110921 Thanksgiving Nutrition and Vive Recipes
Tommie Lee speaks On The Beat with dietician Preeti Bansal Kshirsagar about how to stay healthy during the Thanksgiving holiday, and she even shares a couple of recipe ideas for beverages that can accentuate your get-together.
110321 Salvation Army
Wednesday is the annual Salvation Army Kettle Kickoff in Elkhart. Their Wayne Benedict speaks with Tommie about the work they do for and with the community.
101121 Audubon Event
Wednesday at the Potawatomi Zoo, Great Lakes Audubon and The Audubon Society of South Bend-Elkhart hosted Birds & Brews, a chance to meet other bird enthusiasts while learning about the latest conservation efforts.
100821 Greater Elkhart Chamber
The day after Amazon announced two big investments coming to Elkhart County, Tommie spoke with Chamber President/CEO Levon Johnson about the impact.
091721 Greater Elkhart Chamber
Chamber President and CEO talks with Tommie Lee to break down some of the things happening in the economy in and around Elkhart, including Hotel Elkhart, infrastructure projects...and the elusive "Project Winnie."
091621 Railroad Museum
Matt Hughey of the National New York Central Railroad Museum in Elkhart tells Tommie about a special Rock The Rails event this weekend that benefits a new children's area at the museum.
091621 Alzheimers Walk
The Walk to End Alzheimer's is happening this weekend in Mishawaka, and organizer Abby Geha tells us about how you can help her no longer have to do this job by supporting research. Click here for more information.
091521 Premier Arts - Aristocats
Premier Arts Director of Education Ashlea Harrington talks with Tommie about this weekend's special youth performances of The Aristocats at The Lerner Theatre, and about the upcoming Fall semester.
Rainbow Farm 20th Anniversary on ABC57
Tuesday was the 20th anniversary of an incident between law enforcement and the residents of Rainbow Farm in Cass County, who were advocates for the legalization of marijuana and held frequent events promoting its use. Reporters Tiffany Salameh and Tim Spears with our partners in news at ABC 57 ra…
Job Fair at The Lerner Theatre
Michelle Frank spoke with Tommie Lee about the job fair that's happening Wednesday at The Lerner, as well as other upcoming events. You can learn more at https://thelerner.com/job-fair/.