Khylee Quince - Racism has no place in this day and age

Published Jan 27, 2021, 11:19 PM

Former MP and Auckland mayor John Banks has been axed as a talk back radio host after earlier this week endorsing racist comments by a caller.

The comments were made by a caller named Richard, who said Māori culture was from “the Stone Age” and that Māori people were “victims of their own genetic background. They’re genetically pre-disposed to crime, alcohol, and underperformance educationally.”

Banks did not interject or challenge the caller and followed up by saying “your children need to get used to their Stone Age culture, because if their Stone Age culture doesn’t change, these people will come through your bathroom window.”

Khylee Quince is from the iwi of Te Roroa/Ngapuhi and Ngati Porou.  She teaches Criminal Law, Advanced Criminal Law and Youth Justice. She is the Associate Head of School and Director of Maori and Pacific Advancement at the AUT.