

Yeah, like all the attention on really Yeah, and yeah i'd be jealous.

Guy, I wouldn't like it.

Yeah, I like that self awareness. Yeah, I'm a jealous girl too.

So yeah, I just think if I wouldn't do it, then I couldn't. I couldn't ask for.

Right, She's not pleased by these anieties.

To me, the idea of it is just so problematic, Like I wouldn't want it with a girl or a guy.

I'm just like, we're getting out his friends and different people relationships, everyone's different. I would never knock it, right, no judgment. More often than not, I've seen that at some point down the line, it can cause some let me put it this way, shoes. I don't know anyone who I've heard say that. Yeah, me and my girl, they say they always just say me and my girl used to do a couple of threesomes, point being not together anymore. It was a past or we don't do it anymore, we don't do it anymore, or I just don't know anyone who like went down that path and then is like still having a thriving, great relationship. I've never really heard that story, and we're better than ever.

I don't even like doing anything physical with like my dog in the room, so I can't even imagine another person in there.

Where does she going.

She's in the room, they know, they know, and then she'll start humping her stuff down.

Oh really, it's time.

I swear that.

We like ruined her because I think we like did it in front of her when she was like with us the first day or something, and then like now every night at nine o'clock she humps her.

This really took a turn, started with soaking and we ended up here.

You know, from people humping the dog.

It was.

Honestly, this was so much fun.

We haven't done a mantle in so long, and I'm so happy we brought it back with you too.

We shed some light on some questions from a man's point of view, but I feel like we're very in touch with her feminine size. I really appreciate that what you see is what you get.

Yeah, wait, where can everybody get tickets for the tour? They want to see you this summer?

Big Time Rush official dot com or Ticketmaster or wherever you buy tickets.

Right and where can they follow you on Instagram social media?

Under time Rush. It's just my name, Logan Henderson. We have a single Waves coming up May third, and if you're listening to it then it's already come out. You should listen to it. And Kendall Schmidt here and uh look up at Kendl Schmid and you have an album. Google me an album coming out June ninth. We start June twenty second and fort Worth. I'm just plugging away.

Yeah, yeah, that's what we were at.

Our show is August eleventh at the Forum.

Oh nice, love the Forum.

You are excited. I said this the other day to somebody. I'm sorry, but I was like, yeah, he is at Foreman's and that's aid Bar and Burbank and they were like, really, wow, this band is not going very well.


They were like, you're going to be at Pormans. I was like, yeah, Foremans. I just had one of those.

Yeah. Yeah.

He's like, so what do you got into like one hundred and ten people. I was like, I think it's I thought it was like a joke. I was like a little more than that.

I think, yeah, you're like where Joe, where do they all sit?

But anyways, yes, you also find us at Foreman's Yeah, the drink where you guys go after no, we go to Whole Foods yeah or Era one. Yeah.

All right, thank you so much for Chris.

Yeah, thank you guys so much

Scrubbing In with Becca Tilley & Tanya Rad

We need a crash cart! Scrub in each week with Becca Tilley and her BFF Tanya Rad as they fangirl ove 
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