What is causing the surge of crime in San Francisco? Should we be taking Caitlyn Jenner's gubernatorial run seriously? And what can be made of Brandi Love's controversial appearance at a Turning Point USA conference?
On a new Right Now, Stephen and co-host Brad Polumbo sit down with Nuance Bro, a YouTuber dedicated to getting to the truth no matter where it leads, for a conversation about what fuels the popularity of certain political parties and movements, how we can address the rise in crime in major American cities, and how we can approach political conversations calmly and empathetically with people whose views are different from our own.
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---- Content of This Episode ----
00:00 Episode start
00:05 Stephen and Brad on space travel
01:20 Now even more reasons to subscribe
02:45 Welcome Nuance Bro (or is it Mr. Bro?)
04:09 Questioning Caitlyn Jenner’s political sincerity
06:24 Tracking shifts in the conservative movement
13:08 Nuance Bro is looking for answers not spin
18:11 Fringe figures pushing to center stage
21:12 A difference of opinion over TPUSA’s porn star situation
31:30 Fleeing the San Francisco disaster and its controversial DA
42:15 Good news on Blue Origin, Greyson Chance and leaving Las Vegas
---- Reading List ----
"Conservative pornstar" derails Turning Point USA's right-wing youth gathering (Salon)
The truth about Chesa Boudin and San Francisco crime (SFGate)
Conservative porn star Brandi Love, 48, is kicked out of Florida Republican conference for high school kids because outraged parents complained (Daily Mail)
Target and Walgreens Are Making Drastic Changes Amid Skyrocketing Shoplifting in San Francisco (Foundation for Economic Education)
---- Plugs for our guests ----
Check out Nuance Bro's YouTube channel and Twitter:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/NuanceBro
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NuanceBro
Check out Brad Polumbo's YouTube channel and Twitter:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClFUXoMmjzaeD5RjGPNGHSQ/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/brad_polumbo