
How This Female Pastor Ditched The Shame & Finally Addressed Her Biggest "Demons" (Outweigh)

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OUTWEIGH: Deedee has spent decades as a leader and source of strength in her community, supporting and guiding others while struggling silently behind closed doors. Her battle wasn’t with her role or her responsibilities—it was with food.

For years, food felt like her secret demon—something she couldn’t seem to conquer, no matter how much discipline she tried to muster. Despite her outward success and commitment to helping others, food had a grip on her life that left her feeling ashamed, defeated, and isolated.

Even though she was always giving so much of herself to others, she felt empty and disconnected when it came to her own health and relationship with food. It was a struggle she felt she had to face alone, with no one to confide in. But everything changed when Deedee finally made the choice to confront her relationship with food at its root. She realized that it wasn’t just about dieting or controlling her willpower—it was about healing the emotional wounds and unraveling the stories that were keeping her stuck.

In this episode, Deedee shares her powerful transformation journey of breaking free from the grip of food and reclaiming control of her life. If you’ve ever felt like no one would understand your struggles, or like food has a power over you that you can’t break free from, Deedee’s story is a reminder that true freedom is possible—and you don’t have to do it alone.

HOST: Leanne Ellington // StresslessEating.com // @leanneellington

To learn more about re-wiring your brain to heal from the all-or-nothing diet mentality for good....but WITHOUT restricting yourself, punishing your body, (and definitely WITHOUT ever having to use words like macros, low-carb, or calorie burn) check out Leanne's FREE Stressless Eating Webinar @ www.StresslessEating.com

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Outweigh aims to break the stigma around disordered eating and eating disorders. Hosts Amy Brown and 
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