Once again, it is time for a refresher course inspired by the teaching of four-time podcast guest John Gray, the #1 bestselling relationship author of all-time with his Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus franchise.
In this highlight episode, you will hear life-changing advice and insights into relationship health, including the specific “assignments” John Gray has designated for men and women and why. You will learn about the importance of being a “Kung Fu Master”, why men should never speak when they have a negative emotional charge, and the #1 danger women face today.
I also include tips from author David Deida, talk about the effects of complaining or nitpicking and what happens when you instead express everything as a preference, and how to overcome emotionally fragile reactions. You will also learn what causes arguments to escalate, why women just need to vent, what kills the passion in a relationship, what causes women to end up anxious and depressed, and more details about the different fundamental biological drives and hormonal underpinnings that influence our behavior and wants and needs.
After the first two highlight podcasts, Brad looks at relationship insights. [01:04]
The male’s relationship assignment is to be a kung fu master by remaining calm, cool and collected. [02:43]
The female needs to vent, to talk out her problems, concerns, challenges, and complaints. [09:55]
Leave the petty grievances alone. Decide what is really important. [14:59]
The female should never complain and nitpick your male partner. [18:11]
You are responsible for your own happiness. You cannot depend on another person to make you happy. [20:10]
The evolving culture and evolving relationship roles lead to challenges, mainly with the female. [23:23]
Another dynamic is the increased isolation of society. [26:16]
John Gray’s anatomy of an argument: Female feels unhappy and starts to feel disconnected. The males responds by telling her why she shouldn’t feel that way. [30:27]
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