It’s a wild one today as Today Show legends Sylvia Jeffreys & Karl Stefanovic step in for Ricki-Lee & Joel! They come prepared with their own Tim Factwells, and let’s just say… Tim’s legacy is shaken.
The Whisper Challenge goes completely off the rails, we reveal Joel Creasey’s next big career move, and Tim flexes about his most famous follower—hello, Yoko Ono!
Plus, ChatGPT roasts Sylvia & Karl (brutally), and we wrap up with Joel Jivin’!
Very quickly.
Welcome to the podcast. Special guests here in for Joel and Rocky. Today she'll be Jeffrey's cast. Epanovik, thanks for joining.
Us, guys, lovely to be here.
It was really nice, fun, yeah, electric, because every time you see me, it's not in a professional way normally, so it was nice for you to actually witness drinking water to work water.
I've never seen him drink water to enjoyed the podcast.
Guys, are we live on the radio?
We laugh? Start show.
Is Ricky Lee, Tim and Joel in reporting for driving you home crazy.
Here we go, Ricky, Lee, Tim and Joel.
My idea of a very nice day out. It should be a crime.
It's so good. Yeah, as soon as you hit four o'clock.
Don't push me close close to the edge.
Welcome to Tuesday Afternoon and reculates him and John minus two of the host. Today you're joined by what's your name?
Peter Stefan, Mike prefer.
Don't do that.
And literally you've been here since like three point thirty, which I told you not to do, and ten seconds before were about to come on.
You're like because you didn't turn them on and know what you're like, yeah, I see what's up? Do you like the new.
Do you know what?
And so you're not even talking into the microphone properly. What is happening here?
Talking into the microphone?
Turn around like that?
Yeah, I thought you could have shown me that was directional.
I don't even know what that means directional.
I can't believe that you didn't put that tape over my head over my mouth the gaffer.
I mean, why cover up that head.
Of hairdacting like your scalp did.
When I want to hit that that one off the head?
Probably not a lot. We got a huge show today. That's funny, isn't it? Why a big show today? I will feel you in on what's happening?
So okay, I have no idea what's happening?
You give me right?
Ricky leads him and Joel I love.
On liper here. Ricky leads him and Joel. Ricky's doing idole duties. It's a live idol show tonight. And then Joel was doing a secret television project, secret which I can reveal more later.
Apparently is it live golf related from doing the f one in China?
No, he's not. And you can't say China like that. Now, that was a liper. That was do a liper. You have just told us off air, Carl, Yes, that you saw her do the best thing she's ever done.
I did, and she was doing a concert last night and then suddenly she just riffs into an ACKed like a song which I love.
Here it is Highway to Hell. I think it's the best thing she's ever done.
She's got a great voice for that song.
Yeah, have you heard the ac DC. Think the reason their name is ac DC is because they're the chords and all their songs.
It is that as in fact.
I don't think that's factual. Everyone to get.
I think she could release this song and it would go to number one.
She did it with Miley Eye together.
Put your hands in the air, Let don't care, way the hell A way the hell.
That's a pretty sick outfit too.
By the way, she looks great.
She's in Melbourne again tomorrow, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday or late. Apparently she's doing Australian songs every night, a different tune every night.
There's a lot of people there who don't know that song. I'm just saying that in the front row.
Is that upset.
You can't because they're too it upsets you.
Yeah, well here she's doing pub with no beer by slim Dusty tomorrow night.
So really no, who are your saucers? Well needs to check.
Well, that's what we do next. We need Tim fact next.
I've actually asked you to prepare a fact because I heard a fact today.
I think it was today that blew my mind and will bow yours out of the water. Come on, okay, so Tim factwell.
Tim backs facks, backs, sacks backspack.
Well coming up next.
And if you've got one thirteen twenty four teens out numbers, share your fact with us.
I got one.
Ricky leads him and Joel to call for skills.
To Kesha here on nov Ricky lad him and Joel with Carl and Sylvia today filling in happily happily.
He thanks for having us happily.
It feels nice to be invited anywhere it is.
Oh yeah, you're short of an invitation, Carlos.
I am. Actually, I'm an incredibly popular dude, but I don't get invited many places, and I do like to get out on a weekday afternoon.
What day of the week is, It's Tuesday.
I felt happy that you weren't double booked normally. You've got a few things on at the same time.
Cut back my schedule. There's a lot going on.
Yeah, I haven't been invited anywhere, and I feel bad about it.
But I'll tell you what I do have. Oh, yes, I have a lot of facts. Well, actually say that again, say what do you what do you go I've had a lot of facts.
You can't say that.
I feel nervous saying it. I let the production say it.
Okay, get I would like to hear Sylvia say fact.
Oh god, I'm nervous.
You sound South African. Yeah, it gets fucked.
I'm not going to own accents. I don't think we can do accents. What you do you have a fact? A fun fact?
I was too about to give you my my accents.
I'm good at accents. No, no, please don't, I'm really good at them. Anyway, I do have a fun fact.
Australia is wider than the moon.
Norett good. I brought that one to the table a little while ago, but.
It thanks Georgie.
Do you want one more?
The average person blinks fourteen to seventeen times per minute unless they're cooked.
I asked you to prepare one this morning. Did you bring one you? Did you get other people to do it? No?
I brought my own. I brought my I did my own research.
She's diligent.
I googled fun facts, and this is what I got.
A chicken once lived for eighteen months without a head.
Get that's good.
It's legit. It happened in the nineteen forty.
Most headless chickens die in minutes, but this one survived because his jugular vein and brain stem were left intact.
Therefore his brain.
Intaction get get tacked or remained semi functional. So the poor little chicken was running around headless for eighteen minutes.
Can you imagine that is a good fact? I would like to see you, timmy. I would like to challenge you this morning afternoon, twenty years, twenty.
Years of breakfast television.
I like you to say intact and get fact one hundred times in a minute.
No, hey, jess, how are I am? How are you very good? What's your tim fact? Well?
So, did you know that a cloud weighs more than a tont oh because.
Of all the moisture the water? Really?
Yep, just any cloud.
Or any regular cloud in the sky fair.
I think I read that in my list of fun facts, so I think it's also accurate.
What's keeping it up up there?
Why doesn't it just fall from the stuff?
I can't don't look at me with a question like that.
Is it because of the updrift of anyway? Doesn't know? I can't believe that that one was on a fun fact? Yes, I've got one.
This is okay, this is Matthew, This is real Chris Martin from Toldplay. His great great grandfather invented daylight savings. No true in nineteen oh seven. Really, yes, that's why I wrote the zonge clocks.
That's not true.
This is Ricky Lee, Tim michell on over, Timjel.
You can all that go away when you walk out on stage. Get on stage as the one in Spy where do I have anxiety or insecurity?
Is going to get to be there and just totally be myself and totally be free.
I feel like that's my really my home in my living room, and I get to just walk around by make it in my living room. It's my mate Teddy.
He announced he's coming back to Australia in October with his I've tried everything with therapy to apprectyle. Tickets are on sale from tomorrow with all tickets on so March twenty four. Frontier Touring dot Com has your details or you can call us. Oh now, oh Thurtay twenty four ten. Should they do anything? Are you wanting anything to happen?
I think he'd look good naked.
I don't think that was the question.
I was still struggling he would. I think he'd look good naked. Teddy Swims twenty four ten. You want Teddy Swims? Don't take your headphones off too early?
Mate, following my leag thirty twenty four ten, news was too late. You stop taking We're still on, still on, this is bad drap tickets.
Next, Fricky leads him until somebody stopping.
Teddy Swim. Did you discover him?
I did.
I was in a dark hole one night on the interweb and I found this clip of this guy, you know, he was at a railway station and he was doing that Journey song Don't Stop Believing Yes, which and I went wow.
So I rang the you know, the record label dude, and.
I said, I'm not going to name names, but anyway, Dan said to me we will get him on your show as soon as he comes to Australia, right, And I'm like, yeah, Teddy's my man.
And then anyway, one morning I woke up and there he was on Sunrise.
No Teddy loyalty, There, no loyalty.
You're not even getting five percent of his Australia, of his anything.
And I'm the only guy in Australia who wants to see him.
Maybe you've been coming on too strong, car.
Carlin, Sylvia. Here Teddy Spimp is coming back to Australia.
I've tried everything but therapy love. He used to play football, you explain, like I guess just football over there, but American football to us, and was in the theater and stuff like that. And he told his mummy wanted to get out with the football and get back into the theater.
And his mom's like what, Yeah, he's a creative side to him, and he is such a beautiful guy.
Was a creative to him. The talent artists coming out here on a tour.
Do you know how that in the NFL Super Bowl she does snort? She snorts, well, and do you know who that the NFL umpires and the Super Bowl also get super Bowl rings?
Do they?
In fact, well that's a good Where was that half an hour ago?
Stuff in my head? Hey, Rebecca, would you like to go and see Teddy Swims? Genuine excitement?
That's great?
I'm serious.
Yeah, O, my god, thank you so much.
Why are you looking through papers like you know what's happening next?
I just feel so good for that late.
I mean, she's there, Rebecca, Rebecca, Taco Tuesday. It's Taco Tuesday, and you're just going about your business, all the stresses of life, and then boom, Teddy Swims concert.
Yes, that's radio, that's radio. Good is effort? How good is this show?
Is nov the best stuff? You guys are celebrating twenty years of Channel nine. So we've got you together and you're gonna do.
The Whisper Challenge about that? Just the Whisper song, the Whisper challenge, not the Whisper song you played us that in the office. That's an absolute note.
Ricky leads him, and somebody stopping.
It's not month and so Larren's Allahnder's doesn't really nice a little bit. It's nice, isn't it.
It doesn't get to like play as much fun music in the mornings.
We don't play any music in the morning, just like a little.
Bit to the break sometimes five seconds.
Yeah, of course. Yeah.
Now we're on Instagram Live. We're about to play the Whisper Challenge. This is how it works. Carl Sevanovy Can Sylvia Jeffrees are here and this is how we play the Whisper Challenge. I will say a word, and the first person to guess what I am saying wins a point. But the fact is you have to wear headphones that cancel on mine voice out.
I see you see what I'm saying, not really.
Say again.
You're going to say a word word and you have to yell out what you think it is. Okay, oh okay, yeah yeah, basically, oh yeah, that's a nicer way of explaining.
That's smart. She's smarter than.
You're slow at this time of the day, I'm not okay, pop your other headphones on?
What other headphones?
Hello, someone under the desk? What's going on in mind? Is that?
That's good. That's goods to hear me.
Okay, you're ready, okay, astronauts, astronauts.
Bang one, you've got to say something ready. Anniversary Anniversary, Anniversary.
You've got to guess what I'm saying.
Oh yeah, by using your voice, I thought you were here. Everyone was hearing this song.
Okay, here we go, go again, Go again again, Guinness Guinness Genius, Guinness Genius, Guinness Guinnus Patrick's one.
That's enough. What happened?
Ricky leads him and Joel somebody stopping.
Over dirty cash here with Carl and Sylvia Today Today, Ricky is on IDOL Tonight Live results show tonight at seven thirty.
I think, yeah, on seven.
It is just Firing season.
Did you really watch it too? I know I tape it. I tape it.
Yeah, yeah, you know you don't have to do that anymore.
Nine? Now what nine?
Now I'm shoving.
Right now, we're giving you two thousand bucks, two thousand bucks a day. In fact, thanks to our friends that after Pay After pay Day is nearly here Thursday to Sunday, thousands of brands on start up for seventy percent of teas and season flight Head to afterpay dot com for details.
While you're looking at.
Me, because it's funny the way you work the microphone and when you're really into something, you sort of bounce a little bit on your che it's very energetic.
Don's still working to the voice. It's a beautiful voice that you've got voice of Now you.
Do, it's beautiful.
Each date, we'll jump on the after pay cart and fill up our cart with products.
Now we have two contestants on the phone. I think we've got Nicky. You are won the toss, so you get to answer first.
Here, Sylvie's going to read out three items from our after paid cart, and you both have to guess the total amount of this cart.
The closest it gets two thousand bucks.
It's pretty easy, Okay, Nick, it's easy.
Well, it's not easy. But let's actually let me give you some moll.
I knew something was missing, all right.
Here we go.
Number one in our car is an Espresso Creatista plus coffee machine. Number thank you, Wrangler Steezy relaxed jeans, a bit like.
The ones that Tim Blackwell's wearing today.
There it's slouchy and Lego speed Champions McLaren f one team race car from Big.
W Okay, those three items? How much Nick? For all three items? I'd say about nine and eighty nine dollars? Okay? Nice?
George is here, Hello Georgia, Hi God.
Georgia, so nice. Way, I'm saying, where are the other car.
It's like when a woman says fine.
It's fine, it's fine.
Fine, So Georgia, Nick said, nine hundred and eighty nine dollars, What are you staying for our car today?
I think I might go.
One, one thousand.
Or nine hundred.
Well, which is it? One thing?
I don't even know what he gets. My dogs barked Nick.
Guests nine nine.
Eighty nine.
Thanks, I please guess.
Nine twenty three.
Oh my god, oh okay, okay. Well the cart Silvia.
Is one thousand, one hundred and thirty two dollars and ninety nine cents.
That's Nick Nicklas. Congratulations Nick, two thousand dollars for you, Thank you so much. That's awesome.
You can you can go and get yourself some slouchy jeans like Tim blackweas and relaxed my wife.
Two thousand dollars.
Phone papers now phone cases. Sure you know you've got on they're skinny on me.
But Ricky, Lee, Tim and Joel, you're getting loose with the guys driving you home.
On nov On nov Ricky Joel minus the Rickey and Joel part today.
Playing the parts of Rickey and Joel Carvanova can Sylvia Jeffrey.
I could never play the part of Rickey Ley, I can.
Certainly play the role of Joel. I felt you were more job vibes though with your blonde hair.
Yeah, I'm probably more Joel, although I do like Neddie like Ricky, but I can't see net.
Eddy, I can sing, I can ye. Go on, we're doing Glossies.
The glasses on street.
Okay, tell us.
What's happening up on the screen behind me, and I'll give you the story to it. Or you can tell us if you like Joel is doing task Master on ten.
You're not supposed to reveal that, Oh yes, Oh.
I thought you were in so much trouble.
Weirdly, this is where this is how your world of television works. Right, then, the season of task Master that he's on is.
Not the one that's coming out, because there's a new one that's about to start, right, I don't know.
We do live this one's out. We go live live because I like that, and yeah it's done, Yeah, yeah, move on next.
When over film get away stories and stuff like that, like one five minute story takes like three days.
Sometimes should try sixty minutes sometimes really the great show that it is, and it's fantastic to work on what's coming up.
It's a great privilege to be on sixty minutes, coming.
On Sunday on sixty minutes. Well it it's another expert. I don't know.
They don't tell you until Wednesday.
The promo is not that's right.
So we we were getting so much trouble if we told you.
I knew that I tried to trick you. Okay, next Gothie. What's happening here?
Cod And O'Brien's been announced as next year's his host again in a.
Row that he was great? What did you think? I love him?
But have you ever seen the clip that he does with the robot doing who It's one of the funniest things you'll ever see. Yes, when he his talk show, the robot comes out and sits down on the toilet and does a poop.
Which websites do you go?
Maybe this is this is a guy off here that has no time to listen to podcast. Just a disappoin podcast.
Really good.
By the way, now you're a podcast. Welcome to the world. By the way, what's yours called again?
It's called the payoff with Sylvia Jeffries. You can get it wherever you listen to your podcasts, and.
What is coming out? What's the next episode?
Maggy Palmer, She's going to tell you how to get a pay rise.
It's really good.
And then it's Mark Buris the following week as well.
So we've got some heavy here and you've had Albow and Peter as well.
Yes, that's right.
Well, Boris is wasted on the podcast with that handsomeness.
He's very likely they film every episode, so it's not wasted all.
He is delicious. Next, Glossy, what's happening here?
Oh, okay, Dave? Is there something new situation?
Yeah, they've had the baby and the love child. We call it the child.
Yeah, I don't know what the update is.
Well, him and his wife Jordan Blum, if you don't mind, Bloom with an L spoted for the first time.
In public looking happy. Oh, that's nice, it is nice.
Yeah, Dave had the love child in August with thirty eight year old Jennifer Younger.
Oh, he looks like he's had his haircut, hairtying, and his wage slash.
No day, last, bossy, what's happening here? This is kidler Roy. They're doing another song together.
They Yeah, so you know how all this thing about him at the moment, he's going a bit crazy, but it's all because he's releasing.
A new album.
He's trying to generate some publicity and the kid l Roy is actually his pendas song, this time on his own. But he's invited bevercause Bee is not having a great run of publicity, so they're going to do a duet.
Is this real?
Because basically what it loves is Justin and Hailey Bieber spent the weekend of Disneyland with Hugh and Leroy and Eddie Benjamin.
Wow, so talented.
It looks like they had a nice time.
They got all the and it's one weird going to Disneyland without children.
Yeah, I get it, you know yea.
Luckily they went with children.
Job and.
Take the rest of the day off.
Wow, this is Michelle, Yes, down, that's what we do.
After five we put out tools down. You'd be having dinner about now. You'd be a sleeve.
Definitely, car Sevanovic and jeffres Here for Ricky and Joel for today.
It's taxing you keep saying that just for today, Like you're warning us you're not coming back to my Well, well.
Joel's not here all week. I don't want to come back anyway. This is too, it's fun. It's not at all. How many st eggs have you eat.
Because they're so expensive peak not that I you know, obviously I can afford Easter eggs, but they're really expensive out there. But someone offers me it's like three beers being a Queenslander. Yeah, Wolf, I'll tell.
You now to do an Easter egg.
You can't say it.
We've got to be happening today for the next hour. We've got Joel driv in which we play. This is going to be bangers from twenty years ago, because you're both celebrating twenty years on nine, which is.
About when I met you.
I reckon, yeah, it's about that. But we're about twenty years and you and i'd be close to fifteen. I'd say, yeah, we would be yeah.
Yeah. Some of the years have been long, some of them have been really sure.
And also we did something for Ricky and Joel and I. We've got chat jef BT to roast us.
No, you're not going to roast me.
Well I'm not going to, but chat JBT.
Has the robots are roasting us.
I can't wait to hear all that.
I've redacted some of it.
There won't be Any's been through enough, there'll be no script, Fricky leads him and Joel.
Somebody stopped Allison ray Let's diet pepsi here on Nova.
Beautiful Tuesday afternoon Tuesday. Thanks for joining us, guys, Hey, thanks for having us.
I can't believe I saw you do that when that song was on do what he drank water. I've never seen twenty years i've known you, I've never seen you.
That's not true. That's that is true, really accurate. I know that's true.
Actually, after your Bucks party, you know, yeah, I went and found us both power aids at Sunshine Coast Airport.
It's not water, no true water as a photo of us.
In one of those women's magazines. And you were seeing like this, a bit like what you were doing when I came down to get you in the car bark before Well, you're hating your hands. I did, I did. Hey.
You know the thing is that day you've got the power aids, you also went.
And got three PI hair of the dog.
It's better to just keep moving the dog, keep the momentum. I want to know who your most famous follower is thirty twenty fourteen. You can get involved as well on the phones if you have someone that you can't believe that Grant Hackett follows you, or you know, the Prime Minister follows you thirteen, twenty fourteen. Your most famous follower And the only reason I wanted to bring this up is because I heard you, Karl talking about Yoko Ono on the show the other day.
As long as we're here from Yoko truly awful voice. She does have an awful voice. Guess who follows me on X. I don't believe that Yoko own stop it. I'll show you. I'll show you why. I don't know. This is what always the follow up question?
Why what are you tweeting it? What are you exing about it?
I don't know? Is it the Yoko bot? Now look at that? See how I said that the follows you?
That's legit?
How did that think?
She was administered by Yoko's office?
Hey, hey, don't prove prove this. So someone in the office, what are you doing? Yeah at the top, So she still have an office.
She's pretty old now, but she was obviously an important person in John's life, but whenever he brought her on set or onto a recording, she really stunned.
This is real, it's beautiful, it's the boundaries.
Yeah, let's have a listen to her doing imagine, imagine all the people.
It's good, it's creative, connected, she connected, she felt thing.
Okay, who's the el's car?
Just off the top of my head, probably DJ Fisher. So yeah, I don't really have I mean obviously very very big, but sure.
I don't know. I don't really follow. Who's like I always slided to Dams. I guess my point here is I asked you, I told you we were doing this. This is the time that you could have maybe just I did. That's what I've done.
He doesn't know how to find his follower.
It doesn't Russell Crowe doesn't like it when I DM him. What do you don't just stuff about his acting?
You know.
You were great and Gladiator.
I don't think I'm on record. I don't think Russell has done a bad film. And if you think about you, right, apart from The Nice Guys with Ryan goli which it was horrible, I loved it.
I'll give him that one. Yeah, but he hasn't done a bad film for me? Probably not.
Yeah, Okay, my most famous follower, she followed me a few years ago, so I don't know if she's still she made him unfollowed now.
But it's Natalie and Brellier.
That's good.
And it popped up on my feed once that Natalie and Breulia Bluetig has followed you on Instagram.
It's not Natalie's office, No, no, she.
Runs out account.
That's a good one. I love her alright.
Twenty fourteen, tell us your most famous follower will give you a hundred bucks to.
Spend it cameras ware house. Let's do that. Let's do that. It's start twenty four ten. Your most famous follower after Ed and.
Kale, Ricky leads him until.
It sent down about promoting his new stuff at the moment, Where was he yesterday?
Where was he yesterday? Was he he's recording a thing in New Orleans, South America?
I was Nororlan Well had in the New Orleans band and he was walking down the street. Looked like he was doing a video clip for something.
Have you been to Orleans? I have before it flooded. Oh yeah, it's a great city. Bourbon Street's wild.
He had a big judge then, I think I'm disappointed with the amount of times I've met and hung out with their cheering.
He doesn't follow me on Instagram.
How many times have been hung out with him?
Maybe ten? Really? Yeah? Something.
At that time in Brisbane, I had a few views with him and I gave him the copy of the Rolling Stone that he was on.
The front front of it. He's like, oh my god, Okay, yeah, yeah, check it. I just came out today Australian Rolling Stone.
You're followed by Fisher, I'm followed by Yoka, and Sylvia.
Is followed by made. It is good written by no it's the cover.
Right, yeah, its not brilliant, but she really owned it.
She made it. This is the original. You already hit this is the original. It sounds like the Astronaut's coming down.
Sixteen straight hours and they're on their.
Way back, right, Yeah, they're they're going to do it. Cross to Theday shows tomorrow morning. When they first get back home, they're coming eight am.
Stories to tell what are they're doing up there? They've been there since you know what.
I don't think they have any stories to tell me.
Then they're stuck in this tin can floating in the sky, and.
My pen floats. That's my only story. My hair is ridiculous.
Any store is up there, I mean, just even going to the toilet, all those kind.
Of everything's hard.
You know what I reckon? They did though? Surely? How long? Nine months? They whacked a SoC over the camera and gone for it?
Maybe yeah, or if not together individually?
You know this is what I'm saying. Yeah, one or all the others, it's a long time.
I don't disrespect them like that.
Everything's floating. You have to try something.
I saw them working out. They've been working out.
There all right? What position? Do you know how? I've got a fun fact for you. Oh gosh, an hour ago. No, I'm just waking up.
Do you know?
How do you know how long it takes for the International Space Station to circumnavigate the Earth?
Ninety minutes?
Does it?
It the whole Earth? Yeah? I'm pretty sure that how true?
I'm pretty sure I think someone checked that.
I don't believe that. I mean the meantime, Beck, who is your most famous follower? Just wow? Hang on? Why? How so?
I was a huge fan of Justin growing up on Twitter and I was one of the biggest bands and I had a huge following. I got a him to follow me as well.
Wow, okay, all out of question, all out of follow up questions.
I got my way.
Did they interact? Has he ever interacted?
Have you interacted?
Well, actually no, but.
I've actually interacted with his manager at the time multiple times.
But he's just lide into each other dms and ask each.
Other questions about Justin.
Oh sordid tail.
All right, he's got new music coming out though, Justin.
Did you know that oh with the Kittler? Yeah, no, it doesn't. Don't come on my show and just like polluted with misinformation.
Although you're circumnavigating, it's circumnavigating.
You said, right, that's something like that is correct? Yeah, ninety minutes. Yeah, I've got a lot of really interesting stuff up.
There that must move fast.
Yeah, Tim Angel, let's go.
I've just been telling you guys about this trip. It's insane, it sounds I'm jealous.
Nova's Red Room Global to a powered by Expedia, All going to see Gracie Abrams Los Angeles with Dean Lewis live in Biga's Red Ring and Las Vegas seeing Jelly Roll and post Ma alone.
That's terrible. Any Vegas tips. Since you came back from the Rugby League.
Well, you know, there's a new bar over there called the Pussy Bar, and it's legitimately one of the greatest bars I've ever been to with my wife, and.
I'm so glad you went with your wife.
It means something different, right, pussy bar. On my hand, it's legitate.
You know, things mean different things over there, like Fanny means bar.
All right, and go through the list.
Don't you use your iPhone notes enough? I'm still right on that.
I like because I remember it. I can't use that on I won't wash that l you don't wash your hair, No, not my left one. I remember that. Hannah, Hello, would you like to come on this trip with us? I'm still.
It's a beautiful baratand we'll google it.
I'll google it when I get home tonight. Hannah, you are in the running.
On Friday, we're going to make the call for the next person to join. Cassie from Adelaide is coming along with us. Who would you like to see the most out of these huge artists?
I am a huge Poston like, yeah, good choice. Nice. Well, we might be seeing you there with us.
Stay tuned on Friday, okay, hang out with you will be Yeah, I'm very chatty on a plane too.
I love What are you going?
Do you?
Ben Lambelle have your next chance? After sie someoneline to be a part of it, no FM, dot com dot au. Can we see this guy in Vegas with us?
Ricky leads him and chel somebody stopping.
Jelly roll in Vegas. We've just been looking up pussy Bar.
It's legit, it's a place, it's I'm so relieved for you.
Now another chance with two grands tomorrow when more trouble when normal programming resumes tomorrow after pay days, thousands of brands on sale, the seventy percent of TNCs a blog afterpaid dot com for details.
I'm a bit nervous about this next bit because.
Why well, Demi Levado has just kind of put a put a thing out on social media talking about chat GPT roast Oh no.
August last year that we did it. He's a little bit of what this is what chat GBT said about me, Ricky and Joel tim this is you.
This feed looks like a chaotic mix of midlife crisis and bandwagon stalagia.
Oh my gosh, this feed is a boring scrapple for someone who can't decide between being a FITNESSO.
Okay, this feed streams desperate for attention. I think chat has gotten Harshess into August.
Needs to chill.
Sounded like she'd been at the pussy bar. That was like a really deep husky car.
Okay, so are you ready? I don't do it, bring it?
Please, don't hurt my feelings.
Oh cut off. You're tough as nails, am I?
Yeah, go on, let's let's have it.
Just be careful, Tim, I'm really care you should be nervous. Okay, I will still be a Jeffries.
You mean you the woman who looks like you were sculpted from the finest Instagram filters.
You've got a wardrobe.
It's clearly trying to tell us something like, I have no idea how to dress for a casual brun but I'm still going to do it in cature alright over, your style is a bit like your personality, a little extra pretty. Look at it's even your It's like even your shoes have their own publicist. Seriously, how do you manage to look like you've just stepped off a runway every single day quite much erosive, honest I redacted a lot. It's almost like you're competing for attention, but with the most subtle, humble brag in Australian TV history.
Sure, No, there's more. You give off the energy of someone who's just discovered.
Other people still do their owin own laundry while you're out here casually tossing designer bag.
You do a shaper driven car like just another Tuesday. It happens.
Honestly, if your aura were any more polished, it would come with a warranty. And let'sn't even start on that smile. It gets more rehsed if it gets more words, it's going to need to credit.
Sorry, I think T is jealous.
Yeah, all right, Chap, what is it you ready for? Yours?
I am ready now get rid of all the redacting stuff.
Put it back here. This is Carl's words left Jewelian the sun just nod. Okay, here we go.
Carl. You are Australia's longest running on air liability. Your career is a glorious train wreck and we all just keep watching, waiting for the next derailment. Yeah, first, who tried to broke a peace between Michael Clark and some backyard doctor Bill shirtless.
Sweaty, and completely out of dep I didn't have a ship.
Instead of refusing the fight, you ended up starring in the most embarrassing sequel of the hangover we've ever seen.
We get it, Carl, You're addicted to the chaos.
You're the only You're the human embodiment of a pub rawl at two am, loud and bound to end in regrets?
Is this chat gt all my mum speakers?
Every team something familiar?
Fashion wise, your entire wardrobe is just navy blue shirts and a sprinkle of middle aged desperation. You've been wearing the same damn thing since today was relevant?
I know right?
I like it.
At this point, you become the poster boy for men who peeped in their thirties. Oh and let's talk about that face.
It's a great face.
Let's go to the face.
Yeah, a pertetual smirk that screams I just got away with something. You've spent so many years blagging your way through TV.
That you actually believe you beloved flagging twenty years? Why the congratulations blacking.
Every morning Australia wakes up to your face and collectively size him.
You survived more scandals than any broadcaster should, proving that even when the ship is sinking, Karl Sevanovik somehow finds a lifeboat.
Ah, there you go, Internet lovely. Yeah, thanks for coming in. Guys. Can you give us the one on you now? Yeah? Possible.
And I'd like to see the reduction.
Yeah yeah, I mean if that's the redacted one, there's some hectic it's in there, but it's it's not real.
No, but it's just what It's just what I picks up off the internet. It's an accumulation of the real.
I feel like I got out of that pretty lightly, actually, Tim and Joel.
On nov scissar BMF anyody is with that?
Sounds for we are on by the way, No BMF be my friend.
BLACKMUF your family. Oh, I didn't expect that. Okay, you just gotten quiet.
You're about to get into Joel Gliden which is a Joe driving with a twist because in this next trolley power is hybrid reinvented.
You don't drive it, you glide. Yeah, take it for a test at your local.
NIS Dealer today five hundred bucks thanks to our friends and this, and let's get into a little.
Joel driving.
And it's Joel Gliden Today twenty year Banger Edition because you're both celebrating twenty years at nine.
By the way it feels, it doesn't feel like a day over five or six.
Really are you being truthful? Twenty years?
What was your first job at nine?
I rolled the Auto Q at Channel nine in Brisbane. Yeah, for Bruce Page and Heather Forth.
Did you really? I did?
I ran scripts into them because I met you when you were doing was it weather Weather presenting Brisbone with Lofty and mel Yes, who are still there?
Hello Lofty and if you're listening, yeah, they might be listening now twelve minutes before they're on out.
Yeah yeah, well yeah, well just Melissa on are now?
Oh yeah, it's saying yeah when I say Lofty, well, because I.
Thing is Yeah, I love those two. They're the best.
Yeah, so beautiful? Was your first job a Channel nine Carlos reading the years?
No, I started out just on the road like everyone else's fun and my brother was doing no brother Pete was doing the auto que the job that silver.
We started so Pete and I started in the same job, but a few years apart.
Yeah, is that in Brisbane? Yeah, I'll look at that.
Yeah, see meant to be.
I've been known for like twenty eight years or something. Yeah, but the Today.
Today show twenty I wasn't going to correct if I was waiting for you to correct.
Him one, No, I didn't. I just work up. So I thought you were both celebrating twenty.
Okay, I'm twenty at ninet, he's twenty at today.
Yeah. Anyone want to ask me a question? How long have you been at over twenty four years? Yes?
He really?
Yeah? Wow, you know, not in the same job.
I'm not an idiot.
Where did you start on the auto kid?
Mid Dawn's at nob one hundred in Melbourne midnight till six am, and then hugh'sy, Kate and Dave took over from there, and that's how Kate and Hughsey and I became good mates.
Ah, there you go, good Dame bumpyer They bumpyer?
What do you mean? What does that mean out of that slot? No, they started at six. I finished at six. Oh, I see mats now I think we work in the morning. Yeah, there's never been more evident than right.
Now, come on, we're running out of stone.
You're also twenty minutes past dinner time as well. Cars playing for you today.
Hello, Hi, you have got a voice of an angel.
I'll get it done. And Maddie, Sylvia has got you today.
Hello, hy, Sylvia, my queen, you are the queen.
You're gonna love you.
Maddie, You're my king.
Maddie, I play part of a song.
You need to sing the next line, no points of spoken words. Sylvia won the toss. It's first to three, so you go first. This is twenty year bangers and this track twenty years old.
Sup, super to believe some.
Leaks? Please we belong together?
Oh yeah, I feel I feel like I'm going to need more than twenty years.
I feel like I'm going to need forty years like White Snakes. Yeah, poison. Yeah, I'll see how you go with this, King do right? Okay? Yeah, come on.
Calling me. You know.
I'm mister Brad so.
Love it.
Thanks for holding good song, Thank you us.
At one point, Hirst's racy, will you the next one is for year? This one is twenty years old too.
I'm not drama, so no, that's a mom dance.
Right there, moms, shake it out.
That one's gonna look better on Insta. Oh yeah, we'll put that on Instagram for sure. Well done. You've never deserved the point more mind. Actually, if you can, you get me this when sunrise the sunrise guys, he wearies the love. Do you remember that? That was over twenty years ago, an out and Koshi and I was like, what's wrong with the world, mama?
Yeah, I'll play that on their It's one of my favorites. Yeah, okay, Carl, this is you. I don't know how you gonna go with this one. It's two points to one, so solely.
I love it you.
Yeah, yeah, you go, you go. This is what I hung up.
I'm hung up on you.
I've never heard that sound. Never heard that is your three points?
Thank you I win, which means but it's five hundred buck. Actually, are really good friends at decent Can we give you out the money of it.
Let's give Matt three tell you to.
Thank you.
Thanks mate.
With everyone doing something else, they're on the phone with us to that.
Busy distract other competitions. Have a little listen to this.
What's wrong with the world mama. People even like they've got no mamas.
The whole world is addicted to the drama, currently attracted the things that will bring you trong osease.
Yeah, we try to stop terrorism.
We're still.
Landown London. I haven't seen racists, the biggest and the people who plunder.
This is what you demonstrate through your words. What do you translates enough?
You've got to have.
Meditate. Let's you so gravitates with that.
It's a very white cast, isn't it time? It was a different what's wrong with the world? Thanks, that's genius. Thank you guys for coming in. I love thanks to having it here.
Are here tomorrow?
No, absolutely not, he said, I was no, no, no, no, back to normal tomorrow. We're back tomorrow. Joel is off for the week.
Ben Lambella next, we'll see you when we wake up tomorrow morning.
It's five thirty. And then you were at nine oh five and around there. Yeah,