Ryan Clark talks top Week 7 performances, Week 8 games to watch, winning an Emmy

Published Oct 23, 2024, 10:00 AM

On the latest Off the Edge with Cam Jordan, former Pro Bowl safety turned broadcast star Ryan Clark joins the show. Ryan and Cam start out getting to the roots of New Orleans geography. Ryan then shares a story of a run-in with a former teammate to illustrate the scrutiny former players are under when they become commentators. Ryan gives his journey at the beginning of this “new media” era with athletes at the center, and the manifested plan of his stardom. Ryan also reflects on his life-threatening injury, and why he believes the experience played a role in winning an Emmy. And the guys talk football! They breakdown their most impressive teams and players after Week 7, and what matchups they’re looking forward to in Week 8. All that, and much more, in a conversation you don’t want to miss. 

The Off the Edge with Cam Jordan podcast is a production of the NFL in partnership with iHeart Radio.

Here we are off the Edge with Cam Jordans Man.

I'm grace with the presidence.

Of a guy from Louisiana.

I swear he was from New Orleans and found out he's from the West Bank.

I digress a.

Man who went to LSU, you know, played thirteen seasons in the NFL. A pro bowler, my rookiear in the league. Twenty eleven podcaster term media mogul savant if you will, Ryan Clark appreciates you, big dog, for coming on the podcast.

You're a West.

Banker, Yeah, man from the West Bank. Man.

I grew up in Murrero and my family moved to Terrytown and you know too, Like being a West Banker is a sensitive subject for people who are from the greater city of New Orleans. And so anytime I would say something negative about the Saints or I'd pissed people down there off, the first thing they'd say is that they don't claim me because I'm from the West Bank, which I'm cool with.

I mean, my area code was still five O four, so I ain't tripping.

Right right if you're from the best bank, you know over there at Harvey and everything else. Yeah, that's the movie theater I go to, I prefer because not everybody's willing to go to the West Bank, you know.

Yeah, I mean listen, you know, it's like it's one of those crazy things that if you're not from there, you actually don't understand it. And they're probably people listening to this conversation and thinking, like, what's the West Bank, what's the East Bank or whatever it is? And you would yeah, and you would think it's only separated by the Mississippi River.

It wouldn't be that big of a deal.

But like if you ask people like Tying who you've played with, who played for Sata, which is the rival school to the high school that I went to, Archbishop Shaw, Like you find out man, that people take that jug extremely serious.

No doubt.

You know, I think we played with the same teammates. Keenan Lewis, Who's who's a west Baker? You know you played with the I played at the Saints. Uh yeah, west Bank is is a super serious thing. Again, It's literally just a bridge. It's a five minute drive from downtown New Orleans to the West.

Con But wait, bro let me tell you.

Let me tell you this is Keenan got mad at me recently and DM me like, really hot, bro, really mad A man, I haven't heard from Keenan. Shoot, maybe since he became a saint or since this, you know, football career was over. I was just telling this story about Antonio Brown and how like pretty much the whole entire defense tried to fight Antonio one day. It was the day he signed this deal. Bro, he got that new money. Him and Keenan doing one on ones, And the way I explained the story, Keenan didn't remember it like that.

And what's crazy.

About it is so many of my other old teammates remembered it exactly the same way. Like on the post, they're saying, man, I remember that day, just how it happened.

Wo right.

And then here was Keenan hot with me, being like, Bro, you know how you talk to Bro.

You ain't gonna me Bro, Hey, brother, you ain't gonna play with me.

And like so much so me and Keenan got on the phone to have to try to like hash this story out, and like that's the crazy thing about being in the media or podcasting or whatever it is.

It's like always say.

All of these stories aren't just our stories, so you do have to be like extremely careful how you tell them.

Absolutely, but the fact you had the co signed by a whole bunch of teammates. But uh, man, like I said, I appreciate you hopping on the pod you know, pivot too or what even got you in the media space? You know you you went from like the old school way of football of like there's no such thing as like social media. There's definitely no such thing as it's twitch and streaming, live streaming, pod casting during the season. Guys used to have a vlog in like twenty ten eleven, and you get.

Chasted on the team.

I'm just that old.

I'm saying. My rookie year, there was a.

Guy maybe twenty twelve had a vlog of a training camp and the coaches like flipped their lid, you know, like what are we doing? You know, this is how we do football, and now it's who doesn't have a podcast?

Yeah, So I will say this, man, the Steelers were really good about it. So my entire time in Pittsburgh, I had a radio show and eventually had this TV show that would come on every two weeks on KDKA that was hosted with one of the local news guys.

And so I always was into the media and then you know how it is.

Cam O'Hara was back then in the off season and it's still a little bit of that now in the off season, ESPN and bring you in an NFL.

Network, what would bring you in? And I would do pretty well, you know, during the car washes and all those things. And so the Super Bowl in New Orleans, San Francisco, Baltimore.

I tweeted one day that I wanted to do like a TV internship.

I wanted to learn the business, just be a regular analyst for Space. And Trey Wingo introduces me.

To Seth Market marketan who is my boss now at ESPN, and I tell them what I wanted to do. I was like, I want to work for an entire week. I want to get my schedule like the analysts do. I want to be on every show, whatever it is. So I do that and the agent calls me the week after and says, I believe I can get you paid to do TV while you play now like you're right, Like if you had a vlog back in those days, it was a big deal. So imagine me walking into the Pittsburgh Steel With saying I'm going to sign this TV contract and my first contract was for forty days a year, so I worked in the off season, I worked in the bye weeks. I did NFL Live every Tuesday from the building, and they really helped me with that.

But they also understood like how.

Dedicated I was to football as well, but I was building an opportunity for a second career.

So that's where it started.

And then I retired on TV for ESPN while accepting my job for my next career at the Combine after my last year.

So it was really cool.

How I got into it, and I like to say that I was sort of like first of one of those dudes who started planning for that post football career while playing very publicly, you know, to that end.

Yeah, I'll say, guys like you.

Uh while while I was, you know, a pup in the league, I was like, we're looking at guys like you, I I.

Taylor, you know, you know. And then of course Big Swag hit the scene.

And worked as well. You know, Marcus spears. It must be a losing anything, but.

We like, we like to talk.

You've been on there long enough, bro, you know, we ain't never been shy about talking.

You know what I'm saying, and then the person and the personalities.

I do think too, just with the ways that we are, I think the personalities translated well to TV. Like for you, we've watched you do interview your entire career, and I'm pretty sure most times you finished speaking, somebody tells you you're going to be great on TV or people told you that early on in your career. And so when people start to plant that bug, I think it makes you start to focus on how do I start building that?

And in your case, you know you've.

Done a great job, not only with this. I've seen you work the Super Bowl.

I've seen you, you.

Know, be on different networks and show people you can do it. And so now when you transition you can have some of those options. So kudos to you as well, you know, a Hall of Fame career, but still planning to do things afterwards.

Yeah, you know.

I tell people I'm like, I'm overly obsessive about things that I care about and football I'm overly obsessive. And I was like, you know, they're like, oh, for every person, I was like, oh, you're really good on TV.

You should do that. No, all I want to do is hit people until I can't hit people anymore.

And then you know, but in the eventuality of one day, you know it's over.

Yeah, I'm glad that you know that.

I've been working Super Bowl since before I was it was cool to even work Super Bowls. You know, before the it was a car wash or to get paid to even work super Bowl because as a defensive lineman coming out of the Saints, it's not the most marketable team. I'll let your name was Drew Brees in twenty eleven. You know, we've got way better, way better.

And also too, you got to thank Cam and like, this was my mindset, right. I knew I didn't want to just be like one of the rotational pieces of the media where you might see me on this show, you might see me on that show, but you never truly get a foothold in the game to where you have your own space, you have your own brand.

I wasn't a quarterback.

I wasn't going to be a Hall of Fame player, and so I had to understand those things and get into the business the.

Best way I knew. How while my name was still hot. You know, they're going to be some.

Players whose careers are so great, whose names are so big that they could take some time off and then come back to TV and be received extremely well or be welcomed into the sort of jobs that they feel that they deserved. I didn't think that was going to be something I had a chance or an opportunity to do, and I think that was why I planned the way I did.


I mean you worked your way up, man, you took over and now you know, co host of the ESPN as analyst, co host of The Pivot. You know you wanted you want an Emmy. Like, in my mind, there's a couple of guys that sort of like fit that mode of transitioning beyond football as a player, and you're definitely one of them, you know. Nate Burrowson is another one, you know for sure, But you're in that category. Bro, you want you want an Emmy? What does that even feel like? Can you compare it to something? Because I mean Pro Bowl, pro bo, I've been to Emmy. I've never even thought.

About Yeah, you know, like I didn't really think about it either. You know, it was something it didn't really feel like that was something that was available to me.

Oh, I got smart sense going off in the background because I want a celebration. I want to Emmy, you know, and Cam.

Honestly, I think it all came about because of the night DeMar Hamlin had his cardiac arrest. I was on TV when nobody else was on TV to talk about it. I was on the same network that the injury happened, and so everybody was fixated on that moment, and it was just myself and Scott Van Pelt sitting there and we had to take the world through this therapy session. You know, I never started a season like I'm gonna win an Emmy. I never thought that my name was big enough or I did the sort of work that was gonna put those eyeballs on me, because I was just on ESPN and that necessarily wasn't the biggest name. But I think God prepared me for that opportunity, you know, like I was one of the very I'm one of the very few players who had a football injury or incident almost cost him his life.

You know. I had a doctor walk into my room and tell me we can't figure out what's wrong with you.

We should pray, and I'm looking at him like, nah, bro, like you're supposed to do the medicine.

I've been having folks praying for me for months.

You know, like I'm looking. I'm looking to you to tell me what's wrong with me and figure out a medical way to get me better. And so I've been in that position, and I've also been in the position of knowing, with all of those things going on, I was willing to risk my life for this game.

Again, you know.

So I understood that, understood what the game means to us, how much we're willing to give for like you say, be overly obsessive about it. But I also understood the human side of it.

You know. I understood my wife telling me after.

I had my surgery that every night she went into the bathroom and closed the door and cried because she didn't want me to know how scared she was.

You see what I'm saying.

So I knew what Dumar Hamlin's family could be feeling at that point in time. I had my teammates come into my room after my surgery, who had been told I.

Was going to be alright, who had been told I was going to heal. I witnessed how.

Angry they got up on seeing me and laying eyes on me and realizing it was so much worse than what they were being told, right, so much worse than the communication the training staff was giving them leaving the room, trying to fight the trainers when they go back to the facility. And so I was able to wrap sort of all those experiences up and communicate them in a way that humanized DeMar Hamlin, that humanized football players, but also brought people in on the superhuman things that you guys do and can do each and every week. And I think that was the reason I got the opportunity to win it, and that they say, don't say win it to receive the Emmy. And you know, like I never really got like a lot of individual awards, you know, like I'm not gonna be a Hall of Fame player.

I look back on it.

I don't know if my number or like I'll ever be in any ring of honor, whether that be college, high school.

The NFL.

And so it was kind of like the first individual thing I got. But I still just looked at like what the team had did. I looked at the things my wife had sacrifice while playing and post career, you know, I thought about the people I work with every day and the way that they push me, the opportunities certain people gave me to be on TV, and I think that's what it was more about. And you know, it's one of those things I didn't think about winning it before. I understand the process now and I think it'd be cool to win one again, but like, I don't focus on it because it's kind of like been there, done that. They can't take it away from me, like forever until I passed. I'll be a Sports Emmy winner, you know. And I can live my life with that and think that that's cool, But you know it, it's about cam.

If I don't have the respect to y'all dudes, bro, it don't matter.

Like when I get to the game, man, Like how you know I saw you on the field in Kansas City and you come dap me up and we can have those conversations. That means the world to me because I didn't I wasn't drafted.

You know what I mean. I didn't have this career.

Where everybody has to respect me or will just respect me based on numbers. So I really appreciate when the best players in the game, like yourself, do respect what I do, what I've done in my career or what I've done on TV, and so I think that's like the part that matters the most for sure.

I mean that, and you're still you know, you still were a Pro Bowl player. It's not like you were a guy who just like you know, did something, did something. You were part of a vaunted defense and what a Pro Bowl color player and oh, by the way, one you know, like one at the highest level. Yeah sure, that's yeah, So you can't do I'm not going to just let it, let you belittle yourself in terms of like I didn't do it.

You were a Pro Bowl player, you know what I'm saying, Like, yeah.

But Cam, but you know, you know how it is, though Camp, It's like like that there are certain ways we see ourselves that it's hard to forget what that felt like, right, Like, like it's hard to it's hard for me to forget Tom Kafflin telling me there were other leagues, you know what I'm saying, telling me that the Canadian that they played football in Canada, or that they had arena ball, or that maybe you should focus on special teams and you could get another shot, or you know, like we just don't know if you can hold up for sixteen games, and it's like it's so cliche to have on a chip on your shoulder.

I actually didn't, you know, like I didn't have this chip.

Like for me, it was like it was processing all the things I had been told I couldn't do and trying to figure out a way that you could do them if those perceived limitations were real. And like I love that, like about the journey and so yeah, I'm so blessed to have accomplished what I've accomplished and played with the people I played with. But I said what I said about you as a player and the respect and the appreciation you give me, the love that you give me, How grateful I am for that.

Because when Troy Polamalu said, is that.

Like you know, calls me when he gets into the Hall of Fame and say we did it, we made it, you know what I mean? Like that meant the world to me, you know what I mean When when he called me when he won the Defensive Player of the Year in twenty ten and was like, bro, we won it.

You know, like those things are important.

When Sean Taylor before he passed, was asked who his favorite professional athlete was and he said, Ryan Clark, you know, like for an undrafted dude, man for a dude that was told he couldn't do it. And I think for someone who basically put like individual accolades out of mind in one of those senses that I felt like I would never get him. You know, it's like you almost convince yourself like I'm not getting those things because those things aren't meant for me, or I'm not making it to Pro Bowls because people don't see me that way. You know, I remember walking bro one year, man, I think it was the year we went to the Super Bowl and won it. I didn't make the Pro Bowl that year, and I wasn't even disappointed because I guess I just never expected to. And Coach Tomlin's walking with me away from meeting, you know when they tell you know, Cam, you know you made the Pro Bowl. However, however, it goes when you're celebrating the people that make it. And he put his own around me, and he goes, what's more important than making the Pro Bowl is working with a group of men that know you gave him Pro Bowl caliber play the entire season. So those small affirmations and confirmations became like part of the reason I worked so hard. Uh, And so I guess I don't really necessarily always need people to talk about the career in that way because I feel like I earned the respect of the people that matter.

Stay tuned, we'll be right back. I'm gonna start leaning on your analyst work. What did you see in week seven that you liked? Like, let'sen, I'm gonna be a big pivot right there.

From okay, from the from the from the week just overall. Yeah, over I mean I think that I think the first.

Thing start with Lamar bro.

You know, Lamar is getting in the Ravens, and I'll be honest that you can. When they signed Dereck Henry, I was like, all right, like, what does that do? We're talking about a team that could always run the football, right. It wasn't like the Baltimore Ravens were one of these teams who lacked the running game. They could always run the ball since drafting Lamar, So I was like, Okay, what does this do? How does this elevate them? And now I see it's look at Derrick Henry being stopped for most of the game and then he rips went off for eighty one.

And you know that's a point. That's a point in the game.

If I'm defense right, I'm saying, we got him backed up, let's get a stop, let's get a short field, give our offense the ball. We score, you know, we try to get the football back. We could get back in this game. And then he goes for eighty one at two point fifty at twenty one miles per hour, And now you stack in the box. You're putting eight people in the box every snap, and Zay Flowers and Rashad Bateman out here cooking folks one on one, and our passing game is elevated by the way when he wants to run, he's the best athlete on the field. And so I think just watching them play Tampa Bay, Bro and score at ease after having a slow start was just one of those things that really made you sit back and marvel at his at his greatness, and at what Derrick Henry's added to that team. And also too, Bro, I realize now I probably will never say another negative thing about Patrick Mahons, like even if, like, like, if Patrick Mahomes throws five picks, I'm gonna blame it on somebody else.

Cam it's going to be the weather, somebody ran the wrong route. He don't feel well.

The kids kept him up because it's like, no matter what happens, when it gets to situational football moments, the dude just shows up.

You can't teach that, you know.

So I'm like, bro, because he throws the two picks and he's like, man, Patrick is like sort of playing well right now.

And I went to tweet it. I was like, you better stop that, fingers.

We're not finna go out here and say nothing bad about Patrick Mahomes because I knew it was gonna get late in the game. And you know, he already went like his feet hurt, like he runs like he was born with playing fasci itis, you know what I'm saying.

So then he and so and so.

Then he gets the thirty three yard run. He runs over Mustafa for the touchdown. It's a thirty to eight play. Scrambles gets out of the pocket, throws the ball to Noah. Great, and then you're like, they go Patrick doing that Patrick stuff again.

And I thought that Pat.

Lowered his shoulder.

Let's Pat lowered his shoulder and reminded the world he's like that he two forty.


Now now it kind of pissed me off as a safety though, right because you got to break some pads to Pat now because he running over safeties.

You know, once they do it one time, they gonna keep doing it. Take us for salt. Yeah, they take us for salt.

I'm one of those pause right there and only like, I also disliked the way that the game has has has sort of inhibited defensive players to hit quarterbacks in general, because he's like, all right, let me just get him down and Pat was like, no, I'm getting this touchdown and let's call it ten years ago.

We're taking his knees out. Now it's hey, it's a quarterback. Hit him, don't don't hip drop.

Tackle him, don't hit him too high, because they're targeting You're you're dealing in a complete different era.

Cam think about the think about the long run though.

People are tiptoeing to the sideline expecting him to run out, and because he doesn't run out, you know, and I think we've seen it. You've seen that all around the game, man, and you know, for you guys to have to make the adjustments that you have, I know that's already ready difficult, But it's the frustration of them taking advantage of those rules, Like if you slide and I can't hit you, cool, right, that's where you were going to be regardless, But when you take advantage of it and get the extra yards, or if you're a Mustafa and you get ran over in the end zone because even as you're approaching, you're not. You don't your mind doesn't click into now he's a runner, you see what I'm saying, And so now I can tackle him differently. And I think the last thing, too, Cam, is that like Detroit's offense, Bro, what Ben Johnson is doing, Like, I don't know why he never wants to take a head coaching job, And if I'm Dan Campbell, I do everything I possibly can to continue to convince him to turn down those jobs. Because Minnesota has been giving people so much trouble with their pressure packages and the fire zone split safety defenses, they could play behind it, switching that to a drop zero and Jared Goff cooked them bro fourteen for fourteen to start the game. The big play to Amara Saint Brown finishes with the drive to set them up for a field goal. So I just thought all those teams were extremely impressive.

Man, these are these are facts. I'll say, So what about what about this upcoming week? Who are you excited to say? Week eight?

Yeah? So so week eight?

You know, I was probably more excited to see this matchup before Jaden Daniels got injured. We were supposed to see the Commanders versus the Bears where you can see number one and number two pick right, and and Caleb was trending and playing better right, He's trending upwards.

And Jayden Daniels has taken the league by storm, and so I kind of playing lightshouse.

I wanted to see that matchup and what was to come up because you were a competitor, right, And if I'm Caleb Williams, I'm like, wait, y'all keep talking about this, dude, Like I ain't the one, right, And if you're Jaden, if you're Jada Daniels's like, yeah, like Chicago, You're gonna wish you would.

Have picked me, you know. So, and so like that was that was something you know, I was looking forward to.

I think the other thing is like how does or how do the Bengals who can't stop the run at all figure out how to limit Sakwon Barkley with what we saw from him last week against the New York Giants.

Right. Remindre Stevenson had a big day.

Uh, Derrick Henry had a big day against the Cincinnati Bengals. Chuba Hubbard in Carolina, even in the loss, was able to rack up yards. And I feel like the Philadelphia Eagles are starting to realize like who sa Quan truly is to them, and they have to put the football in his hands. And I want to see if Luana Rumo could come up with a way to stop them, because the Bengals have to win or they could be pushing themselves out of playoff contention. And one of the best quarterbacks in the NFL. And so those are two things I'm really looking forward to seeing.

M hmm, I'm I'm just gonna add on the third. I think the Saints going to l A and beat the Chargers is what it is. That's that's my prediction.

I mean the Chargers. The Chargers aren't very good. Let's hope they aren't the Denver Broncos.

Yeah, let's just let's just hope we're getting healthier. We're getting healthier as the weeks go on. We just had a mini buy cam not getting healthier.

You're getting healthier, cam.



Yeah, they'll be going to canal.

Like no the o.

You know, back in the they used to hit Bourbon and like I feel like the liquor would keep you loose enough so you don't feel those pains. Now everybody's you know, so locked in and focused in on prehab, rehab, you know, and eating the right way. There's like a rigid movement to the body.

Now, I don't you know that's so.

You guys are too healthy to.

Too strict in our in our dietary meals, Like this is not a lot of limbo. So you know, the guys guys got hurt. Uh you know uh Jovic Jovid, our linebacker coach years ago. But like you know, what everybody wants to eat and what to eat these clean chicken and qing wall. You guys need to go out and have a steak in a burger, you know, get some get some greas and and fat new system.

And like.

I'm sort of leaning on maybe we need some you know, some some some fat and grease in the system just just is what it is.

Maybe Dan.

Skinny Skinny Cam is fully boughty on keen wall keen wall and uh and cabbage uh you know steamed not sawted and and and juiced.

Uff, no good water, no sodas you know, except for.

You're not You're not eating cabbage. You're not eating cabbage. The New Orleans Blackaway is what you're trying.

To know, exactly exactly nothing stuff, No chicken stock, no bacon, no nothing, no no, no steamed sauteed avocado oil. You know there's skinny. You just stay skinny. You gotta you know, I'm trying to be right and fast.

You're echo like that. Ain't even cabbage.

That's one of my moms right there.

But I know, look, I know you got to go. So I appreciate you spending your time bro shooting shooting with me. You you you're nothing, but you were nothing but a consumme of pro on the field. Off the field, you're nothing but somebody who I still look up to for everything that you're doing. Great family man, you know, great anilests. I don't know if I'd ever want to be an analyst, but like you know it even even the podcast, the way you hold it down and major major moves to now be in the pivot.

That's that's huge in the way that Yeah, man, the way that you're able to empathize as well as just you know, give a viewer the same feels that they that you have is nothing short but incredible.

So appreciate you from tapping in with off the edgric Candra absolutely a shout out to Ryan Clark for the knowledge dropped. I mean the man, the man is become a legendary, Uh, to transition football, to transcend from just being a football player undrafted his story, become a Pro bowler, become a Super Bowl champion, to become a guy that you know, teammates love and respect and can lean on.

Man, that's what this game is all about. Uh.

For him to be now all you know the analysts, A man who holds his own podcast, a man who anchors shows. That's that's awesome to see. Uh. You know, when you have a physical representation, you have something, you can create a goal ass Uh. But we're talking about, you know, back to what the.

Saints need to do. We're gonna just say we gotta get a win and charge in LA.

We play the Chargers. You gotta go ahead and create some opportunities. You utilize Alba Kamara as much as possible. You have to be able to, you know, get the ball early and often to a guy like Juwan Johnson tight end. I'm gonna say, dark horse of the game. He's gonna be amazing. I'm speaking fruition. Just you know, our run attack ak of course leading the way. But you got Jamal Williams and Kendre Miller, who you know is back healthy and active again.

Healthy is the key. As the week's go.

On, we're starting to get some guys back, hopefully. You know, we've gone from eight hour nine hours starters being injured to now we're started to finally see them come back. Let's get them back so we can get these winds stacked up. You know, last week hurt. Thursday night you lose a Denver Broncos and you lose to Sean Payton, and yet you know there's there's light at the end of the tunnel when you look at it and say, hey, these are things that we need to clean up.

That's that's a that's.

An alarm that we have to be able to make sure we we cover. And then so Thursday we lose uh families in town, Sister flies in from Germany. She lives in Germany now, Uh with a with her husband Cassim At, a baldy former teammate.

Weird awkward another time for another story.

But you know, come in town and uh, it's it's a beautiful situation.

Guys from from cal showed up. Uh.

You know, guys like you know Mike Kendricks who played for the Philadelphia Eagles, Super Bowl champion, Marv Jones, who played eleven years in the NFL.

You know, Uh, my room for college shows up.

And then you know, before we have the foundation event, Cam Jordan Foundation, a dinner with Cam Jordan's. Where where I have I can't we now it's I I have the utmost hopes and dreams to create a scholarship for kids in New Orleans getting to college, pay for four years of college. I don't know how many we can get done this year, but we know we're gonna start up for next school school year. And of course you know we're doing all types of activations in the city, whether that's Turkey drives, backpack giveaways, giving bikes during Christmas, partner up with any and everybody to address any in all community needs. It's been nothing short of a blessing to be able to even have my own foundation. So from there, you know, Friday night, Cam Jordan's first annual celebrity dinner.

It was a success in my book.

You know, not only do a teammate show up, the people of New Orleans showed up. He showed out and just left with the invigorating responsibility of We've already done some good in the city, and how much more can we do. I'm just reinvigorated of getting back into the community that is New Orleans.

Yeah, so it was all positive vibes.

It went from you know, like we have to focus on winning, to God has blessed me so much.

You know, it's hard not to want to give back.

It's so awesome to have a charity event like that where you see so many people from New Orleans, you know, even even a couple of fly ins. I really want to see a foundation do well, to succeed, and so it's just motivating, which brings us to the weekend of refocusing. You know, how much more can I give? How much more can we be better? What can we do to be a better team, a better teammate, a better community, remember, a better brother, a better better father, my brother, husband. This four days is just an idea of being thankful, thankful to be employed by the Saints. I'm excited, uh to to you know, go to the New Orleans Pelicans season opener Wednesday versus Chicago Bulls, a home season opener. I'm excited for the Saints to take the field once again on Sunday to go have a chance to beat the Chargers. And that's pretty much all I have. I've I've got nothing but the highest of hopes and that's the final push with Cam Jordan. Appreciate y'all tapping in, tune into the podcast wherever you get your podcasts, leave a five star review. And that's uh, that's Apple Podcasts, that's iHeartRadio app wherever else, just you know, tune in, tap in off the Edge of Cam Jordan, leave a five star review.

Thank you for everything that will happen, that has happened, and it's going to happen. Thank God, bless peace. It soft edge with me.

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