TGI – Episode 604 “Friendly Persuasion”

Published Mar 13, 2025, 4:26 AM

We’re deep into dorm life, continuing our Season 6 recaps, now finally entering a new dynamic: the interesting friendship between Cory and Angela!

Jumping right in with a wildly unhinged Cory / Topanga kiss, Mr. Feeny is finding his footing in college, while the Shawn / Angela relationship continues to stall (and we don’t mean a co-ed bathroom stall, a room place that Cory finally conquers). 

Plus, one of our hosts has a theory that connects Boy Meets World to the M*A*S*H universe. Bet you can’t guess who it is! It’s Will. Definitely Will. You knew that.

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You guys. We announced it this week and we're here to tell you it's true. We said we may never do it again, but yet here we are. We are going back on the road with Pod meets World Live, and tickets are now on sale.

Wait a second, you guys are going back on a live tour. Why did I not hear about that?

So two of the kids want to jump, the important kids, younger kids, younger kids, that's so much.

The ones with good knees jumps, No will. We're never going anywhere without Joe. Who would be funny? Who would be funny? It just be me and writer and crying.

On stage and reading poetry and.

Post. Do you like who wants to come up on stage? Anybody who can be funny?

Who can light this up?

We are going to be visiting some cities we missed the first time around. So do you want to hear the schedule? Yes, we're filled that in with Yes. June fourth, we are going to be in Denver, Colorado at the Paramount Theater. June fifth, we will be in Phoenix, Arizona, at the Van Buren. And June sixth Austin, Texas, also at the Paramount Theater.

Paramount theaters.

Hmm, I feel like that might end up being a mistake, but we'll find out. And then on June nineteenth, we are going to be in Columbus, Ohio at Joe Anne Davison Theater. June twentieth, Las Vegas.

Oh, I'm so excited.

Oh God, guys, that show starts at ten.

I thought that was a mistake when they said it starts at ten pm? Are you kidding me?

So at ten?

How I'm gonna have gonna have to sleep till nine thirty and then and then get up and do the show and then go back.

I'm gonna gamble away from the blackjack table. Guys, I'm gonna have a blackjack dealer on the stage with us. We can keep playing.

Wow, are we going to Vegas it up? Are we going to have like like a chorus line and all that kind of like can we do like the court, the showgirls and all the cool kind of vegacy stuff? Awesome?

On July eleventh, We're gonna be in Portland, Oregon at Revolution Hall. July thirteenth, will be in Seattle at the Neptune Theater. July twenty fifth, in San Francisco the Palace of Fine Art and July twenty seventh in Sacramento at the Crest and I just got word it's not a mistake. June fourth and June sixth. Both theaters are called the Paramount Theater in Denver and in Austin, so we're just we like paramounts.

Yeah. I also I did some research to see how much I knew my country, because I was like, okay, this is easy. I've been to a bunch of these places. Maybe we can drive between, like the first ones, which are Denver to what it's like, Oh, it's like a forty two hour drive. Okay, so we're we will be flying.

You could have texted writer this. He does this every summer.

It's a twelve hour drive for the first one. I was like, okay, that's not that's not good.

We're doing the west Man. Nothing's close together. Everything is like a day drive apart.

Yeah, exactly. So we will be bringing behind the scenes stories, some new bits for our college years, a Q and a crowd participation and a costume contest for a real signed Boy Meets World script from the nineties that Will still has because he's gone under They're gone.

We gave him all the way we gave him all the way in the first one. No, of course, and I've got like three hundred left.

So make sure you get dressed up, either as something from the show or get very podcast obscure. We love to see that and meet and greet tickets will be available again. We love to hang out, take pictures, and spend a few minutes getting to know you. So as Pod meets World listeners, you get first DIBs on tickets. The pre sale opens Thursday, March thirteenth at ten am local time for your city, it's probably open right now. Go to podmeets worldshow dot com and just use the code romp romp to be.

I love that.

Then tickets go on sale to the general public Friday, March fourteenth at ten am local time, and that's it. You can meet us in person. Tickets on sale at podmeetsworldshow dot com for the kids. Still want a jump tour coming to all new cities.

I can't wait to see the new poster, just my name in big print right there.

I'm really really excited for see for now one it says, damn you people, welcome to Pod Meets World. I'm Danielle Fischel.

I'm right or strong, and I'm C four C apparently still I'm well for Dell.

Welcome to season six episode for a Friendly Persuasion. It originally aired October sixteenth, nineteen ninety eight. The synopsis when Sean and Angela break up, she hides her true feelings and shuns Corey's offer of support, claiming they were never friends. Can our four John Adams grad stay pals in college or will a split break them up forever? It was directed by Jeff McCracken. It was written by Barbie Feldman. And before we jump into our guest stars, do you guys have overall thoughts?

It's a weird episode, wasn't wasn't really bad. It just also wasn't very funny.

Yeah, and creepy intense. Corey's back in a really horrible way.

Yeah, But I like that that he kind of is made out to be self and creepy, you know, like it's part of the storyline, self involved in that he's never given Angela any time, which I liked that that true, right.

It's like, but the bathroom scene where he's like, I'm not going anywhere, it was like, oh my god, Jesus.

I know.

Yeah, Yeah, the whole bathroom thing is just like not that. I just don't get it, and I think like that's kind of the only comedy in the whole story, right, Yeah, like there's no other comedy, right except that Corey's nervous are go in the bathroom and lots of jokes about that, and it's like, Okay.

This is also we're really starting to see though your storylines are going to be more dramatic and then you're going to cut to Eric and Jack for the for the comedy. This is really where it's it's really starting to take off that way.

What'd you guys think?

I kind of felt the same way. Scale of one to ten to me, this is like a five, Like it's kind of it's just right in the middle of yeah, really right right, completely and totally forgettable. Episode. Didn't hate it, didn't love it, right.

Yeah, I I will say I whenever we talk about female povs on the show, this was a great Angela pov, A real you find out who we all as an audience, find out a little bit more about who she is and how she operates and how mature she is, and your heart breaks for her. And I did even though I was a little turned off by the Corey being like, no, no, no, we are going to be friends and being like, man, if she says she doesn't, if she if she says she doesn't want to be your friend, back off. But really she never did say that. She really did just keep saying, you don't even know me, you don't know me, you've never tried to get to know me, and he kept saying, well, then let me let me try. I would like to. And so even though that like there was something about it that rubbed me the wrong way, I really loved the ending that they share where she just tells him something very vulnerable and he gets it and he asks if he can ask tell Tapanga and she says, well, Topanga doesn't even know and he really that feels he now feels special. I loved that and it made me kind of happy that this was the first moment where we did see that happen between Corey and Angela, like as opposed to them having more of a friendship developed and then we lost the opportunity for this. It really was kind of a nice It was a nice journey.

This is also a way worse episode if Trina isn't as good as she is, I know, because she met the kind of intensity that Ben was playing everything with, almost like a subtlety y that was she was underplaying some of the beats that just really worked well with the intensity. If you have to be together forever, and I'm going to be in your life forever. If she had met that intensity with the same intensity, it would have gone way soap opera, way way fast. And she didn't. She played everything under and it saved it for me.

Frankly, Yeah, you're right because also had she reacted to it as if he was creeping her out, it would have felt different. Instead, she was like, I understand, I know who you are. You may not know me, but I know I know, I know you. This is what you do and it's not it's not it's not it's not offensive. It's also not scary. It's just you don't you.

So you're she is just wrapped in a towel for I know that it's weird. It's like it was kind of like, okay, I mean it's.

I don't well, it adds certainly to the vulnerability, right, you know.

But you couldn't have played the exact same scene before she had gotten into the shower like she was just turning it on, and.

Well, sure, but the other thing, I'll say, even though all the jokes about the bathroom are like wompomp uh, the idea that he kind of proves to her. She goes, look, I know how I can get away from you. You want to be my friend, but not bad enough to overcome this whole thing. And then he actually does go in and she's like, that's what makes her realize he's he really means what he says because he's willing to Like that'd be like if I, you know, you guys were like, I'm just gonna go stand behind this wall of Tarantula's and and and if Danielle really wants to be my friend, she'll come over there. And if I like came in the wall of Tarantula's, you'd be like, whoa.

He would never see you again. No past.

We had a great thirty two years So guest starring Bonnie Bartlett is bad Dean. Lilah Bolander returns to Boy Meets World to remind you. The award winning actress has had a career that spanned almost seven decades. Known for her roles on Little House on the Prairie Gun Smoke, Golden Girls, and Saint Elsewhere, the show where she won the award on the same night as her husband on the same show, and her real life husband is William Daniels aka mister Feenie.

And I'm not sure I ever knew her name was it was Lilah.

Yeah, she walks in Lilah Bolander.

Did we know that.

Before this episode that it was Lila just Dean Bollander?

When she said it, I remembered when she said, I remembered it. But I wouldn't like that would have been a trivia question somebody had asked, and I don't think I would have come up with, Okay, Lila.


But then what was Phoene's ex's name? Wasn't it like Lillian?

Lillian gott a thing else?

Confusing alone?

No, just so he doesn't have to change any of the monogram stuff.

And then we have Sarah Downing as Cameron. It appears this was her first job ever. She would go on to appear on shows like Smallville, Roswell and Charmed and movies like Never Been Kissed.

I recognized her from somewhere when she walked in. She has a very she was on boy me, Look, is that where I know her from? Maybe that's where I know her from. Yeah, it's like I recognize her.

From this scene from working.

And then we have Chris Marley as guy. He was seen in movies like Doctor Doolittle two and Simone and the TV show Jag, but it appears he is no longer in the business. Jumping into our recap, we start in the student union. Corey into Panga are straight up loading on the PDA.

I mean, we have never I don't think you guys have ever made out.

Never made out this intensely.

Watching it, I was like, it's funny because in my mind, you guys did this a lot.

I know. Actually it wasn't the first time.

Correct, you guys have only pretty much like nice chased kissing. Yeah, this is like full on macking.

Yes, And I realized we we do this a lot, I know.

I was like, oh, this is when that starts. Yeah, it's it's uh, it's kind of gross.

She's out of place, it's so passionate in the middle of the student union, where it's like, had they saved this kind of passion for when you guys were alone in the dorm. That's one thing.

But this was like, oh, okay, I know I yeah, not, I don't dig it a lot. Again, there are just a lot of background actors.

I'm sorry. It is loaded on the PDA. How you say it?

What you just said? I mean that is what I said, loading on the.

PDO, loading on the Oh they're loading on the PDA. I didn't know. That was like a cool hip thing that I didn't.

No, no, there's no. Actually really sounds like an old person way of saying, gotcham Yeah, yeah, it wasn't cool cot do that. Sean tries to get them to stop, but they are too focused on the spit swapping. Angela breaks it to him. He can't talk.

She's got the podswapping discomfort. You see, it's spit swapping.

It's just all right.

Sean reminds them it's college. They're supposed to be meeting new people. Then, out of nowhere, Angela taps him on the shoulder. I want to make out. Shawn is flustered. Come on, this is our freshman orientation. This is a new place. We're supposed to be meeting new people. Angela's offended. You don't want to make out with me, shawna shuser he definitely does. They walk away from Corey and t Panga, who are still making out, and he repeats he just wants to meet new people. He has said this now three times. It's true.

Even I was like, oh man, he's spelling this out.

Sean's motivation, what's doing this?

But also he's.

Trying to stop his friends from making out so they can also meet new people. Like, just go meet new people, Sean, shut up. I don't understand what's up with my character This entire season.

Is the second episode in a row where I was like, who is Sean such.

A weird vibe? I don't know what, like what your angela is right there and I'm like totally acting like an ass and like.

And then you call her your friend?

Yeah, but I also just don't know what is Sean? Like one like what I expecting from college? Is this going to pay off in some way? Like I was waiting, you know, like I was waiting for there to be a term in this episode where it's like, look, Corey, here's what I've been going through since we got to college. I missed my brother and my dad, my mom, and I'm thinking about that and nothing like it's literally this unmotivated.

Like what we're forgetting, guys, is that the idea of college for men apparently is oh yeah, strange, strange, just getting all the strange because it was pointed out in the conversation with Corey and Topanga, Oh are you going to get to college? And then wish you were single and could meet all the way and you were come on, you were married. So it's been set up, set up, set up, set up. It's been set up that the two options are long term committed relationship or do you keep your options open right when you're in college.

And but for the guy, you're right because both our women wanting to stay very The women.

Are loyal to the relationships they are in, and one of the couples is the man. The man has said, you know what, I've always been committed to you anyway, so I might as well stay committed to you. And in this situation, it's a guy going, you know, maybe I do.

Want to keep my options open, which is just And then the woman is going to go out of her way to hide her discomfort so she doesn't make the man uncomfortable about wanting to go and sleep with a whole bunch of different women.

Correct, she just doesn't want him to feel bad.

About that, right, Yes, don't let Sean feel bad.

We don't want we don't want men to feel.

Bad or whoever this person is who's taken over a Sean shod body, because it really is a totally different character, really is, and I can't tell. I think it's a combination of the writing and you're playing it differently, like you're playing more subtly, and it's just it's it is a different guy.

It's basically because like you know, I've talked about how like in some ways it seems I can tell when I've checked out as an actor. It seems like Shawn's checked out. Yeah, it's like Sean has checked out of Boy Meets World and he's still here, but he's like, like the way I talked to Cory in the next thing, I ever, dude, just get out of my face, Like just leave me alone.

Yeah, dude, I don't want to be a pudding boy's best friend.

I'm like just dismissive. And it's like this sort of like confidence, but it's like just misplaced.

Like Sean feels like he's decided he's too cool for the y.

Yeah, which writer.

I decided years ago, but correct, Seanean is still in it.

But yes, you can act, but not anymore. Yeah, no, it was very Yeah it's different.

So Sean explains he's never met someone while he's making out, and then he remembers except one night, but I was a fluke. Angela laughs and then goes to get some refills of what appears to be red drink. She looks like we brought from the cafeteria. As soon as Angela's gone, a pretty girl walks up to Sean and introduces herself as Cameron. Sean shakes her hand and introduces her to his friend, Angela.

Oh, that's where I recognize her from? Is this scene right where?

Angela is confused behind her fake smile what She points out that he just said friend and Sean can't believe he did that and giggles, I this is my girlfriend, Angela, my girlfriend. Cameron is interested. Oh you two are together. Sean doesn't respond right away, so Angela pokes him on the head. He points to himself and Angela yep, girlfriend and boyfriend. Cameron leaves. She hopes to see him around campus. Angela gives him a death stare to a smiling Sean. Meanwhile, Cory and t Panga literally are now on top of each other on the couch the cow making out. Sean turns to Angela and awkwardly breaks the sun islands. How you doing, attends angela response, I'm good friend. How you doing? Sean says, Oh, come on, Angela, I'm sorry. I made a mistake. All right, let's make out. But Angela has reservations. It's okay, we don't have to. We can meet new people. I just didn't know it was that important to you. I don't want you to miss out on anything. Sean doesn't understand, so Angela puts it simply.

Want to would have been so much better if it was just she was she I'm taking a class in name a subject, like Sean takes a history class, and this girl comes up and is like, hey, Sean, and we have a shared interest. Like suddenly something new correct that Sean is suddenly like exploring is like this is a new part of me that like college is offering. Right. Yes, it's not just hi, good to meet you because you're a hot woman and then later I'm gonna make out or try and make out with you. It would have been so much more motivated if it was like, hey, this is what happens, because you know, you go to college, you take the classes, you meet new people. And if I was like, oh, yeah, I have you met Angela. Angel's my friend from high school, and then I just kept going and then he'd be like, well that's your girlfriend.

Oh right, And you know, but at least to be motivated by right, because at least, like Cory in the ski lodge, they talked all night, he got to know her. But it's exactly the same thing here. And we said the same thing with Tapanga and Ricky Lips Waterman or not Ricky but Lips Waterman Andrew Keegan in the Disneyland episode. It was like Corey was all upset about him going, and yet we know nothing about him. We have no reason to think Topang is interested in him. But like just completely just because apparently good looking people. You can't help yourself every time there's a looking person in front of your face. You must break up with people to make out.

Because it just feels like conflict inserted for conflicts sake, and it feels like Sean is doing it for no reason, whereas it could have very easily been motivated, and then Sean's a fully fledged character and the conflict with Angela feels more earned by both the parties, And you're like, right, why would she want to hold him back from talking to a girl about the history thing that he's really into right now, him.

Having a friendship with this girl and they do have shared interests, and she gets a little jealous, and he's like, why are you jealous? It's just a person I'm in a project with who And then she could be like, you know what, You're right, This isn't making me feel good. I shouldn't be jealous. I don't want to hold you back from who you are. But the truth is, instead this episode makes me not like Sean.

Sean's just a scumbags. He's not a friend to Sean. He's not a good good friend of Corey hasn't been the last two episodes.

He's a boyfriend.

It's like, dude, you just get.

Also, they set it up before why they didn't keep Sean because exactly what you're saying, but why they didn't keep him into photography? And then all of a sudden, he's got that focus and that there's something where he meets somebody there and they're still.

Don't even have to photograph photograph that lady naked.

Naked because they broke up, and he just wants to kiss other people.

Okay, you want to meet new people, and I'm not new people, So what do you want it to mean? Sean thinks about it answer and is interrupted by an out of breath Corey and Topanga. Corey is spent. Who you know, whoever thought of these orientations is a genius? Angela and Sean are unmoved, now intensely staring at each other.

What is to come?

Okay? Then we're in the dorm hallway. Corey is back at the co ed bathroom, confused, staring at the sign with a towel wrapped around his neck. Topanga approaches from behind, sporting a robe. You're gonna have to go in there sometime. As a girl exits, Corey is still dumbfounded. Men and women going to the same bathroom. It's freaky. Tapega grabs his hand and urges him to come in with her. Corey shouts, no, you're gonna look at me. Topanga promises she won't look, and Corey is offended. You don't want to look at me to Panga size fine, I'll look at you, and Corey confidently shouts I knew it. Topanga shakes her head, you have issues. She enters the bathroom, leaving Corey in the hall. Then a muscular guy and only a towel around his waist tries to enter, but Corey blocks him. Where are you going, sunshine? The stead looks Cory up and down. I'm going to shower and meet chicks. Corey briefly pushes his bare chest, but then quickly recoils. Hey, my girlfriend's in there. The dude loves that all right. As he lets himself inside, Corey tries to stop him by yanking at his towel, pulling the whole thing off. Just as the bro enters, Corey is panicked. Then we hear Tapanga say wow. Just before the door opens. She exits with her her jaw dropped and walks right past Corey in a zombie like Days and Sean walks out.

Of the bathroom episode.

Great Moment's super impressed, maybe a little disturbed, like, yeah, I don't know what happen.

Wow, I think about that wow.


Sean sees Corey and just grins. Still can't go in there, huh, I'm telling you you might like it. I for one can't get enough of it. Girls shower in there naked.

Again with the being naked under their clothes.

Jokes, Cory argues, what do you care about naked girls? You have your own naked girl. I mean she has the potential to be naked at some point in.

Her career, her career as a girl.

Worse is her career as a girlfriend.

As a girl friend. Yeah, it totally reveals the way I know everyone thinks about I mean, it's like it's a joke, but it is also the way our writers thought about these kids.

Yes, they've also kind of told us now that Sean and Angela are also not sleeping together. Yeah, like you figured by this point they set it up enough to where there's a chance Sean and Angela were actually having sex, But now they kind of set it up that no, they're yeah, not well.

But it's also just this weird Like I was thinking about that with the Corey topanga making out. It's like, it's it's not something that I feel happens in college. Like what happens in college is you make out of parties, right, Like, but the idea that like you would be making out in the student union when you have dorm rooms. You're you know, over eighteen, you can go do it wherever you Like, what are you doing right now? Like just making out? Like getting no, Like it's so weird. In high school, you have nowhere to go, right, You're stuck in school. It's like legally you cannot leave, so you have to make out in the whatever public area.

But in this case, you guys are just being gross.

Exactly, we're just being rude.

Were you making out in high school a lot me you make out of Yes to both that. Were you guys making out in the hallways of high school?

Never at school?

Okay, well that's what you just said. You're like, you're stuck there, so you got to make out there. I'm just worrying if you're just backing on people in high school.

Well, but it makes sense, right, Like, yeah, it does make sense that you are children who don't have power, like you don't have the agency, so you have to make out somewhere public because you have nowhere else to go. Like that definitely used to happen to me when I was a teenager, But the second I got to college, you can just go to your dorm room, right, you know, I don't know.

It's weird, so Sean's eye actually not anymore. Angela and I decided to take a break. Corey is shocked you broke up. He nods, yeah, I guess that's what we did, and they both walk into their dorm room. Corey wants to know why. Sean reveals it wasn't just his idea, it was Angela's too. Corey asks again why Sean tells him about the orientation party and how neither of them want to miss out on new opportunities at college. Corey thinks he's making a terrible mistake. Sean explains, we just want to see what else is out there, and Corey calls him on his crap. You know there's nothing better than you and her, Sewn shrugs, ever in.

Your life because you've been dating since high school. You know that you've met that forever. You'll never find someone better for you.

Like, oh god, yeah, I didn't remember that Corey espoused this view. It's really it's because it's sort of the it's the big question of boy mets world right, right, and I feel like girl meets world, like, well, you know, are Sean and Angela and came, yeah, should they have been? You know, I mean, we still get this question. Yeah, that's so interesting that it's in the mouth of Corey back then and to say, like the way the universe works, is that right, you are supposed to be together, which I don't know. It's just interesting. I didn't realize that I didn't remember that. Yeah, and I like the fact that you know, and it doesn't really come back to reflect on what he's saying now. But he doesn't know Angela at all, I know. So his argument that like you're supposed is from this complete naivete, Like it doesn't come from an informed position of like she's an awesome person and you're an awesome person, and you guys make sense together. It comes from a place of that's just the way the world works. You date somebody because they're perfect and you're going to be with them forever.

Yeah, well I think it is. I think it is coming from his idea that you think you have all this time thought Angela was so perfect that probably in your private conversations Sean and Corey, Sean talks about how amazing Angela is, and so without Corey knowing her, at all himself. He is saying, No, the whole point is, the whole point of life is you go out, you find an amazing person, you partner up with them, and then you stick with them forever. And you have already discussed, you already know that there's no one better than Angela.

Particularly if they make you miserable and correct that shows real love.

Then that is the sign you gotta sufferer.

Yes, exactly, So that's where I think he's coming from with that. Sean shrugs. Not everybody's like you. Not everybody spends the rest of their life with one girlfriend. And that's when Tapega walks in. Corey asks her, did you know that? And she completes his sentence. Sean and Angela broke up. Yeah, she told me. I think you're both handling it with incredible maturity. Corey gets heated and asks Topanga, how is breaking up mature? Working it out is mature? Sticking together is mature. Tapega reminds him not every single couple is like them, but Corey insists, but I want them to be like us. This gets a laugh, and I'm not really sure it was supposed to be a joke. I don't think, but they already laughs. I want them to be happy. Shawn assures Corey that he and Angela are aren't going to let this affect their friendship. Neither should he to Panga nods, You're both my friends, no matter what happens. Sean looks to Corey for the same response, and Corey, not so convincingly replies, yeah, you guys are both my friends. Sean wonders, no matter what happens. Instead, Corey adds, and I know you'll be together in the end, and he walks out of the room. Sean shakes his head.

The television show, the television show.

Right in the end of the world in a grave together. Yeah, and he walks out of the room. Sean shakes his head. You try and tell that guy something's over, and he just won't let it go. And then we're in our first college class, developmental Psychology. Jack, Eric and Rachel are sitting together waiting for class to start. Jack turns to get a glimpse of his classmates again, tall background actors.

Yes, I think because of Maitland.

Yeah, they needed to balance out some of that height. And then uh, Jack nudges Eric, Hey, doesn't that guy behind me look like mister Feenie. Eric warns him, Oh, don't even feoene moved. He's closed that chapter in his life and he opened a new one, and he calls that new chapter chapter five. Rachel admits, I think he's right. That guy does look like the guy in the poster by your bed. Eric finally turns to look and guess who's sitting behind them. It's mister Feenie. He greets his old pal with a casual how you doing, Eric?

How you doing?

With that's right?

How you doing?

How you doing?

Eric scoffs, you think that kid's Feenie? Jack sarcastically says he's pretty sure. So Eric is going to ask a question that only mister Feenie would know the answer to. He turns around and gets very serious. Are you George Feeney? Feeney responds with a straight face, it's me, you, moron. Eric is ecstatic. Correct, Hey, mister Feenie, you couldn't stay away from me. Eric embraces his neighbor, and then phoene shakes Jack's hand. He introduces himself to Rachel, who says Eric talks about him all the time. It's so nice to finally meet Eric's grandpa.

This is just another example of amazing acting by Bill, his ability to come downstairs, introduce himself to Rachel, and then still block himself up stage so that the camera. I saw it, and it's like it's an actor who's done stage his entire life. It doesn't bump anybody, but it watch it.

It makes no logical sense.

Human beings don't do this, and yet Bill Daniels boom and you're like, you believe it, You believe it.

He's such a bro ye look so well, it's so funny. And notice that moment because I also noticed that moment was a beautiful block beautiful, and I wondered, was that on a peg? Didn't we just raise up high?

You're sitting there going like this is one of those moments that most of the time as a director you're like, just try it?

Could you just?

I know it feels awkward.

I'm gonna put a mark down.

Before you weak enough.

We won't think about it. And you have to like argue into this because it's really doesn't make any sense. Bill just freaking up, and you know, McCracken didn't have to say a word. Bill was just like all right, I'll come down here and just fall into place.

So great, Phoene is beside himself. You're what Eric says, maybe someday, which is.

That such a hope for him?

It's such a hope. I mean, you'd have to marry his granddaughter, and then he could you could just call my grandfather.

You know.

We asked Phoene's niece was your first kids?

Right? Yeah?

So is that Myron's?

Is that Mildred's kid?

Myron? We got to write a favorite.

We got to figure out the Foe family tree. Yep.

Jack asks Phoene why he there, and Eric answers for him. He couldn't stay away from me. He's conveniently come back to teach this class. Phoene clarifies, I actually came back to be a student. Retired life didn't turn out to be what I was looking for. Just then, the professor, a familiar looking Dean Bolander, walks in and welcomes everyone to developmental psychology.

She's just commands this space. Ye, so she teaches. She explains it later, she does, she talks about it. She talks about it later.

She fully mentions it's teaching. Dean, She's a teaching Dean, okay, uh, she's in a rotten mood and she doesn't check her mood at the door. Phoene seems slightly horned up by this teacher and blurts out, oh my, oh my, forcing Eric to command down.


Dean Bolander announces their first group project will be an exploration of human nature. Is a person able to alter the trait ingrained in his behavioral makeup since childhood? She says, students will need to pick a partner, and Eric yel's. I called Jack. Jack is embarrassed, What are you doing? Eric smirks, I knew you'd ask Rachel to be your partner, so I got you before you could get to her. Behind them, Rachel asks Phoeni to be her partner, and he happily agrees. Jack wonders, why didn't you ask Rachel to be your partner before I got the chance. Eric ponders the question, M it's hard to say. He draps himself on his head. I don't have a lot of control on what goes on up here. This, this part of you being dumb for lack of a better word, is so endearing to me, The part where you go hmmm, valid, yes, The self reflecting like, you're right, that was dumb. I don't have that much control.

I just look in my hair. I am gorgeous hair.

This is the will that needed a spin off for sure. And then Corey' and Corey in Sean's dorm. Corey joyfully walks down the hall to find a rubber band on his doorknob. Completely oblivious, he admires the find Nino and blindly opens the door, only to be surprised to see Sean sitting on his bed with a girl. Corey, slightly disgusted, asks who are you. Sean introduces Cameron to Corey and his roommate, the rubber band man. He adds that rubber band was on the door for a reason. Corey giggles and then, in a little bit of a French accent, a little prison for me. Sean asks Cameron to excuse them for a moment and pulls Corey out into the hallway with the door shut. Sean explains, if there's a rubber band on the door, it means the room is accuba THO get it. Corey judgingly asks how he can be with another girl so soon? Shouldn't there be a morning period? Sean can't hide his laughter. No one died. Angela and I broke up. She's fine with it, and I'm fine with it, So why don't you put that back on the door and get Sean re enters the room, and Corey begrudgingly places the rubber band back on the doorknob. Just as Angela walks out of her dorm. She creeps up on Corey and asks what he's doing. Corey freezes up. She asks about the stretched rubber band on the door, and Corey nervously blurts out, it's fine and it has nothing to do with what's behind the door. Angela playfully inquires, Sean got a girl in there. Corey laughs, A, don't be silly, Angela. I was just exercising, and this whole little beat of him exercising and all of this is so funny, and he's having so much fun and it's so nice to see him like this. He continuously pulls the rubber band from the door and huffs feel the burn. Angela assures him he doesn't need to do that. Corey's flattered, Thanks, but I wasn't just born with this body. But Angela insists she's okay with Sean. Having a girl in there. Corey siys, yeah, he said you would be. Angela surprised he did. She tries to laugh it off. It's none of my business anyways. Why should I care, Corey answers, because you should care. I don't understand how you can both be so calm about this. Angela cuts him off. Drop it, Corey, I'm fine, Corey pushes. If it's bothering you, you should really tell me. Angela scoffs. There's nothing to tell. It's not bothering me, so why should it bother you? Corey states, I'm just trying to be a friend. Angela appreciates it, but they were never really friends to begin with. She walks into the co ed bathroom and he's clearly heard about the situation and wonders aloud what And then we see Tapanga and Angela's dorm Tapega is doing homework on her bed.

Why don't this room?

Do you? Not?

One iota? I don't think we ever see it again?

No, I think we do because at some point, and you're gonna be like what, you and I end up in bed together? Yep? What?


You and I end up in bed?

Don't you also? There's also when Fred came on as a teacher. Wasn't it in your dorm room? Yeah?

I think so.

I think it was in this room.

Yeah, he makes the move on you. Which one's throwing you more? You don't? Do you not remember you and I being in bed together?

Why are you and I in bed together?

No? I do so Eric, if memory serves, Eric gets kicked out of the apartment, okay, and is looking for places to stay, and you get into bed one time and I'm already in bed and I'm like, hey, roomy, and we're like in bed together, and I think it was in your dorm room. Yeah, yep.

I had these sets for a long time, and yeah, I don't remember any of them. I don't like that away set.

I know, it's I don't like what dorms.

Yeah, the whole dorm situation is.

Just not is that kind of how it's supposed to be with dorms though? There was supposed to be kind of dingy and nasty and it's like your dorm it's sure, but.

That hallway is just useless as a set, Like it's just it's just the standing room. Like there's just this literally like a hallway and like this weird.

Corner places for people to have conversations before they enter either the bathroom or their dorm room.

It doesn't.

Yeah, don't.

Also, they never talk ever about why Eric gets an apartment when he goes to Penbrooke, but everybody else stays in the dorms. I know, like Eric never stayed in the dorms ever, went right to moving in.

With Jack and Sean got kicked out of his apartment to move into a dorm for me.


Also, when Amy and Allen show up in the first episode here, they say, he doesn't know.

We're here here right?


Yeah, so I don't.

I don't know.

So Tebanka's doing homework on her bed while Corey's self destructs next to her. How could she not like me? How can she say I'm not her friend? I'm Corey? Tapanga talks him off the ledge. You know, Angela likes you, she just doesn't really know you. Well, you have to admit you never really took the time to get to know her. Corey's defensive. What are you talking about? She's been going out with my best friend for over a year. Topanga asks when the four of us went out, how many times did you pull her aside and talk to her. He guesses eight hundred times. Tapega corrects him, not once, Corey. Corey trices.

I just loved this whole bit. It was really nice. It's like an awareness that our show. I don't know, it's it's just a cool bit. I just love whenever Corey is like, oh, the whole world does not revolve around you, dude, It's like me, it's always nice when our show has that moment.

It's also really nice to see a little bit of an insight into the Corey Intopanga relationship where like they're having a real conversation. They're having a real conversation about one of their friends, where Corey is mouthing off about something and she's going, Corey, none of that's true, Corey, your perception is just wrong, Bud, let me tell you. And he's going, wait, really, It's like we never get to see them workout problems together ever.

And I also think it's really nice because I think it's an insight into somebody like Barbie Feldman, who's writing the script, probably going, you do realize we've never had a scene where Corey even tries to get to know and Ya yeah, and I think there's something to that too, where a new writer is kind of and she's not a new writer, but a new voice in the room kind of coming in going like, you guys are missing nine different relationships here. Yeah, and it's like, here's one we should start to talk about. And so that's why when I saw her name, I was like, ah, that makes sense.

So Corey tries to push the blame onto Angela. She never took me aside either. Tapega tells him to let it go, but Corey laughs at the thought, when do I ever let anything go to Pega dangles a rubber band in front of him. We have the room to ourselves. She holds onto the rubber band, which completely disregards the point of her offer, and they very awkwardly shuffle to the bed. They lay down and again have a makeout sash.

Which you can do. What do you need a rubber band for? Because you do that in the student union, you're not going any farther, so you know who cares well.

And that's my point is that I'm like, I have the rubber band, and then we just ignore the rubber band and we walk on.

I think you should have just walked up with the rubber band, snapped him on the nipple to show that this is what he likes, and then gone from there like that, you find out Corey's freaky.


They start making out and then Corey pulls away, forcing Topanga to ask what Corey asks again ruining the mood. How could she not like me? And then we're back in developmental psychology class. As students file in. Before the class, Eric stands in front doing a series of karate kid moves.

Yes, was this in the script? Or is this house?

No idea just starting the scene.

Like this, I absolutely have no idea. I don't know where that came from, why it was happening funny movements.

When the dean enters, he quickly takes a seat as the other students continue to chat. The dean tries to get their attention, but no avail. Phoene shouts, everybody pipe down and the class turns silent. Phoene grins at the professor. They're all yours. Dean Bolander questions, you've done this before? George. Phoene whispers to Rachel with glee, she knows my name. The professor asks if there are any brave volunteers to start them off, and Phoenie immediately raises his hand with enthusiasm. Rachel asks what he's doing. Phoene tells her to trust him. Teachers love firsters, and they will set an impossible standard for the rest of the class. He raises his hand again, so Dean Bolander picks them to start things off. Rachel begs Phoenie not to go first. She can't. Phoene assures her they have a great presentation and ushers her up to the front. Eric jumps up. If they aren't ready, Jack and I are ready to prove. He stops mid sentence and ask Jacks.

What was her thing?

What was our thing? Regardless, Feenie and Rachel have taken the podium to begin. Phoene tells her to go ahead with the presentation, but Rachel stares wide eyed into the class and begs him to do it. You do it, you you. Phoene obliges. It is our postulation that free will determines behavior and not one's environment. He throws it over to Rachel, but she is still a panicked wreck. She tries to tell the class what they're going to prove, but can't quite get the words out, I am so nervous. Phoene tries to alleviate the pressure by taking over the entire presentation, posing a question to the class that Jack raises his hand to answer. Jack's response supports the presentation's claims, and Phoene nods, very good, mister hunter. Eric sneers at him, very good, mister suck up to the teacher. Jack reminds him he's not the teacher, so Eric asks, why'd you answer him? Jack admits his will is too strong. Dean Bolander digs deeper, you're suggesting that environment has no effect on behavior. Phoene holds up his hand to silence her. There will be ample time for questions after my presentation. The inmates in the audience let out an oh yah, and Phoenie adds and a hand raise wouldn't kill you. Oh. The Dean storms up to him in response to the disrespect, excuse me, and Phoene is very embarrassed. He apologizes and admits he has no idea what got into him. He asks Rachel to continue with their thesis, and she shrugs, I can't. He encourages her, You're an excellent student and very well prepared. Rachel clarifies, No, I mean, I can't continue with our theory, but I think I can do the presentation now, Rachel continues, as my partner just demonstrated our theory was all wrong. Phoene's confused. So Rachel explains, environment obviously has a stronger effect on behavior than we realized. Phoeni argues, but you're not nervous now, you have overcome your environment. Rachel nods, yeah, but you haven't. This hits Phoenie like a ton of bricks and we had a long pause to let it all see sinking.


Nice, This was a great little scene. I thought, Maitland was wonderful. Yep, I thought, I love that they tied in this little theory.

Uh, I thought, yeah, you thought laid on too thick. And also just I don't know, I mean it just maybe just a rewrite. Something's off for me. It wasn't like I was like, oh, we're going to do the environment. There her turn at the end. I was like, wait, now she's comfortable.

And that was the only part situation.

I don't know. It was also like undercut by the opening of the scene, Like the opening of the scene is Phoenie taking control of the room for Bolander, Like he literally does the thing that he then does already, so it's like, what's already happened, Like we already know that he's the teacher and he's taking control for you.

So what.

Yeah, it just felt, yeah, felt obvious and predictable and just kind of I liked it.

It definitely was obvious, and we definitely saw little moments in it. It felt very sit calmy, but also it felt it was kind of comforting. It was kind of nice and like, you know, one of those one of those old boy meets world things where this where the book ties into what's going on in the real life situation.

And it's also Cheenie at the front of a classroom. You can wrong with Feenie at the front of a classroom.

Also Feenie being rude and put in his place to appear. We don't often get to see, you know, we get to see that kind of a jokey situation with the with the parents, with Amy and Allen and how they interact as adults. But to see Foenie as a student talk to a dean and get put in his place the way any of us have been put in our place by a Feoenie was kind of cute in.

That moment too, when you see Bill realize what he's just done. I mean, those little acting moments for him are just they're so they're effortless, they're just.

So good, so great. Then we're back into Panga. In Angela's dorm. Angela is at her desk when there's a knock at the door. It's Corey. He says hi to Angela notices something. Oh look, I see you got my flowers. But he wonders, huh, who sent you these balloons? He looks at the tag, Oh, yeah, I did, he reads from your friend Corey. Angela admits, I don't want you to send me anything. He shrugs, well, it's too late. He wonders what she's doing, and she says she's trying to study. Corey mentions that one time they studied for a test together. Wasn't that something? Angela shakes her head. We never studied for anything together. Corey responds with hope, yeah, but we did other stuff together, right, didn't we find out how Stella got her groove back together? Angela laughs, you are so down, brother, which is really I think this is really funny that they just called it out. He's such a try hard, not only trying with the flowers and the balloons, but like making up experiences and then naming a movie that he thinks she would have seen because it started a black actress a quote unquote black face, and then she just calls it right out. Oh, it's the equivalent of now saying you are so woke. Friend gets a little bit of the nineties version of that, which is pretty funny. Corey gets serious, I want you to know that your friendship is really important to me, no matter what happens between you and Sean. Angela gets up and grabs her towel without saying a word. Corey asks where are you going, and she says she's going to take a shower. Corey follows her out into the hall. Why do you have to take a shower now, she admits, because it's the one place I know you won't follow me and walks inside. Corey tries to muster up the courage, but he can't quite do it. Eventually, he rushes toward the door and throws it open. Finally stepping inside the dreaded co ed bathroom, he shouts out Angela and she throws a shower curtain open in surprise. I thought she were scared to death of this place, Corey admits, I'm more scared of losing you. She rolls her eyes and yanks the curtain clothes before grabbing her towel off the hook and exiting. Corey shields his eyes, but then a guy walks out of another shower and throws him into chaos. He stands there awkwardly until Angela finally appears next to him. She asks, Okay, what do you want with me? Corey wants to know why she won't be friends with him. Don't you think I'm worth being friends with? She assures Corey it has nothing to do with him, and then she gathers her things to leave. Corey guesses, it's Sean right. Just because you broke up with Sean doesn't mean that we can't be friends. Angela breaks the news. I didn't break up with Sean. He broke up with me. Can I get back to my shower now? Corey doesn't get it. What do you mean he broke up with you? He thinks it's mutual, Angela reveals, because that's what I want him to think. She tells Corey to stop asking her about this, but he wonders, why didn't you just tell him that you don't want to break up with him then? And Angela quips, Oh yeah, that's every girl's dream to beg somebody to stay with her. He needs his space, he wants to meet new people. Corey shakes his head. No, he's wrong. You know he's never going to find anybody as good as you. Angela tells him, you don't even know me. Corey agrees, you're right, I don't even know you. Why don't you give me a chance to get to know you. Angela admits that maybe Sean's right. We've all been together so long, it's just time for us to Corey demands that she shut up. Angela is shocked what Corey says it again, shut up. You couldn't be more wrong. Friendship is exactly what's going to get us all through this. Angela tries to argue, but Corey continues, and I am never going to go away. He places his hands on her shoulders and stares at her with intensity.

So intense, never going anywhere like no Jesus, Yeah, I know.

Angela says, you just don't get it, do you. It's hard enough to be in the same school with him, in the same class with him, and just when I get a moment where I'm not thinking about him, you want to come out and play. Corey is speechless. Angela continues, how do you expect me to hang out with you and not think about him? Corey argues, because I'm not Sean, I'm me and I know that if you just let me be friends with you, I promise I can make things better for you. And then sad music plays in the background as Angela asks him, you want to be my friend? Corey nodds. Angela prod's more, and you're gonna keep to yourself how I feel about him. Corey nods again, because I don't want him to stop looking for who he is because he feels sorry for me. Okay, so you promise me you're not going to say anything about this ever. Corey innocently asks, can I talk about it with Tabanga? Angela admits Tepanga doesn't know. Corey is shocked. Tapanga is your best friend. Angela nods, right, Corey can't believe it, and you haven't told her. She nods again. Corey realizes, but you told me. Corey gives her a soft smile and promises it'll stay between friends. They give each other a big hug as the music fades out.

See this, I really I like this journey. I just wish it was more concrete, like I want it to be, like what if you know, let's say, you know, Sean chose a class, like he dropped a class with Angela and chose their class, and this other subject meets this other girl and has to say and that's what she's upset about. But she can't be upset about it because it's like, oh, Sean's into you know, Roman history or whatever the class is there. Then this scene would not be just the I'm letting him become his own person by dating other people. And it's all this abstract stuff that I don't know what, Like, yeah, you've just described everything, and I still can't tell you what she's She's basically saying, Corey, do you want to be my friend? Then keep information that I'm going through separate from Sean, But I don't even know what that information is, like that she.

Didn't want you to be broken up, that she's really that you want to be with other women and she doesn't understand it.

I just it's still so like, I don't know, it's just loose and weird, Like I just wanted to be concrete, Like I'm upset that he left this class and went did this with this other girl. Yeah, I'm'm upset about that, and I know I shouldn't be upset about it, but I am. Could you keep that from him? But it's I just wanted to be concrete, Like it's not a story. It's like we're talking. We're characters talking about our own characters in this. You know, it's set thing that just drives me crazy.

It's like, what are we I just thought it was too intense. I just I would have It's like, can we racket down the performance one? I'm not going anywhere?

Okay, But part of that is because it's about nothing. It's all unmotivated. It's all characters talking about their emotions in this like it's just not real. It's like that's not how. I don't know, man, it just drives me crazy, Like I think I think.

Also maybe what we're feeling a little bit is like Corey when he says it really hit me when I was just rereading it for the recap, when he says, you let me be your friend. I can make things better for you. This idea of like Corey being a savior in all of his friend's lives, like he somehow knows better than every other person. There's a little bit of an ickiness to him saying it to Angela, like, what's your grand plan here? She's telling you her feelings, which is like, I'm really hurt your best friend is being a little to me. But I don't want to beg him to stay with me. If he wants to put rubber bands on the door with new girls, then I guess that's what he should do, and I should realize I should think whether or not I actually want to be with him. But then him being like, let me be your friend. I will fix this. It's like, what's your what's your grand plan here? How do you So there's like a there is a bit of a an ickiness in like his savior.

Well, I think his grand plan in his mind is I will sit Sean down and sit you guys down. I will be a counselor to you, and you will get married right right, endgame? Yeah, exactly, that's his endgame. It's very it's really strange, but that's boy me thorlled. That's one of the tenets of boy mean thrilled.

And then we're in the developmental psychology class. Eric and Jack are standing at the front of the class, finishing up their presentation. Eric closes with watches chocolate. Geez, ladies and gentlemen, we give you the Swiss. Thank you. No one is impressed, and Jack whispers to his partner, we were supposed to prove something. Dean Bolander chimes in, he did.

So great.

She addresses the class. I think that's about all we can take today. I'll see you all on Thursday. As the students leave, Jack Bee lines for the Dean. He apologizes, I am so sorry. I bet you have a really strong first impression of us. Huh, she equips indelible. Eric chimes in, you know this didn't all come from me. My boy Jackie here deserves the same grade I do. She has no problem with that done.

She approaches the psychology class. What is he talking about? The Swiss?

Swiss? I don't know.

Psychology class, I don't know.

I want to also know were those was that? Did that change throughout the week A bunch of times? I Swiss?

I think it was always the Swiss but it's just like you're in a psychology class. What are you doing?

So she approaches Phoenie next and asks to have a word with him. His eyes go wide. You want me to stay after school, she chuckles. It's nothing so severe. She tells him he had quite the present. He admits he doesn't know what got into him, but she has the answer. It was something that never really left you. Phoene assures her he came to the school strictly as a student. He thought he'd retired from teaching. She understands, when I stop teaching to become dean, I thought the same thing. But here I am. We are teachers, George. You put us in a classroom, We teach. Phoene admits, after all these years, I still have a lot to learn. He turns to Rachel and apologizes, I guess I was a poor choice for a partner. Rachel explains, I'd much rather have you as a teacher than as a partner. The Dean agrees, I'd rather have him as a colleague than a student. Perhaps you'd like to call my office about that. Phoene says, she has his gratitude, and Dean Bolander says she looks forward to his call what.

Did you have?

Once she leaves, we see Eric, who's been standing by listening woo, and we get this the is this the one you remember most writer? This is like the start of the crazy Feenie call.

Well, yeah, I mean now it's not even to call him, it's yeah, this is the most famous one.

I think over this is the most famous one.

Yes, the yeah, we get the famous, the craziest.

What what what?

What? Hey?

Hey, I would love to see all the tastes.

I know.

Three, at least three, you know, each one is completely different.

Oh, absolutely so fun man, I will love that. Feenie responds with zero emotion. Reading the room, Eric tells Jack, dude, let's just go in turn, everyone walks out, leaving Foenie alone in the classroom. He stares at the empty desks, remembering his true love teaching, and salads for one. A smile spreads across his face, and then we're in the tag. In the co ed bathroom, Ta Panga is brushing her teeth straight up, pantiless like Winnie the Pooh. Yeah, Corey happily, uh huh yeah it just in a big Phillies T shirt or lossleeve. Yeh As Corey happily exits one of the showers, she grins, I'm really happy that you've gotten over your fear of the bathroom. But that's your fifth shower today. Corey boasts, I'm the cleanest boy in school. To Pega wonders, you know that guy Tim in our econ class. I was thinking maybe he and Angela could What do you think? Corey shakes his head. No, he's not right for I mean, she's not right for him. I mean I don't think we should be setting up Angela so quickly. Then on cue, Angela walks in. She sees Corey and asks, what do you like live here now? Corey laughs, No, no, I don't know what I was so afraid of. These coed bathrooms are just a sensational concept. To Pega nods. Just think if these things catch on, we'll be putting them in people's homes. Corey agrees, what a terrific idea. Then Sean enters. He's happy to see everyone. Hey guys, Hey Angela. She smiles and greets, I'm like normal. Sean takes the spot next to Cory. What's up. Corey brushes his teeth, then glances over at Angela, who's staring right back at him. He tells Sean nothing and goes back to brushing. Angela can't hide a smile from her end of the sink, as their secret stays safe between those two friends.

It's nice and I do like a Cory Angela connections.

Too, cor Angela.

It's a nice the cor Angela car Angela.

I like it.


Thank you all for joining us for this episode of Pod Meets World. As always, you can follow us on Instagram pod Meets World Show. You can send us your emails pod Meets World Show at gmail dot com and we've got merch March Brother March March March, Podmeets Worldshow dot com will send us out.

We love you all, pod dismissed. Pod Meets World is nheart podcast producer and hosted by Danielle Fischel, Wilfordell and Ryder Strong. Executive producers Jensen Carp and Amy Sugarman. Executive in charge of production, Danielle Romo, producer and editor, Tara Sudbaksh producer, Maddy Moore, engineer and Boy Meets World super fan Easton Allen. Our theme song is by Kyle Morton of typhoon and you can follow us on Instagram at Podmets World Show or email us at Podmetsworldshow at gmail dot com.

Pod Meets World

We're sending you to 1993 when TGIF reigned supreme and “Boy Meets World” first premiered. Danielle, 
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