
Ron Ananian, The Car Doctor - March 22, 2025 - Hour 1 - The Hyundai Outside Your Door - (855)560-9900 24/7 Hotline

Published Mar 22, 2025, 11:58 PM

On today's episode of Ron Ananian, The Car Doctor, Ron shares a story about a Monday that didn't go as expected. It all started with a mysterious Hyundai left on the street, seemingly ready for repair, but with no key and no instructions. As Ron and the team figured out the situation, they discovered a bad battery was the culprit, despite initially suspecting a more complex issue. Ron emphasizes the importance of not assuming anything during car repairs, particularly when it comes to battery replacements, which are becoming increasingly complex with modern vehicles.

Later, Ron helps a caller with a 1998 Mercedes SLK experiencing repeated misfires, which may be caused by a computer issue after the car was jump-started incorrectly. The discussion delves into the challenges of reprogramming or replacing the car's computer, with Ron suggesting potential solutions, including finding specialized mobile techs for reflashing.

Ron also advises on a listener's 1994 Ford F-150 manual transmission issues, where the transmission fluid has become a point of concern. He explains the shift from using gear oil to ATF in certain vehicles and shares his own experiences with fluid changes.

Tune in for insightful automotive advice and Ron’s unique take on the everyday challenges of car repairs!

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Ron Anian. If you want to go on a time travel and you own a repair shop, I challenge you to clean out your back room because the things you're gonna find are absolutely staggering.

I'm listening.

The Car Doctor and he still has no drive. Right, it's reverse golden birth. Okay, then it's got an internal transmission problem and it's teared down to inspect.

Welcome to the radio home of Ron Ananian, the Car Doctor. Since nineteen ninety one, this is where car owners the world overturned to for their definitive opinion on automotive repair. If your mechanics giving you a busy signal, pick up.

The phone and call in. The garage doors are open, but I am here to take your call at A five five.

Hundred and now hes running Sometimes Mondays just just don't start off like you expect them to.

And that's all part of the process, right, That's all part of order repair. That's what it's all about. We had this and you can't make it up, you know it just and you look at it and you say, what are the odds? Right? We had this well, like I wanted to work on Monday morning, I'll start the story there. And it was supposed to be a pretty simple, straightforward kind of day, as much as Mondays can be. And I noticed when I got to the shop about you know, I don't know, three four car lengths away from the driveway of the shop, there's this Honday parked on the side of the road with the hood up, and I'm don't know, look somebody broke down. At least they're in the right spot. And I pulled in and I got into the office. You know, Bob was there. Hea the office opened up and him and Danny were yacking, and you know, I said, hey, does anybody know anything about the Honday And they said, oh, yeah, that's the customer who's dropping off. And then I remembered, right, we had a we had a Honday that was supposed to drop off that, you know, this morning that morning, and I don't know, and I'm like, why is it on the street. So I, you know, we went out there and I told Danny, I said, you know, is the key somewhere? We couldn't find the key. The key wasn't in the dropbox, it was nowhere to be found. It was in the ignition. I said, well, that's kind of weird. You know. We verified it by license plate. We had never seen the car before. First time customer. We had never seen the car before, verified the plate, looked in the glove box, found the registration. Yeah, that's it's his car, as per the information he gave us. But why is it here? You know, are we supposed to? Okay, here it is. I even opened the hood for you so you could fix it. I'm not sure what he was thinking, Like, you know, I understand making it easier for us, but you know, this is a little crazy. So I I texted him, I called him, and as I'm doing all that, Sean happens to pull up. What happened, well, he said, I you know, I had my wife follow me over here. And what did he say? Oh, yeah, his wife followed him over here. And then he was going to take his wife's car home after he dropped her off at the train because the train's a block in the other direction, so they left the Hyundai where he parked it. For some reason, he didn't want to park it in the driveway of the shop. He was trying to be considered, I think for space, but there was plenty of space. I never got that part of the conversation, and he jumped into his wife's car, drove her the block away to the train station, came back in his Honda or whatever it was, pulled into the yard, and then went to get the Hyundai to pull that into the yard and then switch in then take the Honda home. But the Hundai wouldn't start, so he had gone home to get himself jumper cables. He was going to come back and try and jump it, and that's when we sort of met him out there. So we pushed it in, and you know, it's just easier. It was just it was easier to push the car backwards then even try to bother jumping it because you know, it was just that close to the driveway. So we pushed it in and you know, did our paperwork, wrote everything up, and off he goes and off we go, and you know, what could you expect to find. I'm thinking, I'm thinking I've got to have a bad alternator, right, And there's that dirty word again, right. What I always tell you guys, never assume, you know, assume it's just a tough word in order repair. You assume you're gonna get beat up. But I ran through my usual due diligence. I you know, I went through first thing, checked the battery. Batteries got a standing voltage of twelve point three vaults. Wait a minute, it's got eleven point four vaults. And I scratched out to twelve point two right, and wait a minute, it's got ten and a half vaults. Wait a minute, it's got twelve and a half folts. You know, the battery voltage is changing by the second. As I'm watching it on the meter, I'm going, Okay, what do you want to be because you're not right. The battery had failed in such a manner that when you turn the key, nothing happened, and it needed a battery. It's just and what are the odds? Right? I mean he just shut it off right at that moment in proximity of the shop, and the car wouldn't start. I mean, talk about crazy. You know, we ended up. I swapped, I put a battery in it. I checked it for draw, I checked it for charging system output, and you know, everything was fine. It needed a battery. And sometimes the complicated becomes simple because we don't assume, or we're not supposed to assume. Because I still ran my battery of tests, because I still ran and you know did what I normally would do, even simple battery replacements. And I think this is the takeaway point of this conversation. Even simple battery replacements of late I've developed where I've got a routine and I will still do it right. It's you know, check standing voltage, write it down, check load voltage, write it down, perform the load test, write it down, you know, and you start to pick away at things and you start to go in some sort of logical sequential order to help the term because you can't assume, you can't believe that it's it's going to be simple, and you better not because we're seeing far too many vehicles where batteries and battery replacement is getting to be complicated. And you know, it's you've got to be certain of what you're doing on something newer, for sure, And there are issues where you know, a memory saver is important, doing fuel trum resets are important, doing you know, adaptives are important. It's it's really become part of battery replacement. You know, if you get a I don't know, two thousand and five Toyota Corolla, two cables and a bracket and you're not Yeah, that's different that's a very different animal. We had a twenty thirteen Honda Civic on Friday this past week. Michael dropped off. The car had a slow crank in his description, and it's important to get the description from the from the vehicle owner because number one, it teaches you how they're communicating and how you can communicate better with them, but just to get their thoughts. And he said, well, he says, now I have to step on the gas to get at the turnover, which really has no bearing. Stepping on the gas on a modern day fuel injected vehicle doesn't do anything to make it, to make it run or operate. It's it's it's inconsequential. So we ended up in that case, I went out, I started it, It cranked slow, and sure enough it needed a battery. What size battery was it? Group fifty one. As a matter of fact, Tom was there. Tom saw this. That was Friday morning. Tom was in for his oil change, and you know, we ended up, you know, putting a battery in it. That battery, because we can assume right that battery was two and a half years old, just just a little over two and a half years old, maybe closer to three. Group fifty one batteries on Hondas just don't seem to last. And my point becomes, some batteries are dying faster, some batteries are lasting longer, but battery failures, it seems like no two are the same. They they vary in they're they're they're very different, you know, on a very high scale. You know, we're going back to the going back to the Hyundai. We put a battery in it and the car started right up and you know, absolutely no problem, no issues, and uh, you know, away we went, you know, fixed, and it's it's it's only going to continue in that. You know, the vehicles aren't going to get any easier in terms of batteries, their connections, their components, and the resets and battery resets are going to become a very big part of the business on newer vehicles going forward. So you know, just keep that in mind. Can be done. You need to scan tool, you need to follow a procedure, So don't be afraid of it. But just don't don't assume that it's just a simple cables and clamps in a way you go, you know, it's there's probably a little bit more to it than that follow the book. Eight five five five six zero nine nine zero zero Again eight five five five six zero nine nine zero zero. Ronin Ani in the Car Doctor. I'm back right after this. Don't go away. You have done.

What's more fun than listening to Ron and any in the Car Doctor and getting that car fixed?


Eight five five five six zero nine nine zero zero. Give Ron a call. Now back to Ron. Hey, let's go over and talk to Brian from Pennsylvania. Brian, Welcome to the Car Doctor, sir. How can I help? We've talked about this car before, haven't we? This ninety eight Mercedes?

I don't believe so I just got this this car.

Okay, there must be two of them. Good, what do you got?

It's a ninety eight Mercedes SLK. And what happened was it was given to me and I use it as a summertime car my place up in the Pocados, and I loaned it to somebody and then when I got it back it was running. It was running hard. So I took it this shop. They said it was missfire on cylinder to said they replaced I said, just replace all the coil packs. They replaced the coil PACs. Then it came back as another misfire on cylinder too, and it was an injector. They said, no power to the injector. Well, here what we ended up finding out. We find out my friend that borrowed the car jumped his wife's car and he crossed them. He hooked up the jumper cables the wrong way. Boy, And we say, we assumed defried the computer. So what my shop did was they were the guy. They had this young kid from a tech school, and he went into the computer and he was able to solder a couple of things and he messed around with it and he got where the car would run fine. I would drive the car. We put two thousand miles on the car and we were able to drive it. Now, all of a sudden it's acting up again and the only thing we possibly could think is it needs a computer. So my question is I have a used I have a parts car, a complete parts car with a computer in it. Because I don't want I called Mercedes. My shop called Mercedes, and Mercedes wants four thousand dollars for a computer and to reprogram it.

Right, Your question to me is how how can you reprogram that to the vehicle?

Yeah, because I googled it and I was just wondering. I see these places that say plug and play, give them your vend number and stuff. But I just don't know anybody that ever dealt with that.

Well, it don't work the plug and play places are they are they saying all computers some you know, because this doesn't work on all all right, Whether or not that whether or not that computer can be flashed is completely up to Mercedes. If Mercedes says it says it can be done, it can it just And if Mercedes says they can do it using a used computer, it can be done. It just requires proper equipment. The issue you're going to run into is this car is almost thirty years old, and who in the outside aftermarket besides the dealer is going to have equipment going back that far. They're out there. You're just going to have to find them now. Sometimes, all right, there are mobile texts they're called or a mobile reflash guy, and your shop may know of one where they can make an appointment and have him show up. And because the vehicle is so old and the complexity of the repair, he'll have the proper equipment because he'll see he'll see you know, he'll have he'll have he'll have four hundred customers, four hundred shops as his customer, and you know he can justify the cost of the existence, all right. Short short of that, I don't know of any other way other than a Mercedes factory tool, a factory level tool to do that.

Yeah, that's what I was just wondering to see if you ever came across it to see because they say when you google it and you read it online. I never called the people that I saw online the other day when I was researching, but they say they do. They do to Mercedes, and they said, you just give them their vend number and then for eight hundred bucks you pay for it and then they ship you back at computer that's already programs at a car.


It's if they're saying they can do it, all right, it can be done. It just takes proper equipment and somebody's got to have invested in that equipment. That's my point, all right. The only the only other If I'm answering your question, right, I'm sorry if I'm not the only other way I know that it could be done. And frankly, in the shop, you know, I don't even look anymore. I run into a problem. Something's got to be fleshed. I have a tool called an Opus all right, Opus IVS. Opus IVS is a particular level of scan tool that gives me the ability to you know, I can go through and it's it's like a lot of scan tools in the sense that it will have you know, standard platform. I can interface with all the vehicles out there. But then when I get to okay, I've got a reflash. It is known as a pass through device where I will call up OPUS on the flash line as we call it, and they will tell me we can flash this, we can't flash that, And if they can't flash it, it's because the manufacturer doesn't allow it. So they become my my mobile tech guy, and they will flash it through as a flash device. Now I tell you this not because you need to know what I have in the shop, but there are other shops out there that have Opus IVS scan tools. So if you can find somebody that does that local, it may save you the trouble and the expense of driving through you know, dry or I'm sorry, sending the computer out and hoping it comes back, you know, properly flashed. You get what I'm saying. It just takes a particular You know, I know.

What you're saying because I got friends of mine that are in the you know, I'm in the car business, and they're in the locksmith business, and they told me the same thing. And they said, there's got to be somebody out there, right, he said, there's no pother. He says, I could not understand for a thirty year old car, because what even my mechanic was having a hard time understanding.

He said.

To Mercedes, he says, well, why can I buy this part online or buy it from a junk yard? He says, they sell them all the time on a junk yard. And he said, oh well, and they were both of them. Both dealership said now impossible, impossible, can't be done.

Well, oh so you're saying, Oh, so you're saying, Mercedes is telling you that you have to buy a new computer from them and they'll flash it for four thousand dollars.

Oh yeah, they want twenty five hundred hours for the computer to have it shipped from They said, to have it shipped from Germany. And then it's twenty five hundred hours. We have to bring the car there, and then it's twenty five hundred hour. It's two thousand hours, so it's a total forty five hundred bucks total and two thousand dollars for them to reflash it and put it in the car.

I swear we talked about this car. I wonder if your buddy called the show about a month and a half two months ago. That's kind of funny because there's something about this call that's very, very familiar. I wonder if he was running into the problem and he was trying to have his guy fix it. But nobody ever said anything to me about jump starting it backwards. This is the first time I'm hearing it.

Uh yeah, well I wish I know that, because they were for the last three months we were chasing. They were replacing that, replacing that. Right when my buddy said to me, he says, what's wrong with the bends? I said, I got this problem, and then he says, oh, well, I wonder if it's got to do it when I borrowed it, I said, why didn't you tell me that?


There is because the oops.

Yeah, there's the oops. I can tell you if it can't be flashed, I can tell you why. All right, because the late the late nineties early two thousands was around the time the car companies were starting to put I think the term was volatile memory chips in the computers, meaning that they would be written once and they couldn't be rewritten a second time. So if somebody, if somebody is actually able to reflash it, there are I'm going to use the word, there are hackers out there that are they they've learned which chips on the motherboard are storing this volatile memory, and they're unsoldering them and putting in new volatile chips, and then then the computer thinks it's no you know, Then then it there's there's nothing that you know, they see in its memory, so then it can be written over And I'd be willing to bet if anybody's out there you know that's what they're doing. If that's the case with this, if this truly can't be overwritten, all right, And the only way we're going to get that answer is we're going to have to talk to a flasher with older equipment to see what the procedure is, and then you'll know. But you make a you make a good point, and I feel your pain. I think you're going to have to go down the road of you know, if it can't be flashed, who can hack it? Because there are guys out there. There are guys out there.

I appreciate the help. Thank you very much, and I love the show.

Thank you, sir. You're very welcome to let us know what happens. I'm telling you, I've we talked about this. I got to go back in the art guys. I think it was where we were more. I think it was back beginning of the year. The guy was trying to fix the car. Good lord. Yeah, because in ninety eight Mercedes. It's just how many of them are there out there? I'm running ay in the car doctor eighty five five five six zero nine nine zero zero. What are the odds? That's the way we open the show today.

I'll be back right after this.

And let's see where do we want to go Now, let's go over to Paul and Virginia ninety four Ford f one fifty. Paul. Welcome to the Car Doctor, sir. How can I help?

Yeah? Hello, Ron, Yes, sir, yep, got this truck. I'm I think the third owner of it, and it it doesn't feel great always, it's it's different. Going into year and that can even be with the engine off. And I was, I was assuming because I know a bad word. That night and I was, I was in the in a park store and I was getting ready to buy eighty ninety eight synthetic full synthetic.

Wait, eighty ninety eight synthetic for what? Oh wait, is this a stick or automatic?

Yeah? It's a stick.

Okay, ye, different world.

Yeah, I understand some miles the unit. Anyway, I was getting ready to buy the full synthetic eighty ninety eight, and uh, the devellowed the calendar. He's he's the manager. Uh he he's thinking it might be at yes, and yeah, it looks like in my owner's manual that's what it's got.

Go ahead.

So anyway, on a previous vehicle years ago, another five speed, and it was making a little bit of noise in fifth year, not much, but I just you know, I mean, if you had the radio on, you wouldn't heard it. So I took it in that was about one hundred and forty thousand miles. I took it into a dealer, a four dealer, and have it rebuilt. And when I got it back, it was making a lot of noise, and it was also leaking. It was obviously used ATF. And I called and I said, why does this have ATF in it? Well, that's so you can shift it. They said, Well it had eighty to ninety weight when I brought it in, and I could shift it. That was never a problem. Anyway, I wound up taking it to another rebuilder.

All right, well here, before we go, before we go too far down the road, poll because we're gonna you know, we don't want to. I've only got a half hour left. The end result here is, you know, what does this vehicle call for? I believe ATF is the right fluid. The reason they went from gear oil to ATF had to do with fuel economy and parasitic trick. I'm not saying I agree with it. I'm just telling you what was there, all right, and the rationale for it. Now to cut to the chase. All right. If if this is an automatic trends requirement vehicle, all right, I can tell you what I did in my ninety seven Ranger. I've got a ninety seven Ranger, two wheel drive, three liter V six stick truck, right five speed, and that that calls for ATF also and for the last twenty years that vehicle has run. If you sit down General Motors Synchromesh manual trans fluid, it has roughly the same viscosity as ATF, but it's got a little bit better formulation for parasitic drag and it actually smoothed out the shift point. Now, I'm not saying that's going to fix your problem. If you've got an issue putting this into first gear vehicle off, it's it's likely either an internal linkage issue or trans issue or a problem with the clutch itself. Does it have any issues going into reverse at any given time?


Okay, then fluid A fluid change is your first step. And when you drain out what's in there, I would definitely try and catch some of it, because I'm going to tell you to take the oil and filter it through a paint strainer to see if you know, are there any metal particles in this trans? All right? And then at that point, you know, at that point, you know, we can talk about if there's metal, well, then it's got to come out and get rebuilt, and you know, make that decision how many miles are on this unit? Because if you notice, I haven't asked you that up till.

Now, oh around three d.

Okay, yeah, and I kind of figured as much, you know. Three hundred thousand, three hundred thousand. Obviously you like the truck, you bought it, you're still driving it, right, three.

Hundred you don't use a drop.

Of oil, right, three hundred thousand. If you can find parts for a thirty one year old vehicle, all right, if you can find proper parts and rebuild it thirty one thousand, uh thirty one miles thirty one years later, three hundred thousand miles. You know, if it's three thousand dollars or four thousand dollars to rebuild this, trends, that's still cheaper than buying a new truck, which is you know, going to begin at sixty sixty five, right, so three four grand is nothing. And then while you got it apart, you put a clutch in it and get it over with al together. Other just make sure good quality clutch, you know. The other argument for rebuilding this or repairing this now, if it does need it, I'm not saying to do it, you know if it doesn't. But a good argument for doing it now is if you're planning to drive the truck any length of time. Parts are on a time bomb or on a timeline. They're a ticking time bomb. You know. Every minute that goes by is one more minute less likely to be able to get something. So don't put off rebuilding next year, which you can rebuild now, because if you can find parts now, you may not be able to find it six months a year from now. And that's that's really how I try and encourage people to think. You know, even if you even if you purchase an overhaul kit now and let it sit on the shelf for a year or two, at least you've got it. And that's that's the problem, you know. It's it's it's that's the only that's the only problem with an older vehicle, you know. So just just just be aware if all that makes sense to you, right, all right, you know, it's it's funny we use all drive older vehicles. Thirty years ago, that truck was brand new and we drove it everywhere. The problem is you take it somewhere now and if it breaks down, can't find parts for it. So it's a it's an issue, and it's a lot simpler vehicle to fix it, isn't it isn't the knowledge to fix it. It's the parts that are a problem. So just just be aware. But you can find just go if you want to try fluid first verify is it an ATF and I believe it is. You know, before you go, put eighty ninety eight in it, because that's really going to take you in the other direction. That's going to make the sliders and the syncros work harder because it's going to be thicker. Right, what would I would take a spin at putting GM manual trans fluid in it. You know it's still out there. Obviously GM hasn't well, they still make some manual transit, but not like for what the application was really designed. But I would try GM manual trans fluid if you can still find it and see what that does for you. It might make your life easier. All right, kiddo, all right, you're ay, welcome sir. You'd be well eight five five five six zero nine nine zero zero on a nady of the car doctor coming back right after this? You know, what are the odds? Next? Up? Jerry in uh where's Jerry from? I can tell you it's not on my screen, but Jerry's in Rehobo Delaware, because I've got Jerry's email two pages right in front of me. I was going to talk about this this weekend. Jerry, you're there, my friend.

Yeah, I'm here.

Brother, you got guts. Let me tell you. Let me see eight nine steps of trying to repair this vehicle. A wiring harness. Jerry, you put a wiring harness in this car? Yeah, oh my god, God bless you. And it wasn't even for the vehicle. You put an O three wiring harness in an oh seven Chrysler Town and Country.


I didn't do it. Thechanic, my local mechanic did that as the last resort kind of a thing. They couldn't get a two thousand and seven because existed.


Yeah, listen, brother, you got guts. You must love this vehicle. Let me let me tell you where I am. And you know, for everybody out there, I've got Jerry's email in front of you. Jerry's got a vehicle, and correct me where I'm wrong here, Jerry, if I'm not reading it right. It started out running rough and backfiring, and the check engine light came on. He did spark plugs, he did injectors, He did a couple of engine computers. He put a wiring harness in it, he put a new battery in it, he put a uh, he replaced the fan relay, the gas cap, fuel pump, He did a bunch of pile aparts here right, Jerry, Right, you know what sort of diagnosis was done before we fired the shot the parts cannon here.

Well, they diagnosed it and it came back to fifth cylinder was a problem. That's what initially happened, I guess. And they replaced the spark plug and then the fuel injector, and then it went off, you know, momentarily back and forth kind of right and right.

Now it's in a it'll start but then die.

Now it starts perfectly. It runs. I can run fifty miles sixty miles when I stop it after about if I leave it sid for about five minutes, it won't restart. Okay, Then about twenty minutes or so, starts up perfect I can run it again for another fifty miles or more?

Can it? Can it be easily duplicated?

What do you mean easily do?


If you dropped it off your mechanic and he were to tap in some test equipment and take it for a ride if he made it the donut car that week, you know, went out for ten o'clock donuts.

He's driven it all around, he's tested it and done whatever. And he's a longtime guy too, and he's talked to a lot of local people and nobody can get a handle on. But what would cause this? And then the engine light doesn't come on, the check engine light doesn't come on.

Okay, So so here follow me a second, right, can he duplicate the problem? Can he make if he drives it long enough, will it die on him one day during the course of the work week?


Yeah, yeah, yeah, what happens for him too?

Okay? So first thing I want to do is I mean, listen, you want to you want to know what I would do? Right, I'd strap a fuel pressure gage to the windshield. I don't care what you've replaced, I don't care what you've tested up to this point. I want to walk up to this like it's a fresh vehicle. Too many hands in the pot, too many things have been done to it. I want to know that it's got fuel pressure when it does all right? Can we do that?

Okay? I guess I can get him to do that.

All right, number one. Number two. If he's an old guy like me, he's probably labscope competent. I'd like to know, all right, can he can he put a lab scope on the crank sensor? These had labs scope, these had These had crank sensor problems if we because let's face it, this started out as a as a as a cylinder five. I think you said misfire right once a one cylinder misfire is not going to prevent a vehicle from running right. It's going to run badly, but it'll run.


So either either something misdiagnosed I'm not accusing anybody of anything, or somebody missed the mark, or you know, it's I always think about that episode. I love Lucy who put the east in the bread, and that bread fourteen feet long comes out of the oven, right, so you know who touched what last and who went down the wrong path. I want to go back to basics. I want to see fuel pressure. I want to see I want I want an experiment, pluging a scan tool, crank the engine over all, right, disable fuel, crank the engine over will the crank sensor trigger the computer and show me cranking rpm? Yes? Good, that's good plug fuel pressure back in, now, catch it when it's dead. When it's dead, do I see cranking rpm signal on my scan tool?


Maybe I got a crank censor problem. Maybe it's as simple as that. Either that or I'm going to say, can we get a labscope out and start to monitor, you know, signals and sensors. When I read your email initially, Jerry, I said, this is a signal and sensor car. You're gonna have to go through this wire by wire. This is no more assumption.


That word came up three times this week, all right, And I want to know fuel pressure. I want to know does it have spark when it doesn't start? And there's an easy test spark tester out under the hood, all right? And does it have cranking rpm? What is it missing?

If it's missing, it's said when you when it won't start, it sounds like it wants to turn over, and it's got fire and everything, but it.

Just right, Well, you're like it's.

Not getting gas even even bypassed the uh the fuel pump and put the gas in directly. Okay, and that didn't do anything either, right.

But we're assuming I want to know what fuel pressure is all right? Humor me, all right, humor me. If that was a one cylinder lawnmarwer engine, how would you diagnose it? Does it have fuel? Does it have spark? And does it mechanically sound? Same thing, bigger engine. I don't want to. I also don't want to get sidetracked. I know it's not the answer your looking looking for. You're looking for a silver bullet. I don't have one, brother, nobody does. All right, Right, well, well I've seen plenty like this, and I fixed everything the Good Lord has thrown my way. The only things I haven't fixed are with somebody backs down and they realize the expense involved. All right, but everything I've ever fixed, I've fixed it the same way. Fuel pressure, cranking, RPM, spark? Do I have injector pulse? You know? I read in your email? How the the the ASD relay is shut down? Sure, because it's missing one of those signals. This is a censor and signal vehicle. Now you've changed too much. You've changed the parameters of the test you played, Captain Kirk. This is the Kobyashi Maru. You changed the parameters to the point that now you've made it so no service manual no previous experience, Nothing anybody's worked on up till this point is going to apply. So now it's a matter of and I got to go. But now it's a matter of you've got to break this card down into its simplest form, spark fuel distribution mechanical. Call me back when you know. I'll be here for you, Jerry, I'm running any in the car. Doctor. I'll be back here for everybody else right after this, you know, And we're gonna hold calls online there. We'll hold you guys till the next hour when you get a car like Jerry's. Jerry's car can be fixed, but the problem's going to be is it justifiable? And an awful lot's been done to it to modify a wiring harness between from an seven vehicle to make an O three harness fit in seven. I don't know what the changes were, but God bless them. That takes guts, and I think that's I think that's a that's a that's a great call to try. If it works. Did it work? But if you notice his problem changed. He originally started out with a running rough under five misfire and now it's a dies after fifty miles on the road, and it's been over some period of time. So have they been fixing problems along the way. Did they solve one problem only to have it rear its head again a short time later in some other form or some other problem. You don't know. You've got a signal and sensor car. Now you've got to go through that pin for pin, wire for wire, sensor for sensor. You've modified enough and it still comes back to basics. It really does. I don't think it's impossible to fix. Look if I sounded short, I'm going through the change, I'm going through manopause. I don't have time for goof and off. I want to get things done. So let's go back to the scope. Let's look at signals, let's look at scan tools, let's look at basics, and that car can be fixed. Jerry, you called me back. I'm run an ady in the car. Doctor till the next time. Good mechanics aren't expensive, they're priceless.

See you

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