E42: Mainstream media has chosen its narrative about Covid

Published Dec 9, 2021, 4:00 AM

Former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson joins Stephen Kent and Jacob Rich to talk about coronavirus hysteria, vaccine mandates, big tech censorship, and if it's possible to have an honest conversation about COVID-19.

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--- Content of This Episode ----
00:00 Episode Start
00:05 Cautiously preparing for the show
02:30 Pandemic overreaction
10:15 Being skeptical of Big Pharma
15:39 Bill de Blasio’s NYC vaccine mandate
21:00 Long-term impact research
25:20 Pivot to marijuana
29:11 Reporting on side-effects
32:40 We review our own show

---- Reading List ----

Pandemia: How Coronavirus Hysteria Took Over Our Government, Rights, and Lives

Unreported Truths, Alex Berenson's Substack

---- Plugs for our Guests ----

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