10. The Acceleration of Innovation in Healthcare: The Rise of Digital Health Services

Published Nov 5, 2020, 2:00 AM

The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the need for transformation and innovation across all sectors, but particularly the healthcare industry. Though the existence of telehealth and other digital health services are not new, the pandemic has altered the way healthcare is being delivered and accelerated the adoption of these technologies. In this episode, our experts discuss the critical nature of fostering innovation and the role that both government and the business community play, with a special focus on the healthcare industry and the rise of digital health services.

We also invite you to join Baker McKenzie's healthcare and life sciences Webinar Series and new podcast series, Health Pod, covering a number of different global trends in the industry.

Guests: Veleka Peeples-Dyer (Partner and Chair of the North America Food and Drug Administration Practice Group) and Vanina Caniza (Partner and the Global Chair of the Healthcare & Life Sciences Group)