Grab an origami Camellia flower and a giant bone cause it’s Pod Meets World time!!
Crushes, misunderstandings and missed opportunities abound!
The crew sprints down memory lane as Will remembers receiving the biggest compliment of his acting career and Danielle has a visceral memory of what Will’s hand smelled like?! (eew!)
Plus more love for the hilarious Lee Norris and Topanga’s new curly hair!
It’s an episode that even your sister Nebula Stop The (Vietnam) War Lawrence will love!!
Writer, are you are you telling scary ghost stories? You have like a flashlight light you do? And then that's so funny you bring that up because India has been dying to hear scary stories lately, and I am so ready to tell them, tell them, but that he gets too scared to sleep at night. And he's just like me because I discovered scary stories to tell him the dark that book when I was a kid, I was right about his age, and I would read it. I would actually listen to it on audio tape while I was going to bed and then not be able to sleep all night. And he woke up the other morning he was like, Dad, it just it makes me so sad because I really want to hear the scary stories and then I can't sleep. Scary stories at breakfast. Yeah, well, I try and do it during the day, but I literally get two sentences in. All it takes is when I go, Okay, this one's called and he's like that's enough that I'm done. I'm done, Like come on, I haven't even told you the name yet. The only one that I've been able to get all the way to the end is one from Scary Story is telling the dark called the Viper, and it's because it's a joke. It's like the window viper is the big at the end, and that's like the viper is coming. But man, while I'm telling it, he is so terrified. It's just because of the way I'm talking. You know, I guess I need this monster lighting. Have you remember an actor for a parent? All book readings and poetry reading, it becomes, it becomes its whole other thing. We've got my voices, my voiceover friends, like my voiceover friends where I will ask him what is it like to tell your kid a story? And if you get somebody like Eric Bowser, who's the voice of everything, he's essentially melblank now. And it's like I'm imagine him telling his four year old son's stories at night. It's just sick. Yeah, remember the wrong time? And do you remember the one time in Arrowhead where we sat around the fire and we all tried to tell a story, like a scary story about Arrowhead, and we'd go like each person got like three or four minutes, and we tried to go around the campfire and we got to the end and nobody knew how to end it. Just like I don't know how this ends. Was that one was based Was it based on the idea that there was a town underneath the lake? Remember, because there really is a town under there's like houses still under a lake era, and I think that was where we started. It was like what if you were still ghost? Doone there? It's so funny. We just couldn't end it. Yeah. No, I took a break from reading Harry Potter because you know, Indie ended up watching all the movies, so we didn't go And then we went back to the books and I started reading him the book. He's like, dad, Dad, He's like, your your voice is wrong. I couldn't get the accent right. It's like I'd forgotten how to do my English accent. And he's like, no, no, no, go back, go back. Started up. I was like, oh you noticed, Okay, I'm kidding my here, oh man, Harry Harry Potter, Chamber of Secrets, Page one, line one. I can do with this little pencil, exactly, this little pencil. Welcome to Pod Meets World. I'm Danielle Fishel and I'm Wilfred l. I can't wait to recap this episode today. Um, this is the episode we have been talking about for kind of a little bit because it's one of those early shows that is so um memorable to me and I can't wait to jump into it. It. Uh, this is season one, episode thirteen, she loves Me, She Loves Me Not? It originally aired on January four, By the way, that's my dad's birthday, so you know, just fun fact. Although now I have to tell you guys, because although this is listed as the fourteenth episode of the seas in on Disney Plus, it is not. It was not originally aired as the fourteenth episode. It was originally aired as episode number one thirteen. So we're going to be following the DVD order. So if you were watching on your DVDs, there you go this confused me. I don't know. I feel like it may have been human error, like somewhere in the inputting someone, you know, it just got it was just a mistake. So it's not because are the episodes, because there are two or three episodes that were never on Disney Channel four I think total on Disney Plus. They are back, you know what, I don't know. I don't know either. In season two, there's just an episode of Cheers. It's just really weird. It's just somebody screwing it up. And then in season seven there's a mash and we Will had something to do with that. I'm not sure. Just like I loved this Allen Old episode, I'm throwing this in before instead of the honeymoon episode, which is our best episode ever. Let's we have so many years till we get there. Thank god, Will have been married for fifty eight years by the time we get to the honeymoon episode. Exactly what are we having for dinner tonight? And it sounds good? It's kind of harks. It's so hot, you know nothing at the conversations. Aren't there enough good salad places around? But that's the other one. Hey, should we get a delivery company? But there are there healthy ones. I don't oh Man conversations, conversations too all the time. So again this is she loves me, she loves me not. The synopsis is that Eric is brought in as a guest lecturer for high school to Corey's school. Ja Panga develops a crush on Eric. Corey thinks she has a crush on him. Wait, what makes no sense that Eric would be the one coming into to talk to a class like well, first of all the whole high school middle school conversation on boy Beats World is so weird, Like why is end of sixth grade the beginning of high school? That doesn't mean and the start a year? And I remembered this at the beginning of season two. We have this whole episode about now we're going to the big high school. But we're only in the seventh grade, so it doesn't I know, I never It depends where you grew up. Well, it depends where you grew up. So when we're in Connecticut, let the jokes begin. We we did there, We go K through five and then we worked sundown exactly again from the guy who literally stoked the fire at his school. That's where you learned to churn the better we churned the butter. There we learned how to to ferry the horses, all the things you learned, right and then and then six eight is another school. Nine through twelve but no, no, no no, what there no no, no, Then there's other schools, other schools that would go K through six and then seven through high school was one big school. So that really is a thing, that really is a thing. There was either seven, eight, nine would be one school, but that was rare. You could start in seventh grade and end in high school. That was another thing that was that would happen occasionally. I thought our writers just created this. Honestly, like I all these years, I just believe that they made this up for the sake of getting us to an older school, because you know, we talked about Lee not coming back in part because they wanted to age up the show. So I thought that it was something that they did just they just fictionalized this whole No, it doesn't happen. But speaking of Lee not coming back, how could anyone watch an episode like this and go, that's the kid we're not bringing back. I really, it's all I kept thinking the entire time. He was so good. He by the way, we'll get to it. But the biggest laugh for me of the whole season is from Lee in this episode. He's so good. I can't It's all it was going had not first this first scene, all I used to say is no, and it's hysterical, like he was done. I love this guy. This guy was done wrong. Seriously, It's such a great character. It's so fun umber. So the episode was direct did by David Trainer, Jeff minnell is the writer of the episode. As for our guest cast, Christie Clark plays my sister Nebula, and Brianne O'Donnell is the girl at the end who has um kind of you know, asks writer about going to the principal's office and that is her only acting credit. That's the only thing she ever did, which is such a bummer because she is so adorable and I remember her. I do too too, So why do we all remember her so vividly? I guess she was just a cool person, but I definitely yeah. With the second that happened, I was like, oh, I remember her, and I remember her face, and I was like, exa, the same thing. I was like, I remember her. She must have just been around all week, even though she only had the one six week and she was in the schoolroom exactly. She looked younger than everybody. I thought, well, we'll get to that. But you know what it is, I thought, she looks like exactly the female writer writer strong. Yes, that was the other thing I wrote down. He had been born a girl, he would have been and Brianna O'Donnell basically yes, when we get there, which so okay because the other thing is I don't remember the woman who played Nebula at all like I do because she played a different character though she played it. She was in the Nancy Kerrigan episode. She played the girl that I skate. I tried to impress with skating, so I worked with her in two different episodes. That's why I remember. Yeah. Yeah, but Nebula stopped the war, Lawrence never came back. Yeah yeah, So okay, that's so funny that we all remember her and um yeah, and I didn't really remember Christie Clark and yet I was in a scene with her. Yeah, right, weird. Also, i'd like to say before we even jump into it to Penga's curly hair has arrived. Yes, his big hair day. You know what, I guarantee you. It was a little bit inspired by Carrie Russell that Harry Russell was there and she had that big, glorious curly hair, and Michael was like, how do we get Daniels hair like that? Why? Why are why are we doing this crimping thing. Let's let's get Daniels here like that. So anyway, we we will get to that as well. By the way, if you have not already yet subscribed to our podcast, please subscribe. And also, if you love us, give us a review. If you don't love us, don't give us a review, don't give us one star. Just hate listen, don't don't review it. But if you love us and you want to give us five stars, then please review us. I'm only accepting five stars. Hate reviews, yeah, just no, just hate listen. You can hate listen. Yeah. You know there are people who hate follow on social media where they only follow people they hate so that they can be angl don't you just angry all day? Listen? Some people love to be angry. It sounds like literally it's literally the opposite of what I want ever, But people some people love it. I would I yeah, no, it's just not for me. But anyway, here we go. Entering the episode, we are in Mr Fini's classroom. Mincus is reading an Origamy pamphlet. It looked like almost like from the side when I first saw it, it it looked like it would be like Origami Weekly. It's it's a little kind of course, it's a little Oregamy newspaper. And to Panga and her giant curly hair comes walking in and I remember these curlers very well. We will post this picture. I have a fantastic picture of me writer and Lee from um probably right around this time, and I have I mean, it was dozens of curlers, very and they were big plastic. I've got one of you like that too. Oh yeah, you would have to wake up in the morning and put these on. So yeah, now this this got to happen once I got to set. I didn't have to do this at home. This wasn't something my mom had to do. This was definitely something that professionals were handling. And it was called the Richard Caruso hair set. And the way it worked was and there's this little like jar basically plastic hot pink, hot pink, amazing. Uh. There was a container that you filled with hot water and a little bit of salt, and then you plugged it in and it steamed and it steamed up on this tiny little knob that you would then rest the curler on. The curler would get hot and wet and steamy, and then you would take it off. What was hot. By the way, it was so hot you have to go and like wave the curler. Yes, and but it was just moisture, so it wasn't actually like a curling iron. It was just hot like moisture. And then you took the hair and you in order to get those curls, you didn't just wrap your hair normally around it. You twisted your hair first. So you took a piece of hair twisted, twist, twisted, and then you twisted it around this hot, steamy curler and then that was stuck to my head like this, and then this plastic piece, a very hard plastic piece, went on top of that to hold the curler in place. And then they had to fill my little peannut head with all of those hard plastic curlers. And then I would wear that in my hair for probably three ish hours, like through most of the day until we needed to film, and then they'd take it out and I'd have all these curls and then they put their fingers through it to comb it out, and so much work. And by the way, I recently found the Richard Caruso set ordered it on eBay, only then for my mom to tell me, oh, I still have your original one. It was just like a kid, I mean, was it like a Mr microphone? It sounds like this is like a bron pope peal thing, Like wow, you can curl your whole hair like it was like one of those things. I actually think it was supposed to be an alternative to heat, you know, hot hot metal on your hair, because it actually is better for your hair. It's it's almost heat free, even though there's hot water, it's not. Yeah, it's not like it's not metal in your hair. It's not like a flat iron or anything. So anyway, I just remember loving it, although it was kind of uncomfortable, but I loved it, and I love the results. So I have one. Now, maybe I'll maybe I'll curl my hair for us. I'm gonna I'm gonna have to. I'll do it. I'll do it maybe maybe for the next one. Nice, Okay, So I'm sorry, just very quickly. I thought they missed a joke. I thought they missed a very simple joke. And I thought it was a props joke that should have been done, which is the Oregami thing he was reading should have been folded like he should have opened it up like it was a piece of Oregon. It was exactly like like when you get the magazine, the magazine itself is a piece of Oregon. Me. I thought it was an easy joke they could have gotten, but that's just me. Yeah, no, I would have been cute. It's kind of hat on hat a little bit. That's okay though both hats are funny. Well, I mean that is why you're the best? Will it really is? It really is why you're the best. So um to. Panga finds a paper rose on her desk and she asks manc I if he's the one who's left it. He says no, and then he corrects her, saying that it's not a rose, it's a white Camelia, and Korey and Sean make fun of Manka's for liking. To Panga and writer, you have a fantastic Bambi's mom dying joke, which I love. Yeah, yeah, the old sitcom dead dear joke. And then you guys do your did that last? Yeah? I think only a couple episodes we'll see. I mean, I feel like, but maybe we get it throughout the first season. I mean, I remember when we saw the last one, I was like, oh my gosh, I had completely forgotten it. And then who we did it again? So they were trying to So it's happened twice that we've seen so far, Right, yeah, yeah, I think so okay, and so far you guys have had but the audience hasn't. For the record, both has just crickets. No, I know, it is exactly. Yeah, we keep trying, though, I know. You commit That's all you can do is commit to a joke. That's all you can do is commit to a joke. So you're doing it. So then to Panga tells Corey she thinks people who judge others by their appearance are shallow and ignorant. Corey calls to Panga a nerd and if you're a nerd, you pay for it. So this is that thing we've talked about before, which is I mean, it was really on the nose of what we've talked about. This episode was really like let's get a mean like wow, this this scene in particular, felt very sick, call me to me, very up set up joke, joke joke. Um. Yeah, it kind of felt out of touch with the rest of the show in my opinion, But you know, there's jokes. It is a comedy there there there. They didn't need to follow some of the some of the however, many jokes per page was the requirement of a sitcom at that time the writer. I know you don't enjoy talking about this because every week you have fantastic wardrobe, but I do feel the need to comment on your clothes. Some good colors going on this week, great cars and more dinose for Corey. Yeah again, all the Dinosaur shirts still in in middle school. Yeah, well, I mean, thank god you mentioned as Eric that when you get to high school you gotta have cool clothes, because otherwise Corey could have entered high school wearing a Dino shirt as opposed to what I was wearing, which was awesome. Yeah you shirts. Look, it's like we couldn't afford a built so we'll get to that with my entrance. Writer, you had on a red denim jacket with the sleeves cut off. Again a sleeveless stuff, lots of sleeve is a plaid flannel and possibly what I believe is a tied eyed T shirt. Under that it was it's really great and never without layers. I don't don't. I don't think I've like we have that photo from the first photo shoot where I'm wearing a tied eye shirt. That might be the only time in the first season, right everything, I mean, I'm always wear I'm like, how many shirts am I wearing? It's like three or four constantly your family. If you can't afford the food or Christmas presents, but you can afford nine layers. They're just not meadging properly? Is I think? What's happening? It's like, maybe just do three layers in a sandwich. Um, I don't know, it just seems right. So Mr Feenie announces that there is a guest lecturer and then surprise, it's Eric, and we do get a little bit of explanation about why it's Eric. He says, yeah, Well, first of all, i'd like to I'd like to say I was going to as I was watching the episode, UM, tried have everybody do a drinking game where you take a drink every time. I rubbed my hands together. But I realized you'd be dead by the third commercial, so you kept doing it. Oh dude, the whole episode. That's so funny. I just keep just but yeah, let me let me talk about this or let me plot. It was oh my, I'm going to steal the sun. Yeah it was. So when do you think you finally got comfortable in your body on stage? Uh? So I did after boy was called random years. I think by then I was getting there. No, I I don't know, And that's why I can't wait to see where. I'm like there, that's it, because I I still I'm not having I didn't mouve any of the lines along with anybody, so I'm getting there. But now I just don't know what to with my hands, so I'm just archly rubbing them together. Well, I have a note about your hands later as well, but I'm gonna wait till we get there, because I actually thought it was very sweet. Um so to Benga cannot keep her eyes off of Eric while he talks to the class about going to seventh grade next and Mincus makes a joke that some students will not pass, and Sean tells him to pass this and then he does an arm bit fart but with but with Corey doing the sounds, which is what I didn't. It's like, did it take both of you? Yeah? For some reason, I remember this beat. I think it was just that I couldn't actually make any sounds. So Ben was just like, well, I'll just do it during rehearsal, and he just did and I got a laugh, So we just did it. That way, but it's actually, what are we doing that makes no sense? I don't know, but I just thought you guys should know that. The subtitles very kindly called what you did a raspberry nice. You always watch with the subtitles, daniel I do because I can't hear. I don't know you are an old lady. Is that what it is, Danielle. I don't like sound. If it were up to me, I would just read everything like I wouldn't even be able to hear you, guys, you would just type in what you were saying to I don't like. I don't I've actually I really do think I have a thing about I think it's called like it's some something a phobia. Of course, although I'm not afraid of sounds, so that it's it's not it's not it's not that it's not a phobia. I am not afraid of it. It just gives me, like I can thinking of sounds. Um. Certain sounds make me irrationally angry. What are they like? Typical ones like nails on a chalkboard. Those wouldn't even bother me. It's it'll be things like um, a sound I can kind of anticipate and I know that it won't be pleasant. For example, my children knocking things off the table when they were in high chairs, like the sound like you know, giving your kid a toy in the high chair and then them throwing it or knocking it off. And I know what's gonna what follows is going to be a loud crash. And so I'm aware that that sound is about to happen, and it's and it will make me feel like wow, Like I don't know. Sounds are just and anything, any any phone noises, a phone ringing, a text chime, a doorbell, anything, I will like, look at whoever is nearby? A video out in public? Who are these people who will watch a video? Oh yeah, I don't understand that. Like when you're at a coffee shop for something that somebody's watching something, I'm like, at least get headphone put in your head. There's headphones for that. Man. I will turn and look like what are you do? So, yeah, I don't know. I don't like sounds, so I try to keep the volume down and then I have subtitles on so I can read. I'm the exact opposite. I've noticed that with editing, like when I'm directing something I A lot of editors are a lot of filmmakers can handle temp audio, Like if there's weird pops or what, I cannot like I need mixed audio on the first cut, Like I'm obsessed, Like if visually I cannot look at something unless the audio is smooth. It's so it's so like if there's a transition and you go from one shot to another and the audio changes, I'm like that and it doesn't work. But then if you smooth the audio, I'll be like, oh that it works perfectly. I'm like audio first and then visual second. When I it's really interesting. So yeah, Whereas I always feel like I'm reading the subtitles and not watching the show when I the subtitles are on from yeah, yeah, I'm just reading the bottom and it's like, oh, I just missed what is actually happening? Yeah, so I can see I don't know, I can see that. Okay, Well, just we'll talk very soft, thank you please. I only listen to a smr Oh nice, here we go. Okay, um, so yeah, okay, the arm pit fart great. I love that called a raspberry. Eric says that the parties are better in high school. Everyone's gonna want to dress really cool, and you've got to hang out in the parking lot unless you want to look like a total nerd. He laughs, and he looks right at Minkus and says, no offense mink. It is that what say? Man? I thought I thought he said dude or many offense mink, which I love because we've already established that. Eric calls Morgan weasel, which then he shortens to weez. And so, to me, your this just became like a character trait of Eric that he's a nickname guy and then he's an abbreviation of the nickname guy. I'm a nickname I'm a nickname guy in real life. Okay, so it may have just been entirely you, but I thought mink was a great no offense mink. So Corey asks Eric if he'll drive him in Shan to school next year, and Eric tells him to drop dead, and then Corey dramatically does drop dead and falls out of his seat, which to writers, which to writers very sitcom. And yeah, and then our credits. Well, wait, before we get there, my wife pointed out, she goes, where are your sidebirds like you have? It's not that they're small there are no like the shaved up the side. I looked like a Star Trek character, Like there was no sideburn of any type. It was very strangely, your haircut wasn't great. There's something like right over your ears over here, it's like where maybe there was a bit of a fade or like they try. I don't know, something was something was awkward over the ears. But maybe it was also the lack of sideburns. I don't know that must but I seem to have a haircut that was trying to hide something like you know what I mean, like somebody messed up, so let's just do this like that. And she yeah, she was just like where you literally have no sideburns. It's such an odd look. It was very weird. Well, and then and then opening titles, and then we're into our opening title. So then we are in the Matthew's kitchen and to Banga brings Corey brownies and just invites herself in to eat them. By the way, doesn't just invite herself in, she shoulder checks him. She walks in and just like barrels past him. And then there's a little bit of a weird edit where the next time you see me. I'm just already at the table. Uh And and Sean says that the milk is in the fridge. Babe, babe's a mirror, Babe. We're clearly yeah, we're building on that scene. Like basically it was like, let's get to Panga back in the kitchen and reference the use a mirror. You know. It's like, clearly we're still reeling from Cory's Alternate Friends episode, like this is just written out of that experience exactly. Let's get the magic of the three of them back in the kitchen. Uh To. Penga says that her sister Nebbi made the brownies and explains that Nebbi is short for Nebula and her full name is Nebula. Stop the war, Lawrence. Okay, here's my question. What war? What we're literally at the time when there was no war going on, right, So, but when she was born in so she's probably she's around Eric's age because they had a little rotation. So Vietnam was over, Yetnam was over and the first Gulf four ended in what nine one? So maybe still hold over from Vietnam though maybe, Yeah, that's it's a completely out of reference, like out of time. It just goes to show our writers were still writing in response to like sixties and early seven exact actually doesn't add up, Like nobody would be protesting a war from seventy five on or seventy four whenever she was born, it couldn't have possibly been a war. So I think they said Eric was born in seventy seven, and so she born in seventies six, Okay, which is when I was born in real life, the Vietnam still over, Yeah, I think, okay, So yeah, there's I don't know, it is kind of a straight Did anybody else think there was also a fifty fifty chance the brownies had weed in them? No second, I was like, I was like, it's a point toss. That would have been a great episode. We just never leave the kitchen, we just stayed there for the rest of the episode. That would be great. Yeah, I thought that's really funny. Wait, now I'm stuck on the stop the war. What if she's not supposed to be eaten, But if she's not supposed to be Eric's age, and she's actually supposed to be a little bit older than Eric, the same way to Eric is a little bit older than Corey, where he has a crush on someone older than him. What if she's supposed to be twenty okay, and so she was born in seventy one or seventy two, Okay, maybe yeah, follow Sigon is April seventy okay. So if she if we don't ever acknowledge how old she is, but she is Tapanga's older sister, And just going off of the whole idea that Topanga has a crush on an older guy because she's growing up, and then Eric has a crush on the older sister, it's possible she was born that she's actually a few years older than Eric. I can actually add to that theory because if if Corey and Topanga are in school together, it would lead you to believe that Nebbie and Eric would have been in school together they didn't know each other. Then maybe she had already graduated. So yeah, I guess we could say that she was older. That that could work. There you go, We'll say that's what it was. So so stopping the Vietnam War, Lawrence Nice, Oh, I love Sean giving love advice. By the way, like somebody who's never been with a woman, never had a girlfriend, never dated anybody is the one who's like, here's how it's gonna be. I thought was kind of a cool way to do it, like at the end of the days, like let me tell you exactly what's gonna happen. He's wise beyond his years without having any reason to be any knowledge of it whatsoever. But he's seasons. I'm going to keep alternating, like because sometimes Sean has played for just the dumb joke, like how dumb he is, yeah, and then other times he's like all knowing and really street smart. So it's gonna keep alternating. I feel like these first couple of years because alternating in this episode, I wrote it down later where you're the dumb one and Eric smart and that eventually gets all flipped around. Yeah, so strange. So Morgan comes downstairs. She admires to Penga's braid. To Peanga offers to put one in Morgan's hair. They run up the stairs. Morgan says she'd really like to see more of Topanga and less of Sean. Sean says he thinks to Panga has a crush on Corey. Why else would he want to eat why else would she want to eat brownies with them and hang out with his sister and it's a I do like this little moment between you guys where um, Ben was very believable as like no, dude, no, he's about to break. I could tell he's really Yeah, for whatever reason, I could see like Ben smiling like he and I have some in joke going in this sea. I can tell because we look like we're really trying to make each other laugh or keep from keep from laughing. Yeah, I totally I could see, like I could see real Ben in the in this scene. It was what's funny that you pointed out because I was like, oh, he's about to laugh and we were we were smiling about something in real life at that point. It's really cute. I can I just you guys have It's really it's really fun and it it feels really good. Um. So, Eric and Amy walk into the kitchen and Morgan comes downstairs to show off the braid the Topanga put in Corey Show, which was put in so fast by the very magical Fast Break. By the way, braids don't really take that long as long as they're like a simple braid, and she just was and one piece of ribbon on top of a piece of hair so I actually, to be fair, I actually wrote, Wow, that was pretty good sitcom timing for the amount of time it would take for her fine hair to for me to put a ribbon in. I thought, that's about the amount of time I think it would have taken to do that little braid. Maybe she used that same Maxwell Clovis set that you had before braiding kit, whatever it was. That's there, you go, that's no, that's a curler set. Um. Okay, so uh, Corey shoves to bang out of the house in a very rude manner um and then he opens the door and grabs the brownies. That your your face when the door is shut in your face was perfect. It was I literally wrote that down. It was like it was the perfect response. But it was like so incredulous, but at the same time, like you just wanted to be in that room. It was Yeah, that was a great look. It was so funny to me because like Topanga acts so insulted, and yet I kept picturing the shoulder check I gave him when I got there. I'm not really sure why they wanted me to shove past him so aggressively instead of just I mean, they really just wanted to show that Topanga was not going to take no for an answer. She wanted to be there. She was not going to let him talk her out of it or weasel his way out of it. So I know that that's what they were trying to show, but it was so it was really aggressive. It was so like anti Topanga to me, it felt like why would they? And then anyway, she's so shocked when he rudely shoves her out. Um Corey thinks that he has to ignore her in order to make sure that this crush ends. So then we're in the Matthews backyard. Eric is taking the trash out at the same time that Mr Feenie is taking his trash out and Topanga is creeping in the background. So weird, what are you doing? There is like Pegs standing there. I'm like, I don't know, man, And like every couple of shot you just standing in the bag. By the way, there's no way she could have predicted that Eric was going to be taking the trash out, Like, there's no reason for her to think I just hang out. I have I have a very cool memory of this scene. This is so this is the great this, this, this moment was the greatest acting compliment I ever got in my life. I was we were doing this scene and it was the second or third take, and builded something he never did. He messed up a line in front of the audience, and I took the line that he messed up, added part of it to another line, reversed my lines and kept going with the scene and got him right back on book. And we finished the scene and I was turning to walk away and he grabbed my from across the fence. Such a peenie Eric moment. He grabbed my wrist and he turned me around. I'll never forget this, he went, you know, you're really very good because you listen, said the most important thing for an actor is to listen, and don't ever forget that moment. And he turned and walked away, and it was like the sun had broken and was just shining on me. When Bill gave you a compliment like that, it was had been a good scene partner man. You had done. You know, you didn't let the scene fall apart like a lesser actor would have just been like, wait, that's not your line, and like, you know, it was amazing decided to go, but you rolled with it. That's so great. It was an absolutely amazing moment, not just as an actor but in my life. That is one of those moments that I will always remember because it was the first time he recognized me as an actor. It was like, man, that was good, and oh my god, I can still feel I can still feel how I felt when he told me that. It was really I never got that Bill. Yeah, Bill and I were together, like the bust together. Yeah, you guys got to do a lot of great stuff together. Yeah, it was. But that was that moment. And then the other thing I remember is all the pictures that I signed at every convention, is that picture of the two of us at that exact scene is the one that I signed at every everything. But yeah, that moment, that scene for me was just awesome because of that moment. Yeah, well that's very sweet. By the way, I don't as far as like why Tepanga is creeping in the background. She doesn't even learn anything in the scene. She doesn't even like, I know, there's really she's going to crush on Eric, But we already kind of know that. Yeah, I think we have an idea of what's going on, or at least we can guess the direction it's heading. So yeah, it's it's very weird. She doesn't even learn anything. I thought maybe it was going to be that Eric. This is where Eric realizes she has a crush on him, but it's not the way I know. She's just lurking. Yeah, she's just lurking over there in the backyard, staring at us in the sideyard. Just creepy creepers, just creepy creeperson back there. Mcgart I'm choosing to ignore it, ignoring team. Phoeney says that the class absolutely loved Eric, but he wasn't very informative. Mr Peenie says that the students worlds are about to get much bigger, and he asks Eric how easy it is to get drugs and alcohol in high school. Eric says it's pretty easy, but he doesn't want to bring the kids down, and also he makes it clear that he does not do those things. He doesn't do drugs or smoke. Phoene says Eric should have told them the truth of what to watch out for, because the moment he stepped into that classroom, he became a role model. And then Eric notices Tapanga listening in on his conversation and being a total creeper back there, but he doesn't do anything about it. She just runs off. I'd like to point out that this is at the point in the taping where I probably ran out and had a cigarette. So I was I felt like I'm a good kid. Yeah I did. I felt like such a fraud doing a lot of the scenes like this because it was just like, no, of course I don't smoke. Smoking is bad, and then I was like, where are my smokes? Yeah? It was, it was bad. Yeah, So I remember remember feeling that during this episode which you keep cigarettes on your like in your wardrobe, would you have like a pack while we're filming? Probably not, well, I mean later as we were like by the college age. Yeah, but I think by this point no, because Bill again would always tap my I'd always keep in my shirt pocket. You'd always tappen and you you go, right now, your heart, so yeah, no, I no, probably not, but you'd be smoking on tape, you would go, yeah, if I didn't ever seen, i'd be running out with the camera guys, and that's so yeah, absolutely, yeah, absolutely, So yeah, don't smoke, kids, really, it's the monkey you do not want on your back. Don't smoke. So We're in the school cafeteria. Sean eats his food and then also finishes quarries food, tons of meat. It really was the thing. They wrote it into the script they did eating his food and I'm a beast or whatever I say, and I just keep eating. I'm like, oh my god, okay, yeah, yeah again. My my wife pointed out, this is me on an airplane, going, oh my god, this is disgusting. Are you gonna finish yours? Like that's me every time you eat her food on an airplane? You like airplane food? I love airplane food. That is a strange thing I do. I love airplane food. I don't know. I love airplane food, and I'll fake liking because I don't want to be that guy like, oh god, can I get another whatever type of meat? This was? Yeah, I like airplane food too, I'll be honest. I do. Yeah. I get really excited if I'm in first class and I get to see and it's around a meal time, and then I get to look at it and think, what is it. I almost always go with the vegetarian option. I'm not really sure why because I'm not a vegetarian, but that usually sounds good to me because it's usually some type of pasta which sounds great, or a risotto. Yeah. Um, I do enjoy airplane food, and then obviously airplane dessert is great. The best thing in the world. Ice cream writer, you don't eat You guys are bonkers, No, but you know what I do. I love airplane movies because, for whatever reason, you will cry or laugh harder if you're I would think it's the elevation or but I've had like some of my most intense movie altitude, Right, there's some there's something about like I've had so many emotional experiences watching a good movie, like and something that's totally bad will suddenly be they can handle this. Well, you did that to me. You did that to me. You were like, right before I flew somewhere, You're like, dude, you haven't seen cocoa. And I was like no, And I was up thirty thousand feet bawling, Like I do think it's the altitude. There is something if you have even a moment of life contemplation in an airplane while you are just hurtling through the air thirty th there's just something you tears are just flowing, so alright, well, it's also a great insult for a movie to be Like I saw that an airplane and I walked up, Hey, hey, thank you very much. Oh well, we'll have fun amount of plane we're gonna We're gonna do a bunch of cons together next year. I'm just gonna say, book me on Will's flight, and you and I can just sit next to each other and eat. Well. Have you also not realized by now I know every type of airplane and the best ones to fly on in the best You know that for sure. And when my kids were smaller, because now they're so grown at three and one, um, but when they were maller and I felt like I had to rush like I would. Everything was planned around, well what time do they go down? Can I take a red eye? And so I was getting like no sleep, But it meant the least amount of time away from my kids. And now that they're grown men, I'm I'm much more comfortable just being like, put me on Will's flight. Sure, I may get in twenty four hours before I need to be there, but I'll know it's the biggest plane. It's probably gonna have a great meal. I may be able to lay flat. I know exactly how to do it. You just gotta know how to do it. I can work the systems. We'll join us. Let's all travel together, all right, all right, we'll talk about our flight schedules later. It doesn't care. Pod meats airplane and let's go Oh my gosh. Okay. So also, there's some really nice Disney synergy with the fact that Corey is wearing a Mighty Ducks jersey. I remember this. This was when Mighty Ducks were a new thing, and it was a Disney she started, and I remember they brought us to the stadium. Uh. They like they were trying to promote Mighty Ducks as a thing. So I think it was basically product placement. You have him wearing a Mighty Ducks. No, it was. Don't you remember. I used to wear a Hartford Whaler's hockey jersey with my name on the back, and I wore that one time to some Disney event and the next day in my dressing room there was a Mighty Ducks jersey in there, like they were. It was essentially like here, you should wear this. Uh yeah, it was I'll never forget that. Join the corporation. Hey, they were fun. They were fun to work for because you got to do stuff like go to the Mighty Ducks or go to go to Disneyland or that kind of thing that was cool. It is fun. Um. So Topanga comes up to tell Corey and Sewan that Nebula, her sister, rented Godzilla goes to college. Corey wants to know when they can borrow it, but Tbanka says she can bring it over to the Matthews house because she can't let it out of her sight, and then Shawn says, she's got a thang for thang. It was great, right? Was that? I don't know. It must have been written that way, right, I don't know. I was wondering if that was just a fun thing you did. I don't know. I was baffled by, you know, and I guess this is just the sort of age of the characters. But like Sean, Sean and Corey keep alternating between being excited at the prospect of girls and then like being disgusted or weirded out by the whole you know, Like we're just constantly and I feel like it's it's whatever the scene diicted, right, Like sometimes Shan seems like excited, like, oh, this is gonna be a thing with you and to beg and then other times he's like teasing Corey because it's a bad thing that you would have a girlfriend at this age. I don't know, isn't that it's fund of perfectly. It's like when you're that's exactly what it's like. You know, You're You're going back and forth between that like wait, wait what? Yeah? I I agree, I think it's perfect for what it is, and I also think it's perfect that I think actually, all through the whole episode you're needling Corey about it always comes from a place of like, oh, I'm so glad this is happening to you and not me because I get to witness it, but it's on you, and oh, I got the weird girl likes you. So there is that element of like, this is really exciting because it's not me. But if it were you, maybe you would have had a different feeling about it. But I thought it was really cute and I loved the I love the way you said that. I can't imagine, but maybe it was. This episode was written by Jeff Minnell, so maybe when we have Manell on we can ask him if he remembers whether or not that was written because I I thought, man, yeah, thing for you. I thought that'd be great if it was just you on your own. So then Mincas shows up and he calls Corey a maggot because he's trying to get with his lady. To Panga. Mincas says, everyone is talking about Corey and Topanga. Corey says, what all we did was eat some brownies and he agreed to watch a video, and Lee says, aren't you forgetting about acap Alco, which is so cute? Um, so good, He's so good. Yes, Corey says he doesn't want girls to like him, and then Sean notices that Topanga left her notebook and he suggests that they trash the notebook. He opens it up and they see that she has Mrs Matthews written all over in the notebook, but then it says Mrs Eric Matthews done Dune done. No, she doesn't like Corey, she likes Eric. So then we're back at the Matthews house in Corey and Eric's bedroom. Corey walks in to tell Eric that Topanga is in love with him, and this is where I noticed you're not wearing a belt. You've got yet another Tupton shirt the whole series. We're we're on episode what thirty eight whatever it is. I haven't had a belt the entire time. Well, how long do you think we've been doing this podcast? It feels like years. But what episode Brewia season four? What's going on? I'm assuming at some point you do get a belt. Maybe not here, but we'll see. All right, we'll belt watch exactly. I literally wrote never a belt, whatever that means. So Eric says, there's no way. She's only eleven and that's too young to have feelings like that. Corey says Eric needs to get her out of their lives. Eric says Corey seems a bit jealous about to Peanga's crush, and Corey wants Eric to let her down when she comes over to watch the god Zilla movie. His recommendation is to tell her that she's scum. So just go right for it, just go right for the way he says it too is pretty funny, just so matter of fact, like just tell her she scum and she's like, whoa, all right? Can you imagine? So Eric leaves and Corey picks up Thank you the Giant Bone for no reason? What is that? It's prop department was like, let's give him a bone. Throw this kid a ball, throw the kid a bone. He's literally just I'm just gonna hang out, play with this giant bone. What the hell is that? So it's like not a Halloween episode. There's no reason for you. Do you think you asked for a bone to be real? Like? What is it? Why would he just have this? I'm so bizarre. It's we all wrote that down like giant phone. What I think. I think a part of me was like, oh, this will come back later, this will be a joke in the scene. But it doesn't. You just holding a bone. This will matter, This will matter somehow. It has to. My god, it so we have to bring that back when we do our live show. We'll just give you a bone. Just give you a bone. Old on stage? Can we have bone microphones? Just put's the big giant bone. Oh my gosh, it's so I don't understand, Okay, Anyway, he picks up a bone. Alan then comes in to talk about the Tapanga situation, and also Eric has just left, and so Alan and Eric definitely pass each other and there there is no time for them to even acknowledge each other. We don't like each other. Allen doesn't even say hi to you. He doesn't touch you on the shoulder, I guarantee because he's in that room in half a second after you leave. I'm glad you're all starting to see that. I'm starting to see it. I'm starting to read they clearly do not like each other at all. Corey breaks it down, saying that he's confused by his feelings, and Alan says that girls are going to be confusing until he dies. Um with the one boxing glove that's also there, right, well, there there are two boxing gloves, and he only pulls out one, but there are two. But the bone still makes absolutely no sense none. Okay. So then we are in the Matthews living room, and which I'd like to very clear, lounging on the couch. I am in the best Burt Reynolds pose on the couch that is so awesome, where it's just like the most unnatural yet natural Burt post. You were like a little on your side, a little on your back, your shoes are on feet on the couch. It totally laid out reading um. And then there's a ring at the door. He opens the door. Let's to Panga in and offers for her to take a seat, and she sits down right in the doorway. That's a great beat, very cute. Also, I want all of my dresses from this first season back. This dress is amazing in this episode. I'm like, I want that, I want that, I want that. I want all of my wardrobe. And I don't think I appreciated it when I like, I do. I did say that I bought some of the dresses. I liked some of them, but I don't think I appreciated how cool they were dressing me. They're pretty cool. Yeah, it was pretty cool. It was really cool. Yeah. Um, So she sits immediately on the floor. He says he means the couch, and she says, whatever you want. To pengass Corey is too young for her and that she has an old soul. Eric tells her that not a whole lot of guys are going to be after her soul, and to Penga says that she notices that Eric's aura was glowing in the class the other day, but Eric is adamant that she is too young, and then to Penga leans in to try and kiss Eric and he covers her face with his hand. Now I've talked about this before that I can remember what your palm smelled like. I gotta know what. No, I can't. I don't have the descriptive. It's not like it smelled like bagels. Oh, I thought you were going to be like it smelled like you know, smoke and gum. You know, it's smelled like sweat. You know, like it smelled like sweat and your will fridel smell. It's it's not like it smelled like anything in particular. It wasn't bad, it wasn't good. I just remember the smell um because his hand is on your face for a long time. Here is a moment that I thought is so cute right before, and I knew where the moment was that I was going to lean in to try and kiss you. Right before that, you you do something where you touch your hands together. I think you noticed that your hand is kind of sweaty, and you wipe your right hand on your knee to prep so that your sweaty hand wasn't going on my face. And I watched you do it right before, and I said, look, he just wiped his palm. He wiped his hand because he knew it was so cute you were such a thoughtful scene partner. Yeah, there was actually spit on my on my pants, and I was thought i'd be a great joke to just it's actually the opposite. You weren't being nice at all. I didn't notice that. Okay, that's yeah, I cut you. Can I ask you a question when you when to Panga comes in and sits on the couch. Is she wearing more makeup than she normally does? Like, did she put she did herself up for Eric? Did I notice that? Yes? And she also had on more makeup when she came to the kitchen scene, she's like, where like a reddish lipstick, which is not normal for her. No, she doesn't normally wear any makeup. And then she mentions it in the cafeteria to where she says, okay, that will give me time to go home and get ready. And then yes, she she comes in and she does she's got a little bit of makeup on. She's prepared to have this conversation about how she's an old soul, so they they they updated her a little bit. Um so to Panga is saying she will do whatever it takes for Eric to like him, including not being as smart and Eric explains that relationships aren't based on looks, and then Nebula comes to pick up to Panga and immediately Eric is attracted to her and to Peanga's feelings get hurt. Yeah, it was so sad. That was an all moment. It was I know, I said, he want my widow feelings. Corey runs down asking if to Panga has left yet to Panga is hurt and she leaves. And then for the rest of the episode, I do a lot of face acting. Oh it's called facting. Good. I didn't know that. Okay, it's like smizing but correct. Okay, Okay, listen, I learned from you all the time, so I do have I do have like a line or two, but the rest of it is mostly like m hm m hm hm. That's pretty good. Great, thanks guys. Okay, so we're back at Mr Phoenie's classroom. Phoenie is reading you don't talk that much in this classroom scene. You just kind of react, No, I I do. I think the line that I do have is about Minkus. I say something to make us about his smoking. But when Eric comes in and Eric gives us the whole thing, and like it's all me like, oh, my head's a little down. And then he says something and I like look up at him, like oh, and then I take in a message and it's it's it's a lot of it's a lot of face acting, but it works. So Phoenie is reading The Cremation of Sam McGhee by Robert Service. Corey is in social studies. I did think of this too, social study literature references. Okay, yeah, not sure. Couldn't finish everything. It could have been anything, I guess. I guess they wanted just like a cool Bill monologue. Yeah, well I think it's also just like like Corey's into the violence, right, He's like, yeah, that makes sense. So Corey's in a classic Dino shirt, like, I mean, just a real, just wonderful Andy would love that, trustee, Yeah, exactly. That's the point. Eric walks in and he talks to the class about the actual reality of going to a new and bigger school. He talks about the peer pressure of growing up and the true changes they're going to go through and how they will be peer pressured into smoking. All said by our wonderful Wilfred l who was himself a pack of day smoker at this point. Yeah, yeah, um, so you know, I think I was seventeen by this point. So no, it was terrible, terrible. So my absolute biggest laugh of the season came when Mincas said that he would absolutely smoke in a heartbeat if he thought if to Panga thought it was cool, and then when she said smokers are disgusting. Without a beat, he goes, I'm trying to question. Oh my god, it's so funny. This whole dynamic was just wonderful, Like, you know, watching him trying to keep up with the role playing so funny is just so good. He's so good he is again, how am I watch these and go, that's the guy we're going to get rid of. I don't understand that. I mean, it's so I think it's just I think a lot of it is the size thing. I mean, when I grab him in the cafeteria and put him under my arm, he's like so tiny compared. But that's I mean again, put him next to Harley in the in the hallway scene, and that right there is amy beat. I mean, you're losing so much by having that where it's like, oh my god, that alone is hysterical. You do a whole thing where Harley loves him like make his becomes his best friend. I mean, oh my god, the stories are endless with them. You're absolutely right. I mean it was a real misstar. I mean, we know now for sure that the reason was because they wanted to age it up. And yet exactly like you're saying, such an amazing opportunity to have the smallest kid possible in this high school set and the comedy that we could have gotten out of it, he is. I mean, truthfully, I laughed out loud and then rewound it and watched it again because I thought it was just so funny. Um. So, Eric says that their interests are going to change and puberty is coming, so they have to be careful and stay strong, and he gives a look to the love Struck to Penga, who acknowledges that yes, she has already started growing up. And then we're back in the school cafeteria. Mincus is pulling petals off of his flower origami, playing she loves Me, She loves Me Not. Corey makes a deal with Sean to not go nuts and to never fall in love, and right after they shake the cute new girl asks Sean where the principal's offices, and he immediately breaks Corey's deal as Sean holds onto him trying to not let him leave with the new girl, and the whole table goes very cute. It was funny because this actually a very similar beat plays in the last episode of the first season. Do you guys remember where we touch hands and start laughing again, isn't it? I think? I thought so, it's remember remember because when she walked in, I was like, oh, is this the scene where I touch her hand and start doing that? The goofy laugh was like, no, no, no, no, that's another episode. But yeah, it's the same beat essentially, like, oh, Sean's gonna be discovering girls and you know, yeah, you're right. So that is one of the reasons we remember her is because she was there for more than one week. Because it's the same girl, for sure. I can picture exactly what you're talking about. I'm just wondering why, with how smart Mincus is, he doesn't realize at one time to start with, she loves me not so then I know because there's four pedals on the flat, right, there's four petals on everyone. It's like you figure eventually the analytical mind would kick in and you goo, I'm gonna start the other one first anyway, And then we're in the tag Corey and Eric's bedroom. Mincus is tutoring Corey and Sean and French writer, you have on layered necklaces to necklaces you if there's a thing to layer you're going to find it. Eric walks in and he says, well, who cares how the French talk? I like how they kiss. Minkus says he didn't know that they kissed different and Eric says that the tongue is not silent, and all the boys except for Eric, and that's our show. I remember the scene. I remember like because this is the first time I ever heard the word dipthong. Oh yeah, really, okay, Yeah, I totally remember doing the scene because I think I was actually taking French. I was gonna say, you must have been taking French, yeah, because I remember you in French. Yep um, And no, maybe I wouldn't know. I wouldn't have started French yet because I think it was later. But David Combs, our two studio teacher, was incredibly fluent in French and always speaking French, so I wouldn't be surprised if he was on set like helping lead. Yeah, that would make sense and pronounce it. I remember Lee doing the during the run through, doing the la ground whet like I remember I can see him doing that, like he just said me too. Yeah, it's an indelible scene. It's a fun, cute little stade. Yeah, it's a that was a fun episode. It's cute. That was a fun episode that was you know, and and in a way and Eric to Panga episode which I don't think we see again until seasonsode six, yeah or seven. Yeah, Well, I think this is a it's a weird episode in that it's kind of a historical right, isn't even though it's fun and it's playing with a lot of the same dynamics, none of this pays off, Like none of this relates to Corey into Panga's actual relationship later, right because in the story of you know, the revised version of history, they were always in love from the age of five on or whatever, So this moment doesn't really ever happen in the university points like, this whole episode is kind of just an anomally And then of course Nebula ever is mentioned or comes back or she mentioned I think she's mentioned one other time. I think so too. Yeah, but never back again, no, never back again. Um well, I would just like to thank the Bone in Corey's room for coming up with the idea for this podcast because very important. I mean, if we had known that the Bone was going to make a suggestion in ninety three that was going to pay off this many years later, very you know, it would have been more we would it would have been more memorable for its great bone. It was clearly a femur by the way, for the record, but it's a great bone all the way around. Thank you, Thank you bone, Thank you bone. Um. So, our next episode, we are going to be joined by t g i F Legend and the Boy Meets World guest star ms Christine Laken will be joining us. You may know her from Step by Step, but also she was in a pretty famous episode of Boy Meets World, So I'm looking forward to talking to her about her nineties memories and about t G I F parties and her time with us on Boy Meets World and uh yeah. You can follow us on Instagram at pod Meets World Show. You can email us at pod Meats World Show at gmail dot com and we've got March March Pod meets the World Show dot com and uh yeah, who wants to do our out? We love you all, pod dismissed. Pod Meets World is an I heart podcast produced and hosted by Daniel Fishel Wilford, l and Ryder Strong Executive producers Jensen Carp and Amy Sugarman Executive in charge of production, Daniel Romo, producer and editor, Taara soup Box producer, Jackie Rodriguez engineer and Boy Meets World super fan Easton Allen. Our theme song is by Kyle Morton of Typhoon and you can follow us on Instagram at Pod Meets World Show or email us at pod Meets World Show at gmail dot com