Over the past few decades, South Africa has emerged as a prominent player in the global film scene, boasting a repertoire of acclaimed local productions while also serving as a sought-after backdrop for international films. From the impactful storytelling of movies like Tsotsi, District 9, and Inxeba to the vibrant diversity of its landscapes and cultural heritage, South Africa's film industry has flourished, showcasing a range of narratives that resonate both locally and abroad. As the 2024 edition of the Joburg Film Festival approaches, anticipation mounts for an exciting line-up featuring top-tier films from over 30 countries. In our discussion, we want to unpack South Africa's cinematic evolution, its burgeoning opportunities for aspiring filmmakers, and the dynamic landscape that continues to captivate audiences worldwide. Curator of the Joburg Film Festival Nhlanhla Ndaba joins Morio Sanyane for the conversation.