FIRST WITH YESTERDAY'S NEWS (highlights from Thursday on Newstalk ZB) Just a Number Though/Stick to Actual Health/Speedway Farewell/The Problem with Convertibles
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My beautiful beanies, and welcome to the Beans for Friday. First with yesterday's news, I am Glenn Hart and we are looking back at Thursday the public health officials having a say about things outside their purview. Can we clarify exactly what their purview is? Western Springs Speedway wraps up this weekend, and speaking of cars, what are the most hated cars? But before any of that, ESGDP yesterday and it was good news all round.
We are officially out of recession. GDP rows zero point seven percent. That was more than what economists we're predicting in the December quarter. Big rises from rentals, hiring, real estate services, retail trade, accommodate tourism, gray news.
Tourism is kicking us. Yes, Bonterra is kicking us. Look, we're doing well again. But we've been winging for years, haven't we.
I feel like.
We've been in the longest winge New Zealand's ever had. Is it time for the country to cheer the hell up and get on with getting on with it. Just go okay, yeah, yeah, things were bad, but now we're looking forward to the future and let's start. Maybe we should start shaming nasayers and just all start. Must keep swimming, must keep swimming in the right direction.
Yeah, as the Beatles said, here comes the sun. Enjoy it. This is where it starts to get warm hopefully, and we just all need to get a bit happier.
I'm referencing finding Nemo, you're referencing the beetles. But that's all happening.
We got the analogy.
So is that all it takes for everything to be better? A bunch of boffins coming up with a number. Why didn't they come up with that number? Ages ago? I don't really understand the number.
To be honest, news talk has it been?
I'm sure Ken Beverg does though he was standing in for Ryan Bridges there and know because Ryan Bridge had to stand in for Mike Hoskin. A butterfly SAPs its wings and Ryan Bridges to get up early to do a radio show.
Probably for most of us. For many of us, it's something of a surprise to hear that Enzi GDP has exceeded expectations rising by zero point seven percent earn the December twenty twenty four quarter. It's also good to see that part of that growth is attributed to spending by international visitors, with tourism activities picking up, and of course Darien meat exports are strong, and it's obviously good news that will be welcomed with open arms by the Finance Minister Nicola Willis, who will be speaking with after five, especially given that the government has been to be fair struggling to gain traction if the recent polls are anything to go by in the way we're feeling, and of course, you know, we all hope this is a sign of things to come. As Willis described it, it's a welcome confirmation that the economy has turned a corner and look, I guess time will tell. There's more canstious language of people from like Kiwibanks chief economist Jared curR, who described New Zealand as crawling out of recession. I think you put it that way, and maybe soon we'll have some more good news to celebrate, especially with some bullish talk coming out of India about that possible trade deal. But of course the specter that hangs over it all is just uncertainty about the global situation, especially when it comes to tariffs and the trade war that Trump seems willing to engage in, often at a whim with countries that will consider themselves allies of the United States. We are in a time of uncertainty when it comes to you and me. Maybe it's just going to take a bit longer for those GDP figures to filter down to consumer level where we all start feeling a bit better about the direction the country is heading in. So for now, look, i'd say, for me, you look, uncertainty still rules the day. And I don't want to be dramatic by saying it's just a moment of happiness perform more misery with those tariffs, because who knows. But for now, yes, it's great news. Perhaps we should just take the win for the time being and see this as a much needed step in the right direction, because when it comes to convincing us, it's going to take a lot more than just one set of numbers to have us reaching for the champagne.
Yeah, that's kind of what I was meaning before my flippant comment about Boffins coming up with numbers, and I've talked about it before. Man we are so obsessed with the GDP these days. I'm sure it used to be such a big thing, but it seems to be a big thing, right. So a bit of consternation about what public health officials should have a say on and what they shouldn't have a say on. I think this kick ass techno prisoners fast track government a freaking sick and tired of them sticking their or And how does Kerry woodn't feel.
You can't be all things to all people. I wouldn't have thought if you are a public health official coming into work on a Thursday, thinking, huh, all those targets have been reached. You know, childhood obesities coming down, We've worked on getting the dental health sorted. I know I'll send in a submission about reusable cups at the Nelson Street Fair. Wouldn't you prioritize your work first. Wouldn't you have the really important targets at the top, have your whole teams focusing on that? Or do you take a scattergun approach to everything? How much do we need in terms of community doctors telling us how we should be living. I mean, if you want to take your kids to the Palmerston or Stadium and have a lemonade and a thing of hot chips while you watch the basketball or the rugby. So what I mean? Surely that's a choice you can make as a parent. The child has been at swimming lessons on the Monday, cricket practice on the Tuesday, gymnastics on the Thursday, running around, skateboarding on the Friday. You take them to the stadium on Saturday and they have a cold drinking not chips. Where's the harm in that? Surely it would be better getting the messages out to parents who don't know how to make good choices rather than banning things holess bowlers. So a number of questions around that. I guess. You know, the public health officials as I see it, have the right to be making submissions to counsels. Should they be when there are other issues to be focused on. Maybe not? Maybe at the big stuff, the meaty stuff, the hard grunty stuff, grindy stuff out of the way first and then fanny around with the Parmeerston North Stadium in the LMP.
Wow. Yeah, I understand why you would want to put off the hard, grunty, grindy stuff. It sounds yack for that to one side. Tough job. Somebody's going to do.
It right, you school city right.
So Western Springs Speedway I've never been and now I will never go because it's not going to be there anymore after this weekend.
So Auckland has to ask itself what facilities do we need? What would the inner city benefit from? And can these new facilities be used by as many teams and individuals as possible? Real estate this valuable needs to be well utilized year round. It's quite like the proposal from the team behind AUGRINDFC. The proposal for their new facility features a twelve five hundred seeded stadium, covered basketball courts and paddle courts. It's champion and backed by Stephen Adams, Allie Williams, Anna Mowbray and billionaire football owners Bill Foley and Bennett Rosenthal. The group of targeted football, basketball and paddle because they are the fastest growing sports in the world but lack infrastructure in Auckland. So they're not just meeting a community need. It's also going to be the home of Auckland FC, signaling this team is a long term commitment. So they're all good things. I mean I would observe things have gone pretty well at go Media Stadium for Auckland FC this season. But maybe not everyone likes traveling to Penrose. Maybe it's felt an inner city location near hospo hubs will help sustain interest in the team. Yes, my tongue is in my cheek. According to those who've seen the proposal, this sporting facility would be built at zero cost to the right player. The only downside is the existing occupants. The Pontsibly Rugby Club would need to move and of course it need to be supported to do this. There are two more proposals. The Pontsibe Rugby Club wants to turn it into a bigger venue and the entertainment group wants to turn it into a multipurpose entertainment and community sports venue. But we're yet to hear the details on those proposals. In fact, there is a lot of information were yet to see, but fingers crossed this process will move faster than the decision around the speedway. Whatever plans are presented, remember the locals are a vocal and determined lot. Win them over and you might just have a chance.
The only thing I've really done at Western Springs recently is walk the dog around the This quite a nice part there, nicely lake, lots of birds and the dog seems to enjoy it. I enjoyed it. I didn't notice any cars racing.
Around and around News Talk Zip been.
Actually speaking of carz markod what kind of car do you hate? We're talking about with Marcus last night, and Marcus was talking about what kind of cars he hates too.
Marcus, the most hated card of the nineties rip off would have been the Honda Prelude aka rust Bucket, especially if the owner lived near the Salty Sea sprays, which escalated the rust. But the ugly carryver design even above the lard has to be a Purple Princess from the seventies Uglias car has to be a Ford multipler, Marcus.
I had a tourists for quite a few years.
Great k you could leave the Keyser anywhere you went and no one would steal it. A lot of votes for the miss and Tilda Marcus nice talked to earlier, and now I have been hacked based on you playing the beat that I physically could not know not have done. Dion, Well, I reckon you did do it, Don because I didn't do it. I don't touch anything a not a loud Marcus anything convertible. Kiwis hate convertibles and the morns that drive them. I agree with that. If I see someone driving a convertible, I think less of them. I think, really, what's going wrong for you?
I mean, I often thing I think when I see somebody in a convertible is how durable it is. This is how boring I am. I worry about a soft top and will it last as long as a normal roof on a car. Isn't that boring of me? I mean, I quite like the idea of a convertible driving around to the top down on a nice day, but it's with the top up on a yucky day. I just know people who had convertibles who had couple with them, the roof leaking and the you know, the back window isn't really a proper window, and all that sort of stuff. God, I'm boring. I'm going to go go away have a good hard look at myself over the weekend. I'll back here with a week in the vision of news Talks head being on.
Monday Talk.
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