Gizelle and Robyn are back in studio (Robyn’s house) to discuss Gizelle’s shady sunglasses, Christmas lights in February, awards, Married to Medicine, Khloé and Lamar, Gizelle’s poker skills, All-Star weekend, Ye’s breakdown, Trump & Elon, Uber etiquette, and more!
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Welcome to Reasonably Shady, a production of The Black Effect Podcast Network and iHeartRadio. Welcome to another episode of Reasonably Shady. I am Jaseelle Bryant.
What's up? What's up? I'm Robin Dixon. Thank you for being here with us. Twenty five. I'm twenty twenty.
Fine, ain't okay?
Enough of that? All right? I do want to say, yeah, I think I said this last year.
Okay, like January, I'm still sleep Well it's February, Huney exactly. So I'm saying, like February, the end of February.
Like I'm here.
Oh you're awake now, yeah, okay, I'm awake. Good, especially now that when you wake up, well maybe not for you. When I wake up it's light outside. Oh no, not for me, okay, yes, yeah, So for me at like six point thirty when I'm waking.
Carter up for school, oh my gosh, thank goodness to light. It's light outside. It's light outside.
And then and then other day I was like in the bathroom and I looked out the window and it was like six thirty at night and it was light outside. Yes, yes, it does something to your whole It's like yes, yeah, it's amazing.
So car Corey, he's driving himself to school.
Not yet, not yet, Okay, we haven't gotten a car yet, and it's we just can't decide on what we want.
And then the problem.
Is like, no, I don't really like to leave the house, so like in order to like really to buy a car, like you got to leave the house.
So yeah, that's been a problem.
Okay, is that your shady moment because that was that's pretty much that shady because you don't want to leave the house in order for you not to leave the house, So if you buy him a car, exactly, you don't have to leave the house.
It's a great point. Yes, so you need to go outside the house. Yes, get that happen.
Okay, I'm gonna put that on my my prayers to do that on my list, to do that is on my to do list.
Well, f yi, I have a live show coming up in two days in the Big y C getting into it City Winery.
I love City Wineries by the way.
Yeah, City Winery is like it's just like plug and play, yes, n so, and then the food is good, the drinks good, the vibe is good all that, So come through everybody come through, gets your ticket comes through, so that'll be a great yes, And hurry up because it's almost sold out, so hurry up and get your tickets. Almost almost there.
Okay. So I have a shady moment. It's kind of long. Okay, all right. The shady person in this situation is me. Okay, okay, okay, what's new? Okay, what is new? Robbing? All right?
So I was I've been doing a lot of traveling and I was in recently in New Orleans, No.
La, honey. Okay.
So by the way I got there, the super Bowl was on the Sunday. I got there on Tuesday. Okay, yeah, I got there on Tuesday. And after the super Bowl.
People I was coming, I like got off the plane, was walking through the airport. People were leaving in droves like they were like walking fast to their gates.
They were ready to go, and I was like, clear out, bitches, because I don't want no parts.
Ye okay.
Anyway, so I go to my favorite cafe Damon to have my beignets with my hot chocolate. And you know, when I go to cafe to mall, it's kind of like I'm eating with my grandmother and my father there there with me. Yes, so I did all that I left there, I went. So I walked there, which was like a fifteen minute walk from my hotel.
So walking back, Erica calls me.
And I walked into my hotel and I didn't want to get on the elevator, so I like sat on like the little bench in the lobby of the hotel and didn't realize it, but I took off my sunglasses and I put him next to me.
I don't know why I was on the phone.
I just took my sunglasses off put it next to me, and then she and I finished talking and I was getting ready it on the elevator, and I was like, oh, I left my sunglasses in Cafe Damont. Oh, this is what I'm thinking. I left my sunglasses in Cafe Damon. So I was like, oh my god, jump into a cab, go back to Cafe Damon. And I'm like going back to the table where I was sitting, looking for my glasses, and I'm looking at the my waitress. I was like, my glasses, my glasses, they were on the seat next to me. In my glasses. She was like, I don't know what you're talking about, Lady, so then I nowhere. Okay, this guy pops up, who is the manager. He was like, is there a problem? And I said yeah, I left my glasses here. He said, okay, stay right here. I'm gonna go look at the video tape. I said, right, I'm like, go, I get.
A video tape. Who took?
So he goes across the street, comes back. He has a screenshot on his phone and he shows me that I have my readers on and I put my readers back.
Into my back.
He said, you put your glasses in your back. I said, no, no, no, those are my readers, not my sunglasses. My sunglasses were sitting on the chair next to me. So he said, okay, then we go back and look at the more more video tape. So he goes back, looks at some more video tape. Mind you, everyone in the place is like.
The no. People are like wanting to take pictures. People. Because I've talked.
About Bigne so much, people know that I like eat it with hot chocolate. People are telling me I.
Got hot chocolate. You said, I got hot chocolate. Like it's the whole thing.
Okay, it's mass madness. But I'm sitting in this chair waiting for the video tape. This man comes back, shows many video tape. He said, ma'am, you walked out of here with sunglasses on. So he shows me the video of me walking out with sunglasses on, and I'm like, oh my god, I'm an idiot. I like, I was like, tore down Cafe Dumont, and.
I'm could ever do all? Right? So I walked back to.
My hotel because I want to stop because I bought I bought an antique dining room table in New Orleans, and I want to go look at it again, because you know, you gotta look at stuff twice. So I went to go look at that again and I get back to the hotel. Guess what glasses sitting right there? We're all at from on the bench. That was ridiculous. So I just want to apologize right now to everyone, to cap at them all because y'all did not steal anything from me, right, okay, nothing and the fact and please, like you need to call the manager be like, I appreciate you trying to accommodate me. And oh he did find my glasses and figure out where they went.
But yeah, and I did apologize. I'm an idiot.
I did apology and shady because I was actually side eying every waitress in there, every watress. I was like, I know y'all got my classes, and mind you, I have lost these glasses. These are some hour people's I love. These are my favorite glasses because they're lightweight. I've lost them about four times. These are six hundred dollars glasses, okay, and so I'm like, damn, I got to pay another six hundred dollars.
But they were right there on the bench waiting for me. That's hilarious. Yeah, so shady moment. That is a robin thing. That is something I would do, definitely, as you ordered door dash to the kids school, my kids school. Yeah.
But I'm the one that like, I'm on the phone and I'm looking for my phone. Yes, oh no, no, no, I have it in my hand. Yeah yeah, And I'm looking for my phone all the time and keys all the time.
Yeah, you got a shady moment.
By the way, my Houston and New Orleans shows were fantastic. Thank you all for anybody that came or whatever.
Yeah, but I have a new appreciation for being on the road quote road. Yeah, because you walk into these venues and you know, what the hell you're going to walk into? Yes, so I'll just leave it there. Okay, Yeah, all right, that sounds shady, sounds very shady. Yes, okay, so I don't really have you know, there hasn't been a whole lot to report.
It's just snowing while I talk. Very interesting.
Yeah, anyway, So I just want to say, m h it is you know, late February, right, yeah, like going into March. Almost my neighbors on both sides of me. Oh no, one around the corner.
Oh no, still have Christmas lights up and on? No?
Yes, they're still on on because it's like probably like an automatic time or something.
I'm plugging, like turn it off, flip the swear. Yes, yes, slip the switch, turn it off.
Literally, we drive up three houses and I'm now I'm like in the nighttime, I'm like, are these lights on?
And they are?
And there and there and one of these houses they're ones where like the lights are just all over like the entire like outline of the howse ye trees.
Like it's a what is your electric what's the bell looking like? Yes? Is they have solar panels? No?
Okay, well yeah that bell is up there? Yes, yeah, for sure.
I'm like, what is there a point they're trying to make here? There's no point here is at this point?
Like the the longer it went on, I was like, Okay, maybe you know, maybe it's a thing to keep them up till Valentine's Day.
Yeah, I don't know.
Well we're past Valentine's Day and they're up and now I'm upset about it, right, and they're they're dimming a light on our Black History Month.
Maybe that's what it is.
Yes, they want to keep it up, like because they want to because they're white, right, Yes, they want to shine a light on their house to like try to dim us on Black History.
Is that what it is? Yes, Okay, I'm not gonna go that far. I'm not gonna They're too lazy to turn the damn switch off. Yeah, I'm plugged. Just unplugged the switch. Just pull the switch.
Yeah, because we got a couple more days in the Black History Month and we will utilize all of them.
Yeah, we need to because the way this things are going.
We talked about things are going left, it's really things are going left. Speaking of going left, can we talk about the na A c P Image Award that the Real Housewives of Botomac didn't win. Oh, so I am once again a double loser, double loser, double loser.
Like this is not a good feeling.
I mean, but you're a double nominee as well. True, So that balance is it? Because a lot of people are a zero nominee a zero, right, this is very true. So I'm a double nominee, making me a double loser. The next time I get nominated for something, goddamn it, I better win. Okay, Okay, I'm done with that.
Okay, So what is the next thing you're going to be nominated? I don't know something, something's happening. Okay. So, by the way, is this is this our house? Yes?
Yeah, so I just bought Okay, so the pedestal that's in front of not pedestal. What is this coffee table that's in front of Robin's sofa is beautiful, it's like marble on top. And then I don't know the hog handled wood. Yes, I just bought a dresser. My dresser was falling apart, and I just bought this.
It just came.
I freaking love it really the same same collection, same yeah, absolutely love it all right, moving on, So, but let me tell you what I don't love Married to Medicine. Oh so I like those ladies.
Yeah, I like the show. I don't like what the hell is happening? What is happening? So I know you don't know.
But I got caught up into the matrix and I turned on my TV and it was there, and all I saw was because we know Phager's on the show, and they were on a cast trip and here comes Apollo joining them on the trip. Actor yeah, with his wife. Okay, he's not a doctor. Who's not a doctor either, right, and so and so Heavenly who's also who is a doctor, invited Apollo and his wife. So they're walking up. So then we cut to Phader in her confessional and she's like, yeah, this is the woman that my husband was cheating on me with. Okay, So then we see like Sharene I think that's her name. Is the is the wife? And then we have Quad who used to be married to a doctor Greg who is now married to someone else on the show or something, yes, and then now Quad is there with her new boot. Okay, So we have all of these ex'es and all of this mess, and I was and I'm typically here for the mess, because you know, I love me some love and hip hop Atlanta. Yes, so I am here for the mess, not this mess. I was kind of like feeling bad for Phaedre. I felt like, this is from a producer standpoint, like this is too much. We didn't cross the line.
It's just too much. Did they blindside her like that?
From what I understand behind the scenes, she knew Apollo was coming, but not the wife. And I think because Apolo was at the reunion last year with her, so I think, right, yeah, so I think she was cool with that, but not like you're bringing the wife? Why is I don't even know why is Apollo that? I didn't even understand. Why is he there?
I don't get any of it. It don't make no sense.
Just this is the whole thing is set up to be messy, and it reeks of that.
It reeks up producer produced it. Just yeh. I literally said no more and I turned the TV right.
There's like no reason for that those people to be in this group. Yeah, And I mean, I'm here for the mess, but I just did.
I didn't like it. I didn't like it.
I think the Greg and Quad part. Maybe it's understandable. Yeah, well they hired Greg's wife to be on the show, right, so I guess they're you know, the intentions was to be messy.
But also the question is like, if Quad's.
No longer married to Greg, then then maybe Quad shouldn't be on the show, right, Yeah, but the group's part.
Of the group, the group's by the friend group.
But it is intentionally being messy, Like why would you intentionally bring yeah, the wife of someone's ex husband into the into the on the show. And I could kind of understand the Greg Quad of it all, but but even still that's messy, right, still messed up?
But come on, I was like, wow, I'm disturbed.
Yeah, it makes you feel like, if you're going to be on the show, you don't want anyone to know who you're dating.
Oh I'm sorry, I forgot the best part.
Phaedra who brought her current boo on It's Friends with a Pollow and the wife so Apollo is like, dude, you any time you use dating Phaedra wait, who's so faer brought at her booth? The dude, Oh, Phager's boo is friends with a power Yes, okay, it's even It's so messy and typically I loved so messy.
I hated this. Yes, I wanted to stop. I turned the TV off. So I'm just letting y'all know, y'all lost a rating is half a rating. How do you know how they calculate rating one viewer? I don't know one viewer, so me. So if this happened to.
Potomac, which it almost did kinda when I was dating Sherman and they brought on his ex wife, yeah, thank you guys.
Anyway, you make choice, but to deal with that, you gotta deal with it. Okay. So, speaking of other reality television, Chloe and Lamar, have you seen this?
I did see a clip like they had to sit down, like first time in a long time. Oh my god, was so good?
It was.
My wife?
Is this?
Calm down?
So him calling me his wife, I mean, words are empty. I have dealt with so much trauma in this relationship for years, and this was such the love of my life that to learn how to unlove someone, to have to go through all that, it's almost like a death.
The reason why I was so good to me? Okay.
So the Keeping Up with the Kardashians or whatever their show is called, on Hulu is now back on season season?
Is this for them so real? No?
No, no, no no.
So it would be probably from the very big.
I think like twenty six because I think the other one was twenty or eighteen or something. I don't know anyway, So episode one, Lamar off camera, Lamar runs into Malika okay, and they both were like crying when they saw each other. So then I guess that got Chloe to thinking. And Chloe was like, look, I have a lot of stuff of his that is, you know, monumental to him, like his six.
Man Award memorabilia. Yeah, that I should give to him. She's like, and I've had it all these years.
And the reason why I didn't give it to him is because there were some things that she gave to a friend of his to give to him, and that person sold it. Oh, So She's like, I'm gonna hold on until I can give it to him. So she invites him over. He is legit nervous, he's sweating. He like he don't know what's about to happen, but you could tell that he's like ready to be there. So he sits down and and Chloe's kind of like, get yourself together, like chill out, dude, and he just starts like apologizing to her and like telling her how much he loves her. He will always love her, he will always be He will never find somebody that's as down for him as she was. And not only does she have that award, she had like these this jewelry that she had made for him. She had his mother's driver's license, his mother's passed away. She had all this stuff and it was like a moment.
I was actually crying when I watched it because it was touching. It was just like he was on he's obviously has a drug problem.
Still you think, no, I think he's good, but like that is a disease that took over his life, ruined a lot of his relationships, yes, including hers, And you could tell that they had nothing but love for each other.
So it was like very emotional to watch. So I want everyone to watch it. Okay, Yes, So was she emotional or was it? Yes?
She was was no, she was kind of numb to it because she had to put she and she even said, I've had to put up so many walls to protect myself from this situation because it was so bad that she was kind of a little numb to it. Yeah, wow, because he don't remember when when she was in when he was in rehab getting himself together for four months, he don't remember her being there, which after he after he indeed okay, and and somebody had to like and he was in a coma and somebody had to teach him for four months how to speak and how to walk, and that was her. He doesn't remember that she was there, not really really and he but he said, he was like, you were wiping my ass. I will always love you because you whiped my ass.
And she was like, do you remember that? He was like kind of like, no, but I know that you were there, so no one else did it but you. And then and then he got better and she just kind of like no, oh disappeared. No no, no, no, Like she moved him. This is so crazy, y'all. She this is love.
She moved him into the rented the house next to hers, moved him into there so he could do his rehab in there and she could watch him right and like be in control of just like all the people coming in out. She was going to Rob's no, going to Scott Disk's birthday party in Vegas. She went over there to say goodbye and to let him know where she was going. He was doing drugs, she said. She punched him in the face.
And wrecked the house. She went nuts, never saw him again. She was like, and this is it. And and by the time I get back from Vegas, all your shit gotta be gone. Oh wow.
So so they went from that to filming a scene. Yeah, wow for keeping up with the Kardashian Oh my gosh. Yeah, but he's wo And he said to her, you had every right to do that.
Yeah, hell yeah she did. Yes, that's a big sacrifice she made.
Yeah, she could have definitely when she never even had to even go by his side when he odeed, right, right, because they weren't married anymore, right, No, when he odd, Yeah, she didn't even have to do that. No, wow, No, that's wild. And then you know, like a bunch of his friends like passed away.
Oh they odeed and pat and died.
Oh really, yes, like three dudes that like when they were filming, when he he was with her filming Kardashians, it was like this white dude that was always with him. Yes, I remember that he o d like two of three people in his really tight circle o d from drugs, so he definitely.
You know, kind of didn't stand a chance.
Really, you know, how about this, she said when he was in a call and his dad was like pulled a plug because his dad one of the insurance money.
Ain't that some ship?
Now that's some shit speaking of Kardashians, and then we're done with them. Kim is coming out. I'm very impressed by this, and I'm and I'm gonna be online.
The Nike Sam. I'm very curious. I'm very and listen, I will be.
I don't know how people get the stuff, like, I think they're online right when it drops, right, probably that's gonna be me with this.
Yeah. I haven't done this with anything, but they have the preview what the stuff is going to look like. I don't even care. I want it. I want it.
I'm I didn't want the adult check because she did something with adult Chad could give it.
I didn't care about that.
I did want the North faced stuff because I've seen it one of my hairstyles Lena. You know Lena, She's got some of it and it is so cute. Oh really okay, Oh yeah, so I definitely want the Nike stuff.
Yeah, I want to.
I'm gonna check it out. I want to see what it looks like. I want to see if it helps Nike stock price because other stocks down. Yeah, their their stock has been down why. I don't know, it's just been down for a really long time. So I want to see if it helps that. Like I actually, there's like a settlement for.
Y'all already know. If there's a settlement, I'm gonna get thirty five cents.
So I'm waiting for what wait a minute from Nike Nike, Yeah, because something I can't it's like something about for anyone who had Nike stock, it's Nike maybe overvalued.
I think that's what it is.
They overvalued their business, right, And so if you help Nike stock on these whatever these dates, yeah, then Nike gotta give.
You a settlement. And how about is it? I don't know, get your forty five cents, girl, I don't know, but I'm waiting for it. It's another settlement I'm waiting for. I got a email and it was like the fact that Robin does this is wild. I love think it was care first. Care.
Yeah, it was care first, okay, and it means I just get this random email and it was like, if you had, you know, care first, if you pay premiums over this date, then you're going to.
Get a check. And I'm like, oh, yes, I can't wait. I cannot wait to see how much this check is for. So okay, let us are you gonna let us know?
Yeah, okay, even if it's like twelve cents, yes, okay, okay, but if it's like twelve hundred dollars and that was like worth it exactly. Yeah, okay, let me see. I mean zero's you got on that check? Yep, okay, I like it. I did want to talk. So I was after I did my little I was in Houston, I was in the Orleans and then I went to San Francisco.
Oh yeah I did see that. Yes, All Star weekend. I was at All Star Weekend. Yeah.
So Robin and oh by the way, yeah, Robin and I will be at the next All Star Weekend. We will be there with Reasonably Shady Okay, we'll be doing our podcast and we will be interviewing some of the retired professional basketball players.
Okay, yeah them what is that what they're called? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, So stay tuned for that. But they have to be retired. They don't have to be retired.
They can be anybody who ever played for the NBA. Okay, and maybe they're wis, But I was saying that, I'm being serious.
No, and I and I and I agree with you. I'm saying that about Super Bowl.
I saw that there were a bunch of podcasters at Super Bowl doing people like Tamra and Teddy from to teas in the pot where they're Okay, who they interview I don't even know.
I just page, Oh, I don't know. Okay, I'm joking. That was a joke. Okay, Anyway, I don't know who they interviewed.
But but I saw that Tamar's out there, Nikki and Breed Bela Twins, they have a podcast out there interviewing people.
I'm like, yeah, like can we get can we be on location? We're going to be on location with people.
So we're doing NBA because it's going to be in LA and it's kind of like Lebron's like farewell, maybe it depends on how he feels like he just keeps playing whatever. We'll be there and we'll be interviewing some Balla's shot callers. I decided that when I was there, so I did like a little celebrity poker tournament of sorts and play poker?
Can I can? I? Can I tell you about your girl? Please? Because my mama saw a picture and my mama called me. She was like, what are you doing sitting next to Giles Barkley South?
And I was like, Mom, I thought you knew I was important, Like, mom, get into it. So anyway, my dad taught me how to play poker years ago. So I got invited to this thing and I was like, you know what, I really don't remember how to play poker, so let me do some googling. Okay, So I got to googling and it refreshed my memory. So I'm the only female at this table. Barkley's to the right. I had an owner, a team owner to the left, and the rest of it was guys. Of course, there was some dorks there. You know, guys would tat it up and had sunglasses on and tried to act like, oh, he knows how to play.
I beat all of them. What what what do you mean ran the table with them? Yes?
I did, really so, but you know it was hilarious because I was all acting like a girl, like I didn't know what I was doing. And then I was like, oh, my gosh, me did I win? My gosh, and they all looked at me. They was like, oh, we got to watch out for you.
Yeah you do so, but with poker or with any card game, you up and then you down. So I was up. I kept running them and Charles was mad.
And then I was trying to steal Charles's because Charles had more more chips than everybody because he had cards to like get more chips. Yeah, I'm trying to steal Charles's cards. He was slapping my hand.
I mean, it was a whole lot going on, but it was like big fun and it was off for charity.
Oh nice, Yeah, okay, so did you win money? It was for charity, but so did you want money for your charity for the No, it was for one charity. It was for Kitty Anderson's charity.
Okay. So like ultimately though, so.
You say you yeah, so I could have I won probably I was up probably fifty thousand, okay, yeah, so but then I want I started losing. I stayed until I kind of like lost, and in the winner of our table, which was Charles, I think only because he had the most like ability to get extra chips.
Went to a winner circle table. Okay, and then they all played. So you didn't beat them all? I did?
Oh no, no, no, I'm sorry. So it was eight of us at the table. Four of them had to leave because they lost all their minds. So I was in the last four got it. And then Charles just because he came prepared, right, So when Charles was low, he just kept buying more.
We weren't prepared for that. Okay. He went to the Winter Circle table, he played.
I don't know what happened there because I because the party started, got it and the party was too short and too chained, and I was all up in there acting like I was talking.
Yeah, I was talking. Yeah. Also we can it's fun. It was, you know what. Let me tell you, I have been poo pulling on All Star forever. I'm gonna tell you why.
Because when the last time I was at All Star one hundred years ago, I was dating one of the players.
So that was that era. Yeah, and then it became very pimps up holes down for me.
It was just it's just too many. Yeah.
And so then, but now that we're grown and all the guys that I knew that were in the league are now retired.
Now it's a whole nother thing. It's grown and sex. It's grown. Yeah, and so now it's on and Rob and I will be there.
And if you get you just have to have access to the right parties. Yes, and this and so the party was like run by Empire Records, which I've never heard of before. I think I think maybe Kenny Anderson is involved with the Empire. Maybe too short and too change, it doesn't even matter. But a woman came up to me and she was like, I'm the vice president of Empire.
And I was like, oh my god. Great.
She was like, I don't care about any of these people in here. Bryant is here. Yes, I watched Bravo.
My husband's right there. I make him watch. I was like, yes, you do. That's cute. There's always one in the room, right, just one.
Yes. She was extremely happy. Yeah, so mind you, doctor Jay is behind me. She gives a ship about doctor Jacks. She was like, Gelle's here, Bravo's in the house, so yeah, good time.
So that's fun.
Okay, Yeah, yeah, wo was out there. But what he was he was coaching some international young players. Yeah, but he was he refrained from going to parties.
Yeah was he What day did he go? He was there Thursday? Okay, yeah, oh he was it like the whole time. Yeah, okay, wow, yeah it was. It was great. It was very much a good experience. And like I said, are we going to sell tickets to our podcast situation?
No, No, we're just it's more of like a h I feel like like you it's more of like a oppressed thing, you know how like the radio stations all come and people go from like, you know, station to station, right, more like that, Like, Okay, that's what we're that's what we're doing. Yeah, okay, we'll be out there.
So we would have to figure out how we have to get our people that we're gonna interview.
We got to get people to interview, and we got to get like, you know, figure out how to like record it and broadcast it.
Yeah, all of that. We might need some help with that. Yeah, we would need help. Yeah, and we're gonna get help because we're doing it. It's gonna be so much fun. Yes, yeah, Okay, what's going on in the world right now? So we did see the guy that we said we weren't talking about anymore. Kanye and his Booky broke up supposedly right, supposedly broke up. Yeah, So do you think she just had like a she was not with the whole being naked on the who is with that?
Well, she did it under duress. She was under direct She was like, do I have to eat? They were talking very tensely before she dropped that coat. Oh really, yes, yes, oh okay, oh no, it was it was an intense conversation okay. And he kind of looked at it like drop it now, okay. And so, yeah, she didn't like that. Her parents don't like that. Don't nobody like that. Her parents probably came to her rescue, like yeah blank twice girl. Do you know the universal sign for help? No?
Is this it's it's your fist balled up like this? Okay, yeah? Or is it like this? Anyways?
The universal sign for help, it's like a it's like a fist. So if a girl is in trouble, she can, you know, put her fists. Oh yeah, typically like you'll when she was. I've seen it on a movie a girl was getting dragged and she did the like sign for help, which was like a fist, I think, And everybody was like my kids were like, oh, she needs help, she needs help, like they knew, Like my kids know the sign.
Why don't I know this? I don't know because you got boys? Yeah, I mean but I don't. But but why don't I know this for myself? Like is this a new thing? It's semi new. Oh yeah, but it's maybe it's on TikTok. Who knows.
But anyway, if you don't know the universal sign for help, ladies are reasonably shadest ladies. Shadesty, I like shadesty, shades ladies, then then find it because everyone knows it. And yeah, if you need it, use it because we will come to your aid. What is the hand signal for a woman in distress? Raise your hand, yeah, tuck your thumb into your palm, fold your fingers down over your thumb.
Yeah okay, yeah I was right. So that's it. Yeah, so kind of like a fist, but your thumb is under your fingers. Okay, all right, yeah someone does that. Yeah they need help. It's like okay, yeah, that's good to know. Why do we start talking about that? Oh? Because Bianca Sensory is that her name? She needs some help.
Listen, she was doing that sign of the red coffins.
Indeed, yeah, indeed, I think that. Let me see, let's see what else is going on.
So, oh my gosh, my mom just sends me, she forwards me something. Trump is shutting down the federal website for ordering free COVID tests, so now you have to pay from Yeah, okay, and COVID is going around speaking of is it it's going around again?
But go ahead.
Oh wow, speaking of like shutting down federal stuff. I have, you know, friends who work for the federal government.
I have.
Members at low thirty who work for the federal government. And it's like, it's so crazy because this stuff is really happening, Like, yeah, they're really being forced to go back to work in the office. They're really being forced you know, being laid off. They're really being forced to you know, maybe accept this. What was it, the like the resident for them to resignate, resign.
Early, Yes, the the buyout.
Yeah, all of that is like really happening, and it's so it's it's really sad, and it's scary, especially in our area, in this DC area, because a lot of these people, a lot of people who live in this area work for the federal government.
Yeah, I was at my contract.
I had to come over to my house yesterday for a whole other reason, which I will tell you later, and I was like, what do you work?
We're like, you know what's popping these days?
He was like, two big contracts, five hundred thousand dollars contracts just canceled on him because the people worked for the government and they still have their jobs, but they're scared that they're going to get fired, so they don't want to start work that they can't finish.
Yeah. Wow, yeah, yeah.
It's like, I mean, it's going to be such a huge ripple effect in so many bad ways. You know, It's like, what is the endgame here? And a woman one of my members said, literally, there's a nineteen year old that Musk has given the power has to come in and make changes.
A nineteen year old.
I don't want to state the obvious, and I don't want to get like black balled in the street. But Musk is in the White House speaking to the press as if standing next to Trump, as if he is the president. Right, So it says to me, because we all know how Trump is, that Musk knows that he cheated for Trump to be there, right, Okay, does that make sense? And Trump has to let him do what he wants that This is my thought, y'all. Don't come for me, but I feel like that's the only reason, because Trump is such a narcissist.
That's the only reason. Why let a man speak for him? How do you give this other man so much power? Yeah, so there's that. And you know, coincidentally, this man is an immigrant. Yeah.
By the way, is an immigrant? By the way, when Trump made that you want to push out? Yeah, when Trump made the announcement, this is so funny. Were in a deep dive, now, y'all when Trump made the announcement that you had to come back to work.
You know, he made it from mar A Lago, so he was in his home making an announcement to the world. And you want to come back to work? What you ain't at work? Sir?
Okay, Okay, there's that, And let's let's not since we're in the deep dive. Elon's son telling Trump, it's the funniest thing a live y'all google that he said, you're not the president.
This is what a four year old Trump, You're not the president, and I think he said shut up.
Yes, okay, we're on the deep dive, y'all. Okay, we're done. But it's Black History Month. We will not talk about this in March. We only go talk about it's a mess. Though. I really like for a while, I was like, Okay, maybe it's not going to like really really happened, you know, maybe right all the stuff Trump was saying like it was just you know, some foolishness, some foolishness to get him there, and then once he got to the off White House, he can just chill because yeah, okay, you're on your last term, buddy. But now but they're trying to allow him to have a third term. Yeah, yeah, like repeal that, to repeal the term limits. Like list say, y'all bet a vote, y'all, bet a vote. Now, I want to give a public service announcement. Are we done with Trump?
Okay, I want to give a public service announcement. So I recently, I think I talked about my water heater. Yes, how it broke, Yes, and I got it replaced.
So I've been out of town a lot, so I really haven't been like using water in my house, but I did realize before I left the last time that my shower was.
Like thirty seconds like it was hot, and then thirty seconds later it was cold.
So I'm like, what's happening here? So I finally come home for several days and I call my guy. This while my contractor was at my house. I called my guy and I was like, look, whatever, you installed this piece of shit. It's not working. So he was like, okay, I'm had my guy come over. So the guy comes over and the plumber said, I've installed it. I ain't coming over because I've done my job. So he sent the h back guy, who knows about the components in a water tank. So the h back guy said, there's some some something in there that's that's not charge. It's not giving enough energy or whatever, so let's change that.
So they changed that out. So the brand new water heater.
Yeah, so they changed that because sometimes that the quote defective. Now, mind you, this water heater is. I can hook it up to the Wi Fi. There's an app for it and everything. It is.
It is state of the art.
Okay, okay, but the ship don't work. So that didn't fix the problem. Another guy came over and I don't know what happened. I came home yesterday from get my hair done and it was beeping and I had no water. Oh no, So I called my contractor, who's Muhammad. I said, Mohammad, we got a problem. So he zooms over my house.
So he.
We should have done this from the beginning. We called the big eight hundred number that's on the side of the water take that they say call if you have a problem. We called them, and mind you, my girlfriend kept saying just that it's set to factory, to the factory settings. You have to go somebody has to go in there and fix the factory settings. I was like, I don't know what you're talking about. To sound crazy, so we call Muhammed standing next to me, he calls the people and the people are like, open this up, open that up, Okay, pull this white.
Cord out. So he pulls it out. He pulls it out. She was like, wrap it up and put it back in and put the installation in and put the cover back on. Yeah, that's what it was. That that white cord is a sensor.
Oh that doesn't because it's there and water hits it, it turns off, so it won't fill up, you know what I mean.
Yeah, So that center, that thing should never be there, no, right.
Because if it was, if you could barely take a shower. Yes, yeah, and I'm the only rust in the house. Had my girls been there, we'd have been on cold Water Center. Right.
So anyway, water heater people stop putting these little factory nonsense inside pain in the ass.
But now we know.
So this is the PSA to And if you have a new system and it's not really working properly, it's something very easy, but it's like something that they put in there, I don't know why, right, so you got.
To just fix it.
It's like more advanced than what your standard like technician is familiar with. Yeah, because now you got all these these technical things.
The thing is hooked up to Wi Fi. Yeah, that's like I remember.
My range Rover's fine now, but like years ago when range Rover like started just getting real fancy with their computer system. Yeah, man, that thing, well, I had to take that thing into the service center like every other week because it was all it's just some sort of like computer malfunction. It's just like Okay, you got these expensive cars and they just and they're trying to do too much with the software and the computer and be all tech technologically advanced, and then you're it's always blanking out on you.
I'm as yeah, so it's always good.
To like not get the first generations thing. So I have a question for you, m h. I saw this on Instagram. It was a girl complaining when you're in an uber do you have a problem if your uber driver is talking on the phone the whole time?
Like do you care whether they're or not? Don't care? Okay, that, yeah, it happens. I love that because you're not talking to me, right, yeah.
Okay, all right. This girl had like a really huge problem, like she was like, I don't know. I guess she thought it was like inappropriate and rude.
Okay, okay, I'm I do have a caveat to that. Okay.
I would love if he was talking in another language that I didn't understand, suck, because I don't want to hear your I don't want to know your conversation. So if you're talking, if you're speaking in some other language, Spanish, whatever, and I don't know what you're talking about, it's amazing, Okay, right, I guess I just for me it's just just don't talk so loud that I can that your voice is like distracting me, Like, so, what are you in your thoughts or something? No, like so say I wanted to be on the phone too, So you're on the phone and I'm on the phone, like your conversation should not interrupt my commras. I got you, I got you, right, okay, but what if you like, okay, I just want to like, I just want peace and quiet.
You know, do you ever really want a piece of car in an uber?
No, I'm paying attention to what the hell's going on? You know, a black car? What about like a car service? Do you think that's appropriate for your They never do that, I know, so that would be weird. Okay, yeah, okay, oh wait a minute, Wait a minute, okay, go ahead, Okay.
So I feel like it's like you get what you pay for, like can you get the black service, the black car whatever? Like they're you're paying for top of the line service and they're not going to be on the phone. But on an uber, it's like you get what you paid for.
But the girl was like went off. She was like she just wants to complain. She needs penis yeah. So in New Orleans called an uber. He pulled up. It was a different license plate. Oh, so he comes out.
He tells me my name because you don't have a stage name, and I was like, player, this not the same license plate. He was like, how would I know your name? How would I know your name?
He's like arguing with me.
So I was like, so then all of a sudden, I look back at my app and it switched to the license plate. So apparently he has two cars and it goes back and forth, and I'm like, he said, that always happens. They look because he had dreads.
He was like, they always look at me and they don't want to get in my car. It's like, no, that's not it.
I don't want you to think that's it. I want you to know that we're told do not get into a car. Un that's all the ship match up exactly right, Especially I'm a woman.
I'm in New Orleans, not New Orleans. It's safe. Yeah, I don't want to say a different city. Yeah. So yeah, so he we went through all of that, and your cars my like weed. But you know that's not the point.
Yeah, The point is your shit need to match up. So you need to take one of those cars, right, And he didn't. He didn't really care. But we got to the airport and I was high as the kite.
Yay, Now have you ever looked at your Uber rating? Yeah? I'm a four point nine? Honey, you're four point nine? Yes? Okay, I am a Where am I? I don't know how this happened. I don't know what I did wrong. I'm a four point eight six. I feel like that's bad.
That's probably when we were we were in Vegas and I was screaming at the guy because because he was crazy, they gave you thisten.
I'm sorry, Roy, it's my fault. I was like, why am I a four point eight? Sick? Because I was screaming at that Uber driver? And I tip afterwards? Oh do you? Yes? So that's the thing, Like I never really tipped the Uber driver because I just feel like, why because they get so so much of that what we pay them, Uber takes so much of that they do. Okay, so I need to tip, Yeah, but I'm like always in an Uber it's a lot of money.
Yes, okay, fine, I'll do it, But I don't tip like the car service guys because usually they get paid on like, Okay, if if someone else books a car for me, So if I'm going, you know whatever, to watch Rabbins Live, they book us a car like watch Rabbins Live, pays for that, and they pay for the gratuity on the credit card bill.
Okay, got it. That's how it should be. Okay, do you do you tip the hell? Okay?
No? Absolutely not? All right, yeah I remember because I've been scorned. I'll tell you my my scorn story. So I was dating this guys.
I was in my twenties.
I was broke and he was not, so he would fly me out to wherever and he would always have a car service. So the cars are like one of in the one of the first couple of times I was in one of these cars, I got out the car and the guy was like, you ain't gonna tip.
Me, and I said, I'm like, no, I don't, huh I was. I was so confused. So then I gave him a tip, right, So I told the guy that I was saying. I was like, yo, the guy asked me for a tip. He was like, don't give him no money. Don't be giving him no money. And I was like, oh, Okay, okay, I'm down.
But it made me feel like they think I don't know that I'm supposed to tip. So I kind of started tipping a little bit, but then he kept this guy who was anger management issues.
He kept screaming at me like, do not do that.
Yeah, so I because they get tipped on the back end, Yeah, get tipped. They should if he's paying with a credit card, like he's he's paying for their gratuity. Yeah yeah, so yeah, that's funny. So maybe the guy was just trying to get over. He was definitely he was trying to get over.
And this is before uber and all that, so this is a straight car service.
So anyway, they got over, and but I'm not broken anymore, so now I can kind of but like nobody carries cash either. No, Like I don't have cash a tip anybody. And I feel kind of bad going into hotels because like they're really like helping you with your luggage and all that, and I'm like, oh and then my guys, you know, like the Gangs of Ward in New York, we're there all the time, and like the guys see me at the corner and they're like running out to help me.
Because I'm there all the time. I never these girls. I need to start tipping them. I'm gonna tap y'all next time. I know, right, But it's like, it's not our phone. We don't have money. I know, I know, but we do have a podcast that's over right now. And then you don't want to say.
You don't want to say to anyone, I'm sorry I don't have cash, because then they'll be like, well my.
Cash app is No has that ever happened? Yes at a hotel? No? No, no, maybe not at a hotel. Somewhere is happening. It has happened with a homeless person. Oh okay, never mind, we got the squeegee guys, we we got never forget to live your life. Either Reasonable or Choked You or bros By.
Reasonably Shady is a production of the Black Effect podcast Network. For more podcasts from iHeartRadio, visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows, and you can connect with us on social media at Robin Dixon, ten, Giselle Bryant, and Reasonably Shady