Christmas Decorations - 12.23.24

Published Dec 23, 2024, 4:22 PM
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Right now it is time for the nephew and today's spring phone call.

What you got for his nef?

Well, you know it's Christmas time and Christmas decorations.

Okay, cat dog, if you could, well, I'm trying to receiss them.

Yeah, this is what's going on.

Hey, this many man. I live like about four five streets over from you, this manny, How you doing.

Brother, I'm doing this man? How you doing?

I'm good? Hey, I see you. You You got your Christmas lights.

Up right here? Yeah, I got them up. I got my whole little theme and everything set up. Man, it's looking really good.

Okay. Let me let me ask you something. Man. The theme you got in your yard? Where you get that idea from?

What do you mean where I get them from?

The idea? Like you got the snowman, you got Santa Claus and rain deals, you got your whole house decorated. You got Jesus with the Manger and the wise men around him. Where did you get your idea from?

I'm lost what you're talking about.


You ask me where I got a theme from? I mean you got to imply from I'm.

Asking I'm asking you a question. Where did you get the idea from.

I made this up. I made up Jesus, Jesus and the mag you know that represents christ. Man. You go with the theme that Christmas base man, and that's that's Christmas base. Jesus is Christmas Jesus and just in Jerusalem and Beth lamb and hey, what what what's going on?


Who are you? We gonna get my number from any.

I'm I'm manny Man, I'm manny I got I got your number from one of the people that live on your street. And I'm just asking you on the rail where you get this idea from?

I made this idea? If I made this up? Man, I made this up just the second time you asked me. When I get the idea from what you're.

Trying to mforce, it's go the real deal, dog, The same thing you got if you come fourth streets over. I got the same thing in my yard. And it looked like you just stole my idea. And see what what you ain't gonna do is try to win Christmas yards of the season. And you done stole my idea. That's the problem I got with you. Now.

The problem you got is liking twist because see I put this together. Without it, I never even heard of you. Man. It begin with. Secondly, I've been doing this particular theme in my yard, sauce. I'm just staying over I'm just staying over here. Six years.

You ain't had that. You ain't had that theme last year. You ain't had that.

Man at this theme last year and the year before. And I put my stuff in the same place every damn time I put it down.

You did not have this last year.

Talk about who are you to call me and tell me about my theme and about my yard and what you got going. I know you ain't copying there.

Man, I'm gonna tell you right now, and I ain't finna go no further. You need to rearrange your theme and get a different thing, because you got the same theme I got.

Now you need to rearrange your okay, because I ain't rearranging jack over here.

Hey, man, let me tell you. Yes, I got to come over there, and they.

Tell you, Man, I'm being real as real as I can be with you.

If I got to come over there and unplugged and stuff, if you got some what come out? If I got to come over to your house and unplugged some stuff.

Now, now, now if that thing my foot will be getting up plugged from your First of all, you ain't to come on my street, in my house and disrotect me at all about anything that I got set up in my yacht that way, I tell you what.

Then, I'm just gonna do this hire I'm finnah. Just come over there and take Jesus and take them and take them wise men out your yard. That's what I'm finna do.

Come over this way, talking up, by messing with Jesus in the manger. It's gonna be some real problems because first of all, that's sake, sig, that's that's the center of the pool. Now, if you want to come over here and you want to kind of do something like that, you go to need Jesus to help you, because it's gonna be some rolling around going on like y'all.

The bottom line is this right here. You've got the nerve to do the same thing I got. I'm full streets sober, I'm driving through looking at everybody.

Uh here, man, looking at everybody thing. You the one and one that come me nine seen.

Same way the same place, Lilly dot Long, You and nobody ever came on me, your stuff looks like then, and from four five seats, I would have had this man in any way. Then. Ain't got no right coming on my street because you don't stay on the street. You going around, and there people trying to get your ideas. Man, you got a rich No.

No, I'm very original. I moved to this neighborhood before you did. I've been here. I've been here ten years. You've been here about six. I long you've been living over here.

I've been living over here six years. This fether. The vision was just coming up when I came over here. I ain't gonna tell me. You've been running your team long and I've been running mind who you clear?

Hey? Man?

And it ain't. I ain't got time to go back.


You know what, I got better things do. I still got some more life put up.

Hey, I got a work class.

I hang go back and forth.

When I'm finna tell you just right here, I'm finnah. Come take Jesus off your yard. I'm finish take Jesus and the one.

To take Jesus out my yard. I see now you sounded like when I'm crazy people come by taking Jesus out of my life. That's when you got life and mess up. Come on over, I got something you.

Look here, don't turn your life on My.

Life gonna be on the night tomorrow night here the night ting about taking my Jesus in the market. I'm originally the original that could be. Come on if you want to. I got something for you.


You have stole my idea. And see we're.

Talking about this stilling an idea. Come on round here and let's say.

Hey dog, let me tell you something right now now, Jesus and the Wise Man is coming out your yard today.

No, you know what, man, I'm too with you. Man, I'm through with you. You know what. Come over here if you want to touch my bak and Jesus touch my man, just touch me and Joseph and the Wise Man, and I'm gonna put the nof star over your literally, hey man, he don't know where you get my number from me? Now who are you anyway? Who is it? Who are you?


I tell you what you're talking about? Coming over here? Missing with anything on time? Okay, set to go off every evening at the food to start getting dark. My going off. Let me not come on to night anyway?

Why why why you can't come up with your own theme.

Man, Why you came my.

Own thing and look at it? I tell you what, man, what's for you? Anyway? We just quatched it? Right now? You stay four five street over? What kind of color you got me?


Well, I'll come find you, come deal with you right now? Where are you at?

Wait? Right now? Where you are? You know what? Don't worry about where I'm at. I'm gonna be there on your life.

I'm not mon now.

I'm gonna come fine.

You know your life ain't coming on tonight.

No, not come on tonight. There's gonna be some problems in your life. It's gonna be hard to breathe for you. I'm letting you know here.

Man, hey, man, man, first for you anyway, Man.

You have caused me out of the blue, telling me that you're gonna come disconnect my life and steal my major and take my baby Jesus out the man? Who are you shut up here accusing me of stealing your thing when it's been my theme all these years, six years I've been doing this Night of One Best Yard three years or three years running in this season. Now I think you trying to get by way.

But see the problem is you're the one best Yard because you're still in my idea?

How can I be still in your message? Man? You know what you and your and I'm ready to deal with you right now.

Hey, dog, dog, I'm nothing to go back and forth with you. You stole my Jesus theme.

Dog, Hold on, wait a minute. How can I have won Best Yard three years running and you saying I got the theme you you should have been getting. You must not be doing you right.

Let me let me, let me let me go on and say this to you right now.

Dog? What day?

What Larry on your street told me to call you, lad.

You Larry gave you my number.

Larry and Tommy told me to call you.

Larry and Tommy told you to call me.

And you know who Tommy is that?

That ain't no, ain't never missing Tommy to me?

Who I'm Tommy. I'm nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got planged by your boy, Larry Man.

Nephew Tomas you want to show.

Told me to call you. He said you win every single you the Christmas But.

It's kind of funny.

Let me ask you something. What's the baddest radio show in.

The lane man hands down, no doubt that morning the show with nephew.

To come over there and get gee Jesus. I'm gonna get the wise man.

Everyboy, boy, boy, now you're fit to meet Jesus.

That's more accurate.

See you're gonna come around here.

There's gonna be some rolling round out here.

Decorator touch the wise men?

Married that nor your ad.

First, he didn't understand the accusation. Where you get that theme from Christmas?

Right right about his theme?

Where you're going with this man? Get the theme from it's Christmas. You're gonna put Jesus out of major. It's Christmas, that.

Man, Frank praise for real?

All right, thank you, nephew

Run That Prank

Nephew Tommy’s Prank Phone Calls from The Steve Harvey Morning Show
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