It’s time for another Pod Swap! Yup, that’s still the name.
We’re hanging around the pool with the iconic stars of the ‘90s pop culture juggernaut, Melrose Place, and the current hosts of the “Still the Place” podcast: Daphne Zuniga, Laura Leighton and Courtney Thorne-Smith! It’s time to find out what would happen if Boy Meets World moved into Melrose Place…
Find out who was the biggest troublemaker in school and who’s the most confident cook. And - who kept their first car and who’s hoarding their baby teeth?
Get the answers in Part 1 and make sure to head over to the “Still the Place” feed to check out Part 2…
How you doing. I'm good. How are you? If you hear snoring, it's this one. Oh my god.
It's not me. I know it's our end. It's usually just me.
Hi, Laura, I'm Danielle. We haven't met.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you. I will Hi guy, Dan, Hi everyone, Hi Danielle.
Good to see you again.
This is so fun.
Look at you, guys. I listened to the last one you guys did. It was so much fun. I've been so looking forward to this.
Oh yeah, you guys are adorable.
In case you were wondering, thank you.
I will never get tired of hearing that.
I love.
Keep it coming.
You have any more compliments while we're here.
By the way, for the record, before you think I'm a crazy person, I'm in my childhood bedroom.
I do not actually have a pink Floyd poster in my.
My parents kept my bedroom as if I was abducted in nineteen eighty six.
I love.
Just for the record, in case you think I'm crazy, I am not.
So you know.
That's so great, but just not. The room is not a representation. It's crazy exactly. So they never when you move Wait did you move out?
I did.
Oh, yes, assumption.
I'm in Connecticut right now. I woke up to a beautiful blanket of snow. But no, I've been in Los Angeles for thirty five years. But once I moved out, my parents change everything else in the house. But this room for some.
Reason, that's interesting.
It's weird.
It's a weird thing for parents to transition in the bedroom and of it right now.
Is very weird.
Yes, my brother, so they had no problem with both My brothers got transitioned right out.
By the way, you were the favorite.
Clearly, there's some things I cannot let go of and nobody else can understand it.
So I'm do you still have all your kids baby teeth?
Funnily enough, I just had my youngest daughter just had her wisdom teeth extracted, and they sent us home with her wisdom teeth, which are giant, giant.
And those are not nearly as appealing for keeping.
So I do have the teeny little acutments, but the wisdom TOOTHM like, why do they no thank you?
This is like human teeth.
Yeah, they're like Monstrously, I'm learning so many secrets of being a parent I never knew.
Don't keep the ugly teeth, just the cute one.
My oldest son just lost his first tooth, and I am so excited about it, and I have thought what will I do with this?
Of course, right now it's saved in a ziplo baggy.
Yeah, and I eventually need to find a place to put it or do something with.
But yeah, did he get money?
Did he get money?
He sure did?
How much much?
What's the going rate?
Okay, so I don't know what the traditional going rate is. I didn't even get to talk to other parents about what they do.
Our plan was.
For the first tooth, it was just going to be twenty dollars.
This is big, that's inflation is twenty dollars, was going free tooth after that was going to be five, which is after that it's going to be a disappointment.
Exactly, you know. But what we ended up giving him twenty five because I know I didn't. I think, honestly, I think we're on the low end of the spectrum.
With his friend group, I'm pretty sure his best friend got fifty dollars.
No, oh, I'd be in my room.
Hammer happened order?
Yeah, dollar, silver dollar dollars, Yeah, silver silver dollars.
Became hard to find.
We did dollar bills, but we sprinkled them with glitter and called it tooth fairy dust, and we made like a path of glitter from the window to the like, and.
So there was always so cralhe it was a dollar.
I'm good. O, my god.
I will pay twenty dollars to avoid glitter every single time if I could.
There is that hilarious?
Also also a smart thought.
Having children sounds expensive, so both.
Will and everyone has kids here. Will Will does not? Okay, Will? Can we just sum up?
Thank you?
I will. I'm not getting on twenty dollars for anything.
Thank you.
Will is so proudly not a father. He is so happy about it.
I said, Yeah, my kid came with their own apartment in a four oh one.
Ke to be a parent exactly.
Yeah. I was there for when I was. I was a soccer mom for the state championship. Actually, my husband doesn't let me forget it. Yeah, you were there for the state championship. I went to parent teacher college. We got you know, the parents and things like that. Well, I'm with you.
Children, best way to raise them, love it.
It doesn't have fun? Yeah it is fun. Oh well, we won't go on.
It's fine, we'll get well, we'll talk.
With all of our free time because we don't have children.
No glitter for you. Greetings, greetings from Vegas. By the way, no kids. I love it.
Okay, So welcome to this episode of Podswap. We are pod swapping today. I know the guys don't like my name podswap.
I think it sounds so vaguely dirty and weird, and we've got to come up with something better than podswap.
I think you're just shared and wrong.
I think it's a test for dirty minds. Hear you that way?
Okay, thank you.
That's exactly what I said. I was like the first time I said it, and they both immediately were like, what.
Let's just call it a porgy and be done with it? Was that in the redning?
Was that one of the options?
I don't know, but I kind of like it. I think it was.
It does sound a little saliva, so yeah, I.
Mean it is true that when I shortened I say today we're swapping with and then it sounds again like sliva.
Or you do this often, Danie, you leave these groups often.
I do.
I do when I get a free weekend here and there.
We are swapping with Still the Place, The Melrose Place Podcast. We're so happy that you three are here with us. We have Courtney thorn Smith, Laura Layton and Daphne Zunika.
Did I say everyone's name correctly? You did very good. Thank you.
So, as with all of our crossover episodes, I am going to go into the talking Point card game. We have opened a brand new box for this episode. Here's what it looks like in case any of you want to see. So, this is the talking Point Game. They're filled with lots of little cards with little questions that help get conversation going. This is the small Talk edition. I will pick cards at random and ask questions. And to avoid multiples of us yapping at once or what our listeners like to call podcast poison, good to know, I will just call you out individually for answers, and then we can take turns praising you or making fun of you for your answer, whatever we think works the best perfect As always, we love a good story or a tangent. But if our producers at any point think that you have sidestepped a question or we have answered too generically, we will hear this sery energy synergy. Oh, that's our synergies app So then you'll need to take another crack at it, and we are officially announcing. If you are somehow asked something like what are you most proud of? Or what makes your life meaningful? And you say like my family, you will hear sil so, no one's gonna judge you. No one's not gonna judge you for taking this straight like, oh, I've got to say my kids. You just gotta gotta choose something else. All right, Now, that is all the red tape I have. So let's jump in to question number one. I just pulled the chunk.
If you could learn any new.
Skill, what would it be and why? Hmm, I'm gonna go to Courtney. You're gonna be first. If you could learn any new skill, what would it be?
And why?
It's really hard because you want to pick the coolest thing. I would say skiing, but I don't like skiing, so I don't want to learn them.
Don't learn make sense?
Yeah, I would love a language is skill. Yes, I feel terrible that I know about three words from my high school French, right, Jim Appel Courtney in case you're whatever, whatever, But.
I feel he's English.
Travel that I don't speak another language. I have great American shame about that. You know, you go to Europe and someone speaks seven languages.
Yes, okay, that's a great one. That's a really good and writer. Are you saying that was going to be yours too?
That was?
Yeah, Okay, you have to pay another one. Okay, take a new one.
Take a new one.
Not going to let you have that one.
I have managed to make my entire career like directing, uh, editing stuff so poorly because I've never learned how to edit really well, Like I've never learned all the key strokes and all that, and so like, just if I could just be like an expert at premiere and be able to do all the things that I want to do without having to think about it because it takes me so long. I sit with a real editor and I'm like, well, can we take the audio from this and do it over? And they were just like, and it's done. I want to be that person, And it's like I just missed that boat. And by the time I started teaching, like learning how to edit, it's like, oh, my brain wasn't young enough anymore. And I couldn't learn it fast enough.
So I would love to just have that skill.
That's a great one. Laura, What about you?
What would you what skill would you learn and why.
I would learn? Well, my first thought was I would learn to play guitar. I played piano, but I do not play a guitar, and there's so much more mobile than a piano, and I think that would be great. But on further consideration, I actually wish I could learn to sing, and like it's I feel like it's too late. It's one of those muscles that like, oh yeah, I let that atrophy so long ago.
That's not a skill.
I don't think.
I think you're I think you could still learn to be a singer. I think absolutely.
This is why we love Danielle. She's always so positive. We're just like I love it serious.
I think you can you know why. I don't have any singing ability at all. But I once went and worked with like a very prolific song guy who helps like really great singers with their voices regularly, and even in just one session with him, the difference in where I was when I walked in versus where I was when I left, I was like, wow, if I could improve even just that that amount and one lesson. So I really think you so don't talk yourself out of it.
Okay, all right, I'll hear your voice in my ear when I Okay, think about it next.
Thank you.
That won't help your.
Singing if you hear dan voice, maybe you're not that kind of hearing you, but it is true.
So, Laura, I have a friend who's older than you who took voice lessons because it had always been a dream of hers, and she got a lot out of it.
So great.
You know, I feel like nobody better be a like holding us accountable responsible.
You know, Yeah, you said six months ago you were gonna learn guitar.
There will be those people. They will they'll run into you and they'll be like, how's guitar going. You'll be like, what what are you talking about?
What new skill would you learn?
I think, because it scares me so much, I would learn how to fly.
A plane?
Yeah, like fly a plane. I would learn it.
You know, I don't like you know, Danielle, you're my flying buddy. You know, I'm not a fan of flying. I have a lot of bugaboos when it comes to flying. I do it for a living. So I'm on a play, I'm not a plane tomorrow. I'm on a plane all the time. But I think I would feel more comfortable if I learned to actually pilot the aircraft. I think that would make me feel better, So that would be probably right.
You know.
I had a friend who was a flight attendant and her dad was a pilot, and she did understand it, so she was so calm because she had. She tried to explain it to me, like forty times, couldn't get through my fear.
But I think you're totally right.
I think my friend Kelly Rizzo also really struggles with fear of flying, and she learned everything there is to know about aircrafts and weather and watches the apps, and so when something happens that would normally freak her out, she's like, oh, I know exactly what that is, so yeah, that's good. I'll take pilot lessons with you will. I wanted to do it, but I wanted to learn how to fly a helicopter.
Well I did.
Remember I took Helen after flying lessons. We were doing boy Me's World and Disney found out about it and they're like.
No, no, you're not doing that. So that was the end of that.
But no, my problem is I don't I don't like little planes, and that's why you've got to learn is on the little tiny planes first.
So that would be that's what would scare me.
To me, you're just saying, if you could snap your fingers and know something, it would be learning to fly a plane.
No, I know, I got to do the due diligence, so I'd do it the right way.
But yeah, it would freak me out.
Is anyone here jumped out of a plane?
Yep, you've done that?
The Yeah, and I was eight because I was young enough to like not, you know, not fear death.
And that's what do you think you.
Need to do at eighteen? It's like at tattoo or.
And I just don't understand that. I just don't understand it. Nobody else here. That's rare. Usually I asked that, and so many people have done it. Oh my mom has done it six times, you.
Know she's yeah, right, kids have done it.
It not me.
I always signed up to do it. My mother asked me very nicely not to.
That's a good reason not to. It's like, all right, all right, I will do that. I will do that for you.
You know the reason I haven't. And we all see if you guys all agree with me, Because I'm an actor. I've been doing acting classes since I'm a teenager.
That is scary.
It's scary to go into a room full of original you know, originally it's strangers, and to bear your soul and to dig around. I've taken chances emotionally, and to me, that's so much more rewarding and satisfying breaking through that fear then jumping out of a plane, which I would get no reward. I go, I'm still alive. Okay, Well I got to recover for the next week.
You know, you know how much easier get an acting class?
Yeah, performing and auditioning would be so much easier if you could have a professional strap to your back the entire.
Time in that room. You're like, you're auditional?
Do that'd be great?
My god?
And you know when you've made the wrong choice in front of Joel Schumacher and I'll.
Tell you that one day choice. And no, my guy didn't pull the parachute either. I just said her going, well, that was our ripcord. I feel like that's a story we need. It's not that interesting.
But anyway, that's why I've never done it, and I've never felt bad about doing it.
But it's interesting. Well, if you could learn any new skill, what would it be and why? Well my first thought was, and I'm just going to keep it. Go with that, And that's piano. You know.
I learned it for a part. I learned certain pieces for a part, and I just love once I got. I just loved it, the movement. And I've never heard Laura play. I've wanted to teach you. I guess that dinner party that we're going to.
Have, we'll have to. We'll have one at your house so you can play.
But yeah, I would love I've always wanted to learn piano and I never have, so I have even lead.
I will teach you.
Well that's a good one, how about you, Danielle.
I like all of yours.
I don't play an instrument, I don't fluently speak another language, so all of these are good. I don't know how to edit, but I don't know that that really holds me back in my life. I would like to learn how to fly a plane. So I like all of your answers, but I think for me, what I'm and I'm even starting to think of maybe av adding it to my twenty twenty five list of things to improve on. I would really love to feel comfortable cooking in the kitchen, like I'll teach you, I know, and you're so good.
You guys cook a lot.
So his wife, Susan's an excellent cook. Will loves a grill, and he's got a hibachi grill.
Now he's got all. They're really good at that. I'm just not.
I used to cook more like I had my family's recipes and I could make five or six great things that were recipes I grew up eating. But then I stopped doing that, and now I just every time I go to make something, I feel like I have two hands. I'm like, how come I don't know how to do this anymore? So I'd really love to be like a great cook.
Are your kids good eaters?
My kids are good eaters.
So now the cooking, no one, oh, no one does any everything.
There's lots of work.
Well, if we have a nanny who is incredible, who I would not be able to do any of the work that I do, and my husband wouldn't be able to do the work that he does. If we didn't have a nanny, and she cooks for the kids, so she makes a lot of good food for them and they eat her food.
But like I, we eat out almost exclusively.
So I'd love to be able to cook. So I think I'm going to add that to my list of things to work on.
It's hard to do with little kids, but I will say, like I had this stand up it was called but you pull it up to the counter and my son would stand in it.
Yeah, would cook.
A long kitchen helpers.
Yeah, and I will yes, kitchen helper, that's what it was. And he's a great cook. Now he's almost seventeen, he's a great cook. And if you ever want, and I mean this, I'm happy to share a ton of like recipes that are good for grown ups and kids.
Please, would you say that to me?
I would stand for people have a kitchen helper.
We have a kitchen helper? Oh great?
And it really because he's a young man who cooks well. And I love that as he was always in the kitchen. It was a fun time for us to be together. And things that your little kids can make, like Jack made of a great recipe for hummus that he made himself, like you stand there and they make it. And one time we had friends over there visiting from Israel and they were kind of, oh yeah, the three year old's making hummus and they were rolling their eyes. And then they ate it and they loved it. And I heard Jack saying to somebody later, you know, I make better hummus than Israel.
Oh my, Okay, I would really love those recipes.
I would love to help you with that.
Okay, great, so we do have a kitchen helper. Okay, I'm excited. Now I'm going to start with some of your recipes. Our next question what is one item from your past that you can can't see yourself ever getting rid of? And for Cordney, it may be the teeth, who knows, I'm still holding it. So I'm going to start, Well, I'm going to start with the probably the hardest person here, which is Will Fredell, who you guys may not know.
Will's parent cats. Let's start with Will's parents.
Anything relating to Will the Willing Boy poster clearly everything, ye Will.
I have every everything I've ever had, I still have.
He has every script from Boy meets Wirrel or scripts from Boy Meets World.
He still has one hundred and fifty eight of them.
I do you name it? If I still if I was ever given it, I still have it.
Essentially. My wife loves it.
Yes, it's great.
She that's my that's her favorite thing about me.
No, I it's not hoardy, because I mean is my my house is not cluttered.
No, it's not.
Our home is immaculate and it's constantly clean, and it's not.
Cluttered at all. But I like to keep things. So I have the toys from when I was a kid I have. You know, I'm a collector.
I'm also in nerd, so that, I mean that helps with all keeping all my stuff.
So yeah, back in fashion now is thank you. Everyone's looking for it.
Thank you, Daphne. I feel like you and I are.
So yeah, that's one thing you'll never get rid of, for the love of.
My first car. And I still have my first car ever sell it a GTS, but it does does it run?
Oh yeah, it's in perfect mint condition. So I will never get rid of my first car. Still have it, always will and I'll keep my first car forever.
Okay, that's cool. Wow, what about you, Daphne. Well, it's something just flashed to me.
You know, I moved around a lot as a kid, and as an adult I have just all the time, so there we couldn't keep stuff. But the one thing I remember moving from a house to house, city to city was this little.
Teddy bear that I had and a matching one that my sister had. And my mom reminded us one year that.
We would when we were going on a trip or moving, we would squeeze them. We would tell them, okay, when you wake up, we're going to be in a new place, and we would kiss them and squeeze them, put them in a box or suitcase. And when we got to where we were moving to, when we, uh, we're starting to unpack, we'd pull out Cynthia and Theresa and we kiss them.
Back alive, and we'd say, here's your place, and I will I still have them, and I will, of course every place.
You know, the nose and the buttons, and they're so worn down, but I'll never.
Get rid of.
I love that.
It's a good one.
Amazing, it's so cute. Go ahead, next, what about you writer?
Uh man?
I don't you know uh books? So I would say, I, you know, I have first edition books that I got when I was a teenager. I stopped buying first edition books because you know, it was an expensive, uh.
Kind of ridiculous habit.
But I still have like maybe a dozen that are just incredibly special to me and my favorite books. And they're also just you know, they're old and so books used to be made so well, and like when you when you get into like these nineteenth century books, they're just there's they're incredible to hold and to have, and so yeah, I'll never get rid of those what's.
The name of what's the title of one?
Uh, you know, I have a bunch of uh yeah, they were all like I was really into Steinbecks, So I have like almost all like first edition Steinbeck's. I have first edition Faulkner. I have some really old poetry things, like some Dickens, John Keats. The one that I really love is I have a second edition of Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass. And the second edition included some extra palms that I that I like. But it also is just it's a warn copy. It's not like in mint condition, but it's the perfect sized book. It can fit in your back pocket.
Anyway. Yes, and Leaves of grasses.
You know, like just for me, like the greatest work of art ever made. So that would be probably the one. If I had to pick one book, it'd be the second edition Leaves.
Of Grass that I have. I have reasons to visit all of you now, and I want to.
See some of those.
I want to see that. I want to play piano with Laura. I want to see your childhood bedroom.
Okay, yeah, I'm going to come over.
And that's weird.
It was just a weird I want to late that stay.
I want to see your childhood will and.
So you're saying it, it's fine, everyone's been here already, so it's great.
Okay, what about you, Courtney, what would be something from your past you would never get rid of.
I'm so it's so much more fun to go later because then I had a chance to actually I was like what, what what? And then I just remembered something I just refound. It's a very dramatic story, but it's less so. When I was twelve, my house burned down, and you know it's all I don't of you guys have ever had that happen. But it's like your house is just rubble, rubble, rubble, everywhere, and my sister found in this char and rubble, this tiny gold heart with a diamond that my parents had gotten me for my birthday and that I still have, and it represents like love, God's love miracles. So I just refound that I'm scared to wear it because God forbid I lose it. That's something that is one of very few things except for anything Jack has ever made or touched, that's my son, that means that much to me. Luckily it's small, so I can't it forever. It's not a car that would be hard.
Something easy to keep in a tiny little box, like the teeth.
Yes, and the.
Teeth and the teth.
Okay, Laura, what about you? Well, I don't want to.
I don't think I'm a hoarder, but I am a very nostalgic person. So I feel like I have a little bit of a lot.
Of things like that are a piece of some point in my life, dating all the way back.
I am guilty of keeping some scripts.
I do have some.
Malrose scripts great.
And like I've already you know revealed, I do have the baby teeth still. But from my childhood I have some odd random items that for some reason I can't part with.
And you've asked what I will never part with.
But so far, and I'm, you know, fifty something years old, I still haven't parted with them. I have a music box from my very very early childhood that it just it's really jinky and sort of definitely ancient. But when you open it, you know, the music begins and it's really tinkly sounding and you.
Wind it up.
But it was.
One of the first melodies that I actually just went to the piano that was in my home and like learned to be up to the keys and like figured out how to play. So I learned that I sort of had ability to play by ear from this little music box.
It's a great question.
This is a great question.
What is it?
What is the melody?
Is it a song that don't make me sing it for you? It's not. It's not like it's not like a traditional song.
It's just it's a melody that was like it was really simple to my mind.
It was it taught me.
That, oh, this is easy for me, Like I understand how to use this keyboard and make that exact same melody.
Like it's just made sense to me.
And it was it was two hands, so there was something going on in my right hand and there was something going on my.
Left hand, and it just made sense.
And it weren't even really tall enough to like be over it. You had to like reach up to it.
Kind of this that this is like we could use the kitchen helper.
I have one back then.
Yeah, but great, that's yeah. It's sort of like why do I still have this object?
But that that melody still evokes that that's cool.
It's so probably never get rid of it.
Danielle, uh So, I also have a couple of things that it's hard for me to choose. I thought of what Daphne said with that little Teddy bear, and of course I thought out of my BA, which was the Fisher Price. I think it's not Fisher Price. I can't think of what the brand is, but it's maybe Mattel. It's like a It was a knit, a very fine knit bunny, and it had satin little ears that the inside were sat and it had a satin edge. And it was gifted to me by my grandparents on the day I was born and I still have it. But because it was so finely knit, it was like it was like a lovey and I carried it around with me everywhere, and I slept with it until.
I was way too old.
It is it has broken apart and it is now like seven feet long.
What does it look like?
Danielle completely unrecognizable?
Then what does it look like?
Does look like anything?
They think it looks like I will I refuse to say, why don't you say? Since you're the not knotty thinkers, here looks like a pair of balls in the I have a picture where I'm holding it and the ear are hanging over the.
Back of my hand, and they said that's what it looked like, and.
They from me and I did to know.
By the way, the first people said this posted a picture of it, and that's what multiple people said on Instagram. They were like, oh what is that?
That's true? A bunch of other people said it. But still it's not.
It's my bu And even though I will never get rid of it, I'm not going to choose that one because Daphne already picked some like a childhood stuffy, so I'm.
Not going to But it did not look like that, but no, yours is probably You.
Also said you replaced parts of yours to make it still look beautiful. I haven't respected bug with I haven't respected Ba that much, but I do still have him and love him and would never would never get rid of him, but I have so my parents who are are now divorce. They've been divorced for almost fifteen years, but they started dating when they were fifteen in high school. They got married at twenty one. They had me at twenty three and my brother at twenty seven. And there's a very funny story attached to the Promise rings were big back in the day, and my mom had really wanted a promise ring and she thought for sure she was getting a promise ring, and it she ended up getting. My dad got her a bowling ball, and it's a very funny story that he presented her this very heavy box and she took it from their divorced.
I know, crazy, right after thirty years. They were married for thirty years, but it was a.
Very funny story that she like got the heavy box and her first thought was not, oh, no, I've misunderstod this is horribly miscalculated. Her first thought was how cute he waded the box.
She still thought there was a ring.
And so then eventually when he did give her a promise ring. It's a very it's like a gold little thing that looks like a wave almost, and there's a very tiny little speck of a diamond in it. It kind of looks like a shell with a diamond in it. And I have that promise ring. And so even though my parents were divorced after thirty years, to me, the promise that promise ring kind of represents the fact that I even exist. And it's a to me, a cute little teenage piece of jewelry.
My parents were teenagers when they exchanged their history.
Part of their history and part of therefore than the start of kind of our whole family's story. So I have that I will never get rid of it. Next question, all right, here's a kind of a fun one. Would you rather be invisible? Or would you rather read minds?
Wait? Is this a superpower that we get to use it when we want to? Or you have possessed with always being?
Can you turn it on and off?
Or is such a good question? I don't really know.
It doesn't say, and I guess we have to decide. Let's set the rules. Do we want to be able to I feel like if we want to turn it on and on. Okay, we are able to turn it off and on.
Okay, So.
Who has a great answer? Who wants to go for? Who already knows? Well, there's only two choices, right, that's okay, invisible or read minds? So is she was invisible? You really? Okay? You can know what's in people's minds.
I feel like I already kind of know, and it's like not interested and or it's bad news.
Why do you think you know?
Do you think people are for the most part pretty telling with what they're thinking?
Or do you think you just have a very good intuition? No, No, I just full of projections. I think I think I'm full of I think I I think I make up what people are thinking to fit my agenda and then I can decide what I think about them.
So but still I pick invisible. So different.
I know it's.
I don't like aware.
Yeah, you're very self aware about that.
Reading minds is torture.
Reading minds would be the worst, because I mean, we all think awful things all the time. Like if you're in a conversation with somebody and you're somewhere in your mind, you you might oh that person really made a weird face or I believe they just said that, And if you could hear that in another person, oh my god, you just become a paranoid, insecure mess. So no, no, yeah, I would be invisible. I don't know if I would do much with it, but I would choose invisibility.
And you think like that being invisible, occasionally you would stumble into a conversation that you'd hear what people were saying away, like, yeah, kind there's some overlap here, like if you're right, but I like Daphne's point, like, I want to be able to control when I'm using this power. Yeah, it sounds like a million ways to step in, you know, and just.
If you were permanently invisible, it would be bad as an actor.
You're right, but none of us wants to be No.
To having television, yes, right, we need things to move back behind the scenes.
Oh of court she can do that because she's invisible.
She's invisible. She even here, Laura, what about you?
Well, that's I mean, that's my conclusion is that I think invisible would be better. But definitely I'm gonna need to be.
Able to control this power. Okay, what about you? Courtney? You want to be invisible.
I don't want to read minds. I feel the same way.
It might just be projection, but I feel like I usually know people are talking about and we don't live in a time when people keep a lot of secrets. They're such a mystery. So I have enough. I think people are talking at me enough and not you guys. You guys are different and special, and i'd like to sounds lovely, Yeah, yeah, well.
I'd just like to read the minds of invisible people. I think that that's what I would pay.
No, i'd want reading minds would be terrible, even just talking to you, Danielle, because you and I have talked about this. I'd say eight out of ten conversations we have. You're staring at something in my forehead or my hair, do you think? But if I read minds, i'd know what you were actually looking at, because to this day you claim that you're not even though you're.
Your eyes are here.
So i'd be invisible.
But zoom is weird.
I mean, I stay on, Courtney's probably looking right at us, but it looks to me like she's looking down below, And you know what I mean.
Zoom is weird.
So well, zoom is weird because Laura's microphone looks huge right now. It is a grand microphone. I know that we can see.
I can't seem to figure out the perspective any differently, just the way it's set up right now.
Yeah, daniel I think I would read minds. I think I would read minds. Yeah, I don't know, I am. I think. I don't know why.
I keep thinking of like negotiations look like how many negotiations.
Because you're often in presidential negotiations. Thank god Danielle's here with her power.
Yes, yeah, but Danielle, what I was just thinking was if I were there are some offices I'd like to be invisible in.
Yeah, maybe one that I'm you.
Know, part of a negotiation, Like if I could invisibly get in that office, that would be great.
Right, You're right that you.
I know it is true that with you being invisible, you could then hear conversations that you and then it's kind of like reading somebody's mind. So it really does seem like that gives you the best of both worlds.
But I don't know. I still think I'm gonna do.
You think if they were saying nice things they'd say them to your face. Yeah, people are saying, you know what, I think she looks gorgeous today. I'm going to keep that to myself. That's not what they're keeping inside.
Sure, but I don't want to know the nice things.
I actually would rather know, like, oh, this person is definitely not somebody. I'd rather cut to the chase of knowing whether or not I can trust you, like are you that?
I think?
Yeah, And like I don't want to.
I don't want to have a lot of relationships with people that are with people, So I'd rather just know. I'd rather just cut to the chase and be like, Also, people you meet who are really nice to you and maybe are really complimentary, and you think, wow, that person was so nice, that was so sweet, and then they turned the corner and they actually talk a lot about you, I'd want to know that.
I don't know. I feel like I feel like I'm gonna read minds.
Well, you're very brave.
Yeah, we're gonna make a great superhero team.
Yeah, person who can read it seems like an awful superhero team.
We're the useless team, Thank you very much. Somebody should fly exactly.
Well, this has been so much fun.
If you want to continue the fun and listen to Part two, head over to Still the Place, The Melrose Place.
Podcast to hear Part two.
Pod Meets World is an iHeart podcast produced and hosted by Danielle Fischel, Wilfredell and Wright Strong. Executive producers, Jensen Krp and Amy Sugarman, Executive in charge of production, Danielle Romo, producer and editor, Tara sudbachsch producer, Maddy Moore, engineer and Boy Meets World super fan Easton Allen. Our theme song is by Kyle Morton of Typhoon. Follow us on Instagram at Pod Meets World Show or email us at Pod Meets World Show at gmail dot com