The legendary Fatboy Slim joined us in studio, fresh off his Australian Grand Prix gig and some wild club shows. He revealed his pre-show ritual, which includes ditching his shoes and getting slapped in the face—whatever gets the party started, right?
We also chatted about the evolution of DJing, how his daughter turned him into a Formula 1 fan, and why small clubs inspire his biggest ideas. Then, things got real chaotic when he played Quick Draw.
Our next guest is the genius behind some of the biggest bangers of all time, a Living Party Sader.
He's been making us dance for decades.
Choice he loves Australia so much he's back for another huge tour. Let's praise our next quick for or guest.
Good evening, evening. I've been here like seven days and six.
One night.
Yeah, I'm not at my best, so I'm still a little bit jet like, and I've been just been told about this quick fire quiz. I would just like to give you the caveat. I'm probably not going to be very fast.
Okay, Well I'm excited.
You might have to give me a special, special kind of international.
Yeah, we'll give you a handicap. Maybe we could give like a one icap.
One second, give me ten and then I stand a chance.
You've just come from the Grand Prix last weekend, like you know you you used to quick fast things.
Yeah, but I've been doing quit fast week now and I'm not.
I'm not I'm not at my quickest shop. If we had a little bit tried out in the car on the way here.
And I don't want Yeah, well, it's a pleasure to meet because I've interviewed you a few times, I never met you in the in the flesh.
It's an absolute pleasure to meet you.
The last time we spoke to you, you were in Melbourne on that on the screen and we were devastated that you were in Melbourne and not here in Sydney.
You're about to play Revolver back then, and I know you've just done Revolver again.
I've been in Melbourne and Sydney and Sydney I've been in literally commuting between the two for half the week, so I don't actually know which one where I am.
Now, how was the Formula One show? It was great? Yeah, it was good.
Obviously the weather was a little English, yes, and it was like cold and windy's but you know, everybody stuck it out when.
It was great.
The last time I saw you live actually was at an F one in Singapore. Oh right, because that's obviously the night Grand Prix would be Grand Prix experts.
Okay, the guy watched one race and now he's an expert.
I watched Drive to Survive and now I'm.
Even worse than you because I'm a soccer fan. Right, he's worse than you.
I only know them from djaying at them when you I don't really get to watch the races. But my fifteen year old daughter watch drives to survive and now she's absolutely the biggest fan ever. Who's her driver Charters Kirk her I've got I have to live with a life sized card will cut out of Kirk. Yeah, but vicariously through her, I'm actually getting into it.
It's good funny.
Because I was always a bit of a like, that's not sport, that's just rich guy's driving car.
Yeah, and some of the cars seems a lot faster than the other. So what's the point, you know? You know, Yeah, I've been getting into the nuances and the politics and the personalities.
She made me take it to the opening ceremony thing in London. Yeah, and the idea of me driving all works.
Twelve cars down. But I'm actually getting quite quite into this formula One thing.
You were saying off air that it's it's a good crowd for you because these aren't people who have bought tickets to a Pat boy Sliam show, you know, Yeah, I.
Mean as a DJ, you're there's certain things that turn you on. But obviously when people are paid for a ticket to see me. If you're kind of preaching to the convert, which is great, but there's not there's a less challenge, so it's quite a challenge.
It's nice to for people go is any good? You know? Is this fun for me to sway them? Yeah?
I mean because you wander around out the Grand Fee and there's a lot of features, like you you're not going to like my music. I can tell by looking at you you're.
Not going to like what I do when you when you when you travel around, I'm always I always love finding out from people, Like it's like a little home wherever you go where you're playing gigs. You want to be comfortable. Do you want it to be the same You want there to be the things that you need. Is there anything that you have to have before you do a show that has to be in the room that you need to have, whether it's just a cold beer or what do you or you.
Perform from Norman Cook, who's an aging father of two, a very responsible, nice, genial man.
No, this sort of process.
Right when I put on the Wan shirt, you were just to he said, you know, like you've got your shirt on now this is my day wear.
That's father of two. This is a father of two shirt.
No, yeah, this is father of two shirts. This is casual day wear.
So then I have to mutate into fat boy Slim, who's like a party animal with no responsibilities, no care. So taking off my shoes, I always played barefoot. Yeah yeah, always, even last night, even especially especially at ReBs. And yeah, so I put on the shirt and I take off the shoes and a couple of red bulls, and the most important thing is my tour manager, Alan slaps me around the face really hard, really proper, hits me, and that just gets me in a fighting spirit in the zone.
Have you seen djaying change over the U, Because it feels to me we've got our researchers now where you guys used to be the thing in the corner of the room at a party. Oh that's cool, but now you're actually and you've done this for a lot longer than the new guys now. But it feels now we've got our very own dom dollar and people are going to see these days. You are the main attraction that is filling stadiums. It's it must be incredible to watch.
It's been fabulous to be there.
Yeah, because when I first started dating, we were like on the food chain of nightclubs.
We were just below the glass.
Collector, and we were basically we were just the nerds. We were the people who spent all the money buying records, buying clothes or you know, so we would tend to be, you know, it's very just music obsessed people. And gradually, you know, we've sort of elevated, but people to watch us become more valued and taken more seriously and able to travel. You never you never DJ'ed outside the city you lived in because what you got paid didn't pay for the train for So now the idea that we can, that we can travel around the world, and it's great, and for me it's beautiful because I've got this romantic notion of you know, like the wandering minstrels that would they would in medieval times, they well, they would go from cities to city and they would tell the stories from the other city in the means song. And that was that was before internet or newspapers. That's how information disseminated. So I've got this got this other thing of like this what's wondering troubadour and I go from town to town, telling stories and making poll Yeah, and I love that and it but yeah, it's it's lovely that we treated like this, And I mean, I don't think we're still There are DJs who are like sex symbols and who behave like rock gods, and I'm not naming any names, but on the on the whole, it's I think we're valued because we can there's something that algorithms can't reproduce about how we read a crowd.
And make it work and make the party happen.
You cannot manufacture creativity.
It's based on stupidity, a lot of it. It's based on the stupidity and breaking rules. And AI is artificial intelligence. When they invent artificial unintelligence, then I'll worry about my jobs on the line.
Being a dtail, I.
Assume as well, has a lot more freedom attached to then if you're a band charting around instruments with you around the world, like the fact that you can play iconic locations a bit easier than maybe a band.
We're more portable, but we're also more versatile because if you go to a you know, a band can turn up And I was like, oh, that's not the crowd.
I was expecting.
But they can't change their set because they've rehearsed. They've got to play that same set. I can change it. Literally in the blink of an eye, I could go, right, that's not working.
We go that way bands on the whole.
They don't have to play their own songs every night, whereas I can play anybody's song.
You can kind of go where the crowd you to go, and you can the bigger gigs.
I mean, say, you know, these the bigger shows that we've been doing here, especially like the wineries and stuff. It's like it's a big crowd and I kind of know they want certain things, so I have a certain kind of script and that's great.
But when I play revs, I just go.
I just wonder where the crowd wants to go or where I want to go, and then we see where it happened, where we end up.
Are they your favorite kind of shows to play?
Yeah, because the big gigs are great and there you know, and you feel like a superstar and the feeling to be in control of a When it works right, the crowd becomes this one big, living organism. This is sort of this barrel of energy and to be in control of that and leading it. It's a very you know, the immense satisfaction.
Doesn't annoy you. Though then in the rest of your life you control the crowd like that. I just move them to where you need them to be. Sometimes you can physically move that. Yeah, I can touch them for me. It's all about dejailing. It's all about communication with the crowd.
And when you're communicating to a large amount of people, you're you're not that close to them. You've got like a you know, a pit and safety barriers or whatever, and so you have to try and make yourself as big as possible and wear your arm, whereas in a smaller room there's it's more nuanced. And also you let's try this, you know, and some of the things that happened to the bigger gigs. You know, I am prone to try and get everybody to sit down. I mean that didn't start on at Glastonbury, you know. That started in her little club.
One night.
We did a little club and I was like, this is working with you know how big you know, So a lot of the best ideas come out of the small clubs.
Let's get into this game.
It's called quick draw and our Prime Minister, Anthony Alberaneese is here to give you the rules.
I'm Anthony Albanesi and these are the official quick draw rules. Tim will give a category and a letter. The first to yell out a correct answer gets a point. The first answer you yell out is locked in. Best out of seven wins. Ultimately, Tim will exercise his.
Discretion practice question. Then we can come back and play properly.
Get all that.
Yeah, yeah, I'm aware. I'm aware of how the game works, but it's the speed that it works.
He's probably gonna be the problem for me.
Name something that makes you fat starting with CEA geez.
Okay, both of you, great stuff.
Fat Boy Slim is here, fad Boys Slim playing across Australia on the Fat Boy Slim Loves Australia Tour. Head to Frontier Touring dot Com for tickets. The show tomorrow at Brossa Valley and then Saturday at Mount Dundee Estate into Long Beautiful Venue, then Mount Cotton.
On Sunday as well.
Beautiful Frontier Touring dot Com Forward slash fat Boy slimy.
Leaves him and Jos quick Draw Normal cooks here.
Okay, fat Boy Slim he's been in Australia for a good week and you've got a few more dates left in you.
How are the winery crowds peano.
And while list looser, they're very loose because they kind of they've made the effort to get all the way out there and you normally've got been out there all day, so you've been kind of refreshing themselves. And by the time, yeah, yeah, I wasn't sure at first if it was a good idea. And when we announced that the tour, a lot of people going, what are you playing in the cities, I'm like, well, I've done it's so many times.
We're just trying to make mix it around.
But no, there's a there's a vibe you get because the people are more committed because they've made the journey and they've spent.
The whole accommodation, they probably organized.
A driver, but they're they're they're more invested in it.
And also the longer they've been there than the less inhibitions and there that's.
Right, all right, let's do this best of seven. Question number one, name a way to travel? Starting with f flying.
That was closet toan noise?
How did that go? For me, not for you.
Question to name and item in the kitchen, starting with I nice, great to get that cold caught.
I you ran out the other day. He was so annoyed. He was never run out of ice.
There was a bag of ice in the draw.
Blow, don't worry.
Question of three, name of villain, starting with H villain. It's an answer, I'll give it to you. You could be feeling to some people, other magicians, maybe yeah, Bludy evil, some more, Hannibal lector Harley Quinn.
Oh god, she's not, she's not, she's lovely.
To the Norman wan to Rick, Oh my god.
Before name something that you replace, starting with T teeth.
I feel like I was just in. Did we get a do we both say the same things?
We can get a replay? Yeah, dancel in the booth. Let's have a little look at the replay.
Why not the wave form?
Who's te We've got the technology available to us. Geese, Oh you were just there?
Yeah, just there?
Yeah to a piece. Question five, names of.
Should get ponish points? If you both can't the same thing.
Make the game longer?
Oh yeah yeah.
Question five, I name a flower, starting with tea.
I thought he said Penis, I love a pe alright, it's three points two Ricky, two points to you, Norman.
If you get this next one, you've won. You need this one to say in the game.
This is a very serious game too.
Name something you put on a sandwich starting with abalone?
But sure, yeah, it's not something of and often put your sandwich.
We've got our fish markets down there very proper. Yea abalone is not very popular in Australia, but it's very bigger.
Yeah, that's probably I I'm never sandwich. Do you have a raw though?
Is it supposed to issue? Isn't it texture?
Isn't that like soft slimy?
Yeah? It can be raw.
Yeah, it needs a lot of butter and salt.
Okay, best eaten in Japanese restaurants a sandwich, but not not necessarily a sandwich.
It's just.
No pressure you.
You could be the second person to take me down this year.
Croperty in here last week. You know from the formula.
One formula one?
Yeah, of course, I do you love it?
No formulae for the win. Here we go.
Name made toiletry items starting with tea to.
You have? I wasn't explaces to get one. I like this. Take what a great game. Let's do again.
Love to see you made. Have fun at Veroca tomorrow.
As I said, Mount Dundee's along on Saturday than Mount Cotton on Sunday.
Fake yourn now the fun now now the funk so.
Now full now now funk soul, bromber right about down funk, So brother shut you down pound funk, So brother, right a brock down funk So brother.
Shut you down, bound funk soul.
Brober right, Brad Brad Brad Brad brad bah brad brat this shill.
They had to shill this sad brad brah brah bah bah yah brah brat this shire.
This chap is Shibo said.
That bayah dah h brack you Sile's up this sibles had that bah bah yah yah bah back.
You sig it's up this sible say that that.
That that backing SI's up the Sile's that that got sis it's up the.
Sis right about now, funk.
So rub right about down.
Funk So Broma hunt you down. Down funk So brother, right down down funk So Broma shut you down down, okay bright down so well you out right about now so I'll seck it out now, so right about it now, so we'll seck.
It out now. So well right about down down down, I'm down, I'm down. I'm down. I'm down. I'm right about that. I'm down. I'm now I'm down. I'm now I'm down. I'm down. I'm right about that. I'm down. I'm down. I'm that I'm down. I'm that, I'm that, I'm right about that. I'm that, I'm now I'm that now that I'm that, I'll right about now that. No, I'm that now that I'm now i'll right about that that now, no great about that now now now I'm right about now now now now now now.
I'll right about that.
Okay, that about that about that out that, ok I'll right about now okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, ill that I'll.
Cry to be.
Well right right up well by right all right right rocited about now bom so we be out now both so well, brother, right about down, I'm.
So well out now, both so well, brother, now, both so well so well right out, so well us be out both.
So well, Lady jianchel houra