| Ep 173 | Does Your Vagina Work?

Published Mar 17, 2025, 10:00 AM

Gizelle and Robyn talk about waking up kids, working vaginas, sex at 70, Dogon, Loni Love, White Lotus jet tours, current shows, Gizelle’s 21 Shady Questions show, airport ‘liaisons’, Reasonable or Shady, wedding issues, and more!     

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Welcome to Reasonably Shady, a production of The Black Effect Podcast Network and iHeartRadio.

Welcome to another episode of Reasonably shake Dy. I am Jaselle Bryant.

What's up? What's up? I'm Robin Dixon. Thank you for being here with us. What's again? This is what we do. This is how we do it. Book it up, book it up. Boo yanna yanna ya yana. Yeah, okay, clearly we have too much time on our hands. Oh my gosh. Yes, all right, we're just all that they're here. Yeah. No, we totally and they keep coming, yes, which which we love. Yes, So see you guys.

Life is good, All is well, All is great. Yes, what's what's popping? What's your shady moment?

Oh? So this this is just I've had enough. Okay, okay, it's just just this kind of a statement, like or like waking kids up in the morning, shady, shady, and I'm sick of it. I'm so sick of it. So do they have an alarm? They do, and they don't hear it. Okay, so then you have to go get them. Yes, But actually I enjoyed that.

I enjoyed waking my kids up and like kissing on them because they were half sleep and they couldn't tell me get off.

Oh yeah, you know, see I don't. It's first of all, like I'm barely awake. You know, you're already like I've been doing my thing. Yeah, So just imagine being like I'm I'm struggling to get out of the bed, and then I got to come in your room and be like, wake up, wake up, wake up, get up, get up, let's go wake up, wake up. Like maybe you should have a different approach. I want to get like an airhorn maybe yeah, be on your phone, oh oh yeah maybe and just sent that thing off. But it's so crazy. Carter has like three alarm set and and he still don't get out, and he sleeps through him. And then I'll call him on his phone and then I'll call him and bring and ring AM I am I And he has it's like loud. I can hear the phone ringing from my room, you know what I mean. And he through he's sleeping through it. That's funny. I'm like, wake up. Oh my gosh, I can't wait until school is just over like this, like this guy drives me up. So I'm like, so how long does it take? I mean it's a good ten minute process. Okay, that's not that bad. But it's both to him. Who's better Card Carter Corey? I get up Corey. Corey is better Okay, so he'll get up and gets get motivated. I mean he's still not good, but it's better. He's like Carter is like, I'm like, I don't know how you're sleeping through all of this. It's crazy. So I'm like, if anyone has any and I don't want to have to like pour water on him and like stuff like that. But I'm like, that's called waterboarding. I think his mouth and his waterboarding not doing that, okay, but if anybody has any tips, I don't know. Yeah, I'm thinking of air horn. Might be the the air hoorn which is on your phone.

It's like I think one of your like ring tone, yes and who or you can probably even downloaded or like YouTube it or something.

Yeah. Yeah, that's a lot. What about wand he seems like he pops up? He can pop up yeaeah. But it's like, so since we take turns taking them school, like Carter goes to school earlier, so he wakes up earlier. So like on the days that I have to wake Carter up. It's like, you know, make Wan do it all the time. I know, but then there's no point in like taking turns right, stop, stop, decade turns at my point, I know. Okay.

So I was out and about in the streets. Yeah, that my shady moment, and I met some guy that I do know, I mean not, This wasn't like the first time I spoken to him.

Okay, just give it perspective. So somewhere in the conversation he says to me like, and I've never heard the guy has never asked me this. Okay, So he was like some So, so he's like, well, just out does your vagina work? What? I was like, what the what does your question work? But sometimes their penises don't work? So but vagina's work? All right? How does it work? I don't even know what that means.

I'm so like, undone is this person asking you this question? Me doesn't even matter? But he asked me did my vagina work? And I was like, uh, for the rest of my life?

What else was the conversation about? I was like, how do you? It was?

It was going on in the conversation, and then I'd have been a lot of drinks. But anyway, he asked me, doesn't.

Work and didn't. It didn't make me feel like I needed to let him see, right? Was he like trying to find out clearly everybody?

Yeah, I mean I went crazy, but yeah, but I I made a mental note actually because I said to myself, no one's ever asked me this, and people need to know that you should not be asking women does their vagina work?

Right? But it's like, what kind of encounters has he had that he that's even a question? It was It was more alina joke. I think my ninety seven year old grandmother on her death been vagina work. Maybe not.

I think it might be ninety seven drives. When do you when do you think you'll not want to? Like like you'll not care like I decided like if I got married tomorrow right at seventy five, I.

Don't care who you sleep with, okay, like totally like have added player? Okay, is there a number for you? I've never really thought about that. So you're saying not care meaning like yeah, my shop is closed, like go do what you want. No, not, my shop is closed.

I still have sex with you, but like I don't care if you're out there doing other things. Yeah, I can't see that angering me. I wouldn't probably wouldn't give a shit, have at it. M.

I think it's so like you're I think it's hard to pick a number because like you're seventy five, Yeah, could be different than someone else's seventy five, you know what I'm saying, Like there's some seventy five year olds that are really decrepit, right, No, I'm and then there's gonna be decresed. No, you're not, I'm saying, And then you could be a seventy five year old that like looks better than most fifty year olds or it's more like active and totally.

But do I feel like being responsible for your sexual pleasure right on a regular basis?

I want to. I want to like farm it out, yeah, to others. I want to have, you know, go go find others. Yeah.

Yeah, I think seventy five is a good enough not eight eighty is like too old. Yeah, seventy five is like and.

Let's say he's okay, wait a minute, So if I'm seventy five and he's like sixty two, oh yeah yeah yeah he's living Levita Loca. Yeah yeah, So and then he's going to bring back a STD. That part, well, do you know that STD's run rampant in old nursing homes retirement homes? Yes, because they're all like, yeah, okay, this this time station went left. So I don't know.

I mean, I say, well, okay, so it depends on I'll revisit when I'm seventy five.

Okay, but as of.

Right now, my fifty some year old self says, listen, yes, if you with me at seventy five, you can have sex with whoever you want to.

Okay, So they have to forward to Yeah, I can't wait until she turned seventy five, and then you can go for broke.

Okay, hand on your business line. I don't want to nothing about it. Yeah, I don't want to know nothing about it. Okay, just go do what you want to do. Oh yeah, and maybe in reverse, maybe I can, you know, pick up a hot strapping twenty years there you go, Okay, all right, seventy five is getting is getting good?

Look good to me? What is wrong with me? I don't know. I don't like how was that even a thought process? Like, I don't know, listen, so I for got to tell you all that. Are you telling me you could imagine or envision getting married again, I'm not saying that, but okay, I could be definitely in a committed relationship for sure.

Okay, And yeah, whoever that guy is, listen when I'm seventy five, you like on my birthday, like, go for it. Yeah, I'm done, even seventy four like I'm done, Like I don't want to do with this anymore.

But but seventy four it's a deal breaker. Seventy four is a deil breaker. Seventy five have at it? Play, okay, have at it? Yes, Okay, I love that you have this planned out. Yeah I did.

Okay, and you have no number eighty I mean, yeah, eighty for sure. I want to know from women like when Yes, that's a good question.

I just think that's so hard for me to predict because I don't know where I'm gonna, like, what my life is going to look like at that time. Okay, But but Robin, I've had sex with men who are like, who were very potent, I should say, and who could go hours and hours.

Oh and at that point I wanted to find a woman that could take over over it. So I mean it's that so these thoughts go through my mind.

God is my point? Okay, yeah, okay, well yeah, so that's all like depends on the scenario. Yeah, you know what, So women, if y'all you're saying that when you're seventy four, you're all right with you know, if if the guy wants to go forever and forever, yeah, to go find somebody else to go finish them off. No, like you want to like stick it out and be like, okay, this gotta hold on. I would not be in a committed relationship with a man that's going, Yeah, it's like taking something to do that, like some horse lion maine tail, which I'm not mad at. I'm not at fifty something. I'm not mad at that seven listened.

Seventy is the is the year that I'm like, look at here, ok this has got to be lasting eighteen minutes and I'm done eighteen minutes.

Okay? Is that a long time? I think so when you're seventy, oh my god, okay, that's not eighteen it's good like every day, how often we eighteen minutes?

Every other day? Whoa, no, twelve minutes? Hey, you can't get me three pumps and you're done.

No, I'm sorry. Minute twelve minutes. Twelve minutes is a long time.

Seventy Okay, listen, I want somebody seventy to write in and say and let us know what we do it. Yeah, what we're doing at seventy. I want that, And I want to know, like, are women understanding what I'm saying? Like, there's got to be a point in life where you're just like, I don't give a damn what you do, especially if you've been with I mean you've.

Been with Wine forever. I'm sure like tomorrow you might not give a damn. I mean, there's there are right right tomorrow, wan have at it, right, There's there are other housewives that I've been around that you know if you look at them from the outside. Oh, there are women housewives or real housewives like on Bravo. Okay, let's move in front of the camera are like all about their man, and then off camera are like, oh my god, leave me alone. I hope like he can go whoever he wants up today, I mean, yeah, currently, yeah, Okay, I've heard you want to give us initials. Okay, I was trying to get tea for the people.

Okay, Well, I mean, it's a it's it's I mean, if there's something to be said about.

That whole dynamic. And I don't even know why we are how we start talking about this. I don't either. I don't either.

Moving on, Okay, I do want to say that I went to a restaurant that I I'm okay, I has to take to tell y'all about this restaurant because I'm gonna be going there all the time because it's the food is so freaking good, Okay, And I hate to tell y'all that because then y'all gonna be there all the time, and then y'all gonna take my reservation.

So but anyway, I'm gonna say it anyway. Dogan, I've heard of d O G O N. It's in like sushi is no no. Can you let me talk? Yes? Okay, okay, sorry, So.

Okay, do you remember the old Mandarin n d C. It's now the Salamander. Oh okay, Deborah not Debora le Child, Sheila Johnson bought it. It's now the Salamander Hotel Beautiful and dogon.

Is Chef kwame Yes, okay, Chef.

Kwamet is trying to think his name. Chef Wame who has a restaurant in New York called Tatiana. I've been at Tatiana, yeah, and it's very good.

This here Dogan takes that ship to a whole another lovee really okay, the food is stupid good sick. Okay, So what's the cuisine? So it's everything I like they have.

They had this branzino that was amazing, and then the chef brought me out a fried It went on the menu, so he brought me two dishes. He was like, it's like a curry branzino and then like a fried branzino.


Then he's got like corn bread and mats not matzimo. He had this lamb situation and the lamb is kind of like fried but not really and it's also in like a curry sauce.

So good. I mean everything now is it? Before that was like African? Yes? I never went to that one, okay, Keith Kith, I think, yeah, yeah, I never been. Had I known, I would have definitely gone. Okay. But so it's not Africa. The cuisina is not like its core maybe but not maybe soul food more is with the African twist. Okay, yes, the curry is throwing me off. I'm like, what cuisine is that? It's it's good, It's it's good. It was popping. It was like the restaurant was popping it. Clearly it's a hit. So I'm here to say that it was and they treated me well. And the hotel is beautiful. The hotel is the same. Yeah, yeah, but it looked like I know the pictures. It looks like they've they've revamped a little bit, but it's still a beautiful hotel. Yeah.

Oh, definitely, Amandarin in DC, do gone if you if you haven't tried it out, and if you want some good food, if you're in the area, then definitely.

Check it out. Yes, thank you.

I've got to tell you all this because we have a reasonably shady fan.

Her name is Lannie Love. Oh y'all know Love of course. Okay, she was on The Real years ago. I think she she started the reel or she was Was she an EP on the reel? I don't think so. I think she was just a hose co host. Anyway, I missed The Real. I always like I like the I did I like them? So I saw her in Los Angeles and she was like, girl, I love that podcast Reason and I asked her, I said, are you reasonable? Are you shady? She was like I'm reasonable And I looked at her, like the hell you not? You shady all the time. But I love I love me some good shady people I love. I love n you know. Yeah. I follow her on Instagram and she she posts like random stuff. It'll be like stuff that's like happening in in you know, the news or whatever, and then like I find it very informative. Yeah, but then some of it has like a you know, there's like some humorous or like funny things that she posts just about like what's going on, and then we'll be like yeah, like random like videos and stuff.

So yeah, I like her, and she's you know, she's somebody that's like consistent, like you know, she she gonna give you what you get.


So last week we talked about White Lotus, and I want to circle back to that because, okay, have you heard about this four seasons jet?


Okay, So there's a four seasons, twenty day jet tour. Woo Okay, Okay, it's probably gonna cost all your money, yeah, okay, and I think you don't even money for it, Okay. So it's they're offering an exclusive twenty day private jet tour and it takes you to all of the White Lotus locations. Oh so you go to Maui, that's where they started.

Oh you go to the one in Sicily, okay, and then they have this Thailand one h huh. So you.

Do this is gonna start in twenty twenty six, and you know, you get your personalized wellness treatment.

Okay? How cool is that? Nice?

Does it tell you how much it costs? It does not say, Okay, it says too much for us. Okay, ps y'all can't afford this ship. That's really nice though, Okay, but how nice is that?

So twenty days? Yeah, so you have to have a ton of money and a ton of free times to do that. Yeah.

But I mean, okay, first of all, and and let's be clear to fly because I've been to Thailand. Yeah, been a Maui to fly, and sely to fly from Maui to Thailand. I don't even know what that looked like.

That looked like a headache, right that that looked like I don't want to do it, but maybe maybe Sicily breaks it up. Something is breaking it up maybe right. I think you even flying friends on where you're coming from. Flying from Maui to anywhere, it's like it's a lot, a lot, okay, but I guess it depends on where you're originating. Yeah, yeah, but that's you know, no, that's fabulous. And but Thailand is hard to get to. M hm. You know, you gotta either fly in the Doha or you gotta fly into Qatar and then okay, wait this ridiculous or Abu Dhabi and you gotta wait like a ridiculous layover and then get there. And they're in Pouquette, which is where I did also a Girl's Trip. It's beautiful. Yeah, like it. So I didn't know that they were tailand but I started watching the first episode. I was like, that looked like oh okay, yeah, than has a look okay, yeah, okay, oh that's nice. Okay, So I want to share that with the people.

Get in get into the four seasons private jets, yes, so you can jet set around.

I also wanted okay, go ahead, you're gonna say no, I was gonna say, so, speaking of White Lotus, do we want to talk about other things that we're watching? Yeah, go ahead, okay. So are you watching Paradise? Yes? Have you finished it? Okay? Is it question? Yeah? Is it eight episodes? I don't know, so I'm not there. I'm only on episode five okay, I'm on seven. Okay. I think it's at least eight episodes. But are they dropping them? Are they not all released at once? Because I guess whatever I've No, they're not okay, they're not okay, but I've watched whatever I've watched. They're all available. Yes. But anyway, it's like, of course you see all the hype online, like people just talking about how good of a show it is. So then I started watching, I'm like, oh, this is actually it. It's okay show so episode seven okay or maybe where I'm not there yet. Yeah, I started really feeling like is this shit about to happen? So, by the way, we can kind of give you that it's okay, it's on Hulu. Yeah, it's very much the end of times. Yes, and a president kind of like flips the switch or whatever.

If there's flip to switch, if there's a flip to switch, switch to flip, if there's a switch to flip.

And it just made me feel like can this happen, Yes, right, can this happen? And then they go we can also say this, everyone who is on a list gets to go and live in a pseudo world right under a bubble. Yeah, okay, if you're on the list, I can tell you right now, I'm not on the list. Is that I don't want to be on the list, to be honest, really, like right, so I'm like, if if they were to announce right now that I think I've said this before on this podcast, like the end of the world is coming, like it's coming. There's nothing we could do about it, like, and then people start like trying to do something like building bunkers and trying to do all this stuff to do something. No, I'm like literally just gonna go walk outside and lay on the ground and just be like come, I'm here, Just come get me. You know what I mean. That sounds like you're a depression Okay, I can't so just but if you if you could be on the list with your family, that would be good, right, I guess. But it's just like, oh, yeah, I mean watching this show, I'm like, I don't think I want to be on that list, I know, because they not eat real, right, but it's so cool. The food is all or bio. I don't know. The food it's like chemical stuff, and the sun is fake, you know, like yeah, the insects and the birds, like those sounds are pre recorded and all that type of stuff. I'm like, I don't want that, you know, you know, just let me go, just take me away. It's fine. But the show is interesting because it's like it starts off like my type of show. It's like secret Service and the President, yeah, and you know, like the who Done it type of stuff, and then you realize they're like living underground because the world ended, and so then it also has like the fantasy type element. I don't know if I would call it fantasy. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, So that's kind of cool like that they have those two genres kind of woven together. But yeah, there's a lot of praise about it. There's a lot of praise for Sterling K. Brown is his name right, that actor, he's like the lead actor, and he's like fantastic. So hopefully they get you know, a bunch of awards and stuff. But so that is definitely definitely on my watch list or recommended to you all to watch. Okay, what else you've been watching so so I have. So I am. I'm watching like multiple shows simultaneously. Yeah, which is not good because then all the stories get like confused, confused, like a minute that was my other show. Yeah, I'm like so confused. So I started. Now, tell me if you watched this Zero Day? Did you say that with Appa Robert de Niro? I saw it, you saw it? Is it worth finishing? Well? Did you how many episodes are you in? I don't know, like two three? Girl?

Okay, yeah, I enjoyed it. I watched it actually traveling back and forth to La Okay, I watched that was my thing. I was binging, Okay, I enjoyed it. Yeah yeah, okay, what else watching?

I think? Are just I was watching The Resident, I mean not the Resident, the night Agent, the the recruit, the tourists, the tourist uh huh okay, the I already said I i've't even talked about this early podcast. Yeah, I'm still watching all these and then this is ridiculous. I want to start watching White Lotus. Yeah yeah, so but right now I'm like, I think I'm going to commit to Paradise and finish it. Okay, good, And then of course like Traders was like in there too.

Yes, and then you watched Potomac just kidding, you could have watched okay to be told that that last episode yeah, last episode of the reunion.

Yes, just freaking hilarious. Yeah. I haven't seen it. I mean I've seen like clips, I see clips. I feel like I see the clips, I see the Church. Yeah okay, yeah, yeah no, but I saw like there was a ton of positive praise for it. So that's awesome that you guys ended on a positive high note where people were like, you know, entertain another excited for what's to come. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we shall see. Yeah, okay.

So I am watching most of those things, and god, there was something else I wanted to of course. Oh nineteen twenty three, that's back on.

I don't know that. So you didn't watch Yellstone. Uh? And so Yellstone has eighteen eighty three. I think it's eighteen eighty. Oh. I'm also watching Reacher. Okay, the hell is that Reacher? That's like he's like a former army guy turned like vigilante that like kills people. Okay, yeah, that's like season three. I love Reacher. Okay, okay, And nineteen twenty three is back on so in. Harrison Ford is in it, Helen Marin is in it. Ford how old is he?

He's he's still and he's still kicking and doing amazing wow on the screen because he was in You never saw Shrinking. You need to watch Drinking. It's good, it's funny. Okay, So yeah, I'm I'm locked into nineteen twenty three. Okay, locked in, Okay, okay, nineteen twenty three. Okay, I'm gonna add that to my list. I'm Shrinking.

So will you also add Love and Hip Hop Atlanta? No, No, because that's that's my show. So that's on right now. It's on, It's on Prime.

Listen Crime, It's It's so they're no longer on VH one. No, Oh, that's been that's they've been off VH one. Oh, it's on Prime because I think there's they're under MTV, which I think is under that maybe really Yeah, And I saw Yandy at in La.

I forgot to tell her.

I wanted to tell her because I kind of stalked people that I like. So Pea Valley, Yeah, you don't know the Tyler guy, but Pea Valley. There's a girl named Brandy, who was like the main stripper. I saw her at the at.

The luncheon in l A. And I was like, girl, and I wanted to just ask her, are you a stripper? But I thought like that was rude, right, But she's the most amazing stripper to not be a stripper, so I kind of got around the question. Yeah, And she told me that she is a dancer, so I can't. I guess dancers are great strippers anyway. Yeah. That her body's banging, She's just banging and beautiful. Wow. Okay, okay, who else was I talking about? You were? I don't know, how do we care? Here? I saw somebody and I was going, I want to tell them that they were loving hip hop. Oh.

I saw Yandy, yeah and out there and I said hi to her and all that, and I was with Cynthia Bailey, so she's you know, was talking to us for a minute.

We took a picture. But I wanted to be like girl, this season is good.

But in this season when DC is being accused of cheating, so I felt like that would.

Have been weird. Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. But season's good. Okay, yeah, okay, already good Okay, yeah, you know, everybody need a little ratchet. Okay, everybody need a little ratchet. How do you have all of this time to watch it? So all of these shows?

No, actually you're the one watching all these shows. You ran off like ten shows. I don't know what the hell you're talking. So so when I travel, I do it. And I've been traveling a lot, like yeah, yeah, a lot. Okay, but I'm about to saw that all the way down so that I want to be home with the Buffalo rooms. Mind you, I'm leaving somewhere in three days.

But that's not the point. Okay, So wait, we want to talk.

Oh, we want to make an announcement about the matchmaker situation. So we don't want y'all think that we've forgotten that we are matching you guys and making love connections.

So we have somebody on it. Yeah, we're sorting through everything. Yes, we got we got a lot of submissions. We're trying to just sort through things. So just hang tight. We're gonna start matching you guys. Yes, hang tight. So we give us a couple of weeks, yes, okay, and then we have we have some let's see, we have like some some letters Okay, first we'll start with some flowers. Okay, tell me I'm a mate thing. Yes.

By the way, the guy that asked me about if my vagina works, I kind of felt like I was being punked by Dick Hurts because that's something he would say, your vagina worked, said.

Right exactly, yes, yes, yes, because that's what he does. It could be Dick Hurts. It was not.

It was not.

Okay, okay, all right, So this is from Dash Derek Dash. She says. The subject is Giselle. Giselle joselle Yay said, Hey, ladies, hope all as well. It's been a minute since I've written in. But I had to give Jiselle her props. I did not know what to expect from her twenty one question show, but I decided to give it a shot. Boy, was I glad. I went between my cousin Ayusha Carter, who is a huge fan of you, ladies. Yeah, and I we left our asses off the whole night. Great job, Jazelle, because I know doing a one person show is not easy. Also, thank you for always being warm and welcoming to me, whether verbally or in person. Robin, You're still my girl. But I had to show love to justsell see and I said at the show, Derek loves Robin. Now he was not with his wife. His wife okay, because I was cousin. Is that he sure really his cousin? He says, my cousin between my cousin. Are you sure heard her? Okay? So, and Derek, you know I love you and I was so happy that you came. Yeah, he's just so cool cool. You know who else was there?

Remember when we during the pandemic, we got these gold Belly coupons from that guy or he.

Said, was like he met. He sent me a picture of you guys together. He was there. See what is his name?

Okay, I think it's I think it's his wife. I'm not sure, but so nice. It's such a nice guy. And I felt he was like remember when I sent those? And I was like yeah, and I felt like saying play you can keep saying that. Ike't consenting them because I love me some gold Belly.

Yeah yeah, yeah, he told me saw you Okay. So next, of course, is our favorite person my Homede Mohamma, Yes, he says, hello, queens, it is your favorite person from Toronto Mohammed. I just got back from NYC, where I had the time of my life. Gazelle, you were amazing and you commanded that stage, and the audience was so excited to see you. After the show, so many people came up to me and said, you're the infamous Mohammad. We love you, not Mohammed as famous. Oh my god. It was also nice to speak to Ashley and some executives who all thank me for being a fan and being so engaged. Thank you, Jazelle for making me feel special and honored, even though I'm so mad that I wasn't able to record when you said I was your number one fan, Mohamed, right, really, I tried my best to not be so loud and yell as much, but some moments I couldn't help myself, particularly when Jazelle called me out for being a warrior in the comment section every Sunday. However, it is so nice to connect with the little reasonably shady family we have created through attending these Lives shows.

Yes, okay, so and that happened, like Mohammed and Derek they took a picture together. Oh that's so sweet, which was really really nice. So then Mohammed being shady, he came to my Chicago show, right, and then I did a couple of the shows and like, I tweaked some things, but it's pretty much the same show, right, yeah, because I'm on tour, right.

He's like just the same show.

And I'm like, when Beyonce goes on stage, what does she do? The same show? So you might switch a song up or two, but it's the same. Yeah, so just think of ps Beyonce. Okay, my god, that was shady.

Mohammed. Mohammed is shady. That's why we love him. That's why we love him. It's amazing. So now he says, now onto the mess. Oh, okay, here we go. Asia and I have a bit of a disagreement about this. Okay, is it reasonable or shady to have your friend wait ten minutes for you at the airport pickup lane because you're getting your dick sucked in the air washed it? Yeah? Who was who was getting Mohamma was getting his penis. I can neither what confirm or deny that I made Asia wait. However, I think it's reasonable if you are receiving it. I thinks it's shade. Yes, Mohammed, this is shady.

You're getting your first If you forget wait and forget Asia waiting, you get your penis sucked at the airport at bathroom.

No, no, to know how that happened?

Like, how did you get He's on a plane to chat with somebody next to him, and then all of a sudden, he's like they go it to the bathroom to get it on.

This is what I'm thinking, This is how does this stuff happen? But Muhammad is the type. But he's just going to talk to everyone around him, right, And I'm not mad at his mine and his business and being quiet on the plane. He's just going to talk to I'm just like, how do we get from the plane to the to the bathroom? Gets to know? Now I heard had sex and I shouldn't probably say this, but I just like burnt out of my mouth. Let's keep going. So in the lounge and like a private lounge, an airport lounge, okay, because they have the showers in the private rooms or whatever, So I have done that? Really should I have said that? It's too late? Okay?

Anyway, A freaking that was because there was a shower in there. So it's just kind of like what the thing to do okay with a stranger, no, hell no. And the guy that I was dating, we were meeting in the airport. He was coming from somewhere. I was, you're like, and then it was like time to get it on. Okay, so it made sense. Okay, Mohammed, your ship don't make no sense? Yeah, yeah, you get I don't you know what I'm I'm actually with Mohammed. I'm like, if that, if my friend is getting his dick sect in the airport.

Like, I'm like, go friend, like you right, true get it? I mean you know what I'm saying. So I'm not gonna be mad that. It's not a long time to wait, right, Yeah. I wait for you for hours, so ain't nothing. Yeah. So I'm like, no, like, I'm with you, Muhammad on this one. Asia can wait ten minutes. Ten minutes, it's not a good deal. Maybe you know, go go sit in the pick up lot or whatever. Like some of the airports have those little distant lives. Yeah. Now it'd been nice if you maybe like informed her or something, yeah that you were gonna you need it a minute? Yeah yeah, yeah, but I'm not mad at that. Okay, I'm I'm not either. Yeah, Okay, but that was so that was Mohamed, Thank you Mohamma for that.

Airport. Yes, I love some airport shenanigans. Right, are you probably the Mile High Club? I'm not okay, yeah, okay, continue, I'm not. Yeah, that that would be like how do you make that happen in the bathroom? In the bathroom, which I've never done, and like this was a more of a private situation. But like I feel like those bathrooms are too small, too small and too gross.

Yeah, the little discussed Yeah, for me, that's where I would be like this is just gross, Like I can't like I can't get past the gross now. I just feel like I would like bust my leg. Yeah, I would run into Yeah, you get like a cramp, you get a Charlie Hoy Charlie horse and your butt cheek and stuff like you can have it. Yeah, yeah, unless you're on like a private plane, like fine, go for it. Okay. Here's another letter, this from Asia. She says him, my rich aunties. I feel like I haven't written the two of you in so long, but I need he writes every week. Right, it's been a minute, okay, but yeah, but I need advice on this situation. Is it reasonable or shady? So everyone knows how much I love my birthday. It's literally my favorite holiday. Hmmm, it's not a holiday, but okay, I plan to go to Aruba way back in August. My birthday is February. Oh so she started the planning in August for February birthday? Okay. I invited two of my best friends and literally on January thirtieth, he told me he was no longer able to come because he had to buy new tires which were three hundred dollars, and also his phone bill came out, which was another one hundred dollars. Mind you, we were set to board the plane to Aruba on February third. Is my friend shady for telling me a few days before boarding the plane that he can no longer come? Is he shady for planning to only bring four hundred dollars to Aruba? Is he shady for literally watching all of my stories on ig but not wishing me a happy birthday? Oh? Wow? And last is this a boo? Is this like a boyfriend her best one of her best friends? Okay? And lastly, am I shady for cutting him completely off? Everyone's telling me that this situation can be talked or worked out, but I'm not interested. I feel like missing my birthday translates to you hate me, please help not you hate me. Well, if that's really her bestie, she know he should know how important her birthday is, right, Yes, and he chose to ignore it. Yes, so he's mad at her. So so he had the flight, So he had a flight already and he didn't go. That's like he's losing money on the flight. Yeah. And then also did he commit to like a hotel sharing a hotel room with someone? Yeah, maybe he's shady as hell. Oh, he should have been told her he won going. He probably didn't even buy a ticket, right, that's a good question. Did he even have the flight? Did he even have did he even book the hotel?

Or did he like so that Yes, he's totally shady, And for me, I feel like, so, I don't know how old as he is, but she's probably at the age where it's like now it's the time to like figure out like traveling friends, because traveling friends are not always like your regular friend. You're regular friends, So figure that out. Yeah, you can't travel with everybody.

That's true. So maybe it's like Okay, don't cut him off just because of that, because he maybe, yes, he might be your best friend, but he's not a good traveling friend. And that's okay.

Yeah yeah, because people who travel, you know, you gotta you gotta be down for whatever.

Yeah, not down for whatever, but you gotta be flexible, right and honest. Yeah, and that's rare. You can't really find out out here in these streets. Yeah. Yeah, So so Asia, I would say, give him the benefit of the doubts. You know, maybe traveling is not one of his strong points, but hopefully he can still be a good friend to you at home. However, the part that is up, like he watched all her stories but didn't wish her happy birthday.

Yeah, I mean he didn't dispect that he didn't wish her happy birthday and forget to watch like you didn't say happy birthday? Like that's fed up, And we're not gonna judge how much money he was going to take to Aruba, Like yeah, if you could rock out them four hundred dollars rock out right.

Yeah, but I'm one under If Asia cust him out, I'm sure you know what I'm saying. Like, so that's why he didn't wish her happy birthday. Yeah, yeah, that's far happened. Yeah. You see, you're not telling all the facts, ma'am. Yeah. Yeah, So give him the benefit of the doubt. He doesn't have to travel. That's not the end of the world. However, not wishing your happy birthday is not okay. But did you cuss him out first? She did? Yes, All right, there we go. We have Oh my god, all right, we are one more. This is like an advice letter. Okay, this is from Patrick Hi. Patrick Hi, Patrick, He says, hages Ellen Robin fans of the podcast for years. But let me get to this. I'm getting married on March fifteenth to my fiance Does. So. I'm sorry, I think we're a little late with this, but you know, this is still a scenario to talk about. Congratulations Patrick and Does. Over the past month, we've been getting lots of calls and text with questions like what day is the wedding? Or I never got an invitation? What right even know? We sent them out, sent them out back in October. Okay. We also included a color palette in the invitation and on our wedding website. But now people are reaching out saying they can't find an outfit in those colors. What's the color palette? Did you say it's right here? What? Okay, we're gonna hold this up the hell? So this is?

This is beige to a peach to maybe this isn't print it right? Maybe to another light green, to a dark green.

Okay, I can't find anything in it either. Okay, I'm just saying to tell you it's a mass. I will go for gold, find something gold maybe, yeah, gold? Or but this is cream, this is creamy. This is cream and beige. Yeah, this is a mess. But Patrick, Patrick, you're wrong for this. But okay, okay, okay. As the big day gets closer, it's becoming a bit overwhelming. Did you guys experience anything like this when you got married? How did you handle it? I'm planning to send out a mass text next week as a reminder, but any advice would be so appreciated. Oh, so here's our wedding website. What does he want us to do on this wedding website? Just send again together and yes, we still have some things left on our registry check. You're wrong for this, okay, So so congratulations once again. Sorry we are late with this advice. But I think this is good, a good question because this is wedding season and you know stuff like this will happen. First of all, a color You sent a color palette to your guests and said, where's something in this color? But that's not that's not rare because a lot of people they have black weddings. Every where's black. They have white weddings thereby, where's white. I'm not mad at that, Oh really, okay, I'm mad at the choicest I'm ad the what we we're here to choose from. Okay, okay, okay, okay. So you don't so you think the color palette is and limiting. It's it's strange.

So and I'm not mad that also because when you're when you look back at the pictures, it's esthetically looking red.

They look nice. Yeah right, I get that. Okay, I get the vision. See I could you can find something nice and green?

I mean I have a bunch of green just because like, yeah, this is I mean, if you're a man, it's screwed.

Yes, like a man has to get like a custom something. Yes, that's true. I mean they could go to suit Supply they can find something nice and suit supply, But I also think it's I do. I do think it's unfair to expect people to spend money on an outfit. So it's like, if I don't have it in my closet, I shouldn't feel required or forced to purchase something. Yeah, so I do think that's a little unfair and maybe too much to expect from somebody, especially when the color palette is like this. Now, if the color palette was black, black, white, gray, I don't know. Yeah, yeah, that's normal colors or before Yeah for these colors, I mean, yeah, some people might not want to spend the money.

This is my issue because he asks, does any of this ever happen to us?

Nobody asked me about the date. Once you send out the invitation, everybody has the date. Why nobody calling me talk about what's the date? Again?

I'd be like, lose the invitation if you can't. So my question, did you really send out invitation?

Well? Did you? What kind of invitations did you send? Yes? Because I can't stand receiving evite invitations, you know what I mean? Like I get a text message yeah with an invitation? Why? I don't know. For whatever reason, it's hard for me to keep track of Like I like to look at something, I like to have something in my hands, and so I feel like people should do both. I understand the convenience of it, and a lot of people do it now, but I do feel like it doesn't stick as much in my mind when I don't get like the paper invitation got it. I agree with that, So I wonder what type of invitations you sent, and especially like who are these people? Like, Okay, if you sent digital invitations to older people.

Yeah they don't know, right, Yeah, they got a hard time getting up in the morning. Yeah right, but they might have missed it.

They might have you know, I don't know. So that scenario I think is I have more questions for that.

But any wedding it's gonna be drama, yeah, period, any events.

I'm trying to think of what kind of issues did I experience at my wedding. I feel like, I mean, I got married twenty over twenty years ago, and like things are just so different. Everything was just much more traditional. We weren't inviting people by evites now. Everything was like you know, you send it in, send back the RSVP. It was very like done the right way totally. So I don't think I had like a bunch of nonsense. I will definitely say because one was in the NBA, most of my guests did not bring a gift. What what do you mean?

Oh, because they felt like y'all had it already. Yuess so well did he did he invite NBA players.

Like up a few? But yeah, okay, yeah yeah they did. But I'm just saying, like, okay, let me let me take you back. Most of the people on my side brought againt. Wand's family decided to come on one side like it's it's like immediate family, yes, but then it is like the all the friends extended cousins.

As like hilarious. You know how you don't like celebrating your birthday, Yes, I don't care. I definitely want to celebrate my birthday, but I don't care about gifts from a situation like that.

Yeah yeah yeah. I also people get like hung up with, oh my gosh, he bring me no gift. I don't give a damn me neither. I never have. Yeah, I think someone's presence is the gift, like you spent time to like come here ever, or yeah, your presence is the gift. Yeah for sure.

So I might not bring one because I don't care about that. Yeah, right, so, but I do I try to get people gifts.

Yeah, but then and then usually it's like when you're bringing when you're getting gifts for people who aren't like really in your immediate household, you really are getting them something that's just like fluff kind of like yeah, well unless they have a registry, Oh that's stuff that they need. I would just own a blender or two, right, or what is your thing? A juicer or eight hundred dollars juicer? Are you still using your juice? Really? Yes? I am not not on the daily, okay, but yes I am. Okay, what's your best combo? I like a carrot, apple and ginger okay, and then apple and I like orange pineapple and ginger. Are no bananas? Oh no, you can't use bananas. No, but it has a smoothie attachment. So I could do like a smoothie, but I haven't done that yet. And then I'll do like a green so and then I'll do like a green apple. Cucumber situation. Gender, I put gender in like everything, Yeah, okay, I love the cucumbers. Yeah. And then it tried like a bunch of like liquid. The cucumbers have a lot of Yes, no watermelon. I'll wait till the summertime, like till the watermelons are good. Okay, very good. I'm just glad you're still using it. Yeah. What about that peloton of yours? Oh yeah, that thing is dusty. Yeah, probably needs to be oiled. People stopped. Yeah, well I don't know that to be the true case, but anybody that I know what a peloton and using it. Yeah, well so one one thing nowadays, I don't know if you see this, but like all of the fitness advice that I see now is like that extreme cardio is not the best for people like forty and over. Oh why, I don't know something about our raises, our quarterzo levels and blah blah blah ah. This they say like more like steady state, like walking on an incline. It's like better than doing like hardcore cardio and then strength strength training. So like that's one reason why I'm like not really like focusing on it like that.

But yeah, the other thing, it's just yeah, so there's this suit that you can put on that like pulsates your muscles.

It's kind of expensive. I'm thinking about getting it.

So I have know somebody that has it, and I just want her to like use it for a little while before I'm convinced that I need to spend twenty five hundred dolls on something that I might have only used once.

What so I mean it is? But your mouth is open, like you didn't spend twenty five hundreds on your juice? Like stop, but what do you mean? The suit pulsates your muscles and then what happens? So you look it up to an app?

Okay, it's like, for instance, crunches. It gives you, like in twenty minutes, like a thousand crunches to your stomach, like you you just.

So like your arms, you it's a whole body. Okay.

So yeah, you follow the app and you look amazing after you take it, ok I think, So, you don't know if it works. So I checked in with my girlfriend who has had it for like a month or so as a follow up, and she was like, she loves it. Okay, I just need to give it a little bit more time with her and then I'll jump out there. Because you have to get measured for it. Oh yeah, you have to give your measures. Yeah, you get to give you because it's a whole full body suit.

What is it called? She told me. I forgot, but I think I think I might get it because you know, you could be in your house and work it out. You can be in your house chilling, just like building muscle tone, like it's definition. Okay, yeah, you feeling it as you want it now. I'm curious. I mean because three minutes ago you was like, what if it works, I'll be the get you know.

Yeah, yeah, but I need I just need to make sure because you have to go through a whole You got to get the measurements. It takes, like, you know, weeks for you to get it because they got to make.

It all that. I've never heard of this. Yeah. Ever, it's a Los Angeles it's a West Coast thing. Okay, okay, but I think it'd be great for people our age. Yeah I said our age. I just threw you in mind. In my decade, I'll mean there soon. Yes, all right, we're out of here. Guys. We love y'all so much. You'll never forget to live your life. Either Reasonable Oh Sugar, or both. By Reasonably Shady is a production of the Black Effect podcast Network. For more podcasts, from iHeartRadio, visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows, and you can connect with us on social media at Robin Dixon ten, Giselle Bryant and Reasonably Shady Speaks to the Planet.

I go by the name of Charlamagne of God, and guess what, I can't wait to see y'all at the third Annual Black Effect Podcast Festival. That's right, We're coming back to Atlanta, Georgia, Saturday, April twenty six at Poeman Yards and it's hosted by none other than Decisions, Decisions Man, DyB and Weezy. Okay, we got the R and B Money podcast. We're taking Jay Valentine. We got the Women of All Podcasts with Sarah Jake Roberts. We got Good Mom's Bad Choices. Carrie Champion will be there with her next sports podcast, and the Trap Nerds podcast with more to be announced. And of course it's bigger than podcasts. We're bringing the Black Effect marketplace with black owned businesses, plus the food truck court to keep you fed while you visit us. All right, listen, you don't want to miss this. Tap in and grab your tickets now. At black effect dot Com Flash Podcast Festival

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