Sinahemana Hekau - Vagahau Niue an integral part of fueling one's passion and profession.

Published Oct 21, 2020, 10:29 PM

Sinahemana Hekau graduated from the University of the South Pacific with a law degree. She went on to complete a Masters of Laws LLM from Victoria University. Sina worked for the Niue Government as an attorney for some years before moving on to set up her own law firm ‘Hekau Attorney at Law’ in Niue. 

Sinahemana Hekau was the first Niuean woman to claim the Miss South Pacific crown in 2004 when she won the pageant in Pagopago, American Samoa.  

Sina also spends a lot of her time supporting her mother’s dream that is “Hinapoto Handicrafts” empowering Niuean weavers on island to create and sell their cultural crafts.  This week as part of Vagahau Niue language week she co-wrote a song with her mother "Kautu he Lagi" that is dedicated to her late sister Krystal Anne Hekau that was sung by two of their Solomon Island friends.

Sina is in New Zealand at the moment and working on developing an online law course for Niuean people.