Jennie is emerging from BLACKPINK’s shadow, with the release of her debut album as a solo K-pop artist ‘Ruby’.
While she’s known as a rapper in the industry, Ruby showcases her talent as a vocalist, with lush R&B infused tracks showing off the full range of her voice.
Estelle Clifford joined Jack Tame to share her thoughts on Jennie’s debut album.
You're listening to the Saturday Morning with Jack Team podcast from News Talks at Bay.
We Compothe. It's Somebody's I'm Gonna Stop for You on for your start of Water.
The song is Star of War. It's by Jenny Genny's just released a brand new album called Ruby Yestelle Clifford as our music review. She's been listening Hey Estelle, Hello. I don't know we've ever done a Korean pop star on our show before.
I don't think we have done pop because generally they're a band as well. So black pink is what she originates from. And yeah, k pop's a really interesting thing. It's really high in a it's really like that these you know, they've usually rehearsed for a million kajillion hours before they do it live, and it's so slick and polished and clever. So I'm interested to see how a solo artist then brings that same kind of energy.
To what that is.
She's good, I have. I have thoroughly enjoyed this album. I think that what has happened through all her training, so she went to like this K pop school or I shouldn't. I guess it's not just kop. It's like entertainment, but they do like six years. Well, she did six years worth of training before she even got into a band, and she she seys in some of her interviews they basically every month would have to learn a song and a dance like some real choreography, just really honing their skills to then be a live performance. So by the time she then does a band thing and then gets out to her solo stuff, I feel like she's really this is quite a confident album, like she really knows who she is and what it is that she wants to be. K Pop's really cool too because it kind of is genre blending, which I dare say a lot of artists kind of naturally do too.
She leans quite a lot.
Into and I think it's quite good for her into her R and B slash rap skills that she's got. The rat skills came from the fact that she was one of the only ones training who knew how to fluently speak English, and lots of the songs they were training and learning to copy like that's what they needed. So it was like this accidental, Hey, you should do more rap because you know what you're saying, which is interesting because in K pop they obviously are bilingually. They flick into Korean and English. In her solo album Here, there's actually not much of that. She speaks mostly predominantly English right throughout. But that thing for her that sort of put her on a path actually has worked really well because I think she's quite good at it, and I would I would say in her career she will delve.
More and to that more.
Yeah, So heaps of elements of K pop are still there. I like the the genre blending. She's done collabs with big artists like Doughchi and du A Leaper. There's a song on here called Zen and She's When you get to that song, she says, that's the song where she was like, after six months of work and putting songs together, that's the one that she was like, Okay, this whole album is actually.
Going to come together, and I get it.
She's the kind of person quite perfectionist, where right up until I think two days before the album actually dropped, she was still working on it and deciding what was a final cut.
Wow. Yeah, that's a perfectionist. Yeah, that kind of you know from from the band culture.
Absolutely, and I think maybe that's also something that she'll learn to like, eventually, you just have to sit with it and be quite truthful.
And maybe that's the thing.
She has been quite truthful, and she probably feels a bit vulnerable about that, so you know, you want to be there right.
To all that, but eventually it just has to come out right.
There's some real good, high energy R and B hip hop sort of style. You can cut some shapes, do some crumping, and then you can also chill out sort of near the end of the album she gets into some really beautiful, almost ballady sort of style. Is a song called Twin that finishes off the album, and the way she says the word twin, it's like this really clever chime and ping over the music.
I just really like the production in.
It, and like that real beautiful, emotional kind of a letter to somebody, almost like a sorry yeah and yeah. So she's quite I feel like her lyrics have been quite a motive, although there's also some where you're just like, I don't know what the song's about. Do I need to know? Doesn't matter, it's got a great beat.
Yeah, yeah, no, I'm into that.
That has actually really surprised me. I think I really enjoyed the energy. I've really enjoyed how confident she sounds in it. It's packed with super catchy tracks like just straight out the Gate You're in there like Jenny has been a big single for her off this album. I think Rihanna Lauren Hill is one of the people she's inspired by. Sometimes she's been taken the mickey out of because they reckon. She has that like I don't care kind of thing about how Rihanna's a bit like that. Sometimes she's not invested. But I think maybe you just have to have a thing, a toughness about yourself. Times people want to critique everything you do.
Right. Yeah, I've really enjoyed it.
I think it's it's just the energy that I kind of needed right now. And I've been really interested to see where she goes from being in that band for him to now being a solo artist. I think she's she's huge, and she's already Everybody wants a piece of her.
Everybody wants her to sell their product. That's part of K pop, you know.
They're very influential in regards to fashion and anything they touch sort of turns to gold or merchandising, slash making money off it. So so what did you protect herself in that a little bit?
Yeah, so what did you give it?
This is a huge surprise me, but I'm going to give it a ten out of ten. Wow, yeah, good for you.
Okay, cool, really great listen everything about it because she has just really put her heart and soul into.
This superb Yeah.
I kindly enjoyed it.
Look, we're open minded, as you know, famously open minded on Saturday Morning. So okay, we'll give a bit more of a listen in a couple of minutes.
Thank you so much.
Yeah, very good. So the album is Ruby Jenny and it's Jenny I E with the is the artist, So j E n N I E is the artist. You'll probably see her everywhere. Now we'll have a bit more of a listen in a couple of minutes. On News Talks, he'd be but ten out of tennist now reckons it's worth which is saying something indeed. Right now, it's nine to twelve.
For more from Saturday Morning with Jack Tame. Listen live to News Talks he'd be from nine am Saturday, or follow the podcast on iHeartRadio.