1860 FOCUS: How India perceives South African Indians- 162 years later #sabcnews

Published Nov 12, 2022, 1:07 PM

-By Newsbreaks Taresh Harreeparshad.

Ahead of the commemoration of 162 years since the arrival of Indians in South Africa Newsbreak Talk discussed how India perceives and receives South African Indians. Almost two centuries later, thousands of kilometres away and evolved on a entire new continent: the South African Indian is arguably far different from the Indian in South Asia. So what role has post-modernisation played in diasporic relations? Taresh Harreeparshad discussed issues of caste, evolution and familiarisation with Prof. John S Moolakkattu (Department of International Relations & Politics and Dean. School of Global Studies, Central University of Kerala), Prof. Jos Chathukulam (Director, Centre for Rural Management, Perumpaikadu, Kerala) and Dr. Sheetal Bhoola (sociologist based at the University of Zululand).