Full Show: Crowning the Quick Draw Champion!

Published Dec 12, 2024, 9:00 AM

Welcome to the penultimate show of 2024.

From a school rave to a bathroom DJ setup, we kick things off with the story of Cael, the entrepreneurial 12-year-old who turned his school lunch break into a full-blown rave (with lights and snacks!)

We also dive into Time Magazine’s Person of the Year shortlist—one name might shock you.

Finally, a McDonald’s worker turns in a fugitive and misses out on a massive reward due to a technicality. We break down the crazy details.

And Dannii Minogue joins us to play Quick Draw... and we crown this year's ultimate Quick Draw champion!

Hello, welcome to the parquet.

I'm still recovering. I'm still recovering.

On the head with those searchers.

I really did know, just the visual of you saying check out me, brown Scrunchy has sent me over.

She didn't send me straight.

Well play your cards, all right, see it in real life?

You like tattooed women.

I do like tattooed women. My best friend Ashley's I love.

Women parody pawn.

Yeah, well you know this time a year like a parody's parody porn like Titanic. What I'm going to tonight, I'll see she is looking very glamorous to a posh function.

She can't come to the parody plate parody times you've seen Titanic.

Seen it once in New York, once here, But my friend wrote it, one of my really good friends writing, came.

Back from your trip in New York and you were raving.

It's now in Toronto, West End, New York, and here.

Very long the ears to her ears of disasters like Titanic.

He's a disaster. Ice and the ice Why do you see who the icebergs played by very funny.

My favorite is having an art because my nine year old son is so into Titanic. He knows facts and figures and dates and people and how many people survive on this deck and all this stuff.

And we watched it together and we're riding.

He's right into now the Jack could have survived mentality.

It's all about him getting on them.

Because you have to say, it's the biggest door you've ever seen. It's like a it's like a Titantic too.

Absolutely get on.

Yeah, he says.

Most people didn't drown, they froze to death on the big factors.

Savage, I like it, don't let go Jack, And then he does.

But then as soon as you, let's go straight on the whistle with Rose. Yeah, wait to get to the Rose party.

But then she and then she throws away the expensive necklace like take it to kash converts babe.

There was a lot in that movie where Rose gave me the ships.

Yeah, true, not any of the start though once once it went down, h Rose.

But I guess it's like anything disaster is when you see the real person.

Yeah, the real persons as a good person when it's happy times on the top deck having some champagne and caviar.

I'm great under pressure, you know, what they say. Diamonds make pressure pressure, diamonds pressure under pressure.

I crack.

Can you spit it like a man?

Doesn't look much bigger than Martannia.

I love that.

That means what she says.

It's very funny. At the Urinals have a picture of Selene on pointing down. It goes it doesn't look much bigger than the Martannia.

Amazing at the Urinals.

At the Urinals, at the stand up, but at.

The theater in the bath. Oh my god, Okay, that's enough. That's enough of this podcast.

Thank you, okays the line you says you were your brown scrunchy.

An ultimate podcast for the year pain Ultimate. Yeah, enjoy the podcast.

This is Ricky Late Tim and Joel's crazy.

It's the game.

Yes, Guilty is Charged.

I think this could be.

The best show.

This is the best.


Wow up and about party shouting.


Here we are the best years of my life with you two.

Oh. Welcome to the penultimate day of our year.

Pen ultimate day.

I love penultimate as a word.

Good use of that word, thank you very much.

Whenever I can use it. I jammed it into a conversation.

Pen ultimate Ultimate, Penultimate.

I'm not jam my pen ultimate anywhere I would like.

You're not lapping at the PEN fifteen club as well, so you love anything that starts with pen.

Yeah, you're such a pen fifteen.

What are you talking.

About the pen fifteen club?

What does that mean?

You're the captain of the pen fifteen club. You're the head pen fifteen. Yeah, you're the.

CEO of Pen fifteen Ricky, oh Penis, Oh gosh, it's fifteen.

It's sorry. I agree, Jo h q sday, welcome.

Hello, it's lovely to be here, and I'm loving this industrial fan we have on the floor.

We'll listen to it. This is what happens. The air conditioning does not.

Work, so we've had to really, really really get.

The emperidges around the country. Twenty seven twenty nine, twenty five thirty six in Perth. That's correct, we need some aircon.

Mum and dad said, I got up to forty yesterday in person.

Of course, you know, are you going to Perth?

Soue? I am going for Christmas? Going in a week?

Even a gross?

I know.

Poor girlfriend. It's girlfriend's second birthday.

Today, actually, is that?


What you're doing?

I think she's seeing some of Yeah, I think she's seen some of the boys of the park, some of your boyfriends.

Kiss is a.

Little macow and she'll tackle a few dogs, have a little role around the dirt. And we got her doggie cake.

Oh did she yell at people at the park?

No, she's really well hay. Yeah, she has a little plane and she moves on. She's quite fair weather.

I like it, like you, you know, just pops off to the next more important person.

Two more chances to in two grand thanks for our friends and their breaths.

That's coming up. It's all in delivery. It's all in the delivery.

Beautifully said.

That's better the second time. Yeah, alright, let's kick off. Oh yes, a very special quick drug guess too. We'll tease that in the second Ricky leads him until that's so true. That's just sir, right, true.

That's one of those things I actually say when I'm not listening to people. True, that's so true, so true.


Or you do you do you?

You do you?

I have a little tease for a quick Drug Guests. Our last Quick Drug Guests is not penultimate, it's ultimate Quick Drug Guests for twenty twenty four game.

It's coming, It's coming. Ready.

Yeah, Oh did you hear that over the fan?

Yeah, the whole song.

You have to play the whole thing.

I wasn't going to play the whole song. The needle.

Can tell you where a one. Everyone knows what that song is.

One could have heard that people might be doing things.

Maybe that I wanted to tease the fact that's here after Oh my god, he's went ruined at.

Everyone is ruining everything.

We could be joking. It could be.

Crawled up your die day?

Do you really want to know their I'm not going to tell you.

It's a good day.

I'm here.

It's a.

Very beautiful and blonde, and you've got perfect eyebrows and a perfect ches or jawler.

For anything to say anything you want to say to me.

Your hair is like what color would I call that?


Perfect hair? I do look like I look very pale. I get it. I look like catspa, But that's fine. It's my look. Look at you the look?

Get the look.

I was the voice of the Revlon, the British Voice in Australia.

It was really weird, course so stylish. I could do the accent.

You do it.

I can't remember get the London look or something stupid, something generically international, because they actually get a lot of Australian voice. I've ritists to do American accents in America because we don't have a local like a local accent like Americans can pick up with that person's from that part of town, that persons from that part of TWN. When when the brand wants something generic they call Australia, it's funny.

I always find it interesting when when you can hear an Australian doing an American accent in an ad or something. It's just like, why don't you there's plenty of Americans, why don't you get an actual American Australian a come through?

Ever, remember they got Betteredic Comber back to play like this main cowboy in an American Western.

British guy was not an American that can play that role.

Next, so let's go to school and we want to know how you spiced up your school, Daga.

This is very cool, this is amazing.

Ricky lead him.

I love that now right now. B Hayley Williams, that's aeroplanes here.

On nov regulate him and Joel it's aeroplanes, aeroplanes, aeroplanes, erbo get on an aeroplane.

Aeroplanes for Christmas, Yeah, Harliday.

Oh yes, the airport's will be bump up this season.

All the breakfast TV shows will have people in the terminals very busy at the moment.

But every time I love I love turning on and they're there to talk about how busy it is, because it's not even busy behind them.


Yeah, by the time they cut to them peak rush ship.

Now I wonder, I wonder what it was around the country.

I know in Victoria people got their ATAS scores today.

I saw I saw someone celebrating online they got a ninety nine point ninety five. I was like nerd, but I was also very jealous.

But let's go back to your school days and how you might have spiced it up thirteen twenty fourteen. How did you spice up your school day? Maybe you're in trouble for it. We're not talking like real criminal stuff.

Yeah, nothing really crazy, But how did you make the day? The boring long days at school? Or you know, you might look at it another way. You might think school's amazing, love every single minute, but sometimes you get to spice it up.

I loved school. I loved it so much, but yes, if you spice it up. Thirteen twenty four ten.

Let us know, someone put eels in the swimming pool when I was at school because there was the junior the junior school's swimming carnival the next day, so when the little kids got into swim, they were like swimming past eels. I don't know if the eel survived the night in there. No, but someone someone stat owned like a seafood shop or something.

Oh yeah, el yum.

Did you do that thing at school?

I feel like we all did where you had to put on like one hundred layers of tracksuits and clothes and jumpers and hoodies and tracksuit pants and jump in the pool and like treadewater for twenty minutes and whim.

Isn't that like? I think?

If I've got friends that are American and they never really learned how to swim because they just weren't really near water, but it.

Was part of it.

Remember school.

Remember my American Tennessee friend Molly, she's my age. She's never swam ever, No, and she's moved. She moved to Bondi in Sydney, but from Tennessee never swam.

Did she get in eventually sweepers not interested.

Some adult swimming lessons.

Yeah, that's also a bit, you know, at least a toe in there.

But this little kid, this is so funny, this story. He's he's like a little media mogul. This little kid. He's from the UK and his mum Fiona, received a call from his school saying that he was in trouble and his things have been confiscated during lunch. The son is twelve. His name is Kale, and he was he was caught hosting a.

Thirty minute ray in the bathrooms.

Jale so much.

So, He's thirty minute raye at the bathrooms of his school. The teachers had to confiscate his speakers and lights because he came fully prepared for the ray.

Wow, the mom said.

When I got the call, it made perfect sense.

He'd been up, dressed and ready to leave for school early that morning, which was unheard of in our house.

What kid is that keen to go to school?

He had the biggest smile on his face, so I knew he had something up his sleeve. He'd advertised the rave on Snapchat, provided refreshments for all the attendees.

Little a Little Bit Little Festival Minni peaking duck right.

Her and her husband found it funny because you know, he's got some entrepreneurial little.

Talents going on there.

But they decided they weren't going to punish him, because how do you punish your.

Kid for doing something that's actually wonderful and the.

People talk about for the rest of their lives, for the rest of their lives.

Maybe just trying to like convince him to maybe focus his efforts into a different time of the day, maybe not a rave, a thirty minute rave in the school bathrooms with drinks, lights and speakers.

That's brilliant.

Twelve though, that is really your only social element of your day Monday to Friday.

Soon you get home, you're like, he's doing all the home stuff.

Yeah, last time to just jump on em and chat to the same. Few people were asl.

Cyber Vanessa, how to spice up your school day?

Hi, guys, there're going great.

That's good.

Look. During high school, I only went to a small high school. There was much to do, but we used to have an awesome canteen and these were super little old ladies that would run the canteen. None of us ever had any money, so we used to glue our five cent pieces together, so they were on the outside and poscars were really big. When I went to the yet, we'd paint some gold and they'd looked like a two dollars points.

It's amazing.

That's awesome.

People have put effort into anything anymore because you don't.

Have to get Snapchat to do it. I know, I don't know.

I've got a fourteen year old sister. They're pretty crafty.

Take like apple pain school now canteens.

I think, so it's all pre.

Paid account pretty schools.

Yeah, a little account they can just drain in one day.

If that's why when the kids I need five dollars for school or something for a charity, I'm like, well I don't have it, go get cashum someone else.

I know.

Heybrook, Hey, So we used to in high school get our friends from other schools to come to our school and tell the the teachers they were foreign exchange students, to see how long we could have.

Them there before the teachers would actually like, they want.

To get you anything, anything you want to say to me.

Ricky, Lee, Tim and Joel driving you home.

On over now as we come to the end of the year.

Yes, that's all the lists come out, right, So, yesterday you told us about the Google searches.

Yes, lists are plenty of biscuit list the other day the.

Lists came out today of the best radio shows.

Of which we're number one.

Thank you.

Everyone's got wonderful taste.

But a list I'm interested in is have a release.

It's user data for twenty twenty four. Can you guys guess the time of the day, The time of the day, so time and day that that is the most active.

I'm going to go with midday because I feel like later in the day it's too exhausting.

Horn time and day time and day.

Oh, I'm going to say something weird, like Wednesday at twelve thirty pm.

Okay, interesting, I reckon.

Like Monday morning, okay, close.

Your clothes, okay, yeah, because Saturday night it's too obvious.

Yeah, like maybe, well, Saturday night you're going out to try and do it for real.

Say a bit thing over, and then Monday you wake up and.

You're like, it's Monday, so ting ing ing ing ing, But guess what eleven pm Monday?

Okay, right?

For better Yeah, I suggest that might be the time most people are lonely. That's sad. You put it especial because four corners is over me. He watches done the horn after.

Kwonder, Ricky leads him until over.

You're next chance to win your share of ten grand thanks to Rubrets. We've got two grand a day right for the next two days. Okay, I know I said the share of ten grand. We started on Monday with two grand. That's you know, people just joining us going about it.

Man. So I've got more grand left thanks to Ruy Breads.

And if you'd like to be part of it today or tomorrow and now at FM dot com dot a you it's all in the delivery. But I like this right, let's ask we are at the top of yesterday's show, what you think of the year so far?


Right, yeah, I said twenty twenty four sucks balls, and I stand by that. Today I'm not and Vicky.

Loves Week's Love twenty twenty four and I'm a bit in the middle of you know, break my ribs.

But let's do this.

But I've got engaged.


Who's your person of the year thirty twenty four to ten? Now you can nominate a celebrity or you can say Janine my teacher at school.

Yeah, I like that.

It's like not you know, the time Time does their person of the year is it's ours, it's our one of.

That's well, I have the time list to get another list. So first of all, they had the short list, the ten potentials on the short list long.

List though, ten potential, isn't it? That's a long.

Show's pretty good to be on the ten. I haven't been in the ten for a good couple of years.

How long should the shortlist be?

Top two? Maybe top three?

Go Olympics bronze silver, God, I'm not interested in seven and eight.

Oh okay, well, I'll give you a few names that were on the list. Donald Trump, Princess Catherine Kamala Harris, Princess Vallet.

Princess Catherine year Off, I mean for health reasons, for health reasons, personally, I haven't seen you for eight months.

Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Benjamin and Yahoo, Jerome pal he's the US Federal Reserve chairman. I'm sure we all.

Need you that Carpenter.

Charlie Xes. Yes, yeah, she had a very big impact this year anyway. Donald Trump was named Times Person of the Year. Yes, he was also voted in twenty sixteen the Person of the Yeah. Both times he's won the presidents there Moodng, the Pygmy, Hippo and Thailand. She's been named in The New York Times sixty three more stylish people.

She's nude.

She's neude, but you know her role Beautiful curves.

She's a beautiful curve girl.

Have you talked about the most this year? Though, I'm trying to think who Taylor? Well, yeah, that's pretty easy. One time personal Taylor Swift.

I think she has time before.

Did she get that last year?


Yeah she did because she she posed with the cat, remember, was really good. Yeah, that was a tweet about Karmela. But I think I think I think the time photo.

Was actually her with her cat. Wasn't it that we bring that up to Maine? Or are you busy with the end of the year videos and stuff?

Gracious and the feet?

I sort of I understand got it because personally, if you are listening, doesn't have to be it's not best person of the Year.

It's just a person of the year.

Yeah, person of the year. Yeah, certain very bad person years and years ago was on the comfort of time.


Person Basanna saying I know what I'm talking about.


Yes, he was on the he was the cover.

I can't say that.

I'm not saying it. I'm still giving you said it's three times.

Look at that.

Yeah that was years ago. He's not with us anymore.

My personally is Jackie.

Hi, Jackie, You're supposed to respond to that high.

Hi. Hi.

He's a person of the ear Jackie myself.

I love that.

Why hell yeah, why because I am the uba driver, I'm the nanny, I'm the chef, I'm the doctor, I'm the I'm the every job you can apply for.

And that's why. That's why Joanna wrote a song about you.

Well, Jackie, I just taking yourself love to a whole new I like that confidence.

Have you got one?


I need more time to think rich.

So in about twenty seconds, I'd say rich. He definitely held me up like a like yeah, like a scarecrow this year.

Yeah, like kicked me up. Yeah, pride.

I'm turning up between Alex Warren and Ella Henderson and both worthy.

They both carried me home.

Yeah, Ricky lead to him and Joel etcetera.

Gel do you miss me singing sush screaming that part of that the end part of that song.

Down the line to you, Emil, right, yeah, you got me the others. Yeah, especially if I'm not paying attention, then I suddenly hear yeah, I normally just do that.

No, whether it's.

Very nice, very romantic, up and about, it's very much your vibe.

This is my life. Thank you, joling cats of I guess it's JC, just like you all.

The best Sea pops. Another famous person, j C.

It's all about JC soon this year him do half ask Christmas, get all your top up groceries on Uber eats with up.

Two fIF percent of the grocery artans sort of. Sember twenty five.

Teaser seas and FeAs app Life participating merchants.

Only do we have the little treat in our stand at the moment, A little special Uber what's a special Ubertes bag? Yeah, it's been brought in.

It's a special bag. Oh my goodness, here it comes.

Okay, I'm looking.

Oh how I right to tread this season?

Any guy he's passing month and put around there and put it in his mouth.

Yeah, I come put it in your mouth.

One. Oh he's again. What a surprise, baby boy.

Oh that's beautiful now you've got to collect the pit.

You wouldn't do that, no way.

Why over my mouth?

All right, submiss, It's.

All about the delivery, right over. ITA's your place to go when it comes to just top notch delivery. But Alison, Tanya and Eugene are all ready to win this two grand.

We can split it up. Don't forget. We can't split it quite brutal. Okay, So this is what you need to deliver for us.

It's the most wonderful time.

Gosh, Andy Williams, what a voice. Take it away, Alison.

Wow, it's the most.

It's my favorite.

Keep dingle belly.

Yeah, okay, Eugene, just wait one second, deliver this forr It's the most wonderful time.

It's the most wonderful time.

But why, I feel like the green tan. I'm giving you one more chance. Okay, Okay, here we go.

This is it.

This is the most wonderful time.

It's the most wonderful time.

All pretty good, Evan's very festive. Should we split it up?


I was going to kind of say, Tanya really came back from the dead.

Just okay, you are off the list.

Sister's two thousand was gonna give the other two or anything like anything fromove rates, over reads, vouches for you, Allison and you Jane, Congratulations.

Going again tomorrow night you accommentated your last show of the year tomorrow tweet two.

Grand thanks for ever read.

Ricky leads him and Joel to coo for school.

All right, one more time going jan.

Past, take.

Take you. I couldn't help myself, couldn't time for glossies had ultimate Glosses of the.

Year, hen Old mcgloss every day or I still don't know where we landed on the surname. That's so bad, Kelsey, Kelsey, I think it was I don't know what he's.

Think it was an well, this is big that they Travis and Jason, Jason and Travis. Yeah, Travis and Jason. I'm just giving that little a little love tap to.

The ears to a wrapping up. Oh okay on their podka.

Listen to this, we'll shout out to Tay and uh the unbelievable eras tour has finally come to an end.

How many shows do you know? One hundred and forty nine or one hundred and fifty two? I forget so many shows is kind of how I sum it up. Shout out to everybody that was a part of that show.

It was the best tour in the world because of a lot of people, and mostly because of Taylor.

Very symmetrical, fas gorgeous.

I don't like how he calls that though, it because everyone else doesn't call her ty.

That's his name for her.

I think she likes it either. No, I wouldn't call it. Next see what's happening here?

Oh, Sean and Sabrina. I don't know what the story is. I just could name and.

Remember she's got particular tist. Remember that.

Members is waiting on Sabrina carpet, Camille, I love Triugle for the first time on John Mayer's news show.

So I'm with someone two days before going to hang out with my ex express I'm going to go hang out with my ex because I have unresolved feelings. Maybe instead of two days, it could have been two weeks. No one gets out of this life without getting hurt, and no one gets out of this life without hurting someone.

He speaks very like that.

But also that just explains what taste is all about.

Oh again, and if you just have to taste me when he's kissing you, I've got a lot of questions around a couple of days.

I thought we knew that about tak Yeah.

But I think it's amazing that he is.

Actually I thought it was just speculation and that we all just were, you know, drawing those yeah, assumptions from.

All the way down here in Australia, speculating about what these guys are up to.

Yeah, okay, this next one, you're gonna love this. What is going on here? Glossy?


This is Queen Bees? Is this the Lion King movie? Fosi related? This is the this is the trailer for the Christmas this is NFL related. So she released a trailer.

Today for her performance that she's doing on Christmas Day, that's right.

At the NFL game.

We've seen the trailer as a new trailer, but this is the news, right. The Half Dove Show normally goes for like twelve to fifteen minutes. Yeah, she's getting twenty of course, yea.

How do you fiddle your bangers in in twelve minutes?

My whole Christmas Day is planned around this.

So excited because you'll be in the times.

I'm going to be there. I'm so excited. It's Christmas Day.

Normally like a big day for performance to do the.

No sports, No, but they have they had their play games. They've they've got football games, they've got.

Christmas is a big over there because it's holidays. Different people celebrate different things at different times. Yeah, happy melting Pole, Happy Holidays. Yeah, okay, it's very rarely Merry Christmas, like very would be so careful you reckon say Mary christ Merry Christmas to everyone.

Well, you won't come back, you don't think. I don't know who can.

Happy Boxing Day, Happy Holiday.

Boxing Day was the biggest for movies, right, Maybe not anymore because the streaming, But Boxing Day was.

Huge for the cinema. For the cinema, let's go to the cinemas.

Too much eating to do.

You'll be fine. Just don't say Merry Christmas to everyone, you think?

Is that what I should? Happy?

I was told when I went to school over there, it's happy Holidays.

I'll just follow whatever someone says to me, I'll say.

It, say it back. Yeah, okay, great, we would like to order what would you like to order?

An you like.

The woman from Australia, Shut up waters, I love this.

Just fun to finish off. What's happening here.

Oh this is Teddy Swims.

Yeah, and they do. They have a collab. Have a look at this, what's happening? He described this video.

Steady Swims rubbing oil on the moisturizer.

On the boon.

I know, well, you're Boone, You're not going to you know, if you have them, get them out.

I'm so proud of people, Like if I see someone running down the street, they've got the abs out. If someone's like, you know, in a tiny little bikini on the beach, I'm like, yes, do you Yeah.

There was a guy on the street the other day near the beach.

It was near the beach, but he was kind of like throwing his daughter around, but only because he had no shirt on and his abs are like crazy.

We all know what you're doing in the street. You're not being a good dad, you're being annoying. Yeah, absolutely, he wouldn't just doing this shirt on you there with your daughter.

But we've made a little collab Dan has made. This has been Benson Boone and Teddy Swims had a baby.

Wake up.

We'll see on the other side of the.

News too, falling pot ride in front of you, Cadlee.

Take dish job.

And show.

Walking me. I'm done. Wow, this is.

Really too yes on over alright, alright, that's all the down Our penultimate show for twenty twenty four.

Oh, you're clocking up the penultry.

I really up to three penultimates.

It's very impressive.

I like it.

Do your mum liked the Pentatonics.

My mom loves the Pentatonics. I remember and Mark Christeners. She got tickets to the Pentatonics, and then she was using as like a bribing tool all Christmas, saving like who's coming to the Pantatonics with me?

And one as once I say three songs like what's right? Let me rephrase that one. I say one song from an a capella group. I go, I get it, leaves.

It's very pitch perfect, And then I think of Rebel Wilson.

Oh my god. I watched pitch Perfect two with the kids or three with the kids last weekend.

Amy such a great role.

I wanted to fall face first into broken glass. And that was in the minutes.

Here's a clue. We've got a quit drug guest coming up. Our last our ultimate for the year pronouncement.

Here is a clue. It's good to have famous siblings. Isn't it. This sure guess is popping up sooner than United think from Carl Baby.

Ricky leads him until.

They gave me to Kylie. Someone related to Kylie might be here a quick girls.

Oh my gosh, I just they should run the world.

It's a lot. It's a lot to do for two people.

They're powerful, they're they're good people.

Everyone loves them true, so they'll be able to convince anyone to do anything.

You love this story. A lot of people love this story. From New York City.

I followed every second of his story.

What's happening? Luigi Luigia?

He is the he is the alleged shoot on the run. Well, I think it's still I think you have to say that until.

Its until he's like guilty the whole thing.

Oh yeah, and.

Obviously not in the run. Sorry, he's been he's been caught. But he was turned in by a McDonald's worker in Pennsylvania on Tuesday.


The McDonald's employee spotted him. He was eating a hash brown which, like, that's he got caught over a hashman. I get it, Like, you know, those hash brands are good, but with extra sauce nice.

It must have been in the morning.

Yeah, you still get those in the morning. You're saying, what if they happened all day menu? I feel like McDonald's are a little bit more advanced than theirs. Okay, yeah, I'll report back, report back, please, I'm sure. Anyway, Yeah, he was caught eating a little hashy and the McDonald's employee called nine to one one. Now, the NYPD and FBI offered a joint ninety four thousand dollars Australian reward that's sixty k US during the hunt for Luigi for anyone who turned him in. So the employee obviously thought, I'm going to make this money. I'm going to dub him in, and very obviously, very beady eyed this person because I think he's really you know, see one.

That he pulled down to eat the hash brown but he had a hoodie on and everything.

He had a hoodie on, but he's still wearing his you know, same sort of Luke had a signature Luke.

They also had they had CCTV footage of him like flirting with someone behind a counter somewhere, so where they got his whole face and his smile.

I thought that is so funny.

Was that after the alleged shooting. I think that was after as well.

Yeah, no, I think this when when he checked into the hostel, because he flew. He caught the bike up to Central Park, then he went to the bus depot. I think buzzes have cameras on them.

But whatever have you seen speed?

Oh god, yeah, totally. They make feature films and buses. Now, the employee from mcdonald' through macki DS might not receive the award. Why because they didn't go via the proper steps and via the crime Stoppers hotline or website then to.

Know him on one. Yeah.

So Additionally, according to a tipster, can't nominate themselves to collect the award, meaning the employee would have to put forward an investigating agencies such as the FBI have to put it to Oh hang on crackling in and out to put it to the FBI to receive the award.

Oh my gosh, wow, but that's so.

Not I mean, you've done the thing, you just didn't read the fine print. Give him my reward. I know the thank you man he gave you the guy, give.

It to me. The McDonald's players should have called crime stoppers or or FBI.

Instead of nine one one, because then they can give that. That seems just clear.

You know what, I'll tell you, don't worry about it.

Yeah, I wasn't. Never mind, he's a great customer. She checked about the award first chunky loophole.

All right, Next we'll meet our ultimate.

I'm really close to Ricky, Lee to him and Joel.

I love that on over, Thanks Geryl, thanks for Jean. Let's meet our next with your guests.

Shall our next guest is a global icon, a singer, TV presenter, fashion designer, author and actress.

She loves our Joe, I.

Have captains over here, George old Creasy.

Loves a hot cross bun and sometimes in the car. She and loves bringing people to get about. As host of A Kissed a.

Girl, Danny is back to play fig.

He saves the best still last, please welcome. Hi, don't even know hands.

I'm really nervous. You're running the desk.

He's he's really not Danny never seen this happen.

He's pressing buttons.

Quite sexy, isn't it.

There's only two But there's only two buttons. He's allowed to press back there and the rest has been like shut off.

Control everything I was up here to say, you know you're in safe hands for sure. I mean, yeah, lovely to see you. Welcome to the studio, thank you, thanks for having me.

It's going to be a real gear change from Italy. Yes, from your villa in Italy.

Yes, much less prosecco.

Because because a right, Okay, I only hear about Pula because of joel Via.

You now got engaged, You got engageable.

Now yeah, because that's the Whey, that's where you have a very tough job of hosting a reality TV show called A Kiss a Girl.

It is awful, honestly to be there for three weeks in that sunshine, stupid wearing coature.

I mean, I know you look so amazing on the show.

He dresses you for it, So Nikolau, does all start for it? I don't all custom dresses most of them, most of them. It probably takes us about six months to prepare for each series, and then it's all done in three weeks.

And it's like, listen to you three unrelatable people talking about.


This is a T shirt I got from a bottle shop.

I gay gas every time I see Danny post a brand new outfit and a look it's like.

Are you very good on the socials?

Am I you are? We try?

We try, I mean you know on set, it like we tried to allow a bit of time and have a bit of fun and it means we can be there for longer.

So Gray Vibe, I have a.

Real personal investment in the show going well because I want to come back.

Yes, what happened did you guys meet up this year? Because went over there.

I went over to visit and then there was quite a bit of stuff went down and they were there, people sick and people were in the wrong place. And then I had one day where I was going to come to set, but instead I went to Monopoly and got engaged with our mutual manager. She was there, Yes, who We just walked into the office and we walked behind because you know, she's the star, she's the boss.


It's so good though. It's such a good show.

Yeah, it really is.

I guess it's brand new, it's fresh. So it was the first gay dating show that they had in the UK. We did the Boys series first, then The Girls which is launching now on Binge and Foxtel.

And it's not your typical reality.

People that are on it, so they will not cast anyone who's like tried out for other reality shows, and they go to look for people and really contact them a lot of the time, and they really are they're looking for love and they're into it. The girls just like, oh my god, the kisses. So we try to match them up. So there is a lot of interview process with psychologists before they get there.

You know, what are you looking for? What are you not looking for?

But those psychologists they know they're like, yeah, that's not for you. So they'll try and have someone there that that you say, this is all I'm looking for, And then there'll be the other people that they go, we know this is how you're going to fall for because you don't have to kiss. But we've never not had a kiss.

Kiss the girls you were hopefully.

Leave the show, got out stuck together to match them up?

Right, is the kiss one of the most important things for you?

I think it's so intimate and to not knowing, not know anything about that person and kiss them. But I kind of relate it to back in the day, you go to a club, you'd be on the dance well you kind of like move over towards some of it because you've got that that energy that you feel and you want to be next to that person.

It's definitely got anything to do with the drinks.

The passion, You find out what their name is, where they're from, and so it's kind of that premise. So it takes away everything that you would get with a dating app, where you know something about someone, you're expecting them to be a certain hide or look a certain way or and then they turn up and they're not. Yeah, so you know you're in a really safe place, and so the girls are whildday on.

I know what I'm doing tonight when I get home today, I kissed a girl or gay date as you suggested as a better name.

But yes, Danny made you watch Yeah bloody Danny.

Now, before we get into the rules of a QuickDraw, because you work here in twenty seventeen for that, what are you guys doing for Christmas? You don't have to give us addresses and times and stuff, But how do you normally celebrate Christmas?

You stay home?

Well it starts off I'm just will be like in pajamas for presents and stuff like that, and then full family together, pretty just normal Aussie Christmas. I think just presents and cold seafood, hot hot meal?

What's meal?

I still need to confirm that with my mother.

She's in control. She's the.

Carols on the tools and it does change.

But there are three grandsums, so there will be basketball.

Oh yeah, Danny's a mad basketball fan.

We did.

We did get the basketball together, Little basketball date.

Sometimes listen to our show in your car waiting to pick up the basketball with a chroissand or without a Chraisson.

Clean the hot cross bun. Oh we've covered Christmas.

Okay, well you're playing Joel today. Here is our prime Minister with the quick draw rules.

I'm Anthony Albanezi and these are the official quick draw rules. Tim will give a category and a letter. The first to yell out a correct answer gets a point. The first answer you yell out is locked in. Best out of seven wins. Ultimately, Tim will exercise his discretion.

That's my good girl.

I always stand up to play as well.

Yep, you're toler in your chair.

Not a surprise practice question. Then we'll come back and play for real. Name something you would eat in your car starting with H.

I thought that was too obvious to start with H.

Daddy even You're going to play QuickDraw for real when we come back.

Hot Cuss Bun, Ricky Lee, Tim and Joel driving you.

Home on Nova.

Danny Minogue is here for the thirty eighth game of quick Draw for twenty twenty four.

Way to End, Queen Danny, I know right, I want.

A way to end and get involved with this.

To go?

How any shows on now? I'm being to check it out.

It's brilliant.

You'd be Danny next, and then the drawd Trophy will be presented.

Ricky Lee, Tim and Joel et cetera. On over Rickey Lee, Tim and Joel's quick Draw.

Very excited, last quick Draw of the year, and we are lucky enough to have Danny Minogue in.

The studio with us.

Queen Danny, I Kissed the Girl premieres today on Binge, So at six thirty three. When I walk through the door tonight, I'll be flicking on bin, licking on the just a girl.

I'm so excited to see this show.

Yeah, lesbians will be so happy to hear that you're flicking on the beach.

Right my way around ju Now yeah, well, Kaya go back Lesten to the podcast.

Maybe that's it. That's the name for the next year. He's flicked on the binch.

There has to be another one because I have to go back. It's an amazing part of the world. I know I already want to book it, so I needed to book it. I'll speak to mail.

Yeah, yeah, let's play. Question number one. Name is something found the doctors starting with S.


Yes, Janny spray, but I would what's the spray? Oh I haven't had many wins this year, Danny, so I'm.

Really need We're presenting out a creature trophy at the end of this and you're not going to get.

Question two.

Names something your dog would chew on starting with C A cat? Oh?

Good, I mean girlfriend's quite aggressive.

She wants to be.

Is your jog a lesbian? I think chewing on the cat?

Oh my god? Get the pink flicking on the even please? The question estant name a fashion brand starting with P.

Was that.

Is it?



For short people take up a lot of your time because it's NonStop.

Yeah. I do it here and I do it in the UK, so two time zones.

Oh yeah, you do it, you work, I do I love it. Yeah, you're very hands on.

You can find something that you are passionate about nice.

I'm like, name something romantic to give someone, starting with a red chocolates.

Well, that's nice.

I like that, like wrapped in red.

Before everything that you say.

Looking, it's two for two, all right, nice name of fruit starting with them.

J I was hoping for Joel there too obvious.

Okay, it's three points to Danny, two points to Joe. You have to get this to stay in the game. And Danny, if you get this, you've taken it.

Danny, I love you, but I really want to beat you.

Last draw of the year.

Let's do this. Let's bring it home. Name something to do in the pool, starting with d come, dunk, dive.

Well done, Danny, I lovely to say to you.

Merry Christmas.

We will all be watching I kist the Girl today on Being's premier Today. When we come back, we're going to present the quick or trophy, so I think we know who we'll.

Do it when we come back.

Is it a crown?

Ricky leads him and Joel to call for skills.

I kissed the girl on binge as we speak, thank you to Danny Mink.

Who has just played the last game we draw for the year. That is quick thirty eight that you have lost have a gig draw trophy. We will get to that before the end of the show. I will say it all, and I think, come on, let's go. I played two games this year.

Are you too far?

I won?

Because you haven't played me. I'm your Achilles heel on.

Quick should we do one? Last one?


Quick draw?


One question?

Who do I play?

Probably versus Rosso, oh yeah, and then versus Joe Hildebrand.

Oh you mates?

Yeah, Now I kissed the girl.

Some might say that is well searched for on certain websites, you know, the kistic.

Girl since oh yeah, that he no websites. Because we're talking earlier in the show.

Mondays at eleven PM are the most it was like the heaviest time for those.

The most active time and day for those types of films.

An adult feature film, adult feature films.

Which I say, the acting is really going down here the last few years.

You know, maybe you Sho's getting directing.

Oh yeah, because you've got a lot of opinions.

Let's go. Let's go associated with movies on the big strain. My phone's fine, that's a good thing.

You can watch it anywhere.


Yeah, download off the planet on a plane, if you're on a window, great idea.

If you're downloaded your episodes, sure have Yeah.

You better believe I have. So we had Spotify wrapped, but this is pornhub rap what okay?


Just to really really finish the year off strong, porn Hub has released its user data for twenty twenty four.

And should they be releasing that?

Yeah, we love a list.

It's been all about lists.

We love it. What about tomorrow strapping for our songs of the year, the last of the year.

Strap in that. You're kind of going into boom a territory there.

If we're talking about what the generations are intoorn Hub.

Oh, I get it.

En Z's who are eighteen to twenty four. They have a particular interest in hen tie, which I'd never heard of.

I don't know what that is.

Hair ties, hair tie, the hair tie. I know.

Wow, that's not a butter fly lip that would ur No hen tie?

Get me scrunching?

Was it green?

My brown scrunching my brown velvet scrunching? Oh god, with little studs in it, studs.

Like Christmas hands.

Okay, I thought she said hair ties? Oh no, weep Now.

I need not hen ties. Maybe I'm into it. Oh no, it needs to be real.

It's anime. But they're like overtly sexual.

Right like sailor mon Yeah too much?

Okay, so gen wise, that's that's huge.


Between twenty five and thirty four, y you people are searching more for the likes of f M M And honestly, I don't know what that is.

Freaky main.

I don't know about it's probably it's probably not good to say man muscle, freaking man, muscles, tattooed women.

Oh you know, I love a tattooed into tattooed women and parody parody.

I do, like you know, okay, so me and Tim says he it says his email male male. Oh so two men doing emails? I do, get off of it.

I do like an organized man.

But they're naked.

So me and Tim jen X thirty five to fifty four broad we're into role play feet and because we're a little bit lazy and can't be bothered compilations.

Trailers, trailers.

To see I can't be bothered there, So let's get this done on the morning, get on with it. And then boomers who are fifty five plus, they are most interested.

Oh my god, alright, thank you very much, thanks for I haven't found compilation. All right, Well, present the Greek or trophy for twenty twenty four.

Next is Gealing Coodel.

Hey, one of you will be singing this song in about two and a half minutes. I think it's me because one of you won't have the Greek draw trophy belong to you.

John, I reckon, it's going to be tie reckon.

Thirty eight games?

What's sad less?

Did I be you actually did better this year? I think no?

Full montage, full trophy presentation, a montage today, montages like I love a montage. I love it.

I love.

Ricky leads him and Joe.

There'll be some serious bed cam happening after we announced the winner. Here what chemistry?


You know? But whoever wins will go home and have beg kim with each other. No, not with each other? Why not?

The Australian version should be called Sabrina Carpeenter Bump and uglies.


Okay, are you ready now? I guess what did you ask a question before? Did you win more or less games this year?

Did you suggest that I wanted to know who won yeah, So haven't did y'all win more this year or last year?

You did win more this year by one?

Well, you know.

It's still an improvement. And next year I'm going to win, maybe by two more.

The only way is up.

It's been a big twenty twenty four In the quick draw arena. Many challengers have come and gone. Let me see, controversy has.

Arisen, emotion starting with seat.

Tensions have flared. Name of seasoning, starting with peace and far too much discretion applied.

Ultimately, Tim will exercise peace discretion.

Three games a good games.

In victory and defeat. Our combatants remain. This quick draw arena ain't big enough for the both of them. So let's crown our twenty twenty four quick draw champion.

Oh I love it is great.

A lot of me screaming what I want.

That's what you sound like.

Yes, I'm an I'm gonna sound different next year as well, will you.

That's right, you're gonna get your throat down.

Hello, peanuts. Shemain's standing outside with the little mini.

Pizza obviously up one. How exciting.

Ricky lay on Australian Nader right now, Oh.

He's been me.

You're gonna leave a minute thirty between when you start the announcement when you finish it.

Tim played twice and one of the time.

Oh, this isn't a game of percentages.

Though, Yeah, then each had twenty games?

Did we actually on the knocker?

We'll not each twenty games? But you know, okay, Ricky you won sixteen out of twenty games.

Joe won.

Eight out of twenty games, which means Ricky Lee he's the twenty twenty four we got chemmy.

I accept this with so much gratitude, ud attitude.

Oh my god, what wow, look at this.

Thank you so much.

I want to thank you both for being such not the fierce competitors and everyone that I've beaten sucked in.

What a beautiful place. No Number seven.

I don't want to talk.

Oh this is this about sleep? Dumb to be serenaded by me.

Thank you.

Now his history destiny quick games and that's what you've done to.

This is beautiful thing to say.

Guys, get ready to get ready.

I don't have any but I've got a quick draw fight.

The winner takes.


Have finished the show. We'll say you tomorrow for a last shop of the year.

Design the victory.

You can set drinks on that now, Yes, Chad Thames in the fridge. Oh that's a lazy Oh, that's why we.

Got money.

On my mind.

I can never look at it up. And every time I.

Set up in the fielding, everybody had all up.

And they stayed there and they stay out and they say the

Ricki-Lee, Tim & Joel

Three of Australia's most respected personalities, Ricki-Lee, Tim Blackwell and Joel Creasey, come t 
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