In this broadcast of Ron Ananian, The Car Doctor, Ron helps two listeners with car issues.
Dan in Connecticut has a 1996 Buick with issues related to the brake lights. The third brake light works, but the regular brake lights and hazard lights do not. Ron explains that the brake light switch is likely functioning since the third brake light works, and he suggests the turn signal switch is probably the issue. He recommends testing the turn signal switch using a wiring diagram and checks for voltage at the switch. If there's no power on the other side of the switch, it's faulty. He also suggests using a scan tool or testing the cruise control system to further confirm if the brake light switch is functioning.
Walter in Pennsylvania has a 2012 RAM with a recurring EVAP system issue. He replaced several components like the gas cap, vapor canister, and EVAP emission system, but the check engine light came back on. Ron advises Walter to properly diagnose the issue rather than replacing parts again. He talks about the importance of the system's integrity, mentioning that even a tiny leak can trigger the code. Ron suggests using a smoke machine to detect leaks or checking the rubber hose connections. If there's no leak, the problem might be with a faulty EVAP sensor.
The next call involves a truck with intermittent performance issues where it dies after driving for about an hour or two. Ron discusses various diagnostic steps such as checking fuel pressure, mass airflow sensor, vacuum readings, and electrical connections to determine the root cause. He emphasizes the importance of replicating the problem conditions rather than relying on tests when the vehicle is functioning normally, and warns against "throwing parts" at the problem without proper diagnostics.
All calls are technical, with Ron offering advice on testing and troubleshooting specific parts using a methodical approach. He emphasizes the importance of diagnosing before replacing parts unnecessarily.
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Ron An Aian. There's got to be consistency in order to repair. Also, you know most things can be predicted three, six, eight, ten months in advance. Hey, we know you're gonna need tires next year. We know you're gonna need breaks next year. The opnator that drops that on Tuesday, Yeah, nobody could predict that.
Is not.
Staking bus driver scene. See the car Doctor.
It's been like in a high fifties sixties.
I said, you don't you feel it cold?
But you can't really gauze.
Right, it's not enough. There's no heat load on the system.
Welcome to the radio home of ron An Aian, the Car Doctor.
Since nineteen ninety one.
This is where car owners the world overturned to for their definitive opinion on automotive repair. If your mechanics giving you a busy signal, pick up the phone and call in.
The garage doors are open. I am here to take your calls at eight five five, five six hundred and now running well, we get another week of challenging motor repair questions at eight five five five six zero nine nine zero zero. But that's okay. I'm here to work and get started. So let's dive right into a dan in Connecticut waiting nevery patiently, sir, how can I help you in your ninety six buick.
Ahi, Ron, Yes, I have no no rare brake lights, just the one that's out in the windshield, the bottom of the windshield.
Okay, at the bottom of the back wind at the bottom of the back window. You mean, yeah, okay.
And the hazard lights don't work all right.
But but but that third break light works. That that middle that third break what was traditionally call a third or high mounted stop lamp, that works.
Yes, okay.
So if that works, then the brake light switch is working because it's triggered directly off the brake light switch. What happens is that the break lights switch at the base of the pedal. There's an orange in a white wire. The orange is hot coming from the fuse, and then the wipe comes out and it branches off. It goes off into a stop lamp. The stop lamp circuit down to the turn signal, and then it goes to the third brake light itself. So if the third brake light is working, then we know that the stop lamp switch is functional. Okay, what parts have you changed already. Let me ask that question.
Just the bults, all the bulbs, Okay, So I have my mechanic look at it, and he didn't really want to work on it. He said, he thinks it's a turn signal switch.
Probably is, which.
I wanted to ask you about that. That's not the multifunction switch, is it.
Well, that's the one that the turn signals are on. Well, the multifunction switch. Let's not get confused. The multifunction switch you're talking about in reference to what turns the wipers on? Correct?
Yeah, all of those work.
Right, right, because because that multifunction switch, or that lever, let me call it a lever. That lever, if you notice, has a wire coming off the bottom of it, and it kind of tucks neatly into the steering column and then disappears down into the column. Right, that's got a separate all the all the turn signal switch does is hold that lever. All right. You could, you could, you could take that lever out, You could pop that lever out, lay it on the dashboard and when you wanted to reach up and but you have no way to activate the turn signals if you follow what I'm saying. So you know when they call it. When they call it a multifunction switch, that is a separate switch in function and form and fit from the turn signal switch. It just happened to be connected to the two of them, all right, So yeah, don't don't get the two confused going into the turn signal switch. What GM did was they came out of the stop lamb fuse. They ran it right down to the brake light switch. Coming out of the brake light switch, they came out with a white wire. Is this a four door car or a two door car? Two door coop? Okay, that makes it easier. The four door cars. There was a few of those built. It's hard to find the part. It's hard to find the wiring diagram, but suffice it to say that it comes out as a white wire. I would go down to the directional switch and where that white wire comes in. Do I have hot there? Do I have power there? All right? If I have power there, and go back to the other side of the switch, I believe it's a green wire, green or blue? Do I have anything there? If I don't, I've got a bad turn signal switch. It's just that it's just that simple. It's not really much more complicated than that. The fact that the stop lamp, the high mounted stop lamp is working, yeah, tells me at all. Now, you know, if we want, if we want to test this, all right, and you know, let's let's just say we didn't have the ability to look at the third brake light and say, hey, is it working or not? The way I could verify if the switch is working is two different ways. Do we have a scan tool? If we have a scan tool and go into data, do I have because back in the nineties they love to do this, Do I have a PID? Do I have a data piece on the scan tool for stomp lamp switch on off? And it'll change when you step the step on the brake pedal Because the computer needed to see brake light operation to kick the trends out of overdrive, so they had it was it was sort of a requirement that it would be there on a scan tool, so you could diagnose it that way. The other way you could do this is does the car have cruise control?
Does it work?
I never I never used it.
Try it it, take it out for a ride. If the cruise control works and you step on the brake pedal and it stops working. The brake light switch is working. That's another way you could test it. Because they looked at they looked at brake lay They figured if you were you know, if you're hitting the brakes, you wanted to turn off the cruise right then you didn't want to keep going. But it sounds like to me, for my money, you've got a bed turn signal switch. Now you've got to find one, you know.
Now, that's the that's the multi function one you're talking about.
No, that's the one inside. That's the one inside the column. Right, that's the piece inside with the long wiring harness. It's going to run down to the base of the column, all right, Different different companies will make that. The first place I would go look for that switch is Standard Motor Products s MP. S MP made those switches back in the day, and I believe they still do all right, and they made a great quality piece. So I would be looking for one of those. And if they're not making it anymore, there's probably some somewhere that some motor parts house has on the shelf. Not quite sure what to do with it, because how many ninety six Buick Rivieras are left right. Yeah, so great, great cars, fun cars man, So all right, love it. But you could you could, you could probably go online Google search Standard Motor Products and I bet they've got an online catalog. I bet you could even look it up online and see what the partnermber is. So at least you know what you're looking for.
Okay, great, all right, yep, yeah, thank you.
You're very welcome, sir. You have a great rest of the day. Let's go over to Let's go over to Walter in Pennsylvania. Walter, you're up ron an Indian at your service? How can I help? Yes, sir, Yeah, So.
I have a twenty twelve RAM with a HEMY five point seven. In October. This passed October, the EVAP check engine light system came on code zero four four one. I replaced the gas cab, and I replaced the vapor canistare which is under the hood, and I replaced the EVAPP emission system.
Leak of affortive system integrity monitor right right, the little white the little white and black piece that's bolted to the side of the charcoal canister.
Right, and so the light turned off and last week think the light turned on again. Okay, should I replace all these things again.
No, you should get it diagnosed, all right. So so so let's let's talk about this for a second. You changed the purge valve right, the piece up front, correct? Okay? Yeah, you called it a canister.
Well, no, there's two things. And also the evappumission leak detection uh thing it has it's underneath the car.
Right, Where's where's them mounted? Them is mounted on the canister.
The vapor cannister is under the hood. It's like kind of the driver's side fender.
Okay, and that's and that's where them is mounted. Correct.
Okay, I'm just trying to make sure we're talking about the same pieces that has.
Yeah, that has two lines to it and then an electrical line, right, and then the one underneath it only has like an electrical sensor and a thick washer.
Okay, all right, so here let me I mean, do you understand how evapp works, walt or what it does?
Yes, I know I've read the very finicky with these things right.
Well, the the the ESUM system that ESOM monitor. What happens is when you shut the vehicle off, it counts on a very very very very very very small change in fuel pressure, vapor pressure, pushing the pushing the switch over to close, to show that the system has integrity. You've ever been to a small town carnival and you got the little skinny guy with the the that rings the bell. You hit the hammer and then goes dang and the bell goes right. Yes, that thing. That's kind of what an m is, all right, it's it's gotta have. It's got to have system integrity. A leak in the system thinner than a piece of hair on your head will cause that system to fail.
All right.
So so being what this is, if we can't test it, and the way I would test it is I would put this vehicle into it's evaporative state where I would run it, run the monitor, and then it will it will show me that the system is in a vapor state, closing the bell, and then I can count how long it takes before the signal degrades. All right. The other way I'm going to do it is using a smoke machine, and I'm going to be I'm gonna be I'm going to be gingerly with my smoke, because smoke can create enough pressure to overcome some of these and actually never find the leak. The other thing I'm going to do is you have black plastic, hard plastic tubing rubber elbows under the hood right for the EVAP system. Why don't you go around very gently and very gently try do they twist? If they twist, that's movement. If they've got movement, that's a leak. Brother, all right. And there was actually a few bulletins from Chrysler talking about replacing the tube eblis on these vehicles. Now I'm assuming, well I'm using that word a lot this weekend, that them you bought is good, all right. I've seen bad new ones out of the gate from Chrysler. I've seen bad new ones out of the gate in the aftermarket. It happens, all right. The other thing you could do is do you own a vacuum gauge.
I I don't think I have one, but I'm sure I could find one.
Okay, I tell you what. Stay on the line a minute, let me pull over, take a pause. When I come back, I want to explain to you how I want you to do this test at the Purge valve. I'm running any in the car. Doctor will return right after this time.
Ride it on the wall, so you don't forget to call for car advice.
Done right? Eight five five five six zero nine nine zero zero. Now back to Ron Walter. You're still there. Yeah, I want to go back over something you said. I was thinking about it. Them theom the three quarters of it is a white plastic going to a black base, correct, correct, Okay, it's got a big fat hose, right, used the used a rubber row ring with a push tab. Right that it's sort of ninety degree screwed into the counter, into the into the charcoal canister.
Yeah, it's probably like a quarter yeah.
Quarter turn Okay, all right, just to make sure we're on the right page. So that's the back door of an evaporative system, and I'll explain that in a second. The front door is the purge valve. The purge valve is located where over by the passenger side front corner of the radiator support.
Uh, driver's side fender.
Driver's side fender. So so the so the canister and the purge are both, yes, they are. It is on the it is on the driver's side fender, okay. And the purge valve has two vacuum lines going to it, right, and it has one two wire connector one one right, it has one two wire connector yeah right, okay, So the purge valve is the front door of an EVAP system. And the way this works is if you look at your house, you have a front door and a back door. If you want to get air to go through the house, you have to open up the back door in the front door, right, So air flows through. So when they want to clean out the canister that's been storing fuel tank fumes, they open up the um and they open up the purge and they allow air to flow through, come through the canister out and up feeds the and comes up the line for purge, comes up through the purge valve, goes into the engine to be burned. Makes sense, okay, if you electrically disconnect the purge valve, all right, A purge valve is normally closed. It is computer commanded on you with me, yes, all right, disconnect it if you If you disconnect it, that valve is closed. The front door of the house is closed. It's it's it's shut, all right. If you close the front door to your house, do you have any air leaks? You shouldn't in theory, right, So same thing with this so one of those two vacuum, one of those two rubber hoses is going to be engine manifold vacuum. All right. If you were to start the truck up with the purge valve disconnected, electrically disconnected, and you pulled those rubber hoses off, one of them is going to have vacuum and that's that's going to the engine and the other one is feed going from coming from the canister. Right. I want you to take that two line rubber hose and twist it and I want you to put just the vacuum side onto the purge valve. Okay, all right, So now start the truck. The valve is the valve is mechanically closed, right, it can't be electrically activated, right, all right. If you put a vacuum gauge on the other side of the purge valve, that's that's you know where the nipples hanging open. Right, what will that read?
Well, that.
Well should read zero, okay, right, because it's mechanically closed. All right. I'm pushing I'm pushing your envelope today, buddy. All right. I want I want to get you to understand this. If that if that purge valve is mechanically closed, and it's got engine vacuum being applied to it. Right, we should not see vacuum on the other side. And if we don't see vacuum on the other side, you've got a good purge valve. This is a five minute test. What I'm doing is I'm trying to teach you to test this without anything expensive. You will need a scan tool to clear the codes that we're about to set. So know that, know that going in, all right, If that purge valve passes the test, the purge is good. Take it off the list, all right, Go and check. Go and check your rubber plastic elbow connections and fittings, and it doesn't take much. You'll see you'll start to play with them. And if I remember right, the one at the base of the throttle body was the most susceptible to failure, all right, because I believe that vacuum line coming from the purge valve is going to lead right to the base of the throttle body or the intake or the or the intake, and you're going to find that one of those plastic tubes turns in the elbow, all right, Now, don't don't hercules this all right, you know I'll prove it's bad. You know, No, this is this is this is about being gentle, all right, because we're we're looking for something that occurs. You know, an evapp leak on this vehicle can occur because of a temperature change, expansion and control. That's what makes these so hard to find, right, all right? If if I find nothing else, all right, I've eliminated purge, I've eliminated the lines. You don't have a smoke machine. I'm trying to get you through this. You know, my choice is do I have a bad new ESM. It's possible. It's it's easy to try a second one. They're cheap enough. I would tell you. I would be certain that you've got a good seal. Where that orange O ring is on the canister, that it's not pinched, right.
Yeah, I think so. It clips on, there's a lock.
On it, right. Sometimes the O ring falls out of placement when you go to put it on. The Other thing you could try is, you know, a dab of what I call yellow grease, the industry calls it white lithium grease. Just a small shmerrhor grease on that O ring and then put the esum on just enough to give a little suppleness to the nipple so that it doesn't it doesn't bunch up. And see if that gets at the seal a little bit better. A couple of things for you to try, Walter, you need more. You know where I am eight five five five six zero nine nine zero zero on an eating the car. Doctor. I'll be back right after this. And where are we going now? Let's go to Don and Iowa waiting a very patiently two thousand Chevy Blazer. God, Don, I remember these vehicles. You might have the last one left in America. How many miles you go? This thing?
It's got two hundred and fifteen thousand on it. Wow?
So and the frame hasn't rusted out yet. I'm not Pierre around. I'm just really yeah, I just I remember these were they just rotted away like you know it was, and they were great vehicles. I love them. They were just so much fun. They're the right size. There's a lot in.
The age, yes, but what I'm doing it's exactly the right size. And it's got the ear shift on the columns like and drive it from the other side.
Yep, yeah, yeah, I get you. What's going on with.
This thing, Well, it's laying down on me. By that, I mean about about an hour and a half out on the route, it'll start. The first thing is that if you notice it's not shifting into high gear. You know, at about fifty mile an hour, you look over here the engines are having about four grand and find if you let off, it'll maybe shift in, and then it'll sputter, and it keeps getting worse to eventually it'll just it'll just kill off, kill right off on you kill off.
When you say kill off down, do you mean that.
The truck it's engine will shut down.
It'll shut off. Yes, okay.
And then if you it said about five minutes, well a lot of times that happened. It'll get do that. About time I get back into the into the town. I got to go to a rest home, so I go inside there do their mail. Then I come out and that's about the midway point. Then I reshuffle my load, you know, and then I take off. And then while I'm in town, you know, you're not really pushing it very hard. It'll run, you know, and then you get back out in the cot. But it's temperature related, because a really warm day it gets awful on.
You, okay, and any any diagnostics or any testing been done to this point.
Well, yes, as a matter of fact, it did this to me a week ago. A week ago Friday, it was really warm here in Iowa, and the guy that I've had work on it, I called him up and said, I'm bringing it up to you. It's doing it terrible. So he got in with a scan tool and anyhow he came up with a couple of o he said, well, your oxygen senses don't look right. He said, God, I'd never seen oxygen says to made or run this bad.
Either for the fact of it right, And what did he do? Did he do anything?
Well, he was busy then. But then I got essentially I had it up there yesterday and he put two oxygen sensors in it. And then I told him while he had it out, he said, oh yeah, he knew about, you know, checking for a plug converter with the pressure gauge, and he said there was no problem with that, and anyhow he did that. And then also, oh, the friday before he told me he said, you know, e g r vels and knowing to caused lots of troubles with these things. He said that you could do yourself, which I could. It was a ten minute It was a ten minute and one hundred dollars later type deal. And he didn't do a thing for it. And also he changed he cleaned the throttle body and I think he said, like the idle air controller. He cleaned that up.
So what I'm curious about is you're not mentioning fuel pressure.
H He checked that fuel pressure and it was good. He was up like fifty or better, you know.
Right, Well, hang on a second now, he checked it when the vehicle was running. Okay, correct, No, it.
Was running terrible that day a week ago, all right, and what was fuel pressure? Oh, I don't I just he stabbed the gauge on. I know it was fifty to fifty five right in there.
All right, Well let me let me let me say it like this. If this is a four to three W motor, this has this has the snake injector under the intake planum.
Oh the spider yes, yeah, oh. I had him replace at him about six weeks ago.
Okay, well, fifty five the speck is a minimum of fifty six at fifty at fifty five, this truck won't run, it'll run.
It'll see that. You know I'm standing off the side, but he looked right.
Listen. My My point is, I want to be exact about fuel pressure because if it's if it's at fifty five and the minimum accepted value is fifty six, If my fuel pressure gaue's been dropped a few times and it's off by three percent, guess what that fifty six is really fifty three? And now I've got a problem. So I want to know what. I want to know what real fuel pressure is. Yeah, I get it, I get it. But it was running badly, you.
Said, Okay, well last about August, I had to put a new fuel pump in it.
Okay, what's fuel pressure? Don't assume, don't assume I know. Listen, I know you're you're looking for a silver bullet. Second time I'm saying that this week, I want to know what. I want to know what real fuel pressure is when the problem's happening. The other thing, the other thing I want to know is I want to go and look at I want to go and look at fuel trim. I want to know where fuel trim is Is it running lean? Is it running rich? All right, if it's if it's really running bed, if it's shaking like a rough idol, okay, and we think it's e g R, where's the EGR position? You can read all this with a scan tool. And I'm not saying I'm not saying nobody has. I'm just saying, we've got to go through this, you know, system by system, step by step, all right, older vehicle, higher mileage. We've been throwing parts at it, throwing parts at something and not thinking on my soapbox, because that's not what you're here for. Throwing parts at something may not fix anything. It may inject a new problem into the problem, because there's no rule that new means good. I can't tell you how many fans I've seen that in fifty three years of fixing cars.
Yes, never ever worry.
Then you know the story. So I want to know what fuel pressure is. I want to know that it's right, all right. I want to know that I don't have an issue now, you know, let's get past fuel pressure. Let's get past looking at fuel trim. The next place I'm going to go is, you know, at the time of failure, if I take it out on the road with a vacuum gauge hooked up. What does the vacuum gauge say? And this vehicle, I believe in two thousand has a map sensor. What's my map sensor reading mass airflow? Thing? And well I think, I think. Don't hold me to this, but I thought this had a mass airflow and a map. I believe they did both.
All right, the map is that that little one right ahead of the mass airflow one?
No, that's that's the intake air timp Okay, yeah.
Yeah, yeah, that's what he said.
It was right.
No, I changed that mass airflow about a year ago. Okay, Well that that curriage it was doing about the same thing.
Okay, well that curriage. Well, you know again at the point of failure. Has anybody done a full range test on the mass airflow sensor?
Well no, but what I did. I've got a I had a ninety six and the mechanic that was my neighbor, he said, Well he looked it up. He said, to that ninety six there has got the same same part number. So I switched it in and that that secured it so that I went and bought a new one.
Right, you know, has anybody tested the new one.
No, okay, I put I put the other one back in again, and it didn't make a bit of difference.
Right, But you are missing my point. You're you're telling me a year ago you changed the mass airflow. Here you are a year later, or has this problem been going on for a year?
Well, I I was about a year ago. I changed that mass airport.
When you changed the mass airflow a year ago? Did it fix the truck? Well, it's a yes or no answer, it's a yes or no answer.
Yeah, yeah, plus ago again I had that's I put the used one out of my other blazer, right, that cured it? Okay, Then I so I broke down and bought a new one and put it in and put together, you know, put the other one back in the other blazer.
So for a year, this truck's been running fine.
Oh no, oh, no, it's had other troubles, believe.
Me, right, but this particular problem has it been running? It's been running okay.
Well, you know the funny thing about this no matter what's wrong with it, it always it always does the same thing. It takes an hour and a half two hours for any problem to you know, show itself.
So it's had this. It's had this dying off after an hour, hour and a half of driving for the past two years, is what you're telling me. And all the parts that everybody's thrown at it, the parts canon that's been sprayed at this vehicle hasn't fixed the thing.
Yeah, it does fix it for a while, then something else happens again.
And it's the same exact condition pretty much. I'll describe it at the point of failure, all right. I want to know what fuel pressure is at the point of failure. I want to sweep test done to the mass airflow sensor at the point of failure. I want to know what manifold vacuum is. Anything I test in the bay when the vehicle is running good. Anything I test in the bay even if the vehicles running slightly rough is an invalid test. I have to duplicate the condition. I'm sorry, but that's just the way it works, you know, because listen, this could be a corroded electrical connector that's affecting computer operation, and you know, all you're doing is running around as the thing cools off, put apart in something changes. Now it works again, Now it doesn't You know, You're you're throwing a parts cannon at this thing. And you haven't hit that. You haven't hit the nail on the head yet.
Right, Well, when we could go, when I did, way, he got in and he drew, he plugged in you know, his scan tool, and we took off drive. But well, actually, and I was writing shot and I said, here you play, I said, I'll steer you just well, look at your scan tool, you know.
Well you're looking at you're looking at or looking.
At you boy, he's looking at the scan right.
Well, somebody's looking for somebody is looking for the ability to look at this and determine sensor values, sensor conditions and what's going on. Go back and do those things I talked about. Don come back to me with some more information and then we can talk further. Eight five five five six zero nine nine zero zero run eading of the car doctor back right after this, let's uh, let's go over and talk to David and Maine. David Rong with Ronanny and the card doctor. How can I help?
Well, Ron, I have a situation with my car not charging good, and I forget you would be the man that would be able to tell me how.
To fix it, all right, let's see what you got.
It's a two thousand and six Buick Concern, right, and you know, with a good battery and it charged, it would uh sometimes not have enough juice to start it right, And so typically I replaced the alternator and had another, you know, the same problem. Right the next time, I bought a new one, and a while later, a couple of months later, that that went bad. So I figured that was the problem. So I'm on my fourth alternator now. But I've had it tested and the alternator seems to be working right according to the scan tool, and the battery seemed to be accurate. So there's something causing the problem where it won't hold the charge on the battery, and I can't figure it out.
Therefore, you ever, you ever ever get you ever get an excessively high water bill at your house? David? No, No, really, in all in all, in all your years, you've never had a You've never had a case where the toilet runs and it just doesn't seal. Yeah, yeah, And what do you do? You go jiggle the handle and you get the little rubber flap to seal inside the tank and stops the water from leaking by right, right, right, well, so you know, cars are kind of the same way, not that they're a toilet, but it's you've got you've got an electrical drain pulling the battery down. From the sounds of it, it's got nothing to do with the alternator. The only connection to the alternator is that it's attached to the same vehicle.
So the definition of insanity is keep doing the same thing hoping for the same result and it never happens. So what you need to do here is have somebody do an electrical draw test. Let me ask you this question. If you start the car, how often do you start the car? How often do you drive this vehicle daily? Okay, so you're telling me you start this car every day over a seven day period, and you could get to the fifth or sixth day at random, and the battery is dead, right, okay? So batteries how old?
Two years?
All right? What makes you think? Well, how do you know the battery is dead? What do you do to start it? Do you jump it? Do you charge it? I've done both, okay, and both of them right away, no questions asked. The minuy you touch the cables, everything lights up and off at fires.
Well, sometimes that happened. Sometimes I have to leave the cables on it for four or five minutes before it'll.
Before you, before you hook up the cables, do you happen to check battery voltage to see what it is you have?
Haven't done that?
All right? I would like to know what that is? All right? Just on the pretext. Do I really have a dead battery? Do I have a bad connection at the battery? Is that connection causing a resistance or contact problem that makes this an intermittent?
All right?
Listen, this is a fairly straightforward problem to solve. We've we've got to have We've got to have a good battery, good connections on the positive and negative side at the battery, and at the starter and at the ground lug down where the negative cable attaches to either the frame or the engine block. All right, if all of those are good, and test it, and I want them, I want I want a voltage drop test done. Then we're gonna have to do a draw test. And if you sit tight, I'll come back in two minutes and I'll explain a draw test to you. Don't go anywhere. I'm ronning any and the car doctor we'll be back right after this, David, you're still there, David, David, there you go. All right, in two minutes or less, I'm gonna tell you need to do an electrical draw test on this vehicle. All right. You're gonna tell me. You're gonna tell me you don't see any lights on, you don't see anything on, you don't hear anything on, And I'm gonna tell you it doesn't matter. All right. Uh, you got a kitchen sink in the house, Yeah, all right. If the water's off and city water pressure is fifteen ps i, will make it easy. It's twelve psi. What's the water pressure in the kitchen sink with the faucet off?
Hopefully twelve?
Hopefully twelve? Well, well, no, no, behind that shut off valve, do you have twelve psi?
Okay. That battery that sits in the car, nothing's on. It's a twelve old battery. It's actually twelve and a half, but for the sake of this conversation, we'll make it twelve. All right, nothing's on. What's what's the voltage at that battery? Twelve? Right, voltage and pressure are the same. It's always there. It's a constant Okay. If you open up the faucet and you fill an eight ounce cup in thirty seconds, we figure it out. That's x amount of volume. Right. If a bulb comes on and it draws out of that battery, it's x amount of volume. Somebody needs to do a draw test. It's done by hooking up a digital vault homemeter and millim draw test. That system can have more than fifty millims of draw after a one hour time period of sitting down and waiting, do a draw test to that vehicle. Come back and tell me what you find. We'll talk some more. I'm running any in the card doctor until the next time. Good mechanics aren't expensive, they're priceless. See you