E15: Phil Labonte from All That Remains on how to solve the red state vs. blue state culture wars

Published Jun 3, 2021, 6:14 AM

Will the divide between red and blue America ever close? Could changing the Constitution using Article V provide a path? Rock band frontman Phil Labonte joins us to talk about the possibilities and a little about his music.

---- Content of This Episode ----
00:00​​​​​ Episode Start
00:10 Dreaming of a red-blue divorce in America
02:10 Holy Cow! It’s Phil Labonte of All That Remains
03:25 Phil flees Taxachusetts
08:00 Federalism. Good or bad?
13:00 Time for an Article V Convention of the states?
18:30 What progressive want to change about the constitution
25:30 Misunderstanding Phil’s music
27:50 The left dominates music and culture
28:00 Has Punk Rock gone woke?
31:45 The critics really hate Phil
33:00 Will we ever rein in Big Tech?
37:00 Common Carrier laws
40:00 Hooray for LGBT families!
42:00 Follow James Lindsay’s New Discourses on Youtube

---- Reading List ----

The Progressive case for an Article V convention (Jurist) https://www.jurist.org/commentary/2018/12/roy-ulrich-progressive-convention/

History of secession movements in the US (NPR) https://www.npr.org/2020/08/20/904195380/break-it-up-examines-the-history-of-secession-movements-in-the-u-s

8 Secession movements in US history (Mental Floss) https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/19862/8-secessionist-movements-american-history

Review of David French’s ‘Divided we Fall’ (NY Times) https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/22/books/review/divided-we-fall-david-french.html

Disgruntled Oregonians in five counties vote in favor of joining Idaho. What’s next? (Idaho Statesman) https://www.idahostatesman.com/news/northwest/idaho/article251530708.html

The Hidden Threat to our Constitution (American Constitution Society) https://www.acslaw.org/expertforum/the-hidden-threat-to-our-constitution/

Phil Labonte archive on Metalsucks

---- Plugs for our guests ----

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