Collaboration over Competition
Collaborating with others can be a secret weapon for your dance studio. Want more customers? Collaborate! Want to reach new audiences? Collaborate! Want to develop relationships with likeminded business owners? Collaborate! There are so many opportunities for us to share what we do, in today's ep…
Keeping it fresh in the classroom and beyond
As dance teachers and dance studio owners, we have the opportunity to keep our content fresh both in and out of the classroom. Don't know where to start? Afraid to try something new? Today's podcast is perfect for you!
It's time to get ready for recital
It's that time of the season when we are preparing our routines and dancers for recital. Today Stacey and Rhee talk about all of the things we as dance teachers and dance studio owners need to consider when producing our best show yet!
Are you prepared?
Running a studio isn't all fun, routines, costumes and sparkle. Sometimes we are a haven when the worst things happen. Today Stacey and Rhee talk about the importance of being prepared for when your studio families need you most.
Change - do you struggle with or strive for change?
As leaders in our studios, implementing change can be a challenge for us and our teams. In today's episode Rhee and Stacey talk about the different ways you can introduce change in your studio that will help everyone come on board more easily, moving you closer to your goals.
Meet your customers where they are
In today's episode Stacey and Rhee talk about the challenges of running 2 studios, including the benefits you can gain when you are strategic with your messaging and delivery, tailored to each different audience.
Happy Holidays!
Wishing you and your family a very happy holiday season!
Goal setting for the New Year
In today's episode Rhee and Stacey talk about the importance of setting goals. They reflect on the intentions they had for 2024 and talk about setting new goals for 2025.
Customer Service, the good, the bad, the ugly!
When you experience bad customer service, you are so much more likely to tell your friends (and the listeners of your podcast!) so it's important that in our studios we are giving our customers an experience to RAVE about, not complain about! Today Rhee and Stacey talk about the good, the bad and…
Get a Jumpstart on January
We are heading into the holidays and that means lots of time to reflect and reassess. Before we know it, January will be here and in today's episode Rhee and Stacey talk about strategic decisions you can make today that will help grow your studio in January and into the future.